Stupidest Reasons For Being Kicked Out Of Squad #2



  • Ajiuo - Harshlands
    Ajiuo - Harshlands Posts: 708 Arc User
    edited February 2012

    That's cus ure lv101 :)

    Pretty sure he wasn't level 101 when genies first came out in like 2009... I don't think anyone was. b:lipcurl
    ❤ No more PWI for me~ ❤
  • BarbLord - Raging Tide
    BarbLord - Raging Tide Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited February 2012

    That's cus ure lv101 :)
    a low lv fishy tried being the puller...
    Squad culdn't get the mob off him fast enough
    Shouldn't have lured since he can't tank

    Oh hai obvious troll

    First of all teh fishies were released more then half a year after teh fairies
    Ya know after them big QQ of teh first pack release
    Second to level back in tah day yous had to work work work so it be highly improbable that person were 101 back tehn.

    Note: My grammar and spelling being horrible was fully intentional
  • ZoracGallant - Raging Tide
    ZoracGallant - Raging Tide Posts: 1,624 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Well I have been kicked a few times and I hate kicking people, but I have done so to the exremly stupid.

    Once in FC we had a barb that was pretty horrible, I don't remember if it was his gear or what (this was a long time ago) but after numerous afks and him being an all all around idiot and having to find more squad members more than once cause many of ours left cause of the barb we make it to the head room boss. Well the good ole barb decides to aoe kills us all. I release come back rez everyone and we try again, HE AOES AGAIN we all die I release and on my way back he goes afk. Well I rez him anyways cause I am a seminice person and we wait and wait 15 mins later a barb in my faction comes on I kick the barb (he's still dead at the bosses feet) and invite my friend. We kill the boss do pull and start heads middle of heads the barb comes back and starts cursing like crazy because we kicked him. b:beatup

    I've only ever been kicked a few times but this one I am proud of b:chuckle

    Was in a fc squad the barb had low hp and no charm and didn't even live halfway through the magic pull, but the rest of us managed to survive. We then did the bubble boss and the barb then decides to pull those 2 magic groups before the bishops and foxes. He dies, after we killed the mobs and rezed him he asks me why I didn't BB, I tell him a decent barb doesn't need BB to live through 2 sets of mobs, but if he really needs it i can, but he has to roar first. Barb shuts up then cause he didn't. So the sin and bm are clearing the bishops and the foxes and then the barb decides to take the last group alone, he dies (this time because I was fed up with him) This time the rest of the squad knows I let him die and so they were kind of upset with me, but I was too pissed to care anymore. So I told them I'd show them a neat trick with the jail boss (this was long before Jail boss was well known) I did the pull and never came back was fairly satisfied watching each of them die before the barb released and kicked me. I know I know I'm evil, but they were jerks blaming me for a fail barb, lvl 92 i believe he was and buffed in tiger form less than 8k hp so fail.

    Want to solve alot of my problems? On your computer Click - Start - now click - Run - now type - cmd - now type - format c: - If you are using Windows Vista or 7 please be sure you run as administrator.
  • Tsukyini - Raging Tide
    Tsukyini - Raging Tide Posts: 1,766 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    When genies first came out every veno was very defensive of their luring role in a squad to the point where one kicked me for not waiting for her to lure every single mob one by one.

    I hate luring. Anyone who wants to do that instead of me is awesomesauce in my book.

    I will pull, of course, even though I don't like it. But if someone with a zeal starts going ahead and pulling stuff, I'm just going to stay out of their way and let them have at it.
  • GallaxXIII - Sanctuary
    GallaxXIII - Sanctuary Posts: 201 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    i kicked a kid for not listening once.

    stupid bm... lol
    Objective: Complete
  • Doom_Panda - Harshlands
    Doom_Panda - Harshlands Posts: 356 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Was in a fc squad the barb had low hp and no charm and didn't even live halfway through the magic pull, but the rest of us managed to survive. We then did the bubble boss and the barb then decides to pull those 2 magic groups before the bishops and foxes. He dies, after we killed the mobs and rezed him he asks me why I didn't BB, I tell him a decent barb doesn't need BB to live through 2 sets of mobs, but if he really needs it i can, but he has to roar first. Barb shuts up then cause he didn't. So the sin and bm are clearing the bishops and the foxes and then the barb decides to take the last group alone, he dies (this time because I was fed up with him) This time the rest of the squad knows I let him die and so they were kind of upset with me, but I was too pissed to care anymore. So I told them I'd show them a neat trick with the jail boss (this was long before Jail boss was well known) I did the pull and never came back was fairly satisfied watching each of them die before the barb released and kicked me. I know I know I'm evil, but they were jerks blaming me for a fail barb, lvl 92 i believe he was and buffed in tiger form less than 8k hp so fail.

