PvP in Secret Passage is now 100% allowed!



  • _Adrasteia_ - Dreamweaver
    _Adrasteia_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 96 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    the worst thing about this thread is that the gm is totaly ignoring it
    frankie do i have to remiend you that i as a cash shopper is the one that
    pays your sallery
    {o,o} NERF RLY?
  • shierox
    shierox Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I was just setting there in secret passage minding my own business, grinding off those little guardian demonfires. Then here comes the rich! I can't believe that they would kill little ole me. I was just sitting there minding my own business. I think we should ughhh like ban all those pkers? They're so mean and hateful! They won't even let me grind to level 102! ): This is a shame on a perfectly good game. This was the first big mistake they ever made. I was really hoping to get my r9 off of all those 5000 entrance fees as well. I guess they just don't want free to play people to ever win. Gosh those 5000s are so expensive on my little wallet. I guess I just never gonna have a place to grind again.
  • Blancheneige - Heavens Tear
    Blancheneige - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,494 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    the worst thing about this thread is that the gm is totaly ignoring it
    frankie do i have to remiend you that i as a cash shopper is the one that
    pays your sallery

    It's the weekend, Frankie does not work and is probably busy playing WoW until monday.

    Thanks Brit for the sig b:laugh
  • Sarrafeline - Sanctuary
    Sarrafeline - Sanctuary Posts: 4,661 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    It's the weekend, Frankie does not work and is probably busy playing WoW until monday.

    101 Sage Sin*/Archer
    100 Demon BM*/Barb
    96 Demon Cleric/Sage Seeker
    95 Demon Wiz/
    94 Sage Veno
    85 Psy/80 Mystic
    And a handful of other alts, all 79 and under.
    *Pre RB level
  • nevahann
    nevahann Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    NO! This is ****!!! Not only did I enter there and get KILLED INSTANTLY 4 TIMES! I went in and told them NOT TO and they THREATENED ME and STILL DID. I have been playing 3 years, I'm not in PVP mood I should not be able to be killed by other players. If this rule stays I will NOT be playing again, ALSO for those jerks IN the Secret Passage THREATENING You HAVE BEEN REPORTED!!!!!! and I will report everyone I see threatening other players.

    There is a reason you can turn PVP off and on
  • _Adrasteia_ - Dreamweaver
    _Adrasteia_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 96 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    It's the weekend, Frankie does not work and is probably busy playing WoW until monday.
    funny thing is i used the wow joke in this thread a couple of days ago :-)
    well well we just have to wait and see
    {o,o} NERF RLY?
  • Blancheneige - Heavens Tear
    Blancheneige - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,494 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    funny thing is i used the wow joke in this thread a couple of days ago :-)

    Sorry, I don't have the patience to read all the pages that adds up here between my connections b:chuckle

    Thanks Brit for the sig b:laugh
  • Kalirin - Sanctuary
    Kalirin - Sanctuary Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    While this change is quite jarring, we think it will actually ultimately be a positive one, and for these reasons:

    1. Players have been asking for a place to PVP without dropping gear for a long time. This new Secret Passage fulfills that role.

    2. Secret Passage is not a mandatory instance for (edit: low-level) Spiritual Cultivation. Mobs needed for culti can be found just outside the instance as well.

    3. Those who need to enter the Hall of Deception instance can use the various Illusion Stones in Archosaur (one is at 529,664).

    So, in short, we're going to change this rule and monitor the situation. We do have a lot of high level players who would like to enter the world of PvP, and I believe that this new version of the Secret Passage will give them that opportunity.

    So please let me know if you have any questions, and I'd like to mention a special thank you to KrittyCat who worked really hard to talk with and help players during this most interesting situation.[/QUOTE]

    So basically **** the low levels that try to do quests in there and cant or dont have cash to stone into the instance or those that need Frost. I tried to help a couple of low level players with Frost only to be killed more than once doing so. Tried to help with a BH player I was helping couldnt even get past the first room without being ganked by high levels. Regi and Vindi were at all out war killing anyone and anything that moved with no consideration for any low level trying to get past to complete quests. Yes I can see that high levels like to play Rambo and brag about whos got the best **** but why the hell let them do it in a low level instance. This really annoys the hell out of me that you dont seem to give a toss about anyone but those high level idiots that get a kick out of killing people. IF they want to play Rambo then sod off to a PvP server.

