Anneliesse's HT Chit Chat (aka Anneliesse!)



  • Posts: 2,256 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    That's understandable. People get busy and rl comes first.

    wish more people understood that fact.

    rl and rl health> silly game online.
    *insert awesome siggy here*
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Health is most important, especially when you have a throat infection and yet you are forced to swallow pills the size of your head (antibiotics). b:surrender
  • Posts: 2,256 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Health is most important, especially when you have a throat infection and yet you are forced to swallow pills the size of your head (antibiotics). b:surrender

    ewwww hope you feel better soon! i hate pills... or medicine in general really.
    *insert awesome siggy here*
  • Posts: 562 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Thats not good Shelly. Hope you are feeling better.

    Karma will get you when you least expect it. What goes around comes around.

    It's called Karma and it's pronouced "haha f you"
  • Posts: 2,256 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    kritty <33333333 so glad to see you around... and thanks :)
    *insert awesome siggy here*
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    We have a slight improvement b:victory
  • Posts: 2,256 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    We have a slight improvement b:victory

    HEHE indeed
    *insert awesome siggy here*
  • Posts: 4,187 Community Moderator
    edited March 2012
    kritty <33333333 so glad to see you around... and thanks :)

    Wait, what'd I do? o.O

    I be a confuzzled kitty.b:surrender
  • Posts: 2,256 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    KrittyCat wrote: »
    Wait, what'd I do? o.O

    I be a confuzzled kitty.b:surrender

    *gives kitty treats*

    oh nothing important <3 how are you?
    *insert awesome siggy here*
  • Posts: 4,187 Community Moderator
    edited March 2012
    *gives kitty treats*

    oh nothing important <3 how are you?

    Not bad, not bad. Busy with work...

  • Posts: 2,256 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Same... well, actually I'm procrastinating work at the moment. I'm not much in the mood to harass people to come in and pay me. Carebear loan shark today LOL

    Question for people who still follow this thread:
    What are your 3 favorite books currently? I'm looking for something new to put on my nook. Sweets said I read too fast.
    *insert awesome siggy here*
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I'm currently re-reading A Clash of Kings by George R.R. Martin, in preparation for the second season of Game of Thrones. That book series is absolutely one of my favorites out there. I've also recently finished The Hunger Games (but will not go to see the movie cause the ticket prices in Israel are ridiculous). Ah, and Chuck Palahniuk's Survivor.

    Throughly enjoyed these recently, since I was reading a lot while on vacation.
  • Posts: 2,256 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Shelly, the movie was good but I still prefer the books. Actually, I always prefer books over movie versions just because it isn't possible to include every detail, usually. That, and my imagination always sees things differently than what they put on screen.
    *insert awesome siggy here*
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Shelly, the movie was good but I still prefer the books. Actually, I always prefer books over movie versions just because it isn't possible to include every detail, usually. That, and my imagination always sees things differently than what they put on screen.

    I agree. I had that with LOTR's especially. Even with the director's cut, it failed to be as impressive and detailed as the books. But than again, I understand why they wouldn't include walking in the shire for 4 hours. b:chuckle
  • Posts: 1,033 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    wish i had more time to read, but i dont.
    last thing i read was a short novel, Edgar and the lady in pink. was nice and i cried in the end :P
    My fav book is still Rocambole by Ponson Du Terrail, has over 40 volumes but its very easy to read
    Also i loved "The brute" by Guy the Cars.
    i guess i have a thing for french literature :P
    When people walk away from you, let them go... your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you.. and it doesn't mean they are bad people.. It just means that their part in your story is over...
  • Posts: 374 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Same... well, actually I'm procrastinating work at the moment. I'm not much in the mood to harass people to come in and pay me. Carebear loan shark today LOL

    Question for people who still follow this thread:
    What are your 3 favorite books currently? I'm looking for something new to put on my nook. Sweets said I read too fast.

    You do read so fast >.< *tries to catch up* so many books for us to read lol
    Enrage archer
    Wife of Anneliesse b:dirty
  • Posts: 562 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Question for people who still follow this thread:
    What are your 3 favorite books currently? I'm looking for something new to put on my nook. Sweets said I read too fast.

    I have recently finished the last book in the Inheritance series. Love it and it brought closure to the series but also left an opening for future series.

    Before that, I read the Rangers Apprentice series. Yes its a kids series, but it moved along really well and was written brillantly.

    Prior to that, I read the Millenium series (Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Girl who Played with Fire and Girl who Kicked the Hornets Nest). With these books I just couldn't read them fast enough. I am at the point were I am starting to re-read them.