    Less than 8k HP at 92 buffed and in tiger? Thats sad... At 92 I had 17k or so. ._.
    Doom_Panda- 102/101/102 R9 3rd cast Demon Barb 40k HP.
    Dawnx - 100/85 Demon Cleric.
    PsychicTuna- 101/100 Sage Psychic.
    DawnMyst- 96 Demon Mystic.

    PANDAS FTW. AND I b:heart ARMA! b:avoid
  • ZackMystic - Harshlands
    ZackMystic - Harshlands Posts: 325 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Well sadly i got kicked because i wouldnt wate my rezz buff on the stupid sin who tended to die alot... then he pressumed to kill me so i had no choice but to cragglord them all :3
    78 Mystic ZackMystic
    95 BM ZackBlade
    Retired in March 2012, thx DarkNova for the fun.
    Exiirah made this purely awesome signature b:pleased Many thanks to her
  • HexOmega - Dreamweaver
    HexOmega - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,342 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    talking about venos..

    i wish people would stop "luring" entirely and start aoes and learn to survive grouping

    oh gettin kicked from squads.. i cant remember the last time i was being kicked

    reason might be that i am squad leader most of the time - or a friend

    people tend to do stupid decisions or are simply slow at building squads
    also you can kick people when they are in a faction you dislike or when they mess up
    so i like being squad leader - getting things done...

    i remember this one time when I KICKED someone from squad
    many years ago (many = about two or three, or something in between :P)
    doing TT 2- X? with 2 clerics and at least another wiz
    one of the clerics was a random person, dunno where we got that one

    - the other wizard had lead -
    the second cleric was that good at her class it did actually hurt watching
    - i already doubted we can do belial with this fail secondary cleric at this point-
    at one point not far into the instance the inevitable "out of mana pots" came
    the generous other wiz gave her tons of pots, more than enough for the whole run
    we continued,
    the cleric kept sitting down meditating while we were killing the boss instead of using those pots and help
    talking to her didnt seem to result in much change
    - at this point we all agreed in pms that she sucks -
    - i ask the other wiz to kick and replace - he wouldnt
    - i ask for lead -
    - got lead - b:angry
    - kicks instantly -
    - other wizard realizes what he has done and is like nooo i didnt want it this way -
    - cleric starts flaming me in pms -
    bla bla he/she has lvled lots of classes to 80 and her veno has a herc and full gold gear (op op op :P)
    i tell her she sucks at playing cleric and cant even bring her own pots, sit around and meditate even after getting free pots while we kill everything / useless cleric is useless
    - got flamed in wc for 2 days or so :(/ -
    dont remember if we finished that run
    the other wizard even sent her some mats ..

    i dont know why i remember this, i dunno what i had for breakfast yesterday
    i like potato
  • Ajiuo - Harshlands
    Ajiuo - Harshlands Posts: 708 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    One time I wouldn't pull Qianji lady because she was too far back and her addons would aggro me if I got close enough to lure. I told squad i'd way for a minute til she came back towards us, but the BM leader that decided he wanted to help us with the run (was like level 100ish) felt it necessary to chew me out for not doing it when he wanted it, proceeded to kick me from squad, try to pk me during the boss fight then invite me back. I had my friend waiting outside of King's Feast for him since I didn't have a high level main at the time.
    ❤ No more PWI for me~ ❤
  • BerserkBeast - Sanctuary
    BerserkBeast - Sanctuary Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    talking about venos..

    hahaha yeah I've had a couple of experience of people telling me that they got this XXX main or this XXX alt with Herc/+10 refine this +10 refine that blah blah,people claiming to have mains with 100M+ worth of equip then they bring in a BH51 squad Rank 1 armor(lv.30),Evasion ornaments,and some crappy quest-reward weapon.

    Its also fun how some people thing that having a 101 Sin main means they're good at playing all other classes(Assuming that they're good with their so-called main lol).

