Get people back on the servers by...

Agiya - Raging Tide
Agiya - Raging Tide Posts: 56 Arc User
edited June 2012 in Chronicles
[Thread closed. Please post comments on new thread!

...MERGING THE SERVERS with the ability to have established characters tranferred as part of the merger, and player-approved name changes as necessary, ASAP PLEASE!

Sure the comfortable old skool folks might get upset for a bit, but its the only thing I see that will make new players stay in this game.

If you read the forums, one thing everyone is complaining about is formerly populated places are now ghost towns. People want to blame FC, but thats just silly. If you are truely a new player to this game, and especially if you are an alone new player, you are not going to to know jack-squat about FC, nevermind make any friends in that empty spawn city to tell you about it.

New players need to see other new players to make friends and learn the game with. That way you dont have some pompous idiot calling you stupid because you didnt spring from your mother's womb with full knowledge of PWI, and new players might actually like the game as much as many of us do, and stay.

If they see no one hardly, they will just assume the game suzes and go find another one.

All the old skoolers already have their friends base long established, so they will probably complain that everything is fine. Its just fine for them, not everyone. And you even see complaints about ghost towns from the allegedly populated servers - so you know new players are alone there too.

PWI may be happy with the few old skoolers that still play, but guess what? New players can have Credit Cards, and buy game cards too, but only IF they find something to keep them here.

What does every developer know keeps players playing their MMOs? Thats right! The relationships they form while playing the game.

You guys are doing great with sales to keep the old skoolers happy. But, if this game is to survive, it needs new players to like playing it too.

Thanks for listening!

I did a free trial on a suggested MMO last night. What did it have that PWI doesn't?

Plenty of friendly people for new players to see & play with. Of course, it only had 5 servers, so...

Great Posts:

Quote: eso

I 100% support a transfer character/Server Merge, it would solve so many problems for everyone playing PWI. 70% chance that TT,FF,etc will start picking up again and towns would be more populated.[/QUOTE]

Quote Shotwhointhewhat:

Way to get a ton of players:

Make it so farming gears is less time consuming and players can get full nirvy, high level gems, and high refines. Still keep rank as difficult to get as ever so cash shoppers will always have that insta-advantage.

Then we would have tons of nirvy geared players pking all over, people could obtain pk supplies easier, but pw will still make money off of rank and packs.

For those who say, "I am op farmer... i have no life... farming is easy... don't be lazy... yada yada yada..."

Just take a good look at your game and see how many people actually have those gears compared to those who don't.

Way to make more people active at the top levels is to make it more accessible to casual players, not only the die hard no lifers or cash shoppers.

O&A for suggestion revision - server merge:


Originally Posted by VenusArmani - Dreamweaver

::facepalm:: It was about world chat. And there will always be a "top" faction. If you think that will change with a server merge....and neither would people suddenly want to quest again so there wouldn't be any change on that end either.

Why would a server merge mean they have to quest again? lol. Most games transfer characters, and the developers can easily learn from them if you think they can't already do it if they wanted to.

There would only be a few name change issues - which even **** games like RS have figured out how to do.
Oh carrots are devine, you get a dozen for a dime...its maaaa-gic! ~ Bugs Bunny
Post edited by Agiya - Raging Tide on


  • Olbaze - Sanctuary
    Olbaze - Sanctuary Posts: 4,242 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    ...reducing the price of charms back to the original price.
    ...exercising more control over drops. to your players.
    ...making people WANT to buy packs.
    If you want to do something to make Sins stop soloing everything, and all sin squads then do so.

    The prices of charms hasn't been increased. It's just that they're not on-sale currently. And it's been a while since we had our last charm sale. Thus, the prices of charms in catshops are getting pretty close to the currently off-sale prices in the Boutique.

    As for the Fairy Box Keys, I think they might have put those in just to make sure that the TT farmers actually play the game. After all, there's tons of people who solo or duo farm TT during 2x drops and then spend the next few months pretty much AFK, relying on their TT mats and opening of Fairy Boxes for daily funds.

