Stupidest Reasons For Being Kicked Out Of Squad #2
I once got kicked out of a squad for saying "Jesus Christ." Lol. -_-0
Saleena - Harshlands wrote: »I got kicked once, ever, but that's probably because I usually squad with friends.
Once I was in a bh39 squad on an alt, we also had a cleric who needed her fb39 done.
Squad was:
-level 48 BM (leader who was organizing the party)
-high level 80 barb (friend of bm)
-high level 80 sin (also a friend of the 48, guildies I think)
-level 39 cleric (her fb)
-level 50 something bm (also doing bh)
-me, level 40 something veno, doing bh
Anyway, the 80+ barb and sin run ahead and start killing mobs, barely giving any time for the cleric to get close enough to get her mobs done. Before the first boss, leadership was given to cleric so she could tab. This is where it all started going downhill. Barb tells everyone to stay back so he could pull the mobs around the boss with genie--fine, that's all well and good. Then, when time to fight the boss, barb and sin tell everyone to stay back, that they can kill on there own (pots etc). Barb and sin run forward to kill boss and succeeds. Afterwards they ask the cleric why she didn't heal *facepalm*.
The cleric was obviously a new player who was playing on her first character and that was fine; she asked alot of questions but she was a darling. She was such a sweetheart. She was obviously still getting used to playing her class, but she knew about the basic roles of clerics in squad like healing aggro, stacking ironheart purify etc.
When they asked her why she didn't heal them, she told them in the sweetest way that they asked them to stay back. They told her they meant everyone else, not her, she had to heal. They were flaming her like crazy, making it sound as if she was the worst player to ever play the game. I started defending her saying that they specifically said they had enough pots to kill the boss. They ignored me and we moved on.
Everyone went to turn in bh who needed to, when we came back and barb and sin were near the second boss;cleric lost. While we were turning in the bh quest, squad chat was filled with the sweetheart cleric asking ever so nicely to slow down a little bit so she could catch up and get her mobs, and the two 80+ replying that they were going slow. I came back in instance and there she was moving backwards completely lost. Apparently the barb and sin decided to run ahead clearing mobs without even giving a thought to the cleric. I asked her in pm why she didn't just ask them to come get her and she said she was afraid they wouldn't do it for her if she kept bugging them so she was trying to find the way on her own.
So we got to 2nd boss, cleric tabs, and probably because of the **** they gave her the first time, she starts healing and the mobs that come with the bird start attacking her--she dies. Boss dies, cleric didn't get credit for boss and lvl 48 bm asks for lead so he could invite a cleric to rez her. She said she had a scroll, but they convinced her to pass lead so she didn't lose any xp. She passes lead and is immediately booted. I was outraged at that- I told them they could obviously complete the bh without her, so why not atleast let her complete her fb? She's new, they were new once. They booted me. I was mad that I didn't get to complete my bh, but I was even more angry at the way they treated the poor cleric. Seriously, she was a complete sweetheart. Afterwards, I squad with her and invite a 90+ barb to help. She got the rest of the mobs and her last 2 bosses, I got the bh done. Everyone was happy and I made a new friend that day.
This is long, I know, but seriously...give people a break if they are new.
wow... just wow...
I would've named and shamed the s*** outta of those morons on wc. b:angry[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] <--- One of the devs trying to fix the game. b:pleased
lvl 100 unbiased all path sage bm.
Currently waiting for them to take their sweet time to fix my avatar...0 -
I got booted from a Fcc team for not having a Herc
pulled my armour bear out and got asked Where is your herc ??
Errr i dont have one (Boot) I got into another team which did 2 runs in 40mins or so while the other group was still WC for Veno & Herc b:cute
(got my herc when i was lvl 100 hehe)[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
You're Dylena, nobody likes you.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
Saleena - Harshlands wrote: »I got kicked once, ever, but that's probably because I usually squad with friends.
Once I was in a bh39 squad on an alt, we also had a cleric who needed her fb39 done.
Squad was:
-level 48 BM (leader who was organizing the party)
-high level 80 barb (friend of bm)
-high level 80 sin (also a friend of the 48, guildies I think)
-level 39 cleric (her fb)
-level 50 something bm (also doing bh)
-me, level 40 something veno, doing bh
Anyway, the 80+ barb and sin run ahead and start killing mobs, barely giving any time for the cleric to get close enough to get her mobs done. Before the first boss, leadership was given to cleric so she could tab. This is where it all started going downhill. Barb tells everyone to stay back so he could pull the mobs around the boss with genie--fine, that's all well and good. Then, when time to fight the boss, barb and sin tell everyone to stay back, that they can kill on there own (pots etc). Barb and sin run forward to kill boss and succeeds. Afterwards they ask the cleric why she didn't heal *facepalm*.
The cleric was obviously a new player who was playing on her first character and that was fine; she asked alot of questions but she was a darling. She was such a sweetheart. She was obviously still getting used to playing her class, but she knew about the basic roles of clerics in squad like healing aggro, stacking ironheart purify etc.
When they asked her why she didn't heal them, she told them in the sweetest way that they asked them to stay back. They told her they meant everyone else, not her, she had to heal. They were flaming her like crazy, making it sound as if she was the worst player to ever play the game. I started defending her saying that they specifically said they had enough pots to kill the boss. They ignored me and we moved on.