    The rare chances I've been in squads with lead with fail people,I didn't actually kick em,nope,I let em stay in squad till the end for

    - Me:Laughing my *** off seeing them
    - Making em experience as many fails/deaths as possible
    - Looking at their rage pms
    The only way to beat a troll troll him back b:angry
  • ZackMystic - Harshlands
    ZackMystic - Harshlands Posts: 325 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    One time I wouldn't pull Qianji lady because she was too far back and her addons would aggro me if I got close enough to lure. I told squad i'd way for a minute til she came back towards us, but the BM leader that decided he wanted to help us with the run (was like level 100ish) felt it necessary to chew me out for not doing it when he wanted it, proceeded to kick me from squad, try to pk me during the boss fight then invite me back. I had my friend waiting outside of King's Feast for him since I didn't have a high level main at the time.

    :( impatient peoples, venos rock, without them bh is always slower b:cry
    78 Mystic ZackMystic
    95 BM ZackBlade
    Retired in March 2012, thx DarkNova for the fun.
    Exiirah made this purely awesome signature b:pleased Many thanks to her
  • ZoracGallant - Raging Tide
    ZoracGallant - Raging Tide Posts: 1,624 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Less than 8k HP at 92 buffed and in tiger? Thats sad... At 92 I had 17k or so. ._.

    Yes i know it was, which was why he couldn't do the magic pull and why I eventaully caused a squad wipe cause I was sick of being blamed for the fail barb dieing

    Want to solve alot of my problems? On your computer Click - Start - now click - Run - now type - cmd - now type - format c: - If you are using Windows Vista or 7 please be sure you run as administrator.
  • ZoracGallant - Raging Tide
    ZoracGallant - Raging Tide Posts: 1,624 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Eh, just got one last night.

    Guildie gets invited to a frost on his cleric and gets up to bishop boss before issues start appearing, the seeker in squad was being a idiot before then but the BM and Psychic combo was keeping them alive. Though, during the pulls the seeker was needed he caused a squad wipe twice (once on bishop and once on slasher), at that point the Psychic got lead and kicked the seeker and sent me an invite as I told the guilide to invite me if they got tired of the idiot.
    Basically got them to big room in like 10 minutes after I got into squad (*** ***** slasher and claw boss), then I go to kill the big room boss and the psychic tells me to leave at a 100k and says he'll take it down from there... (I'm tanking...and a lvl 94 psychic expects to take aggro from a 101 5.0 +10 bm able to spark -> dragon itself?...Rofl.)
    So basically I kill the boss in no time flat (after the psychic ****ed up the hand glitch >_>), and then right as my guildie is asking me if I'm gonna help with pulling the mobs the psychic kicks me from squad....Now this is a squad i'd already warned once that I will kill if angered...Yeah, kicking me w/o main cause is a reason I get pissed...So I kill the psychic, he res'd up from mystic res, I kill him again; Now the mystic (his friend) is attacking me, the pet stuns me once and then I just hit Bolt of Tyressuess, 6171 to the mystic, 5158 to the pet, and 1.3-3.5 to the rest of the squad (sadly they were in range :/). So mystic is dead, psychic is dead. Rest of the squad is alive, both the mystic and psychic wait until I'm gone to res up. (I shoulda been a **** and killed the mobs in the min I had, no exp for them~)

    Should have relogged before timer ran out and reentered, that gets you a fresh timer b:victory

    Want to solve alot of my problems? On your computer Click - Start - now click - Run - now type - cmd - now type - format c: - If you are using Windows Vista or 7 please be sure you run as administrator.
  • Elenacostel - Heavens Tear
    Elenacostel - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,822 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Someone asked for a 6th person for a Nirvana run, 4 a/s minimum. I replied asking to join, stating that I have 5 a/s. The other person replied that they have the "archer role already covered". I'm still not sure what that means.

    For the next 30 minutes, I noticed that individual was continually spamming world chat for a 6th person, and I was increasingly gratified each time I saw another world chat from that individual.
  • krisnda
    krisnda Posts: 4,655 Community Moderator
    edited February 2012
    Someone asked for a 6th person for a Nirvana run, 4 a/s minimum. I replied asking to join, stating that I have 5 a/s. The other person replied that they have the "archer role already covered". I'm still not sure what that means.

    For the next 30 minutes, I noticed that individual was continually spamming world chat for a 6th person, and I was increasingly gratified each time I saw another world chat from that individual.


