What annoys you about each class



  • Cytte - Harshlands
    Cytte - Harshlands Posts: 1,044 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    The fact that every single sin has the same freaking hairstyle and face and default customization.

    Quoted for truth
    I <3 A lot of people
  • Halt - Harshlands
    Halt - Harshlands Posts: 452 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    The terrible sins that triple spark occult ice and auto attack. I own a 5.0 sin myself, so don't get me started on this bias bull****.
    Unban me.
  • Eccii - Raging Tide
    Eccii - Raging Tide Posts: 481 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    No idea if this has been said, but i hate that barbs have so little customization stuff ._.

    Male clerics...They just look ***
    Male sins...Same as clerics
    Venos with maxed ****, we all know only males max their boobies Q_Q
    Pro tip always check a venos boobie size before flirting.
    Uhmm...what else...
    Seekers and Fishies need more hairstyles :3
    Retired on Barb-
    Currently playing mystic-
  • HardnHeavy - Raging Tide
    HardnHeavy - Raging Tide Posts: 151 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    My personal choice would be the appearance and not the class. So many people choose emo hairs for their chars and black lips (males). But the worst thing is that most people make red eyed chars and it looks like they had heavy conjunctivitis. I don't know why people think red eyes are cool...
  • Saintblu - Sanctuary
    Saintblu - Sanctuary Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    BladeMaster: The one that like to use fist in tws, instead of axes

    Wizards: For some reasnon wizard think they are the Shet, This is probably the most trash talking class out there

    Barbarian: When they go fist, have low hp when they reach lvl 100 or think they are so rare to get everyone has to pay them

    Venomancers: OMFG I had this problem with so many venos, its when they think they can out dd me. I mean serious your class was not made to deal heavy damg so give up sheeesh

    Archers: This class have nothing really bad, beside the fact that they sucks unless you cashshop them

    Cleric: Listen here cleric your not a fckn wizard,sin,bm or psychic. Your job is to fckn heal so HEAL!! and Stay out of pvp, you suck!

    Assassin:*Spits on them* I really hate this class, they constant ask me for duels. I mean why the hell do the sins always want to duel someone, and when you beat them in a duel they ask for duels constant untill you let them win, and then brag like you cannot beat them. Plus this class get all the money.

    Psychics: I hate this class to because they think they are out damg a wizard in a single hit which is wrong. Plus this class sucks unless you cashshop them(Think Im lying?). Psychic works off soulforce and you get soulforce from good gear. Meaning if they had **** gear they are a joke.

    Mystics: That *** shield they got is annoying. Their only good in duels in pvp they sorta sucks

    Seekers: *Laughts at whoever still play this class* Everyone had such high hope for this class, and find out they suck. The only class they can kill is bms, and sometimes barbs.
  • TigerLily - Lost City
    TigerLily - Lost City Posts: 1,209 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Annoying classes:

    Archer: They never wait for the meles inside instances. They Stun + Quick Shot from over 20+ meters range and snipe the mobs just as the meles are about to reach them. Than of course the mob runs over to the archer and ends up in half dmg range and never dies. They do it on bosses to, which is even more annoying. How hard can it be to wait 5-10 seconds and let the meles triple, HF and establish aggro before you go full out damage? Its like they think its some sort of achievement or contest to steal aggro with a bow from 5.0s. They fail to understand that they get aggro because they triple spark and attack FIRST not because they have awesome dps lol.

    Wizard = Emo and poor + always complains about lack of PvE and coins.

    Barb = Same as Wizard + complains about repairs and pots when no one even wants them to tank in the first place.

    Psychic = OP

    Sin = OP obviously. New players with sin as main are usually the worst type of people in this game. They think that the healer is their personal slave for one even tho they have like 3k hp at level 100. They always die at some nub boss and than leaves party and tries to pk the cleric lol. Arrogant, huge ego, rude and bad at everything.

    Veno = When they waste everyones time and starts luring mobs 1 by 1. Their pets suck and they forget to amp.

    Mystic = Usually bad at supporting, even tho they're a waste of space in party as DDs.

    Classes that doesn't annoy as much:

    Clerics : Usually tries their best even if they suck and have terrible gear. They tend to listen and learn when people give them advice, or at least more than people playing other classes.

