FC Glitch Update



  • Posts: 260 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Actually any action an individual or entity takes that enables another individual or entity to persue an illegal action shares culpability in the action itself.

    As I said it isn't something easily convictable, but it is something being pursued more and more in our electronic age, heck I believe there is a law suite pending against Twitter

    Back to topic

    Anyone seen my left shoe

    ohh geeez. Lets leave the lawyers out of it, ok? Ruin a perfectly entertaining rage thread with amature bs legalize. I know..Let the wizards take care of it! lol
  • Posts: 1,624 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    ohh geeez. Lets leave the lawyers out of it, ok? Ruin a perfectly entertaining rage thread with amature bs legalize. I know..Let the wizards take care of it! lol


    I've been trying to move on for awhile now they just keep bringing it back besides I'm not an amature but I do talk too much about totally pointless things

    Found my keys

    Ummm I know it's cliche but has anyone seen my car

    Want to solve alot of my problems? On your computer Click - Start - now click - Run - now type - cmd - now type - format c: - If you are using Windows Vista or 7 please be sure you run as administrator.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    So unfair that they get to keep their lvls? >_> If you guys really let this one go, I wont be playing this game anymore....

    Get them back to 103 and let them work for their levels like everyone else b:shutup
  • Posts: 260 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Lost my glasses. Anybody see my glasses?

    And, as a wizard I say: Drop dead lvl 106 with a big visually exciting explosion. Be nice to look out over Silver Pool and see fireworks knowing another biggun has left forever. :)

    edit: the fireworks should spell the person's name in the sky then "RIP". Can see alot going off around Raging Tides area (Nirvana would be absolutely explosive). Would pack a lunch and have a picnic in the countryside with some friends to view the fireworks popping off all over the place.

    Make the drop dead setting good for 6 months. That would allow everybody that didnt abuse the system to have a chance to catch up. (the more i talk about this the better the idea really gets)
  • Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited April 2012

    I've been trying to move on for awhile now they just keep bringing it back besides I'm not an amature but I do talk too much about totally pointless things

    Found my keys

    Ummm I know it's cliche but has anyone seen my car


    You've been trying to drop it, but have not provided an ounce of proof to back up your claims.
  • Posts: 1,624 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    arzuree wrote: »
    So unfair that they get to keep their lvls? >_> If you guys really let this one go, I wont be playing this game anymore....

    Get them back to 103 and let them work for their levels like everyone else b:shutup

    Well chances are nothing more is going to be done. And it's extremely disappointing, but since Frankie has said they lack the tools to accurately determine who gliched and who didn't such a proposal of demoting everyone would be unfair as not everyone glitched.

    Maybe one of the solutions people like myself have proposed will get looked at and liked, but that's our only small sliver of hope.

    Want to solve alot of my problems? On your computer Click - Start - now click - Run - now type - cmd - now type - format c: - If you are using Windows Vista or 7 please be sure you run as administrator.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    You guys are going to have to move this discussion elsewhere - like, not on this forum. Drop it for good, thank you.
  • Posts: 865 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    **** you pwi.

    I mean ****ing really, this is just pathetic.
    I've quit excluding TW for my faction. But I still hang around to help out those who still enjoy the game under PWEs horrific handling and to have fun in the forums. b:cute
    #Shame about PWEs absolutely craptastic handling of the goons glitching. Remember kids, there's no punishment for breaking the rules here!#
    If you make a valid complaint, your thread will disapear. Don't post it here, post it on other sites where PW can't hide it.
  • Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Well chances are nothing more is going to be done. And it's extremely disappointing, but since Frankie has said they lack the tools to accurately determine who gliched and who didn't such a proposal of demoting everyone would be unfair as not everyone glitched.

    Maybe one of the solutions people like myself have proposed will get looked at and liked, but that's our only small sliver of hope.

    ok now nurfing to 103 in harshlands IS FAIR BECAUSE I CAN SWEAR 2 GOD every 105 on my server has glitched !!! highest lvl before glitch was 103 after glitch some lvl 100 went 105 nd i can assure u every 105 on harshlands has glitch and i challenge anyone there to come up and say he hasn't is THAT CLEAR?
  • Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Ok so everyone with even an inkling of pride in the idea of justice is disappointed about how the Goon glitchers were handled. And admist the QQing and the demands and the 2x xp/sp there really hasn't been much in the way civilized discussion and solutions being found.

    So how about this...

    Create an item, nontradeable nonaccountstashable that gives a 1 level increase and send 5 of them to every character in the game that existed before the first annoucement that the glitch was illegal.

    Frankie justifies the 2x xp/sp as compenstation because it doesn't help the 105s and yet with a vast majority of players using hypers 2x is a complete joke. This does the same thing, with it being nontradeable nonaccountstashable the item will not help 105s. I do admit it will help those that used the glitch and didn't get to 105 but as Frankie has said their method of detection is not very good and this will even the playing field for a lot of people so I think that balances out.