    As for the Excitement and Ecstacy Cards, most people don't know how low the chance of getting either is. It's 5% for Excitement and 20% for Ecstacies. What that means is that you're thrice as likely not to get either than you are to get either. And as far as I'm concerned, the odds of BH are good enough. I don't mind the chip reward because I do Cube of Fate every day.

    In regards for the packs, you're misguided. As someone who has merchanted packs on and off for over a year now, I can tell you that they sure as hell don't need to sell them any more than they already are. Heck, I'm just a single merchant and I'm seeing sales of 100-200 packs a day. Add to that the fact that there's like five merchants selling at the same price, it's likely that the total sales are more like 500-1,000 packs a day. Also, having sold both newer and older packs at the same time, I've observed that generally people tend to buy the newer packs, even if the odds of getting something other than Tokens is much worse than the alternative. The most likely reason for this kind of behavior is that most people open packs in hopes of getting the mount, the aerogear or, as of Drake Mirror Pack, the fashion. And judging by the fact that they're one of the rarest things in the packs, I'd say PWE is doing a pretty good job.

    As for sins doing stuff, it's not nearly as bad as you think. And I'm pretty sure the new BH Abaddon and BH Seat bosses are hints that they're going towards that direction.
    I am Olba. Not Ol, not Baze nor Blaze. And even less would I go by Olblaze. Please, take a second to read a person's username.
    If you see b:cute be sure to take a second, calm look at anything I said.
  • ammieee
    ammieee Posts: 191 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I think PWI just fav sins... Only sins got sexy six packs and no other class has that at all...
  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    ...reducing the price of charms back to the original price.

    ...exercising more control over drops. to your players.

    ...making people WANT to buy packs.

    If you want to do something to make Sins stop soloing everything, and all sin squads then do so.

    Charm price hasn't risen at all, its just that they haven't been on sale in a while. I expect them to be on sale again soon.

    You do have control over the drops. Its simple, set the TT squad to free and act as banker yourself. If someone picks up anything after being told not to do so, boot them from squad and shame them on wc. It's really that simple. At the end of the day if you don't like the fairy box keys, just npc them. They are merely there to force people to run bhs in the hopes to make it worthwhile to run lower level bhs so that new players (who matter too) can find squads.

    The drop rate doesn't need to be changed just because some players have bad luck sometimes. What you want inflation to go up because every single player gets 5 million coins every other bh? Please. The odds are already pretty decent and i've actually gotten several cards lately.

    Your choice to gamble. You could just sell off the packs until you had the money for the things you wanted. Yes, its slower. But slow and steady wins the race.

    This would either just be bypassed like in FC, or would become a major pain to many players. Look at aeu, thanks to physical immune bosses casters are required to do an aeu. But its tough as nails to get any of them to go. The result is people waste a lot of time and money to form a squad for something and afterwards even less want to do it. I don't like what sins did to the game either, but thankfully the devs see that it requires more subtlety than that.
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • Agiya - Raging Tide
    Agiya - Raging Tide Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    The prices of charms hasn't been increased. It's just that they're not on-sale currently. And it's been a while since we had our last charm sale. Thus, the prices of charms in catshops are getting pretty close to the currently off-sale prices in the Boutique.

    In my short time on this game the regular price of charms was 4 gold at the boutique, and they would go on sale for 2 gold. For several months now the regular price has been 6 gold, and go on sale for 4 gold.

    On my server, the catshop price for charms (either one) is currently between 3.8 and 4. something million. I used to pay 3 mill for a HP and 2 mill for a MP. Sometimes they were cheaper when there was a sale.

    As for the Fairy Box Keys, I think they might have put those in just to make sure that the TT farmers actually play the game. After all, there's tons of people who solo or duo farm TT during 2x drops and then spend the next few months pretty much AFK, relying on their TT mats and opening of Fairy Boxes for daily funds.

