What annoys you about each class

TekkOneStylz - Harshlands
TekkOneStylz - Harshlands Posts: 46 Arc User
edited July 2011 in General Discussion
ok so I thought this might be a little interesting since the forums are lookin repetitive lately. So going through each of the classses lets state something that annoys us about that class.Reason can be anything minor to anything big.( when we get to Sin its gonna be pretty obvious lol ). If u come to a class that you have nothing on just dont include it.

but anyway I'll start:

BARB: when in squad and im aoeing mobs and then suddenly barb comes out of tiger form just to do his aoe knockback and all the mobs scatter -_- ... This has killed me at times where it was mobs that that do magic from range ( reason for aoeing would at times when i was saving someones @SS that aggro'd multiple mobs.)

CLERIC: Clerics that leave squad after dieing once.. and sometimes it was even their fault but they seem to think that it can never be their fault.. I always try and save the cleric but sometimes its impossible given the situation of course ..

SIN: Sins that fail at comedy and think their ***** is soo badass lol. One time a sin pk'd me and said ''sorry , you looked at me funny'' ...I must have eyes on my @SS or something with a stealth detection that is over 9000.

PSY: Psys with no common sense..This scenario im about to explain can go for any arcane or ranged class really but from wut i seen its mostly with Psys so check it out. I'll use bh 51 for example. I'll be selected as tank when we come to fushma so because fushma is a runner i like to run in , do a long ranged skill and run back to pull him way back away from any walkers that would be coming by later. But no! for some reason psychic is on full blast and keeps attacking when common sense should tell u that im running cause im pulling so he doesnt keep running back.. and then the psy or wutever other long range dd this happends with takes it as oh I cant keep aggro from him -_- . And then they die and seem proud.

SEEKER: Seeker's fail squad buff.. y did they even make such stupid squad buff that no1 even uses.

MYSTIC: Ok i saved mystic for last because this is gonna be a RANT... I dont think ive ever come across a class that has p!ssed me off to the degree that mystics can lol. Ok first off let me say that alot of mystics r over sensitive. They get soo upset that ppl prefer Clerics over Mystic when it comes to ummm only having one or the other... Sorry mystics but when I say LF cleric and i get u pm'ing me saying ''add me im mystic''.. Your not a cleric. Mystics dont even come close to clerics when it comes to squad care and healing abilities. Ive tried this whole cleric substitute deal enough times to come to conclusion that its stupid. Doing an instance in this manner pretty much means that we're going in practically unbuffed so everyone is already weaker in that aspect and not to mention you dont have the ability to stack IH, purify or BB.... and then for some reason u mystics get mad that we prefer to run with clerics? and then u try and argue in wut ways ur better than clerics saying that u can DD and heal at the same time? Oh please... Clerics r alot more safe to run with.. The only thing u got that might be better is ur rez because of how it works before hand.. and even then u still got some mystics that dont even rez buff the whole squad because they....forget? Not to offend , Mystics r good to have in squad in my opinion but only if there is a cleric also and not as a replacement -_-
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Motorcycle.... U MAD?
Post edited by TekkOneStylz - Harshlands on


  • Escorian - Dreamweaver
    Escorian - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,802 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    you are missing archer wiz veno and bm b:chuckle
    ty Nowitsawn

    Everything has its beginnings, but it doesn't start at one. It starts long before that... The world is born From zero. The moment zero becomes one is the moment the world springs to life. One becomes 2. 2 becomes 10. 10 becomes 100. taking it all back to one solves nothing. so long as zero remains... One.. Will eventually grow to 100 again.
  • Ashivas - Dreamweaver
    Ashivas - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,293 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Sins are OP. That's what I hate.

    And to think when I was noob I used to hate venos cuz they could solo the early TT's lol. God I was ignorant.
    Ashura Tyrant you foul mouthed little boy! I must keel yew nao =3
  • _blood_rain - Sanctuary
    _blood_rain - Sanctuary Posts: 2,532 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Archers: female archers, the bloodthirsty temptresses are too sexy for their own good and they know it , even the ones that are clearly trannies b:cry

    Sins: You male sins and male TB in general will never look manly. NEVA!!!!

