PvP in Secret Passage is now 100% allowed!
Hey, Frankie! It's MONDAY!!
Answer us already!
Or better, find a solution to this mess!
If I was you, I wouldn't be sleeping at all until things got resolved and the tards abusing this rule banned forever from the game.0 -
FerClaw - Heavens Tear wrote: »Hey, Frankie! It's MONDAY!!
Answer us already!
Or better, find a solution to this mess!
If I was you, I wouldn't be sleeping at all until things got resolved and the tards abusing this rule banned forever from the game.
It's 22:44 Sunday in California at the moment i'm replying to you.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thanks Silvy for the superb sig
VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit0 -
FerClaw - Heavens Tear wrote: »Hey, Frankie! It's MONDAY!!
Answer us already!
Or better, find a solution to this mess!
If I was you, I wouldn't be sleeping at all until things got resolved and the tards abusing this rule banned forever from the game.
Not Monday on the West Coast yet. Another hour and fifteen minutes, then it will be. Even then, wait a several hours, cause most people don't start work at midnight.0 -
Ajaa - Heavens Tear wrote: »Not Monday on the West Coast yet. Another hour and fifteen minutes, then it will be. Even then, wait a several hours, cause most people don't start work at midnight.0
VenusArmani - Dreamweaver wrote: »It's 22:44 Sunday in California at the moment i'm replying to you.
People are pissed and in need of an official ear to complain to. As much as the mods (so far I've only seen Shelly and Kritty) are doing, they have no power to address this problem. If Frankie was a real community manager paid to do his job, he'd be spending a lot of hours on this thread to try and find at least a temporary solution to this madness.
I know that managing a vast community as this one is not easy, but really, a word from him to let us know that he's following the issue closely would make the angered users know that we're not being ignored as we feel right now.
Hell, he's been ignoring this thread since the beginning (after giving us poor excuses and solutions like "quests in SP not necessary" and "use the illusion stone"), and that was three days ago (maybe four) and over 118 pages and 1175 comments...0 -
This would be true providing Frankie is from the west coast... But lets see.. China is on Monday... EU servers its Monday... East coast servers have hit Midnight so its Monday... I would have to agree by simple majority PWI has rolled over to Monday. But what really matters is which investors who want to see their investment grow have seen the outrage change their potential earnings when game reviewers are starting to point out PWI is now embracing a blunder and is promoting harassment in their games? Which investors want their name associated with companies who promote harassment in a video game?
Trust me, frankieraye works at the PWE offices in California. Therefore, he won't be at the office for another 10 and a half hours, and that even depends on how he's feeling. The trip to China really messed him up, and he hasn't been feeling the greatest since then. PWI, due to the office that hosts it being in California, actually hasn't even switched over to Monday on all of its servers yet, so no, PWI has not rolled over to Monday. Your part of the world does not dictate the time in the rest of the world (thus the reason for time zones). If you are on the East Coast, don't expect to see any responses from frankie or any GM until after 1pm EDT.0 -
Isn't this a bit like lining up an NFL team against a gradeschool football team? The poor little ones are getting squashed. This may have been done with the idea of giving high levels a place to pvp, but all it has done is create hostility. You have effectively taken several quests away from lower level players.
This was a stupid thing to put into effect on the pve servers. Do you know what it's like for a pve loving person of any level to be thrust into a pvp setting? It's miserable. It ruins the game for people. The last game I played went this direction and I quit because I hated it so much. I'm hearing rumors about people being threatened and having to pay entrance fees to the huge mob camped just inside the door. I had to give up quests on one of my new characters because when I go in, they pk me and when they're 30 levels or more above me, there is nothing I can do about it. I'm pure magic so I'm a one hit kill.
You have a rule that they can't harass players, report if the same person pks you over and over. But people are getting pkd multiple times by a different player every time. The one truly guilty of harrassment is PWI! This is supposed to be a social game, you want us to join guilds and spend a fortune in your cash shop to build bases, etc. Yet you turn a peaceful instanced dungeon into a hate factory. Way to go PWI. I haven't been crazy about some of the decisions in the past, but this is the first time PWI has made me angry. Angry enough that I will not be playing if they don't fix it soon.
