List of FIXes needed. Please give this list to devs if ppl support it.



  • Tzin - Raging Tide
    Tzin - Raging Tide Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    FIX DELTA!!!!! b:sad
  • ironmaiden00
    ironmaiden00 Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    haha the 5th post i write to the topic: Fix the erathguard music!!!
    its the only reason i came back, coz im bored of pwi but still interested in the new areamusic. i dont wanna play pw so fix it fast coz im not interested to log in every 2 days to see if its done. thx

    btw ive extrackted the files now from sfx.pck
    if someone is interseted in the music pm me
    a demo is in the official pw music topic. so plz no necro about this. its normal to put an old topic alife when there is an update to an old thread...

    .... ok extracting done and bullsh.. the music is not eaven in the sfx. wtf. they have the new sounds of skills and so on but no new music. WTF

    never mind im going for the chinese sfx

    if someone can help me and put the chinese sfx on mediafire or megaupload will be nice. the downloadtime of the chinese client takes dammn long
  • I_Love_Pets - Heavens Tear
    I_Love_Pets - Heavens Tear Posts: 246 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Here's a list of fixes that PWI need (in our opinion) before the new earthguards expansion comes out.
    First Great Principle on fixing a mmorpg: "If something is overpowered, you dont have to overpower all the rest too, but to nerf the overpowered"

    Class Fixes:
    - All Assassin Skills should remove stealth if used. No exceptions.
    this being based off sin skills certain skills are stealth based that is why they are used in stealth as for sparking in stealth that should out a disruption of it yes but some skills are good for stealth that being their use

    - Nerf Flesh Ream Venomancer skill by 30% (It umbalances lv90-100 (non-endgame) PvP too much)
    No ream itself is not bugged do the dam testing rather then presume it is people DO NOT test it or try to I DID you don't think that pwi would tell you that it isn't bugged because the mass outcry they know it is not bugged but telling people would **** them off. the flesh ream skill is as it is ment to be and written that way to.
    this being a extremely common misconception because people spread it and say it with no actual proof or testing I took many dam hours testing this so called "bug" in the early days when nix was not even around then after again to test the "bug" with nix it isnt bugged at all. People think it is but it isn't.
    - Increase Phoneix pet Physical Attack by 30%. (To compensate the bleed nerf)
    null and void due to pet self buff that does this any way which is exactly why ream is so powerful on the nix more so then any other pet