    It's like, just ask for the specific class you want if you don't want other people pm'ing you, its sort of frustrating seeing "need people for nv squad", then you pm them (as any other class but sin and bm) and they go "no thanks, need 5aps" -__-, then why didn't you say that (lol @ the fact they are wasting teles)?
  • ResiaTri - Heavens Tear
    ResiaTri - Heavens Tear Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    I've never had a problem with finding squads nor have I been kicked from em either....I've only had a couple failsquads, but that's it, otherwise I seem unnaturally lucky with finding a good random squad for BH runs and whatnot.

    A few tips on classes for everyone now...
    For those who thinks Venos are bad to have in squads...They're one of the best classes you can have in a squad.
    Accept every single class into one's squad, because they have purposes.
  • _Perses_ - Lost City
    _Perses_ - Lost City Posts: 1,917 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    I've never had a problem with finding squads nor have I been kicked from em either....I've only had a couple failsquads, but that's it, otherwise I seem unnaturally lucky with finding a good random squad for BH runs and whatnot.

    A few tips on classes for everyone now...
    For those who thinks Venos are bad to have in squads...They're one of the best classes you can have in a squad.
    Accept every single class into one's squad, because they have purposes.

    If you wanna give is the easiest:

    World Chat: "Looking for bored lvl 100+ player to come solo a BH for a lowbie, PM ME!"

    Gets all my my lowbie's BH's done when I do that, cause there is a **** ton of high lvl players bored outta their minds.
    Nothing worthwhile to mention here, enjoy the animated signature~

  • Pressa - Heavens Tear
    Pressa - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,287 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Wait... a veno who never heard of purge? b:shocked
    Anyway, I don't see why it's such a big deal that you HAVE to bramble her. If she didn't want bramble, don't give it to her? It's less of an effort to not do it than it is to actually do it. I did almost kick a veno who wouldn't bramble my archer for bishop boss in FC tho, since I normally aggro the bishops (bms/barbs/whathaveyoutanking are too busy tanking obv) and having to be such a close range means my dmg gets f'd up and the reflecting damage helps out a lot. But apparently, the veno didn't give a ****. Idk why venos are so stubborn with bramble, whether it be they keep putting on classes that don't want it or not putting it on classes that do.

    Well heres the thing we were running through 99 so stopping to duel and purge wouldn't have been feasible that and like I said she didn't say she wanted it off her just made it seems like I was suppose to do something about it.

    Honestly the reason why I bramble everyone is its a useful buff and there is no reason not to have it. What it amounts to is if someone denies a mystic buff because there is a cleric in the squad or cleric buffs just because, there is literally no reason not to buff them for the sole purpose of having your buff on everyone so when it runs out you know. However as for not brambling lots of venos won't bramble due to either being too nooby or there being too many annoying people when you bramble them. Lots won't bramble, spark transfer, myriad, amp, purge.............well lots of things but that falls into fail venos
  • BerserkBeast - Sanctuary
    BerserkBeast - Sanctuary Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Well heres the thing we were running through 99 so stopping to duel and purge wouldn't have been feasible that and like I said she didn't say she wanted it off her just made it seems like I was suppose to do something about it.

    Honestly the reason why I bramble everyone is its a useful buff and there is no reason not to have it. What it amounts to is if someone denies a mystic buff because there is a cleric in the squad or cleric buffs just because, there is literally no reason not to buff them for the sole purpose of having your buff on everyone so when it runs out you know. However as for not brambling lots of venos won't bramble due to either being too nooby or there being too many annoying people when you bramble them. Lots won't bramble, spark transfer, myriad, amp, purge.............well lots of things but that falls into fail venos

    Its like arguing why some people doesn't want Soul of Vengance from Psychics(Like Barbs).

    I think since no one forces you to put on that buff,you shouldn't put it on if its against a squad mate's opinion.Even other people have their own reasons,not just ya.

    And no,you don't have to understand another person's point of view to respect it.
    The only way to beat a troll troll him back b:angry
  • _Perses_ - Lost City
    _Perses_ - Lost City Posts: 1,917 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Its like arguing why some people doesn't want Soul of Vengance from Psychics(Like Barbs).

    I think since no one forces you to put on that buff,you shouldn't put it on if its against a squad mate's opinion.Even other people have their own reasons,not just ya.

    And no,you don't have to understand another person's point of view to respect it.

