New Suggestion Thread



  • Nuff_Said - Raging Tide
    Nuff_Said - Raging Tide Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Not sure if this was said but:

    1) A way to transfer currency from one server to the next w/o having to trade with another player and taking the risk of losing your coin/gold. There should be an interface to deposit your zen and move it to what ever server you decide with a fee involved like 5% of the total zen gets lost or something.

    2)Stop being lazy and merge some of the US servers. first person to have a similar name gets to keep it, the other gets an identifier mark of some sort until they pick a new name.

    Thanks for your time
    "I'm the best ever. I'm the most brutal and vicious, and most ruthless champion there's ever been. There's no one can stop me. Lennox is a conqueror? No, I'm Alexander, he's no Alexander. I'm the best ever! There's never been anybody as ruthless! I'm Sonny Liston, I'm Jack Dempsey. There's no one like me. I'm from their cloth. There's no one that can match me. My style is impetuous, my defense is impregnable, and I'm just ferocious. I want your heart! I want to eat his children!" ~ Mike Tyson
  • trollworld
    trollworld Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    in the last few nation wars i have seen 4 r9s take 20 characters and win , or 10 characters on 1 almost full r9 character and can't kill it because of the charm. that and i have more examples of a few op characters taking out 20 characters. and i watch YouTube videos that say that nation wars is balanced but i don't see it .. i think to be balanced it should not have hp and mp charms. and squads should be in whole thru out the nations and buffs should be able to spread with out specific squads. and 10k to post nation chat is ridiculous, it should be free so that all parties in a nation can work together. Thus doing a away with individual squads and charms would make people work to gather to win and one nation wouldn't be op that way . one more thing make one account able to get in nation wars so that people can log one character to start nation war and log another in to unbalance it... that would be a start to balancing nation wars
  • trollworld
    trollworld Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    but does anyone read or look at the threads for the suggestion box ?? or do you do what all other games do? if your not one of the ppl that are putting mass amounts of money in the game you all dont even read them ??
  • SLICIM - Raging Tide
    SLICIM - Raging Tide Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    2 suggestions 1 the auction house you have to scroll down for 1 single item make it so so dont have to scroll down 2 free stuff is great for the low lvl that just started playing but what about us devoted 90+ players like myself come on PWI help us out
  • viciousminx
    viciousminx Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    2 suggestions 1 the auction house you have to scroll down for 1 single item make it so so dont have to scroll down 2 free stuff is great for the low lvl that just started playing but what about us devoted 90+ players like myself come on PWI help us out

    Try the re-size UI option in the settings. Should get rid of the need to scroll down for the last item on the page.

    Message Me!Submit a Ticket!Forum Rules!
  • tabaco1
    tabaco1 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    a unbiding charm for gear thet wasnt bind thet so need to put atm in this game
  • Rubybeard - Archosaur
    Rubybeard - Archosaur Posts: 134 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    i would love to see a new class, new class who does magic damage (melee, and main INT) with good pdef but does magic attack.

    and other class would be specialist in some kind of machinery, or create a race with a speciality on flying PVP/PVEb:laughb:laugh
  • laobanshee
    laobanshee Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    what i suggest is that all summons for follow someone to the center bound in between their maximum range and the given target before attacking, this should allow people to still be allowed to run away from summons however also summons are given the chance to try and hit there target without glitching them so they just keep following and failing. though this will still be an issue with the melee summons, it will aid in the restoration of it maybe they could change the system so that if a summon attacks then it will land despite the range
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] supporter of the anit rayan movement, for those who are curious of the origin of this char it represents the manifestation of boredom of the char namely, elijahskor
  • cops21
    cops21 Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Could we have FF drop mats again and increase lvl gap to 150 like other perfectworld.
  • _JlN_ - Heavens Tear
    _JlN_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Hi KawaiiJen,

    With regards to Nation Wars, I am not sure if this has been suggested before but thought I would mention.

    As an example, in Heavens Tear, there are about 1200 players that participate in Nation Wars, about 300 players per nation. Sometimes, as many as 100-200 players of the losing nation get base locked.