    - "-X interval between hits" stat should be percentual % instead of linear decrease. (This way fists/claws/daggers will be more balanced in PVE and slower weapons would get more improvement from -int gear)
    Not quite right since the % value would just be based once again to create aspects indifferent to that sort of thing.
    odds are make accuracy lower the higher the aps ofc include accuracy augmentation of gear to but if you create a lower in accuracy the higher the aps it means you create less liking for it due to the fact yo have a higher % chance of missing. with 5 aps missing 2-3 out of every few hits being a deterrent but not overly so.
    - Fix Cleric Magic Defence Buff so it correctly overwrites when you cast it again while its already on.
    (the skill does need fixed but there are others to for that class that are also important)
    - Change Red Tide psychic skill to make it actually useful for a 2 sparks skill.
    (blame the skill bassis and how it is used not the skill itself)
    - Fix the fact that Sage Bestial Onslaught can't proc the zerk effect.
    I do not have a preference either way on this
    - Change useless lv79-100 skills with something actually useful, especially skills for party use, so you dont risk to unbalance pvp. (Suggestions -> Wizard: change Elemental Shell to have a 100% chance to dispel instead of 10% and increase its duration to 6 seconds, change Manifest Virtue to (MaxMana/50)% instead of (MaxMana/100)%)
    (use the skill to your advantage not against what you do)
    it has its effect for a reason use it properly and it helps more
    Territory Wars:
    - TW rewards back to coins like in old system, but rewarded coins amount reduced by 50%.
    UM no not reuired just give TW pay only for territory you defend not if you own it if you own it and it is not attacked then you get mirages that would fix that problem
    - TWs time scheduling system that RANDOMLY picks a time slot for each TW. (This way the whole world would have a chance to have TWs in decent hours of the day)
    (yes and no good idea yes but no not right either due to the fact the servers ARE based PST that is why they are set for that time zone)
    proper fix would not be random based or such rather set multiple time zone TW's and being able to pick it for your TW during certain hours that works best for your faction
    - Fix the port-back bug of rebirth order dungeon. (By removing the auto-ressing system in it for example)
    agreed though fix it properly since if cleric dies an every1 is there etc then what?
    since usually an auto res system prevents exp loss etc.
    That aside meh
    - Make nirvana bosses all affectable by damage increasing debuffs and sharptooth skill effect. (This way nirvana wuold be a lot more fun, cause it would make ppl think of ways to increase the output damage continuously, and it will give a chance to archers to be useful too again)
    no and yes the skill though is not really needed if you have a proper squad you can do this with no problem but people rely on aps like idiots so meh.
    - Remove random aggro ability for nirvana bosses. (There is no more need of tanks actually)
    no it is there for a reason you are not the tank an it means you watch ur chit an stop hitting learn to play idiots make their own deaths in there dun blame it on the random aggro you wanna go afk auto hitting its on you
    - Increase nirvana bosses melee damage by 70%. (so only barbs and good geared bms can tank them)
    no not going to happen since a good geared sin or HA veno will be the same as a bm also the bosses work fine learn your class play it dont blame the fact you want to be a tank when you are not as it is if you increase it make it so barbs are the only one's rather then the other classes that being a proper fix bm's are not tanks deal with it barbs are.
    - HH 3-3 Difficulty back to normal mode. (Hard mode is totally insane, my barb get 7k hp with bosses debuffs, and boss hits for 5k+, whats the point? HH 3-3 should help ppl farming hh99 gear, but only ppl with nirvana gear can now farm it. Totally nonsense)
    fix the real problem as to what it is the stealth used in the TT to bypass mobs is the problem not the fact the bosses are OP they were made that way due to problems being abused fix the problem itself and then the TT or HH as it is called in pw-myen would be no longer needed
    - There are no Celestial Messenger for Trophy Mode: Frost, no Quest for Token of Glory by Celestial messengers and no Quest for Supreme Robe: Aggression/Progression/Dominance (even if they are stated in the database)
    They have been removed and such for the Frost version due to complaint about the dungeon they altered Frost at complaint and that is why that is gone as for the other robes they are in fb109 trophy mode if i remember right so not implemented yet in this version
    - Fix rubberbanding.
    - Make hyper exp stones usable only by lvl 70+ characters. (Hyper exp stones are good, cause the leveling process is very slow without them, but before lv70 they should give ppl time to learn their skills)
    agreed but that is not the problem itself so dont blame it on hypers bh's are also a big problem and not needed either but people do not complaine about them as well

    - Remove oracles from sale for tokens. (Oracles dont give PWI any kind of popularity, without them ppl would continue paying money and we wont have ppl who totally paid their lv100 and dont know how to play. Lv100 should be a big goal to reach)
    agreed but as stated b4 it isnt just oracles or hypers or bh's it is a multitude of things being we as a player base wanted that and we got it now we banged ourselfs in the azz because we made it to easy etc.
    - Jonas Blessing should give both +30 atk level and +30 def level. (So it doesnt
    umbalance pvp)

    sorry but then you should fix the psy class for that to dont blame the item at all its part of the game itself to balance it barbs do not have high attack as it is generally their def in lacking though in mag normally to.
    - Fix descriptions of the skills in this game (at least 30% of skill descriptions are wrong, Examples -> Wizard: Hailstorm, Sage Sandstorm, Frostblade + Archer: Sage Vicious Arrow + Assassin: Power Dash)
    (sage vicious arrow is accurate it doesnt need to list the fact the dmg it does is maxed still it it stats it lowers the time of it which means it retains the dmg read it carefully before saying something and making false presumptions)
    As it is there ARE many skills that ARE written properly to their effect people presume that to not be the case and complaine about it the skill itself can be written entriely accurate with out giving exact details as to how it works because it stats what it does thats that

    Notes to read before posting:
    The goal of these fixes is to improve PWI gameplay, this is not a bug-report thread.
    Dont tell something like "that wont ever change". This post is made to at least TRY to have it changed. Go away if you are pessimist.
    Remember to consider these fixes like a MASS-PATCH wich would include all the fixes together, cause some fixes, if took alone, may umbalance gameplay even more, but if you consider all them globally, they should just improve gameplay.

