Regen is gonna take over



  • Shadowfire - Dreamweaver
    Shadowfire - Dreamweaver Posts: 356 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    3) If walking out into the open purposely looking for battle counts as a strategy than damn I guess that counts. From what I gather Regen WANTS TO FIGHT, so why use any strategy at all? Most of them are so OP their 3rd-4th alts have full nirvy and rank 8/9. What need for strategy when you can just grind the opposition to dust with overwhelming power?


    I can guarantee neither of my characters is insanely well geared, and I only have 2 that are lvl 100+ (this character and a sin I use for farming). If you really want, I'll even post pwcalcs of my wizard and sin when i get home for class. I'll even throw in one of my third highest level alt, a lvl 65ish cleric that I don't play anymore/mainly use as a shop.
    (also inb4 someone says that a few people without OP gears are the exception)

    Anyways, time to disappear and go to class.

    (also hi decus)
  • Yorkin - Dreamweaver
    Yorkin - Dreamweaver Posts: 271 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Not going to comment on this thread - but before someone jumps on Mitachi for saying until last week we had only attacked IT I will make the follwoing comment.

    When the map was reset - we located North as did EQ. We attacked EQ as soon as we could for what we believed to be the competitive challenge. EQ members broke away from their faction and formed IT which located in the south of the map. We continued to attack EQ until the fights were so ridiculously short we realised that IT may represent the strongest faction other than us on the server. So we moved south (not at the request of EQ as IT loved to imply) this journey did see some collateral damage as the path to IT was paved with a Kindrid land and two of Warlocks. At that point we bordered and continued to attack IT until two weeks ago when we attacked Dyna and last week when we attacked EQ.

    That's as far as I will go with this amusing thread.

    And the leader has spoken. WOOOW, talking about popularity of this thread. Anyhow, now that endlesspy has been able to cause all this mess (poor guy hasn't commented since the beginning xD), I think we should all have a beer (or scotch, depends) and get back to work (farming mats, charms, stuff), how about that?

    Jealousy is a really bad thing.

    A small tribute to elven mathematician from a human physicist. b:pleased

    Yorkin - The Retired Wizard
  • Aracnius - Dreamweaver
    Aracnius - Dreamweaver Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    (also hi decus)

    +1 o.o
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] b:surrender
    -Waiting for the day they replace these stupid bear smilies with monkey ones
  • Decus - Dreamweaver
    Decus - Dreamweaver Posts: 5,033 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    (also hi decus)
    +1 o.o

    b:bye b:thanks
    Proving that not only archers do math since 2009. b:victory
    Current math challenge:
    "Any skills that can be used to kill you will interrupt BB when successful." -truekossy | "...Sage archers are kind of like Mac owners. They are proud of the weirdest and most unnecessary things." -Aesthor | "We ALL know Jesus doesn't play PWI. He may have suffered a lot for humanity, but he'd NEVER punish himself this way." -Abstractive | "I approve of bananas." -SashaGray
  • TEMPL/R - Dreamweaver77
    TEMPL/R - Dreamweaver77 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    lol this again, haven't we learned this routine already?

    "as it happens in all servers its the usual routine

    1)"#1" Faction defeats Faction Strongest #2/3/4 etc

    2)Members from #2/3/4/etc Factions leave their current faction to join #1

    (a) no power?, i need power!!!!!! *has left the faction
    (b) no land? i want land!!!!! *has left faction
    (c)i m tired of losing.. my friend and family are in #2/3/4 but i need an excuse...oh i know ill just say there in the #1 faction I IS SO SMART!!! * has left faction
    (d) bah im to lazy to help my current one, ill just join over there much easier * has left faction

    3)#1 Faction gets reinforced with more active/high lvl members, leaving all other factions deflated

    4) Rinse and Repeat #1-3 for the next few months

    5) the "#1 Faction" is now too strong for anybody to do anything about it

    6) 1 Colour map"

    b:laugh though not exactly but something like that
  • Stonk - Dreamweaver
    Stonk - Dreamweaver Posts: 212 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    b:bye The minute Regen was able to defend IT's attack in 30 minutes the servers chances of not being painted in poo went down the dunny. If you ask me i think Spades is the servers best chance in beating regen, if G ever gets the nads to attack without the fear of being wiped (which is inevitably what happens to a faction who attacks regen), P.s Rank9+12 sin/rank8+11 psy LF tw faction b:dirtyb:kiss
  • Jaclaw - Dreamweaver
    Jaclaw - Dreamweaver Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    b:bye The minute Regen was able to defend IT's attack in 30 minutes the servers chances of not being painted in poo went down the dunny. If you ask me i think Spades is the servers best chance in beating regen, if G ever gets the nads to attack without the fear of being wiped (which is inevitably what happens to a faction who attacks regen), P.s Rank9+12 sin/rank8+11 psy LF tw faction b:dirtyb:kiss

    Well to be honest if you wanna try to fight your choice is limited to 2 factions :P
  • StacysMum - Dreamweaver
    StacysMum - Dreamweaver Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Die stonk die. ps you still owe me a guardian scroll from that time you pk me in your BH b:beatup Mummy was not impressed, and remembers everthing b:scorn
    PWI b:bye
  • Kokkin - Dreamweaver
    Kokkin - Dreamweaver Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    lol this again, haven't we learned this routine already?