Everyone went to turn in bh who needed to, when we came back and barb and sin were near the second boss;cleric lost. While we were turning in the bh quest, squad chat was filled with the sweetheart cleric asking ever so nicely to slow down a little bit so she could catch up and get her mobs, and the two 80+ replying that they were going slow. I came back in instance and there she was moving backwards completely lost. Apparently the barb and sin decided to run ahead clearing mobs without even giving a thought to the cleric. I asked her in pm why she didn't just ask them to come get her and she said she was afraid they wouldn't do it for her if she kept bugging them so she was trying to find the way on her own.
So we got to 2nd boss, cleric tabs, and probably because of the **** they gave her the first time, she starts healing and the mobs that come with the bird start attacking her--she dies. Boss dies, cleric didn't get credit for boss and lvl 48 bm asks for lead so he could invite a cleric to rez her. She said she had a scroll, but they convinced her to pass lead so she didn't lose any xp. She passes lead and is immediately booted. I was outraged at that- I told them they could obviously complete the bh without her, so why not atleast let her complete her fb? She's new, they were new once. They booted me. I was mad that I didn't get to complete my bh, but I was even more angry at the way they treated the poor cleric. Seriously, she was a complete sweetheart. Afterwards, I squad with her and invite a 90+ barb to help. She got the rest of the mobs and her last 2 bosses, I got the bh done. Everyone was happy and I made a new friend that day.
This is long, I know, but seriously...give people a break if they are new.
ugh... i cant stand ponies who treat new players like that. i was in a squad like that once. except it was fb69. it was a bm and some high lvls doing it for rep and the like. then me for my bh on my archer. we hadn't even got to the second boss yet and they were ripping into the obviously new player for not knowing when to hf and not to bother with snake and chuller quest cuz "it was a waste of time and nopony does it any more".
half way to the second boss they asked for lead for one reason or the other (i cant remember. have trouble remembering things when i rage hard like i did) and he gave it to them and they booted him. then promptly told him in WC he was a noob and should just uninstall the game.
the amount of expletives from my fingers onto the keyboard seemed like it would never end until i left the squad. i switched over to my assassin and got some tokens and sent him a squad invite. got wine as he joined the squad and asked why he was sent a squad invite.
i told him who i was and that i was going to run his fb for him on my sin. waited for him to get quests that were in there done. told him about HF and when the best time to use it was. and all the wile he kept thanking me and kicking himself in the *** because i "had to miss out on my BHs to help some noob".
at the end i told him we were all noobs once and somepony helped me out like im helping him now. there's no excuse for ponies to treat filly players like that and if i didnt get my BHs done then so be it. tomarrow is another day. i dont even know if the guy still plays but that really honked me off.
the stupidest reason IVE been kicked from a squad was in FC.
i was on my archer and had been looking for an 85+ squad all day. i was pissing an moanin in faction chat and was about to give up when a faction mate said she was in a squad and there veno had DCed and they were looking for another AOE DD for about 20 mins. i gladly joined the squad and not 5 mins into the FC the leader pmed me
leader: ummm.... you need to leave. bye
me: wtf? why?
leader: leave now or i kick.
me: not until you give me a reason.
me: WTF FOR?
me: i for real hope your squad fails so hard you guys actually lose a level each.
meanwhile in faction chat
facmate: sorry scoots. i guess that veno came back and wanted her spot back.
me: not your fault. i wasn't referring to you back in there i hope you know.
facmate: yeah.
15mins later
facmate: that veno dced again like... right after she rejoined. there sending you an invite.
*rejoins squad*
whispertofacmate: stay far away from the slasher boss.
facmate: ummm.... alright.
*get to slasher. wait for him to start charging his atk and let loose bramble rage to interupt it and get everypony but me and my fac mate killed*
leader: who BR
me: i did. problem?b:sin
leader: y?
me: because in the amount of my time you wasted with this little farce of a squad here you might be able to get back the exp you just lost. if you make it to the big room before reset that is.
then i dropped squad got called all sorts of names and junk. they all had to release and run back with there mystic because he didn't feel the need to rez ball anypony for the whole thing and there were still mobs in the way that got stuck in the hall.
they didn't make it to the end so to make up for it i soloed an fc for the one facmate and 4 more in the same lvl range on my sin.With the living avatars of friendship by your side and the orbital friendship cannon at your back, look the wraiths in there soulless eyes and ask them. "will you accept my friendship undead scum?"
[sigpic][/sigpic]0 -
I got booted from a squad once because they just wanted the kitty buff's
it was a FC an at the time was in my lvl range.
basically they had one (a barb )but mine were maxed
didn't think about why the leader of the squad asked me up front
:-)19k Hp and rising my goal is 20k unbuffed (would love 25k )0 -
i got booted from from fc squad for started heads before mobs (actually was not intentionaly). i tried blame it on the wizard but they didnt belive me and called me names
and then kicked me. and during the countdown we had a shoutingmatch. figured if they were gonna be dicks about it then i will be a bigger ****.
and +1 for that poor cleric mentioned earlier. lol is a cruel cruel world. not pafekt ;b:spit0 -
Lets see. I'm rarely booted...if ever inside of instances, but here's my list. (Note to anyone reading this: WALL OF TEXT, and I TEND TO RAMBLE ON, so FAIR WARNING.)
I was in squad with a friend of mines. He and a few other people in that squad were going to do run an instance (I don't remember which one), and wanted my help. We were all apart from each other on the map, so I told them to let me know when they are ready. (I think that they were looking for more people too.) I was standing by Krixxix, to help anyone who was stuck there. I kill it for several newbies, and a barb comes and wants to join squad. I send the invite. However, both of us are high leveled, and neither of us need it. I'm talking to a friend of mines as well, and the barb asks for lead please. I figured that someone needed Krixxix...that's why everyone was there afterall. Next thing I know.... "You have been kicked from the squad." My friend pm'ed me because he got kicked afterwards too. Basically, the barb joined, and instead of dropping squad like a normal sane person would do, he kicked and disbanded the squad, and ran away.