    (this being true but being a fix means you need to make sure that certain aspects are wrong as it is some of the things you stated are inaccurate do your research and test things before accepting a lot of common misconceptions about things and test and learn it. Then if after all variables considered it is still "off" then it may be bugged or may not be if the skill is written a certain way so check the exact wording read it as written not as you may presume it to be. Then test it based off how it is written and check the results.
    Dont be fooled by looks.
    Even beauty can kill.

    also wish they would fix the dam prob with my "join date" its way off>_>
  • karinizsharron
    karinizsharron Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited March 2011
  • Zombywoof - Lost City
    Zombywoof - Lost City Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    The Barbarian LVL 11 Demon roar that is supposed to reflect damage.

    Venomancer's Bramble and bramble hood that also are supposed to reflect damage.

    These work against all mobs in the open environment but not against players in PvP unless you are dueling or in the instance of TW, HH, or NV.

    A genie skill that makes you immune to all magical damage? The opposite of Expel.

    Gear that reads reduces physical damage taken by 1% 2% and 3% should have a counter part for a reduction of magical damage taken by 1% 2% or 3%
  • UnseenOne - Lost City
    UnseenOne - Lost City Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Is the first post SERIOUSLY suggesting a BUFF for JONE'S (spelling?) BLESSING?!

    That thing was OP to begin with...if that buff gets added it's like banning all who don't have it from pvpb:angry
    Sorry if I spell something wrong, I'm not from an english speaking country. If you can do it in a nice way, please correct bad spelling by me.
  • Crit_Heal - Dreamweaver
    Crit_Heal - Dreamweaver Posts: 115 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    My BM's spark says recover MP while it should be HP, a small fix is needed :)
    Im a troll ;..;b:cute
  • basiliskys
    basiliskys Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    When is the dragon point service going to be fixed? I can see or get rewards from my DP!
  • yushaa
    yushaa Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    On the topic of -int reductions, why not reduce the cap from 5 APS to a more manageable amount of lets say 3.33?
    Or another solution to the problem was to reduce the damage from fists/claws/daggers so the % increases in attack stats caused through sparks would be noticeably less.

    I tend to waver towards the APS cap rather than the damage reduction as it causes more problems through PvP than PvE.

    The Venomancer pet skill should definitely be looked into after the 5+ years this game has been in the market.

    From an outside perspective, this game looks like its still in its beta stages at most parts.
  • DaKillanator - Raging Tide
    DaKillanator - Raging Tide Posts: 2,965 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    agreed with most of what was said, especially sins being knocked out of steal for using any skill.
  • Hideori - Lost City
    Hideori - Lost City Posts: 530 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    these fixes wont make money, so.. nobody cares. they better will make one more (overpowered) class or f*king motorcycles. or even cars. if they would care about balance and quality, they wouldint f*** this game so badly. "they" (you know what I m talking about) loosing my respect with every new update. b:bye sorry for being pesimistic and for my broken english.
  • kenshin151
    kenshin151 Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Fix the pets skins, this not exactly appearance for the wild ones.
    Some exemples: Celestial Plumpfish, Florafang Guard and Florafang Maneater. Here some screenshots for comparison:

    Celestial Plumpfish (wild mob)

    Celestial Plumpfish (after tamed)

    Florafang Maneater (wild mob)

    Florafang Maneater (after tamed)

