Dear server...

Eoria - Harshlands
Eoria - Harshlands Posts: 6,118 Arc User
edited May 2012 in Dawnglory (EU)
Please grow a pair.

"subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
I <3 Subtraction.
/blatant sig copy is blatant

105/105/105 obtained! b:cute
Post edited by Eoria - Harshlands on


  • John_Smith - Harshlands
    John_Smith - Harshlands Posts: 865 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    **** or balls? b:question
    I've quit excluding TW for my faction. But I still hang around to help out those who still enjoy the game under PWEs horrific handling and to have fun in the forums. b:cute
    #Shame about PWEs absolutely craptastic handling of the goons glitching. Remember kids, there's no punishment for breaking the rules here!#
    If you make a valid complaint, your thread will disapear. Don't post it here, post it on other sites where PW can't hide it.
  • Cytte - Harshlands
    Cytte - Harshlands Posts: 1,044 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Don't get your hopes up Eo.
    I <3 A lot of people
  • Os_bm - Harshlands
    Os_bm - Harshlands Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    these are the forthcoming things server will do before map reset:

    1.No one attacks Cata until last week before map reset
    2.Almost every fac qqing about how Cata op untill last week before map reset
    3.Last week before map reset all out att on Cata by 80% of server
    4.World Chat maddnes how Cata gonna lose tw to someone
    5.World Chat maddnes how Cata didnt lose tw to anyone but map still resets so in their heads its like Cata lost and they are happy like they had anything to do with it
    6.Joy and celebration since map is reset and Cata has no lands so everyone can go and play hide and seek again

    True story b:thanks

    Now watch how the fun begins b:flowerb:flowerb:flower
  • Alastar - Harshlands
    Alastar - Harshlands Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    1 Guild gets 99% of the TWs. #occupyCrimsonJr
    ArmaniEx "our best wizz uses a r8+ 7 weap lol"
    Exceptional Resource
    Best Decoy
  • Subtraction - Harshlands
    Subtraction - Harshlands Posts: 690 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    in every single post os_bm makes, there are always those trippy flowersb:chuckle
    "Ewa Sonnet has the best pair of jugs ever. Nothing else compares." - Eoria.
  • charles
    charles Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    1)TW map reset will be every x months
    2) cata needs a way to get their money faster
    3) cata creates an alt guil
    4) cata takes double tw's per week (yei more moneyz)
    5) tw map resets
    6) cata happy that managed to get all moneyz before it

  • SpazzMcAps - Harshlands
    SpazzMcAps - Harshlands Posts: 2,561 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    in every single post os_bm makes, there are always those trippy flowersb:chuckle

    those arent flowers...
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    They are.

    Didn't you see them stacking the strongest guild on the map?
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands
    Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    charles wrote: »
    1)TW map reset will be every x months
    2) cata needs a way to get their money faster
    3) cata creates an alt guil
    4) cata takes double tw's per week (yei more moneyz)
    5) tw map resets
    6) cata happy that managed to get all moneyz before it


    every faction could do it if they wanted ijs.

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • Mystic_Man - Harshlands
    Mystic_Man - Harshlands Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Please grow a pair.

    It's easy to gloat behind a wall of solid iron, Eoria. Since you're obviously such hot ****, maybe you should gather up a bunch of bored Catalysts and join another faction.
    But of course, you wouldn't dare leave Catalyst. So please, keep b!tching about how you and your faction don't get TW's due to your OWN greed....mixed in part with a pair of factions I'm going to talk about in just a second.

    Everybody in Catalyst is guilty of it. EVERYBODY. You whine and moan about not having a fun TW, yet you REFUSE do to anything about it yourselves.

    It's sort of like not wanting to play kickball with the school bully because you know you're going to get a ball to the face. It's a waste of money, and a waste of time. You've managed to make TW uninteresting....yet again....for the 3rd map reset in a row.

    The only faction that was semi-capable of fighting you, decided to take the cowards' way out, and wiggle their way out of TW against you via "peace treaty."

    Really Crimson? Peace Treaty? Imo, from the outside looking in, a majority of people think of you as spineless cowards--you just didn't want to loose your precious lands. What happened to the backup you were supposedly giving to your two allied factions last map? Did you leave that behind with your gonads, Ashez? You allowed both Insanity and Mayhem to get wiped off the map....and then you pulled that "treaty" stunt.

    I was in Oblivion when that happened. We were all quite disgusted at you. I've jumped different factions since then, Resist, Omerta, the list goes on, but the reaction is very much the same. You're simply not respected--in fact, you're considered a bigger joke than Valhalla: at least at the end of the last map, they stacked with everybody against Catalyst.