*Been kicked while questing. They got there mobs before I did, and figured that they no longer needed me.*
*Been kicked while questing by a person asking for help. I was level 50's. The others were a level 20 sin, and a level 50 mystic. I buff the mystic who I see, and am insta- kicked by the sin. I saw him the following day, and asked why I was kicked. He did it for the LOL's.*
*Kicked after helping in an instance to help with bh39. I soloed the whole dungeon, and in the end, the psy kicks me to get sole possesion of the drops...which I give to people that I run with anyways. However, she kicked me after everything that I did, so I run up and take the 3 star items, and some of the DQ items. You kick me, I'll get you back.*
*Kicked during a bh39 run that I needed. I had went to turn in, and the bm kicks me. I'm pm'ing to get back, and after a while, I finally get invited back. There is one less bm too. Squad got him to pass lead to them, and kicked him for not inviting me back. (He wanted to help his friend with her bh, so he kicked me to help her. (She's a cleric too.) I knew a friend that needed bh39, so I asked for lead so that I could invite her, and informed the squad that she was a cleric that needs the same bh. They say sure. I send invite, and turns out that she's the same cleric that I was getting refused for. (Squad recognized her name immediately.) She apologizes for it, and says that she didn't know. In the end, I got my bh done, she got her bh done, the squad got their bh done, and the bm got to cry alone.
*Kicked for being too slow on my starter wings.
I've been denied squad for being a cleric, and they already have one.
*I rarely kick or leave squad, but here are a few moments:
I was asked to help with Jumong. I was across the map, and flew all the way there to do it. Turns out that the person already had done Jumong, and told me that I could do it for myself. (I didn't need it.) They were kicked afterwards for wasting my time.
A bh59 run. Someone needed help with it, I said Cleric, level 100 will give you a hand. Find a second cleric, or healer, and I can tank it for you easily. He says ok, then invites other people. Finally he invites a mystic...and then insta kicks the mystic and invites a sin. Me and an archer ask why he did it. He said that it was the mystics fb, and he didn't want to run it for her. He then tells me that I'll be healing and that's a clerics job. I told him that I'll be dropping to tank the mystics fb. The archer says he will too. I drop, send the archer and mystic a squad invite, get the mystic to get a few more people, and tank their bh, and the mystics fb for them. (The first squad found themselves down their tank, their healer, and one of their DD's all in 2 people.) That's karma for you.
Running bh59 again: A barb says that he needs it for his fb. I'm on my wiz at the time...level 2, and tell them that I'd help on my main. There is a sin in squad that goes level 2 wiz? O_O, so I give my name, drop and switch. I get on my cleric, and we run into the instance, and start clearing. (Barb was supposed to get more people, but didn't.) Fast forward, the barb is pm'ing the sin, and whispering to her that I'm him, and not to let his barb die. He's giving the sin orders, and bothering her to no end. However, what he didn't know was that me and the sin were on chat together, and I was talking about how nooby the barb was acting. (He cowered behind me more than my clerics pet tabbycat does), and pulled mobs by accident, forcing me to tempest to save him. That said, we beat zimo. I notice that he doesn't tab, so I confront him about it. He says its no need to, and he wants to save his tabs. I tell him that it is a need behind it, and the rep gained from those tabs is the reward for me and the sin to even be there. He runs off. We're almost at Ofo, and he finally invites another barb and a bm. Turns out that the two barbs were fc buddies though... So both made fairly ridiculous pulls. The bm was pretty good though. The sin leaves at this point, and whispers me to do the same. I tell her that I'm going to stay, because I try to see runs through. We get to Ofo, and the 90's barb falls into the hole, and runs in circles since he can't find the way out. For some reason, I run over to help him. (Mistake on part. I thought that he AOE'd the mobs while I was running. He doesn't however.) So I use IH...immediately get aggro, but realize it, so I cast absolute domain, plume shell, guardians light, and wings of protection to reduce their hits to nearly 1 damage point. The bm is quick though, and responds in time to AOE the mobs, so me and the bm finish the mobs. The 90's barb is still stuck in the hole, and running in circles. The 80's barb...whose fb it is, is standing patiently waiting, and safe away from us all. The bm gets stuck and glitches so that he can't move, so I say to myself, **** it, I'll tank Ofo. So I take Ofo, and reduce him to 3/4. The bm gets unstuck at this point, and the barb finally realizes where the ramp is that leads to his freedom. The barb needing his fb finally decides to attack, and Ofo dies. The barb however, does not tab, and at this point he is saying that he does not have any tabs. We go and kill Qianji afterwards. The 90's barb dc's at this point, and the bm has to leave. Me and the sin are still in chat, and lol'ing at how this is going. The sin tells me to leave squad now too, but I remain. I tell the barb to get more people, and I start to clear more. The barb does not however. We get to drake, and I tell him to get more people again. (Drake is the easiest in there for me to tank). I wasn't really feeling like the run taking longer, and for piling up ther repair bill. I tell him several times to get more people. He says No. I tank. You heal. I tell him no one last time, and warned him not to attack...
He running into drake with his minions still around. I could have tempested and saved him, but I instead told him:
I warned you not to attack.
I told you to get more people.
(Barb dies, as I charge town portal.)
