Stupidest Reasons For Being Kicked Out Of Squad #2



  • Jadsia - Lost City
    Jadsia - Lost City Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Best one so far b:laugh

    b:laugh Just one of the many consequences of noobs powerleveling. b:laugh
    I **** bigger than you...

    Shut up and play the game.....Damn
  • Kerona - Sanctuary
    Kerona - Sanctuary Posts: 1,771 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    I've only been kicked from a squad twice, both were on my veno. The first was because "venos are not DD", and the second I don't really remember much but it was during an FCC run. The barb ragequit because he misinterpreted something (literally one sentence that wasn't even mean) I said as a reply to what he had said, and I was kicked for making the barb ragequit, then invited back when they realized the barb would not come back if I was gone. My friend and I then provided the squad a new barb and we carried on.

    I probably should be kicked from more squads than I am, tbh. b:surrender

    Once I really had to pee so I went white voodoo and ran through all the mobs in Abba BH until the boss at the end and jumped into the water to reset them. I had told the squad to stay close behind me but they didn't and the mobs reset on them. Nobody died, but I probably should have been kicked, or at least, I would have probably kicked myself haha They raged at me :x At least I got to pee though.
  • Vital_Slash - Sanctuary
    Vital_Slash - Sanctuary Posts: 123 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    I almost Kicked in TT 2-3 on my cleric cause i came in with Noob fists and joked that i was Aps Cleric.

    Their Reaction : O_O;;

    My Seeker Got kicked cause the Barb was complaining that I "Stole His Job". I was sooooo pissed at my 3.4k Hp and My Def Lvls....

    EDIT: BTW My seeker is only lvl 56 >.>
    Its ok... IM AN ARTIST!
  • Bashmaster - Raging Tide
    Bashmaster - Raging Tide Posts: 353 Arc User
    edited February 2012

    Again kicked out of fc because my bestial rage wasn't level 10 *LOL wut?*

    *Blink*... those people need to roll a barb to see theres only 2 levels... 1 and sage/demon b:chuckle
  • Bashmaster - Raging Tide
    Bashmaster - Raging Tide Posts: 353 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Lets see, i got kicked from fc on my barb for telling the sin to **** coz he was cussing up a storm at the cleric and me for some reason.
    My BM gets kicked from faction runs of instances a lot... but thats just because the person loves kicking me. b:chuckle
  • Traz - Dreamweaver
    Traz - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    *Blink*... those people need to roll a barb to see theres only 2 levels... 1 and sage/demon b:chuckle

    What I'm still trying to figure out is wtf is up with squads now a days. Do they have a list of 20 questions they must ask everyone before the continue? How in the world does "what level is your bestial rage" come up in normal squad chat. b:puzzled
    BladedZero - Sanctuary
    "Also I don't think actually playing through the game helps your skill either."

    -And we wonder why this game has gone to hell b:cute
  • mindecheng1
    mindecheng1 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    got kicked coz my lvl to high o.o
  • _Ink_ - Raging Tide
    _Ink_ - Raging Tide Posts: 400 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    I have only been kicked from a squad once that I recall. It was an FC squad. And this is literally how it went.

    Squad Leader posts in WC: FC squad Some Level - Some Level LF DDs. PM level and class.

    I PM them: (Whatever my level was.) Veno

    I get invited to the squad. Great. Ten seconds later I'm booted.

    I PM the leader: Um, what?

    The leader responds: U r a veno.


    Frankly, I think the people who play this game are a large part of what's wrong with it. All these people who try acting like some classes are -always- undesirable. Like wizards, venomancers, archers. It's really pathetic. Not every squad has to be some sins, a BM, a barb and a cleric. Just because the squad isn't that way doesn't mean it won't be just as effective. And why exactly does everyone react so badly to friendly suggestions?

    I still remember this fail cleric from my BH59 days who pitched a fit because I asked him not to BB. We were at a boss, his BB wasn't healing well enough and I repeatedly had to take aggro from the tank with my pet to keep the tank from dying. I wasn't rude in my suggestion, I merely pointed out the fact of the situation and his reaction was along the lines of "If you don't like it, find another cleric." Then, of course he raged when we booted him and did just that. No one knows everything in this game. If someone makes a polite observation or suggestion, at least attempt it. Who knows, maybe(God forbid) you might learn something new.
  • Bashmaster - Raging Tide
    Bashmaster - Raging Tide Posts: 353 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    I have only been kicked from a squad once that I recall. It was an FC squad. And this is literally how it went.

