~ TW Report 5/6/11 - 5/8/11 ~
oh fyi shadow wasnt banned for the essence bid just thought you all should know so you stop with it0
So much for a fake bid on Archosaur right?
Also, you guys a bit butthurt that we lasted longer than you, AND i heard you didnt even show up nice way to prove a point......RIP spoons
The game is dead0 -
xxdies3lxx wrote: »
Hmmm great SS lmaooo u think u will get another one with the bm showin him self his weapon ,genie skills, his fashion?u tell me the answer dissle spy:O good goin send spys to take SS:D Is KB a threat to u guys or sumthin? need to spy on us to make ur selves feel bbetter:P0 -
Little gals stop QQing already, KB walks mainstream and we dont do dirty little tricks like you people would.
KB I love youb:kissb:chuckle
0 -
RayOmaga - Lost City wrote: »Hmmm great SS lmaooo u think u will get another one with the bm showin him self his weapon ,genie skills, his fashion?u tell me the answer dissle spy:O good goin send spys to take SS:D Is KB a threat to u guys or sumthin? need to spy on us to make ur selves feel bbetter:P
ray i am a threat to everyone b:victory0 -
Channman - Lost City wrote: »ray i am a threat to everyone b:victory
I bet you can't one shot me then... b:avoid[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
✰The Nostradamus of PWI ✰
★ A not so Retired Veteran of PWI ★
✰ ~SilverCleric~ ✰0 -
xxdies3lxx wrote: »
lol I just saw this and I must say. Terrible spy, posting a screenshot that perfectly identifies who you are. I mean I don't know who you are, but do you actually think only covering up your name is enough to hide yourselve? I mean seriously. How many 9x demon BMs with tt90 green axes and gorenox fist wearing black fashion with bramble rage, second wind, mire on a genie with 54 vit are there in kagebushi?
Even if you go and change your genie and weapons now, there has to be someone who remember a member that looks like that. Even if nobody knows you enough to remember those details, they can still use process of elimination to rule out BMs who did not fit that description at the time. I'd be surprised if they haven't identified the person in the screenshot after 2 days now.Lost City Cheze Refining Service. Save up to 40% of orb cost for refines up to +9.
tinyurl.com/chezerefine0 -
Ezehc - Lost City wrote: »lol I just saw this and I must say. Terrible spy, posting a screenshot that perfectly identifies who you are. I mean I don't know who you are, but do you actually think only covering up your name is enough to hide yourselve? I mean seriously. How many 9x demon BMs with tt90 green axes and gorenox fist wearing black fashion with bramble rage, second wind, mire on a genie with 54 vit are there in kagebushi?
Even if you go and change your genie and weapons now, there has to be someone who remember a member that looks like that. Even if nobody knows you enough to remember those details, they can still use process of elimination to rule out BMs who did not fit that description at the time. I'd be surprised if they haven't identified the person in the screenshot after 2 days now.
Oh he was gone the next morning, as you said it was really really obvious as to who the spy was the fash+weps sealed itRIP spoons
The game is dead0 -
My name is Bond, James Bond.0
SilverCleric - Lost City wrote: »I bet you can't one shot me then... b:avoid
do TW report this week QQ0 -
Channman - Lost City wrote: »do TW report this week QQ
I did but it was a late one, and there is a reason for that to, since I was at ACen that weekend and did'nt have time to make one.. b:surrender
Here's a Link[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
✰The Nostradamus of PWI ✰
★ A not so Retired Veteran of PWI ★
✰ ~SilverCleric~ ✰0 -
Elayne - Lost City wrote: »(By the way if I were you, I would blame Wadzio (Moerten) for your failure last night as he was dead way too much to be of any use to you in co-ordinating a war...silly sin)
LOL wadzio playing your sin in tw?! last time i saw u on your sin, wishess, devlinne, QuFeng, and some more which can be called quite non factors (... 1.cast nv dagger sins with maybe 5.5k hp unbuffed and nv light armor veno) getting rolled by cheze, Shadow_skill and evok! Btw i couldnt see u kill anyone so why u even think about playing your sin in tw when u dont manage to kill someone in such a gank! Btw as advice ... wiz > sin in tws ...
oh and just to mention, about your statement of being a "new" faction. I guess u got 70% of the old spectral members in your faction, so i guess u can't rly tell that your faction is a new one!0 -
I love how everyone likes to make assumptions base on their imaginations the moment i got banned from PWI. Furthermore i love how everyone saying they got SS of me "FAKE BIDING" on essence's land and i was on Essence's Vent right after Instinct place their bid on Archosaur. So much QQing from Vengeful members right after they saw that Instinct didn't win the bid because KageBushi has won the bidding and "Outbid" Instinct's 100k!
