Faction Icon Entry form problems



  • FoxyGR - Raging Tide
    FoxyGR - Raging Tide Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I was told on the same ticket i could not have the logo/icon i wanted, because it was to similar to an in-game default icon.

    mmmm i know of a faction that has one..... but my faction can not?

    so.. still waiting to see how i am supposed to submit a logo/icon
    HMMMM!!!!! I wonder WHAT faction your talking about HERE!? lol Naw, I know what you mean. Glad they changed the icon for turn in quests now.
  • FoxyGR - Raging Tide
    FoxyGR - Raging Tide Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Okay, since there's many MANY issues about this faction icon thing, I went threw and checked on EVERY bit of detail I needed to do. Even down to making sure that my BMP isn't anything above 32. It took me about 30 min cause they want the icon to BE 16x16 24 bmp or 16x16 32bmp. I tried to have mine with a transparent background, but that didn't work.GIMP don't like to make transparent bmps. SO! Follow the steps;

    1) Be the LEADER of a TIER 3 faction!
    2) Go to My Account>My Profile> Submit Faction Icon
    3) CHECK to see if everything is greyed out. If they are, make someone you trust be leader, and have them PASS the lead back to you!
    4) Put in all the information in the drop down menus.
    5) MAKE SURE that your icon is exactly 16x16 24 bmp or 16x16 32 bmp. I ignored the RGB info they want. Best way to make the bmp 24 or 32 is in MICROSOFT PAINT!
    6 Submit. You should get a message that it was submitted successfully.
  • bloodo
    bloodo Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    ok where is the gms during the game? is there every any gm in the game due to the fact i have been trying everything to get my faction icon on my alliance for the past 3 months i have submitted it at least 20xs. this is starting to really **** me off. i have been playing this game for almost 2 years and this is how they treat me. this is horse ****. they can't even get my faction icon threw when i know i have seen other alliances get theirs. and i know it goes by all their guid lines.
  • awnee
    awnee Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2011

    im lvl3 guild leader and my submissionpage hasnt worked - all greyed out
    3) CHECK to see if everything is greyed out. If they are, make someone you trust be leader, and have them PASS the lead back to you!

    i passed leadership to my alt and back to my main, this worked for me.
    now im nosey how it looks ingame :D
  • bloodo
    bloodo Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    ok wth i have been playin this game for over 2 years. and yal can't even get my faction icon submitted. i will be submitting it everyday till it gets submitted. becuase i think this is major ****in bs that i have been submitting it for the past 3 months and yal still haven't added it yet. so i will also expect a reply from yal also, which is very ir-responsible of yal. i do know yal have alot of work, but yal also have alot of staff that can deal with the issues at hand. so how many faction icon issues are you guys going to get before it blows up in your face. we need yal to take responsiblility for this faction icon not being added.
  • _LeeAnA_ - Dreamweaver
    _LeeAnA_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I am also a leader of a lvl3 faction and i get the same greyed out page you speak of. It is very flustraiting. My ppl are waiting for their lcon.b:sad
  • awnee
    awnee Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    hm still no icon ingame - this is pretty much a downer :(

    i went to the "faction supervisor" in archo

    1 - faction introduction
    2 - faction icon

    level 3 factions can upload a custom icon to use as their faction symbol.
    this can only be done once every 2 weeks.
    the icon must be uploaded as a 16*16 .tga file size 16*16

    please contact customer service for more information about this feature


    i think i realy need to contact "customer service" now, cos what
    i hope this wasnt a moneysink only (12 mill coins) and some day a factionicon will apear
  • awnee
    awnee Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2011

    which resolution will i need for the icon

    72 dpi
    96 dpi

    my mac creates 72dpi per default but i can remember win was 96dpi so im not sure bout
  • \Rune\ - Dreamweaver19
    \Rune\ - Dreamweaver19 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Same as above.. Only after I passed lead and got it back, the first field (server select) became available but the rest are still nulled (character, guild, button and submit)
  • SilentBaller - Archosaur
    SilentBaller - Archosaur Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I cannot submit my faction logo because i can't click on anything on the page, its all greyed out, the only thing that isn't greyed out is the submit button, can someone please help me on what to do in this situation, thanks.
  • bugalooj
    bugalooj Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    This might be an old thread but it has a lot of info. My question is about having a space in the faction name. As said in earlier posts, if you can't use it in a character name, you can't get an icon for your faction. This being said, my faction is called: We Rise! and you cannot use spaces in character names. We are not a level 3 faction yet but should I start a new faction without a space or will the programmers fix this so that I can drop the coin and keep the faction I have? I can start a new faction but would rather not go through the hassle. Any mods or programmers have a reply? Thanks for your time.
  • Zaboteur - Harshlands
    Zaboteur - Harshlands Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    dont start it make a new one ive had the problem
  • DEVIL_DEVIL - Lost City
    DEVIL_DEVIL - Lost City Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    hey there
    i am a Leader of lvl 3 faction,and when i try to submit a logo for my faction i go to that bag where i must choose server and char name and guild name and choose the pic... but somehow nothing there is click able,just can't click anything.. i sent a ticket but got nothing...
    hope u re working on this problem or u will fix it soon :/
  • Staindheart - Archosaur
    Staindheart - Archosaur Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    the problem I am having is that I look up my faction and it says it doesnt exist nor does it show up on the guild section of my profile and I am the leader in game
  • jucid
    jucid Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    The answer is in analog topic in this forum!!! U should just make anybody else a leader, and then he should make u leader once again. Then u can change ur server and etc..
    I've done such thing yesterday.. It's really 1 way how to do that.. It's a problem with site, not with browser, cuz i tried to do it in IE, Firefox and Chrome..
  • paagal22
    paagal22 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    What goin on why cant i submit icon for my fac ? Its Tier 3 Fac. b:angry
  • Alliecienti - Dreamweaver
    Alliecienti - Dreamweaver Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I have bantering this problem for over 3 months trying to get my faction icon loaded.
    I put in a ticket as instructed with the uploaded files and got a reply that it would be manually loaded but may take a few weeks.