    Barbs: I...I cant think of anything

    Clerics: uhhhhh >.> <.< Yea I guess, when they leave squad after they die once, or let the fact that some people suck up to them get to their head.

    Seekers: ok honestly, for some reason nearly every seeker I've met seems to have their interest set on waggling their epeen and flopping it around for the world to see. I know you guys have a powerful aoe but when you die at that big pull leaving me to tank it all and I, an LA user, survive... the rest of the squad is just going to laugh at you.

    Psychics: you look funny. I like to watch you do the dexterity part of the TB quest chain as you helplessly chase those fireflies using your soulsphere as a yoyo. Wheres your soulforce now! haha!

    Venos: Your **** jiggle more than my archer's and thats not fair QQ

    Note: most of these are entirely sarcastic and/or meant as a joke, I'm incredibly bored as you can see.
  • ColdSnow - Dreamweaver
    ColdSnow - Dreamweaver Posts: 983 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    i hate only sins

    arrogance, pk nonstop out of nowhere for no reason..oh wait "fun" is the reason to 2-hit people, camping

    and whoever thinks its cause they are OP and i m jealous is WRONG, cause i have nothing against aps BMs Archers or whoever else...i just totally HATE SINS!
    If i m trolling and spamming on forum...then i cant sleep and need a good laugh
  • ZAPATON - Sanctuary
    ZAPATON - Sanctuary Posts: 875 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Lets see what annoys me of each class...

    Archer: Only males. Males with feathers on their heads... Cause they look happy (synonym).

    Assassin: The fact that most of them seem to think they must be as what their class name says they are, except they seem to only read the first 3 letters. Plus they smell. Like fish.

    Barbarian: A man all covered on animal fur. They look happy (synonym) too.

    Blademaster: The name. Just the name. Cause they don't use blades anymore.

    Cleric: Same as archer.

    Mystic: The 3rd eye on males. Makes them look really happy (synonym).

    Psychic: Just like assassins, they smell like fish. And they are involved on drugs and voodoo stuff. Creepy.

    Seeker: Same as mystic.

    Venomancer: The lack of tail on bunny and deer venomancers. And the lack of the ability to take on/off the ears, tails, antlers, ornaments, etc; for all of them at any given time.

    Wizard: They don't do amusing stuff like David Copperfield or Criss Angel. I'm dissapointed.

    That is all. b:bye

  • UltimaDeath - Harshlands
    UltimaDeath - Harshlands Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I dislike assassins and people who think mystics can't heal .
  • Nael - Dreamweaver
    Nael - Dreamweaver Posts: 200 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Archer--can't get BP
    Veno--looks better in fashion than everyone else
    Barb--can't keep aggro
    Wiz--tends to QQ about aps the most
    Cleric--thinks they are always the team leader
    Psy--hax self buffs
    Seeker--can't use fists
    Mystic--can't replace Clerics :<
  • Hhlolz - Harshlands
    Hhlolz - Harshlands Posts: 574 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    EA: wings of grace when purge is on cooldown b:shocked
    EP : sleep and seeing my pet die without being able to d o anything
    WB : dark onslaught zerkb:shocked
    WF : bleedb:shocked and venos that send m/p def buffed pet and fly away...*cough* Nyxya *cough*
    WR: noobs that lion roar + auto kill just because they got insane aps and refined weapb:surrender
    MG: annoying 1 shots from noobs with r8 who use BT
    Psy: not being able to kill them because they are OP as hell esp if they are heavily refined
    Sin: nothing...underpowered class b:bye

    Idk the new classes but i heard they are almost as underpowered as TB classes
    I don't need a Squad
    Level a Venomancer to 90.
    Aug 12, 2009
  • TekkOneStylz - Harshlands
    TekkOneStylz - Harshlands Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    you are missing archer wiz veno and bm b:chuckle

    cause i didnt have nothing on them lol
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Motorcycle.... U MAD?
  • TekkOneStylz - Harshlands
    TekkOneStylz - Harshlands Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I dislike assassins and people who think mystics can't heal .

    was that a shot at my mystic rant? lol
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Motorcycle.... U MAD?
  • MoonMio - Heavens Tear
    MoonMio - Heavens Tear Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    :< hate ppl who hate sin cuz I didn't do anything wrong
  • SinfuINature - Harshlands
    SinfuINature - Harshlands Posts: 533 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Lets see what annoys me of each class...

