Account name/password wrong message? Read this!
Mingkeey - Lost City wrote: »How long does this take?I cant log on my cleric.Why would you do this during 2x drops?
The Gm's are hiding from us, trying to figure out a compensation for us who weren't able to and aren't still able to log in b:quiet
They know they've messed up bigtime, but seriously no words from Gm at all?0 -
well i put (650) 590-7700 on auto dial, they continue to allow their machine to answer for them. (they dont want to have to admit that they made a mistake personally)b:laughb:cryb:laugh btw wheres frankie? whats his reason for not answering us this time? it isnt a holiday, or weekend? what kinda hours does this GM work? "when i feel like it" b:chuckle your phone will continue to ring until someone answer b:bye
i wonder if the voice on the machine is bearclaw????-
1001 E Hillsdale Boulevard Suite 800
Foster City, CA 94404
Phone: (650) 590-77250 -
So i got to log on here to in order to log on the game?because thats whats happening.0
last friday you reset my pass word on my uthere account now i can not play been on live chat and got no where did all you told me to do and still no joy can you plezz find it in your harts to realy help me get back on did all the links had no e-mails from you at all
PLEZZ HELPb:cryb:sadb:angry0 -
why are we still being ignored by the entire PWE staff? seriously no one can respond to us at all???? we have waited out the entire extended weekend as asked! and now none of you wanna respond to us still?b:angry GOD DAMN IT!!! ive spent money on this game that PAYS YOUR ****ING SALARY!! do your job, and answer us!
bet if i started posting racism they would respond immediately tho....and i am a USA country boy....i can be very racist...when pushed to be like this0 -
Still nothing from support either b:cold0
Perfect World Entertainment: **** the player base over since beta!
If Aeria Games pushes an English version of Perfect World out, I'll be there! So far they only have another region-type of Perfect World coming out soon.
Perfect World Entertainment is quite the moronic company. Reminds me of my ex's... So dumb, lol.0 -
i really do wish a reputable company would buy out this piece of **** company!b:angry worst support base ever!!!!0
- give me a reason me work!!0
I dont think this is gonna have a nice ending for pw, sure doesnt seem like it b:shocked0
- here you can give their company a negitive vote on stock market0
\//eyron - Heavens Tear wrote: »I dont think this is gonna have a nice ending for pw, sure doesnt seem like it b:shocked
Oh, it really depends on your definition of "nice ending", lol. See, the last 2x drops/exp event, they did something just like this. PWE went on a vacation of no support for the chat filters (which affected players names), for about a month in a half. The client-side fix took me five minutes, but took a PWE close to two months. When they finally finished fixing the issue, 2x drops/exp was over, and players got a non-tradable mount that most already had, as well as 50 event gold (non-tradable) in the overpriced event boutique (which I get one per week via Tiger event).
This is a repeating issue of PWE. Their support is non-existent. There is none. The community manager's "management" of the community could be done better by a five year old, the support could be done better by a ten year old with a windows 95 PC, and the list goes on.
It's amazing how many different and unique ways this company finds to bang people up the butt w/ no lube. Yet, the game is still running. How? Lol.0 -
Tremblewith - Heavens Tear wrote: »Oh, it really depends on your definition of "nice ending", lol. See, the last 2x drops/exp event, they did something just like this. PWE went on a vacation of no support for the chat filters (which affected players names), for about a month in a half. The client-side fix took me five minutes, but took a PWE close to two months. When they finally finished fixing the issue, 2x drops/exp was over, and players got a non-tradable mount that most already had, as well as 50 event gold (non-tradable) in the overpriced event boutique (which I get one per week via Tiger event).
This is a repeating issue of PWE. Their support is non-existent. There is none. The community manager's "management" of the community could be done better by a five year old, the support could be done better by a ten year old with a windows 95 PC, and the list goes on.
It's amazing how many different and unique ways this company finds to bang people up the butt w/ no lube. Yet, the game is still running. How? Lol.
i completely agree!!! and i remember that 1 very well!! i will respond with this a previous CS'r on all of my accounts + my wifes account........wont happen again!!!! why pay money for something we cant use? why give people a job when they dont do it?!?!
frankie is currently online.............hes chosen to ignore us......b:angry now imma hater!!!! **** you Frankie!b:angry0 -
MasterMister just got banned for posting hate on Frankies thread!b:victory proves that he is on and refuses to answer us!!! YAY for a fail support team!
worst thing to exist is a person who refuses to do his job!!! perhaps its time to put mah boots on!.........CA isnt so far awayb:angry0 -
All this speculation about what they will and wont require is exactly that.. speculation.