    3 months later still no logo icon. How many weeks is a 'few'?

    The icon submission page hasnt worked for about a year now as far as I can tell. Still no effort has been seen to correct this problem. I guess if it doesn't generate cash in their pocket, it's just not important.

    BTW: I'm not a newbie to the game. I've been in it for 3 years now but am really starting to get fed up with issues like this being ignored.
  • Ninnin - Lothranis
    Ninnin - Lothranis Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    We have a similar problem. Lvl3 faction leaders (me and Scott), we've been playing "tag" with leadership for the past 2 months trying to get our icon submitted. He gets an error message, so he submitted a ticket. The answer to his ticket was "change leadership". Ok, done. I submitted the faction, got the OK message, and.... nothing! So we tried again... and again... and again.... and today again! As a mention, i did make the icon following all their indications exactly. Honestly gonna go nuts if after next maintenance there will (still) be no icon... b:angry
  • iammakumba
    iammakumba Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    just have someone in ur guild take leader and give it back to you then it should work fine :p
  • lightofshower
    lightofshower Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Yeah i also submitted icon for my faction!
    But seeing that there are symbols in my faction name
    i cant have faction icon. I just want the symbols to be taken out
    of the faction name but how? I have posted ticket and awaiting again
    for response. b:sad
  • AngryTeddy - Archosaur
    AngryTeddy - Archosaur Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    i cant post my factions icon either nor send in a ticket
  • Aerylon - Heavens Tear
    Aerylon - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Hey there, *waving* Hopefully someone can help me please?

    Im the leader of a faction and had raised my level to Tier 3 a couple weeks ago. (I have the screenshots to prove it) We finally got our logo/banner designed and are ready to apply. (yay, so excited)

    My problem is that when I follow instructions (to the letter) for the new procedure:
    1. Log in to the PWE Site.
    2. Click "My Account" at the top of the page.
    3. Click "Faction Icon Submission" in the "My Profile" category.
    4. Follow the instructions on the page and upload your icon!

    I am unable to fill in ANY info blocks of the Fact. Icon Submission form as they are all greyed out. Anyone know what this is all about?

    Also, I thought I was supposed to also submit a screenshot of my roster proving my level 3 status. No instructions seen regarding this, but maybe this is the procedure.

    I have some restless members eager to see their new symbol. Can anyone help?

    I know I can contact a GM during "working hours", but currently at work and will check the msg bds for replies incase it helps before I got to next step of contacting GM.

    Any advice is gratefully appreciated,


    THis was my thread I recieved when I had icon submission issues and Im soooo not happy either. They should make it so yo uare not allowed to choose those characters if they are not able to support it! I dont think Im going to get my millions back do you? *sigh*
    Discussion Thread

    01/09/2012 12:01 PM

    We have checked the faction name, but unfortunately it is incompatible due to the tilde symbol. Incompatible faction names are unable to be registered with a faction logo. For this situation, you'll need to continue with the current name or have one that is compatible to have a logo registered. To make sure a faction name is fully compatible, simply make sure that all of the entered symbols could also be entered into a character name.
  • vengefulfury
    vengefulfury Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    I can confirm that passing lead to a trusted person or an alt, then taking lead back actually works b:victory
  • Quwan - Dreamweaver
    Quwan - Dreamweaver Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    im confused bc just a second ago i tried to go click server name or my char and faction and nothing doesnt pull out the server names or faction so im confused on how to submit my faction icon and if i have it do tickets is there a link to do that
  • pmihai12
    pmihai12 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    im confused bc just a second ago i tried to go click server name or my char and faction and nothing doesnt pull out the server names or faction so im confused on how to submit my faction icon and if i have it do tickets is there a link to do that

    I can't select them too why??
  • Shyrienickah - Archosaur
    Shyrienickah - Archosaur Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    u know...I'm having the same problem...i switched leadership and it didn't work b:angry i paid real money like the rest of u to make this a level 3 faction and as of right now i'm not getting the full benefits of having a lvl 3 faction...they need to hurry up and fix it...or maybe let us do it the old way...this is the first time i was actually angry with this game
  • XHadeon - Archosaur
    XHadeon - Archosaur Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    I have already submitted a faction icon but only had it for about a week and it disappeared. I tried to go back and resubmit it again, I can't even submit a ticket cause that's not working either. Why did my faction icon disappear in the first place? The site is acting like I don't have a lvl 3 faction or that I'm not the leader.
  • Quwan - Dreamweaver
    Quwan - Dreamweaver Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    well my letters i only have is ZT so to make it short since i cant have anything long so is it that my name for faction is to low or is it something else. and plus i made this lvl 3 faction a long time go we tried going on my moms computer after mine then my dads then the one downstairs so is there a specific page except the one whereu go to account then submit the icon. is there an alternate way to submit an icon to my faction that i have on my lowbie 25 sin. bc i would like to get this over with i will wait as much as i can to get it so pls any advice would be greatly appreicated.
  • SnowFarron - Archosaur
    SnowFarron - Archosaur Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I couldnt submit a faction icon because my faction existed on the game but nowhere on the site (this was an old faction) I sent in alot of help tickets for that even one with a picture proving I had lead
  • yuvrajsr
    yuvrajsr Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    guys i have the same problem..b:cry