    I dont care why they put them in, if I KNOW someone else will almost always rob the drops, they are still worthless to me, or any other regular player.

    As for the Excitement and Ecstacy Cards, most people don't know how low the chance of getting either is. It's 5% for Excitement and 20% for Ecstacies. What that means is that you're thrice as likely not to get either than you are to get either. And as far as I'm concerned, the odds of BH are good enough. I don't mind the chip reward because I do Cube of Fate every day.

    All I know is I used to get somewhere around one 1 million coin for every 4 BHs I did. For a very long time now, I get none. Ive never ever gotten the 5 million coin one. Makes me wonder if someone has figured out how to grab those for themselves too, to be honest.

    In regards for the packs, you're misguided. As someone who has merchanted packs on and off for over a year now, I can tell you that they sure as hell don't need to sell them any more than they already are. Heck, I'm just a single merchant and I'm seeing sales of 100-200 packs a day. Add to that the fact that there's like five merchants selling at the same price, it's likely that the total sales are more like 500-1,000 packs a day. Also, having sold both newer and older packs at the same time, I've observed that generally people tend to buy the newer packs, even if the odds of getting something other than Tokens is much worse than the alternative. The most likely reason for this kind of behavior is that most people open packs in hopes of getting the mount, the aerogear or, as of Drake Mirror Pack, the fashion. And judging by the fact that they're one of the rarest things in the packs, I'd say PWE is doing a pretty good job.

    Im glad you're happy! Any particular reason you dont wanna see me happy too? First, I bought 1. Got junk. Then, I bought a 10 pack, more of the same bottom of the barrel junk. But, I persevered, and bought a 20 pack (kinda like you gotta put all 5 coins in a Slot Machine to expect to get any kind win) That's right! you guessed it, more junk. Sorry if Im perceived as a threat to your continued happy merchanting experience, but I hope your customers get luckier than I have been, and keep buying from you due to the fact they are not continuously getting junk.

    As for sins doing stuff, it's not nearly as bad as you think. And I'm pretty sure the new BH Abaddon and BH Seat bosses are hints that they're going towards that direction.

    I dont care about Sins doing stuff. Honestly, I dont. I dont care about glitches either in case anyone was wondering, unless that player **** the game and created their own glitch to abuse. I was told the Fairy Keys somehow prevent Sins from soloing stuff or some ****, lol. If that happens to be true, see above as to why they can keep soloing it for all I care in regard to the drops.

    Right now PWI for me is like an interactive amusement park, with noone to really interact with. I wouldn't mind seeing the population on my server return to what it was last Summer, and I think my suggestions could help that happen. I really like the game, and would like to think I could possibly and happily continue to do so.

    Thanks for your input
    Oh carrots are devine, you get a dozen for a dime...its maaaa-gic! ~ Bugs Bunny
  • Tagi_ - Dreamweaver
    Tagi_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Hate to be that guy but I don't think they should try to get people back to the servers. If they aren't going to run the game properly without the massive pay2win and the broken 5 APS then they should just let this game die.
  • Getter_Robo - Dreamweaver
    Getter_Robo - Dreamweaver Posts: 200 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Hate to be that guy but I don't think they should try to get people back to the servers. If they aren't going to run the game properly without the massive pay2win and the broken 5 APS then they should just let this game die.

    It is, just slowly and painfully. b:sad
  • Sirrobert - Dreamweaver
    Sirrobert - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,395 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    In my short time on this game the regular price of charms was 4 gold at the boutique, and they would go on sale for 2 gold. For several months now the regular price has been 6 gold, and go on sale for 4 gold.

    On my server, the catshop price for charms (either one) is currently between 3.8 and 4. something million. I used to pay 3 mill for a HP and 2 mill for a MP. Sometimes they were cheaper when there was a sale.