    Sanct - 100 Sage Cleric
    Sanct - 100 Demon Bm
  • Renza - Raging Tide
    Renza - Raging Tide Posts: 1,939 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Even if it's not manditory to do the quests in there, that's totally besides the point and it's quite "shocking" for a GM to say that you're basically not aloud to do your quests in there, due to the fact that it's a PK zone....oh sorry wait, it's a sin zone....oh wait, it's a cowards PK zone infested with ***** hole sins? does that work? idk, either way I'm not suprised at how frankie is ignoring the hell out of this thread with no communication, I vote bring back spoons, as frankie is proving to not quite be on the ball.
    "Kantorek: we hope to see the economy in PWI come back "down to earth" if you will."
    *One week later*
    "Frankieraye: Lucky Corals and Platinum Charms are going to be in the Boutique indefinitely."
    *few months later, PWI puts rank8/9 into the CS insanely cheap, raising gold 1mill+*
  • Ajaa - Heavens Tear
    Ajaa - Heavens Tear Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    All I can say is, I am disappointed. PvP shouldn't be forced on to players and just because the only boss needed for cultivation isn't until later, doesn't mean the Secret Passage isn't an important place for low levels. Not everyone power-levels. I don't. I quest during my low levels and that includes Secret Passage.
    There shouldn't be any reason that I as a blue name on a PvE server can't go into Secret Passage and help low levels kill things. I, personally, don't mind PvP, because it usually doesn't affect me. I'm blue name, PvE'er, and my fun is in helping other people.
  • Levianuss - Archosaur
    Levianuss - Archosaur Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Couldn't do the wheel of Earth quest , got pked every single time I tried to pass the first hall. Gratz to the lvs 100 who camps the passage 24/7 to pk levs 30...
    Way to go pwi, way to go.
  • Kalirin - Sanctuary
    Kalirin - Sanctuary Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Couldn't do the wheel of Earth quest , got pked every single time I tried to pass the first hall. Gratz to the lvs 100 who camps the passage 24/7 to pk levs 30...
    Way to go pwi, way to go.

    Is a lvl 100 and I am totally against this and get very irate when low levels are constantly killed trying to complete quests..I go in to try and help and as I dont remortgage my house to spend on a game I dont have the best gear so end up dead too. I know u said those that camp but just wanted to put it across that alot of high levels are very against what happens in Sp.

    Sanct - 100 Sage Cleric
    Sanct - 100 Demon Bm
  • AslansChild - Sanctuary
    AslansChild - Sanctuary Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    There's a reason I am on a PvE server where I can choose when I am and when I am NOT in PvP mode. If they are going to make a PvP ZONE...they should:
    1) Make a whole new area for PvP
    2) NOT have this in the Secret Passage because there are lower leveled players here. Some of which are still trying to understand the game.

    LAME! It's especially fun when you don't know about the rule change and go in SP with a lower-leveled player..intending to HELP THEM with fb/bh 29..only to get yourself/them killed.

    Great idea pwi...great. b:angry
  • Susamajii - Lost City
    Susamajii - Lost City Posts: 902 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Even if it's not manditory to do the quests in there, that's totally besides the point and it's quite "shocking" for a GM to say that you're basically not aloud to do your quests in there, due to the fact that it's a PK zone....oh sorry wait, it's a sin zone....oh wait, it's a cowards PK zone infested with ***** hole sins? does that work? idk, either way I'm not suprised at how frankie is ignoring the hell out of this thread with no communication, I vote bring back spoons, as frankie is proving to not quite be on the ball.

    Get someone to bramble you before you go in and watch the sins kill themselves lol.
    Had some newb sins reflecting themselves for 8k while hitting me for 600 XD
    Push me,
    And then just touch me.
    Tilll I get my,
  • _Thia_ - Dreamweaver
    _Thia_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 187 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    oh what a STUPID idea, yes like now we have high lvl players killing the poor low lvl blue names that are there merely trying to do their quests. Well you know if i chose to be in a PVE server it's because i may not wish to be pked when i am blue named. isn't that quite obvious?? oh and by mirror chinese version u mean...too lazy to change anything? This game is getting beyond dumb.
  • Susamajii - Lost City
    Susamajii - Lost City Posts: 902 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    oh what a STUPID idea, yes like now we have high lvl players killing the poor low lvl blue names that are there merely trying to do their quests. Well you know if i chose to be in a PVE server it's because i may not wish to be pked when i am blue named. isn't that quite obvious?? oh and by mirror chinese version u mean...too lazy to change anything? This game is getting beyond dumb.

