Will we ever see new pets again for venomancers?



  • SylenThunder - Twilight Temple
    edited July 2012
    Personally, I have a use for each pet I have. They are a tool in addition to my existing skills and are secondary to my toon, not a primary feature. My herc and my Walker are what I use for soloing things, I don't often use my herc in squads, it's more of an annoyance in squads. At those times I will use a smaller pet just for pulling or a debuff.

    Still, it would be nice to get some new pets, maybe with new skills or features. It seems only fitting with the new expansions.
  • nirenia
    nirenia Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Old pets should be re-balanced or balanced new pets should be added but pets are pretty decent already so I think that's unnecessary unless you just want variety of looks.

    Pets are or aren't useless...that depends on what you need the pet for. If a person still solos TT or quests or whatnot they probably find pets very useful but if a person only logs in to TW and has top gear already they probably have no use for a pet.

    I agree. As well as with Yulande. Everything has a use in the game, the trick is finding that use, and seeing what all you can do. Staying on topic, I am indeed seeing pets fall by the wayside as other classes get amped up. Pets are nice early on, especially in instances when you cant find someone to help. It might be a solo class, but it takes time and effort, just like any other class, but with the need to work on pets levels too things slow down a bit more for veno.

    Now, if you only had one pet, that woundn't be bad, but veno are usually somewhat pressed into getting an aerial, and marine pet for quests. So thats at least 3, 4 if you count having a fast puller or damager alongside a tank. And still more besides for those going for a cute collection, or some other theme in mind.

    Personally, I enjoy finding the odd ones out, the pets I dont see everyone else going after. So many go for the rare pets, or spend the coin or money getting baby heracles, or the phoenix. I find myself wanting to break from what everyone else seems to do, and builds they go for, in favor of my own path. I have more fun doing it my way even if its wrong sometimes. Suicidal just to see if I can do something or not, thats my kick.

    But here is tha big problem I see, and its name is Rank 9 recast. With it, as well as the multiple Rank 8 recasts, characters become quite powerful indeed, and when placed in the hands of someone who has already mastered the class itself... You have a fearsome combination. Gear is seeing the love of upgrades, we have seen classes gain the same in the recent updates, and the introduction of Attacks per second boosting gear. I have seen everything get an upgrade, except venomancer pets. And for a master venomancer, or any for that matter, pets are an extention of their skill set. A new pet will not cure this, worse still when its one pet within two entire updates that has seen the addition of many other wonders.

    Now, I can understand the problem one could put forth in terms of maintaining balance from a developers point of view. Venomancers have a fractionally reduced damage output compared to other arcane classes, due to the fact they have a pet that is also adding to their damage output. But offering some means of rebalancing would be nice. Though I am afraid it is merely wishful thinking amidst fond dreams, one can still hope after all.
  • Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands
    Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    The only thing i could understand venomancer to ask is for pet with magical attack, cause i think it's sad that many people chose veno at the start cause they find it cool to have pet, but when i do a caster and see the veno don't have pet for that situation it's sad.

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • thumbs
    thumbs Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Seriosuly? Don't tell me how to play a veno, I probably know better then you.

    Sorry but what idiot knows they're an idiot? Did I tell you how to play or suggest you learn how to play?
    But anyway. Idk you're level of your veno or with who you do instances with but nowadays, an APS class takes aggro from a herc, so idk why you are talking about "your pet takes aggro from [?] bosses".

    Already addressed that if only you understood English.

  • Yulande - Sanctuary
    Yulande - Sanctuary Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    The only thing i could understand venomancer to ask is for pet with magical attack, cause i think it's sad that many people chose veno at the start cause they find it cool to have pet, but when i do a caster and see the veno don't have pet for that situation it's sad.

    It would require raising a pet specifically for it and instances like it or with similar bosses. But you could build a pet for caster specifically to help deal DD to bosses. Said pet could also work as a nice pull pet for ancestor, and bosses that like to use spells first. And any one of the five elemental skills will work for magical attack damage if Im not mistaken.

