mystics and seekers overpowered? pfft



  • ILubby - Raging Tide
    ILubby - Raging Tide Posts: 287 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I'm reaalllyyy confused about the mystic heal skill, you say it heals based on the max hp of the target, I've read ecatomb and checked my mystic, it says X% of the base magic attack, I'm sorry if I misread but someone clear that plz x.x
  • SaiKun - Harshlands
    SaiKun - Harshlands Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I'm reaalllyyy confused about the mystic heal skill, you say it heals based on the max hp of the target, I've read ecatomb and checked my mystic, it says X% of the base magic attack, I'm sorry if I misread but someone clear that plz x.x

    It is based on the mystics % of his/her magic base attack + XXX amount of HP. Also, Break in the Clouds is more like a clerics Wellspring heal. It will heal a good chunk, but won't stack. Also, BitC Heal shortened makes me Lolz.
    Every cleric I've ever met was a smoker. Coincidence? I think not.
    Their build, their way..if they call it Sammitch Build, I care less as long they do their job. ~ColdSnow
    Officially Retired : 6/13/2011
  • TreeHugs - Harshlands
    TreeHugs - Harshlands Posts: 368 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    wheres the tl;dr? xD
    TreeHugs - Lv. 101 Demon Rank 8 Mystic
    vixter - Lv. 101 Demon Heavy Rank 8 Venomancer
  • Feito - Dreamweaver
    Feito - Dreamweaver Posts: 165 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Holy ****. That post is a book within itself. Interesting but tl;dr. I'm sure you made a good point....I'm sorry. :(
    InStyle is the greatest faction on Dreamweaver! b:victory
    Feito is...
    [x] Still a LA Cleric
    [x] in possession of a BURNING TIGER SPIRIT b:angry
    [x] Sipping some F--KING tea
    [ ] Totally KICKASS
    [ ] Extremely wealthy
    I've got some ways to go!
  • _Petal_ - Harshlands
    _Petal_ - Harshlands Posts: 499 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    exactly, just like the tideborn were overpowered, fer about a month xD now they're perfectly balanced^^

    How the f*ck am I supposed to take ANYTHING you write seriously when you've said this?
    They're not OP now? What are you smoking, and where can I get some?

    Hi, I'm a Psychic. I'm also a seeker!
    You wanna know what's OP about a seeker? GEMINI SLASH. That skill is so stupidly OP that it's not even funny. I have decent gear for my level, and very good HP considering I don't CS, and I can STILL get oneshot by Gemini. IN WHITE VOODOO!
    That **** needs a nurf. I can EASILY kill a robed class 10+ levels higher than me with Gemini Slash...and I'm in LA!

    You wanna know what's OP about a Mystic? Spell spamming. And don't tell me it's not. I watched a non Rank Mystic take out a full Rank 9 Wizard the other day. (For you Harshlanders, the Mystic was Hatche, and the WIZARD WAS KISSMYSPELLS.) They cast their main skill almost as fast as Psychics cast, PLUS they can heal, PLUS they have their own personal tanks.
    "Oh, but WE pay with mana costs!"
    Bullcrap! It's called CHARMS and POTS.
    "But THOSE cost money!"
    Bullcrap, again. Pots are free if you have the brain capacity to level your Apo skill. Your argument is invalid. If YOU'RE too lazy to farm, that's YOUR fault.

    There aren't a lot of high level EG's out there...but as usual, people aren't going to realize how stupidly powerful they are until THEY get oneshot by Gemini Slash, or THEY get replaced by a Mystic one day. (Venomancers, and even some clerics, wtf?)
    They made fun of me because I wasn't a R8 Psychic...and then came third cast. It's not funny anymore.

