Any news on the Anniversary coming up in September 2012 ?
Maybe sometime they will even tell us if there's maintenance ....... after the servers go offline.0
Ya I used to play on PW-MY Verson to answer the question about me playing for 7 years, it has been out for a long time compared to PWI. If you insist on wondering about the rest of my life, I poo on the potty now to; just so you dont have to ask later. Do I realy need to add every detal of my reasoning to make you happy?
The Pet Question on the other hand is a fun question because I was Jealous of my wife who had one at the time, think they were called Crytilyne Golems or something like that.
Glad the Mod stepped in to applogise they have always done well in the past in my eyes to help the players understand.
As for the person who QQ'ed about my post, I assume your one of those persons that can make anything sound bad. I state the facts of why I might be chosing to leave the game and this makes me automaticaly sound like I am QQ'ing ppl like you have issues ill leave it at that.
My final thought is this post is about, "Any news on the Anniversary coming up in Sept 2012!" So if you would like to continue to ask me questions that are off topic pls Troll on a different page. DW I'll come find you.... b:bye
First off: I Never asked you too give us every detail of your life, your private life is your own (So quit saying I said otherwise)...
My posed question too you on that rare pet subject, was meant to help you show you were (who you said you were) you know...
Since (MyMate - Dreamweaver) put up shall we say (Rather verbosely) doubts ~ Too you about your (7 years statement)
Since only an ancient player would know the answer too the question I posted and not a more recent player.... And it was not an attempt too troll you.....
so Chill, with the misplaced rage already.....
Second: the term {Canide} is the (Latin generalization) for 'canines & lupines' in raw generalized (grouped up) form.... It means for the wolf in this instance....
And as for the (Ultra Rare) pet~ that very few ever had the chance to even see, let alone ever have the chance to own as a veno pet, it was correctly called by:DeffyNature - Archosaur wrote: »'
Mother of the pack.
I want it badly stillb:dirty . It would be personally spawned once a month(I think) by a GM.
{Mother of the pack} had another name for it, it was also known as {Wolven Grandmother}
I'm sorry that you chose too take a question that was meant to help you prove yourself, against the 1 who was rudely calling you a (liar/overstater) As another attempt too annoy you, in some lame attempt too play pile on...
I mean seriously ~Do you always Rage after anyone who attempts to help you with an idea, that can help you put an end too the flames of your actual detractors~ or am I just simply that special (that you misread my attempt to help you) and then go Rhabid on me instead of the one who actually went after you so rudelyMyMate - Dreamweaver wrote: »How do someone play a 4 year old game for 7 years? b:shutup
So Please Atleast Try Too Discern those who're trying to be helpful too you in the future, from those who are not; because making threats too others on the forums (especially too those trying too help you) is lame.......My final thought is this post is about, "Any news on the Anniversary coming up in Sept 2012!" So if you would like to continue to ask me questions that are off topic pls Troll on a different page. DW I'll come find you.... b:bye
"Not everyone who comments about (Yours & Others) Skirmishing posts ~ is out to get you, you know.... So please keep the {Overly Aggressive Threats & Persecusion Complex} too a minimum, please"...b:sweat0 -
Hi ! I didn't read all of it, but by the looks of the post above mine, someone got pwned. b:chuckle0
We'll start the festivities this Friday, with the activation of 2x EXP/Spirit/Drops as well as bonus rates on a few other in-game things that can be accumulated.
Come early next week we'll have the full Anniversary page, complete with awesome prizes for all. We'll also kick off some other special events starting that day.
I am sorry for the confusion surrounding all of this; it was bad timing combined with a failure on our part to inform you of our plan beforehand.0 -
Thank you for telling us! Now I can stop checking the forums over and over to see. Have a great night.0
frankieraye wrote: »We'll start the festivities this Friday, with the activation of 2x EXP/Spirit/Drops as well as bonus rates on a few other in-game things that can be accumulated.
Come early next week we'll have the full Anniversary page, complete with awesome prizes for all. We'll also kick off some other special events starting that day.
I am sorry for the confusion surrounding all of this; it was bad timing combined with a failure on our part to inform you of our plan beforehand.
i dont know if i should be happy or pissed seeing tht this week was my last week of summer holidays -.-0 -
just 1 thing to say: What a fail team behind pwi.
Missed their own anniversary by almost 1 week, not even a single official announce posted and sticked so everyone could see and read about it.
And i still don't get it, it feels like PWI seriously doesn't care about their community.
If it was my bf missing our anniversary, or my family missing my birthday... Well, w/e
It does feel weird to play a game where their own admins don't show any interest on their own game.