    Assassin: The fact that most of them seem to think they must be as what their class name says they are, except they seem to only read the first 3 letters. Plus they smell. Like fish.

    That is all. b:bye

    my name has nothing to do with class i picked... b:victory

    and i hate ppl who hate sins for no reason... im not a bad sin... this might change when i get to lvl 100... just might pk everything in sight... btw those punk lvl 100 clerics whould you pick on me just fr being a sin... your time is coming...
  • Azephiel - Raging Tide
    Azephiel - Raging Tide Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Ok first off, you must have been with some DUMB mystics for them t think they can main heal, wich is only posible if boss doesnt do aoe's, ALL the rest is done better by cleric, specially pulls omg, we however r good for backup heal when the cleric dies and reses himself with our buff and we heal tank while he does that. well now that that's out of the way :

    Barbarians : Have you EVER tried to kill a R9 barb or any good barb? it's like trying to taye a single hair out of your head with chineese chopsticks =.=' . Plus i hate it when they call the loots or control squad just cos they're hard to find and threaten to leave. New cool tank class next expansion riot PLS .

    Clerics : Imma be frank when i say chromatic seal's ALL you got ****'s , you are USELESS without that in pvp , USELESS I TELL YOU !! xP

    Venos : I am not gonna criticize this poor, poor class that just keeps getting nerfs since expansion. (and no i dnt play veno)

    BM's : Ok i have NO idea how you bm's can complain about seeker's constant aoe when you have over 4 stuns with hatchets, freking aoe's , and a aps i would kill for with fists Q_Q

    Sins : You're happily walking through a field of flowers, then a friggin sin comes out of stealth, headhunts you, and demon shadow escapes ... stealth = anti fun .

    Archers : Nothign really to report, you guys are pretty balanced.

    Mages : Same, not too much talk bout you ppls theese days.

    Seekers : Oh dear ... Vortex IS op in pve, specially for pulls :D . But i 've been aggainst quite a few seekers in pvp and they're nothing THAT much out of the ordinary =o

    Mystics : Noying cos of thicket and cos ppls dnt see we op in fc yet, i'll laugh at you in 4 months.

    :3 now i feel light hihi .
  • CandyCorn - Raging Tide
    CandyCorn - Raging Tide Posts: 1,547 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    we clerics are teh leader of the squad! Don't lie....and most of us don't leave just because we died..we can sometimes interpret how the team will be..like if i was accepted into a 2-3 squad and i know that it going to take like 3 hours for this team to finish it (by looking at their gear and how they "afK"..blah blah..), i'm not going to stay, who in their right mind would stay. Us clerics want it fast, go slow and we know.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Move along..move along
  • Appley - Lost City
    Appley - Lost City Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Assassins; Creepy stalkers. Always give me a heartattack when they come out of stealth right next to me. Most of them seem to suffer from hybris in bh's.

    Psychics; Nothing really. Unless they lack common sense, but that applies to all classes.
    Also when they don't use aoe heal.

    Barbarians; QQ Charm. QQ repair. QQ everything. Get over it or choose another class.

    Clerics; "I have proz DD. I promizez! Boss have 10-20% hp left. I am sure tank survives if I stop healing to DD." Then rage when squad wipes. Specially at ofo. "I havez no time to heal you or myself cause this is wood bozz! I do proz damage on wood bozz!"

    Archers; Hybris much. "I promise I can tank Wyvern!" Then dies from first mob when get into BH. b:bye

    Venomancers; "I don't use pet in instances." Eh ? Happens rarely though. Most venomancers I meet seem pretty clever.

    Blademasters; Nothing really. Except the stupid ones that use wrong marrow.

    Wizzards; Over achivers who want to seem usefull so they DD the hell out of the boss and take aggro only to die.