    Pets have a low detail models, instead a high detail models of wild mobs.
    Please fix it, this bug is old... For more information, see this old closed thread:
  • Yogaxpto - Dreamweaver
    Yogaxpto - Dreamweaver Posts: 273 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    The 1k bug... That one might be the oldest bug still here messing with us...
    That one should deserve some special attention...
    Trolling since September 2008b:victory

    Don't worry. I might stop trolling and say something useful... One day....
  • SilverCleric - Lost City
    SilverCleric - Lost City Posts: 1,969 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    these fixes wont make money, so.. nobody cares. they better will make one more (overpowered) class or f*king motorcycles. or even cars. if they would care about balance and quality, they wouldint f*** this game so badly. "they" (you know what I m talking about) loosing my respect with every new update. b:bye sorry for being pesimistic and for my broken english.

    Hey if they make another OP class at least it will make people stop QQing over the TB. xD

    ✰The Nostradamus of PWI ✰

    ★ A not so Retired Veteran of PWI ★

    ✰ ~SilverCleric~ ✰
  • /indariel - Dreamweaver7
    /indariel - Dreamweaver7 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I agree with most of them but some of the class problems looks more like you just want to kill people not saying all the class things dont need fixing. anyway i hope these get fixed b:pleased
    Fear leads to obsession with power.
    Obsession with power beckons the Darkness.
  • _jessetwo_ - Archosaur
    _jessetwo_ - Archosaur Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    has anyone ever thought of putting mini games in pwi? this is my first post so dont beat me up pleaseb:surrenderb:surrenderb:surrender
  • Estoy - Dreamweaver
    Estoy - Dreamweaver Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    i disagree with some stuff

    harder TT? how to get TT gear then?
    some squads fail in "easy" TT *hides*

    less HP on TT bosses would help non-hax-Squads a bunch, its BORING hitting 1 boss for ages

    the one big reason why Rebirth is hated among many people is the damn bug
    "**** i got 1ked" GAME OVER, hours wasted for nothing

    why do people still get kicked out of the instance upon death after this long time?

    cause game dev are lazy people? if they cant make cash on it they wont fix it, closest dix they will ever give is probly some botique item"anti bug charm, when used u dont get 1k from rb, (used auto upon death)" 10gold ea...
    game devs are srsly tarded
  • ViciousMinx - Dreamweaver
    ViciousMinx - Dreamweaver Posts: 385 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Only agree to the general fixes. Those should have been taken care of long ago.
  • SilverCleric - Lost City
    SilverCleric - Lost City Posts: 1,969 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    has anyone ever thought of putting mini games in pwi? this is my first post so dont beat me up pleaseb:surrenderb:surrenderb:surrender

    Well there are "mini games" in this game but most of them are unfair since high lvl characters with uber R8/9 gears have the advantage over everyone else....

    I would like more better mini games/events in this game but then adding those will most likely add more bugs and to the HUGE list of bugs that need to be fixed. Sorta like a Win-Lose situation... depending on how great the mini game/event is.

    ✰The Nostradamus of PWI ✰

    ★ A not so Retired Veteran of PWI ★

    ✰ ~SilverCleric~ ✰
  • Nearen - Dreamweaver
    Nearen - Dreamweaver Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Sometimes people do make outrageous demands for dungeons so I am sorry in advance if you take offense to this but I'm gonna decompose it and explain why some of these are a bad idea in certain instances. First of all i am experiencing problems with my cleric, I am aware of what but not why but this has nothing to do with my cleric but personal experience with this kind of thing.

    - Fix the port-back bug of rebirth order dungeon. (By removing the auto-ressing system in it for example)
    - Make nirvana bosses all affectable by damage increasing debuffs and sharptooth skill effect. (This way nirvana wuold be a lot more fun, cause it would make ppl think of ways to increase the output damage continuously, and it will give a chance to archers to be useful too again)
    - Remove random aggro ability for nirvana bosses. (There is no more need of tanks actually)
    - Increase nirvana bosses melee damage by 70%. (so only barbs and good geared bms can tank them)
    - HH 3-3 Difficulty back to normal mode. (Hard mode is totally insane, my barb get 7k hp with bosses debuffs, and boss hits for 5k+, whats the point? HH 3-3 should help ppl farming hh99 gear, but only ppl with nirvana gear can now farm it. Totally nonsense)
    - There are no Celestial Messenger for Trophy Mode: Frost, no Quest for Token of Glory by Celestial messengers and no Quest for Supreme Robe: Aggression/Progression/Dominance (even if they are stated in the database)