    GOLD charms (600k HP) cost 4 gold
    PLATINUM charms (1.2mil HP) cost 6 gold

    Has always been this way. Is it that dificult to read? It's not like they look exactly the same

    I dont care why they put them in, if I KNOW someone else will almost always rob the drops, they are still worthless to me, or any other regular player.

    So don't run with people that rob you? Ever heard of factions?
    Also, because they are worthless to you, doesn't mean they are worthles to the entire freakign server

    All I know is I used to get somewhere around one 1 million coin for every 4 BHs I did. For a very long time now, I get none. Ive never ever gotten the 5 million coin one. Makes me wonder if someone has figured out how to grab those for themselves too, to be honest.
    Again, just because you're having bad luck, doesn't mean they changed the rates.
    I for example get cards reguarly, maybe once a week or something

    Im glad you're happy! Any particular reason you dont wanna see me happy too? First, I bought 1. Got junk. Then, I bought a 10 pack, more of the same bottom of the barrel junk. But, I persevered, and bought a 20 pack (kinda like you gotta put all 5 coins in a Slot Machine to expect to get any kind win) That's right! you guessed it, more junk. Sorry if Im perceived as a threat to your continued happy merchanting experience, but I hope your customers get luckier than I have been, and keep buying from you due to the fact they are not continuously getting junk.

    The chance to get anything but Tokens is about 3%
    That's 3 out of every 100 packs
    You opened 31 packs and expected to win a freaking Scroll of Tome? You need to brush up on your math skills
    9 out of 10 voices in my head say I'm not crazy... the 10th is singing the music of tetris
  • Agiya - Raging Tide
    Agiya - Raging Tide Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    GOLD charms (600k HP) cost 4 gold
    PLATINUM charms (1.2mil HP) cost 6 gold

    Has always been this way. Is it that dificult to read? It's not like they look exactly the same

    Nope, it really hasnt. How long has it been since you actually played & purchased platinum charms, lol? You wanna say Im lying? Kk, I dont care. Fact is Im not, and I was shocked when the price went up to 6 gold, and they only went on sale for 4.

    So don't run with people that rob you? Ever heard of factions?
    Also, because they are worthless to you, doesn't mean they are worthles to the entire freakign server

    Hey, glad you're happy. Im not. Got anything besides a "PMS attitude" to display? If you are trying to impress me with how much people only give a **** about themselves, YOU are very late my friend.

    Again, just because you're having bad luck, doesn't mean they changed the rates.
    I for example get cards reguarly, maybe once a week or something

    Cool for you. If you being happy is all the game needs, great! I see you have a personal stake in making sure I remain unhappy, lol.

    The chance to get anything but Tokens is about 3%
    That's 3 out of every 100 packs
    You opened 31 packs and expected to win a freaking Scroll of Tome? You need to brush up on your math skills

    Nope, I expect to win "something", didnt ask for a Scroll of Tome, now did I? I dont expect to pay 10 dollars for 10 1 star D Orbs, nor do I expect to pay another 10 dollars for 10 random common & average gems. Catshops & NPCs are cheaper, and I dont need to buy packs then. Thanks for helping me do what Im already doing, and NOT spending my money. Glad to know PWI doesn't want my money. Thanks for straightening me out on that. You rock!

    I dont need to brush up on Math. But I see quite a few that could use some "people skills".

    Enjoy your day!
    Oh carrots are devine, you get a dozen for a dime...its maaaa-gic! ~ Bugs Bunny
  • Agiya - Raging Tide
    Agiya - Raging Tide Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Hate to be that guy but I don't think they should try to get people back to the servers. If they aren't going to run the game properly without the massive pay2win and the broken 5 APS then they should just let this game die.

    No worries. Judging by MOST of the other replies to this thread, you are probably spot on! That's a shame, but okay. Whatever.

    Everytime I have to change to a good MMO, I hate the science project type study that goes along with that. I'd honestly rather NOT have to do that, but maybe its just meant to be.