AND OFC. We dont get our anniversary celebrations on time, but we will get anniversary packs for sale.0 -
i dont know if i should be happy or pissed seeing tht this week was my last week of summer holidays -.-
I'm rather pissed & i know that's rather normal for me ill admit b:laugh But what really makes me angry is the fact that on Friday we got no info of this Anniversary. The only info to come out was about a sale on orbs. It was a long weekend and i would think a perfect time to get players interest back from" other" games that are out now. As one person said in word chat " Finally i have time off this weekend and no info on Anniversary ? " or" No info on the Anniversary oh well back to ___ game"[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Complete your first quest. b:bye
Feb 24, 20090 -
i dont know if i should be happy or pissed seeing tht this week was my last week of summer holidays -.-
We should stop the earth from revolving around the sun. Freeze the earth for one more week. So you can enjoy 2x during holidays. I would say be happy, the alternative was, no anni, 2x stuff at all, which would have made you pissed b:chuckle.0 -
My own mother was forgetting my bday and i wasn't raging so much, it's a game bday not a human. Some people care a bit to much about it.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute0 -
Jaabg - Sanctuary wrote: »We should stop the earth from revolving around the sun. Freeze the earth for one more week. So you can enjoy 2x during holidays. I would say be happy, the alternative was, no anni, 2x stuff at all, which would have made you pissed b:chuckle.
What would make me pissed is another player leaving PW this past long weekend. Comments like yours are sadly shortsighted & don't seem to understand not everyone is just QQing .[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Complete your first quest. b:bye
Feb 24, 20090 -
Its a company, not just someone's birthday. thousands of people play it, not just family members.
Its more important than a birthday. If a company wants to keep their "clients" happy, they need to show some interest in their "products".
Anniversary comes once in a year.
Some people just don't see how bad this was.
But w/e, lets act like nothing happened0 -
__ian__ - Heavens Tear wrote: »What would make me pissed is another player leaving PW this past long weekend. Comments like yours are sadly shortsighted & don't seem to understand not everyone is just QQing .
I just ignore people that are quick to comment without knowing what the person actually means, not worth my time0 -
frankieraye wrote: »We'll start the festivities this Friday, with the activation of 2x EXP/Spirit/Drops as well as bonus rates on a few other in-game things that can be accumulated.
Come early next week we'll have the full Anniversary page, complete with awesome prizes for all. We'll also kick off some other special events starting that day.
I am sorry for the confusion surrounding all of this; it was bad timing combined with a failure on our part to inform you of our plan beforehand.
Thank you for the heads up & info frankie, now we'll know when too come for it, so the others will calm down now..... lololol!!!!!b:victory0 -
DistractMe - Archosaur wrote: »just 1 thing to say: What a fail team behind pwi.
Missed their own anniversary by almost 1 week, not even a single official announce posted and sticked so everyone could see and read about it.
And i still don't get it, it feels like PWI seriously doesn't care about their community.
If it was my bf missing our anniversary, or my family missing my birthday... Well, w/e
It does feel weird to play a game where their own admins don't show any interest on their own game.
AND OFC. We dont get our anniversary celebrations on time, but we will get anniversary packs for sale.
Simple solution, don't play. Be thankful we're getting anything at all. I'll admit that there are some serious issues with the game, but they've proven time and time again that complaining doesn't do anything unless you're willing to drop thousands of dollars.0 -
quite the thread O.o0
Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands wrote: »My own mother was forgetting my bday and i wasn't raging so much, it's a game bday not a human. Some people care a bit to much about it.
You really dont get it, do you? The communication seen this anni has been utterly pathetic, any company should be ashamed of what we`ve seen. I dont care how they handled the 2x, what I care bout is how unprofessional PWE staff came out - **** communication this badly yells of lack of interest.
People can say new games kill off PWI but truthfully by far biggest problem for PWI is the current staff - I cant understand how they still got their job. It`s just like showing up late to work, it might be minor thing but it shows serious lack of interest. We are talking bout the anniversary, plans staff must of known for weeks now, and no official announcement 2 days after supposed anniversary. You can call it whatever you want, you can say people are impatient but fact stands, PWE dropped the ball big on this.
Ps. Would of I worked for PWE, I would of used 30mins or whatever it would of taken of my free time to make that announcement - Small price to pay to "make sure" your "provider"wont fall.Trolling Sid since So Hot0 -
So many QQers, I guess they don't read the posts properly, it was a weekend and they devs/gms/staff don't work on weekends, etc etc, i think they just read 1 or 2 posts, skip to last page and post their QQs.0
DistractMe - Archosaur wrote: »Its a company, not just someone's birthday. thousands of people play it, not just family members.
Its more important than a birthday. If a company wants to keep their "clients" happy, they need to show some interest in their "products".
Anniversary comes once in a year.
Some people just don't see how bad this was.
But w/e, lets act like nothing happened
No need to act because nothing did. Anniversary date has come and gone and still no official post other then the "opps we screwed up again " in this thread. Just think if any spouse had blown off their anniversary this way. Think they wouldn't be catching holy hell for it right now? Company's make **** poor decisions and it is up to their customers to hold them accountable in the hopes their service will improve. Unfortunately that is not the case with PWE.0 -
ViciousMinx - Dreamweaver wrote: »No need to act because nothing did. Anniversary date has come and gone and still no official post other then the "opps we screwed up again " in this thread. Just think if any spouse had blown off their anniversary this way. Think they wouldn't be catching holy hell for it right now?