    Reason 88 to buy a makeover scroll:
    gomba: "Your butt looks like an eggplant."
  • Renza - Raging Tide
    Renza - Raging Tide Posts: 1,939 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    1) why you posting in this old threat raging about OP'ness.
    2) Mystics arn't OP, it's the persons gear and the person them self, if a non rank mystic took out a rank 9 wizz, I can think of a fair few things why, the mystic could be a good player with good gear, the wizz could of screwed up, a mystic is as good as the player is, the only "OP" thing about them, is the fact that the pet has an insta cast stun for 5 seconds with a long cool down plus the pet is weak as hell anyway so that's no excuse to say there OP.
    Yeah the mystic can heal well guess what, so can a cleric, it's like saying a cleric is OP cos they beat that R9 wizard for spamming heal which lasts for 15 seconds after you're finished spamming it on your self and then plume shotting the wizard to death with OP physical damage.
    "Kantorek: we hope to see the economy in PWI come back "down to earth" if you will."
    *One week later*
    "Frankieraye: Lucky Corals and Platinum Charms are going to be in the Boutique indefinitely."
    *few months later, PWI puts rank8/9 into the CS insanely cheap, raising gold 1mill+*
  • Burnout - Harshlands
    Burnout - Harshlands Posts: 2,585 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    The amount of misinformation in this thread is sort of disturbing.

    BiTC heals similar to ironheart, the only difference is that it gives all 5 ticks of healing at once instead of over 15 seconds.

    BiTC w/ 15k m. attack: 5650, .5 sec cast w/ 1 second cooldown

    Ironheart w/ 15k m. attack: 6450 over 15 seconds

    5-stack Ironheart: 32250 over 15 seconds

    Calculated total HoT:

    5-stack Ironheart: 2150 per second
    BiTC (mystic spamming this casts it every 2 seconds roughly): 2825 per second

    Conclusion: Mystics heal for more and faster, but the difference is that all of it comes in at once, instead of over 15 seconds. There are both advantages and disadvantages to that fact. Mystic healing is undoubtedly stronger for the first 4-5 seconds untill Ironheart can get all 5 stacks on the target. Even then mystic does more HoT than cleric.

    Lets compare Ironheart to Falling Petals:

    Falling petals with 15k m. attack: 6550 over 9 seconds

    5-stack Ironheart: 32250 over 15 seconds

    Calculated total HoT:

    Falling petals: 728 per second

    5-stack Ironheart: 2150 per second

    2-stack Ironheart: 860 per second

    Conclusion: Falling petals is roughly equal to 1.7 casts of Ironheart. Ironheart wins out here in the HoT category after 5 stacks. However, remember that falling petals is a 1 second channel, similar to Ironheart, but it has almost twice the strength of one cast of Ironheart.

    I replied to the 7th topic on the 1st page of mystic forums, and got reported for necro. Plz save mystic forums.
  • YOURLIEZ - Archosaur
    YOURLIEZ - Archosaur Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    According to my experiences (lvl97 cleric main), after 90+ people don't really like to take Venos / Wizards / Psychics to squads. Hercs can't tank anymore due to APS and Sins / BMs outdamage any mage classes. Most of the time, I find myself in squads full of sins and BMs. Look at WC, they all want high APS for FCC now. Herc Venos in my Fac are whining they can't find squads easily anymore, no matter how often they Amp / debuff. Sometimes I feel like the Barb is not needed, they can't even keep aggro for a long time... People just want to finish FCC as fast as possible so they can do it 10-15 times a day and lvl like crazy. =/ It's kinda sad. This APS / 5.0 craze ruined the whole game imo.

    I'm a sin...and tbh i agree with you. Believe it not I would like to FC with other classes besides sins.
    Duke: Let it be know that YOURLIEZ has rerolled to TF2
    Rest of the sever:.....Wait, what?
  • chathy90
    chathy90 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    just saying if pwi change mystic,seekers or some other classes power or skills damage...those classes cant survive and they dont have any purpose be in this game then ^^

    Example:Psychic without good damage and skills arent psychic anymore it is something what noone dont need anymore and thats bad -.-

    you got point what i mean?
    And sorry my bad english XD
  • Yami_ - Dreamweaver
    Yami_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 225 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Mystics aren't OP, they eat a lot of MP and have few attack skills, their summons don't have the same endurance than Veno Pets, their cure is lame, like a Cleric Wellspring Surge, very weak if you know about this skill. Mages that are a crapp class, they should fix this insane long cast that Mages have, they was left behind for Psys and Mystics.

    Seeker have a good endurance, but for what? Since they can't bleed or sustain the aggro, doesn't matter if youre a good tank, if you can't hold aggro, anyone welcomes a Seeker on the instances.

    Good classes nowdays are the ones that can get 5.0 Atk Speed, truth must be said.
  • krittycat
    krittycat Posts: 4,187 Community Moderator
    edited October 2011
    Closed for necro.
This discussion has been closed.