I was gonna buy PWI gold as a present for my daughter and her friend. But since they can't get their quests, I'll spend it on another game. I hope I'm not alone in witholding my money until they fix this idiotic situation.0 -
Trust me, frankieraye works at the PWE offices in California. Therefore, he won't be at the office for another 10 and a half hours, and that even depends on how he's feeling. The trip to China really messed him up, and he hasn't been feeling the greatest since then. PWI, due to the office that hosts it being in California, actually hasn't even switched over to Monday on all of its servers yet, so no, PWI has not rolled over to Monday. Your part of the world does not dictate the time in the rest of the world (thus the reason for time zones). If you are on the East Coast, don't expect to see any responses from frankie or any GM until after 1pm EDT.
That's what I'd do even if I had high fever.
It's a five minutes post and it lets the community know that we're not being completely ignored.0 -
FerClaw - Heavens Tear wrote: »If he's so sick, at least he could have said it sooner. You know, even a short "Guys, I've been to china and now I feel sick. I'll come back to you when I feel better to solve this issue" would have been great.
That's what I'd do even if I had high fever.
It's a five minutes post and it lets the community know that we're not being completely ignored.
Or you know that other really funny GM could post, Sihndra. I like him. He's hilarious. It seems he helped Frankie with that other post. I don't expect Frankie to come to work and drop everything over a video game, his health comes first. Nothing in this game is so important that someone should sacrifice doing whatever they've been told to do by the doctors. I empathize with Frankie, but no company should come to halt in answering it's customers concerns just because one person is sick. Any GM response would be nice later today. When the offices are actually open. I hope Frankie gets well soon. :P[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thanks Silvy for the superb sig
VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit0 -
Trust me, frankieraye works at the PWE offices in California. Therefore, he won't be at the office for another 10 and a half hours, and that even depends on how he's feeling. The trip to China really messed him up, and he hasn't been feeling the greatest since then. PWI, due to the office that hosts it being in California, actually hasn't even switched over to Monday on all of its servers yet, so no, PWI has not rolled over to Monday. Your part of the world does not dictate the time in the rest of the world (thus the reason for time zones). If you are on the East Coast, don't expect to see any responses from frankie or any GM until after 1pm EDT.
Thanks Kritty... now we know when to EXPECT some answers. I am also wondering as it was mentioned prior that someone at the tournament put a little birdie in the ear of developers and the lame excuses given by Frankie if it was not Frankie who made the suggestion for this change with out getting much player feedback? With out true leadership and communication something small can turn extremely deadly to a company or organization.
I also wonder why the TW factions who seem to be camping SP on some servers have not spread the word about the poll going, which has a clear opposition for allowing this in SP? I know there are emails and snail mail letters on their way to China referencing the data in those polls along with questions why ALL customer service tickets at one time were sending out blanket links to this thread as the answer to all issues in game. I would hope someone from marketing who has put so much time into rolling out the 3 year anniversary has noticed an impact in their promotion because of this little blunder in SP.0 -
At this point, I'm almost tempted to level up a character on each server just to try to run interference for some of the lower levels to be able to quest in Secret Passage.
I refuse to be on the side of encouraging players to not quest and instead use FC to level up. I remember when the game was most fun, and it certainly is not that now. Everyone is too worried about leveling as fast as possible, to get to "endgame" (Level 101, Rank 8/9), so they can then log on for TW and complain about the lack of content.
