Video - Psychic pulling - Warsong BH Cannon + adv
Hexalot - Dreamweaver wrote: »
As someone else in this thread mentioned, the only 105s who have any real credibility are those who hit 105 before the glitch was discovered.
Goonz glitch wasn't new when people were doing it mainstream.....and presumably its been around ever since that boss was created. Just because it wasnt widespread news doesnt mean someone hadnt discovered it and kept it a dirty little secret long before it was mainstream.
Slowly do a goonz glitched run here and there over a few weeks/months to avert suspicion, hit 105.....claim doing 8 hours a day in FC. Whee.
I would believe people doing that to keep their secret more than people literally devoting their entire lives for months to FC runs in this game.
Sure, there's the odd one or two who may be crazy/stupid enough to do it, but I would highly doubt more than that.0 -
Mumintroll - Heavens Tear wrote: »So you did 5x time a day FF run? How long take psy one FF run. Full run take for psy at least 1H, because of bosses. So you played at least 5h a day just doing FF run correct? And you did it for 9 months every day right?
You spend so much time to trolling on me to not see that my psy is only 27% of lev 103
hater?0 -
Kiyoshi - Heavens Tear wrote: »I can believe that. For someone without a girlfriend... a job... or even friends. Its totally possible to spend 5, 10, or even 20 hours in front of a computer.
While I am on the topic of dragon glitch. I should probably point out that there is new glitch that spawns a **** loads of mobs for aoe. Ran in to it by accident last night... although I have to admit that I don't have to gear to take advantage of it.
First depend how many time you need to sleep someone can sleep 4 hours for day others sleep also awake.
Second i not spend many hours only when have time and in 2x drop.WnbTank - Archosaur wrote: »So youre saying you get 6m xp per FC run on 104 psy, when I cant get the same on 101 sin? Well maybe I could if I ***** my hypers HC but even the 5min usage lands me ~3-4m xp. And it doesnt matter if you`re R9 as there is no way you kill the bosses as fast as my sin does. Duoing bosses just kills the xp from them so that`s not really an option.
Ps. You do realize there is extensive xp nerf on 103 on FC? Just like there is on lvl 91 & 99. You actually need a lot more FCs from 104-105 than 90-
Haters talk about my sin 105 my psy is 103 only 27%.
Over 103 with sin solo was around 5.5-6 mil fc now is aroun 4 mil and explain you why: Last part of FC give much less exp becouse all goonz give something like 1 exp in place of 18-20k before update. Before goonz exp reduction last part fc give 1 mil more about. I run 5-6 fc day + 5.5-6 mil exp 10 min hyper every run time from big room to last boss.
Anyway u forgot i have a sin if i need levelling my psy i can clean fc with sin or use both sin for boss and psy for clean and fc take me from start around 30 min (second boss waste time.....) after can put out si and let psy solo last part.ApocaIypto - Dreamweaver wrote: »1v1? u mean stealth sparking with ur full +12 sin on a 6k hp 4k pdef psy?
yay gratz
Stop tell this story baseless, i remeber you sir that you used to gank me 5, 6+ ppl. I really not need spark and stealth for kill you in pk if you are alone maybe need stealth if u are near other 5-10 ppl ready to gank me alone only for come near you before many r9 all clas try stop me.
I still have screen about OT and when sometime was 20 ppl there nly for gank me. I kill you unbuffed, w/o chi and just spawened when u was with all your friends (3-4 105 sin, 105 bm -105 psy 104 wiz - 105 barb veno etc all rank 9 JoD + 12) if need nick i talk about Tim, rackey hr critty, pretty, kp, jans, xcurse, was also 2-3 r9 archer.0 -
Closed Due To Extreme Pointlessness0
Hazumi_chan - Sanctuary wrote: »This is all so very amusing b:pleased
If you really were speaking the truth, you would not have to defend yourself so much, because if people tell the truth they usually don't care as much for people in online games telling them that they're lying. b:laugh
You know why i spend so much time to answer becouse already 15+ ppl attack me in this discussion and i'm alone to reply many ppl. Another reason that is really hard for me ignore when have to read lier and bulls.hit like this but you have right not think need to answer more everyone if free to think in objective about post of someone and my reply.0 -
RexNero - Dreamweaver wrote: »You know why i spend so much time to answer becouse already 15+ ppl attack me in this discussion and i'm alone to reply many ppl. Another reason that is really hard for me ignore when have to read lier and bulls.hit like this but you have right not think need to answer more everyone if free to think in objective about post of someone and my reply.