    BMs: I love how they always act all macho and sacrifices themselves for the party even if it means getting killed and using up half their hp-charm, they do it in both pve and pvp <3

    Seeker: Same reason as BM.
  • Xyleena - Heavens Tear
    Xyleena - Heavens Tear Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    The only thing I hate is having to roll a Sin to be "accepted" ... and then actually LIKING to be one of those twitching Fishies .... I hate it and love it at the same time ;-;

    Xyleena | 102 Demon Cleric | Radiance Faction : Main
    Gwendolynne | 101 Sage Venomancer | Heavens Tear
    Delecroix | 101 Demon Assassin | Heavens Tear
    Anatoxin | 8x Future Sage Psychic | Heavens Tear
    Diva | 92 Sage Blademaster | Dreamweaver : Retired
  • VaIdios - Archosaur
    VaIdios - Archosaur Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Bro !! You play as a blademaster .Is normally not to have something with them.But lets be serious .
    When a blademaster or sin gets 5 aps and +12 weapon u can do nothing against him.
    Blademaster cause he lionroar and sin cause cames out of stealth with spark 3 on him
    And Bang!!! U die.So i think that the game is litle unbalanced .
  • Sir_Puma - Raging Tide
    Sir_Puma - Raging Tide Posts: 780 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Guess it's my turn..

    BladeMasters: The Kind that doesnt know their limit. We are not meant to be main tanks, I always laugh when I see a around 5k hp BM not charmed going to purposly steal a barb's agro vs Pole...Also , going against Eyes of Krimson beyond , not charmed, is not that great of an Idea..

    Wizards: We can agree they can be pro DD'ers. But if they don't hold back agro a tad in some squad scenarios, pro DD = dead DD.

    Archers: See Wizards

    Barbarian: Dex barbs/barbs at just near 10k buffed at lvl 100+. Meant to be tank, Get that hp going..I mean AT LEAST 15k hp by lvl 100 if u are not a heavy cash shopper..

    Venomancers: Not much here. Except the occasional one that says "Let me lure I have herc" but brambled him and lures all..

    Cleric: Those who effectivly rage quit after a death or powerleveled and know not much really. Exemple. Met a cleric lvl 84 in bh79 that came to help but had no idea what "bh" meant. Had another too just go into BB mode at Drake in 59 till told could maybe purify..

    Psychics: Didn't meet that many psys. And actually those I met are ok. If they ask my barb if he wants buffs, no problem. If they just give it to me in FC and I pull and miss mana to roar, then no..

    Assassin: "We are gods !!, We run the game, we can solo stuff, bow before us fools" yeah right...Let's keep it to that..

    Seekers: Well, those who don't know what role to play. As I see it..meant to DD but able to sustain a few good hits cause of defense levels. But please, get some hp up "just in case" Seeing lvl 80+ seekers with almost as less hp as a sin makes me shrug...

    Mystics: Those who really think they can replace a cleric. As it was said, no reliable purify, And oh..Those who cast self-rez on themselves but not on tank..Excuse me ?
    Proud supporter of the new expansion. Sure it has it's share of bugs, like any games. But for a pure farmer/grinder, that's a whole lot of new mobs to go beat up b:chuckle
  • godprince
    godprince Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Mystics: Same as every1 else, when they think they are better than clerics. They just can't get into the "support healer" thing.

    Psychics: How freaking OP they are with high refinements.

    Sins: Nothing on the class, but the people behind them. They think they are the ****, HAHA! How I love to pawn them with my seeker.

    Clerics: who quit after they get killed. seriously...rage quit?

    Seekers: How freaking hard they can be to kill, their aoes hit like a **** without sparking. I laugh at those saying "seekers suck u r an idiot for playing it!" what are you smoking? **** if you don't know the class, they are a PITA to fight (those well geared enough)

    Archers: using fists. I never got it, never will. If you want 5 aps class, roll a bm or sin.

    Barbs: Same as archers
  • XMiyala - Dreamweaver
    XMiyala - Dreamweaver Posts: 187 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    b:scorn I see alot of mystic hate lolz.

    Personally I don't have anything I hate about the classes, just the people behind the characters that think they are the shizz.
  • Yuniryu - Raging Tide
    Yuniryu - Raging Tide Posts: 516 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Sins: Op and the fact the server is mad about them and plus the reason why i struggled to find fc till 85.