You didn't listen.
GAME OVER. (As I teleport out.)
I IM him later to tell him not to tell others that he's me, since I knew what he told the sin. He just laughed and denied it.
Running TT 1-1: Me, a level 80's seeker friend and a level 100 sin friend of mines were helping a few level 60's players that needed it. One of them is also a sin....who happens to be undergeared and in pk mode. We run through the instance, and when it comes time to put down drops, the undergeared sin charges town portal, and does not drop his items.
Now, what that sin forgot was that the level 100 sin was also in pk mode, so there is a level 100 cleric, a level 100 sin, a level 60's sin, a level 80's seeker all around the noob sin that did not teleport far away after dropping items. (He was still in that little outpost by TT.) We asked him for the drops. Turns out he npc'ed them. So we set a trap for him. He's invited to do another run, and while he runs to the instance, he's kicked from squad. I fly over him as the level 100 sin teleport stuns, and aps him to death. We all gather around him, and tell him that its punishment for being a drop thief. His friends then proceed to die as well. (Guilty by association in my friends eyes.) He asks me for a rez. I instead turn around and run towards TT with a yellow post over my head announcing in world chat that he is a drop thief and not to squad with him. He tells me F*** my mother. I say yes, F*** yours. His faction pm's me, and I tell them what happened...including his death at our hands. They promise to deal with the situation.
That's a few things that I've encountered which lead to a kick in one way or another."Male Player using female toon. Please don't flirt with me."
Need to see the cleric guide for questions, comments, or concerns? Just copy and paste the link.
(Ignore the quotation marks. URL isn't allowed, so I had to do it that way.)0 -
>Be on 79 wizard grinding.
>Worldchat: LFS BH39
>Be in a helping mood
>PM him, Hey, I'll help if you get a squad
>Goes back to grinding DQ
>Just him and me.... ok get more people
>He gets more people
>Goes to BH39 and starts clearing
>5x BM, 5x Sin, 7x Mystic, 39 Veno, 79 wizard (me)
>Clear all the way to farren
>I endup having to tank farren for 5 minutes it feels like because veno needing FB39 died.
>I die, res, kill farren with veno near
>Veno is being smartass
>Get lead
>Kick veno
>everyone but mystic and sin leaves (Sin needed 39 in the 1st place)
>Invite 101 sin
>mystic leaves
>stealth rest of dungeon and kill bosses
Current Sin Build:
Current Wizard Build: -
Back when I played mostly with random people, no one would do such thing as kicking someone. If the leader realized that they actually needed another class, s/he would take the time to explain why they needed X class, and almost always the person who was being asked to leave would understand and leave on his own. Even, when someone was terrible, we would endure it.0
Saleena - Harshlands wrote: »I got kicked once, ever, but that's probably because I usually squad with friends.
Once I was in a bh39 squad on an alt, we also had a cleric who needed her fb39 done.
Squad was:
-level 48 BM (leader who was organizing the party)
-high level 80 barb (friend of bm)
-high level 80 sin (also a friend of the 48, guildies I think)
-level 39 cleric (her fb)
-level 50 something bm (also doing bh)
-me, level 40 something veno, doing bh
Anyway, the 80+ barb and sin run ahead and start killing mobs, barely giving any time for the cleric to get close enough to get her mobs done. Before the first boss, leadership was given to cleric so she could tab. This is where it all started going downhill. Barb tells everyone to stay back so he could pull the mobs around the boss with genie--fine, that's all well and good. Then, when time to fight the boss, barb and sin tell everyone to stay back, that they can kill on there own (pots etc). Barb and sin run forward to kill boss and succeeds. Afterwards they ask the cleric why she didn't heal *facepalm*.
The cleric was obviously a new player who was playing on her first character and that was fine; she asked alot of questions but she was a darling. She was such a sweetheart. She was obviously still getting used to playing her class, but she knew about the basic roles of clerics in squad like healing aggro, stacking ironheart purify etc.
When they asked her why she didn't heal them, she told them in the sweetest way that they asked them to stay back. They told her they meant everyone else, not her, she had to heal. They were flaming her like crazy, making it sound as if she was the worst player to ever play the game. I started defending her saying that they specifically said they had enough pots to kill the boss. They ignored me and we moved on.
Everyone went to turn in bh who needed to, when we came back and barb and sin were near the second boss;cleric lost. While we were turning in the bh quest, squad chat was filled with the sweetheart cleric asking ever so nicely to slow down a little bit so she could catch up and get her mobs, and the two 80+ replying that they were going slow. I came back in instance and there she was moving backwards completely lost. Apparently the barb and sin decided to run ahead clearing mobs without even giving a thought to the cleric. I asked her in pm why she didn't just ask them to come get her and she said she was afraid they wouldn't do it for her if she kept bugging them so she was trying to find the way on her own.
So we got to 2nd boss, cleric tabs, and probably because of the **** they gave her the first time, she starts healing and the mobs that come with the bird start attacking her--she dies. Boss dies, cleric didn't get credit for boss and lvl 48 bm asks for lead so he could invite a cleric to rez her. She said she had a scroll, but they convinced her to pass lead so she didn't lose any xp. She passes lead and is immediately booted. I was outraged at that- I told them they could obviously complete the bh without her, so why not atleast let her complete her fb? She's new, they were new once. They booted me. I was mad that I didn't get to complete my bh, but I was even more angry at the way they treated the poor cleric. Seriously, she was a complete sweetheart. Afterwards, I squad with her and invite a 90+ barb to help. She got the rest of the mobs and her last 2 bosses, I got the bh done. Everyone was happy and I made a new friend that day.