    Thanks for the post.
    Oh carrots are devine, you get a dozen for a dime...its maaaa-gic! ~ Bugs Bunny
  • Sirrobert - Dreamweaver
    Sirrobert - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,395 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Nope, it really hasnt. How long has it been since you actually played & purchased platinum charms, lol? You wanna say Im lying? Kk, I dont care. Fact is Im not, and I was shocked when the price went up to 6 gold, and they only went on sale for 4.

    About 3 years, which is longer than Plat charms have been in the cashshop
    9 out of 10 voices in my head say I'm not crazy... the 10th is singing the music of tetris
  • Xainou - Sanctuary
    Xainou - Sanctuary Posts: 5,369 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    It's a thread by Brillance, how cute :3

    Licensed tail brusher of ƙɑƙʊɱɑʊ ~ only the fluffiest
    Outrunning centaurs since 2012~
  • Agiya - Raging Tide
    Agiya - Raging Tide Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    About 3 years, which is longer than Plat charms have been in the cashshop

    You must of left sometime between last Spring & now. Or maybe the Devs made a special sale on my server just for me?

    Seriously, I doubt it! Your vote is noted though - you wouldnt change a thing!

    Thanks for the input.
    Oh carrots are devine, you get a dozen for a dime...its maaaa-gic! ~ Bugs Bunny
  • Agiya - Raging Tide
    Agiya - Raging Tide Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    It's a thread by Brillance, how cute :3

    Brilliance is spelled b-r-i-l-l-i-a-n-c-e, your opinion on the suggestion is welcome, otherwise please dont make spam on my thread. Thank you. b:thanks
    Oh carrots are devine, you get a dozen for a dime...its maaaa-gic! ~ Bugs Bunny
  • Sirrobert - Dreamweaver
    Sirrobert - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,395 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    You must of left sometime between last Spring & now. Or maybe the Devs made a special sale on my server just for me?

    Seriously, I doubt it! Your vote is noted though - you wouldnt change a thing!

    Thanks for the input.

    You're still the ONLY person in this thread claiming they changed the price
    But ofcourse, you're correct and the whole world is crazy b:bye
    9 out of 10 voices in my head say I'm not crazy... the 10th is singing the music of tetris
  • Agiya - Raging Tide
    Agiya - Raging Tide Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    You're still the ONLY person in this thread claiming they changed the price
    But ofcourse, you're correct and the whole world is crazy b:bye

    Whatever makes you happy. Baibai.
    Oh carrots are devine, you get a dozen for a dime...its maaaa-gic! ~ Bugs Bunny
  • Tagi_ - Dreamweaver
    Tagi_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    It is, just slowly and painfully. b:sad
    Then they should speed it up and put it out of its misery. I bet if they stop doing maintenance every week the game will die fast.
  • Xainou - Sanctuary
    Xainou - Sanctuary Posts: 5,369 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Brilliance is spelled b-r-i-l-l-i-a-n-c-e, your opinion on the suggestion is welcome, otherwise please dont make spam on my thread. Thank you. b:thanks

    Sucks to spell your own characters name wrong? lol

    And I agree with the others, charm pices ahve never changed. There have been sales but prices always were the same for platinum charms.

    Licensed tail brusher of ƙɑƙʊɱɑʊ ~ only the fluffiest
    Outrunning centaurs since 2012~
  • Yulk_owns - Lost City
    Yulk_owns - Lost City Posts: 936 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    ...reducing the price of charms back to the original price. No one wants to TW anymore because the server population suzes. This leaves certain factions controling the map, and makes it so if you bother to TW, you are either getting rolled over, or rolling over. A predictable & repetative game is NOT fun. Charging more for the items you need to TW is a just plain mindless move on PWEs part, and especially at a time with all server populations are down and continuing to remain that way.