    Mystics: God most of them are annoying. The ones that only dd and barely heal or try to steal aggro off my when i am helping for a low level instance. Only a few mystics i know that heal and back up well. Oh yeah and ones that kill steal(mostly the beginning of expansion!)

    Veno: Love them, And hate Raging tide not noticing them when amp is awesome. And people only seeing them for herc.

    Bm: The gear is too expensive, have to spends years farming or cash shop ; /, especially to farm. Also dont understand why bm dont pull when some have aps and decide but more hp then me lol and more defense.

    Seeker: Seekers that dont debuff or dd at bosses and do stupid things like dps with no stances like bms and sins. And the fact that people think all seekers are the new barbs which they arent(yes we pull, we dont have to bow down how we want to pull?!). And the 79 healing skill(MAD THAT PISSED ME OFF the most) and the Party buffs and **** speed boosts which means i have to pot for some of those stupid demanding pulls and the 30 defense level is rubbish compare to a bms but been ask to take more damage then them. Finally only seeing seeker as voretex and someone asking me why i dont voretex all the boss in fc XD.

    Archers: The ones that use that knock back skill

    Barbs: That annoying knock back skill and the occasional some barbs at high levels like 100 thing they are too big and demand stupid things like money or party buff from me which cost mirages.

    Psychics: XD the dumb ones that charge into monsters or get aggro

    Wizard: I hardly see dumb ones but i have to say at early game stealing aggro for me them and venos are the smartest.

    Cleric: The fact that most people dont respect clerics. Its no suprise that no one wants to be cleric. In fact thats the reason i won t go cleric, cause i will be treated like dirt plus i hate pressure :).
  • hiddenmonkey
    hiddenmonkey Posts: 179 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Sin- Where to start....
    Veno- Loves to be useless and just stand around, dps don't multitask and notice you know >_>
    Barb- Dooooooouche Baaaaaaaaaaags
    BM- Cry harder about your low hp why don't you. Stop Hfing pointlessly... Its a waste.
    Cleric- Wha wha wha, don't heal the dumb tank
    Myst- Why am I jack and suck?
    Seek- *edit* Yuniryu reminded me how seekers never debuff bosses...
    Psy- DPH harder so melee have to chase everything
    Arch- DPH harder so melee have to chase everything
    Wiz- DPH harder so melee have to chase everything
  • Pandaberr - Lost City
    Pandaberr - Lost City Posts: 235 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    One thing I hate about all classes, is that a majority of them don't understand how to effectively play their class anymore. Because they've paid for frosts to get to wherever they are. But I'm going to bash my own class now.

    Barbarians-QQ more about your repair costs, or you charm ticking. You are a meat bag. Accept it. Your charm is there for a reason, it ticks accept that too. If there is a 5 APS anything in the squad, you've just been demoted to crowd control instead of boss tank. When I say crowd control, that means your job is to **** off EVERYTHING so they don't gang **** the cleric that is saving YOUR ***.

    If "What is flesh ream/devour/roar/sunder/invoke the spirit/frighten/alpha male?" Ever comes from you in chatbox. I will drop squad (if we're in a squad together). Stash my axe. And slap you in the face.

    "I don't need a cleric" Will also get you slapped in the face.

    Clerics-I love you. You complete me.

    BM-Yes. Pull all of those mobs, and attempt to fist them to death 1 by 1. I'll sit down a few meters in front of the cleric so when you die I can pick up all the mobs that beeline for the cleric that was frantically trying to save you.

    Also, please give some sort of indication before you Heaven's Flame.

    Archer-Whoa cool, what is that shiny ball of light coming from the edge of my field of vision? Oh. Motherfxcker.

    Veno-No, no you get away from you sly little fox that likes to take away my buffs and put random curses on me. But please may I have a spark?

    Wizard-Stop blinking. I'd like to bite you now.

    Assassin-Hide and seek is no fun with you. Also, in Frost if there are 3 of you. How hard is it to hold your 3 Spark til the BM uses Heaven's Flame so the boss goes down in like 30 seconds?

    Psychic-I'm scared to go anywhere near you.

    Seeker-You're going to give me a seizure. Stop it. Stop it now.

    Mystic-Your res buff makes me want to chase my tail.
  • _blood_rain - Sanctuary
    _blood_rain - Sanctuary Posts: 2,532 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    godprince wrote: »

    Archers: using fists. I never got it, never will. If you want 5 aps class, roll a bm or sin.