So what was the real reason i was banned from PWI for one week? It's called "Protecting my own land"! Yea you all can call me chicken or fail or w.e for wanting to protect my own land from other guilds. But I can guarantee everyone one at some point in the PWI tw history, many many leaders have thought about it, done it, still doing it, to make sure their lands survive on the tw map!
One good Example ( you gonna love this diseal ) ThaClick! Remember the good old days when Nupayne was still the leader of ThaClick. I still clearly remembered every time ThaClick owns a land on the map, before the next tw bidding, Nupayne himself would invite me to their vent and wanting me to "FAKE BID" on their land so Essence wont take it from them! ( Which enables them to do a double atk with Spectral ) Not to mention, Nupayne, DieseI, Wishess wanting me and my members to join their guild to make it stronger every time i log on to the game! ( If you want prove, i can tell you the vent info for ThaClick. Which btw.. are you all still using same vent for vengeful as well LOL? )
Many of the members in Instinct, Vengeful and Essence, at some point in time was in my guilds. ( KageBushi or SamuraSul ) Many of you i've treated with respect and honor. Even now i could care less if you are an alt from essence, vengeful, spectral, instinct or others, for as long as you follow the guild rules you are more than welcome and stay for as long as you want! It's funny how Spectral and ThaClick put KageBushi on KOS the first time I bid on essence for tw. Back then, the guild was still small at best 50 active members. I wanted my members to have some fun so i decided to place a bid for tw. Since majority of the lands was own by Essence, so i really have no choice but to bid on them for tw. ( btw i place my bid after Nupayne ask me to "FAKE BID" on their land ←i turned him down ^^ ) After my biding, right away me and my guild got called out on WC for "FAKE BID"! Everyone was saying that i bid on Essence's land to break apart the triple attack that was going to happen with Spectral, ThaClick and Kamisama. Which is funny because everyone failed to see that "Sg1Own" also placed a bid on essence's land about 3 sec after me! So if i've place my bid after Sg1Own that would have make them the "FAKE BIDER" right??!?
Point being, how can i fake bid on Essence when more than 80 KageBushi members showed up for the fights on Archosaur? And didn't we last longer than Vengeful anyway? ( Vengeful vs Essence last 8 minutes because Wishes got banned LOLUMAD? ) ( KageBushi vs Essence last 13 minutes ) ← going by this..does this mean Vengeful "FAKE BID" as well O.o?
BUT...BUT..WE GOT PROVE OF shadowroot "FAKE BID" on Essence! ........Please show me an "ACTUAL PROVE" of me fake bidding! I dare anyone of you!
1st Prove, provided by DieseI ↓
http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn46/dies3ll/fakebidding.jpg ←something wrong with this image, anyone care to guess what it is?
1. "shadowroot" name was no where near this conversation
2. This image was provided by an Vengeful Spy "Stabsalot" A.K.A blowyourhouse ( which by the way if my guild so fail why so many guilds put spy in my faction o.o? )
3. "ShiningRock" was not an executor or marshal or director of this faction! so anything he / she said might have been a personal "thoughts" why the faction leader bid on Essence for tw?!?
4. "ShingingRock" is the alt of the Carbon leader, in which was kosed by Essence once
6. KB members asking why we attack essence? Officer "RayOmaga" replied: "because we want archlols"
O.O you said you got more SS of us talking about FAKE BIDING please show us more of it "DieseI"
2nd Prove, provided by our beloved Wadzio A.K.A "Dropzio"
"Its not a lie. SS from Your vent has been already sent to GMs. ImSoHard bid was the last bid on Essence"
wait a minute...that's not actual prove..↑ that is just your words without an SS ( did you drop the SS during the pk again dropzio? )
1. since when a Vent Program is part of the PWI? ( if it is i would like to know where they at on the perfect world downaload site )
2. Do you have the recording of me talking in the vent with Elayne and Nykage? ( oh btw if you don't know my vocie, ask Diesel and Wishes, they heard my vocie before ^^ )
3. You said "you have a SS of me on Essence's vent right after the bidding from Instinct..." ← many problem with that sentence, care to know why dropzio?
3a. ALL tw bidding are "anonymous" in case you dont know what that word means dropzio go look up @ dictionary.com! so if i don't know who bid on Arch other than myself how would i know Instinct has place a bid on Arch before me? For all i know "Knights" could have bid on Arch, since they are kos to essence and allies with KageBushi O.O! Or maybe other faction like "Tribute" an actual Essence alt faction would have bid on it as well?!?