Rex, I'm sorry but I'm going to give you a little education into western culture. No one really gives a **** about everything you are trying to justify. They are doing what is called 'egging you on' which is saying that means something like adding wood to a fire. They are trying to make you angry and rant.
When we are with our friends and we do this to each other and the 'subject person' gets involved like we want them to we say they 'took the bait,' like if you throw a fishing line with bait out and the fish grabs it. Amongst our friends we will often use an imaginary fishing rod and 'cast a line' towards the subject person then start 'winding it in' whilst gleefully calling out 'YES GOT HIMMMMMM'.
Just letting you know.
EDIT - you and Golgotha are like piranhas that haven't eaten for a week.0 -
His 103 toon was in a squad of his alts, 3 were 105, another was 103, and the lowbie was 101.
No goon glitching there at all.
Rex, nothing you can say will make anyone believe your blatant lies.
b:byeI love puppies.... and sharp objects. b:pleased0 -
RexNero - Dreamweaver wrote: »First depend how many time you need to sleep someone can sleep 4 hours for day others sleep also awake.
Second i not spend many hours only when have time and in 2x drop.
Haters talk about my sin 105 my psy is 103 only 27%.
Over 103 with sin solo was around 5.5-6 mil fc now is aroun 4 mil and explain you why: Last part of FC give much less exp becouse all goonz give something like 1 exp in place of 18-20k before update. Before goonz exp reduction last part fc give 1 mil more about. I run 5-6 fc day + 5.5-6 mil exp 10 min hyper every run time from big room to last boss.
Anyway u forgot i have a sin if i need levelling my psy i can clean fc with sin or use both sin for boss and psy for clean and fc take me from start around 30 min (second boss waste time.....) after can put out si and let psy solo last part.
Stop tell this story baseless, i remeber you sir that you used to gank me 5, 6+ ppl. I really not need spark and stealth for kill you in pk if you are alone maybe need stealth if u are near other 5-10 ppl ready to gank me alone only for come near you before many r9 all clas try stop me.
I still have screen about OT and when sometime was 20 ppl there nly for gank me. I kill you unbuffed, w/o chi and just spawened when u was with all your friends (3-4 105 sin, 105 bm -105 psy 104 wiz - 105 barb veno etc all rank 9 JoD + 12) if need nick i talk about Tim, rackey hr critty, pretty, kp, jans, xcurse, was also 2-3 r9 archer.
If I trolling, you lying. And that you lying is pretty obvious.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
TempleSlave - Lost City wrote: »EVERYBODY WAIT!!!!!
His 103 toon was in a squad of his alts, 3 were 105, another was 103, and the lowbie was 101.
No goon glitching there at all.
Rex, nothing you can say will make anyone believe your blatant lies.
Barb can lev very easy grinding, about sin already explain: 5 fc day, about 103 and 101 toons do you really think need goonz for reach that lev?MageMERC - Harshlands wrote: »Rex, I'm sorry but I'm going to give you a little education into western culture. No one really gives a **** about everything you are trying to justify. They are doing what is called 'egging you on' which is saying that means something like adding wood to a fire. They are trying to make you angry and rant.
When we are with our friends and we do this to each other and the 'subject person' gets involved like we want them to we say they 'took the bait,' like if you throw a fishing line with bait out and the fish grabs it. Amongst our friends we will often use an imaginary fishing rod and 'cast a line' towards the subject person then start 'winding it in' whilst gleefully calling out 'YES GOT HIMMMMMM'.
Just letting you know.
EDIT - you and Golgotha are like piranhas that haven't eaten for a week.
I grabbed the lesson thanks my culture is different i will try to avoid in the next this "egging on me"
Anyway i'm pretty sure that exist a way for get a lot mil exp day correct, regular and allowed but not is my busness talk about it. Who is interested to levelling stop complain and start use imagination.0 -
Ok first of all, honestly im pretty sure Rex did lvl his sin atleast legitemately. I went on FC runs with the guy a few times durin the journey......was funny though cos i remember his wife gettin kicked from squad cos she failed as a cleric, Also the fact that a sin/cleric combo needed more ppl in squad to do FC cos they couldn't do it with just themselves, funny times xD
As for his other toons, absolute BS that he lvl'd a 105 barb and many other toons without using the Goon Glitch. I mean even ppl from his guild we're hitting higher lvls just around the same time his barb, psy and wizzy appeared out of nowhere.