+1 I fully agree, thanks Kritty! b:kiss b:heart you and shelly"Care Bear" b:chuckle
Proud member of Drakon - forever !! RAWR0 -
Eilexa - Heavens Tear wrote: »+1 I fully agree, thanks Kritty! b:kiss b:heart you and shelly
b:surrender0 -
FatalFem - Heavens Tear wrote: »It has took me almost a year and a half to get to lvl 102. I have enjoyed every single quest that was offered to me. I have done them all (except harpy wraith, cause lets just face it.. its hard). I too have gone into SP to try to help the lowbies get by. I get called a cry baby, a carebear, and a whiner when I ask them to stop and let ppl thru. A lot of them I can't kill. They have all r9 gear refined to +12. I'm rank 8 with a +10 weapon. Not badly geared by any means but I don't stand up to a r9+12. If the people on servers would unite to show the bigger factions we will NOT be pushed around, maybe they'd stop. Maybe we can do what the GM's refuse to do..
I don't get why ppl are in such a rush to get to endgame either.. nothing is left but to be bored.
I have mentioned about the cube before as well, and the GM's don't care about it either. There needs to be 2 different cubes. 1 in which PvP is enabled in ALL the rooms, and 1 where it is not enabled in ANY of them. To tell people they should join a pve server if they don't want to pk, then force them to do it in ANY aspect of the game is wrong. Its not what I have paid for.. yes PAID for. After spending even 1 dollar on this game, I am a paying customer. I paid for a service as it was told to me and then it was switched on me without my consent or an "opt out" option. It still baffles me why Pvp is such a big deal on a PvE server, if they are that hardcore about it; they should be on a PvP server!
+1 FULLY AGREE, I've been playing for over 2 years and I have an alt of each class. I fully enjoy doing the quests too (yes it's a pain sometimes especially killing 90+ of mobs), but I still prefer doing them and it's my choice to do them. I haven't powerlevelled a single one of them. Advantages of doing quests: money, drops (more money), you learn your class and your skills, you become confident in what you can or cannot do and improve that which you cannot do, you get to know other people, and you have the ability to say I achieved that (it gives you selfrespect). Now I have nothing against powerlevelling, it's just not my style and in my opinion it's kinda like cheating. But I will agree that the person who originally came up with the idea, is pretty smart b:laugh"Care Bear" b:chuckle
Proud member of Drakon - forever !! RAWR0 -
Blancheneige - Heavens Tear wrote: »I propose that the current PWE administrator(s) be fired and that ChaoticShelly be hired to replace him/her/them.
HEHE I like, +1 for my vote b:pleased"Care Bear" b:chuckle
Proud member of Drakon - forever !! RAWR0 -
Kaitica - Heavens Tear wrote: »Yeah we're friends, factionmates, almost neighbors o:,
I'm not saying that this was a good placement at all for a PK thing.
I like running through sp to do bh29 for a nub alt.... and there i go dying on my alt b:cry
Lets see
Chests of Coins
Rep sales
Censor list
Goon glitch
Pk below 29
I just was curious.
About the rubberbanding....IT SUCKS...but I kinda got used to it by now, it's like ... it's a part of the game ... besides ... I think we have worse things to QQ about right now b:surrender"Care Bear" b:chuckle
Proud member of Drakon - forever !! RAWR0 -
Eilexa - Heavens Tear wrote: »About the rubberbanding....IT SUCKS...but I kinda got used to it by now, it's like ... it's a part of the game ... besides ... I think we have worse things to QQ about right now b:surrender
While I have seen several mention it I dont recall seeing anyone explain what is rubberbanding? I am sure somewhere its buried in pages of comments in some thread but could you explain for all of us who are directed to this thread via the customer service ticket responses?0 -
Plenty of people do the lowbie quests!!! Maybe not on your PVP server, but on the PVE servers they do. Its costs 5k to port in, but that's no guarantee of safety, the mobs and players can catch you in the moment you're stuck in the doorway to 29. I can grind 100K easily and quickly because I'm a high level, but the lowbies at that level can't, and they need to save their money for gear, weapons, repair bills, etc... You should quit, the game doesn't need high levels anymore and all the QQ they do about being bored. How does that sound to you? Cause that's what you're saying to the lowbies. b:angry
Your join date is long ago enough that i wouldn't assume you're a Plvl'er, but being a PWIC finalist means you're almost definately just a Rank geared jackass who doesn't give a rip about anyone else So this worthless opinion you've given is about what I'd expect.