3b. I would love the SS of me on the Essence's Vent with the "TIME AND DATE" Attach to it! I place my bid about 3 sec after "someone" bid on arch. UNLESS i'm Flash from the Justice League, i don't think i'm quick enough to log off my vent, get off the phone with my girlfriend and log on to Essence's vent and try to find Elayne and talk to him about "FAKE BID" on his land O.o
4. VENT ALLOWS FOR NAME CHANGES! Unless you're as stupid as you look Dropzio, anyone at any time can log on any vent with ANY NAME! So how can you be so sure if the "shadowroot" on Essence's vent is the actual me o.o?
5. Here is a SS of Vengeful, ChinaTown, Instinct talking about "FAKE BIDDING" on Essence on Vent O.O! ↓
But really thou, anyone care to provide more SS of me fake bidding?
Everyone calls KageBushi a Essence's Alt faction, which is very funny to me.
1. Essence and KageBushi was not allied in any way (unofficially or officially )
2. Essence and KageBushi pks each other in HOT PK zones too
3. Many members in KageBushi are hate targets for Essence
TryToReachMe <--ex RQ, SP and many ppl called him scammer
Desmerelda<--was married to Jimbo
EvilChild <--ex Click, Vengeful, Use to married to blowyourhouse
FateCrusher <--loves everything but Essence
PVPFox <--gets pk by essence when showing up outside sz
The_owner <---many essence members hates him and wants to kill him
ShiningRock <---Carbon Leader's alt
xRapidFire <--main in Vengeful
NcN_LiLBoog <--NcNBooger and his Son also kos to Essence
+ many more
4. The number of Essence's alt in KageBushi ( Before i got banned )
I_ <---the only one ( a very good friend )
Wait are we Essence's Alt faction O.O? There are more Ex Essence or essence's alt in Vengeful and Instinct than KageBushi
Some of you ask, how much did Essence paid me to bid on their land? The Answer: As much brains you noobs have in your heads, NONE! So, did i get banned, yes! Was i banned from bidding on Essence's land? NO! you want prove, ask your spy and or my mebers to log on to KB guild site and show you the reason why i was banned. Again, i love how everyone likes to make assumptions base on their imaginations!
FOR MY GOOD FRIEND "whiteshade" I really could care less what you think of me, you asked me once which side i need to choose? Now is the time to make a decision and to join side with either you or Essence. DO YOU REMEMBER the answer i gave you back then? ↓
For as long I'm the leader of my own faction, i could care less about joining side with anyone! I want to make something for myself and my members. Will Essence take our lands? Of course they will, just the matter of time! But i really don't care. However i would live to see the day Essence owns all the lands again than Vengeful and Instinct ( both major rpk factions, going around killing ppl who is trying to have fun! ISN'T THAT RIGHT WADZIO? )
ps. Athran kos KB the first time was because after i told Nupayne to Eff off about not bidding on his land to protect it. So he QQ to Athran and told him i "fake bid" in which Spliffany has mention the fight we had with Essence last longer than Spectral did. And shame on Athran talks about Honor and Respect, yet allied up with an rpk faction "ThaClick" and helping them in pvps against any factions. (Not to mention his so called wife cheated on him the moment he takes time off from the game, and all his "royal" members break apart his faction he loved so much!)
ps. Falon you shouldn't talk much in here after all you did fail you own guild Nostalgia
One last thing, just like Calvin said ( bless his heart i know he is trying to help out his faction ) next time bid 200mil on the land you want to take and keep, this way no one will QQ or call it "FAKE BID" Who knows, this weekend i might just bid Arch again for 199.9mil ( Wanna take that bet Vengeful, Instinct ? ) Have fun ppl!0 -
Damn wall of text, no way in hell I'm gonna read it, but the reason you were banned is not new. Many leaders of "legit" guilds have been temporally banned in the past already. Practice tw's or fake tws are an offense.
The reason you were banned is because it really looks like a way to block Instinct so essence doesn't have to do a 2 way war (and forcefully lose one). Your guild even waited for essence to be done with vengeful, if a gm saw that, it would call that tw fake.
To avoid problems and confusions just bid on another land from essence. If you are really not faking tws show it by bidding any territory that is not archosaur.0 -
show me a SS of my guild waint for essence duing the fight plz, no more bullcrap talk! you want to talk show some prove ^^ ty Instinct
ps. like i said i was banned not because of my bid on Essence i got banned because Zodian QQed tyvm0 -
Shadowroot - Lost City wrote: »Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!Rabble!
Did you write this while you were banned? Your post is seething with nerd rage. lmao
Step away from the computer and go outside. Vitamin D will do you some good.Here we go again....0 -
Azura - Lost City wrote: »Damn wall of text, no way in hell I'm gonna read it, but the reason you were banned is not new. Many leaders of "legit" guilds have been temporally banned in the past already. Practice tw's or fake tws are an offense.