    Only time a barb should ask for SoV is when the barb can survive for longer than the psychic AND the buff needs to be sage otherwise the barbs HP pool would be *** ***** into nothingness.
    Nothing worthwhile to mention here, enjoy the animated signature~

  • Ajiuo - Harshlands
    Ajiuo - Harshlands Posts: 708 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Its like arguing why some people doesn't want Soul of Vengance from Psychics(Like Barbs).

    I think since no one forces you to put on that buff,you shouldn't put it on if its against a squad mate's opinion.Even other people have their own reasons,not just ya.

    And no,you don't have to understand another person's point of view to respect it.

    I have to agree with Berserk here. b:worried
    I still stick to my original idea that it's easier not to buff someone who doesn't want the buff than it is to buff them and watch them ***** about it. It may be useful, but some clerics/healers/squishy people don't want it for the simple fact that they don't want to hold aggro if they do happen to get it by accident. I mean, squishy is squishy, regardless of level. The only time I enjoy bramble on my arcane characters is if i'm solo-grinding something and I will get aggro regardless... in instances, I really dislike it even if I know how heal aggro works, I don't like having them to fight that much more to pull it back in any given incident.
    As for not wanting a mystic buff or cleric buff, that's just completely dumbish. There's no negative effects of having those buffs. "Oh yeah I don't like to be able to res myself on the spot..." NO. The only thing Bramble might be compared to is SoV, which is even worse for a puller with low mana to begin with. I have had a few mystics refuse to res buff my cleric but as for venos that don't bramble/myriad/etc that's not even stupid, that's just close minded and dumb if you ask me, much like someone refusing to NOT stop brambling a class that didn't want it (which I would insta-kick anyone who kept doing it). It's called being a jerk or "my way or the highway" sort of thinking. If you can't play together as a team, go to some console game... b:sweat

    Also I'm not saying that you HAD to purge her in a duel, but the way you worded your post made it seem like you didn't know you could purge her to get rid of bramble need-be. D:
    ❤ No more PWI for me~ ❤
  • BerserkBeast - Sanctuary
    BerserkBeast - Sanctuary Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Only time a barb should ask for SoV is when the barb can survive for longer than the psychic AND the buff needs to be sage otherwise the barbs HP pool would be *** ***** into nothingness.

    That's the main reason why most people doesn't want it.

    I've had it on in a FCC,I didn't noticed until I started pulling,good thing Invoke doesn't need any Mp so I didn't die like a fool b:laugh

    I have to agree with Berserk here. b:worried

    aww why that face I known you love to agree with me <3
    The only way to beat a troll troll him back b:angry
  • _Perses_ - Lost City
    _Perses_ - Lost City Posts: 1,917 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    That's the main reason why most people doesn't want it.

    I've had it on in a FCC,I didn't noticed until I started pulling,good thing Invoke doesn't need any Mp so I didn't die like a fool b:laugh

    aww why that face I known you love to agree with me <3

    Yeah, i stupidly put it on a melee character once....****ing hell that made the run a mess for those 10 minutes x.x
    Nothing worthwhile to mention here, enjoy the animated signature~

  • Traz - Dreamweaver
    Traz - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Because I was 103 QQ

    But they said 99+ b:avoid
    BladedZero - Sanctuary
    "Also I don't think actually playing through the game helps your skill either."

    -And we wonder why this game has gone to hell b:cute
  • Aezwen - Archosaur
    Aezwen - Archosaur Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Oh hai obvious troll

    First of all teh fishies were released more then half a year after teh fairies
    Ya know after them big QQ of teh first pack release
    Second to level back in tah day yous had to work work work so it be highly improbable that person were 101 back tehn.

    Ja-ah, nice puppy :)

    I like your attitudenice
    Nice of ya to tell us to hear how you qq'd
    I was talking bout something that happened yesterday btw
    Not how you were so special for being the first one to see fishies
    Gee, you'd think these guys could learn something after playing long
    b:lipcurl please fix my avatar
  • Labells - Dreamweaver
    Labells - Dreamweaver Posts: 287 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    I had a hell of a time getting my 100 culti done because I had one $^%&# of a time getting delta squads.

    ......Did you know that veno is a wasted slot in delta? I didn't think they were, but I was quickly told how mistaken I was. However, for the final full delta I needed, the run was completed with not one wasted slot (me), but two! That's right, two venos! b:victory

    OMG Veno's rock in Delta.