    Barbs: Same as archers

    I think it's about time you knew. We do it for the sole purpose of pissing you off ^.^ <3
  • WillowGirl - Dreamweaver
    WillowGirl - Dreamweaver Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I think it's about time you knew. We do it for the sole purpose of pissing you off ^.^ <3

    Bwahahahahaha! Best. Answer. Ever!

    Seriously, though, why do archers use fists? I'll give my own, not-nearly-as-cool answer. Almost 3 years ago, I started my first toon in PWI and it was an archer. For my first year and a half, I was pure dex and preferred using an xbow (nab). I continued using an xbow, right up to the TT99 gold xbow, and then the first rank sale came about in the cashshop - rank 8 = bow, much to my dismay. Then I realized "Hey wait... bows pwn xbows everywhichway..." THEN I realized that no one wanted a non-aps archer in their nirvana squads... THEN I got my hands on some deicides and a reset note just to check out what all the hype was about...

    These days, using a bow makes me feel slow and mostly ineffective - but only outside of TW, and in my opinion, THAT is why archers use claws - to be more efficient and effective in PvE while maintaining their pewpew power with a bow in TW.

    Why on earth would I ever want to a roll a BM just to get 5.0 when I can have the best of both worlds on my archer that I do love so dearly? After putting 2 1/2 years into this archer and plenty of real cash, why would I want to play anything else just to please the people who say (as I myself used to believe) "Archers should only use bows"? Sometimes seeing is believing and after my first FC with deicides, I wanted to give myself a swift kick in the **** for not making the conversion sooner.
  • Cadeal - Dreamweaver
    Cadeal - Dreamweaver Posts: 162 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    attitudes of the players are what I hate the most:

    Allow me to paint you a picture with quotes! :D

    BM's: WATCH THIS!!!! *sprints and dies* WHOO!!!! YEAH!!! *brofist's the sin*

    Sins: OOOOooo Lookie meh! I are a Stealth fisheh! I has Daggurz and I stab jooz! *sprints and dies* >8D *brofists the Bm*

    Psychic: Itsatrap!!!

    Cleric: Our Heals cant withstand the fail of your Magnitude!!!

    Barb: *sulks* Oh bother.... *paws at the ground* I lost my tail again.... there it goes.... No body loves me....

    Veno: I has a pet =^.^=

    Mystic: I has a pet too =^.^=

    *Veno played by male character to female played by male mystic* wanna make out o.o

    Seeker: I'll... just stand over here..... away...... from everyone dieing..

    Archer: I'm Needed! ^_^;;;;; *sulks* no I'm not Q.Q my knock back no worky, But I have fists to make up for that!!
    *Bm* No you don't they're mine!!!!!!! *brofists the barb* Only he can use them cuz I said so!




    Wiz: Yes we're still here!!! even though no body loves me b:cry

    To sum up:
    Bm's: Frat boys who drink waaaay too much.
    Sins: The pledge who's trying desperately to get into the frat
    Barb: Eeyore the donkey from whinney the Pooh
    Psychic: Admiral Ackbar.
    Cleric: Admiral ackbar 'sploding.
    Mystic: "****"
    Veno: Dr. Frank-N-Firter (if you dont know who that is you need to be shot)
    Archer: Optimistically lieing to themselves.
    Seeker: smart ^_^
    Wiz: huh? what's a wizard?
  • Raequel - Dreamweaver
    Raequel - Dreamweaver Posts: 133 Arc User
    edited July 2011

    Ok here's my personal view on what I hate most about the classes:

    1. I hate how there are so few veno's around now that actually use their pets. I've lost count of how many I've run with that say that using a pet isn't worth it. Seriously guys and girls it's extra DD power, regardless of how hard or often it hits. And don't complain that pets cant be controlled half the time and end up causing squad wipes. A good veno KNOWS how to control them.

    2. Veno's that can't understand the basic rules of pulling. If you're asked to pull: a) don't have bramble on ur pet, b) don't stand too close to target(s) or BB if there's a cleric in it (heal agro >_>) and c) ur bad pulls will most likely end in squad wipe and that's when people get angry with u.

    3. Lack of debuffing. Veno's are practically made to help amp everyone's damage. Ironwood is spammable! You have damage over time attacks! YOU HAVE AMPLIFY DAMAGE and SOUL DEGENERATION! Learn to use them and you'll be suprised how often people ask you to come along in more instances.