Finally.....i find it hilarious that even ppl from other servers are givin him ****. See wat the dreamweaver ppl hav to put up with, feel sorry for us QQ b:surrenderG_tar_God ~ 104
Aussie represent for PWI
"Life without music would be a mistake..." [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Please, Lost city take rex... give us back cheze! QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ0
G_tar_God - Dreamweaver wrote: »Ok first of all, honestly im pretty sure Rex did lvl his sin atleast legitemately. I went on FC runs with the guy a few times durin the journey......was funny though cos i remember his wife gettin kicked from squad cos she failed as a cleric, Also the fact that a sin/cleric combo needed more ppl in squad to do FC cos they couldn't do it with just themselves, funny times xD
As for his other toons, absolute BS that he lvl'd a 105 barb and many other toons without using the Goon Glitch. I mean even ppl from his guild we're hitting higher lvls just around the same time his barb, psy and wizzy appeared out of nowhere.
Finally.....i find it hilarious that even ppl from other servers are givin him ****. See wat the dreamweaver ppl hav to put up with, feel sorry for us QQ b:surrender
I not remeber any FC wiith you. I run many fc with ex EQ ppl from lev 80 around till lev 100 around. Before lev 100 is hard for a sin solo fc anyway too long. I not remeber my wife got kick but i remeber how many time she run fc without gear and with ppl lev 80 squad.
Also remeber my first fc with a squad lev 80 take around 4 hours.
PS you are part of a gruop of ppl that trash talk on me everyday in wc and do you think to be believable?
I remeber when u was leader of spades pray me to not kill u and your wife in pk when your members try gank me 4+ vs 1 and fail
PPS want to talk about Tim 105 bm and jans 105 barb in your guild?
PPPS u and spades officer trash talk on me cause cashing when u jans blk berserk and tim got a free r9 using coin from TW reward not farming not charging and NOT SPLIT WITH your faction members.
Spades still take 150 mil every week and pay members around 21 mil.0 -
RexNero - Dreamweaver wrote: »I not remeber any FC wiith you. I run many fc with ex EQ ppl from lev 80 around till lev 100 around. Before lev 100 is hard for a sin solo fc anyway too long. I not remeber my wife got kick but i remeber how many time she run fc without gear and with ppl lev 80 squad.
Also remeber my first fc with a squad lev 80 take around 4 hours.
PS you are part of a gruop of ppl that trash talk on me everyday in wc and do you think to be believable?
I remeber when u was leader of spades pray me to not kill u and your wife in pk when your members try gank me 4+ vs 1 and fail
PPS want to talk about Tim 105 bm and jans 105 barb in your guild?
PPPS u and spades officer trash talk on me cause cashing when u jans blk berserk and tim got a free r9 using coin from TW reward not farming not charging and NOT SPLIT WITH your faction members.
Spades still take 150 mil every week and pay members around 21 mil.
You're still on about that? why don't you post a vid about it? Where's your proof. You're just spewing random bullcrap because you're mad you're a fail when it comes to leading a TW Guild. It is not our fault your guild has 60 alts and has a 20~ sign up for TW. Stop blaiming us, i believe you recall when you said your guild was going to erase many guilds from TW Map. We're all still waiting. Stop being so butthurt about past things and move on
Spades Leader0 -
lol ikr G while i was readin through the thread i was thinkin that to, lol hes somehow manges to get hate from others servers without even being here. lol n Rex like i said the other day if u want ppl to start liking u, drop the ego n get ur head out of ur *** for god sakes its just a game >.<, but id love to see u go to pvp server, cos ur jussst so epic im sure ud kick everyone *** there. stop talkin big on a pve server
oh and yea i think rex did lvl legit or he did legit to 104 not 2 sure tho o.o0 -
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Remember: OP may be a duck|OP/GMs/Devs may not deliver|Search function is your friend|Lurk more|Be wary of Mods: they can't be trusted|This place isn't a hugbox|Your tears sustain me|Know what Bait is|"Soon" may never come|Postcount, Dubs, and other GETs are important|Don't revive long dead threads|There is a section for everything|You can be banned for anything|No Fun Allowed outside of OT|Sweetiebot rules OT|"Circlejerks" are inevitable|Threads can be derailed and saved|Those who use"XD" should off themselves at their earliest convenience|0
But seriously, the video isn't really impressive or ground breaking material. Caster class with over 100 def level pulls magic mobs that are stunnable lol?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
_rekresreb - Dreamweaver wrote: »please, Lost City Take Rex... Give Us Back Cheze! Qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqeuthymius - Heavens Tear wrote: »
Horse Deek[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Winning b:victory0
lol calling fail gank excuse again?