    Speaking of Crimson--Kylin, too, is equally guilty of being just as bad as Crimson being a pus$y. They decided it would be a good idea to let the alts of Catalyst members into their faction.

    Spoiler alert: People told you it was going to backfire, Kylin. Now your faction is ALSO a joke.

    It's been said about a hundred million times, if Kylin and Crimson had/would stop(ped) WHINING at one another (ESPECIALLY when Catalyst's forces are divided between Mini-Zulu and Zulu 2.0) that there is a chance of them winning if they simply STACKED together.

    But they will keep groaning at one another, just like you and the rest of Catalyst will continue to **** about not having TW's that don't last more than 20 minutes.

    You want TW? Do it your damned self. Nobody else wants to fight you---Except Mayhem, who seems to be literally the only faction with balls on this entire server. I have no freaking clue how they keep people showing up to TW's when they're constantly fighting CataZulu week after week like that--Hell knows most people would have given up the first two hundred tries. Mad props to those guys for at least having the balls to try.

    Save PWI: 2012

    We play this game---We know how to fix it.
  • _Petal_ - Harshlands
    _Petal_ - Harshlands Posts: 499 Arc User
    edited April 2012

    I was in Oblivion when that happened. We were all quite disgusted at you.

    b:chuckle Careful AsheZ, Oblivion has a bad opinion of you. QQ missiles locked!

    ....In all seriousness though, now that I think about it, last sentence of that post is legit...
    To be honest, I have no damn clue why we continue to bid on Catalyst....I guess we took all the gonads for ourselves. *shrugs*
    They made fun of me because I wasn't a R8 Psychic...and then came third cast. It's not funny anymore.

    Reason 88 to buy a makeover scroll:
    gomba: "Your butt looks like an eggplant."
  • SpazzMcAps - Harshlands
    SpazzMcAps - Harshlands Posts: 2,561 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Heaven bid crimsonjr again. poor heaven
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    It's easy to gloat behind a wall of solid iron, Eoria. Since you're obviously such hot ****, maybe you should gather up a bunch of bored Catalysts and join another faction.
    But of course, you wouldn't dare leave Catalyst. So please, keep b!tching about how you and your faction don't get TW's due to your OWN greed....mixed in part with a pair of factions I'm going to talk about in just a second.

    Everybody in Catalyst is guilty of it. EVERYBODY. You whine and moan about not having a fun TW, yet you REFUSE do to anything about it yourselves.

    It's sort of like not wanting to play kickball with the school bully because you know you're going to get a ball to the face. It's a waste of money, and a waste of time. You've managed to make TW uninteresting....yet again....for the 3rd map reset in a row.

    The only faction that was semi-capable of fighting you, decided to take the cowards' way out, and wiggle their way out of TW against you via "peace treaty."

    Really Crimson? Peace Treaty? Imo, from the outside looking in, a majority of people think of you as spineless cowards--you just didn't want to loose your precious lands. What happened to the backup you were supposedly giving to your two allied factions last map? Did you leave that behind with your gonads, Ashez? You allowed both Insanity and Mayhem to get wiped off the map....and then you pulled that "treaty" stunt.

    I was in Oblivion when that happened. We were all quite disgusted at you. I've jumped different factions since then, Resist, Omerta, the list goes on, but the reaction is very much the same. You're simply not respected--in fact, you're considered a bigger joke than Valhalla: at least at the end of the last map, they stacked with everybody against Catalyst.

    Speaking of Crimson--Kylin, too, is equally guilty of being just as bad as Crimson being a pus$y. They decided it would be a good idea to let the alts of Catalyst members into their faction.

    Spoiler alert: People told you it was going to backfire, Kylin. Now your faction is ALSO a joke.

    It's been said about a hundred million times, if Kylin and Crimson had/would stop(ped) WHINING at one another (ESPECIALLY when Catalyst's forces are divided between Mini-Zulu and Zulu 2.0) that there is a chance of them winning if they simply STACKED together.

    But they will keep groaning at one another, just like you and the rest of Catalyst will continue to **** about not having TW's that don't last more than 20 minutes.

    You want TW? Do it your damned self. Nobody else wants to fight you---Except Mayhem, who seems to be literally the only faction with balls on this entire server. I have no freaking clue how they keep people showing up to TW's when they're constantly fighting CataZulu week after week like that--Hell knows most people would have given up the first two hundred tries. Mad props to those guys for at least having the balls to try.

    Whether your post is true or not, I think the point is...

    The ball is in YOUR court. There's nothing stopping Catalyst from being greedy and taking over the map. They've shown they're willing to do it (hell they even built DEMACIA and they were willing to leave THE BEST F**KING FACTION EVER CRIMSONJR EFF YEAH!! to do it) and will continue to do so until someone does something about it.