    These are lv.100 stats for each listed pet.
    Prickly oddfoot pup-HP-2793, atk-2342, magic defense 9260
    Seamonster guardian-HP-3002, atk-3333, magic defense 9120
    Snow Hare -HP-2750, atk-2276 magic defense 9111
    Antelope pup-HP-2722, atk-2846, magic defense 9662 (Possibly the best option)

    For the ones that dont want to level a pet from low levels to 100, you could opt for the
    Armored Bear-HP-3524, atk-2038, magic defense-8551, the extra HP 'should' offset the lower magic defense, especially when buffed.
    Ninetailed Firefox-HP-2337, atk-2775, Magic defense-8504.
    Though for those wanting the quickest fix, peachyard firefox starts at, I think, lv.99. But its stats would be slightly less than Ninetailed Firefox. Though unlike the bear, they dont have higher HP to offset the lower magic defense, and in fact, have the lowest hp of all those I have listed.

    I chose only the pets off the ecatomb list with 9k or higher magic defense and are land pets, aside from the optional listings.
    Optional skills would include at least 2 elemental skills for DD, though having 1 and Howl lv.5 might be good too. The rest might have to be tested out, but on the few runs Ive done I would venture to guess...
    Blessing of the Pack lv5-(If availible still, Im not sure) 30% HP boost for 1 hour.
    Protect lv.5- 150% increase in magic defense for 1 hour.
    With Fireball lv.5 and Sandblow lv.5 as elemental skill options, possibly swapping one or the other out for howl to increase everyones damage.

    Though even with that since a pet doesnt gain benefits from a clerics BB, Im not sure how well the pet would survive towards the end of the bosses life when they start dealing out the more powerful attacks. But you can save yourself some grief keeping an eye on Ancestor and be ready to purge when he self buffs.
  • thumbs
    thumbs Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I'm 100% on the side of pets being useful, but caster and warsong metal? -NO.

    In Caster: Most venos can't even sync amp with another veno, purge when that one boss gets red circle underneath, pass cleric chi at the right times, or survive when those pdef killing mobs spawn on them; so even lower geared/ skilled venos will just be distracted more than they should. The higher geared/ skilled ones do too good of DD to waste time keeping a pet alive, and there's always someone else to mdef debuff.

    Someone will probably mention the Soundboom mob, so I'll mention it ahead of time: Only one time out of hundreds has someone asked me to put pet on that mob. I have read multiple times NOT to have pet out because it attracts more spawns. A decent wiz tanks all on Vampire boss anyway.
  • TrueMax - Sanctuary
    TrueMax - Sanctuary Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Veno pets are only good in PVE and only some. as far as tw and pvp i can 1-3 hit a 102 nix or herc into the ground, mostly i ignore them as i think its funny the veno thinks they are still useful in pvp or tw. its legacy is all, jsut like the Hitman dags used to be -1.0 till everyone compalined they were too OP now look, they are garbage compared to most gear out there. sure when it was introduced it was sweet but not now. same for veno pets.

    Edit: veno pets are useful for noob killing in pvp, i forgot about that aspect.
  • truekossy
    truekossy Posts: 7,021 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    To be fair, saying they're totally useless in PvP even against a well geared opponent isn't true. They still have a place as support/debuffing for the veno or as a distraction.

    But when it comes to damage? Yeah in that aspect pets are basically nonfactor outside of situational scenarios.
  • TrueMax - Sanctuary
    TrueMax - Sanctuary Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    truekossy wrote: »
    To be fair, saying they're totally useless in PvP even against a well geared opponent isn't true. They still have a place as support/debuffing for the veno or as a distraction.

    Maybe if the person they were atking was afk and or didnt use genie/pots.

    Faith + ig anyone?
  • truekossy
    truekossy Posts: 7,021 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Maybe if the person they were atking was afk and or didnt use genie/pots.

    Faith + ig anyone?
    The person doesn't have to be AFK or avoid using pots/genie for pets to have a use as support. Saying that is just being ridiculous.

    And that example is even worse since you can use that combo and say everyone that can't damage someone during invul is useless in PvP unless the person doesn't use genie/pots.
  • Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands
    Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    It would require raising a pet specifically for it and instances like it or with similar bosses. But you could build a pet for caster specifically to help deal DD to bosses. Said pet could also work as a nice pull pet for ancestor, and bosses that like to use spells first. And any one of the five elemental skills will work for magical attack damage if Im not mistaken.