    "as it happens in all servers its the usual routine

    1)"#1" Faction defeats Faction Strongest #2/3/4 etc

    2)Members from #2/3/4/etc Factions leave their current faction to join #1

    (a) no power?, i need power!!!!!! *has left the faction
    (b) no land? i want land!!!!! *has left faction
    (c)i m tired of losing.. my friend and family are in #2/3/4 but i need an excuse...oh i know ill just say there in the #1 faction I IS SO SMART!!! * has left faction
    (d) bah im to lazy to help my current one, ill just join over there much easier * has left faction

    3)#1 Faction gets reinforced with more active/high lvl members, leaving all other factions deflated

    4) Rinse and Repeat #1-3 for the next few months

    5) the "#1 Faction" is now too strong for anybody to do anything about it

    6) 1 Colour map"

    b:laugh though not exactly but something like that

    +1 on that :)

    And in my case i haven't applied to #1 because a friend didnt let me and forced me to join Dyna hahaha Now i like it but if someday i'll leave here, i'll apply for sure to #1 [2.e) reason] hehehe

    Oh and these 5min TWs regen is giving rly desmotivates me to even bother to stay up until 1am to participate on it :)
  • BaDumBopCha - Dreamweaver
    BaDumBopCha - Dreamweaver Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Die stonk die. ps you still owe me a guardian scroll from that time you pk me in your BH b:beatup Mummy was not impressed, and remembers everthing b:scorn

    Whats PK ? b:avoid
  • FiveAps - Dreamweaver
    FiveAps - Dreamweaver Posts: 203 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    1 year ago:

    * OMG WTF BBQ all your base are belong to Calamity. GM reset map, TW is booooring, every1 wants TW but we can't haz TW becuz crabs haz all maps.

    Expansion comes , map resets. Everyone is happy. They took lands from AI controlled mobs with R8 gear on them. **** WE HAZ SKILLLLLLZZZZZZZZZ, WE DESERVE LANDZZZZZ *****

    Regenesis gets its sh|t together and starts roflpwning everyone.


    *OMG WTF BBQ soon all our base will belong to Regenesis. GM reset map, TW is booooring, every1 wants TW but we can't haz TW becuz Regenesis haz all maps.

    Shame on you if you fool me once, shame on me if you fool me twice.

    Both Regenesis and the rest of the server have exactly what they deserve. The first will have the whole map and the second will have their qq. Hard work and dedication will always be rewarded, sooner or later. Work as much as Regenesis, get decent officers willing to lead properly a faction. Get smart ppl to lead TWs.

    PS: I never was and probably never be a Regenesis member. But you have to be a whiny kid from "no one gets left behind" era to think that everyone HAS to share a piece of the pie. Welcome to real world kiddos, You shoulda' take the BLUE pill, ijs...
    FiveAps - PvE char made from half as.s unbound gear sold by a wizard, doing 18x the damage and 10x the money the wizard was ever capable of. b:laugh . Only in PWI.
  • Zanryu - Dreamweaver
    Zanryu - Dreamweaver Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I don't get what people whine about, Calamity and Regen both worked hard as a faction, they grew and helped each other, developed teamwork and strategy, and took many lands. They became powerful, and people were attracted to that. They didn't want to work to become a strong rival for Calamity and history is repeating itself. Very few people are willing to stay away and build their own faction, people try to get into Regen because they wanna be strong but it's not the faction that makes you strong, it's you. How you play, how you act, the things you do in game by yourself or with others is what determines how good or bad you are.

    If people would get together and try to grow strong on their own merit instead of joining an already powerful faction then things would certainly become interesting, but people are set in their ways and different people join different powerful factions, most of which try to get into Regen from what I can tell. In the end it doesn't matter, as has been stated everyone gets what they deserve. Regen became a powerhouse and now holds most of the lands while the rest of the factions are unable to do much about it. Oh well, the best man wins and to the victor go the spoils and any other cliche phrase I'm forgetting for this situation.

    Well.. time for me to go off and fawn over my memories of fighting members of powerful factions at OT. Ah... them were the days.
  • ColdSnow - Dreamweaver
    ColdSnow - Dreamweaver Posts: 983 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Even then it wont be an easy task, everyone has their own reasons for joining each faction, and sadly too many people leave factions when they start to lose/have lost all lands.

    the rats are the first leaving the sinking ship

    Regen never wanted to "learn" from the history, cause there was no mistake on their part in the first place.
    Its not like they left Cala to give other factions a chance. They just continuing where they stopped, so it was always their goal to be the strongest faction and hold the land.

    I dont know BB in person but i do believe he does a great job. Probably not always the "ethical" right decision tho, but i dont think he bothers about that much either.

    However i do think its EQs part to take a BIT the blame on. Not cause of the gank, most likely cause they did say first, they dont want Regen to take over, yet ganked another ("smaller" and less important) faction on purpose to wipe them off the map.
    It was obviously a personal problem with them, not for TW purpose alone. They had mass of other factions they could have dealed with, yet it was always IT.
    That gave Regen just more time to streighten the position, while the smaller factions fought with eachother.

    As for Regen they probably thought: "Let them rip apart eachother and we take the rest". Thats what basicly happens in the end. For them, it was most likely more enjoyable to watch the war between those factions than their own.
    At least they did end as good guys, while EQ are "gankers" and IT "deserved to get wiped".

    But then we have to admit, EQ was probably only a small figure on the chessboard and BB pulled the strings. I can totally imagine BB mentioning one irrelevant sentence here and there to make EQ do what he expects. Wasnt that hard anyway, since EQ and IT hated eachother from the start.
    Eh..i m not psychologist, dont take me by word. I totally would do same as BB, if i had 2 enemies...and yes i would enjoy the circus afterward. Thats called strategy.

    EQ is probably biting the dust now after seeing that Regen doesnt intend to wipe IT (yet). Wont be suprised to see them running to IT and Dyna asking for a gank. But seriously, who of IT would want to work with them now?

    o.o didnt talk to any players of IT and EQ about TW for a while, so ofcourse i can be wrong here. Enlighten me? Nice discussion btw. :P Its hard to talk to any players about this topic, since they are most likely all subjective.
    If i m trolling and spamming on forum...then i cant sleep and need a good laugh
  • BaDumBopCha - Dreamweaver
    BaDumBopCha - Dreamweaver Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    b:chuckle Your right snow, Eq and Dyna did ask IT to gank regen with them, but i think IT wants to hang on their last little corner peice of brown b:victory
  • ColdSnow - Dreamweaver
    ColdSnow - Dreamweaver Posts: 983 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    b:chuckle Your right snow, Eq and Dyna did ask IT to gank regen with them, but i think IT wants to hang on their last little corner peice of brown b:victory

    True that! One of other reasons why i would never attack with EQ. 1. Pride (yeah as IT member i would have said "FUUU" ) 2. cause of land. The first land Regen would turn to, would be probably IT xD
    If i m trolling and spamming on forum...then i cant sleep and need a good laugh
  • Andres - Dreamweaver
    Andres - Dreamweaver Posts: 462 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    1 year ago:

    * OMG WTF BBQ all your base are belong to Calamity. GM reset map, TW is booooring, every1 wants TW but we can't haz TW becuz crabs haz all maps.