    Crimson's choice is logical as well. The map now holds two people; you don't have to be the best, you just have to be top two. They know that's them and hence they don't pick a fight. I mean, Kylin is an example of a guild that picked fights and was vocal about their dislike of both Cata AND Crimson, and look at them. They could probably beat the majority of guilds on the server, and yet they have a modest TW performance since map reset because half of the weeks they've spent getting bid on by those two.

    What I find odd is, I find out CrimsonJr is triple stacked. Stacked infact by guilds I've talked to about a truce or never had any intention of actively attacking. This is....madness. Look, I don't care: I made CJr for fun TWs, and so far it's done one hell of a job of providing some of the most fun TWs on the map; I sincerely doubt another guild is having as much fun as us.
    However, I have to say that from a logical perspective, I don't see the point in attack us. That DELAYS the inevitable, it doesn't solve the problem. You wanna do something about the state of the map, go stack Crimson. I used to say people need to stack Catalyst, but lookit, the new map reset schedule has even made it easier on you guys. Now you can actually IGNORE Cata and still be a TW king. Now you only have to kill DEMACIA or Crimson, which are easier than Catalyst. And what does the server do? We apparently bicker amongst ourselves and fight over third place....which is meaningless. Third place doesn't exist, so why are the smaller guilds bickering amongst themselves instead of working together to try and overthrow second, or hell even first if they really want to.

    Fun fact: DEMACIA is the Catalyst alt guild, not CJr. Yes we have Cata alts, but we have everything alts, and tbh quite a few of them were actually in CJr longer than Catalyst. Another fun fact: the way the server decides bids, your faction never has an attack war and a defense war on the same day. If you get triple stacked and then attack someone, your attack war will always be on a different day than your defenses, and your three defenses will always be on the same day. If there's more than three defenses, the rest get moved to another day. Only in EXTREME cases (Zulu's Spartan week, Cata's spartan week) will these rules be broken.
    Thing is, when you have TWO guilds you have to defend, then....well that's different. Catalyst could get a triple stack and DEMACIA could get a triple stack, and since the server sees those are two different guilds, they may very well end up with a six-way stack on one day.
    I say this with full confidence no one will utilize this information, sadly.

    But no one uses this. No one stacks Crimson and tries to take second place. No, people just desperately run away so they can have land and pretend to be awsum sauce. Currently that goes through my guild, and if you guys wanna keep stacking us, by all means; I enjoy the fun TWs we've been having. I'm just saying that if you TRULY want things done, I don't see how all the third-rate guilds bickering amongst themselves will fix that. Either stop b**ching about the evil Catalyst and just do your best to have fun TWs (like I have) or try to take them down. B**ching and doing nothing, that's wanting to have your cake and eat it too. Kudos to Mayhem for actually standing their ground.

    At the end of the day, you're right. As I've said in the past, we're all responsible for our server's lack of fun TW, Catalyst included for their refusal to disband or whatever. However, the ball is in our court, not theirs. We're the ones that have to do something about it, not them.
    Anyways, just figure out what you want and stop saying one thing and doing another.
    Meanwhile CJr will continue stealing all the server's best TWs LIKE A BOSS. b:cool
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands
    Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    For what i understand he's a faction hoper and QQ about Cata Crimson Kylin and w/e pretty much all factions on HL, he's prolly just a hater who got denied in all ''big'' factions.

    Only point i agree is yes Asshez is a -removed-* and dont have -removed-*.

    See im a good girl i censured myself so people dont say im a -removed-* even if i know i am. xD

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • Demon_troll - Harshlands
    Demon_troll - Harshlands Posts: 622 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    hey eoria biach, i still h8 u, u motha fapper nab u can blow me, soon i will get ppl to gang bang ur azz
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    hey biach, i still h8 u, u motha fapper nab u can blow me, soon i will get ppl to gang bang ur azz

    He sure showed you, Bella
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Demon_troll - Harshlands
    Demon_troll - Harshlands Posts: 622 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    He sure showed you, Bella

    that was kinda meant for eoria lol...
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    He sure showed you Eoria.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • John_Smith - Harshlands
    John_Smith - Harshlands Posts: 865 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    He sure showed you Eoria.