This is long, I know, but seriously...give people a break if they are new.
And this is why there are so few clerics now.
Those assos are lucky to not be in my server.0 -
Saleena - Harshlands wrote: »I got kicked once, ever, but that's probably because I usually squad with friends.
Once I was in a bh39 squad on an alt, we also had a cleric who needed her fb39 done.
Squad was:
-level 48 BM (leader who was organizing the party)
-high level 80 barb (friend of bm)
-high level 80 sin (also a friend of the 48, guildies I think)
-level 39 cleric (her fb)
-level 50 something bm (also doing bh)
-me, level 40 something veno, doing bh
Anyway, the 80+ barb and sin run ahead and start killing mobs, barely giving any time for the cleric to get close enough to get her mobs done. Before the first boss, leadership was given to cleric so she could tab. This is where it all started going downhill. Barb tells everyone to stay back so he could pull the mobs around the boss with genie--fine, that's all well and good. Then, when time to fight the boss, barb and sin tell everyone to stay back, that they can kill on there own (pots etc). Barb and sin run forward to kill boss and succeeds. Afterwards they ask the cleric why she didn't heal *facepalm*.
The cleric was obviously a new player who was playing on her first character and that was fine; she asked alot of questions but she was a darling. She was such a sweetheart. She was obviously still getting used to playing her class, but she knew about the basic roles of clerics in squad like healing aggro, stacking ironheart purify etc.
When they asked her why she didn't heal them, she told them in the sweetest way that they asked them to stay back. They told her they meant everyone else, not her, she had to heal. They were flaming her like crazy, making it sound as if she was the worst player to ever play the game. I started defending her saying that they specifically said they had enough pots to kill the boss. They ignored me and we moved on.
Everyone went to turn in bh who needed to, when we came back and barb and sin were near the second boss;cleric lost. While we were turning in the bh quest, squad chat was filled with the sweetheart cleric asking ever so nicely to slow down a little bit so she could catch up and get her mobs, and the two 80+ replying that they were going slow. I came back in instance and there she was moving backwards completely lost. Apparently the barb and sin decided to run ahead clearing mobs without even giving a thought to the cleric. I asked her in pm why she didn't just ask them to come get her and she said she was afraid they wouldn't do it for her if she kept bugging them so she was trying to find the way on her own.
So we got to 2nd boss, cleric tabs, and probably because of the **** they gave her the first time, she starts healing and the mobs that come with the bird start attacking her--she dies. Boss dies, cleric didn't get credit for boss and lvl 48 bm asks for lead so he could invite a cleric to rez her. She said she had a scroll, but they convinced her to pass lead so she didn't lose any xp. She passes lead and is immediately booted. I was outraged at that- I told them they could obviously complete the bh without her, so why not atleast let her complete her fb? She's new, they were new once. They booted me. I was mad that I didn't get to complete my bh, but I was even more angry at the way they treated the poor cleric. Seriously, she was a complete sweetheart. Afterwards, I squad with her and invite a 90+ barb to help. She got the rest of the mobs and her last 2 bosses, I got the bh done. Everyone was happy and I made a new friend that day.
This is long, I know, but seriously...give people a break if they are new.
Have a small bit of a question about this. If you were the veno in squad why were you not clearing the mobs off the bosses ? The rushing ahead by the barb and bm has no excuse and they were ***** for doing it. Not pulling the adds from the bosses and the deaths they caused however fall on you not playing your role in squad.0 -
For some reason, most of the time I do bh/fb39, nobody ever pulls the mobs at 2nd boss anymore. Tank just goes in and aoes the boss and enemies. Atleast the ones i've been in lately.
-Their were alot of things I left out of the story because it was getting really long:
For instance, I offered to pull for first boss but they said they could handle it, both had zeal genies I believe.
-The fact that they attacked the boss as soon as she tabbed, there was no time to pull. I brought her to the boss.
-The fact that I suspected they only poked the boss and not the boss mobs for the sole purpose of killing said cleric, just to be mean.
-How I pmed her telling her not to relinquish squad lead--there were already six of us-- it was obvious they were going to kick someone, but she did. I don't blame her for this because the two 80+ clearly had her intimidated.
Thanks all for your comments and support. I didn't think it would be so popular0 -
Saleena - Harshlands wrote: »For some reason, most of the time I do bh/fb39, nobody ever pulls the mobs at 2nd boss anymore. Tank just goes in and aoes the boss and enemies. Atleast the ones i've been in lately.
-Their were alot of things I left out of the story because it was getting really long:
For instance, I offered to pull for first boss but they said they could handle it, both had zeal genies I believe.
-The fact that they attacked the boss as soon as she tabbed, there was no time to pull. I brought her to the boss.
-The fact that I suspected they only poked the boss and not the boss mobs for the sole purpose of killing said cleric, just to be mean.
-How I pmed her telling her not to relinquish squad lead--there were already six of us-- it was obvious they were going to kick someone, but she did. I don't blame her for this because the two 80+ clearly had her intimidated.
Thanks all for your comments and support. I didn't think it would be so popular
It is nubs like those two that ruin the game for the new people. As Azura said, I wish they were on LC.
During my early days, I had ( and still have ) a cleric. People deciding to play Rambo and show off how strong they think they are, left my experience as an ep void. I was never kicked out of a squad, but clerics can't fix stupid players.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
_UnGodly_ - Lost City wrote: »It is nubs like those two that ruin the game for the new people. As Azura said, I wish they were on LC.