    Expansion comes , map resets. Everyone is happy. They took lands from AI controlled mobs with R8 gear on them. **** WE HAZ SKILLLLLLZZZZZZZZZ, WE DESERVE LANDZZZZZ *****

    Regenesis gets its sh|t together and starts roflpwning everyone.

    Just to clarify. Map was only reset by GMs once.
    -Server opened around April 2009
    -Calamity Red'd it on October 10, 2010.
    -Calamity split into Regenesis and some others. Regenesis first TW was in November 2010.
    -Regenesis controlled about half the map, but wasn't succesfully beating Equinox. The weekend that the server reset was announced, was the actual first weekend we succesfully beat EQ in Archosaur by the end of February 2011.
    -Map Resets for Tideborn Expansion around March 2011.

    Now here's the fun part.

    As BB pointed out, his decision was to locate north, we took TT teleport to provide the faction a rather useful teleport, as compared to the alternative to take 2 lands near Etherblade.

    Equinox went for Etherblade, and had the same opportunity to take 1K as we did. We discussed for several days the possibility of max bidding 1K streams to secure it, if EQ intentions was to border it too.

    On the second week, BB was out-bid by (If my memory serves me) SlutPuppy's faction. Which pretty much served EQ 1K streams.

    Now, this is a faction that we were only able to beat, in my opinion, in an archosaur attack, because its much easier for our members to access Ironguards. Sure, anyone can go and buy IGs out of catshops, but how many people actually does it? At market prices, it cost around 5 times less to any Regen member to get Ironguards, so every one of our members knows the advantage of resources they have in TW. I (as I can't really speak for BB), was truly worried about Equinox taking 1K before us. I had serious doubts that we would be able to take 1K streams from them, as it was very hard to win against Equinox when we fought them in Archosaur (Same map as 1K streams), when we won after 2h45 minutes.

    As Director back then, I was seriously troubled, the way I saw it then. If Equinox was to take 1K, we'd have to re-think our tactical approach to the new map, move further south, better our TW attendance and gears, force Equinox to take the battle to us and attack us. Hope that we'd be better after the dust of small factions taking lands would've established.

    I log 2 days after, I find out that Equinox split for reasons that are still not clear to me. Equinox had split into InTandem and we were being approached into not attacking EQ and give them time to rebuild.


    It's not Regenesis fault that the server can't get their **** together. I know now, better than anyone, that we too have the same problem any other faction does. I bet my reasons for leaving Regenesis were not so different from the reasons that those that made IT had. Yet we were all able to humble out and get to an agreement, once we cooled our minds.

    Regenesis could've been stopped in numerous occasions, but the idea of the faction (not the name, not the logo, not the color) can't be destroyed. I see little difference between the Calamity BB led when I rejoined in April 2010, to the Regenesis he leads now. If the core decides to continue the faction or to make a new one. So long the idea remains, the success behind it remains.

    We were not always a better TW faction or a better PK faction. But we were always a better community. That's what made us successful in Calamity. That's what will make us successful in this new map. Imagine what could have happened if IT would've never been spawned. If EQ was to remain what it was, and take 1K as they intended. We'd be talking of a much different map today, but we'd still have the big rivalry that Regenesis and Equinox were meant to have.

    It's not our fault TWs are boring, sorry. We didn't split Equinox. We didn't create IT. We certainly didn't make IT leaders and half its core quit. It's all the sum of silly little mistakes that their past/current leaders made or allowed their members to make, that gives you the map we have today. Sadly, it's the map you deserve.

    Kind of on a related note. TW isn't over. Ganks are still a very valid option to take Regenesis down. Tomorrrow's 3 way defense is incredibly hard. A few of us won't be able to be here, a few of us are still making a comeback. I expect a very challenging Saturday even if I wont be able to take part of it :(

    And I still read this forums, I just dont always post b:shutup
    We came, we saw, we painted it red.
    10/10/10 Calamity
  • Zaeh - Dreamweaver
    Zaeh - Dreamweaver Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    ... how do you manage to type so much? I can barely read two sentences without getting distracted b:surrender
    [Graviora - 101;cleric].__.[Zaeh - 8X;psychic].__.[Diabelle - 100;sin]
  • Yorkin - Dreamweaver
    Yorkin - Dreamweaver Posts: 271 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Oh for the love of Statler and Waldorf of the Muppets, will ya people leave the Regen alone already? Geez, I mean where the **** is that endlesspy son of ***** who cooked up all this mess. I wanna strangle him like a... Tiderborn Traitor b:angry

    A small tribute to elven mathematician from a human physicist. b:pleased

    Yorkin - The Retired Wizard
  • Zanryu - Lothranis
    Zanryu - Lothranis Posts: 1,998 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    My fingers are very sensual lovers.

    Thanks to the beautiful and talanted Zheii for the sigb:dirty

    I read the forums naked.
  • ColdSnow - Dreamweaver
    ColdSnow - Dreamweaver Posts: 983 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    (i just left the picture in the quote, cause i fell for eh yeah)

    Anyway even tho i dont have a high opinion about you Andres (as you about me :P yeah, we german suck at "beat around the bush" and my appologize for beeing that blunt...), i totally agree with you b:surrender Regen is defently not to blame for the current situation as it was most likely EQs and ITs private fight, that caused the whole problem in the first place.
    Yet, i never saw IT go against EQ in TW only out of personal interest (Aubree is defently not that dumb anyway to fight EQ just cause they been ganking).
    I dont think it was other way around for EQ tho. Way to obvious, that they tried to wipe them off the map.