    Squad Leader posts in WC: FC squad Some Level - Some Level LF DDs. PM level and class.

    I PM them: (Whatever my level was.) Veno

    I get invited to the squad. Great. Ten seconds later I'm booted.

    I PM the leader: Um, what?

    The leader responds: U r a veno.


    Frankly, I think the people who play this game are a large part of what's wrong with it. All these people who try acting like some classes are -always- undesirable. Like wizards, venomancers, archers. It's really pathetic. Not every squad has to be some sins, a BM, a barb and a cleric. Just because the squad isn't that way doesn't mean it won't be just as effective. And why exactly does everyone react so badly to friendly suggestions?

    I still remember this fail cleric from my BH59 days who pitched a fit because I asked him not to BB. We were at a boss, his BB wasn't healing well enough and I repeatedly had to take aggro from the tank with my pet to keep the tank from dying. I wasn't rude in my suggestion, I merely pointed out the fact of the situation and his reaction was along the lines of "If you don't like it, find another cleric." Then, of course he raged when we booted him and did just that. No one knows everything in this game. If someone makes a polite observation or suggestion, at least attempt it. Who knows, maybe(God forbid) you might learn something new.

    Hai inkykins b:cute
  • Ajiuo - Harshlands
    Ajiuo - Harshlands Posts: 708 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    I still remember this fail cleric from my BH59 days who pitched a fit because I asked him not to BB. We were at a boss, his BB wasn't healing well enough and I repeatedly had to take aggro from the tank with my pet to keep the tank from dying. I wasn't rude in my suggestion, I merely pointed out the fact of the situation and his reaction was along the lines of "If you don't like it, find another cleric." Then, of course he raged when we booted him and did just that. No one knows everything in this game. If someone makes a polite observation or suggestion, at least attempt it. Who knows, maybe(God forbid) you might learn something new.

    One time, and I felt REALLY bad about it later, I was doing bh69 on my veno and this cleric looked like she was using blessing of the purehearted on Nob and Pole. If you've ever looked from the side when you're using IH, it has a pinkish color to it and I easily mistook it as BOTPH, and since I'm so used to my very short channeling time on my cleric, the original channeling time seemed to take forever like BOTPH does. Also, I don't know if anyone else has this problem, but on my cleric or whatever character I'm on, if I have someone highlighted that is getting IH'd, the buff sometimes doesn't show on the buff bar? So I had the barb highlighted and it seemed like it NEVER was recovering HP over time. Plus, his HP was dropping really far and fast...

    So I politely ask her to start IHing the tank and she doesn't respond so I ask her again then she says "I am" I didn't kick her tho
    So maybe she thought BOTPH was IH or my eyes betrayed me and the buff bar was glitching too damn much. I still feel really bad about it b:sad
    ❤ No more PWI for me~ ❤
  • Vedovis - Lost City
    Vedovis - Lost City Posts: 942 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    I kid you not, when I was level 88, I was kicked at Oceana because my herc started tanking.

    | Signature made by Fishy!~ | Semiretired |
  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    I've never been kicked out of a squad on purpose on my cleric. One time the leader of the squad and this bm were arguing, and then I was kicked. I pmed the guy like o.o and he apologized for the accidental kick. Luckily I was invited back before timer disappeared.

    On my sin though, I got kicked for stealing aggro. Even though the cleric was in BB. She even dropped BB for a second and started sending the barbs IH, I guess just to let me die. But when she realized that all that was accomplishing was my charm getting ***** and not only did I have full aggro, I could handle it for a little while w/o heals if something happened, she put it back up. After the boss the barb kicked me for "stealing his job." I'd like to note that he was level 99 and my sin at the time was 94. She doesn't even have a tome, so not even the max amount of aps for the level. He just was autoattacking like an idiot, and I'm sorry but if you give me aggro that I can handle because you're autoattacking like an idiot, then I am going to triple spark so BP heals me more. Joke was on them though, because I didn't even need the rest of the bosses and would have stayed only because once I enter an instance I'm there for the whole thing.

