"New" Suggestion Compilation thread!



  • coolassassin
    coolassassin Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Support staff 33 on the support site has advised me that, "The rewards granted by the LucidSilver Envoy, LucidSilver Agent, and LucidGold Envoy are completely randomized. Therefore, players will occasionally receive fashion rewards for the opposite gender."

    I was then directed by support staff 33 to this forum.

    The gender restriction on fashion means these opposite gender reward fashions cannot be used by the player character that received them. The additional restrictions on these reward fashions means they cannot be sold or traded with other players. These restrictions combined means wrong gender fashion rewards are as good as useless. I have 4 suggestions on how these fashion rewards can be made useful to the player character that receives them.

    1. I would like an NPC option to exchange wrong gender reward fashions for similar items in the proper gender. This NPC option is to be visible only when opposite gender fashion has been rewarded.

    2. Since these fashion rewards being issued by the game are not consistent with other gender requirements like embracing and marriages, then I suggest the randomness of the fashion rewards be constrained to also consider the gender of the player character and issued accordingly.

    3. You could remove the sale and trade restrictions from fashion rewards. This would allow a player to either trade with another character of theirs that is the same gender, or to get some decent coin by selling the fashion to another player.

    4. An alternative solution would be to allow player characters to wear the fashion of both genders. This game now has an assassin class, and in some stories I have read assassins sometimes pose as a member of the opposite gender.

    Removing the gender restriction from fashion would also go a long way towards allowing untamed to play as their gender, by letting them dress their character in the clothes of their gender. However, my preference to solving the problem of wrong gender fashion rewards is for the option to exchange reward fashions.
  • Aowenn - Archosaur
    Aowenn - Archosaur Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Suggestions to the game

    Make a Mega Socket stone so it will put 1 socket in any item that allows sockets

    To be able to trade tokens ( because there are always so many of them ) for items from the packs via an NPC ( but make them bound items )

    Bring out better weapons for seekers ( very limited on swords )

    Make TT runs soloable for EVERY class (adjust game to the class going through Twilight Temple solo ). To do that, make a pillar asking your class ( cheaters get kicked from temple )
  • TiannaNova - Harshlands
    TiannaNova - Harshlands Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    i've been thinking for a long time and the main thing i'd like to have added to the game is the ability to change the name of your character maybe add it in to the makeover scroll or make a whole new item for it or something but i have a blademaster character that i dont like to play due to no one liking the name i gave her but me and also i play on a pvp server so i get ganked everytime i set foot outside of the safezone o.o wish someone woulda told me that "Redhead" was a "derogatory" name
  • OOIggyOo - Heavens Tear
    OOIggyOo - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    An integrated VoIP with filter and enabling settings would be nice. Black list who you don't want to hear. Filter to squad, guild, friends, nearby, distance. Turn on/off "push to talk" turn on/off other's mics, etc. it could have it's own button to bring up the settings window down by the chat box.
  • Sizzer - Raging Tide
    Sizzer - Raging Tide Posts: 2,387 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I guess Pwi failed to fix that glitch and Pw-Cn too as all they depend on each other. Ok i have a idea change the boss put a new Boss in FC replacing Styren and remove Styren from FC .
    Get back dragon exp to normal as it was make sure that the boss is unable to glitch.Think about it .b:victory
    Dream a dream of a life so new, One brimming with potential,
    Of starting again, leaving all behind, Only happiness is essential. b:victory
    Thanks Silvy for the siggy, You are the best ! b:kiss
  • Nymphali - Dreamweaver
    Nymphali - Dreamweaver Posts: 449 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Ilirya I disagree of most you said.

    Barbs and venos are part of Chinese Folklore and not meant to be changed.
    Most of the skills you meant has serious reasons to be like they are now. Except for the "PvP knockback that should really exist on some skills", but their casting range is ok.
    The Heal Draining skills you meant are meant to be like this, they're TW skills not meant to be changed.
    And Cragglord cannot be unlimited because he's too strong, has infinite mp and a massive ammount of Damage/HP/Defense, deals a catastrophic fire DoT and has strong AoEs.
  • yukrona
    yukrona Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    I was thinking on events or something based off of people with breast cancer what what not. A pink foxey to represent breast cancer perhaps? Or an event for the people who serve in the war? Idk something that gives the idea that pwi dosn't only care about the game but also the people who play it. b:cute
  • BlastFlare - Dreamweaver
    BlastFlare - Dreamweaver Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    b:puzzled Could you add under faction suggestions: An Alliance chat channel.
    It could really make the Alliance system more useful. b:thanks
  • DoSz_Bow - Sanctuary
    DoSz_Bow - Sanctuary Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Make +int shards and +int runes. You give mages -chan shards for weapon and -chan runes, why you cant do the same for aps?!?!?
  • ballstothewalls
    ballstothewalls Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    I think that it is extremely rude to tell your customers what they cannot discuss on the forum - ie. banned accounts for a strange reason, unknown reason, or for no reason at all.
    Show the peeps that you guys actually care about what your customers think and what their concerns are.
    Hire some people in your customer service and tech department who actually have some people skills.
  • Dabdoub - Lothranis
    Dabdoub - Lothranis Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    I want more slots in acc stash !b:bye
  • Ilirya - Dreamweaver
    Ilirya - Dreamweaver Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Miss Nymphali:

    Maybe chinese people do respects gender differences, but western people does not. I dont care if Venos and Barbs belongs to popular chines culture, im tired of men posing as females and sick of women playing as Barbs. They are an insult to our feminine. Concerning the cleric's drain skills , im playing a PvE server for one simple reason: i dont like to fight against another players, and thats what TW it is. Its unfair that they offers new skills that are useless to players that we only play PvE , its against our freedom annd choises, and Clerics certainly needs it , my main is a cute cleric. Not everyone mustt to enter to TW.
  • _Nei_ - Sanctuary
    _Nei_ - Sanctuary Posts: 334 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Scount Stash Expansion Stones.

    Something like the banker-inventory stones.

    I'm again demanding this, seriously, players will but it, we want more slots into our sacount stash, also by the way allow a password on it, because our items there are vulnerable in case that someone gets our account info.

    Morai Orders Countdown.

    I would like to see some kind of countdown implemented for the time you need to wait to join a new order after leave one.

    Maybe with the current 'order' function at 'c' character info where you can read something like:

    'You have to wait X:XX d/h to join a new order'

  • ianboggs
    ianboggs Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    I'd love to see the autopath in Perfect World as good as the one in Forsaken World. It gets old having to adjust to avoid things.
  • Mytaz - Heavens Tear
    Mytaz - Heavens Tear Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    If pwi made Apocolipse Pages drop from mobs outside of instances , like from reg. mobs it would be better i think. b:laugh
  • vaicase
    vaicase Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Some Bm's had chosen their R8 weapon before the R8 recast idea's were known to us, I think its unfair that people that have been playing longer (and therefore had already chosen the weap) are loosing out. When R8 recast was introduced, all the bm R8 weapon choices should have been either reset given 1 chance to choose another weapon to suit their requirements.
  • vaicase
    vaicase Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    I really don't think its fair that anyone (especially blue named players) can pick up the drops from a PK! A lot of people have worked very hard to build their characters to fight each other, only to have someone who has done nothing, come along and pick up our prizes from that hard work. Just yesterday I missed out on a lvl 16 cube protection necklace that was refined to +12! The type of prize that MANY work for, only to loose the drop to a blue named character named dropmaster. you cannot say to have quicker hands on picking up drops as we are using our skills as well as watching health, sometimes unexpected "crit zerks" come in and so on...something NEEDS to be done, otherwise, whats the point in learning and building to PK on this PVP server if we get nothing for it? The game is getting to full of "pickers" waiting around to profit from our hard work. These same people never have to put a penny into the game or any work and its just not right morally and, in retrospect, is theft!b:angryb:cryb:angry
  • vaicase
    vaicase Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    i've been thinking for a long time and the main thing i'd like to have added to the game is the ability to change the name of your character maybe add it in to the makeover scroll or make a whole new item for it or something but i have a blademaster character that i dont like to play due to no one liking the name i gave her but me and also i play on a pvp server so i get ganked everytime i set foot outside of the safezone o.o wish someone woulda told me that "Redhead" was a "derogatory" name

    wtf, "redhead" is derogatory...how? I thought it was "redneck"!!!
  • Moozka - Sanctuary
    Moozka - Sanctuary Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    how about updating the graphics for the older characters and their skills and for all original monsters b:victory
  • Chonturse - Archosaur
    Chonturse - Archosaur Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    b:thanks Hi I think it would be a good idear to allow a set space arround NPCs that u cannot set up a catshop. Sometimes they get so cluttered u cannot find the one u want or evan somtimes the are ontop of em. Im sure it wouldnt take proggramers much to set this in action....

    Thank you
  • fennstar
    fennstar Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Hi there.. :)
    I do not know if this has been suggested or not...too many pages to go through lol...so here is my idea, it falls under World.