    I heard that PWI is planning to revamp the NW map to make the territories a little more even in terms of layout and in an attempt to minimize base locking.

    I cannot fault the squads of 8-10 people in high end game gear who head to the territories beside opposing nations bases. In most cases, they are able to easily fend off the random team of 20 people that are lucky enough to enter the war over and over again.

    An idea that might help minimize base locking would be to allow the territories adjacent to the the base allowing for more players to enter, like 30-50 while the opposing nation number remains at 20 or increases as well. It kind of makes sense as far as battles go, the closer one gets to the base, the more people and defences there are.


  • Crixxix - Raging Tide
    Crixxix - Raging Tide Posts: 848 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Hi all,

    Crixxix from the Raging Tides server here. I like the idea of raising the amount of chips given from bh 100. Maybe even something like say... 200. Heck, even 150 sounds nice. But 55? That would take like 182 days to make one GST! Lol b:chuckle
  • code4destruction
    code4destruction Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    has someone already mentioned a central server, like one in the chicago area? if so, i bump that...b:surrender
  • cherybomb8
    cherybomb8 Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    One day I reached a platform high above plume city and thought to myself, I bet not many characters have been here, (higher than the tree there is a flat area). I think it would be fun if we could leave our name in hard to reach places. Make an item named "grafitti" that would leave a small sign saying, "yourname was here 13-29-3" it could expire in 48 hours or a week.
  • slamstone
    slamstone Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    any chance to change sunder into percentages? it was cool at 20k it was like 33% hp restored...but now with the rise of hp sunder just doesn't suffice.

    sage barb: "yey we get 2.6k more hp than demon sunder.....yey i so much preffer 5-7% more hp heal than guaranteed crit" u get what im saying?

    Sutra lvl 10 BM (not even demon or sage): Immediately recover 20% of your maximum HP and recover an addtional 1600 HP over 15 seconds.

    Metabolic Boost lvl 10 Veno (not even demon or sage): Recovers 50% of maximum HP.

    Deaden Nerves+Healing Trance Sin: nuff sayd

    Last Stand Seeker: Heals you by 40% of your total HP (so sad it can't be used too often cuz of charms)

    what i mean is the effect of the barb skill sunder has a decreasing value for every hp upgrade. ok u don't want to unbalance...either increase further the dmg of the skill, change the hp to percentages, reduce the chi cost, or add a higher/different effect for sage version . "once upon a time sunder was considered a good skill for self heal"

    maybe add...will recover 100 chi over the next 10 seconds or idk add temporarily grants the target an additional 100% bonus to equipment's physical defense.

    just take into consideration that is a 2 spark skill that does too little dmg, at sage version with 20k hp heals 33% hp, at 30k hp it heals 22%, at 40k it heals 16%, at 50k it heals 13%
    (the math is for sage version...demon version is 40% lower than that...but it has guaranteed crit which suffice b:surrender)

    a heal of 25% should satisfy the majority of barbs, and it wont rage the other it is a 2 spark skill that requires hand to hand atk activation.

    i know it has been mentioned before and got an upgrade latelly still doesn't make it a usefull 2 spark skill as it was in the past (unless u have large groups of mobs and chi really isn't a issue)
  • crimsonscarlet
    crimsonscarlet Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I have recently noticed that rarely anyone does Guild Base Trials anymore. Seeing as GBT used to be mainly for farming R8 recast mats, and now with the introduction of Nation Wars it's so much easier to just farm 3rd cast R9.

    Also, the supply tokens gained from NW's can be turned into every mat needed to acquire R8 recast (If one desires that particular gear set). This has made GBT an insignificant and unnecessary instance.

    I suggest that we re-vamp Guild Base Trials. For example we could;

    1) Have the last boss in each Trail should drop mats to upgrade the base, and coins that fall ONLY to the leader of the guild (Director if the Leader is not present) for the soul purpose of leveling the base.