    Since the place a magical pet would be useful would be in caster they could make the pet/mob already lvl 100, so the veno can tame it and have it for caster and w/e they want.
    thumbs wrote: »
    I'm 100% on the side of pets being useful, but caster and warsong metal? -NO.

    In Caster: Most venos can't even sync amp with another veno, purge when that one boss gets red circle underneath, pass cleric chi at the right times, or survive when those pdef killing mobs spawn on them; so even lower geared/ skilled venos will just be distracted more than they should. The higher geared/ skilled ones do too good of DD to waste time keeping a pet alive, and there's always someone else to mdef debuff.

    Yes i agree many veno are stupid and doesn't purge/amp/pass chi which is pretty simple, so at least if they have a pet to DD that will be a plus and ofc i don't speak about a weak pet that will be need to be heal every 2 seconds. (ex: mistress don't need to be constantly heal to survive)

    Veno pets are only good in PVE and only some. as far as tw and pvp i can 1-3 hit a 102 nix or herc into the ground, mostly i ignore them as i think its funny the veno thinks they are still useful in pvp or tw. its legacy is all, jsut like the Hitman dags used to be -1.0 till everyone compalined they were too OP now look, they are garbage compared to most gear out there. sure when it was introduced it was sweet but not now. same for veno pets.

    You clearly don't PvP and TW a lot, yes i agree nix are now a joke, but veno purge and amp are still something everyone want in a TW and PvP, as cleric i love to have bramble in TW. Morai veno skills are good too, i heard veno totally love chi burn and Bewitch which are TW and PvP skills.

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • truekossy
    truekossy Posts: 7,021 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    You clearly don't PvP and TW a lot, *snip*

    He's not saying venos are a joke, just the pets.
  • Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands
    Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Oh nvm it's the way he said ''veno think they are useful in tw/pvp'' though he was speaking about the class.

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • thumbs
    thumbs Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    To be useless in PVP; then wouldn't that mean Howl, Pounce, and Threaten are useless?
  • truekossy
    truekossy Posts: 7,021 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    thumbs wrote: »
    To be useless in PVP; then wouldn't that mean Howl, Pounce, and Threaten are useless?

    Which is why I told him that saying pets are useless in PvP and a person has to be AFK or not have a genie/apoth for them to be any good is ridiculous.
  • TrueMax - Sanctuary
    TrueMax - Sanctuary Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    truekossy wrote: »
    Which is why I told him that saying pets are useless in PvP and a person has to be AFK or not have a genie/apoth for them to be any good is ridiculous.

    I pvp everyday on sanc. Any veno i have seen pvp that is worth a salt never brings out there pet. they dont need too, as its a waste of time.

    The faith +ig was just an example as tis the most used combo in pvp / TW of course you would know that if YOU pk'ed.

    R9 anything make veno pets obsolete. even as a distraction and thats without using any support skills and threaten in pk? are you daft.

    as for the skills u mentioned i said pve was fine. maybe list some skill that work in pk
  • HeavenSpawn - Dreamweaver
    HeavenSpawn - Dreamweaver Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I would like new pets also
  • LadyGreyLace - Dreamweaver
    LadyGreyLace - Dreamweaver Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Can my Veno have one of the rabid flying archers from Delta as fly pet, pretty plz lol
  • dolomit
    dolomit Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    - first issue yeah should not be that difficult to add option to dye pets some mounts already have it and it would be cool (b:sin more money for you PWI)

    -on the more pets issue, yeah i would like more pets same one gets boring after a while

    -third, yes most venos end with the same pets endgame, but for me is about having fun not being op so yeah i pull out my scorpion, shadow ranger, petite sawfly, eldergoth etc :P

    -the dino is awesome imma try to tame a second one and put all magic bashes
    with CLAW dino is awesome (ironwood, amp, extreme poison and the bleed skill from pet makes mobs drop in a second XD)

    - and lastly an idea pet armor for legendary and rare pets b:mischievous
    adds survivility, gets PWI money and make pets look cooler b:laugh

    Agree in all points.
  • Ladybag - Heavens Tear
    Ladybag - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I'll put my 2 cent too here:

    Make a quest when a Veno reached certain level, lets say lv.70, lv.80, lv.90, lv.100, lv.105 to raise the 'star quality' of the pet. It can require a quest and/or SP and/or certain item quest.