    Not too lazy, they are unable to change anything or maybe even not allowed to. There are alot of policies that people are not aware of. For instance if a GM is mailing you an item in game they must do it after a maintenance. They have the ability to make items whenever they want to but they are not allowed/supposed to.
    Push me,
    And then just touch me.
    Tilll I get my,
  • seitori
    seitori Posts: 1,328 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    b:pleased I Think I got a great Idea on how the Great High lev Pk's can nip this 1 in the Bud, on how too SQUASH the Rogue PKs that are camping out in SP, Heheheheee....

    Its a 2 part stratagy for all of ya... b:laugh Send In a Ranged hit squad to trim the campers herd of stragglers that get too far from the center, then have a second Squad of HIGH SIN's Camp outside ORCHID TEMPLE, for when the campers try too make it back too SP and WHALLAA!! SP CAMPER STEW!! b:victory Do it enough times and unless they got everything on them Binded, ya even got ya some nice war trophy BOOTY for all ya'zz...

    All while trying to take back the PK LEGACY on your servers, from the lil scumbags that are messin it up..b:pleased

    Piece a cake...

    "Just remember to put Ranged Stunner PK's on the LEE side of the SP tower, incase they get away from your ambushers outside of Orchid temple, ya wouldn't want your prey too escape now would you."..b:sad

    Now if only it'd work on the ones HIDING as blues, oh well
  • buffnuts
    buffnuts Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Get someone to bramble you before you go in and watch the sins kill themselves lol.
    Had some newb sins reflecting themselves for 8k while hitting me for 600 XD

    Not an awful tip for a higher level, but for a lowbie squishy class on a PvE server they might only have a 1K HP(if that), that's 2 hits from sins. if a random aoe doesn't pop them first.
  • circyes
    circyes Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    It is not right and it is absolutely unfair for people with lower level characters to be subjected to the "new rule" that allows bullies to PK characters at will (especially in a place where low levels are forced to go if they are trying to level at a reasonable pace).

    The original concept that has ruled the game is appropriate: let those who want to PK opt to PK each other and be forced to leave the rest of us alone.

    What kind of sick mine delights in harassing others? And what kind of people would cater to that sickness?

    The only way to make the PK thing fair is to require that anyone who attacks another player be allowed only to attack equals and I'm not talking about level only.

    Quests require you to go in secret passage for: Silverfrost, Shade Eido, Dismal Shade, and a couple of chest digs. You have made it impossible for LOTS of people to complete their quests, by allowing this circus. This is a PvE server, not a PvP server. If you want to cater to the PvP ilk, allow them to move their account to an appropriate server and let the rest of us do what we joined to do..........quest and level and have fun.
  • seitori
    seitori Posts: 1,328 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    buffnuts wrote: »
    Not an awful tip for a higher level, but for a lowbie squishy class on a PvE server they might only have a 1K HP(if that), that's 2 hits from sins. if a random aoe doesn't pop them first.

    It is quite the shame that Venos can't BRAMBLEHood others..b:sad

    Cause that would be funny too watch the Rogue Pk's commit Seppuku/Suicide on peaple if ya could lololol..b:laugh
  • kod12
    kod12 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I went in SP to help a few people with Silverfrost. As we are half way through we were ambushed by a bunch of tools. Waited an hour and the same a$$ group waited until we were half done to take us out once again. As the cleric I was the first out and got **** for not saving the crew.

    I have characters on PVE and PVP and like both styles. Implementing this on PVE in a low level area/location others need culti quests is a joke. I WILL NOT drop another dime in this game as long as this change is in place.
  • _blood_rain - Sanctuary
    _blood_rain - Sanctuary Posts: 2,532 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Was in SP last night, there was a handful of PKers, and about 2 ppl doing quests, none of which were harmed by the pkers.
  • mcfreakie
    mcfreakie Posts: 531 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    nevahann wrote: »
    NO! This is ****!!! Not only did I enter there and get KILLED INSTANTLY 4 TIMES! I went in and told them NOT TO and they THREATENED ME and STILL DID. I have been playing 3 years, I'm not in PVP mood I should not be able to be killed by other players. If this rule stays I will NOT be playing again, ALSO for those jerks IN the Secret Passage THREATENING You HAVE BEEN REPORTED!!!!!! and I will report everyone I see threatening other players.

    There is a reason you can turn PVP off and on

    I hope it works but many players have said the tickets sent in are just being directed to this thread. The company and apparently Frankie approve of Harassment and are now embracing it as standard game play.

