Sick of Power-Levelers??



  • ZoracGallant - Raging Tide
    ZoracGallant - Raging Tide Posts: 1,624 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    So I had a a FC run on the sin I'm lvling on last night squad lvl was 93-98 (my sin on RT is 97). Everything was going good for a while, till our barb left because we weren't doing the goon glitch, we did jail just not the glitch. So we got another barb that made it in to us after bishop boss and everything was going good again. At heads we decided lets do a full run so we go do the next do bosses and ready up for dragoon pull.

    Still everything going good and then during the dragoon pull the cleric decides instead of healing (no bb or chrom) he's going to dd b:surrender so the barb sunders, the bm hfs, my sin subsead (sparked then chi skill subseaed) and we start going to town on the mobs and the cleric tempests and dies a few seconds later. Only the bm died after that cause he got aggro before the barb could lock it again. But still cleric dding on the dragoon pull.

    When he got back and rezed the bm we asked why? he said his heals were in cd, I said really cause I have a cleric and while sometimes bb gets stuck in cd if i get knocked out right after i put it up but chrom is spamable even with -30% channeling IH is spamable, Stream is spamable, so which heal exactly was in cd? He said all of them *facepalm*

    Not really sure if the cleric was just a total idoit and didn't know what hell he was talking about or if he was trying desperatly to make up an excuse for his stupidity in attacking on the worst pull to attack on.

    Anyways can't say he was power lvled or not cause he did a decent job up to that point, but power lvled or not I don't think it makes a difference, some people are just plain dumb.

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  • seitori
    seitori Posts: 1,328 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    in 8x-9x frost squad someone said "we cant kill this, we need high lvl" for the last boss.....

    i saw a bm who thought they had to have squad lead in frost to get exp.

    mystic, who kept putting up red herb on himself, far away from the boss where all melee classes were attacking.

    lvl 101 cleric who couldnt understand why she would die over and over when barb lured a zillion mobs into BB without aggroing them.

    lvl 9x cleric that didnt have BB skill.

    and last but not least,

    lvl 7x veno with HA armor on hitting mobs with a blade, asking me how i got that pet on my veno.


    guys i dont QQ about this game usually, i usually have the attitude of "its a game play or dont play if you dont like it". But i like this game and this power lvling is killing the game one fail squad at a time.

    its not all about the pvp but the game is not designed as each to his own. its design so that tank needs healer, healer needs tank, they need DD's etc...

    i have nothing against noobs, or better termed, newbies in game, we were all new once upon a time. the diffrence is some of us learned the game. the people who didnt learn is making it really hard to play.

    b:chuckle ! !!ROFL!! ! b:pleased

    Just 2 Days ago, I was squaded with A (83rd Cleric) who only used (wellspring) throughout the (entire! BH run) and kept telling our squad we'd all be fine, because should it be needed he'd use b:shockedBP!! To,o' keep the Squad Up! Against The Mobs?!?!?!?!!...b:laugh

    I kid you not! And even when we tried telling him that its (BB! not BP!!) He wouldn't believe us, and just got pissed off! At all of us, and threatened to leave squad, Not Outta Embarresment?! But Outta the FACT, that He KNEW It Was BP!'?o?'!!!!!

    "And Btw: He only used IH 3~times in the Entire Run, My poor Barb got Majorly! Charm *****!! ThnkGd I had lots of Crab Meat and Pots .."~_~!

    Talk about an Perfect Example, of a dedicated (day-1) Power Leveling fail Baby, Going Wrong! Its peaple like him that make us all! ANTZY!! About ever trusting any (P'leveler's) in the first place....

    Even if there are Older Players! Who actually know how to (Run & Equip) the classes they P'level as alts, they're rare as all H&eLL, too find out there! Compared to these ToXiC 1s! that always seem to crop up NoW all the time, its scarey........ >_<' !!! !! !
  • iamtrouble
    iamtrouble Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Which kinda power leveling the legal or illegal? My friend said a gm popped in on them when they were sfcing. No one cared, since a 3 day ban is a total joke.
  • Kiyoshi - Heavens Tear
    Kiyoshi - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,385 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Ok here is another PERFECT example of plvl and what its done to this game:
    WQ - Once again I should NOT have to explain this to people. If you honestly think that flying around for 1 1/2 hours (thinking you have good aerogear) to get low exp, you deserve a helmet. This takes so dang long to do that I don`t even do it anymore.