    As for me kicking, I generally don't kick unless someone repeatedly gets me killed.
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • Atlantasia - Sanctuary
    Atlantasia - Sanctuary Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Only characters I've been kicked on were my psy/wiz/mystic. Last time with the wizard it was because "you're weapon is too highly refined", the time before that "wizards are not good enough DDs" and those were both in FCC. My Psy was kicked because she's an arcane DD and apparently inferior... -.-; My mystic was kicked because apparently mystics can't heal full FCC... >.>; I even offered cleric buffs first... and they still kicked me... (btw, the reason my wizard and psychic have never hit 100 is for the above reasons, getting into an FCC squads with them is nearly impossible...)

    I've left squad on my archer before because I got tired of charm tanking bosses in FCC >.>; lvl 91 archer tanking over 96-98 BMs, cleric is healing the sin and random other people... but not me... and everyone's being stupid and dying on the screamer boss... but me... so I killed it and left... -.-;

    I've left many MANY squads on my two clerics in FCC... *eye twitch* because nothing makes me leave squads faster than fail pulls, failed boss killing, no aggro on mobs before bringing to BB... the list goes on, point is, even though I have a second cleric I'm leveling, I'd rather run the entire FCC on my sin and do exp room for my cleric than do it with a normal squad because of how often those fail squads are... (I do have a 3 strikes system on my clerics btw, I do give people a chance to fix things...)
  • Vixter - Harshlands
    Vixter - Harshlands Posts: 1,275 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    I got kicked from an FCC squad when we got to the boss before exp room.

    Reason:While running the FCC they found a Cleric,and Barb was QQing because without Cleric buff he had to use more Mp pots(And he QQ to a Mystic about Mp pots).

    (Aside from that no one died in the whole run)

    So basically Cleric got a free exp room while I just got trashed away.

    I haven't played anymore since then and I think Im gonna quit this mystic.

    thats the biggest bullcrap i ever heard. really surprising. wow, of all cleric buffs he complains about mp regen lol. what a noob. and barbs dont even need to use herbs ... like mp pots are expensive? sigh i wish i could kick some people in the face sometimes lol.

    well i havnt been kicked from a squad before, but i have been complained to about how they need a cleric over a mystic, but of course ive proved those types of people wrong many times. and although you met 1 jerk, you will meet a lot of nice people who will compliment you on your healing as a mystic (or at least i have lol)
    vixter (101 Heavy Veno) ~ TT farmer
    Peachie (102 Mystic) ~ Main character
  • _Ink_ - Raging Tide
    _Ink_ - Raging Tide Posts: 400 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Hai inkykins b:cute

    Hai, Stalkerface! ♥

    As for clerics leaving squads... Most clerics love me. I leveled up with my friend, who plays a cleric, so it's just instinct for me at this point to save the cleric at all costs. My guildies actually poke fun at me for it. o-o''

    But, yeah, if the cleric dies and it's -obviously- not of their own fault, I typically call failsquad and leave. Letting the person who is there to keep -everyone- alive die is just so very, very stupid. But, on the same note, I've also seen some very stupid cleric. I was an FC once that took twice the amount of time it should have because we had to sit there yelling at the cleric for five minutes to get her to do anything. And she never once put up BB. So we were basically doing it cleric-less, she was just there as some stupid looking piece of mobile furniture.
  • John_Smith - Harshlands
    John_Smith - Harshlands Posts: 865 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    I Sage Sparked on my Sin and got insta-kicked for fail.

    I was the 2nd Sage as far as I know on our server so people atuo-expected Demon, but still...

    (Think I posted this in the old thread lol)
    I've quit excluding TW for my faction. But I still hang around to help out those who still enjoy the game under PWEs horrific handling and to have fun in the forums. b:cute
    #Shame about PWEs absolutely craptastic handling of the goons glitching. Remember kids, there's no punishment for breaking the rules here!#
    If you make a valid complaint, your thread will disapear. Don't post it here, post it on other sites where PW can't hide it.
  • Eccii - Raging Tide
    Eccii - Raging Tide Posts: 481 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    What I'm still trying to figure out is wtf is up with squads now a days. Do they have a list of 20 questions they must ask everyone before the continue? How in the world does "what level is your bestial rage" come up in normal squad chat. b:puzzled

    You should come to RT b:laugh

    But that was a while ago, haven't played my barb in forever, now all i ever get is *hurrrduurrr can you ressbuff me?*
    Retired on Barb-
    Currently playing mystic-
  • LisianLil - Sanctuary
    LisianLil - Sanctuary Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    I wasn't exactly kicked,but refused in a 80-90 FCC,why,because " BM its not a DD".