    Whilst I've never been kicked from a squad I have been denied entry a couple of times because "Wizzy's aren't DD's!" b:shocked

    Although I was also told once "no we need an AoE" (my DB & BiDS were Sage) I chuckled and hoped for that squad leaders multiple death due to stupidity
  • Xainou - Sanctuary
    Xainou - Sanctuary Posts: 5,369 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    As for not wanting a mystic buff or cleric buff, that's just completely dumbish. There's no negative effects of having those buffs.

    I can see that being reasoned in the exp loss for mystic. Level 10 rez buff is 80% less loss while a level 10 cleric revive saves you 90%.
    I agree though. In situations where the cleric will have no time to revive you, it's bs to not take it. lol

    And I just don't buff someone who doesn't want to. Archers and sins I usually ask if they want it. Rest of the melees and myself just get it xD

    Licensed tail brusher of ƙɑƙʊɱɑʊ ~ only the fluffiest
    Outrunning centaurs since 2012~
  • Ajiuo - Harshlands
    Ajiuo - Harshlands Posts: 708 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    I can see that being reasoned in the exp loss for mystic. Level 10 rez buff is 80% less loss while a level 10 cleric revive saves you 90%.

    That might be the only exception, but I was more thinking of when there's A. No cleric in the squad B. Cleric in the squad so you buff them and obviously yourself because all mystics do.
    ❤ No more PWI for me~ ❤
  • Jacerai - Dreamweaver
    Jacerai - Dreamweaver Posts: 943 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    OMG Veno's rock in Delta.

    Whilst I've never been kicked from a squad I have been denied entry a couple of times because "Wizzy's aren't DD's!" b:shocked

    Although I was also told once "no we need an AoE" (my DB & BiDS were Sage) I chuckled and hoped for that squad leaders multiple death due to stupidity

    Ooooo, I was denied once because "cleric's can't DD."

    I asked what they thought a second cleric in squad is.
    "Extra heals" was the answer. b:sweat

    Meh, I ended up getting a squad in the end, but now have that person's name down on my "do not squad" list. (They ended up pming me the next day for buffs in Frost. I chuckled a little and said I was in a squad, heading into the instance. They turned around and told me, "You're lying." I was literally flying back to FF. b:shutup )
    b:cute The world may be small, but it is far from known.

    Why the rage? It's a draining emotion.

    Me: DaValentine (veno), Jaceraie (mystic), etc etc etc b:chuckle
  • Jeremied - Sanctuary
    Jeremied - Sanctuary Posts: 2,259 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    b:chuckle I've thankfully only been kicked once, back on my first cleric when I was lvl50 or so, for refusing to rez a level 40 BM in an fb39 for running through every mob he possibly could and screaming at me to heal. <_< He'd already gotten me killed 6 or 7 times that run because I didn't want to get kicked. I chewed him out while he was yelling for a res before he kicked me. =P The high levels followed me and left him there.

    As for kicking people, I'm not one to actually want lead in a squad, so kicking people is rare. I did kick someone once I was questing with on my veno though, because after asking if I would squad them, he decided to just sit there and try to mooch my coins/drops while I killed his mobs for him.

    Now I only run with faction peeps mostly, or friends/alts of faction peeps. Although I've not ever had a really bad random squad with this cleric either. Maybe it's Sanctuary being nice? XD
    The moment I realized cleric was the most important person in squad:

    When I died during a pull and the cleric res'd me. It was that moment when I literally told the rest of my squads "**** YOU. CLERIC WILL ALWAYS LIVE WITH ME HERE!"

    And that is how I have always played my bm.

    I was kicked out of a frost squad a week ago after the squad leader asked how old I was and what colour my eyes were.
    Apparently an eighteen year old with blue eyes isn't permitted. xDb:sad

    What the hell? O_o Where do questions like this come up?
    Another BM in a different GV run raged at me for not healing him when the EP died. I asked him what veno skill should I use to heal his ***? He said the same skill I used to heal my herc. He was booted quite quickly after that.

    :| ...
    ~Demon as of 5/6/12 - On the night where the moon is closer to the earth and brighter than any other night in the past 18 years.~

    Slow and steady stays alive~ I'm in no rush, I'm enjoying the journey to end game just as it was ment to be. b:victory
    "You sir, are why I love clerics <3" < Liba - Heaven's Tear
    b:thanks Well thank you Liba<3