    4. Passing sparks. I for one can tell when someone is capable of doing far more damage than me. For example in nirvana's, I usually go in a squad with 1 cleric, 1 veno (me), 1 wizard and 3 aps classes (normally a bm but sometimes sins and archers). The cleric's don't normally use sparks. Their heals don't require chi (unless they're silly enough to insist on using BB). Aps classes don't need cos they build it back almost always in time for permaspark so passing to them at random is a waste. The wizards I normally go with I've noticed hit extremely hard (harder than me). Common sense would be to have ur pet on the boss, you amping damage, and I like to pass my sparks to the wizards everytime I see them tripple spark or use a 2spk skill. Not only are they grateful but you're allowing them to do far more damage than if you kept your sparks to yourself ALL THE TIME. In my experience, the bosses die faster when you aid the squad damage in every possible way.

    /rant on lazy venos.


    Not much I dislike about archers other than a lack of using STA and their habits of using skills that pull agro instantly from their tanks. I've seen it happen when I was learning nirvana's. We had a BM tanking and the archer refused to tone down his ranged damage, in favour of pulling the running boss to him in the middle of the room and effectively causing us lots of problems (some resulted in squad wipe with nowhere to run and other's resulted in an epic tick fest eating up city apoth like they were candy).


    I love barb's. I truly do. Only thing that makes me frustrated, is a hyper-baby / oracle-baby barb that has no experience in agro abilities, gears that would get them and their squad killed, and having not even bothered to level their agro skills. A barb is made to take the damage for their squad (though it's hard with aps craze now). If you're not going to learn the agro skills, don't play a barb.


    I admit having a cleric leave squad after dying once does suck, but there's a lot worse things they could do. And having a cleric that is that easy to go, it's better off without them anyway.

    But the thing that frustrates me most about clerics, something I've noticed more-so endgame than anything else. They don't understand healing. A cleric is a healer. Not a DD'er (unless there's good reason to DD, like second cleric or an epic squad that doesn't need heals). So many times on my assassin I have had cleric's that just do nothing but attack. Yes Bloodpaint is an amazing skill, especially paired with +10 nirvana daggers. But if we're taking a cleric into say, nirvana, it means we want some form of heals. Not a HP charm tick-fest. Plus I've lost count of how many times a cleric "forgets" to buff, heal and res. I got to the point that I use my own apoth for buffs, carry my own res scrolls and GA's and have a healthy stack of pots on me at all times.

    And cleric's that insist on using BB for bosses in nirvana. People, those bosses SEAL. BB won't last long and stacked IH's paired with chromatic heals are far more effective.

    Please clerics, understand that you're best as a healer <3 (this coming from someone who has personally played a cleric for years.)


    I know a lot of people complain about stealth but I want to make my reason for disliking stealth. I don't mind so much when a lower level sin is using it for PK. I don't mind when I'm attacked from stealth and more than often killed. What I DON'T like about sins stealth in PK is when a pure cashed player feels they need to do it in order to kill lesser geared people. When I say cashed player, I mean gears that make you really hard to kill. No need for stealth when the majority of people around you wouldn't even leave a scratch.


    Epicly freaking hard to kill. b:angry


    I don't have much experience with seeker's yet, but I notice that they use their Vortex while DDing on a single boss. I don't understand the point of it as I've heard it can draw agro from the tanks quickly and sucks up a lot of mana. Kinda frustrates me when I'm on my cleric trying to heal passing agro with, 9 times out of 10, an afk seeker.


    It's been said before I'll say it again. Your heals are nice, yes. But you're not a cleric. There are some things you prefer to take a cleric. I hate when the mystic refuses to res buff at least the cleric in a squad. I hate when they use their healing herb while someone is halfway through a pull and draws agro (this has ended up in a few squad wipes. The mystic pulls agro from the tank, the cleric panics and heals the mystic then dies because of passed heal agro.) I don't like how many mystics, like some venos, can't understand how to pull a target. Not that hard people.