    Anneliesse, I am the kind of person that doesn't stick to one genre when it comes to books. I love everything from Shakespeare to sci-fi to romance. As long as a book has a great story line and moves along at a good pace, then I will read it.

    Karma will get you when you least expect it. What goes around comes around.

    It's called Karma and it's pronouced "haha f you"
  • Posts: 2,256 Arc User
    edited March 2012

    Anneliesse, I am the kind of person that doesn't stick to one genre when it comes to books. I love everything from Shakespeare to sci-fi to romance. As long as a book has a great story line and moves along at a good pace, then I will read it.

    oh i'm the same way! for the record, i have found some amazing stories in the childrens/young adults sections of the bookstore.
    *insert awesome siggy here*
  • Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I have recently re-read (I always read books 4 times or so) The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown which is like, one of my favourite books EVER.

    Then I read this dutch book called the Passie vrucht (which is a very good book about a man who loses his wife and then finds out he is unable to have kids, but they have a son together, so he goes on hes journey to find out who's his son is from, in the end it appears to be his BROTHER!!)
    2008-2012: Sumashu 102 demon cleric - wife of Macrocan
    2012-recent: Summich 101 sage mystic - wife of SR_stalker
  • Posts: 2,256 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    hmmm i need a new siggy.
    *insert awesome siggy here*
  • Posts: 374 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I are fail siggy maker :(
    Enrage archer
    Wife of Anneliesse b:dirty
  • Posts: 1,861 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    *too lazy to update sig*
    Originally posted by LShattered - HeavensTear
    Ohhh...I am dumb b:shutup
  • Posts: 949 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    *too lazy to update sig*

    Please do it!b:sad
    Thank you Silvychar for my siggy :)
  • Posts: 1,861 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Please do it!b:sad

    u mean update LShattered to AshenSkies? b:chuckle
    Originally posted by LShattered - HeavensTear
    Ohhh...I am dumb b:shutup
  • Posts: 2,256 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    2 nights in a row of 3 hr tws. omg i need a nap! *curls up and goes to bed* hope everyone had an interesting weekend :)
    *insert awesome siggy here*
  • Posts: 1,993 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    I haven't had the time to read any books aside from textbooks. But my favorite books are in Anne Rice's The Vampire Chronicles book series: The Vampire Armand, The Vampire Lestat, and Blood & Gold.
    Not motivated enough to make another PWI siggy
  • Posts: 200 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    I haven't had the time to read any books aside from textbooks. But my favorite books are in Anne Rice's The Vampire Chronicles book series: The Vampire Armand, The Vampire Lestat, and Blood & Gold.

    Those books were amazing. :)
    Dracula isn't too bad if you can stomach the English, just a bit dry for my taste. If you put it down too much, its dreadfully boring, but if you sit there and read large chunks at a time, it is really good :x.
    For fun, go to the review pages and find people complaining its not like Twilight.
    "When everything is said and done
    So looking for answers if only one
    Turn my back the urge has gone
    Left with no reason we come undone...."
  • Posts: 2,256 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    if i'm reading anne rice, i preferred her series about the family of witches to her vamp books. my friend from work is lending me a series called The black dagger brotherhood that she swears by. i think i'll start on it tomorrow.
    *insert awesome siggy here*
  • Posts: 200 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    to be honest, witches, vampires, werewolves, and such are a bit cliche lately. A bit overdone.

    I discovered a series about dragons, that was epic.
    That's Kate McAlister.

    There's a mermaid series by Mary Janice Davidson.... really funny. :D (i'll admit, her vampire series, tho modernized BS is a riot)

    I'm in love with J.R. Ward's angel based series. <3 Covet is the first one. I highly recommend it.

    I like my funny, trashy, romance supernatural novels. QQ I'm such a tool.
    "When everything is said and done
    So looking for answers if only one
    Turn my back the urge has gone
    Left with no reason we come undone...."
  • Posts: 2,256 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    yes, most of it is very cliche, bandwagon junk.. and i dont much care for a great deal of it. however, they are still a topic i've loved since i was a child, and i cant turn away a well written book... or at least one that captures my attention for whatever reason.

    my coworker is a jr ward junkie so of course she's sending me towards EVERYthing ever written by her.

    i hold no strong love for any one particular author, though i probably most enjoyed several d&d related stories by ra salvatore. i'm a sucker for a drow storyline <3
    *insert awesome siggy here*


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