    So basically the second strongest DD class in PWI,its not a DD,yes,makes sense.
  • SteamyFish - Lost City
    SteamyFish - Lost City Posts: 188 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    i once got kicked out of a squad coz my names Abdul...
  • Tsukyini - Raging Tide
    Tsukyini - Raging Tide Posts: 1,766 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    All these people who try acting like some classes are -always- undesirable. Like wizards, venomancers, archers. It's really pathetic.

    I had a hell of a time getting my 100 culti done because I had one $^%&# of a time getting delta squads.

    ......Did you know that veno is a wasted slot in delta? I didn't think they were, but I was quickly told how mistaken I was. However, for the final full delta I needed, the run was completed with not one wasted slot (me), but two! That's right, two venos! b:victory
  • Saleena - Harshlands
    Saleena - Harshlands Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    I got kicked once, ever, but that's probably because I usually squad with friends.
    Once I was in a bh39 squad on an alt, we also had a cleric who needed her fb39 done.
    Squad was:
    -level 48 BM (leader who was organizing the party)
    -high level 80 barb (friend of bm)
    -high level 80 sin (also a friend of the 48, guildies I think)
    -level 39 cleric (her fb)
    -level 50 something bm (also doing bh)
    -me, level 40 something veno, doing bh

    Anyway, the 80+ barb and sin run ahead and start killing mobs, barely giving any time for the cleric to get close enough to get her mobs done. Before the first boss, leadership was given to cleric so she could tab. This is where it all started going downhill. Barb tells everyone to stay back so he could pull the mobs around the boss with genie--fine, that's all well and good. Then, when time to fight the boss, barb and sin tell everyone to stay back, that they can kill on there own (pots etc). Barb and sin run forward to kill boss and succeeds. Afterwards they ask the cleric why she didn't heal *facepalm*.

    The cleric was obviously a new player who was playing on her first character and that was fine; she asked alot of questions but she was a darling. She was such a sweetheart. She was obviously still getting used to playing her class, but she knew about the basic roles of clerics in squad like healing aggro, stacking ironheart purify etc.

    When they asked her why she didn't heal them, she told them in the sweetest way that they asked them to stay back. They told her they meant everyone else, not her, she had to heal. They were flaming her like crazy, making it sound as if she was the worst player to ever play the game. I started defending her saying that they specifically said they had enough pots to kill the boss. They ignored me and we moved on.
    Everyone went to turn in bh who needed to, when we came back and barb and sin were near the second boss;cleric lost. While we were turning in the bh quest, squad chat was filled with the sweetheart cleric asking ever so nicely to slow down a little bit so she could catch up and get her mobs, and the two 80+ replying that they were going slow. I came back in instance and there she was moving backwards completely lost. Apparently the barb and sin decided to run ahead clearing mobs without even giving a thought to the cleric. I asked her in pm why she didn't just ask them to come get her and she said she was afraid they wouldn't do it for her if she kept bugging them so she was trying to find the way on her own.

    So we got to 2nd boss, cleric tabs, and probably because of the **** they gave her the first time, she starts healing and the mobs that come with the bird start attacking her--she dies. Boss dies, cleric didn't get credit for boss and lvl 48 bm asks for lead so he could invite a cleric to rez her. She said she had a scroll, but they convinced her to pass lead so she didn't lose any xp. She passes lead and is immediately booted. I was outraged at that- I told them they could obviously complete the bh without her, so why not atleast let her complete her fb? She's new, they were new once. They booted me. I was mad that I didn't get to complete my bh, but I was even more angry at the way they treated the poor cleric. Seriously, she was a complete sweetheart. Afterwards, I squad with her and invite a 90+ barb to help. She got the rest of the mobs and her last 2 bosses, I got the bh done. Everyone was happy and I made a new friend that day.

    This is long, I know, but seriously...give people a break if they are new.
  • Jacerai - Dreamweaver
    Jacerai - Dreamweaver Posts: 943 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    I got kicked once, ever, but that's probably because I usually squad with friends.
    Once I was in a bh39 squad on an alt, we also had a cleric who needed her fb39 done.
    Squad was:
    -level 48 BM (leader who was organizing the party)
    -high level 80 barb (friend of bm)
    -high level 80 sin (also a friend of the 48, guildies I think)
    -level 39 cleric (her fb)
    -level 50 something bm (also doing bh)
    -me, level 40 something veno, doing bh

    Anyway, the 80+ barb and sin run ahead and start killing mobs, barely giving any time for the cleric to get close enough to get her mobs done. Before the first boss, leadership was given to cleric so she could tab. This is where it all started going downhill. Barb tells everyone to stay back so he could pull the mobs around the boss with genie--fine, that's all well and good. Then, when time to fight the boss, barb and sin tell everyone to stay back, that they can kill on there own (pots etc). Barb and sin run forward to kill boss and succeeds. Afterwards they ask the cleric why she didn't heal *facepalm*.