    Any of the old timers find this funny...
    1. If I kill you; do something about it yourself, don't go complaining to my wife.
    2. If you have less kill counts then me, don't expect me to take pk advice from you.
    3. If you are hiding behind an alt, don't expect me to acknowledge your existence.

    Tokichiro - Heavy Armor Fish / Kiyoshi - Dual Blade Elf
  • Blueblade__ - Archosaur
    Blueblade__ - Archosaur Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    ive seen some ppl that delete the genie skill earthflame b:shocked
    And how can TT be a farming instance? U must be one seriously ****** or a plvled from 1 to 60 by zhen and 60-100 by JFC and CS ur way too R8+nirvana.
  • RobaBistroum - Archosaur
    RobaBistroum - Archosaur Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Well I ve been here about 3 months before the GENESIS expantion... I tryed a sin as my first account. I came to lvl 5 and quit: I hit 5, 5, 6, 10, 5, 5,... my psychic friend hit 300, 280... LOL We both decided to roll a wizard. Came to lvl like 18, actualy read some forums :D then got back to the assassin and put everything on DEX... got better damage and I got with the sin to lvl 32. I started to lvl reaaly slow and got bored (lol) then the genesis came out. (YES I needed 3 months to get to lvl 32 and 18 -_-) So I got a SUPER OP mystic :D and played it till lvl 77. the mystic can hit 40820 WITHOUT critical at lvl 77... Can you belive it? I oracled from lvl 30+ tho b:surrender still I played very good. I consider myself a pro mystic player. I read EVERYTHING I could about them, literaly everything I found. I have seen a lvl 60+ mystic doing Absorb soul BEFORE Nature Vengens :S I didnt even try to explain, serisuly wtf...(also he said: khm* I need no pet, Im not a veno!) I was feeling sad b:cry
  • Maiyr - Lost City
    Maiyr - Lost City Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Anything PVE in this game can be learned in try. Makes no sense to me anyone wants to repeat something like this for 1000? times if there are other better options.
  • Traz - Dreamweaver
    Traz - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited October 2011

    I've been playing since October of 2008.

    I don't power level.

    You've got it pretty much backwards.

    Powerleveling has caused a lot of the old timers who ****ing WORKED for what they got (one person I know Merched R8 before badges ever went on sale, and when R9 became available, got it via grinding and merchanting) to quit. If you make the general community stupid and hand them everything on a platter for however many dollars, do you think that those of us who remember what 2008 was like for this game really want to keep hanging around? I've left on and off for upwards of a year. Next time I quit, most likely, I will be deleting all of my characters and not coming back ever again.

    Incorrect rank 8 / 9 sale is why a majority of people that actually worked for something previous has quit. No one has quit because oh they level'd faster to 100 then me.... (until goonz glitch which that one is understandable) but we are talking about heads runs etc here not that. The only thing half of my faction is doing to keep themselves busy is to make alts and power level them for something to do. This game offers nothing else anymore. b:bye

    After that initial wave it's basically been due to the fact that PWI is dicking around and not coming out with anything worth a damn.
    BladedZero - Sanctuary
    "Also I don't think actually playing through the game helps your skill either."

    -And we wonder why this game has gone to hell b:cute
  • ClawCrusher - Sanctuary
    ClawCrusher - Sanctuary Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Honestly Im no big fan of plvlers...they want to rush to endgame and be bored with the game faster than someone who actually paced themselves and actually took the time to enjoy each lvl they earn. I am probably the very few on this game who are planning to spend the next few months actually grinding "the 'ol fashion way"...I mean I had a 7x barb right when Raging Tides came out but I quit due to RL stuff and every moment was a blast for me...Grinding was a long process but I had friends there to keep my head up high and kept me going. If only I still had my old barb Id probably feel like a god when I reached 10x when I used ZERO glitches, Cash Shops, Exploits to cheat my lvls...RPGs are meant to go out and grind X area for Y item for Z time...doesnt make sense to cheat it when all your going to do is regret it later on. The only thing positive I can think of is that the questing areas are more "barren" and very few players questing b:laugh I can quest/grind in peace w/o anyone staling my mobs b:victory
  • Njdragon - Heavens Tear
    Njdragon - Heavens Tear Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    ive seen some ppl that delete the genie skill earthflame b:shocked
    And how can TT be a farming instance? U must be one seriously ****** or a plvled from 1 to 60 by zhen and 60-100 by JFC and CS ur way too R8+nirvana.