    I just dont think that Regen is that innocent as you say. It seemed like Regen wasnt that happy to see suddenly a faction that could turtle them 3hrs full TW. The "famaly picture" got probably a crack on their pride and "harmony". The fight between IT and EQ was more than welcome to Regen.
    To me it seemed like IT and EQ been pointing with the guns at eachother and Regen said: shoot.
    (so no directly their fault, cause you dont shot the messenger :P)

    I just dont see why everyone sees Regen as bad guy yet, just cause they taking over the map. Its not like they gonna kick 30% of their players just to have a good TW.

    I doubt Regen will have a problem with gank tomorrow anyway. They will lose max 1 Land. They will win one land today tho. What suprised me the most, that spades suddenly decided to go for Regen O_O

    Now as for other factions...lets be realistic. Does EQ deserve the help? IMO, no. Is there any other way to stop Regen from taking over the map than ganking? Most likely not. Alone due the reason that PWI has less and less new players and more alts, there wont be enough new players to establish a new strong faction.
    I think IT is the best example what happens to the current playerbase anyway. They quit in groups and there are not enough new players to fill the gap..just alts and more alts.
    If i m trolling and spamming on forum...then i cant sleep and need a good laugh
  • RedBaroness - Dreamweaver
    RedBaroness - Dreamweaver Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Basically... Dreamweaver is full of idiots lol. In a way myself included, for sticking around.

    Let's face a simple fact here, and cut through all the b/s about familes and love and happiness and when you get past all that **** you can see that the faction with the most active and well geared members is going to win. Period.

    There's all this talk about "IT could never survive because they're all bad people they don't like rules and they kick puppies bla bla bla keep going" tyvm shutup now, please. The reason that IT fell apart is because they people that formed it (Aubree goonz bobo jami fishie joey... zero and jami both half afk from game now...)all packed up and left PWI, and the reason for THAT is because of how naive this server is, was, and always will be.

    I just want to ask a question to any EQ or BootyCamp members out there that actually want to see more than one faction on the map. What did you think was going to happen? InTandem had and has it's many faults, so what? We lost a land to Regen every week, and whatever people may say, that's not their fault. It's yours. And I've got to give you props, at the end of the day InTandem fell from grace partly because of your actions, but now what? If any of you HONESTLY think that Regen will ever lose to YOU then you are dreaming lol. Maybe InTandem wasn't strong enough to take Regen's land, but with help, maybe they might of been. We'll never know, because whatever you tell yourself to help you sleep at night fact of the matter is it was those two factions that successfully "ruined" TW for this server.

    Please, please, pleasepleaseplease stop all this **** talking about anything that isn't related here, noone cares whose a family faction, noone cares who wants land and for what, and by noone i mean me, NOONE CARES ANYMORE. Regen has this server by the balls, again, and that is testament to how strong they really are. This isn't a 1980s si-fi film, they aren't strong because they love each other or some b/s, they're strong because they have the best collection of players in both skill and gear in the game.

    There was a time when I thought this rogue faction, InTandem, could against all odds pull together anyone that was willing to help whether they be misfit, unknown, or bored, and stop Calamity painting it red again. Clearly there wasn't another single TW faction on server that ever wanted that, because noone tried to help. So stop god damn complaining lol.

    Look on the bright side. When they wipe every faction off again maybe they'll form another faction and we can try again?

    Madison, when you come into IT vent and ask us to gank with you, I think you're pathetic. You made you bed, now lay in it. As far as I'm concerned IT is done with Regen now. We had our walk on the wild side and we got lost and most of us died.

    I have a healthy respect for Regen's urge to kill things, in fact I like it. I was there once, I liked that as well, it just didn't have anything to offer me, there was no CHALLENGE! There'll probably never be challenge for them ever again and I think that is sad, a collection of players and good as that deserves someone they can struggle against, but that someone no longer exists.

    When the dust as settled and the map is brown, whose up for a cup of tea at mine and we can dream about how good the old times were? It's the closest anyone will ever get to stopping this badass **** steam train - dreaming.
  • TEMPL/R - Dreamweaver78
    TEMPL/R - Dreamweaver78 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2011

    It's not Regenesis fault that the server can't get their **** together. I know now, better than anyone, that we too have the same problem any other faction does. I bet my reasons for leaving Regenesis were not so different from the reasons that those that made IT had. Yet we were all able to humble out and get to an agreement, once we cooled our minds.

    Regenesis could've been stopped in numerous occasions, but the idea of the faction (not the name, not the logo, not the color) can't be destroyed. I see little difference between the Calamity BB led when I rejoined in April 2010, to the Regenesis he leads now. If the core decides to continue the faction or to make a new one. So long the idea remains, the success behind it remains.

    this ^ exactly. This server does the complete uber backward of tw stragety ive seen ever. Both times when i was Equinox and Intandem where we were trying to stop Calamity/Regenesis from taking over the map. While 3rd/4th/5th strongest factions would just watch and do nothing, and then later realize "oh b:cry its my turn" .. what you think was gonna happen they were just gonna not attack your faction? lol usually by then its too late anyway, they recruited and absorbed most of the high lvl/active, best geared twers from other factions. b:laugh

    except this time we put a red carpet, and threw flowers for them on their way to 1 colour map by ganking the faction that was in their way (IT) lol
  • Mitachi - Dreamweaver
    Mitachi - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,201 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Basically... Dreamweaver is full of idiots lol. In a way myself included, for sticking around.

    Let's face a simple fact here, and cut through all the b/s about familes and love and happiness and when you get past all that **** you can see that the faction with the most active and well geared members is going to win. Period.