full r9+12 barb, full r9 +12 cleric, full r9+12 veno, full r9 +12 wiz, 2 r9 +12 sins
yay anyone can kill that
be proud to kill ppl after spending like what 70k $? yay ur epic. kinda expansive for a few kills tho
and dont think we hate ppl who use cash. have good friends that do it but, we do hate ppl that buy their gears and brag about it while having a crapy mentality and atitude, having so much ego, but u must understand ppl cant be like u and cant spend what a car cost irl.
who would even care if u had 10 r9+12 toons if at least u were nice?
some ppl use cash but are still nice or event sweetbut no ur just an ***
want respect for u and ur guild, respect other and stop act like a rich kid. oh wait, guess wont change uve always been like that0 -
Another topic way off course *keeps watching tv* b:bye0
RexNero - Dreamweaver wrote: »Not really was a test on survival of an arcane class like a psy. I ask to everyone to put in follow not do nothing and let work only sin and psychic.
In few situation a r9 arcane can tank better of a r9 barb.
The reasons most think, including myself, that you are all the toons in your squad :
1) Normal ppl don't follow when gathering aoe mobs. They keeps some distance.
2) You all the time ran back for no reason if there were really ppl playing those toons.
3) They didn't "just follow". We all saw fail BB attempts on mobs and late debuff actions on boss.
4) In normal "let me try to solo this" situations, there is text in squad chat. I'm sure you'll come up with some excuse for that, but it's the first vid where nobody makes comments like "crazy", "so OP lol" and/or "I'll go shopping and come back when you're dead ... uhm done!"
I don't see how you tanked this better then a r9 barb though. Fire is the easiest path to pull for a barb. If there is a psychic that would actually give sov to the barb, the barb will be a better puller in any path if you ask me. In other paths, the barb will get frozen/sealed/bubbled and can't easily aggro to receive heals. With sov and in fire, there is no such problem. You either only saw some of those bad r9 barbs, or don't understand that most barbs don't pull to many aoe mobs so others won't die. In any case, any r9 + 12 with JoSD and charm could do the same you just did. That's why nobody is impressed.
For your little lvl105 show. There are many "I can solo fcc, so I could get to 105. So even if I gooned, I could have done it the legit way. I just saved a little time, but it's like I did it legitly. So I can just say I didn't goon to 105, I could have done it anyway."-reasonings. From my esperience, those who really fcc'ed like mad never take the trouble to say it more then 1 time. They don't defend themselves, they know what they did. The exp per day is limited by hyper time, activations and running time. There are just to many incoherences in your story. Next time, just blame those who accuse you for gooning of harresment. You will get more credibility and respect for that.0 - me full rank 9. Then I'll grats you.0
How did Warsong thread become goon glitch thread?
b:surrender0 -
Empu - Sanctuary wrote: »The reasons most think, including myself, that you are all the toons in your squad :
1) Normal ppl don't follow when gathering aoe mobs. They keeps some distance.
2) You all the time ran back for no reason if there were really ppl playing those toons.
3) They didn't "just follow". We all saw fail BB attempts on mobs and late debuff actions on boss.
4) In normal "let me try to solo this" situations, there is text in squad chat. I'm sure you'll come up with some excuse for that, but it's the first vid where nobody makes comments like "crazy", "so OP lol" and/or "I'll go shopping and come back when you're dead ... uhm done!"
I don't see how you tanked this better then a r9 barb though. Fire is the easiest path to pull for a barb. If there is a psychic that would actually give sov to the barb, the barb will be a better puller in any path if you ask me. In other paths, the barb will get frozen/sealed/bubbled and can't easily aggro to receive heals. With sov and in fire, there is no such problem. You either only saw some of those bad r9 barbs, or don't understand that most barbs don't pull to many aoe mobs so others won't die. In any case, any r9 + 12 with JoSD and charm could do the same you just did. That's why nobody is impressed.