    *facepalm* idk if u have ever done TT u might know how TT is a farming instance, just sayin!
    Rewind to 2008. Before aps, plvl, etc. Back when we all used to LAUGH at bm`s with fists because they couldn`t do any damage compared to pure axe bmb:laugh

    Man them were the good days.
  • Mitachi - Dreamweaver
    Mitachi - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,201 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Yes and no xD i love the fish who power lvl and think that they can kill me by just 5.0 me to death then oops i 1-2shot them oh my the QQ whispers i getb:chuckle
  • Zanryu - Dreamweaver
    Zanryu - Dreamweaver Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Yes and no xD i love the fish who power lvl and think that they can kill me by just 5.0 me to death then oops i 1-2shot them oh my the QQ whispers i getb:chuckle

    Since when do you pk? Back when I was on Dreamweaver I never saw you at OT :(
  • DraknessDuir - Sanctuary
    DraknessDuir - Sanctuary Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    ive seen some ppl that delete the genie skill earthflame b:shocked
    And how can TT be a farming instance? U must be one seriously ****** or a plvled from 1 to 60 by zhen and 60-100 by JFC and CS ur way too R8+nirvana.


    My genie doesn't have earthflame on it, I don't miss it at all.

    And really? Really? b:shocked really? You're mocking someone for thinking TT is a farming instance? Really? If it's not a farming instance than what is it?
  • _xXPandaXx_ - Lost City
    _xXPandaXx_ - Lost City Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Lol i agree something should be done about 3rd boss Glitch SERIOUSLY. i was once in a squad with a lv101 sin and he didnt even have 3rd spark. LOLOL.
  • Foxy_Fiona - Heavens Tear
    Foxy_Fiona - Heavens Tear Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I encountered a level 91 earlier that asked me how I was casting my spells from a longer distance. Turned out that all of his skills were still at level 1 and I had to explain to him that mine were all at 10 and you usually get more range in addition to damage and whatever else when you level them up. Seemed like a nice person and all, but come on! There's no way you can get that far without buying heads if your skills aren't even leveled. Part of me hopes he was trolling, but I didn't see him cast a single spell unless he was nearly on top of stuff.

    I did three 80-90 FF runs today on one of my alts since my veno has hit a bit of a roadblock because it seems like everyone and their mom only wants to do special/fun/fast/whatever 100+ FF on our server. I've been told that there are legit 100+ FF groups out there, but every one I see in chat is looking for the usual suspects required to do "special" FF. Some are even getting daring enough to specifically say goons. It's usually the same people every single day. Where are our GMs? Are they blind? Oh right, they obviously don't care.

    Anyway, each time we got to the third boss at least one person from each group had the balls to ask if we could glitch it yet. People in the 80-90 range aren't satisfied with gaining 1.5 (give or take) levels every run since they know a faster method exists. This game is in a horrible state and that glitch that PWI refuses to properly address is one reason why.
  • Yuniryu - Raging Tide
    Yuniryu - Raging Tide Posts: 516 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    :D well i got tired of people pming me for fc glitch. Its annoying, tired of blocking so i logged off :).

    Cant wait for pwi to fix the problem if they ever. Doesnt matter i doubt they will fix before 2012.b:chuckleb:chuckle
  • RosangeIa - Heavens Tear
    RosangeIa - Heavens Tear Posts: 240 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    @ Foxy_Fiona: Well, if you ever see me, my sin (EIlvira), or my friend in our faction, "Dawn_Wolfe" advertise for FF runs, hit us up cuz we always do legit runs. We've had people leave because we weren't looking to glitch lol...

    But yeah, it seems there are more and more glitch FCs going on these days. Though I didn't know people 80-90 were even getting in on those types of runs due to level and most likely gear (I know how the glitch goes, looked it up on youtube).

    Anyway... I really see no point for any class other than assassins to get to 105 as it is... due to stealth levels and everything. 101 is probably the max I will go, or maybe 102 I dunno. Just seems pointless for me to get 105.