    There's all this talk about "IT could never survive because they're all bad people they don't like rules and they kick puppies bla bla bla keep going" tyvm shutup now, please. The reason that IT fell apart is because they people that formed it (Aubree goonz bobo jami fishie joey... zero and jami both half afk from game now...)all packed up and left PWI, and the reason for THAT is because of how naive this server is, was, and always will be.

    I just want to ask a question to any EQ or BootyCamp members out there that actually want to see more than one faction on the map. What did you think was going to happen? InTandem had and has it's many faults, so what? We lost a land to Regen every week, and whatever people may say, that's not their fault. It's yours. And I've got to give you props, at the end of the day InTandem fell from grace partly because of your actions, but now what? If any of you HONESTLY think that Regen will ever lose to YOU then you are dreaming lol. Maybe InTandem wasn't strong enough to take Regen's land, but with help, maybe they might of been. We'll never know, because whatever you tell yourself to help you sleep at night fact of the matter is it was those two factions that successfully "ruined" TW for this server.

    Please, please, pleasepleaseplease stop all this **** talking about anything that isn't related here, noone cares whose a family faction, noone cares who wants land and for what, and by noone i mean me, NOONE CARES ANYMORE. Regen has this server by the balls, again, and that is testament to how strong they really are. This isn't a 1980s si-fi film, they aren't strong because they love each other or some b/s, they're strong because they have the best collection of players in both skill and gear in the game.

    There was a time when I thought this rogue faction, InTandem, could against all odds pull together anyone that was willing to help whether they be misfit, unknown, or bored, and stop Calamity painting it red again. Clearly there wasn't another single TW faction on server that ever wanted that, because noone tried to help. So stop god damn complaining lol.

    Look on the bright side. When they wipe every faction off again maybe they'll form another faction and we can try again?

    Madison, when you come into IT vent and ask us to gank with you, I think you're pathetic. You made you bed, now lay in it. As far as I'm concerned IT is done with Regen now. We had our walk on the wild side and we got lost and most of us died.

    I have a healthy respect for Regen's urge to kill things, in fact I like it. I was there once, I liked that as well, it just didn't have anything to offer me, there was no CHALLENGE! There'll probably never be challenge for them ever again and I think that is sad, a collection of players and good as that deserves someone they can struggle against, but that someone no longer exists.

    When the dust as settled and the map is brown, whose up for a cup of tea at mine and we can dream about how good the old times were? It's the closest anyone will ever get to stopping this badass **** steam train - dreaming.

    I sense your in denial... Am i wrong?b:chuckle
  • Slivaf - Dreamweaver
    Slivaf - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,106 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Basically... Dreamweaver is full of idiots lol. In a way myself included, for sticking around.

    Let's face a simple fact here, and cut through all the b/s about familes and love and happiness and when you get past all that **** you can see that the faction with the most active and well geared members is going to win. Period.

    There's all this talk about "IT could never survive because they're all bad people they don't like rules and they kick puppies bla bla bla keep going" tyvm shutup now, please. The reason that IT fell apart is because they people that formed it (Aubree goonz bobo jami fishie joey... zero and jami both half afk from game now...)all packed up and left PWI, and the reason for THAT is because of how naive this server is, was, and always will be.

    I just want to ask a question to any EQ or BootyCamp members out there that actually want to see more than one faction on the map. What did you think was going to happen? InTandem had and has it's many faults, so what? We lost a land to Regen every week, and whatever people may say, that's not their fault. It's yours. And I've got to give you props, at the end of the day InTandem fell from grace partly because of your actions, but now what? If any of you HONESTLY think that Regen will ever lose to YOU then you are dreaming lol. Maybe InTandem wasn't strong enough to take Regen's land, but with help, maybe they might of been. We'll never know, because whatever you tell yourself to help you sleep at night fact of the matter is it was those two factions that successfully "ruined" TW for this server.

    Please, please, pleasepleaseplease stop all this **** talking about anything that isn't related here, noone cares whose a family faction, noone cares who wants land and for what, and by noone i mean me, NOONE CARES ANYMORE. Regen has this server by the balls, again, and that is testament to how strong they really are. This isn't a 1980s si-fi film, they aren't strong because they love each other or some b/s, they're strong because they have the best collection of players in both skill and gear in the game.

    There was a time when I thought this rogue faction, InTandem, could against all odds pull together anyone that was willing to help whether they be misfit, unknown, or bored, and stop Calamity painting it red again. Clearly there wasn't another single TW faction on server that ever wanted that, because noone tried to help. So stop god damn complaining lol.

    Look on the bright side. When they wipe every faction off again maybe they'll form another faction and we can try again?

    Madison, when you come into IT vent and ask us to gank with you, I think you're pathetic. You made you bed, now lay in it. As far as I'm concerned IT is done with Regen now. We had our walk on the wild side and we got lost and most of us died.

    I have a healthy respect for Regen's urge to kill things, in fact I like it. I was there once, I liked that as well, it just didn't have anything to offer me, there was no CHALLENGE! There'll probably never be challenge for them ever again and I think that is sad, a collection of players and good as that deserves someone they can struggle against, but that someone no longer exists.

    When the dust as settled and the map is brown, whose up for a cup of tea at mine and we can dream about how good the old times were? It's the closest anyone will ever get to stopping this badass **** steam train - dreaming.

    1. Just a bit of friendly advice, that I am fairly sure will get ignored, which is perfectly fine. Tone it down a bit on the idiot commentary, even if YOU truly believe it's true, you wont win friends, (not that I am saying you are here for friends) nor a polite sensible comment/rebuttal to your statements, but perhaps that is what your after to get a passionate speech in return so that... that someone can perhaps prove you wrong.

    2. While being friends obviously isn't going to make every faction survive and be able to beat regenesis in 2-4 weeks... well in my honest opinion neither will the attitude of a majority of the people that formed IT/gave the OLD Eq a bad 'rep' on the server. No one likes to back those that annoy/anger them. (I do believe that is why Equinox got little to no help when it attacked Calamity, and history was doomed to repeat itself when they made Intandem.) That is hardly naive-ness, I certainly wouldn't want to throw myself in front of someone I didn't particularly care for, in order to 'protect them from/'defeat the person I do care about. (which is indeed able to be applied for the aforementioned faction.