    I lol'd so hard :')
    I've quit excluding TW for my faction. But I still hang around to help out those who still enjoy the game under PWEs horrific handling and to have fun in the forums. b:cute
    #Shame about PWEs absolutely craptastic handling of the goons glitching. Remember kids, there's no punishment for breaking the rules here!#
    If you make a valid complaint, your thread will disapear. Don't post it here, post it on other sites where PW can't hide it.
  • Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands
    Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    He sure showed you, Bella

    wasnt for me, im a -removed-*, but im on the good side im in CrimsonJr <3

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • Eoria - Harshlands
    Eoria - Harshlands Posts: 6,118 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    For the sake of this thread, it is not directed toward Mayhem nor any other guild that has been having...y'know...pretty legit TWs. I would also like to thank Mayhem for the TW tonight as it was fun and I know both sides had been waiting for the 1v1s for a few weeks. b:victory

    This thread was directed toward Omerta, the guilds that stacked CrimJr this week, and a couple other guilds more than anything.

    "subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
    I <3 Subtraction.
    /blatant sig copy is blatant

    105/105/105 obtained! b:cute
  • Doom_Panda - Harshlands
    Doom_Panda - Harshlands Posts: 356 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Kylin TW should be fun... Btw how was the TW against Mayhem?
    Doom_Panda- 102/101/102 R9 3rd cast Demon Barb 40k HP.
    Dawnx - 100/85 Demon Cleric.
    PsychicTuna- 101/100 Sage Psychic.
    DawnMyst- 96 Demon Mystic.

    PANDAS FTW. AND I b:heart ARMA! b:avoid
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Kylin TW should be fun...

    We're gonna lose and it'll be all your fault for leveling Doom. Kylin never would've expected level 9x cata barbs.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Eoria - Harshlands
    Eoria - Harshlands Posts: 6,118 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Btw how was the TW against Mayhem?

    I do wish I'd remembered to record. Was pretty fun.

    "subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
    I <3 Subtraction.
    /blatant sig copy is blatant

    105/105/105 obtained! b:cute
  • FoosYu - Harshlands
    FoosYu - Harshlands Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    the DEMACIA vs. Mayhem war wasn't too bad, was at a stand still for like 5-10 minutes...then the catas screwed up (i think) and then DEMACIA took over and won.

    we had like maybe 3 cata in base and we were already down a lot of crystal hp? oh well, tomorrow again! b:victory
  • SpazzMcAps - Harshlands
    SpazzMcAps - Harshlands Posts: 2,561 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    hey eoria biach, i still h8 u, u motha fapper nab u can blow me, soon i will get ppl to gang bang ur azz

    Mother fapppper!!!!!
    Edit: ah **** I'm probably not gonna be at tw long got sum fanshy smanshy party
  • TheDendra - Harshlands
    TheDendra - Harshlands Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    There are several reasons to the lack of good TWs on pwi:

    1. Game is dictated by $$$, not the hours you put into practice/farming.

    2. Players don't have balls to compete, they just want to be winners by default so they all join Catalyst.

    3. It seems impossible to unite the remaining r9 forces of pwi because their egos prefer to get stomped by Catalyst and pretend as if it's not a shameful loss.

    4. There is no individual with desire to create a semi-pro team.

    5. Catalyst aren't primarily here to compete, they're here to run a business or whatever their agenda is.

    >>>>long version>>>>>

    1. Game is dictated by $$$, not the hours you put into practice/farming.

    I'm willing to bet that pwi was a fun game to play at some point, but nowadays? Sins made pve look like a joke, killing bosses in five seconds that would usually take five or more minutes for an entire squad to kill.

    So the pve is poorly designed and balanced, why? Because pwi doesn't give a sh*t bout it any more - it's all about stock value, they don't care if you are happy or not. It's ridiculous that for one endgame r9 char in this game you could afford nearly a decade of playing WoW - and this game is shadow of a shadow of a shadow of WoW's shadow in terms of content.

    Whether you like it or not, fact is pwi is just looking for last possible ways to extract money from you before this game dies completely. Even before this game is over, they're already doing the same sh*t in another game and selling differently named **** to same type of fools.

    2. Players don't have balls to compete, they just want to be winners by default so they all join Catalyst.

    Only a handful of the players in pwi have the balls, hand speed potential, willpower and brains to succeed in a competitive gaming environment. You need way too many qualities to become a good gamer, in pwi you just need one or two, in most cases just one - $$$.

    Now I can understand Catalyst is sticking to its own courtyard and running its business, what I can't understand is all the pu$$ies who went to Catalyst because they got tired of losing.

    Well geez, if ya all don't like losing, let's all join one f**ing faction so nobody will ever beat us...and oh ya, well we kinda won't have anyone to beat too but that doesn't matter as long as we are winners!

    That's kind of the modern mentality - back in the day and before those days, you only had three freaking medals, if you don't make it, you didn't make it - nowadays, suddenly everybody is supposed to earn a medal, even if they finish the competition in 25th place.