Shush, completely valid points are QQ on the internet, if you listen to the kids of these days.Trolling Sid since So Hot0 -
Does this remind you of snowmen? Every year PWI gives less and less. Awesome gifts? 10 maiden chests most likely. Once gone from the game, things never come back. So we won't be seeing snowmen ever again, so be prepared. Same thing is going to happen with this anni, less than the past years no matter what they are telling us.0
Does this remind you of snowmen? Every year PWI gives less and less. Awesome gifts? 10 maiden chests most likely. Once gone from the game, things never come back. So we won't be seeing snowmen ever again, so be prepared. Same thing is going to happen with this anni, less than the past years no matter what they are telling us.
Wouldn't be surprised. Remember the old Halloween and Easter events? Most people now never knew we had them.0 -
_DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary wrote: »For some reason they want us all on level 100 asap. Hypers are handed out like candy, I still have 66 hours worth from that silly heroic chest promotion. FCC is untouched and selling the exp room not discouraged in any way. Low level quests have been shortened and exp thrown at you in buckets at 1-60. And most of their new content is in the 95+ range.
I just started reading this thread, and had to stop here to comment.
Yesterday, I ran into 2 friends (more like acquaintances since
we don't really hang out together). But they had downloaded PWI
based on my talking about it a few months ago. I asked them if
they liked it, what chars they had created, levels, etc., and
they told me all that. Then said they don't really play it anymore.
I asked why, and they said it was TOO EASY. No real challenge,
they said, it got boring real quick.
One of the guys said, yeah, the leveling up at beginner
levels was a "gimme"--you do a few quests, go to the Questmaster
guy and the "Lucifer" guys (I lol'd), and bam! you're up 3 or 4
levels just like that. Now you go out to do ur quests, and all
the mobs are green-named for u now. Another "gimme", he said,
just one-shot them all, then turn in. He said it wasn't like
a game, just a brainless exercise in pushing buttons.
The other guy agreed, and added that there was no one else
around to play with which made it boring. Had a hard time
finding squads to do the low level bh's with. Both of them
realized pretty quick, they said, that it would take major
outlays of cash or mega-mega amount of time to get to the
point where you could really get into some challenging play.
And they just weren't willing to do either.
So they both basically quit playing.
This was very interesting to me since one of my major
complaints about PWI is how they're dumbing it down,
especially at lower levels.
Dumbing down = BORING. And apparently it's not just me
who thinks so.0 -
I am excited by the fact that there will be any anniversary event at all. b:pleased There's no need to still be upset about it. These games truly are a drug. Some addicts can never be satisfied. b:chuckle0
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Remember: OP may be a duck|OP/GMs/Devs may not deliver|Search function is your friend|Lurk more|Be wary of Mods: they can't be trusted|This place isn't a hugbox|Your tears sustain me|Know what Bait is|"Soon" may never come|Postcount, Dubs, and other GETs are important|Don't revive long dead threads|There is a section for everything|You can be banned for anything|No Fun Allowed outside of OT|Sweetiebot rules OT|"Circlejerks" are inevitable|Threads can be derailed and saved|Those who use"XD" should off themselves at their earliest convenience|0
We need the Aurora Agent to keep token prices from crashing. That and the Aurora Agent is awesome.. What better way to celebrate the anniv.0
if this Friday is 2x then we get 3weeks..........i was hoping for whole month........*Sad face*
but still happy we getting for 3weeks but pls gv us somthing COOOOOL!!!!!!!!!! this year0 -
WnbTank - Archosaur wrote: »You really dont get it, do you? The communication seen this anni has been utterly pathetic, any company should be ashamed of what we`ve seen. I dont care how they handled the 2x, what I care bout is how unprofessional PWE staff came out - **** communication this badly yells of lack of interest.
People can say new games kill off PWI but truthfully by far biggest problem for PWI is the current staff - I cant understand how they still got their job. It`s just like showing up late to work, it might be minor thing but it shows serious lack of interest. We are talking bout the anniversary, plans staff must of known for weeks now, and no official announcement 2 days after supposed anniversary. You can call it whatever you want, you can say people are impatient but fact stands, PWE dropped the ball big on this.
It's true. While I don't believe PW "owes" us gifts n ****, Anniversary time is generally known to be the time of 2x, event shizz, gifts n such for anyone who has been playing long enough to have witnessed a previous years' anniversary.
Yester-month should have been a big advertising time for the upcoming Anni junket, with teasers n such, or even just some kind of acknowledgement that -something- was going to occur. 'Not' doing so just makes it appear that nothing was planned, or worse, nothing NEW was planned, or even worse... there really IS lack of interest from the staff. That might not be the case, but I'd suggest doing a little more advertising. It would boost player confidence if nothing else. Isn't that a good thing? Guys?... Guys?? b:surrender
At the least more acknowledgement should have been made than just Frankie making a comment in a user-created forum thread.0 -
WnbTank - Archosaur wrote: »Shush, completely valid points are QQ on the internet, if you listen to the kids of these days.
Haven't you heard? Telling people they're ''QQing'' is the new hip and edgy thing to do nowadays.
But seriously now PWE, you dun goofed. Quite a few of the players only really read the news posts and the only message they got is ''**** your anniversary gifts, buy packs''.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
This discussion has been closed.
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