+1 b:victory
Susamajii - Lost City you are a NOOB, stick your PVP servers and hold your opinions on there, don't comment on a PVE server if you don't play it. PVP has interfered with our PVE server to a point that the choice to PVP has been taken away from us...if we remain to have a choice whether to PVP or not, we wouldn't QQ, so **** (censored - basically in a nice term shut up...)"Care Bear" b:chuckle
Proud member of Drakon - forever !! RAWR0 -
While I have seen several mention it I dont recall seeing anyone explain what is rubberbanding? I am sure somewhere its buried in pages of comments in some thread but could you explain for all of us who are directed to this thread via the customer service ticket responses?
Hmm...it's kinda hard to explain...lemme try: Rubberbanding is like when for example you were flying and you land on like the centre platform on archo, now you're trying to jump/fall down to the walkway below, but you kinda get stuck halfway in the air... the movement is like you trying to get down, but then you're in the air again...repeatedly...hope that help sb:surrender"Care Bear" b:chuckle
Proud member of Drakon - forever !! RAWR0 -
AslansChild - Sanctuary wrote: »There's a reason I am on a PvE server where I can choose when I am and when I am NOT in PvP mode. If they are going to make a PvP ZONE...they should:
1) Make a whole new area for PvP
2) NOT have this in the Secret Passage because there are lower leveled players here. Some of which are still trying to understand the game.
LAME! It's especially fun when you don't know about the rule change and go in SP with a lower-leveled player..intending to HELP THEM with fb/bh 29..only to get yourself/them killed.
Great idea pwi...great. b:angry
b:surrender Hi Aslan. I was planning on taking it upon myself to serve as a tasty snack--er, I mean, distraction, but then I realized that I'd probably just get aoe'd trying to help anyone in the fac through SP. I really hope they fix this.At this point, I'm almost tempted to level up a character on each server just to try to run interference for some of the lower levels to be able to quest in Secret Passage.
I refuse to be on the side of encouraging players to not quest and instead use FC to level up. I remember when the game was most fun, and it certainly is not that now. Everyone is too worried about leveling as fast as possible, to get to "endgame" (Level 101, Rank 8/9), so they can then log on for TW and complain about the lack of content.
Please do! If...you could survive the trip to bh29 in sanct. b:sad It's getting crazy over here. I think they need rabies shots.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
~Demon as of 5/6/12 - On the night where the moon is closer to the earth and brighter than any other night in the past 18 years.~
Slow and steady stays alive~ I'm in no rush, I'm enjoying the journey to end game just as it was ment to be. b:victory
"You sir, are why I love clerics" < Liba - Heaven's Tear
b:thanks Well thank you Liba<30 -
Eilexa - Heavens Tear wrote: »Hmm...it's kinda hard to explain...lemme try: Rubberbanding is like when for example you were flying and you land on like the centre platform on archo, now you're trying to jump/fall down to the walkway below, but you kinda get stuck halfway in the air... the movement is like you trying to get down, but then you're in the air again...repeatedly...hope that help sb:surrender
Ahhh yes when the server suddenly has Alzheimers and doesnt remember where you are or what you are doing. But a few people have mentioned, in this thread even, they would rather the programmers spend (waste in my opinion) their time coming up with new material for those who chose the exploit/fast way of leveling over taking the time to actually fix the programming errors as they seem to feel we should all just end all questing and dash to FC to level up our characters skipping all that waste people call content.
I would have to admit I could handle the rubberbanding for a bit longer if they would fix the blunder they have created in SP.0 -
Aeyisha - Lost City wrote: »Please. My main is on HT. So when I talk out my rear, I know what I am talking about. I was in SP for about 3 hours today on HT and saw several people ask to be let past and 80% of the time they were let past.