During my early days, I had ( and still have ) a cleric. People deciding to play Rambo and show off how strong they think they are, left my experience as an ep void. I was never kicked out of a squad, but clerics can't fix stupid players.
Clerics can't fix them but they can let them die over and over b:victory0 -
ViciousMinx - Dreamweaver wrote: »Clerics can't fix them but they can let them die over and over b:victory
LOL, indeed! I have refused to res many people back in my ep days.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
The moment I realized cleric was the most important person in squad:
When I died during a pull and the cleric res'd me. It was that moment when I literally told the rest of my squads "**** YOU. CLERIC WILL ALWAYS LIVE WITH ME HERE!"
And that is how I have always played my bm.Nothing worthwhile to mention here, enjoy the animated signature~
Kristina_t - Heavens Tear wrote: »Have a small bit of a question about this. If you were the veno in squad why were you not clearing the mobs off the bosses ? The rushing ahead by the barb and bm has no excuse and they were ***** for doing it. Not pulling the adds from the bosses and the deaths they caused however fall on you not playing your role in squad.
i just like to point out that 2 lv 80+ should been able to agro and kill the mobs and the boss with out it ever being a problem, no pulling mobs needed. hell i soloed that bh soon as my bm hit lv 75 with poor gear at the time. they sounded like power lv noob's who had no idea what they was doing so they took their frustrations out on the ppl depending on them. personally i would KOS if they was on my server for doing that. ;3
But lets see, my epic faceplant for a stupid reason to be kicked from squad was when i was soloing Frost for friends. b:beatenup
my bm lv 101 5.0 soloing Fc for a few close friends that was lv 70-90 + 2 other close friends lv 100 barb(barb has lead) and 101 cleric that was asked to come. the Fc run was going great no deaths, and even ppl not able to fully keep up with how fast the squad was killing. mainly the lower lv ppl that didnt have holy path. 1st boss 2nd boss and 3rd boss all die fast needless to say. For some reason when we get to the biship boss, the Barb gets pissed about how long its taking to kill the bosses. So he demands me to drop dragons, as i point out that im the only real DD in squad or else i would. he just gets more upset about it even tho knowing, that he was the 2nd best DD in squad (+4 r8 axe barb). i was not able to spark and drop dragons at the same time for myself, so i didnt do what he wanted just to make things take longer. after the boss was killed the barb calls me fail and kicks me out of squad and starts trying to pk me. i set there shocked that a friend of mine would do this. it took me a moment before i figure out he was not playing around, so then i dragon him and watched him die like nothing. just to be a smart *** i asked him how he liked my dragons xD... and thats how i lost a friend that day b:sad
to this day i will not solo Fc for anyone else b:avoid0 -
Azura - Lost City wrote: »And this is why there are so few clerics now.
Those assos are lucky to not be in my server.
Cleric's are the 2nd most populous class after Sins ijs.SerenityCNB - Dreamweaver wrote: »Lets see. I'm rarely booted...if ever inside of instances, but here's my list. (Note to anyone reading this: WALL OF TEXT, and I TEND TO RAMBLE ON, so FAIR WARNING.)
I was in squad with a friend of mines. He and a few other people in that squad were going to do run an instance (I don't remember which one), and wanted my help. We were all apart from each other on the map, so I told them to let me know when they are ready. (I think that they were looking for more people too.) I was standing by Krixxix, to help anyone who was stuck there. I kill it for several newbies, and a barb comes and wants to join squad. I send the invite. However, both of us are high leveled, and neither of us need it. I'm talking to a friend of mines as well, and the barb asks for lead please. I figured that someone needed Krixxix...that's why everyone was there afterall. Next thing I know.... "You have been kicked from the squad." My friend pm'ed me because he got kicked afterwards too. Basically, the barb joined, and instead of dropping squad like a normal sane person would do, he kicked and disbanded the squad, and ran away.
*Been kicked while questing. They got there mobs before I did, and figured that they no longer needed me.*
*Been kicked while questing by a person asking for help. I was level 50's. The others were a level 20 sin, and a level 50 mystic. I buff the mystic who I see, and am insta- kicked by the sin. I saw him the following day, and asked why I was kicked. He did it for the LOL's.*
*Kicked after helping in an instance to help with bh39. I soloed the whole dungeon, and in the end, the psy kicks me to get sole possesion of the drops...which I give to people that I run with anyways. However, she kicked me after everything that I did, so I run up and take the 3 star items, and some of the DQ items. You kick me, I'll get you back.*
*Kicked during a bh39 run that I needed. I had went to turn in, and the bm kicks me. I'm pm'ing to get back, and after a while, I finally get invited back. There is one less bm too. Squad got him to pass lead to them, and kicked him for not inviting me back. (He wanted to help his friend with her bh, so he kicked me to help her. (She's a cleric too.) I knew a friend that needed bh39, so I asked for lead so that I could invite her, and informed the squad that she was a cleric that needs the same bh. They say sure. I send invite, and turns out that she's the same cleric that I was getting refused for. (Squad recognized her name immediately.) She apologizes for it, and says that she didn't know. In the end, I got my bh done, she got her bh done, the squad got their bh done, and the bm got to cry alone.
*Kicked for being too slow on my starter wings.
I've been denied squad for being a cleric, and they already have one.
*I rarely kick or leave squad, but here are a few moments:
I was asked to help with Jumong. I was across the map, and flew all the way there to do it. Turns out that the person already had done Jumong, and told me that I could do it for myself. (I didn't need it.) They were kicked afterwards for wasting my time.