    2) The reward that each player will get at the end of each trial should contain
    * A certain amount of supply tokens based on damage (contribution to the trial efforts).
    *A reward pack that contains a prize of either: A random amount of supply tokens or a Seal of War
    *500-1000 contribution points
    *500-1000 construction points
    *500K EXP

    Seeing as the current best Helms in game are upgraded versions of the Guild Base Helms (obtainable in a level 8 Armory);
    Radiant Light Helm, Golden Blast Coif and Golden Blast Helm. The Contribution points obtained would put a decent dent in the amount needed to acquire it.

    Also the more people that attend the Guild Base Trials the more Construction points go toward the base to level it. It would force guilds to learn to work as a team and communicate with each other on a almost daily basis.

    Further more, even if there are people in guild not looking to acquire the helm (or already have) they could also work toward; the g16 cape (upgraded from Matchless Wings), cube necklaces or upgraded versions or the cloud stir/sky cover rings.

    Completely open for suggestions or comments to make this idea better. b:thanks TYVM

  • tymasterg
    tymasterg Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    (EDIT - CHANGED 'SECRET LETTER' TO 'WRAITH OFFICERS ENVELOPE - THANKS MOSZ FOR CORRECTING ME - and I posted this in general discussion to try and actually get a response - now that its in suggestion box I assume its dead)


    This weekends events are just another great reason (I believe) why the 'wraith attack (WA)' system needs an overhaul. I am working and Ive missed out on NW, Arch Assaults and the quiz event once again.

    Some of you may not even know what a WA is - back in the beginning of PWI, WA's were quite common. When you complete 'wanted' quests (for rep) you can receive a 'wraith officers envelope' as a reward of 1% chance. I have done numerous 'wanted' quests for no such reward which is the equivalent of a 1/7000 mob chance of getting a 'wraith officers envelope'

    You can then activate a WA using the wraith officers envelope and a bunch of wraiths of a certain level will attack one of PWI's towns for 15mins I think (could be 20) but those wraiths have a high drop rate. If you are ever lucky enough to get to a high level wraith attack in time with a char in the right level range you can make 200k in that attacks time period pretty easy.

    - Random Event - this means you are not stuck outside of a set time period. If a WA activates while you are online you can join in.
    - Random Event2 - gives people something to actually do out in the PWI world besides daily and the normal dungeans.
    - Great drops. Not game destroying and nothing like NW, but much better than normal grinding.
    - CANT BE BOTTED (PWI - YOU SEE THIS) because of their random nature.

    - wraith officers envelope rewards are so rare that WA's arent really even part of the game anymore. I saw one the other day in HL which I couldnt attend but was the first one Ive seen this year.
    - for lower levels the DQ nerf means they arent worth doing anymore.

    1 - CHANGE THE % DROP FOR WRAITH OFFICER'S ENVELOPES - I would suggest 30% as a minimim reward from the 'wanted' quests therefore being the equivalent of a 1/300mobs chance approx.
    1 - change the lower level drops and remove DQ altogether inserting something else worth while instead.

    NEW PROS - all of the above plus now the wraith attacks could benefit everyone.
    NEW CONS - none.

    One of the main thoughts about WA's (if they were rewarded as I've suggested) that I have is this - If you are a rich merchant, CS'er or have plenty of money then you wont bother with WA's. This is important because you wouldnt want some R9 coming in and killing all the mobs leaving no one for anyone else. But those of us that could use the extra coin, or are bored with dailies could go grinding for wanted quests and activate WA's for the rewards. However even if some R9 was doing then, the random nature of the WA's would ensure everyone had a fair chance at benefitting.


  • deadlysong0202
    deadlysong0202 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Make casting in tideform available because Untamed can cast spells in their tiger or fox form.pls
  • Miss_menace - Raging Tide
    Miss_menace - Raging Tide Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Now that nation wars was introduced (possible one of the most exciting updates PWI has ever done), Nirvana is no longer a preferred instance for raps and cannys. However, me, and many many other people diligently pick up our keys every day, in wait of a solution.