I am disgusted by the lack of response to such a large section of your customer base PWI.
People who post their anger on here at the cowardly way you have ignored their more than reasonable requests, pleas and finally demands, seem to be being persecuted in voicing their concerns.
If indeed a GM has banned somebody's account because they have finally lost patience with this utter incompetence, then you are piling disgrace upon your incompetence.
If I do not receive a response to my issue within the next few hours I shall ensure that the relevant posts from here are distributed to all the gaming sites, pc magazines, review organisers that I can possibly find.. as well as submitting articles to all available press organisations.
I wholeheartedly suggest that all who read this post take similar action and advise all of their friends who play this game to do likewise. Publicity is a powerful and wonderful tool when used to its extent.
Provide a non automated response, apologise, correct your failings and do this quickly.. the community is your bread and butter and people vote with their feet.. ignore the customers at your own peril.. this disgrace must end and end now.
Grow a set and deal with the problems!!!0 -
All this speculation about what they will and wont require is exactly that.. speculation.
I am disgusted by the lack of response to such a large section of your customer base PWI.
People who post their anger on here at the cowardly way you have ignored their more than reasonable requests, pleas and finally demands, seem to be being persecuted in voicing their concerns.
If indeed a GM has banned somebody's account because they have finally lost patience with this utter incompetence, then you are piling disgrace upon your incompetence.
Rather than jumping to conclusions, try looking at the way they expressed their anger. Did it in any way break the ToS (which, if we're referring to the same person, it did)? Then they were rightfully banned. Don't assume players are being banned unjustly, because it doesn't happen. Also, a player who is forum-banned hasn't been banned from gameplay, just from posting on the forums, and more than likely for a short period of time (if it's his/her first offense).0 -
So what's gonna happen now? I mean, haven't we been patient enough as it is? Loosing out on, events, 2x's, key's, bh you name it? I had the whole weekend planned out with a permasquad for nirvana, but due to this I couldn't. Anyone doing nirvana with 5.0squad would know how much I lost there.0
Rather than jumping to conclusions, try looking at the way they expressed their anger. Did it in any way break the ToS (which, if we're referring to the same person, it did)? Then they were rightfully banned. Don't assume players are being banned unjustly, because it doesn't happen. Also, a player who is forum-banned hasn't been banned from gameplay, just from posting on the forums, and more than likely for a short period of time (if it's his/her first offense).
So, exactly where in the ToS does it state that Perfect World Entertainment is free to take your money that you charge, while not giving the virtual currency? The player that your referring too seemed to have stated that not only has this account issue made it impossible for them to play the game; but they also claimed to have charged money to obtain Zen, and are unable to spend that Zen due to not being able to play the game.
If you purchase an item from Amazon, and there website crashes for a week... While not giving any support, but have a web-based message board online -- wouldn't you be upset? It seems quite valid to go above and beyond the ToS of the forums to try and gain attention from a GM/CM/PWE staff.
Sure, the player may have gone against the ToS. But in the ToS, does it state that PWE can (for no reason), change your user/pass and take your money, making it impossible to use:
-The account
-The charged money
All while giving no support. auto-replies via tickets (if any ticket responses at all), and no resolution?
PWE's lucky that once again this issue doesn't affect me. Take my account away for no reason, after charging Zen -- You'd have a customer (me), that won't give up even upon being banned on multiple accounts.\//eyron - Heavens Tear wrote: »So what's gonna happen now? I mean, haven't we been patient enough as it is? Loosing out on, events, 2x's, key's, bh you name it? I had the whole weekend planned out with a permasquad for nirvana, but due to this I couldn't. Anyone doing nirvana with 5.0squad would know how much I lost there.