    That's how many of the successfully selling new games work - they make everybody winners, so everybody feels good about themselves. I don't know, maybe because gaming is supposed to be a fantasy world and sports an actual real life competition, maybe that's why ppl feel entitled to being winners no matter how lazy they are.

    3. It seems impossible to unite the remaining r9 forces of pwi because their egos prefer to get stomped by Catalyst and pretend as if it's not a shameful loss

    Maybe it's not shameful losing to Catalyst, but the way you carry yourself through that loss and do nothing is. It looks to me as if the server has given up, even though there is enough people out there to give Catalyst a good fight, they're all happier avoiding the military life and just enjoying a calm life on their lil private farm.

    Sometimes you hear people lashing out at Catalyst and blaming them for the server being dead - well here is a question for you, are you ready to dedicate your pwi gaming to competing? Are you ready to show up for every TW prepared, show up sober and focused, show up willing to do your job instead of going into rpk berserk mode because you're r9 and that makes you so cool?

    People are not willing to give up their cute ranks in different factions, they are not willing to give up on feeling special, they feel like they're entitled to special treatment. So naturally a proposition of having all these guys merge into one faction and actually do something is scary - it means they'd actually have to shed their false egoistic shells and it means they'd actually have to take this game seriously instead of just chilling and hiding behind others - because after all, what can one r9 do against a whole Catalyst, he did his best but it's the other people's fault for the inevitable loss.

    4. There is no individual with desire to create a semi-pro team.

    Bringing down Catalyst would be very simple - all the people out there spending tens of thousands of dollars on gearing up alts just because they got nothing better to do - how about starting your own team and rewarding players for their skill level, dedication, competitive drive, etc.

    It's really simple as that - in a game far more competitive than pwi, or any other game for that matter, one man did the same thing. There were 12 or more strong teams struggling to reach the top and then this guy started paying players on his team.

    That team soon became notorious because "paying people was lame" at that time, but it also changed the competition level, it brought it to the next level and that's exactly what it takes to beat Catalyst - bringing the game to the next level because you ****** can't beat them by following their steps.

    So yeah, it's kinda obvious nobody will ever beat Catalyst - if you people prefer to be lazy losers, there's nothing more that can be done. There are plenty more games out there which will offer fun and competitive environment and after all - there is also pw vendetta, a server which nullifies gear disadvantages and offers you pure pvp fun - but funny enough, I hear the same losers from pwi calling that game fake and how it's boring to play on a server where everybody has endgame gear - after all it's way more fun farming in a game that doesn't support farming and/or bashing r8 ppl with r9 gear because hey, that makes you look pro!

    5. Catalyst aren't here to compete, they're here to run a business or whatever their agenda is.

    It's like Real Madrid buying every possible good player available out there and then yelling at other football clubs - aww c'mon, give us a good match, this is getting boring!

    Fair enough as pointed out already, that's Catalyst's choice and it's up to others to deal with it. Obviously there is one problem with that - it is virtually impossible to find a way to match Catalyst nowadays.

    To follow up on Real Madrid comparison - it's as if Madrid has won god knows how many Finals and what not, attracted all the good sponsors and the remaining field is a bunch of small football clubs struggling to make a living.

    Sure, even if they somehow united all of their best players into one great team to try and challenge Madrid, problem is Madrid is financially light years away from them so even if by some miracle this new team can compete with Madrid, what's stopping them from simply buying good players and ****** up the balance between teams again?

    So it's a very simple crossroads - if you built Catalyst and don't have desire to leave it for the sake of finding competition, retire from the game and find competition elsewhere.

    If you're one of those late hoppers on the hype train, joining Catalyst when it was already crushing everything - well GJ coward and make that a double GJ for hiding behind Catalyst to this day, if fingers should be pointed at anyone in Catalyst then it's the likes of you.

    Besides retiring from the game, the other option is to split Catalyst, go join weaker factions - imagine how fun TWs would be if we had several equally strong factions on the server? So don't complain at the lack of competition when your primary goal isn't to compete but to attract all the power, hold the lands and power up your 10th char to r9 or god knows what that income is used for.

    PWI is full of greedy people and until someone is willing to leave their comfort zone, things won't change. I wouldn't primarily blame Catalyst for the crappy server situation even though they caused it, because after all you can't blame someone for finding a smart way to dominate the server - it's kind of silly to blame someone for abusing something that was available to everybody, just like it would be possible now for a group of heavy cash shoppers to create a super competitive faction and crush Catalyst because people would bust their balls for a faction that pays them to play in TWs.
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Ok Dendra if you can make a post that isn't as long as a chapter of a book, I'll give you a dollar.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Paulrogers - Harshlands
    Paulrogers - Harshlands Posts: 653 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    There are several reasons to the lack of good TWs on pwi:

    1. Game is dictated by $$$, not the hours you put into practice/farming.

    2. Players don't have balls to compete, they just want to be winners by default so they all join Catalyst.

    3. It seems impossible to unite the remaining r9 forces of pwi because their egos prefer to get stomped by Catalyst and pretend as if it's not a shameful loss.