    The cleric was obviously a new player who was playing on her first character and that was fine; she asked alot of questions but she was a darling. She was such a sweetheart. She was obviously still getting used to playing her class, but she knew about the basic roles of clerics in squad like healing aggro, stacking ironheart purify etc.

    When they asked her why she didn't heal them, she told them in the sweetest way that they asked them to stay back. They told her they meant everyone else, not her, she had to heal. They were flaming her like crazy, making it sound as if she was the worst player to ever play the game. I started defending her saying that they specifically said they had enough pots to kill the boss. They ignored me and we moved on.
    Everyone went to turn in bh who needed to, when we came back and barb and sin were near the second boss;cleric lost. While we were turning in the bh quest, squad chat was filled with the sweetheart cleric asking ever so nicely to slow down a little bit so she could catch up and get her mobs, and the two 80+ replying that they were going slow. I came back in instance and there she was moving backwards completely lost. Apparently the barb and sin decided to run ahead clearing mobs without even giving a thought to the cleric. I asked her in pm why she didn't just ask them to come get her and she said she was afraid they wouldn't do it for her if she kept bugging them so she was trying to find the way on her own.

    So we got to 2nd boss, cleric tabs, and probably because of the **** they gave her the first time, she starts healing and the mobs that come with the bird start attacking her--she dies. Boss dies, cleric didn't get credit for boss and lvl 48 bm asks for lead so he could invite a cleric to rez her. She said she had a scroll, but they convinced her to pass lead so she didn't lose any xp. She passes lead and is immediately booted. I was outraged at that- I told them they could obviously complete the bh without her, so why not atleast let her complete her fb? She's new, they were new once. They booted me. I was mad that I didn't get to complete my bh, but I was even more angry at the way they treated the poor cleric. Seriously, she was a complete sweetheart. Afterwards, I squad with her and invite a 90+ barb to help. She got the rest of the mobs and her last 2 bosses, I got the bh done. Everyone was happy and I made a new friend that day.

    This is long, I know, but seriously...give people a break if they are new.

    That is TERRIBLE!

    And people wonder why clerics are refusing squads now, at least the old, good clerics. Seriously.

    I remember running a BH51 once where I was booted because I died after (stupidly) healing someone who aggroed a ton of mobs and only poked one. I was new, extremely new, to the game (I think I had been on for about...4 months? 3?) and when someone screamed "heal me!" I normally did. This BM screamed ever-so loudly. -.- So after they booted me, another of the squad left, resquaded me, and we made a new squad.
    b:cute The world may be small, but it is far from known.

    Why the rage? It's a draining emotion.

    Me: DaValentine (veno), Jaceraie (mystic), etc etc etc b:chuckle
  • VenomousEmo - Harshlands
    VenomousEmo - Harshlands Posts: 860 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    I got kicked on my mystic right before exp room in FC room because this veno and her husband were mental and had no idea that slash boss = run away, so they blamed it on the mystic for not ressing in time.
    for not ressing in time
    not ressing in time
    ressing in time

    c what i did der? Mystics don't res dumbasses, they can only res buff you if you live long enough to let them.

    The veno died a total of 4 times on slash boss because she never learned to run.
    No one else died, but they said I did a bad job healing because the barb ticked 5 times.


    And that is why I don't play mystic anymore. It's not a cleric people, so don't ask for res's if you're stupid and die in 5 seconds again without getting a res buff.

    That's the only time I've been actually kicked. Other times are when people be trollin me :<
  • letitworkthistime
    letitworkthistime Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    I was kicked from a 2 person squad as a cleric getting some of the kills around silver pool because I was attacking the same target as my squad mate. He said I was stealing kills.
  • laloner
    laloner Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    I've only been kicked once, its not really an interesting story but I'll tell it anyway. It was an FB79 run and unbeknownst to me the tabber/squad leader didnt' have all the tabs. So when we get to the last room I attack the hidden mob that lurks near one of the tabbing pillars to make it safe for the tabber. The tabber flips out and kicks me from squad saying I was slowing down the run. At the time this person was on my friends list, though that didn't last long.