Yep, it sucks. I've farmed about ~100m so far w/ my 4aps BM and Nirvana axe-build Barb. Not doing too shabby. That's 2x time that PWE can't replace. Also, one TW weekend is gone as well. Tiger event was last night, plus players affected would have missed the "log into PWI to get a change to win the Barb statue/keyboard", as well as the Quiz event and Archosaur Friday event.0 -
Yep, it sucks. I've farmed about ~100m so far w/ my 4aps BM and Nirvana axe-build Barb. Not doing too shabby. That's 2x time that PWE can't replace. Also, one TW weekend is gone as well. Tiger event was last night, plus players affected would have missed the "log into PWI to get a change to win the Barb statue/keyboard", as well as the Quiz event and Archosaur Friday event.
*Shrugs* My cube neckie would've been home free by now, + benefits b:cry
Hopefully something's gonna happen tomorrow, I'm off to bed now. b:bye0 -
Rather than jumping to conclusions, try looking at the way they expressed their anger. Did it in any way break the ToS (which, if we're referring to the same person, it did)? Then they were rightfully banned. Don't assume players are being banned unjustly, because it doesn't happen. Also, a player who is forum-banned hasn't been banned from gameplay, just from posting on the forums, and more than likely for a short period of time (if it's his/her first offense).
dont treat me like a jerk! you CAN USE my've already proven you guys can ban it!
lets be real! i was advocating for a group of people! And I ADMIT MASTERMISTER OVER STEPPED!!! shaladevinna DID NOT!b:angry DONT TREAT ME LIKE A JERK Kritty! its not right! Shala got banned because i admitted that I was on that account! and Frankie wanted me shut up!
AND FOR YOUR INFO!!! ALL OF MY ACCOUNTS ARE NOW BANNED FROM THE GAME! AND HAVE BEEN SINCE THE START OF THE BAN!b:angry DONT LIE! and we all know this is the first week..........time i have EVER used the forums!.........please be honest!
screen shoot for my own security!
thanks for the support all! and yes my blocked account does Cash Shop heavily! just got him to R8!!!! was looking forward to using this event to get him to R9 or use his keys with the 2x to gain nirvana!... and it seems you guys got my point better then any of the GM's all i want is to be able to log my accounts and play the game..........don't even care about all the other petty stuff! (tho i wont stop fighting until they fix all of our accounts!) and whats more is when i moved and i had my email changed, i notified them the day i logged in with the new email!!!, to make it worse there still using an email that is 3 emails old! and ive always updated it!.....when you update an email a gm comes into the game and pulls you to the GM asks you a few basic questions, thx you for your time....mine killed a few mobs around us allowing me to gain the drops b:victory(each time) then leaves you, if your in a cave they come into the cave and teleport you to them without taking you outta squad!.........its really awesome to have done to you!........why i always loved this game!!!! ..........but this week the GM's and DEV's behavior is unacceptiable!!!! by any means!!!.........sad your losing a customer all because someone wants to abuse their athority!
the funniest thing is that these game master dont realize that the online gaming community has entered the top 20 for American industry! and because of that Lawyers are looking at it seriously now!....theres all kinds of online adds now! and they think that they can still hide in the fact that lawyers dont think much of a threat of calling a lawyer but already WoW has been sued and Acclaim! and both lost!...........i don't wanna deal with a law suit! i don't want to have to deal the the email of this, call when, fly to CA for a week!.......i really don't! i just want PWE to understand that they have a community that or obligated to service because they accept our cash for legally can't keep my accounts banned....i know this. all we want is a real response to our questions! when will you start answering our questions?.......
is this a reasonable enough response?
really???? if i don't get myself banned the GM's don't respond.....seriously?????b:cry why is it this way???
complete lack of response from anyone .......yet again...i dont mind being the bad guy.....15 mins and the advocatation begins again!
but this time ill advocate from a more worldly its easy to silence me!b:cute0 -
Tremblewith - Heavens Tear wrote: »So, exactly where in the ToS does it state that Perfect World Entertainment is free to take your money that you charge, while not giving the virtual currency? ...