The reason you were banned is because it really looks like a way to block Instinct so essence doesn't have to do a 2 way war (and forcefully lose one). Your guild even waited for essence to be done with vengeful, if a gm saw that, it would call that tw fake.
To avoid problems and confusions just bid on another land from essence. If you are really not faking tws show it by bidding any territory that is not archosaur.
If you're not going to bother reading what he posted don't bother commenting on it. He already addressed what you said.
/facepalmparalleogram wrote: »NERD RAGE ALERT!!! NERD RAGE ALERT!!! NERD RAGE ALERT!!!
Did you write this while you were banned? Your post is seething with nerd rage. lmao
Step away from the computer and go outside. Vitamin D will do you some good.
Typical vengefool trying to dismiss his points which are very much valid. VENGEMADLOL?0 -
The posts are getting bigger while the posters are getting dumber.0
The more you explain means you don't want people to discover.0
If i remember correctly the only reason KB won the bid cuz Midnight spend some money on Packs b:chuckleb:chuckle
And couldnt outbid them[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Devoted - Lost City wrote: »The posts are getting bigger while the posters are getting dumber.Calvin - Lost City wrote: »The more you explain means you don't want people to discover.
derp.0 -
Did you write this while you were banned? Your post is seething with nerd rage. lmao
Step away from the computer and go outside. Vitamin D will do you some good.
38 Ways To Win An Argument (without having reason), by Arthur Schopenhauer
38 Become personal, insulting and rude as soon as you perceive that your opponent has the upper hand.
In becoming personal you leave the subject altogether, and turn your attack on the person by remarks of an offensive and spiteful character.
This is a very popular technique, because it takes so little skill to put it into effect.
If that's the best you can do to make your point, it's clear you just lost it.0 -
SilverCleric - Lost City wrote: »
Well, I can't say if that's true unless you have proof they are all fake bidding, and I think people are some people are just jumping to conclusions about if a guild is fake bidding or not.
All of those guilds could be working together to get some land, instead of fake bidding who knows...SilverCleric - Lost City wrote: »This is true, we did had 80+ ppl online for that war... but because Essence was so overpowered, they quickly took us down... but it was fun.
And since the TW was so quick people jumped to conclusions and accused us of fake bidding even though that wasn't the point... >_>
^ As I said above in the most recent TW Reoprt thread, people jump into conclusions and then accuse the leader (in this case our guild leader) of fake bidding... and also I knowest for what ever guild that is on the map, and has more than 4+ lands people start talking **** about them and talk stuff about them working with essence and all that other stuff..... >.>
I find it annoying how people can get all worked up over TW and can't just be a good sport and enjoy TW... b:sweat[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
✰The Nostradamus of PWI ✰
★ A not so Retired Veteran of PWI ★
✰ ~SilverCleric~ ✰0 -
Another essay to read when I'm feeling bored and need a dose of idiocy.0
Azura - Lost City wrote: »Damn wall of text, no way in hell I'm gonna read it, but the reason you were banned is not new. Many leaders of "legit" guilds have been temporally banned in the past already. Practice tw's or fake tws are an offense.
The reason you were banned is because it really looks like a way to block Instinct so essence doesn't have to do a 2 way war (and forcefully lose one). Your guild even waited for essence to be done with vengeful, if a gm saw that, it would call that tw fake.
To avoid problems and confusions just bid on another land from essence. If you are really not faking tws show it by bidding any territory that is not archosaur.
we have 6 lands the only people near us were knights(allies) and essence now the week before we didnt have a tw shadow wanted to make sure we had one on that week so he bid on essence now the reason he was banned was he faked bidded on KAGEBUSHI LAND NOT ESSENCE0 -
Ok so i'll be straight up. i dont normally post on the forum because there isnt a point everyone's gonna speak their mind and not listen to anyone else. @ shadow. thats a WALL of talk dude. you made some awesome points. we Showed up for ESS TW with full intentions of trying to take it. Vengfail. im sorry you guys cant win TW without instinct dbl bids. really.. Wishess.. if you have problems, sell ur lil 350Z and buy ur guild gear and be done with it. Chann, stay out of forums, u make yourself sounds silly xD (jk buddy) and really a LOT of guilds fake bid and yadda yadda, banns happen. get over it. quit the crying and b.*tching already. seriously grow up. enjoy the game for what it is, if you lose a bid. and are upset. go ahead and bid the 199m. and KNOW nobody will out bid you. .. .really..0
Sorry Silver, gonna have to close this for flames.
Keep up the TW reports though, maybe people will cool down for the next one.
This discussion has been closed.
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