    But I'm sure PW China will come up with some reason to. Maybe this secret talk of more end-game content from frankie is a hint of those reasons. -shrug-

    Here since October 2008 ;)

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  • prof
    prof Posts: 1,111
    edited October 2011
    ive seen some ppl that delete the genie skill earthflame b:shocked
    And how can TT be a farming instance? U must be one seriously ****** or a plvled from 1 to 60 by zhen and 60-100 by JFC and CS ur way too R8+nirvana.


    twilight temple: an instance used to farm level 60, 70, 80, 90, 99, and 100 armour, weapons, and accessories.

    what do you think it's for?

    @ot: you don't learn **** about your class in pve. everything that you'll ever learn that actually matters will be learned in pvp. therefor, people getting plvl'd are, indeed, better than you.

    btw, op, you're 9x. what room do you have to complain? based on your join date, you leveled by doing frost with hypers. to any of us who are actually vets, that there is plvl.
  • Yuniryu - Raging Tide
    Yuniryu - Raging Tide Posts: 516 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    @ Foxy_Fiona: Well, if you ever see me, my sin (EIlvira), or my friend in our faction, "Dawn_Wolfe" advertise for FF runs, hit us up cuz we always do legit runs. We've had people leave because we weren't looking to glitch lol...

    But yeah, it seems there are more and more glitch FCs going on these days. Though I didn't know people 80-90 were even getting in on those types of runs due to level and most likely gear (I know how the glitch goes, looked it up on youtube).

    Anyway... I really see no point for any class other than assassins to get to 105 as it is... due to stealth levels and everything. 101 is probably the max I will go, or maybe 102 I dunno. Just seems pointless for me to get 105.

    But I'm sure PW China will come up with some reason to. Maybe this secret talk of more end-game content from frankie is a hint of those reasons. -shrug-

    :D well till i see it i will take a break :3. Hopefully some word XD before 2012 ;p.
  • Bellamontage - Lost City
    Bellamontage - Lost City Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I don't have any objection to it if you're used to the character. When you get to the higher levels, especially 9x, it's harder to level without doing an insane amount of mob grinding. Power levelling from level 1 doesn't mean they can't play the character, they could be from pve server trying out the same character on a pvp server for pking. If you can play it and play it well, I don't see a problem with it. Power levelling was always around anyway in the form of oracles and 'zhen parties'.

    The only objection I have to power levelling from level 1 is if you can't play it don't ruin it for me by causing a squad wipe or **** up instances. That wastes my charm and makes me gamerage

    Nerd by Nature
  • mcfreakie
    mcfreakie Posts: 531 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    prof wrote: »

    @ot: you don't learn **** about your class in pve. everything that you'll ever learn that actually matters will be learned in pvp. therefor, people getting plvl'd are, indeed, better than you.

    btw, op, you're 9x. what room do you have to complain? based on your join date, you leveled by doing frost with hypers. to any of us who are actually vets, that there is plvl.

    Why do idiots always come here to troll and claim they know all since they look at the FORUM join date and think its when you joined PWI? Come on people... Thinking the Forum join date is your PWI join date is almost as bad as the noob who is 9x with level 1 skills. Why is it people dont understand there are differences in PVP and PVE when it comes to skills? There are skills every class has that are meant specifically for PVP and do nothing in PVE.

    To claim someone who gets power leveled is better off because they didnt grind their way up is NUTS. I would agree people who do enjoy PVP and utilize those unique PVP skills are more likely to know their class better but to claim someone who power levels is better is a F#cking JOKE.
  • Talihina - Raging Tide
    Talihina - Raging Tide Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    b:thanks My favourite pleveling moment was in an fc with my 88 sin alt, we had a veno who was HA (Acceptable) but she was using dual hammers (NOT acceptableb:shocked)

    b:sweat Personally I'd like to know how she got to level 80 like that..oh wait, I do know. b:surrender

  • RosangeIa - Heavens Tear
    RosangeIa - Heavens Tear Posts: 240 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    b:thanks My favourite pleveling moment was in an fc with my 88 sin alt, we had a veno who was HA (Acceptable) but she was using dual hammers (NOT acceptableb:shocked)

    b:sweat Personally I'd like to know how she got to level 80 like that..oh wait, I do know. b:surrender

    b:laugh I used to use dual axes on my HA veno just for the lols, but of course I always used a mag weapon for real playing.