    4. There is no individual with desire to create a semi-pro team.

    5. Catalyst aren't primarily here to compete, they're here to run a business or whatever their agenda is.

    >>>>long version>>>>>

    1. Game is dictated by $$$, not the hours you put into practice/farming.

    I'm willing to bet that pwi was a fun game to play at some point, but nowadays? Sins made pve look like a joke, killing bosses in five seconds that would usually take five or more minutes for an entire squad to kill.

    So the pve is poorly designed and balanced, why? Because pwi doesn't give a sh*t bout it any more - it's all about stock value, they don't care if you are happy or not. It's ridiculous that for one endgame r9 char in this game you could afford nearly a decade of playing WoW - and this game is shadow of a shadow of a shadow of WoW's shadow in terms of content.

    Whether you like it or not, fact is pwi is just looking for last possible ways to extract money from you before this game dies completely. Even before this game is over, they're already doing the same sh*t in another game and selling differently named **** to same type of fools.

    2. Players don't have balls to compete, they just want to be winners by default so they all join Catalyst.

    Only a handful of the players in pwi have the balls, hand speed potential, willpower and brains to succeed in a competitive gaming environment. You need way too many qualities to become a good gamer, in pwi you just need one or two, in most cases just one - $$$.

    Now I can understand Catalyst is sticking to its own courtyard and running its business, what I can't understand is all the pu$$ies who went to Catalyst because they got tired of losing.

    Well geez, if ya all don't like losing, let's all join one f**ing faction so nobody will ever beat us...and oh ya, well we kinda won't have anyone to beat too but that doesn't matter as long as we are winners!

    That's kind of the modern mentality - back in the day and before those days, you only had three freaking medals, if you don't make it, you didn't make it - nowadays, suddenly everybody is supposed to earn a medal, even if they finish the competition in 25th place.

    That's how many of the successfully selling new games work - they make everybody winners, so everybody feels good about themselves. I don't know, maybe because gaming is supposed to be a fantasy world and sports an actual real life competition, maybe that's why ppl feel entitled to being winners no matter how lazy they are.

    3. It seems impossible to unite the remaining r9 forces of pwi because their egos prefer to get stomped by Catalyst and pretend as if it's not a shameful loss

    Maybe it's not shameful losing to Catalyst, but the way you carry yourself through that loss and do nothing is. It looks to me as if the server has given up, even though there is enough people out there to give Catalyst a good fight, they're all happier avoiding the military life and just enjoying a calm life on their lil private farm.

    Sometimes you hear people lashing out at Catalyst and blaming them for the server being dead - well here is a question for you, are you ready to dedicate your pwi gaming to competing? Are you ready to show up for every TW prepared, show up sober and focused, show up willing to do your job instead of going into rpk berserk mode because you're r9 and that makes you so cool?

    People are not willing to give up their cute ranks in different factions, they are not willing to give up on feeling special, they feel like they're entitled to special treatment. So naturally a proposition of having all these guys merge into one faction and actually do something is scary - it means they'd actually have to shed their false egoistic shells and it means they'd actually have to take this game seriously instead of just chilling and hiding behind others - because after all, what can one r9 do against a whole Catalyst, he did his best but it's the other people's fault for the inevitable loss.

    4. There is no individual with desire to create a semi-pro team.

    Bringing down Catalyst would be very simple - all the people out there spending tens of thousands of dollars on gearing up alts just because they got nothing better to do - how about starting your own team and rewarding players for their skill level, dedication, competitive drive, etc.

    It's really simple as that - in a game far more competitive than pwi, or any other game for that matter, one man did the same thing. There were 12 or more strong teams struggling to reach the top and then this guy started paying players on his team.

    That team soon became notorious because "paying people was lame" at that time, but it also changed the competition level, it brought it to the next level and that's exactly what it takes to beat Catalyst - bringing the game to the next level because you ****** can't beat them by following their steps.

    So yeah, it's kinda obvious nobody will ever beat Catalyst - if you people prefer to be lazy losers, there's nothing more that can be done. There are plenty more games out there which will offer fun and competitive environment and after all - there is also pw vendetta, a server which nullifies gear disadvantages and offers you pure pvp fun - but funny enough, I hear the same losers from pwi calling that game fake and how it's boring to play on a server where everybody has endgame gear - after all it's way more fun farming in a game that doesn't support farming and/or bashing r8 ppl with r9 gear because hey, that makes you look pro!