    Reduce price for charms that can last for months? People still TW. Both on LC and HT here, IDK about your server.... Reducing price for charms are a BAD IDEA. Then people would buy them from coins even more. They are in boutique for a reason.

    ...exercising more control over drops. Great! You gave us fairy box keys, but we have to TT and actually GET a fairy box to use them. With the way what's left of the people that even play the game anymore grab all the good drops for themselves, it means the keys are **** and pretty much useless to all but one player in most squads. Ive only done TT a hand full of times in my game life, and except for when I did them for culti, found them to be completely useless. Someone almost always robs the drops.

    You must be really unlucky if you find someone that almost always robbing the drops... Anyway, I kind of agree that control over drops are better, instead of drops go to random people could work in a sequence instead, like squad member 1, then 2, then 3, etc. to your players.I dont know what happened to Excitement & Ecstasy cards for BH rewards, but I havent gotten a single one for the last dozen BHs Ive done. Mysterious-chips & now fairy box keys is all I can look forward to apparently. Funny, I really have no use for either, lol.

    PWE has already given enough players with too many exp, overpowered equipment and so on.

    ...making people WANT to buy packs. Ive bought them a few times and always get complete junk. Why would I buy anymore do you think? That's right! I wont. I have to actually get a good reward once in a while to keep investing money into that stuff. Im not a complete idiot with an unlimited credit card, ya know. I dont care whats possibly in any packs you offer. I KNOW Im getting complete junk, and wasting my cash. ._.

    Think how Casinos work. They let each gambler win so much, so they will keep playing and lose more. Less people playing means PWE is the only one losing.

    [COLOR="Cyan"]They did this already for 1 week, token prices went up high though. Even then, people were STILL buying tons of packs, read about packs before you even buy them. Gambling/Lottery was meant to disappoint MANY and reward a few, but the real winner is the seller / creator because they have the most. Packs are part of the Casino theory, you have no idea how gambling works, not every gambler wins, MOST lose, and a handful wins, Casinos were scams to begin with, you need to get over it and either lose more or just stop gambling.[/COLOR]

    PWE needs people to make money, so stop the Devs from doing stupid **** that makes them look totally out of touch with their own darn game, by continuing to watch people leave the game with every 'awesome' change. Do something that will make people WANT to return to the game, and Fairy Box Keys just aint cutting it, sorry. b:surrender

    They have been out of touch LONG ago.

    If you want to do something to make Sins stop soloing everything, and all sin squads then do so. Change the Mechanic so that people HAVE to be in multi-character squads to do an instance in the first place. This isn't brain surgery or rocket science - its simple common sense.

    Maybe you need to get your facts straight, ENDGAME sins "solo" everything. What do they need to be effective in soloing? OP gear? R9+8 full JOSD/DOT or balanced or Full interval +10 DODs/DOTs? I won't deny that the fact sins do have some OP skills (too) like gaining way too much chi without becoming sage.

    I'm told no GMs or Devs read their own forums. Maybe they should START before its too late. It's in YOUR best interests to get smart and turn this endless downward spiral around.

    Thanks for listening to my suggestions. I know it seems more like a rant, but its really not. b:thanks


    FOR - 1 (2 if you count the 'brilliance' comment)

    AGAINST - 1 (although a few have said they anything like the game just the way it is)

    Bold replies.
    I, II and III spark is the most cheesiest skill in PWI and it should be removed or massively nerfed.

  • Agiya - Raging Tide
    Agiya - Raging Tide Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Quote Hulk:

    Reduce price for charms that can last for months? People still TW. Both on LC and HT here, IDK about your server.... Reducing price for charms are a BAD IDEA. Then people would buy them from coins even more. They are in boutique for a reason.

    Yep that's what I said. Want to call me a liar too? Ok, I dont care, lol. I never paid as much as they are now, not that Im playing very long. If the TWs were not so easy to predict on my server, I might be still doing them. Keep the prices high though, its not like anyone who isnt currently TWing needs to, right? Good point.