    Mystics; Catshop that damn pet away. You're cluttering up every damn npc. >:

    Seekers; Dissapointment. b:sad
  • HardnHeavy - Raging Tide
    HardnHeavy - Raging Tide Posts: 151 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    sins=if they were underpowered not that many ppl would play them...
    and btw both male fishs look ugly... no matter how they are customized lol
  • Azephiel - Raging Tide
    Azephiel - Raging Tide Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    sins=if they were underpowered not that many ppl would play them...
    and btw both male fishs look ugly... no matter how they are customized lol

    That's cos they're all girls making the char b:chuckle . I'm asked to do it for them for a reason after all hehe
  • TekkOneStylz - Harshlands
    TekkOneStylz - Harshlands Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    That's cos they're all girls making the char b:chuckle . I'm asked to do it for them for a reason after all hehe

    I think i did a good job on my male sin lol. its as good as i could get it but male sins got a bad deal when it comes to hairstyle -_- . I can see y ppl think sins in general r ugly anyway when i look around at other ppl in game XD. I have like this glitch ( i think its a glitch or bug or something ) but with some female sins i guess its depending on the template they first use they will have like highlitghted streaks just all over their face... and im assuming not everyone can see it (especially not them) cause i cant see how someone would pick something like that on purpose lol
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Motorcycle.... U MAD?
  • X_trigger_X - Heavens Tear
    X_trigger_X - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,301 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    When they cry over every little thing.
    When they want paid to do stuff such as FF or BH cos there are no tanks around.
    Whenever I see a barb with poorly refined claws or fists, with absolutely no aps.

    Them people ruining the kitteh's name b:sad

    Sins / Archers / BM's:
    When they have good refined claws or fists, and good aps, take aggro then get 2 shot. Then ***** and rage it's someone else's fault.

    When you pull a cata in TW and you have 2 mystics knocking you around lol.

    All Classes:
    The maturity level of everyone altogether in PWI. Saw a bm lose a duel today and told someone to go die of cancer. Felt like jumping through the lappy and slapping him.
  • Lirora - Dreamweaver
    Lirora - Dreamweaver Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Barbarians: Always think they are pro tankers while in the end they QQ if someone else takes aggro, then after doing the run QQ about the cost of repairs... and they think ofc that they are not able to take down in PK yeah right learn again

    Clerics: The fact that most not focus enough on the WHOLE party, 1 takes aggro of tanker and wham another death guy and if they end up doing it good they res then tank dies and then everyone dies :D. and in PK lol most don't know what to do support / attack / run away or sleep / paralyse yeh yeh choices enough but they pick never the right one :)

    Archers: Painfull if they build themself right with the good gear

    Venomancers: How some don't know what to do and don't even know how OP they can be.

    Blademasters: Stuns Stuns and again Stuns I hate the stuns so much b:angry

    Wizzards: as I played a wiz once I loved to take aggro from the tanker just to show them they aren't as pro they think and they can loose aggro and should focus. and for the PK ones that they think that demon wiz is pro while if you did some research and have some experience with wizzies sage is the way to go <3

    Mystics: that they make me feel useless. they have a pet which is hella annoying that with some deal can pull and heal gah cleric and venomancer bye bye here is the mystic >_<

    Seekers: that they are the only one wearing the blade / sword w/e it is on their back while I want that also on my BM or so it looks so pretty
    Job: TW coordinations, I never lost 1 war it's my goal to lead to victory!

    also known in my faction as L

    *started over again after a break from 1 year and 2 months*
  • Sarrafeline - Sanctuary
    Sarrafeline - Sanctuary Posts: 4,661 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Hmmm Let's give it a try...

    Clerics... I hate clerics who have **** gear, and die in AOE's, then blame the party. If you have a PDef of 320 buffed, and your gear is 30 levels out of date, purchased from the Tailor, you probably shouldn't even be attempting FCC/TT2-2/BH39. Please, go spend 2 coins on better gear, because you didn't even bother spending 2 coins on your current gear, and you just ****ed our party because of it. b:bye

    Veno... You have this magical ability called Amplify Damage. If it isn't level 10 by the time you're level 89, yoar doin it worng. You casting and doing 3k damage every hit on Venemous Scarab is a raindrop in the ocean. You could actually make a difference to the party if you use Amplify Damage (ESPECIALLY if it's level 10) every time it cools down. Also, Ironwood scarab is like crack for Sins/BMs/Archers/Barbs because of the armor break.