    I've given up on so many blademasters. Every random FC I do, the BM conveniently "forgets" to stun or doesn't know that stuns save lives. In BH / Nirvana's. Many BM's are invited to HF. Yet so many don't. They prefer to keep their sparks going permanently and not HF. In my opinion this is greedy. I've even run with non-aps BM's and found that most of the time they are better than Aps. They actually know how to HF. They know how to stun. They know how to play their class to their full potential. As opposed to many aps BM's doing nothing but auto attack, spark, auto attack

    (no this is not an attack on APS toons. I don't care how fast or how hard people hit. I care if they can play their class properly or not)


    What's to hate about wizards? Aside from those select few that enjoy pulling agro and dying to make them seem better than everyone else.

    And a thing I hate about everyone in general:

    Work as a team when you're in a squad please. Don't be constantly tabbing out during instances (unless someone's afk and you're all waiting). Understand how to play your class properly and actually DO it. And for those cash-geared people - yes you're gear is nicer than the majority of the players, but please don't rub it in everyone's faces. It makes people feel useless, and I personally find it to be quite rude.


    Raequel (103 Sage Veno) / Egwaine (101 Demon Cleric)
    Daniiella (101 Sage Sin) / Else (100 Demon Archer)
    Tiae (bm) / Athanasyos (barb) / Zeylene (wiz) / Eleysha (mystic)
  • Lecavalierr - Dreamweaver
    Lecavalierr - Dreamweaver Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Somethings that really get on my nerves are when a bm randomly throws a HF when no one is sparked or if its on one mob. Another thing about HF is DONT use it as a first hit its only going to waste it and will make killing the group of mobs longer or make the boss take longer give your squad a chance to set up or throw it when its the best time so the squad as a whole can do more damage.

    Clerics...wtf is with spaming chromatic heal throw a freaking IH on your tank it will keep them from ticking there charms off. You need to understand not every tank has 20+k hp. People in the game are tanking due to damage output you as the cleric need to keep up to speed also.
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I don't understand why these people say "if you want an aps class roll a BM"

    Are you some sort of a moron? What kind of a freaking idiot gears up another character just to farm?

    Better answer would've been roll a sin...but archers are still the cheapest 5.0s by far unless you want to settle with a claw sin....
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Amencat - Sanctuary
    Amencat - Sanctuary Posts: 484 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Barb: Its only male, Im a female i dont want to play a guy b:spit
    Veno: The costs for a legendary pet sucks and noone accept an amored bear as nearly equal, damn that thing has as good as the same stats and costs 1000% less b:angry dont want to get forced to play standart pets (ok aggro holding is the only hard thing about it)
    And that i cant get a single god..dam.n cage more for maths availbe trough quests
    Archer: The costs on arrows in gamma and it was really hard to survive at the beginnig
    Cleric: Feel bored by healing job only and the glitch which doesnt show properly how long IH really works goes on my nerves (it dissappear too early sometimes, although it still acts)
    BM: Feel mostly of the time useless, cant tank properly, cant make damage properly, really hard to make the right build (dont want to go fists, couse in my opinion i could roll a sin then)
    Wiz: Horror Hard to Surive b:cry and in squad feel useless couse dont get the chance to attac, the mobs are usually dead before Im ready with channeling
    Sin: As pure dex build feel absolutly squishy, no op experience till now O_o, hope it will get better, scared about the costs for R9 stuff i will need someday for this char
    the buffs lasts only few seconds, dont feel like aktivate them every single time when i attac =/
    Psy: .... this class has no negative things about it at all b:laugh
    Mystic: Never enough mana and allways blame myself if i forget to cast self rez and die
    A bit dissapointed that i cant take out a pet and a devil at the same time
    Even more dissapointed that cant stow the devil in veno-way
    Seeker: One more useless class, hate that self buffs dont last really long, the mirage buff is the most redicioulus thing i ever saw >_> as if i would ever spend that b:sweat
    Some Rules each PWI Gamer should know
    1. Dont break this rules & no matter what: DONT TRUST ANYONE!
    2. Dont pay wine or heads fee (like to get kicked after that?) b:chuckle
    3. Dont borrow items (since when return gms scammed stuff?) b:embarrass
    4. Dont use your password in faction-forums (like hacks?) b:fatb
    5. Dont give your mats to the tt-banker (obvious, not?) b:beg
    6. Dont wait for help, or heals, or any other miracles,... (for more examples just play pwi and you will hate the whole humanity) b:bye
  • PriestRain - Raging Tide
    PriestRain - Raging Tide Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Barb: Hmm i have to think about this, but most barbs quits to reroll a sin. And yeah lots of barbs QQs about Charms and repair, but i understand this.