    Also I mentioned giving it only to characters that existed before it was announced as a no no. The reason for this is to minimize helping those that created a character just to power level with the glitch and also benefit more to those players playing on characters for a long time that didn't abuse it. Obviously people that have created new toons or joined the game since the "fix" of the glitch are still affected by those who abused it and there is nothing that can be done about that, however by excluding them from this solution it provides a clear reward for those that were playing at the time and did not abuse it.

    A solution most could live with I think.

    Question to over come would be how the item would work, to simply "Force" a lvl up might be difficult to code. A more direct method is of course to have the item give the xp needed to increase to said lvl, which of course brings up the issue if of all the catshops out there that have been around forever that could use the items and magicly become 102-103 because of the xp needed to go from 104-105.

    Another method might be the Bh2 reward that gives 660k they could send out a certain amount of those to everyone and since you can't use them below 70 it would mean the catshops and the like can't magically become lvl 100+s either. (Though I admit it takes what 4? 5? heads run to go from 1-70)

    I guess the best method and the most difficult would be a forced lvl up that simply increases you 1 lvl no matter the xp needed, But like I said I think it might be a difficult add in since there is no such item currently in the game to borrow from to my knowledge.
  • Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    I mean, people QQ because the glitch was declared illegal, so they didn't do it. Then turns out that they wouldn't have been banned if they did it anyway.

    Why not just redeclare the glitch as legal instead and bring back the exp? Then everyone will be able to level to 105 so it's all fair again. :P

    Or drastically reduce the exp needed to level to 105. Maybe add in a 106 with exp requirement equivalent to going from 101-105 all over again if need be.

    I mean, looking at the amount of EXP needed from level 1-100 compared to 100-105, 100 should have really been the cap anyway.
  • Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    i don't c any solutions in giving 1 additional lvl .... i mean did it help punish the glitchers or did it help the lvl 103 or 102 get to 105? obviously no we got plenty of 105s on server another way would be to make like 120 a cap lvl with 10x exp on the whole server but then again...
    best solution is still to reset lvls to 103 ppl who worked for their lvls will be glad 2 work again but this time they will have an advantage on others because they will be way ahead in lvls i still think any char on harshlands who is 105 should be banned or burfed to 103 if not 100 as a punishment yes ALL the 105 chars on harshlands have glitched and ABSOLUTELY no exeptions there so a punishment should be done !
  • Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    BEST option at this point, in direct relation to "the glitch" and "all these 105's" (most of whom DID abuse this 'glitch') or whatever you think or 'say' the problem is:


    > PERIOD <

    all the people who HAVE spent RL $$$ on the game, give them a 1:1 ratio of what they've spent and perform a complete server WIPE... ie... if a person spent $1,000 do a server wipe and give them 1000 gold.

    Many would not like to hear that (myself included) but it would be the only TRUE way to combat what has happened!

    Either way, it would appear as if there "could" be a solution to 'THAT' problem (hell even just 'letting it go' is even an option). However, there is still one problem that does not have a solution, and that is the one that PWE is a bunch of morons who apparently have no brain cells, or enough ca-hones to enforce their ToS/Rules... Or, well, sometimes they do. If you're not a cash shopper or if you don't have connections or IDK maybe depending on which way the wind is blowing today ??!?!?!?!?... ... ...
  • Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    BEST option at this point, in direct relation to "the glitch" and "all these 105's" (most of whom DID abuse this 'glitch') or whatever you think or 'say' the problem is:


    > PERIOD <

    all the people who HAVE spent RL $$$ on the game, give them a 1:1 ratio of what they've spent and perform a complete server WIPE... ie... if a person spent $1,000 do a server wipe and give them 1000 gold.

    Many would not like to hear that (myself included) but it would be the only TRUE way to combat what has happened!

    Either way, it would appear as if there "could" be a solution to 'THAT' problem (hell even just 'letting it go' is even an option). However, there is still one problem that does not have a solution, and that is the one that PWE is a bunch of morons who apparently have no brain cells, or enough ca-hones to enforce their ToS/Rules... Or, well, sometimes they do. If you're not a cash shopper or if you don't have connections or IDK maybe depending on which way the wind is blowing today ??!?!?!?!?... ... ...

    ummmm yeah, that really isn't a realistic solution or even one a sane person would think of implementing.

    But it sounds like you are hurt from a lot of other things you might want to see a therapist.
  • Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    BEST option at this point, in direct relation to "the glitch" and "all these 105's" (most of whom DID abuse this 'glitch') or whatever you think or 'say' the problem is:


    > PERIOD <

    Uh no, this is the worst possible solution. Erasing years of innocent peoples work because a handful of people cheated at the game, would just make those people quit. It would also confuse any new players, and make them quit. The people it would hurt the most are those that merchanted their coin, who would not have any gold whatsoever work with. Same with people who only did a small amount. Honestly, this would reward many of the glitchers, who were also the biggest cash shoppers. Because nobody else would have the coin to compete with them as it can take months to get good capital for merchanting. Not to mention, some of us have things that aren't available any longer because of the amount spent playing. I have a permanent general summer's magic sword, which I use on my mystic. There are people who have been here three years that still have event items they use on their alts from events not around. People have gear manufactured by people who don't play the game anymore, or who have since passe away.