    Psy... STOP SOULBURNING ME IN TW! b:cry lol I haven't run with enough fail Psys in parties to really QQ about them, but... I've encountered entire faction wipes in TW caused by Psy AOE.

    Mystic... If you're in a BH/TT/FCC, and there isn't a cleric, your healing salad isn't always enough if there's AOE. If you can't off-heal, you need to leave the party and let the group find a better mystic/cleric. The salad army is nice, but it doesn't matter a damn if the party wipes because there were no heals. Mystic heals can be very powerful and useful, I have had a Mystic keep a bubbled Cleric alive at Shocktrooper, preventing a partial wipe, but at the same time, I've watched a Mystic DD at Shocktrooper while the Cleric died due to being bubbled. So... Pay attention!

    BM... QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ Too many skills, too little coin, too little spirit. My BM at 68 tanked Rankar in BH51 without a cleric or mystic in squad. No Charm. Tanked Wyvern with BB very very easily. However, I keep squadding with BM's that try tanking this instance and the MOBS kill them. PRESS R, FIND MARROW, USE IT.

    Sins... Okay, being a sin, and having 3.33/4.0/5.0 doesn't give you god mode. A 101 Sin made a complete fool of himself by attempting Krimson. He demon sparked, ran up, and got oneshotted. His gear was great to get to 5.0. But... He had no def. b:shocked Try to actually figure out what you are doing before you do it. I can solo tank Rankar, hell I can solo Rankar, on my 68 Sin. I can't do Wyvern without BB. I let the barb know that I'm'a pull aggro no matter what... Refined daggers + interval gear = Oops, aggros mine.

    Barbs... Same as Clerics. I keep running into barbs with **** for gear, that's broken, way out of date, and purchased from a Tailor. They can't hold aggro, don't use skills, and sometimes even claim that (this is for level 70 and lower, mind you) human form is better for holding aggro. >_> I tend to just tank in those instances.

    Archer... Pure dex builds should learn how to control their aggro. I keep seeing Archers pull aggro, then run like the wind away from the tank. WTF? My archer is a partial vit build, if I pull aggro and I can't handle it, I poke Wings, then run to the tank. b:sweat Why is the first instinct people get when a mob runs towards them to run towards the door that's on the other side of the instance?

    Seeker... STOP STEALING MAH AGGROS! b:angry
    101 Sage Sin*/Archer
    100 Demon BM*/Barb
    96 Demon Cleric/Sage Seeker
    95 Demon Wiz/
    94 Sage Veno
    85 Psy/80 Mystic
    And a handful of other alts, all 79 and under.
    *Pre RB level
  • jiq
    jiq Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Cleric: Most important class, yet the slowest runner. A speed buff like Venos' Summer Sprint would be nice. :s

    Archer: It annoys me when they use fists. It means no sense to play an Archer if they don't use ranged weapons.

    Barb: They cannot keep aggro from aps classes. Not their fault, but yeah... :s

    Sin: They think they can tank anything and do suicidal moves (especailly at lower lvls). They go stealth at the worst time (typical situtaion: Sin running in front of me in FCC, Harpy attacks the Sin, Sin goes stealth and harpy r@pes me...).

    Venomancer: It annoys me when they only spam Venomous and never use Amp.

    Mystic: They think they can heal better than me. :P LOL.

    Other classes: Not sure / nothing.
  • endlesstorture
    endlesstorture Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    they should limit sins to only 4aps
  • Sarrafeline - Sanctuary
    Sarrafeline - Sanctuary Posts: 4,661 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    jiq wrote: »
    Cleric: Most important class, yet the slowest runner. A speed buff like Venos' Summer Sprint would be nice. :s

    Archer: It annoys me when they use fists. It means no sense to play an Archer if they don't use ranged weapons.

    Barb: They cannot keep aggro from aps classes. Not their fault, but yeah... :s

    Sin: They think they can tank anything and do suicidal moves (especailly at lower lvls). They go stealth at the worst time (typical situtaion: Sin running in front of me in FCC, Harpy attacks the Sin, Sin goes stealth and harpy r@pes me...).

    Venomancer: It annoys me when they only spam Venomous and never use Amp.