A bh59 run. Someone needed help with it, I said Cleric, level 100 will give you a hand. Find a second cleric, or healer, and I can tank it for you easily. He says ok, then invites other people. Finally he invites a mystic...and then insta kicks the mystic and invites a sin. Me and an archer ask why he did it. He said that it was the mystics fb, and he didn't want to run it for her. He then tells me that I'll be healing and that's a clerics job. I told him that I'll be dropping to tank the mystics fb. The archer says he will too. I drop, send the archer and mystic a squad invite, get the mystic to get a few more people, and tank their bh, and the mystics fb for them. (The first squad found themselves down their tank, their healer, and one of their DD's all in 2 people.) That's karma for you.
Running bh59 again: A barb says that he needs it for his fb. I'm on my wiz at the time...level 2, and tell them that I'd help on my main. There is a sin in squad that goes level 2 wiz? O_O, so I give my name, drop and switch. I get on my cleric, and we run into the instance, and start clearing. (Barb was supposed to get more people, but didn't.) Fast forward, the barb is pm'ing the sin, and whispering to her that I'm him, and not to let his barb die. He's giving the sin orders, and bothering her to no end. However, what he didn't know was that me and the sin were on chat together, and I was talking about how nooby the barb was acting. (He cowered behind me more than my clerics pet tabbycat does), and pulled mobs by accident, forcing me to tempest to save him. That said, we beat zimo. I notice that he doesn't tab, so I confront him about it. He says its no need to, and he wants to save his tabs. I tell him that it is a need behind it, and the rep gained from those tabs is the reward for me and the sin to even be there. He runs off. We're almost at Ofo, and he finally invites another barb and a bm. Turns out that the two barbs were fc buddies though... So both made fairly ridiculous pulls. The bm was pretty good though. The sin leaves at this point, and whispers me to do the same. I tell her that I'm going to stay, because I try to see runs through. We get to Ofo, and the 90's barb falls into the hole, and runs in circles since he can't find the way out. For some reason, I run over to help him. (Mistake on part. I thought that he AOE'd the mobs while I was running. He doesn't however.) So I use IH...immediately get aggro, but realize it, so I cast absolute domain, plume shell, guardians light, and wings of protection to reduce their hits to nearly 1 damage point. The bm is quick though, and responds in time to AOE the mobs, so me and the bm finish the mobs. The 90's barb is still stuck in the hole, and running in circles. The 80's barb...whose fb it is, is standing patiently waiting, and safe away from us all. The bm gets stuck and glitches so that he can't move, so I say to myself, **** it, I'll tank Ofo. So I take Ofo, and reduce him to 3/4. The bm gets unstuck at this point, and the barb finally realizes where the ramp is that leads to his freedom. The barb needing his fb finally decides to attack, and Ofo dies. The barb however, does not tab, and at this point he is saying that he does not have any tabs. We go and kill Qianji afterwards. The 90's barb dc's at this point, and the bm has to leave. Me and the sin are still in chat, and lol'ing at how this is going. The sin tells me to leave squad now too, but I remain. I tell the barb to get more people, and I start to clear more. The barb does not however. We get to drake, and I tell him to get more people again. (Drake is the easiest in there for me to tank). I wasn't really feeling like the run taking longer, and for piling up ther repair bill. I tell him several times to get more people. He says No. I tank. You heal. I tell him no one last time, and warned him not to attack...
He running into drake with his minions still around. I could have tempested and saved him, but I instead told him:
I warned you not to attack.
I told you to get more people.
(Barb dies, as I charge town portal.)
You didn't listen.
GAME OVER. (As I teleport out.)
I IM him later to tell him not to tell others that he's me, since I knew what he told the sin. He just laughed and denied it.
Running TT 1-1: Me, a level 80's seeker friend and a level 100 sin friend of mines were helping a few level 60's players that needed it. One of them is also a sin....who happens to be undergeared and in pk mode. We run through the instance, and when it comes time to put down drops, the undergeared sin charges town portal, and does not drop his items.
Now, what that sin forgot was that the level 100 sin was also in pk mode, so there is a level 100 cleric, a level 100 sin, a level 60's sin, a level 80's seeker all around the noob sin that did not teleport far away after dropping items. (He was still in that little outpost by TT.) We asked him for the drops. Turns out he npc'ed them. So we set a trap for him. He's invited to do another run, and while he runs to the instance, he's kicked from squad. I fly over him as the level 100 sin teleport stuns, and aps him to death. We all gather around him, and tell him that its punishment for being a drop thief. His friends then proceed to die as well. (Guilty by association in my friends eyes.) He asks me for a rez. I instead turn around and run towards TT with a yellow post over my head announcing in world chat that he is a drop thief and not to squad with him. He tells me F*** my mother. I say yes, F*** yours. His faction pm's me, and I tell them what happened...including his death at our hands. They promise to deal with the situation.
That's a few things that I've encountered which lead to a kick in one way or another.
This tl;dr...[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
|Active: Coalescence - Lost City, Wizard|
|Inactive: StormHydra - Sanctuary, Archer|
|Call of Duty: Black Ops|League of Legends|Forsaken World|Perfect World International|The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim|0 -
StormHydra - Sanctuary wrote: »Cleric's are the 2nd most populous class after Sins ijs.
Good clerics?