    -Resurrection: In my general option the resurrection (of any sort other than by other player) should drop you at the beginning of the dungeon, however most MMO's dont do this or anything like it so Don't expect the creators preference on this to EVER be changed.
    -the reason its a bad idea-the view is disabling resurrection magic in dungeons NO NO NONONONONONONONO and NO you NEVER impair the healer in ANY dungeon PERIOD. ok lets not touch this topic EVER ok unless there is an actual functional problem with it.

    -nirvana bosses and monsters: NO just no, if you can solo the boss on a Tank that is not well made or geared to the teeth This is another thing you should NEVER touch, I expect some MMO staff to want to tell you to go bite it, again Unless there is a actual functional problem with it NO bad DON'T TOUCH THIS ISSUE.
    -reason its a bad idea- not everyone is a good player and with no clear growth chart (standard give-mes to status from the game) If anything should be a reason to make the reset charms available IN GAME for a SET COIN amount instead of forcing players to get Zen or buy gold in server to fix wayward status. Monster damage is not even properly scalable in prefect world by a player because the Battle data available to a player is too minimal.

    the rest are actually kind of reasonable but you made it obvious you prefer tanks you have to understand the more tankers whine the more spell casters suffer. and before you tell me to get a party, faction, guild , exc. be aware of exactly how rude most of the PWI population is in server, how inactive most guilds are, and how assinine some players have been known to get with drops. for example just the other dday i helped out an archer that was having troubles keeping his health high; i healed him while he was being overburdened by two werewolf spearmen; well instead of helping me kill the one that arggoed to me after I helped him he WATCHED me get killed. remind me to let him suffer next time.

    Generally weakening a spell caster is one of the WORST IDEAS ever; they already have a disadvantage in their armor AND attack lets not add to it.

    Sorry forgot to add what I really wanted to see in server.
    Other than Reset charms being available in server i would like to see the flowing be done

    -Increase in herbs and mat output, like since its spring/summer why not make herbs more available, other mats in mountain regions more abundant basses on the overall population of server of course.

    -repeat quests for lower levels

    -Higher xp output for solo quests, or make the offer more juicy with more coin/Celestone fragments the reward is kinda poor no matter how you look at it.

    -unified auction house setup, I'm kinda aggravated the search instead of being imbedded into the window with the items is its own window, think WOW's Auction house, its layout is used in so many other variations in other MMO's and very successful specially in Rapplez and Shaiya

    I would like to see more better planed player interaction events that are available to players who CANT buy zen at this time.
  • devilvampires
    devilvampires Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    there r to many pple in west arch need to move around the city so the lag can go away so if dont happy i know about 500 pple well leave game so can you guys at pwi can fix this or lose about 500k of real money i bet you get mad at that on all servers ?b:worriedb:avoidb:shy
  • mythashi
    mythashi Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Fix The Damn Lag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • zionwarrior
    zionwarrior Posts: 123 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    few things vorh nixes are not bugged they have high dmg for 3 reasons to their ream skill.the skill itself isnt bugged either read how it works and is worded get a veno an check it helps lmao.
    The reason ream is so effective is it has a 20% bonus to dmg for the pet at full loyalty with a 30% bonus for the buff nix has with on top of reams additional stats go to the ecatomb site to check that Then add in that the ream is based off the phy def of ur char by a % amount. As AA or LA you get wasted by it nix and hurc were ment to be farmed not bought it was skill basis and it use to be a status symbol for that reason. Many "fixes" posted in your thread are not entirely accurate. least for the bug basis. I can go into each if you want jus list em an I will this being rather amusing to see though.
    the linar based vs % basis is a good idea so is the basis for removal of steath via any skill agreed on that to or wep swap even since you can swap weps even in stealth.
    rubberbanding generally is caused and fixed by seting ur comp to use a primary core processor instead of 3 or more etc.
    Few more things nirvana is not really that hard but most things done in it require that you are suppose to do them a certain way rather then not or it wont work right and be done fast.
    Check my older posts by profile I am far older than 2010 I was from beta just got on forums in 2008 otc for the first time.
  • FallenEvWolf - Dreamweaver
    FallenEvWolf - Dreamweaver Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Sort out the quality of the pets when they are tamed >.>