    Every pet starts with zero star quality, as it gains a star, it's overall stat would increase.
    To get the pet to five star quality, the requirement can be lv.105 pet with 10mil SP or something like that.. and can make the power close to the nix/herc..

    Every pet is star-upgradeable.
    When a star is gained, the physical looks of the pet also changed to become more fierce / mature
    *continue daydreaming*

    whats there in my bag? oh..
  • Phoenix_Eye - Heavens Tear
    Phoenix_Eye - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,681 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I'll put my 2 cent too here:

    Make a quest when a Veno reached certain level, lets say lv.70, lv.80, lv.90, lv.100, lv.105 to raise the 'star quality' of the pet. It can require a quest and/or SP and/or certain item quest.

    Every pet starts with zero star quality, as it gains a star, it's overall stat would increase.
    To get the pet to five star quality, the requirement can be lv.105 pet with 10mil SP or something like that.. and can make the power close to the nix/herc..

    Every pet is star-upgradeable.
    When a star is gained, the physical looks of the pet also changed to become more fierce / mature
    *continue daydreaming*


    imagine a Snow hare like that .................... please no

    the rest is ok i guess , along with star quality you could increase the exp it gains as well. Making it a bit easier since the game is so fast right now
    <--- MALE Veno ..... Moved to G W 2 or maybe not completely , don't know ...... PW addiction
    {That TT xbow chain is one that describes someone's bowel movements after having too much spicy food. A loud **** (Thundercrack), then a burning sensation (Flash Fire), followed by an explosion of multi-colored poo-confetti (Blinding Radiance). Excellent...} By Quilue
  • Cotillion - Dreamweaver
    Cotillion - Dreamweaver Posts: 671 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    This doesn't fall under "tameable pets" ut I would love to see the Legendary pets upgraded. Not in stats or in power, per se, but what they are. There should be different options for a land based tank. Most Veno's have Hercs. Ugly things.
    There should be options for this at least. Even 4 or 5 different models for land-based tanks (not variants of the Herc), all with the same stats even, just not having every Veno paired with a Herc would be nice.
  • Gravediggr - Dreamweaver
    Gravediggr - Dreamweaver Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I use roar on my herc..roar along with reflect allows him to hold aggro just fine while i finish off the mob... now i need a good 4th skill for my nixb:byeb:bye
  • starjade
    starjade Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I've played veno as my main for more then 4 years,farmed r9 for my veno have full JOSD's and at least +8 on all my gear and yetmy lower lvl sin with much worse gear and BP can (including bosses) do anything my veno can in a third of the time :(

    So i completely agree that the pets need a complete overhaul, from lvl 90 onwards the veno outdamages any tank pet unless you carefully pace your dd to avoid getting aggro, my herc was only useful for bosses i couldn't tank myself with the help of a dd/debuff pet and then it takes so long for him to kill stuff that i usually get completely bored, stick a coin on my heal key and afk anyway lol.

    If the legendary pets had an extra skill slot people would be more willing to pay for them but as it is you might as well just get by with a GWalker til 101 then kit out a dino with skills from your guild unless you plan on solo farming world bosses with a blessed herc.

    Yes OP gear and APS has made pets a lot less valueable then they used to be but to not use your pet at all just because of that is ridiculous, pet DD and Debuffs contributes to faster kills for yourself and your squad if you don't want to make use of all the weapons available to you roll a different class.

    When i hear other veno's say they don't even bother to use pets at all (in pve at least) makes me seriously mad!
  • thumbs
    thumbs Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Gotta love how some of the strongest classes in this game are made out to be needy.

    Veno gets in old Nirvana and Caster regardless of aps and often gets equips/ build over looked.

    Veno almost never needs pots.

    Veno gets more dmg boost from 3rd eruption than any other class.

    Mystic pets don't get skills like reflect, strong, protect, howl, bless, or claw.

    Veno can purge.

    Veno can AoE Seal

    Veno can armor and mind break


    Stop wanting more out of an already OP class.