    How about hiding treasure chests in the world? Lets say bronze, silver and gold chests. Anyone from level 1 can find a bronze one, while the rest you will probably need wings, etc. In the bronze you can maybe find stuff like hyper stones, token of luck, etc. Basically things that is useful, but don't sell for that much. These chests should be the easiest to find. In the silver there is anything from mounts, million + notes, rare mats, flyers, pets, etc. Tho only one item. These chests of course will be harder to find. In the gold one (only one in the world at a time) you will find 5 treasures. A rare mount, a rare flyer ( of which you can choose your race, same with silver ones btw.) a 10mil note and the 2 other randomly spawned treasures that is worth a lot. Anything from equipment to charms to a fashion coupon, etc.
    Chests are randomly spawned so that they are not in the same place every time...say a month or so will go by before they maybe spawn there again. Some may be guarded by fierce monsters and some will maybe be high up in a tree so that its hard to see.
    Ok I know in the beginning most ppl will just do treasure hunting, but soon it will fade because it will just take up so much of your time to find one, that you will get bored and go on as you have before...thats the whole idea. If a player found a chest, it must be accidental. I think it will be a awesum feeling to find one, especially if you're at low lvl...makes the game more fun and could kinda be seen as a rewards system =P

    So what do you all think of my idea? Its a bit rough around the edges still, but at least you get the idea :)
  • anbelll
    anbelll Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    I like that Idea, but hte rewards shouldn't be THAT high. Maybe find a TT mat, or a mold, or a good gem (but only on low probability %).
    The chests that are scattered around the game, protected by mobs, ahould be the ones implemented. Now, if they can be opened, they only have a chinese item that is sold for 1k...
    If you're lvl 20 and you take all taht time to climb a mountain or kill 8 mobs, and then dig up the chest, you should find something good, sold for 20-50k at least... Still, level requirement (max and min lvl for each chest).
  • aadore
    aadore Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Gender Scroll to change your charters Gender Please!
  • aadore
    aadore Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    can make it so can ONLY work if your are NOT married in Game, if you are married You can make it say 'not able to use ' so yes u can have it some control on the marriages still
  • xlilpersonx
    xlilpersonx Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    I don't know if this has been suggested before but I believe we should be able to choose the skill level we want to use. Say we have the skill "True Form" learned to level 3 we should be able to use level 1, 2, or 3 freely as we desire picking whichever one fits the situation better. In my opinion higher isn't always better.

    Well this is just my suggestion
  • demonfire4
    demonfire4 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    just minor; but on the character screen. the ability to reorder your characters
  • gorillagut
    gorillagut Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    i'd like to be able to erase the name on crafted gears, for e.g u have a wep made by someone who's name you really don't want on it, to be able to erase it and leave it blank. Maybe put in boutique for 5 gold each or something.
  • bravo1zero
    bravo1zero Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    One thing I would like is the ability to change the species on your avatar if you are a veno or barb. Once we pick it we can't ever change it.

    you can change it my barb went from Wolf to Tiger just use the makeover scroll
  • bravo1zero
    bravo1zero Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    I think that it is extremely rude to tell your customers what they cannot discuss on the forum - ie. banned accounts for a strange reason, unknown reason, or for no reason at all.
    Show the peeps that you guys actually care about what your customers think and what their concerns are.
    Hire some people in your customer service and tech department who actually have some people skills.

    people skills lol i dont think anyone there have ppl skills i had an issue and all i got was the same answer which had nothing to do withthe 25 mill coin i lost from the AH refund the ppl there are meat heads 6yo could do a better at PR
  • Umbramagis - Archosaur
    Umbramagis - Archosaur Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    I like the whole list, apart from the few suggestions on the list that need to be removed because the GMs and Developers have explicitly stated that they won't do them, like; Male Venos/Female Barbs (as much as I want it to happen b:sad it won't), Carrying regardless of gender, same sex marriage, etc.
    I particularly like the Cleric Self-Resurrect skill suggestion, it would save a tonne of bother, perhaps it could be at cost of chi and mana with no #% decrease of exp loss (meaning that unlike normal revive, you loose the normal amount of exp upon death regardless of the skill level, unless the skill for Sage/Demon will allow for some degree of exp #% decrease, and Ancestor's protection (The one that stops exp loss for Clerics) should have no effect when Self resurrect is cast).

    I hope that I read the date right, because I don't want to be called a necro... I am pretty sure the last post was within May at least...
    The Doctor - Speak his name, and he will come. No matter where he is in time or space, if you need him, he will come.

    Umbramagis - Celestial Sage Cleric 101/101/101 - Full G16 - Main
    Impedim - Celestial Sage Sin 101/8x - Full G16
    TerraEnsis - Demon Seeker 100/8x
This discussion has been closed.