    Personally, I see it like 'New' Coke or the changing of the GAP logo... the question is will the ship totally sink before management takes a big **** and changes everything back?

  • daryskin
    daryskin Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Post no 1150

    Hi there you the one that post the stupid dam positve sp for pvp. As you may have wondered that there are many a people that are not happy campers with this PKing in secrete passage. You Need to shake that head of yours. You may like it but the poles tell different. PEOPLE DO NOT WANT THIS DO YOU DAM WELL UNDERSTAND anyways i will not feed no more money into this dame till they GET RID OF THE PKING IN SECRETE PASSAGE> I AM ASKING OTHERS TO DO THE SAME WE NEED TO LET THE HIGH HONCHOS KNOW THAT THIS IS NOT RIGHT AND UNFAIR ALONG WITH CAUSEING EXTREEM HARDSHIP ON PVE PPLE THAT WANT TO HAVE FUN. SO INN CONCLUSION I AM ASKING PEOPLE NOT TO FEED THERE MONEY THAT THEY EARNED HARDY INTO THIS GAME TILL THEY GET RID OF THE PKING IN SECRET PASSAGE AND FIND A NEW AREA. this is just my thought
  • _BloodWolf_ - Raging Tide
    _BloodWolf_ - Raging Tide Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    i say remove this rediculous rule once and for all or at least when u enter SP have a message saying would u like to enter the PK zone yes or no that way all the high lvls nubs can have a empty SP to pk in which ever room they want and leave the low lvls alone and the players who need dismal shade, silverfrost, shade eido, 15 of those fire things and that one pendant thing from the ancient evils
  • eatingcheetos
    eatingcheetos Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    This is exactly the type of stupid thing that caused me to leave my last game! Pointless PVP! I went into SP with a friend to get my quests done in there only to get pk'd practically inside the door! I was with a friend almost 30 levels higher than me and she was left alone.
    I have never been in pk mode on any of my chars in all the time I've played this game. I play on a PVE server because I loathe PVP. Now I have to PVP to complete some quests? There are 3 bosses and a chest that are quest items in there. The second you walk in the door there are dozens of pk'ers standing there and some of them are scummy enough to attack the lowbies.

    I see this game going a bad direction. When game developers aren't creative enough to find something for high levels to do but gather around and smack each other like a bunch of gorillas, it's time to find a new one. If you want high levels to have a place to freely PVP, make them one. Don't take something away from the rest of us in the process. Or here's an idea....create some real content for high levels. Not everyone wants to be a gorilla.
  • __RedFox__ - Heavens Tear
    __RedFox__ - Heavens Tear Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    would it be much easier and smarter to actually open up the mysterious arena in the big towns and make them pvp arena. Instead of turning a low level dungeon into one where high level pvp low levels?. Just saying would save anyone complaining about anything,

    this is so true them high lvls are pking everyone Enrage is trying to charge you 1 mil to pass i think this is about the dumbest thing pwi has come up with so far
  • FatalFem - Heavens Tear
    FatalFem - Heavens Tear Posts: 291 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    buffnuts wrote: »
    Not an awful tip for a higher level, but for a lowbie squishy class on a PvE server they might only have a 1K HP(if that), that's 2 hits from sins. if a random aoe doesn't pop them first.

    The hp really doesn't matter, it reflects the damage back to the person who is hitting. Meaning sins with their fast aps would kill themselves pretty fast. Good tip!
    this is so true them high lvls are pking everyone Enrage is trying to charge you 1 mil to pass i think this is about the dumbest thing pwi has come up with so far

    That is extortion I do believe... they may as well just start everyone out at lvl 75 now.. with culti already completed. Where the cash shop won't be about lvl anymore, but about gear more than anything. It will eliminate the need for culti in sp and any quests in there. Since playing the game the way it was originally intended, apparently isn't the goal of the developers.
  • _blood_rain - Sanctuary
    _blood_rain - Sanctuary Posts: 2,532 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    this is so true them high lvls are pking everyone Enrage is trying to charge you 1 mil to pass i think this is about the dumbest thing pwi has come up with so far

    Sounds more like an Enrage problem than a SP problem. Show some compassion, maybe we can get them all therapists and sit down and talk out those awful things from their dark pasts~
  • FerClaw - Heavens Tear
    FerClaw - Heavens Tear Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Hey, Frankie! It's MONDAY!!

    Answer us already!
    Or better, find a solution to this mess!

    If I was you, I wouldn't be sleeping at all until things got resolved and the tards abusing this rule banned forever from the game.
This discussion has been closed.