*swears not to derail thread*
So, I was nearly kicked on my wizzie in FC today because the squad leader (an 82 sin) kept dieing. He was blaming everyone else for his deaths, even the cleric. The cleric was being smart and not healing until the mobs were aggroed, which got this little fishy into lots of trouble, for he would knife throw, then run back to us. I set up DB a few times to get the aggro off the cleric and died in the process.b:cute The world may be small, but it is far from known.
Why the rage? It's a draining emotion.
Me: DaValentine (veno), Jaceraie (mystic), etc etc etc b:chuckle0 -
Last week i nearly got kicked on my sin.
was doing Bh79, reaching Styg i noticed the barb wasn't using his aggro skills so i waited a bit before attacking as to not pull aggro, Now i can understand people than asking me why i'm not attacking when i dont announce this but i can not understand being threatened to be kicked out of squad for when i DO pull aggro after i JUST explained why i wasn't attacking.
and this from a 91 barb to my 93 Sin. */facepalmAll you need is something to believe in. -Solar_one. <--mah snoockums, mah hubby, mah eberyfing.
Lag; You think yours is bad ? It took Jesus 3 days to Respawn !
"Current games aren't -games- anymore, just light shows operated by win buttons, lol."
"ah sh*t, were gonna die!.... but it's still cool!" -INTMDATOR0 -
one of the 9999 times i've been kicked from squad.
random WC for FCC:blah blah blah we need 1 more any class
*gets invited*
squad lead: oh sry man we need a DD
me:but psy are DDs
They see me trollin`
They hatin`
Patrolling they tryin` to catch me writin` dirty
Tryin to catch me writin` dirty X4
My music so loud
I'm flamin`0 -
I don't remember getting booted on any of my chars (got turned down multiple times as a psychic, but never booted), but I do remember booting a cleric from an FC squad.
I made it clear that I was not comfortable solo healing an fc (I eventually did it on several other occasions), and so did Esco who was on his seeker at the time. This cleric did absolutely nothing. We had so many deaths and we didn't even hit 1st boss. Best part is he called me a noob (because when you've played a game for 2.5 years, it makes you a total noob) then proceeded to QQ on WC until Esco's sharp tongue shut him up.Censorship is the bane of creativity. Censorship is the bane of personality. Most of all...censorship is the bane of identity.
My main is Ivy_. I'm better known as Destini. Also known as _Yvi. Yes, I have an identity crisis. b:chuckle
Looking for a signature for this character. Wanna make me one?0 -
SoniMax - Sanctuary wrote: »one of the 9999 times i've been kicked from squad.
random WC for FCC:blah blah blah we need 1 more any class
*gets invited*
squad lead: oh sry man we need a DD
me:but psy are DDs
Gotta love those squads. b:pleased
Never been booted from squad cause I dont run with tards. Specially since Power lvling began. b:cuteFashion Mastery
"The skill for fashion tailoring. A master who is proficient in
producing fashion can make the most eye-catching, colorful clothes around!"0 -
StormHydra - Sanctuary wrote: »Cleric's are the 2nd most populous class after Sins ijs.
Is that including all the catshops which are mostly clerics?AKA PermaSpark, Heartshatter0 -
I cant count the many times Ive got kicked from FC because I wasnt Demon.10x R9 Sage Sin Active
9x Demon Cleric Active
9x Sage Psy Active
8x Mystic Active
9x Demon BM Active
8x Seeker Active
Been around awhile but never really play that long to get anywhere.b:victory0 -
I was kicked out of a frost squad a week ago after the squad leader asked how old I was and what colour my eyes were.
Apparently an eighteen year old with blue eyes isn't permitted. xDb:sad[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]You be Pro0 -
I hardly gotten booted, tho i tend to get booted when answering tank calls. l did kick an archer from fussing at my girl for not putting ressballs on everyone instantly(liw mp and cooldown must be unkown to some). I pmed him to shut down his whining, or he'd get booted. The smartass instead started to whine to me in pm. So I booted him, telling him publicly to work on his attitude. Getting the responce that i was having issues. He couldnt see squad chat, where members where having a laughing fit.No I dont have a herc, I AM the herc! b:mischievous
Youtube channel for NW vids: /channel/UCV9DguJZ0LGMlv5IorA5kVg
Please do drop by n tell me hints on how to improve c:
Current build for pwcalc: /bd6d5c1459cf7d940 -
Far as i knw of ive only been kicked from squad once with two stupids. one was a bm, the other a cleric and they both told me not to use skills on farren cause he would aoe. like they didnt knw that he aoes regardless. so i went against wht they said and used my skills on the farren at the time and then got kicked from squad soon as the first boss was killed.
Ps: this was a bh39 on my archer at the timeThe Sure Shot that Flies Straight
Tiduswarrior Demon 101 (Main), Vanflyheight 100 (Demon RB2), SasukeZx 95 (Demon), Leobeastking 90s (Sage), Swiftterror 80s, AquaStriker 99 (Sage)
2nd Acc: BlademageX 88, RazorFalcon 89, RavenwingZ 79, Veilpor 73, TidalLight 30, SythrilZ 64, Stormthril 640 -
how can ppl be so stupid thinking that you have to have A-Z for whatever, but it sure can be funny to kick stupid suckers from an instance squad.The Sure Shot that Flies Straight
Tiduswarrior Demon 101 (Main), Vanflyheight 100 (Demon RB2), SasukeZx 95 (Demon), Leobeastking 90s (Sage), Swiftterror 80s, AquaStriker 99 (Sage)
2nd Acc: BlademageX 88, RazorFalcon 89, RavenwingZ 79, Veilpor 73, TidalLight 30, SythrilZ 64, Stormthril 640
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