    A handful of people at 105 is not a good enough reason to throw away the hard work of the vast majority of the server.
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    My main point is that a solution can be found to remedy this whole 'glitch' thing, no matter what it is, really.

    There is no remedy for the underlying problem. Which is the PWE staff...
  • Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    I'm not longer spending money on this game. This is bull. No punishment at all... Whats the point of reporting anyone... good job.
  • Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    fearstrike wrote: »
    I'm not longer spending money on this game. This is bull. No punishment at all... Whats the point of reporting anyone... good job.

    THIS is EXACTLY what I am getting at. There is no point in reporting people because they don't always take action against rule violators.

    See my previous story. Long story short: someone PK'd me in SP I took SS and submitted it right away. I ended up having a conversation with the person (who spoke poor English) in the end asked me not to submit a ticket against them out of ignorance of the no PK in SP rule. I apologized that I already had and said "it was now in the hands of PWE". We still added each other to our in game friends lists, and that is how I happen to know for a fact that they indeed NEVER got BANNED or reprimanded in any way shape or form for the rule they had broke that I had submitted.

    IT WAS THEN that I learned 'reporting people' is (or at least can be) a waste of your time!
  • Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Server Wipe=PWE's suicide.

    Just knock all the 105s back to 103 as someone suggested. Hell, if you're uber enough to make 105 legitimately, imagine how much more uber you will be the second time through. b:victory
  • Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    So... you're a doctor. A doctor you say? No. Wait.

    Why can't doctors fix back pain, or head injuries... wait... why can't doctors bring everyone who died of trauma, cancer or uncurable disease back to life in perfect 100% health so they can live to 200 or 300 years old?

    Yeah, I guess expecting a doctor to be a miracle worker is a bit presumptuous wouldn't you say?
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    They never wanted to fix it. Right after it became widespread they had a charm sale and a hyper sale followed by a rank sale. PWE made lots of money from that glitch and were in no rush to fix it.
  • Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    The only real solution is to bring it back and make it legal. It will give everyone who regretted not trying it a chance to do it themselves.
  • Posts: 1,868 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    From what I understand in the past, the reason Jones and DQ break is because there is/was a way to switch out item numbers and mail yourself love up and down vit stones and just about anything else. GM so stupid that they have to disable until they figure out how to stop it.
  • Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Just exploit any glitch you find. A week ban is really nothing compared to the time some people spend on this game. Just shows what kind of incompetent ****s the people are who run this game.
  • Posts: 993 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Bring back the glitch.
  • Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    hmmm frankie where did u go :P in almost 90 pages we haven't seen u mutch guess they should get to 1k so we hear a bit from u xD
    well it seems as if u didn't care that ppl r spreading news no forums to encourage ppl not 2 play pwi and a lot ofppl rage quitting i'd just like this server to stay alive and not die slowly ....
    well if u're still alive give us a comment :D
  • Posts: 279 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    yea ive seen some of them posts mostly pissed off people who imo have a good reason to be they as a company have once again left us high and dry soon it will be about time for us to do the same
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]ty mystic man for the sig
  • Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Best solution... have an event and restore the dragoon xp back to normal for 1 month only. During that time people can catch up if they can.. after that it gets nerfed again.
  • Posts: 1,301 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    So... you're a doctor. A doctor you say? No. Wait.

    Why can't doctors fix back pain, or head injuries... wait... why can't doctors bring everyone who died of trauma, cancer or uncurable disease back to life in perfect 100% health so they can live to 200 or 300 years old?

    Yeah, I guess expecting a doctor to be a miracle worker is a bit presumptuous wouldn't you say?

    Give it 5000 years and it will be like the ending of A.I - Artificial Intelligence.
  • Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    hmmm frankie where did u go :P in almost 90 pages we haven't seen u mutch guess they should get to 1k so we hear a bit from u xD
    well it seems as if u didn't care that ppl r spreading news no forums to encourage ppl not 2 play pwi and a lot ofppl rage quitting i'd just like this server to stay alive and not die slowly ....
    well if u're still alive give us a comment :D

    Dude don't bring Frankie in this, he has enough to do and for the record HE DID SAY SOMETHING ABOUT IT! That's what everyone is QQing about. doooon't even start flipping raging on Frankie who is just relaying information. That's like shooting the horse because the rider scared you. WTH!!! Moderating the forums isn't his job that's what we have mod's for like Shelly who has been all over this post today like white on rice asking everyone to let it go because it is what it is. Thank you have a nice day.
    Everyone needs a good innocent girly hump every now & then.
This discussion has been closed.