    I have two suggestions on how the Nirvana instance can be reincorporated into the game:

    1. Place a BH 100 in Nirvana. It's a fast run, and there's more than enough people to form a squad. This includes both regular and caster.

    2. Reward squads who complete a 99 Key quest. Normally the one who provides 99 keys are entitled to all the drops from the bonus boss, but grant everyone in the group a basic badge as well to encourage them to help anyone with 99 keys, even casters.

    3. Make the 99 key boss have a small % chance to drop either a Essence of Offense or Essence of Defense.
  • Geekface - Sanctuary
    Geekface - Sanctuary Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    2 things :

    1) Weekly GM events :

    Well the thing is,people want to see more game masters online to talk to and such(have fun,etc..) so having this weekly gm event at each server(not simultaneosly at the all servers at once,but at the specific hour at the current server time.Basicly with this idea i think people may be more informed of ongoing things or maybe ask something they always wanted to ask or something..

    2) New gears(based on nirvana):

    Well,obviously the nirvana instance is dead,noone does it simply because it is not worth it at ALL anymore,so i suggest make some new gears,slightly better than the current nirvana gear,and make the items needing to get the gears added to nirvana/replace the items with the cannies.With this i think the nirvana instance may blossom abit more and not just a normal bob can get the nirvana gear,like it used to be.The thing here is to revive the instance,get new gears for the people that actualy WANT to put in the effort of getting the gears and well,simply by just adding new gears whic were hard to obtain like nirvana gears used to be.And so people could actualy make some money off the drops the new nirvana would drop.

    These are just some suggestions...
  • Hairurai - Dreamweaver
    Hairurai - Dreamweaver Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Hello, First time Posting on the forums and i've had this idea on my mind for a while b:chuckle

    Ok for the zodiacs, I say there be an NPC you update in the main cities, (plume lost etherblade streams tides and tellus) Linked to the birthstones, the month/ days of the specific zodiac, there be rewards. You make using the gems dropped by mobs. Example: So the month is in January and the zodiac of the time was capricorn, and the Birthstone linked to the month is Garnet. So then mobs would drop a stone called "Garnet Zodiac Stone" or even February, "Amethyst Zodiac Stone". At the certain month If you have some stones, You can take it to the Zodiac master NPC person, and exchange it for Zodiac packs (real packs like ones from boutique) Fashion, and all kinds of useful items. And as the zodiacs change along with the months, that NPC will change also.

    Just a fun idea I had, I hope you like it, Thank you :) b:victory
  • xorukiaxo
    xorukiaxo Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Now that nation wars was introduced (possible one of the most exciting updates PWI has ever done), Nirvana is no longer a preferred instance for raps and cannys. However, me, and many many other people diligently pick up our keys every day, in wait of a solution.

    I have two suggestions on how the Nirvana instance can be reincorporated into the game:

    1. Place a BH 100 in Nirvana. It's a fast run, and there's more than enough people to form a squad. This includes both regular and caster.

    2. Reward squads who complete a 99 Key quest. Normally the one who provides 99 keys are entitled to all the drops from the bonus boss, but grant everyone in the group a basic badge as well to encourage them to help anyone with 99 keys, even casters.

    3. Make the 99 key boss have a small % chance to drop either a Essence of Offense or Essence of Defense.

    ^^ THIS IS A WONDERFUL IDEA!!! I miss Nirvana ESP during 2x and ever since NW was introduced (which i love but it completely killed Nirvana and my cash flow) it is clearly no point in running this instance. BH 100 Nirvana.... HELL YES!! Only thing I would Suggest/change in this post is that each Boss gives a Basic Badge. and as Posted 99 key boss has a chance at Dropping EoD/EoO (maybe random Mold for whomever key quest belongs to?)