This is a fantastic post that brings up a valid point. +1Proving that not only archers do math since 2009. b:victory
Current math challenge:
"Any skills that can be used to kill you will interrupt BB when successful." -truekossy | "...Sage archers are kind of like Mac owners. They are proud of the weirdest and most unnecessary things." -Aesthor | "We ALL know Jesus doesn't play PWI. He may have suffered a lot for humanity, but he'd NEVER punish himself this way." -Abstractive | "I approve of bananas." -SashaGray0 -
Decus - Dreamweaver wrote: »This is a fantastic post that brings up a valid point. +1
very true...........still will get no response..........this thread is on ignore! thx for enjoying our stance for the moment tho!
Kritty hath spoke
Kritty was wrong
Kritty has logged off b:cry
kritty you said there was a way to chat personally........can you please chat to me personnaly.....or any gm/mod? descussion will be off this topic.......and i will post a real response of it............please.........ive been taking alot of punishment in the last 5 days......0 -
It doesnt help creating more posts right after eachother. That's probably what got your last character banned. There's an edit function for that.
I would however still like to hear how much longer we're gonna wait for this issue to be solved?0 -
\//eyron - Heavens Tear wrote: »So what's gonna happen now? I mean, haven't we been patient enough as it is? Loosing out on, events, 2x's, key's, bh you name it? I had the whole weekend planned out with a permasquad for nirvana, but due to this I couldn't. Anyone doing nirvana with 5.0squad would know how much I lost there.
Quoting myself for an answer b:surrender0 -
There is a growing swathe of discontent for certain on Heaven's Tear server.. people are listening, and reading the posts in here. It IS only a game I hear a lot... though less and less as time goes on.
Realise this.. a game or not.. there is a paid for service here which is being denied to well mannered, reasonable people who have done nothing to incur the issues and problems that remain to this date not only unresolved, but not even responded to.
You are unduly stressing people, contributing to and/or causing people to suffer stress, anxiety and other REAL conditions.
You face the very REAL consequences that your incompetence, ignorance and complete deliberate lack of customer service response are going to be cited in many many lawsuits.
People at some point are going to be having to take time off sick.. sick from the stress and related conditions incurred by YOU.. make no mistake there are plenty of doctors worldwide who will testify to the cause of their patients deterioration / onset of condition being directly caused by the appalling way in which you are treating them.
I sincerely hope that your disgusting lack of response doesnt end up causing anyone strokes or seizures.. and you end up having been the cause of (or major contributor to) the death of somebody.
Over the top? Exaggerating for sensationalism? Blowing things out of proportion? Lets see..
I am sure the courts and justice systems will sympathise.. and believe me.. once the precedent has been set and the first case is found in favour of a customer.. it will snowball.. people will jump on the bandwagon.. and your company and its assets will drain exponentially.
ANSWER the tickets, provide a response, come out from under the slimy rock you are hiding beneath. Cowardly and unacceptable.
I demand to be contacted ... not by a GM.. it is way too late for that.. I insist on speaking to the customer service manager for this farce of a company. I am copying this for my legal advisors.. and I am seeking advice today..
I recommend that everyone does likewise..0 -
Error: You are not authorized to view this Ticket (#15049-280337) lol
there is a silver lining to my being unable to access my account.........theres $50 i won't be spending in this game this week! b:laughb:cryb:laugh. thx pwe! .........just bought 500 gems in fb's kingdoms of Camelot instead! lvl 12 fletching here i come!b:victory0 -
Where's the response on support and words from a gm? We aren't 6years old, stop playing hide and seek0
now what? more waiting i supposeb:cry\//eyron - Heavens Tear wrote: »Where's the response on support and words from a gm? We aren't 6years old, stop playing hide and seek0 -
From the way things are going it doesn't seem like we will get any response ever. They haven't even given us a generic "we're working on it" message lol. Thankfully i never spent that much on this game or I'd have probably put my fist through the computer when this mess started. Unfortunately pride is a powerful thing so rather than admit their mistake they try to distract us with a new pack lol. I hope I'm wrong and they do fix this since it would be nice to have my 90 cleric back, but I've pretty much given up hope at this point. Hell, they will probably do something to make it worse like forcibly change all email address to some new onsite system and then misspell something so nobody gets the info b:chuckle0
i did get a response back late last night after i got a few of my alt accounts banned, including the 1 i wrote the ticket from. i sent an email in response......ill post for you what ive received
after i replied to that email because i cant log in that account to submit a ticket with...they reset the password >.< heres what i got
atleast they finally toyed with me sum0
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