    5. Catalyst aren't here to compete, they're here to run a business or whatever their agenda is.

    It's like Real Madrid buying every possible good player available out there and then yelling at other football clubs - aww c'mon, give us a good match, this is getting boring!

    Fair enough as pointed out already, that's Catalyst's choice and it's up to others to deal with it. Obviously there is one problem with that - it is virtually impossible to find a way to match Catalyst nowadays.

    To follow up on Real Madrid comparison - it's as if Madrid has won god knows how many Finals and what not, attracted all the good sponsors and the remaining field is a bunch of small football clubs struggling to make a living.

    Sure, even if they somehow united all of their best players into one great team to try and challenge Madrid, problem is Madrid is financially light years away from them so even if by some miracle this new team can compete with Madrid, what's stopping them from simply buying good players and ****** up the balance between teams again?

    So it's a very simple crossroads - if you built Catalyst and don't have desire to leave it for the sake of finding competition, retire from the game and find competition elsewhere.

    If you're one of those late hoppers on the hype train, joining Catalyst when it was already crushing everything - well GJ coward and make that a double GJ for hiding behind Catalyst to this day, if fingers should be pointed at anyone in Catalyst then it's the likes of you.

    Besides retiring from the game, the other option is to split Catalyst, go join weaker factions - imagine how fun TWs would be if we had several equally strong factions on the server? So don't complain at the lack of competition when your primary goal isn't to compete but to attract all the power, hold the lands and power up your 10th char to r9 or god knows what that income is used for.

    PWI is full of greedy people and until someone is willing to leave their comfort zone, things won't change. I wouldn't primarily blame Catalyst for the crappy server situation even though they caused it, because after all you can't blame someone for finding a smart way to dominate the server - it's kind of silly to blame someone for abusing something that was available to everybody, just like it would be possible now for a group of heavy cash shoppers to create a super competitive faction and crush Catalyst because people would bust their balls for a faction that pays them to play in TWs.

    Actualy maybe I should not have quoted such a long post... let alone twice
    "Ewa Sonnet has the best pair of jugs ever. Nothing else compares." - Eoria.
  • Paulrogers - Harshlands
    Paulrogers - Harshlands Posts: 653 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    There are several reasons to the lack of good TWs on pwi:

    1. Game is dictated by $$$, not the hours you put into practice/farming.

    2. Players don't have balls to compete, they just want to be winners by default so they all join Catalyst.

    3. It seems impossible to unite the remaining r9 forces of pwi because their egos prefer to get stomped by Catalyst and pretend as if it's not a shameful loss.

    4. There is no individual with desire to create a semi-pro team.

    5. Catalyst aren't primarily here to compete, they're here to run a business or whatever their agenda is.

    >>>>long version>>>>>

    1. Game is dictated by $$$, not the hours you put into practice/farming.

    I'm willing to bet that pwi was a fun game to play at some point, but nowadays? Sins made pve look like a joke, killing bosses in five seconds that would usually take five or more minutes for an entire squad to kill.

    So the pve is poorly designed and balanced, why? Because pwi doesn't give a sh*t bout it any more - it's all about stock value, they don't care if you are happy or not. It's ridiculous that for one endgame r9 char in this game you could afford nearly a decade of playing WoW - and this game is shadow of a shadow of a shadow of WoW's shadow in terms of content.

    Whether you like it or not, fact is pwi is just looking for last possible ways to extract money from you before this game dies completely. Even before this game is over, they're already doing the same sh*t in another game and selling differently named **** to same type of fools.

    2. Players don't have balls to compete, they just want to be winners by default so they all join Catalyst.

    Only a handful of the players in pwi have the balls, hand speed potential, willpower and brains to succeed in a competitive gaming environment. You need way too many qualities to become a good gamer, in pwi you just need one or two, in most cases just one - $$$.

    Now I can understand Catalyst is sticking to its own courtyard and running its business, what I can't understand is all the pu$$ies who went to Catalyst because they got tired of losing.

    Well geez, if ya all don't like losing, let's all join one f**ing faction so nobody will ever beat us...and oh ya, well we kinda won't have anyone to beat too but that doesn't matter as long as we are winners!

    That's kind of the modern mentality - back in the day and before those days, you only had three freaking medals, if you don't make it, you didn't make it - nowadays, suddenly everybody is supposed to earn a medal, even if they finish the competition in 25th place.