    You must be really unlucky if you find someone that almost always robbing the drops... Anyway, I kind of agree that control over drops are better, instead of drops go to random people could work in a sequence instead, like squad member 1, then 2, then 3, etc.

    Thanks Hulk. Nice to find someone that likes something I wrote. Yep, all I find are people playing like they have a Curse Banker Addon over-riding the game. Did one run where the guy was grabbing literally everything but the coin, uh huh, even the silly bolts and arrows, AND he wasnt even the squads leader. This happens regularly. to your players.I dont know what happened to Excitement & Ecstasy cards for BH rewards, but I havent gotten a single one for the last dozen BHs Ive done. Mysterious-chips & now fairy box keys is all I can look forward to apparently. Funny, I really have no use for either, lol.

    PWE has already given enough players with too many exp, overpowered equipment and so on.

    So, where do I get in line for my gift of R9 +12, lol? Ive paid for everything Ive gotten from PWI except my 2009 Aniversary Mount & a set of free fashion everyone got via their mailbox. Oh, and the O'Malley's Blessing I get for signing into Facebook regularly, which is about the only thing of the 3 items Ive gotten for free that I actually use and appreciate. Thanks for the Blessing, PWI.

    They did this already for 1 week, token prices went up high though. Even then, people were STILL buying tons of packs, read about packs before you even buy them. Gambling/Lottery was meant to disappoint MANY and reward a few, but the real winner is the seller / creator because they have the most. Packs are part of the Casino theory, you have no idea how gambling works, not every gambler wins, MOST lose, and a handful wins, Casinos were scams to begin with, you need to get over it and either lose more or just stop gambling.

    What part of my description of how Casinos work, leads you to believe I am clueless?

    I had said, "They let each gambler win so much, so they will keep playing and lose more." I will try to make it more clear for you. "The Casino lets each gambler win so much, so the gambler will keep playing and lose more." I dont know about any Casinos in the game, so I am naturally talking about real ones. I know how real ones work because my father worked in the industry for over 30 years. I already said Im not buying anymore, lol so this large post was a waste of your time.

    They have been out of touch LONG ago.

    Ok, if you say so. Again, Im not playing very long at all, and since we are nonetheless in agreement. Cool.

    Maybe you need to get your facts straight, ENDGAME sins "solo" everything. What do they need to be effective in soloing? OP gear? R9+8 full JOSD/DOT or balanced or Full interval +10 DODs/DOTs? I won't deny that the fact sins do have some OP skills (too) like gaining way too much chi without becoming sage.

    Do you actually read what people write, or just go into "PMS mode" like many others on this thread? What part of "They can keep soloing everything for all I care", dont you understand, lol?

    Im not against Sins or any other character. I care there arent many HP barbs left because they got eliminated from Nirvana after Caster's was released, but my level 20 barb probably will never get big enough to worry about it the way things are going. If sins got blamed for that instead of the Devs, thats really neither my issue nor my fault.

    They way I see it, anyone who is jealous of sins can easily go roll one. End of the problem for that player.

    Thanks for your input, Hulk
    Oh carrots are devine, you get a dozen for a dime...its maaaa-gic! ~ Bugs Bunny
  • ammieee
    ammieee Posts: 191 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Need to make all male body build like the male body of sins, the six packs the hotness.
  • Agiya - Raging Tide
    Agiya - Raging Tide Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited June 2012

    Sucks to spell your own characters name wrong? lol

    Oh, I get it. You are claiming I have a character by that name & I am spelling its name wrong. If thats what you want to believe, thats on you.

    Whoever this player is you must really hate them. Isnt naming and shaming against PWI rules though?

    Please stay on topic or get lost. Thanks a lot. b:thanks
    Oh carrots are devine, you get a dozen for a dime...its maaaa-gic! ~ Bugs Bunny
  • Agiya - Raging Tide
    Agiya - Raging Tide Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    ammieee wrote: »
    Need to make all male body build like the male body of sins, the six packs the hotness.