    Srsly...wolves and foxwings and anything else tameable that looks very cool in the wild will end up so ugly and deformed when tamed. Give us high res pets like they are in the wild XD

    Tamed a Foxwing Supreme cuz it was cute and it flies.

    When I hatched it it's legs were horrid and skinny and its whole body looked awful.

    and most of the wolves go bog eyed >.>
  • Ubnext - Sanctuary
    Ubnext - Sanctuary Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    yeah so if you answered the frigging question I wouldn't be here suggesting you fix this problem especially being I did half the quest. but I consider there's no link in the quest for Faction base so maybe something got over looked on bowman too.
  • krittycat
    krittycat Posts: 4,187 Community Moderator
    edited August 2011
    yeah so if you answered the frigging question I wouldn't be here suggesting you fix this problem especially being I did half the quest. but I consider there's no link in the quest for Faction base so maybe something got over looked on bowman too.

    What? Are you wondering about that quest for Unjust Bowman(sic)? If so, the mob necessary doesn't yet exist in PWI. I've asked about it, and I have yet to get an answer myself as to when this is going to be fixed.b:surrender
  • xsapphirex
    xsapphirex Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    About the hypers restriction to lvl 70...

    I was thinking about it... not that it would affect me in any way but... the problem is new players using them.

    Then we have people like a lvl 90 Barb who asks what's invoke.

    But my point is, those people don't have enough experience... When I first started PWI, I needed guides to tell me which skills to lvl up first, and stuff like that...
    Right now I'm at the point (and I believe it's like this with other people too) where I don't need people to tell me which skills to lvl up, because I myself can see it, and create tactics... because now I have more experience.

    I lvled 4 characters in "the hard way" to 6x's, 7x's and 8x's, by hard way I mean there were no FC's, BH's, (can't really remember if crazy stone existed already) but when I did that people still used to do Friendship quest because it was "Omg good exp."

    Now having done all those quests, over and over again... Maybe it's just me complaining but it does get boring...

    So I think Hypers should be available to people who have been on PWI long enough, and have enough playing experience, and know what to do. Because most of those people will likely to have a lvl 100 character that is able to make a lot of money and will be able to buy the Hypers. The problem is newbies buying them in my opinion...

    I'm sure there will be people who'll disagree with me, because it would still be an easy way to lvl... but it would be an easy way to people who already know a lot about pwi and have enough experience, you know what I mean? Still... I admit it could be a bit unfair. But the problem is still the newbies buying them, like that lvl 90 Barb who didn't know what invoke was.
  • ghostzapper
    ghostzapper Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Alot of people are having lag issues when they are in certain cities. For example too many people are in archosaur at the same time. Is there a way for you guys to fix it?
  • ghostzapper
    ghostzapper Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    The crafting system is great. Blacksmith, Tailor, Craftsman and Apothecary. Would it be possible for you to add a job system. Like Alchemist, chef, fisherman, botanist, carpenter, woodworking, metalsmith, Armorer. Add in something that requires a certain job and the level of that job to repair armor and weapons. It there were materials that were under the sea, river or lake. It would require the diver job. Is it possible to add the job system for the next expansion?
  • RangerFEAR - Lost City
    RangerFEAR - Lost City Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    - "-X interval between hits" stat should be percentual % instead of linear decrease. (This way fists/claws/daggers will be more balanced in PVE and slower weapons would get more improvement from -int gear)

    BM is nerfed enough as is. O.O