    That's how many of the successfully selling new games work - they make everybody winners, so everybody feels good about themselves. I don't know, maybe because gaming is supposed to be a fantasy world and sports an actual real life competition, maybe that's why ppl feel entitled to being winners no matter how lazy they are.

    3. It seems impossible to unite the remaining r9 forces of pwi because their egos prefer to get stomped by Catalyst and pretend as if it's not a shameful loss

    Maybe it's not shameful losing to Catalyst, but the way you carry yourself through that loss and do nothing is. It looks to me as if the server has given up, even though there is enough people out there to give Catalyst a good fight, they're all happier avoiding the military life and just enjoying a calm life on their lil private farm.

    Sometimes you hear people lashing out at Catalyst and blaming them for the server being dead - well here is a question for you, are you ready to dedicate your pwi gaming to competing? Are you ready to show up for every TW prepared, show up sober and focused, show up willing to do your job instead of going into rpk berserk mode because you're r9 and that makes you so cool?

    People are not willing to give up their cute ranks in different factions, they are not willing to give up on feeling special, they feel like they're entitled to special treatment. So naturally a proposition of having all these guys merge into one faction and actually do something is scary - it means they'd actually have to shed their false egoistic shells and it means they'd actually have to take this game seriously instead of just chilling and hiding behind others - because after all, what can one r9 do against a whole Catalyst, he did his best but it's the other people's fault for the inevitable loss.

    4. There is no individual with desire to create a semi-pro team.

    Bringing down Catalyst would be very simple - all the people out there spending tens of thousands of dollars on gearing up alts just because they got nothing better to do - how about starting your own team and rewarding players for their skill level, dedication, competitive drive, etc.

    It's really simple as that - in a game far more competitive than pwi, or any other game for that matter, one man did the same thing. There were 12 or more strong teams struggling to reach the top and then this guy started paying players on his team.

    That team soon became notorious because "paying people was lame" at that time, but it also changed the competition level, it brought it to the next level and that's exactly what it takes to beat Catalyst - bringing the game to the next level because you ****** can't beat them by following their steps.

    So yeah, it's kinda obvious nobody will ever beat Catalyst - if you people prefer to be lazy losers, there's nothing more that can be done. There are plenty more games out there which will offer fun and competitive environment and after all - there is also pw vendetta, a server which nullifies gear disadvantages and offers you pure pvp fun - but funny enough, I hear the same losers from pwi calling that game fake and how it's boring to play on a server where everybody has endgame gear - after all it's way more fun farming in a game that doesn't support farming and/or bashing r8 ppl with r9 gear because hey, that makes you look pro!

    5. Catalyst aren't here to compete, they're here to run a business or whatever their agenda is.

    It's like Real Madrid buying every possible good player available out there and then yelling at other football clubs - aww c'mon, give us a good match, this is getting boring!

    Fair enough as pointed out already, that's Catalyst's choice and it's up to others to deal with it. Obviously there is one problem with that - it is virtually impossible to find a way to match Catalyst nowadays.

    To follow up on Real Madrid comparison - it's as if Madrid has won god knows how many Finals and what not, attracted all the good sponsors and the remaining field is a bunch of small football clubs struggling to make a living.

    Sure, even if they somehow united all of their best players into one great team to try and challenge Madrid, problem is Madrid is financially light years away from them so even if by some miracle this new team can compete with Madrid, what's stopping them from simply buying good players and ****** up the balance between teams again?

    So it's a very simple crossroads - if you built Catalyst and don't have desire to leave it for the sake of finding competition, retire from the game and find competition elsewhere.

    If you're one of those late hoppers on the hype train, joining Catalyst when it was already crushing everything - well GJ coward and make that a double GJ for hiding behind Catalyst to this day, if fingers should be pointed at anyone in Catalyst then it's the likes of you.

    Besides retiring from the game, the other option is to split Catalyst, go join weaker factions - imagine how fun TWs would be if we had several equally strong factions on the server? So don't complain at the lack of competition when your primary goal isn't to compete but to attract all the power, hold the lands and power up your 10th char to r9 or god knows what that income is used for.

    PWI is full of greedy people and until someone is willing to leave their comfort zone, things won't change. I wouldn't primarily blame Catalyst for the crappy server situation even though they caused it, because after all you can't blame someone for finding a smart way to dominate the server - it's kind of silly to blame someone for abusing something that was available to everybody, just like it would be possible now for a group of heavy cash shoppers to create a super competitive faction and crush Catalyst because people would bust their balls for a faction that pays them to play in TWs.

    But hes overall knowledge of the game is legit so I had to quote it
    "Ewa Sonnet has the best pair of jugs ever. Nothing else compares." - Eoria.
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