    Honestly, I think they need more beasty animal bodies. Theres something about "girl meets werewolf" that really turns me on.

    Thanks for the suggestion, but its really not part of this threads topic.
    Oh carrots are devine, you get a dozen for a dime...its maaaa-gic! ~ Bugs Bunny
  • Sirrobert - Dreamweaver
    Sirrobert - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,395 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Yep that's what I said. Want to call me a liar too? Ok, I dont care, lol. I never paid as much as they are now, not that Im playing very long. If the TWs were not so easy to predict on my server, I might be still doing them. Keep the prices high though, its not like anyone who isnt currently TWing needs to, right? Good point.

    So basicly you have not been playing that long, yet you're absolutly sure the price of charms has been lower.

    You realize charm sales can last a month easly right? You probably just started during a sale, and *** it ended, you saw the real charm price for the first time
    9 out of 10 voices in my head say I'm not crazy... the 10th is singing the music of tetris
  • Xainou - Sanctuary
    Xainou - Sanctuary Posts: 5,369 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Oh, I get it. You are claiming I have a character by that name & I am spelling its name wrong. If thats what you want to believe, thats on you.

    Are you really this numb? lol God girl, at least put your core connect to private if you don't want people to know you're posting from a no-face alt. b:laugh

    Anyone else thinking of ponies seeing her awesome many colours? b:avoid

    Licensed tail brusher of ƙɑƙʊɱɑʊ ~ only the fluffiest
    Outrunning centaurs since 2012~
  • Agiya - Raging Tide
    Agiya - Raging Tide Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited June 2012

    Are you really this numb? lol God girl, at least put your core connect to private if you don't want people to know you're posting from a no-face alt. b:laugh

    Anyone else thinking of ponies seeing her awesome many colours? b:avoid

    Why? You see rainbow ponies while you post? Im not numb, but I think you might be 'comfortably numb'.

    Ive read Core Connect doesnt work, btw.

    While you insist on being here, how can I delete this thread? Ive noticed you doing it enough that you could easily tell me how. That would at least make your presence here useful.

    Oh carrots are devine, you get a dozen for a dime...its maaaa-gic! ~ Bugs Bunny
  • Xainou - Sanctuary
    Xainou - Sanctuary Posts: 5,369 Arc User
    edited June 2012

    While you insist on being here, how can I delete this thread? Ive noticed you doing it enough that you could easily tell me how.

    Lol you saying I delete threads often? Man, I gotta be a genius then because I'm doing something that's not possible :D

    Licensed tail brusher of ƙɑƙʊɱɑʊ ~ only the fluffiest
    Outrunning centaurs since 2012~
  • Agiya - Raging Tide
    Agiya - Raging Tide Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Lol you saying I delete threads often? Man, I gotta be a genius then because I'm doing something that's not possible :D

    Okay, I think your Core Connect is bugging, but whatever, lol. Dont be helpful if you cant be. Thanks anyway.

    Oh carrots are devine, you get a dozen for a dime...its maaaa-gic! ~ Bugs Bunny
  • Xainou - Sanctuary
    Xainou - Sanctuary Posts: 5,369 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    <3 you too, hun.

    Licensed tail brusher of ƙɑƙʊɱɑʊ ~ only the fluffiest
    Outrunning centaurs since 2012~
  • Agiya - Raging Tide
    Agiya - Raging Tide Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    <3 you too, hun.

    Really? How cute. :3
    Oh carrots are devine, you get a dozen for a dime...its maaaa-gic! ~ Bugs Bunny
  • Xainou - Sanctuary
    Xainou - Sanctuary Posts: 5,369 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Oh wait nevermind. You're not my friend Brillance. b:chuckle

    Licensed tail brusher of ƙɑƙʊɱɑʊ ~ only the fluffiest
    Outrunning centaurs since 2012~