    I don't want to criticize the axe venos out there for just playing around how they want to, but honestly if they'd rather use axes alone they probably should make a BM...

    Here since October 2008 ;)

    Check out my Art Corner:
  • prof
    prof Posts: 1,111
    edited October 2011
    mcfreakie wrote: »
    Why do idiots always come here to troll and claim they know all since they look at the FORUM join date and think its when you joined PWI? Come on people... Thinking the Forum join date is your PWI join date is almost as bad as the noob who is 9x with level 1 skills. Why is it people dont understand there are differences in PVP and PVE when it comes to skills? There are skills every class has that are meant specifically for PVP and do nothing in PVE.

    To claim someone who gets power leveled is better off because they didnt grind their way up is NUTS. I would agree people who do enjoy PVP and utilize those unique PVP skills are more likely to know their class better but to claim someone who power levels is better is a F#cking JOKE.

    i think you're a joke.

    you learn nothing worthwhile in pve; therefor, people who jump right to pvp and skip all that nonsense, learn the game faster.

    you know, kids learn to play games, or sports, easier than an adult. their muscles are younger and easier to adjust to the specific task. same thing in games. i've had archers try to use pushback on me in pvp, pve clouds your mind. b:laugh
  • RosangeIa - Heavens Tear
    RosangeIa - Heavens Tear Posts: 240 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Problem is, for a PvE server, if you go whitename most of the time the other white names are either high levels or the unfortunate lower levels who just wanted to try it (from what I've seen). And those other high levels normally have extremely good gear. To me, if I'm really going to venture into that realm, I'd like to be put up against people equally geared so I could learn without getting one shot by +12 R9ers lol... It's a little hard to learn it when your competition is much better geared than you are. It just ends up getting frustrating in the end.

    I haven't pvp'd in quite some time to be honest, though. It's not really an aspect that I particularly like (hence why I rolled on a pve server in the first place).

    There are still aspects of pve that people need to learn and would learn if they leveled up normally. No not from only questing but a lot of it comes from TT instances and eventually running FF. I learned a lot running TTs from 55+, and then FF. There are skills you pick up and use in certain situations that someone plvl'd will not have. Just like clerics still using blessing of the purehearted in their upper 90s which I have seen before, not knowing what purify did, not stacking IH... I've also run into barbs who didn't know how to keep agro on bosses... just a number of things.

    If none of pve took any skill at all, we wouldn't constantly run into these horrible problems with plvl'd players causing squad wipes among other things.

    Here since October 2008 ;)

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  • Mitachi - Dreamweaver
    Mitachi - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,201 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Since when do you pk? Back when I was on Dreamweaver I never saw you at OT :(

    Back when you played i did pk but very seldom i was too squishy and i use to get bullied out of pk. I've been pk-ing alot these past 2 months but as of yesterday i stopped again, theres too many babies that make a drama club and get their tampons in a twist because of it. Im sure my statement will let you know who im talking about. Especially our dear tampon sistersb:cute
  • Keliska - Raging Tide
    Keliska - Raging Tide Posts: 768 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Really it isn't a problem I mean if they made it that far with a toon. That is saying something. Kick them if they were a problem you wouldn't have a problem.
    Venomancers/Clerics rock![SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]

    Alt main: Traydor_Styx - RT - 96
  • asferon
    asferon Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Pfff dont be jelous cuz u can't P.lvlnig ! look at me im new in this game ! just get out my visa and well done! im 105 in 2 weeks yay!! omwtfbbq im soooooo fkn pro! nuuubzzz! *oink* b:victoryb:cute
  • mcfreakie
    mcfreakie Posts: 531 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    asferon wrote: »
    Pfff dont be jelous cuz u can't P.lvlnig ! look at me im new in this game ! just get out my visa and well done! im 105 in 2 weeks yay!! omwtfbbq im soooooo fkn pro! nuuubzzz! *oink* b:victoryb:cute

    Hahaha and we give you 2 more weeks and you will be totally bored and leave. Bye!
  • toxicchemicals
    toxicchemicals Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    asferon wrote: »
    Pfff dont be jelous cuz u can't P.lvlnig ! look at me im new in this game ! just get out my visa and well done! im 105 in 2 weeks yay!! omwtfbbq im soooooo fkn pro! nuuubzzz! *oink* b:victoryb:cute