    Obviously the attitude that the old EQ had, and IT had, won them no friends, nor allies except the few that truly did NOT want calamity/regen to paint the map a single color, but so many felt way too repulsed by way too many people in Intandem to lift a single finger to help, whether it was with words, or pure power.

    (I am not saying that the attitude/bad rep IT had, is the sole reason that you all failed to get supporters, but one does have to wonder how anyone could begin to fathom that they would get help, after calling others idiots, or cowards, sure by doing nothing we may be just that, but hell I for one would rather be called that, than some of the names I have seen a lot of IT's members be called, albeit sometimes rather uncalled for by my perception.)
    this ^ exactly. This server does the complete uber backward of tw stragety ive seen ever. Both times when i was Equinox and Intandem where we were trying to stop Calamity/Regenesis from taking over the map. While 3rd/4th/5th strongest factions would just watch and do nothing, and then later realize "oh b:cry its my turn" .. what you think was gonna happen they were just gonna not attack your faction? lol usually by then its too late anyway, they recruited and absorbed most of the high lvl/active, best geared twers from other factions. b:laugh

    except this time we put a red carpet, and threw flowers for them on their way to 1 colour map by ganking the faction that was in their way (IT) lol

    I can't speak for the other factions, but as I pointed out to redbaron, I seriously doubt their attitude won them any ally/friends to help them take 'down' regen/cala.

    I also know this, that IF the number 2,3,4 did manage to wrestle a land from calamity when they had all the map, all cala/regen had to do/will have to do is wait 1 week, attack the faction that won against them in a gank, and bam their land is back in their (regen's) hands. That is a really reasonable conclusion/assumption to make, 1 on 1, even when equinox was at it's strongest... as well as when Intandem was at it's strongest, Regensis/Calamity is still by far the favorite to win, every-time I seen someone win against Regen, or Calamity it is, and always will be a surprise until something drastically changes. (Albeit Calamity is no more, it would still surprise me to see them back in TW action. ;X)

    Though as you, and other members have stated, anything could happen if the right person gets the right people together to make a faction work, and perhaps one day become the new powerhouse.


    The stuff about "not wanting, the map to be painted 1 color" is merely a goal by many people, and that alone is not going to get everyone with that goal in a single faction to make sure that doesn't happen. Treat your members, an others... as that old saying goes... as you would like to be treated. I am sure many of you wouldn't like it if I/others started speaking badly about you or your inactivity's. (There truly is more to it, then just fighting for a goal, there is after all people behind each character that have real feelings, and do tend to do exactly what they want, despite the prods/negative comments others make towards them about their 'specific' group of people.) Now don't get me wrong, I am certainly not saying that what the rest of the server is doing is helping to prevent that goal from coming to fruition. Hell, who is to say that the rest of the server even cares to see the server being painted one color again. (In order for the gank's to happen, sometimes the goals of each faction have to coincide enough to actually make a dent... perhaps more likely a scratch into that armor that regen is wearing.) Simply stating that others should have the same goal, and do what you want, is quite frankly not going to make 'your' goal(s) come to pass.

    Obviously the negative comments about it's all the rest of the server fault, and they should get off their ***** and help attack regensis is simply just not working, sure regen, and others have high hopes with the fight that will happen later tonight, but I am damn near willing to bet that if these 3 factions do attack, and are badly whipped, they will retreat to lick their wounds, and probably wont pounce back out anytime soon at all.
    Ah, Mistakes are so easily made. ~ laura resnick

    What kind of message are you sending when you insult my intelligence? ~ Me ~ 5/29/2015 (Yes it is possible someone said this before just no idea who/where.)
  • ColdSnow - Dreamweaver
    ColdSnow - Dreamweaver Posts: 983 Arc User
    edited September 2011

    Have to disagree STRONGLY here. I dont know where you got your info from, but EQ did never had such as bad rep as you seem to show here.
    Actually they had many supporters back then as they have now (Temptest, Dyna, :3 etc). They tried to gank with EQ to prevent one color map.

    In fact baron is right on one side: The faction didnt fall apart, cause of its bad reputation. Thats just people love to believe, since they said from the start it happens due this and that. Aubree got inactive, as 90% of all officers. Most of them moved TOGETHER to another game.

    On the other hand, IT never tried to make that many friends. Sure, they offered few factions an alliance but i know they got declined because other factions didnt want any Drama with EQ nor with Regen. So it was not because they had a bad rep or because noone else wanted to back them up, they just didnt want to end caught in the middle of a "dirty" fight.
    They said (let me quote): "I'm waiting till IT or EQ gets wiped, so i can join one of them. But now i dont want any trouble with EQ AND REGEN".

    I marked (and) red on purpose, cause those little conversations were well known. Especially since you saw Madison running back and forward to BB/Andres.

    On the side note: EQ had back than more supporters than now. They had more alliances while aubree been still leading and all the "bad" people been in the faction.
    If i m trolling and spamming on forum...then i cant sleep and need a good laugh
  • Slivaf - Dreamweaver
    Slivaf - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,106 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Have to STRONGLY disagree here. I dont know where you got your info from, but EQ did never had such as bad rep as you seem to show here.
    Actually they had many supporters back then as they have now (Temptest, Dyna, :3 etc). They tried to gank with EQ to prevent one color map.

    In fact baron is right on one side: The faction didnt fall apart, cause of its bad reputation. Thats just people love to believe, since they said from the start it happens due this and that.

    On the other hand, IT never tried to make friends. Sure, they offered few factions an alliance but i know they got declined because other factions didnt want any Drama with EQ nor with Regen. So it was not because they had a bad rep or because noone else wanted to back them up, they just been s***ting in their pants. Some even said..let me quote: "I'm waiting till IT or EQ gets wiped, so i can join one of them. But now i dont want any trouble with EQ AND REGEN".