For your little lvl105 show. There are many "I can solo fcc, so I could get to 105. So even if I gooned, I could have done it the legit way. I just saved a little time, but it's like I did it legitly. So I can just say I didn't goon to 105, I could have done it anyway."-reasonings. From my esperience, those who really fcc'ed like mad never take the trouble to say it more then 1 time. They don't defend themselves, they know what they did. The exp per day is limited by hyper time, activations and running time. There are just to many incoherences in your story. Next time, just blame those who accuse you for gooning of harresment. You will get more credibility and respect for that.
rexnero goon glitch level to 105 and all other account too. All rex account have been banned and remove from rank page before. There few sin goonz with rex before and he totally lies.0 -
Porb hacks too0
RexNero - Dreamweaver wrote: »You have to acept that i have farm my level running all my solo fc. There are pker sin on my server like azzazin, HR, etc that remeber when i was 104 anyway much time before goonz
I was 104 at feb 2011 around not remember exactly datalec was 105 at march 2011
tack me around 3-4 months of fc 104-105
I do recall seeing him 104 for a while. This much is true.
Edit: and for those saying he is lying, whether that is true of some things I cannot say for sure, but (prove me wrong if I missed a detail) he isn't claiming he leveled his OTHER characters without goons, just the assassin. With an assassin, it is plausible to level to 105 with a lot of hard work in the time he did level his sin. It is plausible that his sin reached 105 or was very close to 105 before he knew about goons. I do believe that in a court of law, 'innocent until proven guilty' is the rule, though not on the forums apparently? *shrug* Its all well and fine to voice your suspicions, but I'll take issue if you claim that your unvalidated suspicions are fact.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Setting of the twilight moon; a late evening rendezvous from atop the
city's lonely heights. With the dawn the city below springs into bustling
activity, and I don my morning apparel. From on high, I watch the world.0 -
Azzazin - Dreamweaver wrote: »With an assassin, it is plausible to level to 105 with a lot of hard work in the time he did level his sin.
I always found it bs to say it's easier for a sin to lvl to 105. It's more gear based then class based really. On low-end gear sins have an advantage yes, but when talking lvling 101+, you need to do it fast. A good geared bm or caster can lvl just as fast or almost. Especially when the end of fcc was still worth the exp and though casters aoe'ed all dragons and thus caught up time with sins.Azzazin - Dreamweaver wrote: »I do believe that in a court of law, 'innocent until proven guilty' is the rule, though not on the forums apparently? *shrug* Its all well and fine to voice your suspicions, but I'll take issue if you claim that your unvalidated suspicions are fact.
Depends on your country really. Ofc, that is only in official court, not in media which is closer to forums anyway. Not like we had a real instruction or anything. Besides, you need proof, which isn't the same as a fact. Ofc, not all elements are equally probative but still. Many already pointed out the incoherences. Those are enough to base suspicions and even accusations, like done in any legal system since you seem to care.0 -
Empu - Sanctuary wrote: »The reasons most think, including myself, that you are all the toons in your squad :
1) Normal ppl don't follow when gathering aoe mobs. They keeps some distance.
2) You all the time ran back for no reason if there were really ppl playing those toons.
3) They didn't "just follow". We all saw fail BB attempts on mobs and late debuff actions on boss.
4) In normal "let me try to solo this" situations, there is text in squad chat. I'm sure you'll come up with some excuse for that, but it's the first vid where nobody makes comments like "crazy", "so OP lol" and/or "I'll go shopping and come back when you're dead ... uhm done!"
I don't see how you tanked this better then a r9 barb though. Fire is the easiest path to pull for a barb. If there is a psychic that would actually give sov to the barb, the barb will be a better puller in any path if you ask me. In other paths, the barb will get frozen/sealed/bubbled and can't easily aggro to receive heals. With sov and in fire, there is no such problem. You either only saw some of those bad r9 barbs, or don't understand that most barbs don't pull to many aoe mobs so others won't die. In any case, any r9 + 12 with JoSD and charm could do the same you just did. That's why nobody is impressed.
actually it's pretty much common DW knowlegde that these chars are his (although he shares them with a bunch of people)you only purge once #yopo0 -
Now it's just beating on a dead horse...
*points to the first post*0 -
So OP finally gave up lying and edited his first post... uhm ya. lol[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
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