    About 2 weeks later I get a PM from her saying she's forgiven me for what I did and wants to be friends again. I didn't even respond.
    AKA PermaSpark, Heartshatter
  • DuckTapez - Archosaur
    DuckTapez - Archosaur Posts: 855 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    got kicked on this char in an FB29 once cuz I "should focus more on healing the tank and less on stealing aggro instead"
    got replaced by a cleric 50 levels lower because they wouldn't take aggro and die

    Duct tape is like The Force: bright on one side, dark on the other. It holds the world together, and, if not handled correctly, becomes a sticky mess.
  • DeadRaven - Sanctuary
    DeadRaven - Sanctuary Posts: 407 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    I got kicked once, ever, but that's probably because I usually squad with friends.
    Once I was in a bh39 squad on an alt, we also had a cleric who needed her fb39 done..........COLOR="RoyalBlue"]see original post for full story[/COLOR............... This is long, I know, but seriously...give people a break if they are new.

    That is brutal. It should no longer surprise me but it still does...just how selfish and inconsiderate some players can be. I am sure that I would have been booted as well for the "colourful" things I would have said to the sin and barb...assuming I did not drop squad before they had the chance to boot me lol. At least it sounds like you and the cleric had the good fortune of becoming friends through an otherwise unpleasant experience.

    I have never been kicked from a squad (that I can remember) but I have occasionally been denied a place in a squad when on my veno or wizard. Personally, I am always happy to squad with ANY person regardless of their class, level, or weapon as long as they are mature enough to treat others with respect because, seriously, its just a game!
  • Hazarduz - Heavens Tear
    Hazarduz - Heavens Tear Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Thats exactly the kind of pointless elitist mentality that makes me mad! b:angry
    Sick of the whole, you must have XYZ gear refined to +123 and be of level 2097 to squad with us! b:spit

    I mean, its a frigging game, nobody dies if your little pixel toon gets killed. Everyone screws up from time to time, even the best of us.

    Going back on topic:

    My 82 barb was refused a BH69 run, "because the tough bosses need a 90+ barb to tank".

    This after having tanked polearm and nob for my faction at lvl63 b:lipcurl b:infuriated b:beatenup
    Old school demon tank -> LESS PEW PEW, NO Q _Q

  • Beleni - Dreamweaver
    Beleni - Dreamweaver Posts: 383 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Playing a barb, ive never been kicked out of a squad.
    however, at lvl 70 ish, the guild I was in wanted some help on FB 51, so I went with them along with a friend PSY.
    Barb / PSY duo, barb pulls psy nukes everything , WIN WIN
    we were kicked from the guild because they wanted to take one group at a time.
    when i started to pull everything, they moaned and QQ even though no one died and the run was finished 2 hours faster :P
    to top it off, they didn't kick me right away, waiting until i logged off that night :/
  • Riverwell - Archosaur
    Riverwell - Archosaur Posts: 423 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    I've never been kicked from a squad, but we've all had those wtf moments before.

    The other night I was randomly asked in Arch if I would help in a BH39 run, I had to leave soon-ish, but it's BH39, I know how difficult it can be to find a tank if you need one, and they had a veno to lure the adds which is the only part that I really have trouble with.

    But when I got invited, they're like, good, you'll DD, now we find a tank... I was just like, I can tank BH39. To which I got: no you can't. o.o
    I've done it before...
    No. Do you know what instance we're talking about? Bosses are Farren, Calcid and Herc.

    Like, yeah, I know BH39. I can tank them, they have magic attacks and I was charmed.

    Now that I think of it, that's not the first time someone hasn't believed I could tank BH39. A couple weeks ago I was doing a run and there was a veno like, a couple levels lower then me who insisted on tanking Farren with her pet, and telling me to:
    1. Stay out of his aoe because I might die, and 2. stop attacking him with magic because it causes him to aoe and she'll die.

    So of course, I actually spend most of my time healing the veno, and she keeps accusing me of attacking him to set off his aoe. And I'm like... I don't even have enough time between heals to attack.

    The rest of that run went similarly...
    Previous Enemy Executor
    Current SentineI Member
    "I'm sorry, but if you cant aggro control, then you better have the gear/charm to back yourself up. And falling short of that, you simply deserve to die. It's PWI darwinism tbh." - DaKillanator - Raging Tide