    I marked red on purpose, cause their little conversations were well known. Especially since you saw Madison running back and forward to BB/Andres.

    On the side note: EQ had back than more supporters than now, after aubree and all the "bad" people left the faction. ijs.

    Don't mean to point out just one thing, but believe me they did have (have being the keyword) a less than... noteworthy round about way about them that turned SOME people away from them, and even caused turmoil amongst them in faction, and even here on these forums, which I unfortunately played a part in, as that old saying no one can be liked by everyone, and you shouldn't have to look hard nor far to see some of the hate that EQ once had. (There was constant hate towards the old Eq members when I had it out with the person I didn't like, perhaps not as much as the hate IT had, but it definitely was there, perhaps you weren't playing then, chose not to remember it, or hell perhaps you did the smart thing and formed your own opinion, and ignored all the 'drama' that people had with Eq.

    I am sorry that my words implied that aubree/the old eq didn't have their supporters, but it is clear to me, and several... perhaps many others that their alliance didn't hold together well enough to really put a wall up in front of calamity, sure there was a time where Equniox put up one hell of a resistance, albeit with a lot of help, but once calamity got back on track there was no stopping them. As for what reasons the those alliances' fell apart... exactly... well I could come up with a couple of theories as to why they may have fallen apart, but they would have been just that, theories.

    I also didn't mean to imply that the only reason people didn't join the 'fight' with IT to take down regen was because of the bad public relations IT has with the server, as I pointed out earlier or tried too, not every faction that has the ability to help IT in it's goal, is willing to get slaughtered just so IT has a slightly better chance at winning, and people can only take so much of the beating before they see fit that it would just be better to pull out of the alliance, and let IT fend for itself, for the simple reason that they feel that it is in the best interest of their faction, whether it be because they got their fill of the constant insults that numerous people have about IT, or they just did it to protect their faction from feeling like they are being used, or even just to rebuild because they lost their members for a goal, they aren't so steadfast about.

    One more thing, it obviously is not the sole reason why IT fell apart believe me I know that, but to believe that their hate/repulsive attitudes towards many players on this server didn't play at least some kind of role in their eventual down fall would be asinine. (People that share the same goal, are often turned away by the reputation that the "strong one's" with the same goal... have) Some people that perhaps could have done something to help strengthen certain factions as a whole, (and not just through sheer brute force, but through words, and reflection) see what kind of treatment most people have gotten with a certain faction over their head, and go "hell, no... no thanks, good luck with your faction take care, and cya" more likely they wont even apply.

    Bah I pretty much reiterated everything I said in my previous post. << Hope this one is a bit more... clear. =x
    Ah, Mistakes are so easily made. ~ laura resnick

    What kind of message are you sending when you insult my intelligence? ~ Me ~ 5/29/2015 (Yes it is possible someone said this before just no idea who/where.)
  • ColdSnow - Dreamweaver
    ColdSnow - Dreamweaver Posts: 983 Arc User
    edited September 2011

    :P Unfortunatly you didnt read my text properly.
    I said: "EQ did never had such as bad rep as you seem to show here." That means not that they didnt had any bad reputation at all. They had as any other faction their supporters and enemies. You made EQ look like without any supporters at all and most hated on the map. Which was never the case.
    The people who turned away from them?..hmm..Dyna still with them. Temptest been with them, till the map got resetted. Who are you trying to imply? Do you mean what Ds said back then? You do know its all bulls, right? It has a reason why noone gives a banana about his opinion.

    I know that 8 people in IT left cause of its "No-Rules" and reputation. However that doesnt make the core of the faction. They usually all left with a big speech and they moved just from IT forum to this forum. Nothing new.
    Most of them, and let me quote again, said this: "I'm fed up of joining a squad and getting a treatment cause i m in IT". So basicly noone in the faction did any harm to them, however cause OTHERS treatend him, he left. I went to ask him why he got treatend and he answered "i asked same and they just said everyone hates IT"
    Now, lets say that was really an issue of IT, they lacked solidarity and social envirement. Thats why it was rather easier to leave the faction, than to ignore all the rumors. Yes, i'm saying rumors, cause if you ever followed the threads you will see few of Ds. He tried to apply to IT, got rejected and had to do his rant (thats where i actually lost my last respect of him).
    One guy mentioned "i saw on wc today IT steals drops". On the question who stole the drop: No response, only a vague answer. On the argument, that it was a drama about a "won" pk-drop, noone really cared xD It was still "stealing drops". You see, people just point their fingers at others. I was in another faction and heard what others said about IT. Fact is not ONE of them actually said the whole truth. Even if i showed them screenshots :) they just shut up and started all over on next day, thinking i was offline. They had finally a story to tell..i would have just ruined it?
    Not to mention, that those who did cause the most drama about IT on worldchat, applied on next day in IT.

    I actually ended on several peoples blacklist, cause i dared to say "Grats IT" in world chat. One of the reasons why i supported them even more :o
    If i m trolling and spamming on forum...then i cant sleep and need a good laugh
  • StacysMum - Dreamweaver
    StacysMum - Dreamweaver Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Maybe you guys should stop typing text walls (lovers tiff?) to each other and prepare yourselves and/or your members for TW. Bark and Bite, or nibble whatever.

    Maybe a marketing campaign in game to attract some good members (I remember Instyle girls flouting themselves to attract male members, dirty b***es)

    Besides Ich bin ein Kartoffel (damn could never tell if I spelt it correctly)
    PWI b:bye
  • Zaeh - Dreamweaver
    Zaeh - Dreamweaver Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    As a former InTandem member and current Regenesis member, I'm going to input my two cents.

    The community in Regenesis isn't the demonic powerhouse the rivals (and even I in the past) make it out to be. I haven't felt so at home since I was in SkyLight and a few times in Equinox. Its helpful and the members' description of the faction is mostly correct; the community is amazing. Only a week after I joined, I PM'd my main reason for joining and told her I am so glad I gave in to her asking me to join.