    Mystic: They think they can heal better than me. :P LOL.

    Other classes: Not sure / nothing.

    lol There's actually a time and place where archers using fists is really ideal. Runewolf in FCC, for example. You don't WANT to be far away from that boss, you wanna be close to him. Even at 1.86 APS, I punch him, build up sparks, then triple spark on the Bishops. Makes it fastar.
    they should limit sins to only 4aps

    Oh, such folly here. A 4.0 Sage Sin is still sooooooo OP compared to a Demon 5.0 Sin. That 90% damage bonus from Sage Dagger Devotion and perma sparking Sage Spark... yeah. You lose the 25% speed boost, but you get a 25% damage reduction instead. Better for doing stuff like WB's. Kinda like bringing your own BB with you.
    101 Sage Sin*/Archer
    100 Demon BM*/Barb
    96 Demon Cleric/Sage Seeker
    95 Demon Wiz/
    94 Sage Veno
    85 Psy/80 Mystic
    And a handful of other alts, all 79 and under.
    *Pre RB level
  • MoonMio - Heavens Tear
    MoonMio - Heavens Tear Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    they should limit sins to only 4aps

    lol, then every sin is forced to use R9 dagger and 1 shot yu xD
  • Elviron - Dreamweaver
    Elviron - Dreamweaver Posts: 812 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    lol There's actually a time and place where archers using fists is really ideal. Dreadindra in FCC, for example. You don't WANT to be far away from that boss, you wanna be close to him. Even at 1.86 APS, I punch him, build up sparks, then triple spark on the Bishops. Makes it fastar.

    Fixed for you. :)
  • jiq
    jiq Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    lol There's actually a time and place where archers using fists is really ideal. Runewolf in FCC, for example. You don't WANT to be far away from that boss, you wanna be close to him. Even at 1.86 APS, I punch him, build up sparks, then triple spark on the Bishops. Makes it fastar.

    I knew I should have included that. x) Yeah, that's perfectly fine, I just can't understand fisting all the bosses. But maybe I'm just too biased, I love bows and skillspamming too much. :c Autoattack is not my thing.
  • Sarrafeline - Sanctuary
    Sarrafeline - Sanctuary Posts: 4,661 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Fixed for you. :)

    lol TY XD
    jiq wrote: »
    I knew I should have included that. x) Yeah, that's perfectly fine, I just can't understand fisting all the bosses. But maybe I'm just too biased, I love bows and skillspamming too much. :c Autoattack is not my thing.

    I'd rather pew pew with my crossbow/bow than use fists. I have nubby fists anyway, but they have Holy on them so I don't mind using them TOO much. But, when doing really hard bosses, like some of them in TT3-x, 5.0 and permaspark has a distinct advantage, even over R9 bow.
    101 Sage Sin*/Archer
    100 Demon BM*/Barb
    96 Demon Cleric/Sage Seeker
    95 Demon Wiz/
    94 Sage Veno
    85 Psy/80 Mystic
    And a handful of other alts, all 79 and under.
    *Pre RB level
  • TheDan - Sanctuary
    TheDan - Sanctuary Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Psychics: +10 R9 gear, doesn't even require you to be at the keyboard to PK average players. Pretty much a brainless class, even worse than sins.
    BM PvP Guide: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1320761

    YouTube channels: youtube.com/TheDan912 and youtube.com/TheDanPWI
  • FateMakerr - Heavens Tear
    FateMakerr - Heavens Tear Posts: 953 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Clerics: Heal

    Archers: Wings

    Venos: Nix's

    Barbs: HP

    Wizzys: Nukes

    BMs: Stuns

    Mystics: Thicket

    Seeker: Mag Dmg

    Psychics: Soulburn

    Sins: Everything

    .... think that covers it all.
    Semi Retired Psychic of Radiance faction//Entering full retirement upon the release of ĠuildẂars2 or an otherwise drastic change in PWI management.
    "Exploiting a glitch is a violation of the ToS under User Conduct:
    (l) Using or exploiting any bugs, errors, or design flaws to obtain unauthorized access to the Service or to gain an unfair advantage over other players"-frankieraye ............guess he changed his mind.