Wait...so you have BEG people to let you through?? God how demeaning that is...I'm sure those high level PK noobs are loving the fact that they are in charge of your life...and the fact that they get to play god in there...*** that b:surrender"Care Bear" b:chuckle
Proud member of Drakon - forever !! RAWR0 -
Hi people my name is tsamaris
I want to share some news that came out of the woodwork. People that are pkers are now charging a safety fee for newbies or Low lvl toons to do there quest in sp. How retarted is this that a person needs to pay other toons to do there quest in secrete passage just to ejoy the game. I say this to the people that are high lvl that just like to get there kick out of killing newbie or Low Level people u guys are bullies and are like the mob in RL that like to steal money from people to make them pay for safety. same in sp u guys are doing the same charging the Low Levels a safety fee in order to pass and do ther quest. Yesh shake it off. AS for the others that care to help the Low lvls and newbie i appaude u with my heart there not many that care to keep the newbie and low lvls safe from harm. SO in conclusion People that get a kick out of killing low lvls and newbies along with charging a safety fee u gus are bullies and Mobs that have no life other than to make others life a hell. U people haver no life at all that is y u depend on hurting others to enhance urs. I like to see what the head hochos going to say about this one i am also pm them with this latest news
Well...good job DEVS, is this what you envisioned when you made this change? So now we have the following choices:
attempt to do your quests, because you want to and it's your choice and:-
- have a very slim chance of actually making it through, while some other poor noobs are getting slaughtered,
- beg the pk'ers there to let you pass (yes demeaning I know)
- port into the instance (only if you need fb or bh, not the quests) and die by the mobs guarding the gate
- pay a toll fee (ridiculous I know)
- or actually just decide, it's really not worth the effort to try and do what the game was made for (questing)
- give up some important quests like the OHT chain (Silverfrost)
- or quit the game entirely cuz you feel it's not the game you signed up for (thanks Myelene ;-) )
that's kinda how I sum it up, damn you screwed this game up over the past few years with changes like this...b:surrender"Care Bear" b:chuckle
Proud member of Drakon - forever !! RAWR0 -
Ahhh yes when the server suddenly has Alzheimers and doesnt remember where you are or what you are doing. But a few people have mentioned, in this thread even, they would rather the programmers spend (waste in my opinion) their time coming up with new material for those who chose the exploit/fast way of leveling over taking the time to actually fix the programming errors as they seem to feel we should all just end all questing and dash to FC to level up our characters skipping all that waste people call content.
I would have to admit I could handle the rubberbanding for a bit longer if they would fix the blunder they have created in SP.
Like I said, I'm so used to it already, I don't really even notice it lol it's been around for a while now.b:chuckle"Care Bear" b:chuckle
Proud member of Drakon - forever !! RAWR0 -
Traz - Dreamweaver wrote: »PROS
People like being blue name but still being able to PK (PvE Servers)
People like learning how to PK with no threat of item drop
People like being able to PK without saftey lock or Guardian Scroll usage
It effects people trying to do their BH29
It effects people trying to do their lower level quests
It effects people trying to do their OHT culti (silverfrost)
It seems the only cons are pointed to the location, not the concept, which shouldn't be very difficult to either create or use a better instance that is much better suited. I would also suggest to PWI an idea for this new area:
1. New area keeps daily scores of kills/death (players 15 levels or lower do not count as a kill)
2. New area after each day gives top 3 to 5 a prize along the lines of a public quest (stay in area not required). Rewards based on most kills, longest kill streak, best K/D ratio, etc
3. New area keeps overall record of players (both kills and deaths) and can give a monthly / yearly prize out based on stats such as, but not restricted to, longest kill streak, best K/D ratio, most top 5s in the year or best pk'er of the month awards, etc
4. Possible yearly invite to a cross server PK tournie based on top 15 Players of each server with good grand prizes (top player of the year gets +12 / +11 / few +10 orbs? something good and yes PWI it's once a year and that suggested made you cringe so quickly read number 5)
5. Profit from charm sales PWI
I personally think it would really spark new/old PKers to come back who have gotten bored with the PvE side of things. Lets rev up some people for PK. People can feel free to add / bring own ideas to my idea. frankie I really hope that might interest you and maybe send to china because I think everyone would love a dedicated instance based on the environment variables in SP to liven up PK.