    However, Baron is correct about why InTandem fell apart. It wasn't because we were bad people with a bad reputation. Yes, we had our bad apples, but every faction does. We fell apart because of our mostly afk leadership and members quitting. We had too little applications to refill these spots because of people like Rutyre and others constantly harassing us at the slightest of things. It was indeed the bad reputation that prevented us from refilling.

    So both sides here are both wrong and right.
    [Graviora - 101;cleric].__.[Zaeh - 8X;psychic].__.[Diabelle - 100;sin]
  • Slivaf - Dreamweaver
    Slivaf - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,106 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    :P Unfortunatly you didnt read my text properly.
    I said: "EQ did never had such as bad rep as you seem to show here." That means not that they didnt had any bad reputation at all. They had as any other faction their supporters and enemies. You made EQ look like without any supporters at all and most hated on the map. Which was never the case.
    The people who turned away from them?..hmm..Dyna still with them. Temptest been with them, till the map got resetted. Who are you trying to imply? Do you mean what Ds said back then? You do know its all bulls, right? It has a reason why noone gives a banana about his opinion.

    I know that 8 people in IT left cause of its "No-Rules" and reputation. However that doesnt make the core of the faction. They usually all left with a big speech and they moved just from IT forum to this forum. Nothing new.
    Most of them, and let me quote again, said this: "I'm fed up of joining a squad and getting a treatment cause i m in IT". So basicly noone in the faction did any harm to them, however cause OTHERS treatend him, he left. I went to ask him why he got treatend and he answered "i asked same and they just said everyone hates IT"
    Now, lets say that was really an issue of IT, they lacked solidarity and social envirement. Thats why it was rather easier to leave the faction, than to ignore all the rumors. Yes, i'm saying rumors, cause if you ever followed the threads you will see few of Ds. He tried to apply to IT, got rejected and had to do his rant (thats where i actually lost my last respect of him).
    One guy mentioned "i saw on wc today IT steals drops". On the question who stole the drop: No response, only a vague answer. On the argument, that it was a drama about a "won" pk-drop, noone really cared xD It was still "stealing drops". You see, people just point their fingers at others. I was in another faction and heard what others said about IT. Fact is not ONE of them actually said the whole truth. Even if i showed them screenshots :) they just shut up and started all over on next day, thinking i was offline. They had finally a story to tell..i would have just ruined it?
    Not to mention, that those who did cause the most drama about IT on worldchat, applied on next day in IT.

    I actually ended on several peoples blacklist, cause i dared to say "Grats IT" in world chat. One of the reasons why i supported them even more :o

    Meh I don't think either of us are getting our points across, part of what happened between me and Equniox was my fault, but believe me I wasn't the only one fed up with how things were being done/ran by Ajay in equinox, I wasn't the only one, if you really believe it was just me... then you either have bad info, or as I said earlier did not care enough to take sides. (I was in equinox for a bit, I am sure they removed the posts that caused the... problems)

    I understand what you are saying, but the simple fact is that there is more then just a couple, or even one person who has had problems with the then EQ, and the now IT. I guess what I am trying to say is that it is not just me, who has had a past with them, some bad, some good. Though one has to question each factions 'reputation' (which as stated before, does have the unfortunate side effect of turning SOME people away) when there is multiple people who have had problems with a certain faction over their head; however, it truly is sad/hard to fathom that so many people group an entire faction up with the... numerous people that aren't liked. (I do apologize if I came across, like everyone in IT/the old Eq were bad apples, but that simply is not the case.) I do appreciate the fact that EQ wasn't all bad, or even as bad as I guess I unfortunately came across earlier. They just like any faction at that time, that past, and in the future will have their bad members, and their "good" ones. I do know that eq wasn't hated by all, and that is the same case about Intandem, but there really was multiple people who voiced their concerns about the ... dealings the then Eq had with the rest of the (edit: Server), and it didn't change when they moved to Intandem. D:

    Also believe me I realize that IT, has their as zaeh put it, their bad apples, and good apples, unfortunately for them it seemed to help prevent new people from joining, which is also pretty much what you said as well.

    I guess I need to go into more depth, what I meant about their alliances not holding well enough to put up a wall that truly prevented Calamity from taking over. There ganks were successful up until the return of coin, (if I remember correctly) and yes it has survived quite a bit; however, the fact remains something either changed in one or both factions that caused that alliance to falter enough to no longer become a factor towards calamity. (perhaps it was calamity that changed just enough to take over the map.) Whatever the case, I am afraid we have gotten caught up a bit in the past. ;/ To me it (edit: in the end it...) seemed more like a mud wall, that caused Calamity to beat down other factions like they are bugs. D: ... That may be a bad analogy, but the point is that something changed, somewhere that caused the gank to become rather ineffective.

    One more thing, before I go, and hopefully I won't get any replies that will cause me to post again anytime soon, as even writing these wall of texts takes it toll on me especially when tired. =x

    Anyways what you say is true, way too many people take 'sides' when not hearing the full story, but my... past with EQ is what gives me this perspective, not the words someone else has said/stated over world chats. (I understand, that each story has two sides, and that in their eyes they were right, simply because they were the last standing, not to mention that they both have survived quite a bit, and for quite some time, but I still stand by what I said to ajay/about eq. My opinion is still that... the old eq when I was in it, obviously could have done a few things differently, they didn't, but hey it worked for them long after I left.) Good for them.


    Either way this blame game is getting rather old, the simple fact is that we ALL could have done certain things differently to prevent a single faction from taking over the entire map, but alas no one has done anything, that causes everyone to come together with that goal to come together and truly achieve that goal, and I can't really see anything changing anytime soon to prevent the same outcome, that we once had. D:

    Then again maybe I am wrong, perhaps something will change and regen will no longer be the powerhouse.
    Ah, Mistakes are so easily made. ~ laura resnick

    What kind of message are you sending when you insult my intelligence? ~ Me ~ 5/29/2015 (Yes it is possible someone said this before just no idea who/where.)
This discussion has been closed.