    Whatever the case may be I would REALLLLLY love to see this instance come back to life and be worth the time/effort/coin/crabs it takes to run it. I say yes to BH 100 Nirvana. BRING IT BACK TO LIFE PLEASE!! b:surrender b:thanks
  • __Conn - Archosaur
    __Conn - Archosaur Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    cherybomb8 wrote: »
    One day I reached a platform high above plume city and thought to myself, I bet not many characters have been here, (higher than the tree there is a flat area). I think it would be fun if we could leave our name in hard to reach places. Make an item named "grafitti" that would leave a small sign saying, "yourname was here 13-29-3" it could expire in 48 hours or a week.
    Maybe just re-place some of the npc's in the plume to the higher platforms so that there'd be more reasons for players to fly up and set foot on it. Because i swear, the higher levels of the city of the plume's tree is wasted when no one even makes an effort to actually see it. It actually looks really good.
  • fataldevastation
    fataldevastation Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    1) The barb skill true form Intensified and Panda Form Intensified.
    - For the coin it took to learn the skill I'm a tad bit disappointed the skill does nothing besides a 5 sec buff and animation for panda form.
    - For 1 it could be a permanent buff in the true form to take less critical strike also if its an upgrade to the previous skill I would think more HP, defense and/or movement speed would be beneficial or Defense levels. (feels like spent near 8mil for 2 skills and end up with visual effects)

    2) Nirvana.
    - Yes I get the instance is now obsolete, but for the ones that had collected keys or still collect keys, could a quest be set up via a NPC so you can cash the 99 keys in for maybe raptures and still attain your credit for the 10 uncanny crystals from the elder
  • sedricnox1
    sedricnox1 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Does Anybody Powerfull Read The Posts?
  • lorddante699
    lorddante699 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Yeah how about giving away a pack we can use some of us has been here 2= years and CANT USE the CHEAP NOOB gifts. AND HOW ABOUT SOME DECENT PRIZES for TW server champs. WE SPEND a FORTUNE HERE and all you can do is give us CHEAP SHIIT!!!! how about some 5 star orbs that lv100+ can use...or drop YOUR prices on stuff an quit CHARGING US MILLIONS of coin. Especially since you have crushed the gold market under 1 mill per gold for months and crushed many of the ways to MAKE coin here. You took away coin for many DQ and DONT REALLY GIVE US SHIIT for our grinding of mobs THE DRPPS SUCK BIG TIME!!!! thats a few suggestions for starters!!!!!!
  • deadlysong0202
    deadlysong0202 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Waterfall Explosion and Oxygen void .These skills are for tideform and already exist in the game but why we cant learn them ?b:angryb:cry.
  • Fisten - Sanctuary
    Fisten - Sanctuary Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I don't know if this has been addressed recently or not, can't seem to find any information in the forums, or I'm just looking in the wrong place. Anyway, I'm tired of having to sift thru the 100s of vendor shops all over certain NPC heads (bankers and elders for example). Finding the Elder of Archosaur is like searching thru a haystack of shops (yes I've uses the shift+click method), same with the bankers in West and South Arch. I have seen in the opening screens a little blurb that says something like "don't stand on NPC head, they don't like it" but nothing is ever done about it, the same shops are on the elders head every day. My suggestion here would be to create a kind of 'bubble' around all NPCs so that anyone that wants to set up a shop can only do it outside this barrier, which in turn would make it much easier to access the NPC. This may not even be an option, but wanted to throw an idea out there.

    Thanks b:bye
  • painchild
    painchild Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Hello, I suggest that PWI makes a "Rank 9 Stage 1 Pack" which gives people all the items needed to make rank 9 stage 1, it would make getting rank 9 a lot easier (not farming wise just purchasing) and make it cost around like 600-700 gold. At the moment it costs over
  • painchild
    painchild Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    painchild wrote: »
    Hello, I suggest that PWI makes a "Rank 9 Stage 1 Pack" which gives people all the items needed to make rank 9 stage 1, it would make getting rank 9 a lot easier (not farming wise just purchasing) and make it cost around like 600-700 gold. At the moment it costs over

    For some reason it won't post my full paragraph -_- or is it just me that can see it stopping at "costs over"
  • Kywe - Harshlands
    Kywe - Harshlands Posts: 234 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    This is my suggestion. Click Here.