I think it's very clear people ONLY hate this due to it's location and not based on the concept it brings to the PK scene.
+1 Supported"Care Bear" b:chuckle
Proud member of Drakon - forever !! RAWR0 -
Hmmm ok...so I've just read/scrolled through like 40 pages since the last time I was on forum on Friday (I work during weekdays, so I check forums, and when I can play I don't bother with forums b:laugh) and I do not see a single GM response or update...that's like more than 48 hours ago...seriously...with all due respect if Frankie's not feeling well, get a subsitute (I'm pretty sure there's not just 1 GM around...) or just give us a damn update, we are all not feeling very well about this change...and we feel pretty strongly about it...Shelly/Kritty any word for us from a GM? You guys have done a good job so far and your insights have been supported..."Care Bear" b:chuckle
Proud member of Drakon - forever !! RAWR0 -
Eilexa - Heavens Tear wrote: »Hmmm ok...so I've just read/scrolled through like 40 pages since the last time I was on forum on Friday (I work during weekdays, so I check forums, and when I can play I don't bother with forums b:laugh) and I do not see a single GM response or update...that's like more than 48 hours ago...seriously...with all due respect if Frankie's not feeling well, get a subsitute (I'm pretty sure there's not just 1 GM around...) or just give us a damn update, we are all not feeling very well about this change...and we feel pretty strongly about it...Shelly/Kritty any word for us from a GM? You guys have done a good job so far and your insights have been supported...
Again guys, it's 1:52 in the morning in California. If you want to check the time click here. http://www.time.gov/timezone.cgi?Pacific/d/-8/java I wouldn't ever expect a response from PWE on the weekends, or at super late hours in the morning.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thanks Silvy for the superb sig
VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit0 -
VenusArmani - Dreamweaver wrote: »Again guys, it's 1:52 in the morning in California. If you want to check the time click here. http://www.time.gov/timezone.cgi?Pacific/d/-8/java I wouldn't ever expect a response from PWE on the weekends, or at super late hours in the morning.
Probably true...we are just eager for a response...now I wonder if they'll even scroll back through all these many pages and looks at the suggestions and complaints. I just submitted my first ticket (didn't do so before, because I didn't think it would help), maybe if we bombard them with many they'll realise we have a problem..."Care Bear" b:chuckle
Proud member of Drakon - forever !! RAWR0 -
Eilexa - Heavens Tear wrote: »Well...good job DEVS, is this what you envisioned when you made this change? So now we have the following choices:
attempt to do your quests, because you want to and it's your choice and:-
- have a very slim chance of actually making it through, while some other poor noobs are getting slaughtered,
- beg the pk'ers there to let you pass (yes demeaning I know)
- port into the instance (only if you need fb or bh, not the quests) and die by the mobs guarding the gate
- pay a toll fee (ridiculous I know)
- or actually just decide, it's really not worth the effort to try and do what the game was made for (questing)
- give some important quests like the OHT chain (Silverfrost)
that's kinda how I sum it up, damn you screwed this game up over the past few years with changes like this...b:surrender
-Quit and go play another game is another option too... maybe tetris yup i'll try tetris online XDb:laugh0 -
You have totally gone overboard catering to the high lvls. The Secret passage is now just a death trap for low to mid lvls trying to complete their quests (Shade Eido). I've been playing now for almost 2 yrs and all you ppl seem to care about is the high lvl characters. Almost Every change has been to cater to the whims of them, and this last abomination is the worst. Do you not realize that these high lvls care about nothing but themselves and will post themselves in the secret passage killing every low to mid lvl player who enters with no warning. And to charge 5000 coins to use the stone in method is totally unfair to those who can afford it least. Very, very bad move on your part. You need to fix this, do something else for the high lvls without endangering the others who enjoy the playing the game without worrying about being killed off all thi time. PvP'rs have their own servers, stop ruining the game for the PvE'rs.0
This discussion has been closed.
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