    Veno: Yeah thing that annoys me here, arent venos, but classes that are made to kill venos:(

    Archer: Idk, they are good, except true (pure dex, not going aps) archers are better in pk, tw.

    Clerics: Ummm i think clerics got a lot of insults, cuz not all clerics leave when they die. And most thing that annoys me being a cleric is damn glitched IH... What Amencat said its icon doesn't last 15sec as it should be, and sometimes cuz of -chan every 2nd ih doesnt land on target.

    BM: -are pros :D

    Sin: U guys QQ a lot on sins. Yeah they demon spark + head hunt = ko most of the classes which is really annoying and they killed pk as well :P... But still thats what they are ment to do, thats why they're given stealth. Tho if u live this shot use Expel :P

    Psy: "They look ugly" - HAHAHAH, u tried to give them some tight fash (meaning for female psys)?? They are sexiest class ever. And in most situations stronger then sins in pk. But u really need to know about pk to understand this.

    Wiz: Most of them quit when psys showed, but they are still strongest hitting class :)

    Seeker: I have nothing against them o,O. They are pro at pulls in fcs, even as LA. In instances Seekers sometimes aoe buff. Most OP/pro seekers buff as well.

    Mystic: U guys had very noob mystics as healers. Since i heard a lot of pro FC runs with mystic, from my friends. Oh and thing that annoys me here is not res-buffing ur squad, if u are only healer in it -.-
  • Magicsaber - Dreamweaver
    Magicsaber - Dreamweaver Posts: 727 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Psy: "They look ugly" - HAHAHAH, u tried to give them some tight fash (meaning for female psys)?? They are sexiest class ever. And in most situations stronger then sins in pk. But u really need to know about pk to understand this.

    Wiz: Most of them quit when psys showed, but they are still strongest hitting class :)

    Strongest hitting what ?

    If "Psy" is stronger than "Sin" and "Sin" is stronger than "Wiz", then "Psy" is stronger than "Wiz" (in pk).
    PK aspect judged by the last PK tourney on dreamweaver i attended

    faction1 sends in 2/6 of all people involved
    faction2 sends in 3/6
    random factions 1/6


    faction1 squad kills everyone left in faction2 squad but one person

    this one is a +12 psy in white voodoo

    +12 psy kills full faction1 squad one by one

    psy wins, its not faction 1 winning, neither faction 2 - its the psy alone

    a wizard in that position with the same gear would simply have died
    seal buff > stone barrier

    Since Wizards have lowest DPS, then "Psy" is stronger than "Wiz" in PvE (against bosses)...
  • PriestRain - Raging Tide
    PriestRain - Raging Tide Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Since ppl are all in dps/aps style cant help u, but lets say this... Yes psy hit faster and can steal aggro better then wiz, but wiz hit harder, even if he's slow. But as i said u are in dps/aps style so u wont understand this.

    And yes psy is stronger then wiz in pk and psy is stronger then sin in pk.. Why? Reason is simple SoV. Dont understand? Duel/Pk some R9 or Nirvana Psy u'll understand.
  • Shandaar - Dreamweaver
    Shandaar - Dreamweaver Posts: 196 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Clerics. I love your buffs, but I don't want them when I'm RUNNING ON APO ITEMS.

    Honestly. Got at least 30 mins. of apo items wasted last night by ONE cleric. The first time, I told her "well thanks anyways XD." The second time, I didn't say anything. The third time, I saw her coming towards me. I went "Don't buff me please, I JUST used apo items." She responded "k"...

    ... And then buffed me a minute later and overwrote my 100hp recovery buff for the 3rd time. -_-

    You click on a character, YOU SEE THEIR BUFFS. If it has a little blue or red icon bar their own buffs, they're running on apo items, don't overwrite their buffs... DX.
  • Sharuum - Lost City
    Sharuum - Lost City Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Sins... when I used to do BH's for them on my veno. I tell them before every boss that Herc has low DPS and they need to be careful. I can count on one hand the number of sins that actually listened.
  • LenieClarke - Heavens Tear
    LenieClarke - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,275 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    barb: whack, whack, miss, whack, whack, miss, whack, miss, whack... woot, the mob's HP is down to 90%! this fight will be over in no time, i'mma go get a cup of coffee. i never got my barb to level 30, it's too slow even for me.

    seeker: stance procced, i'll trigger it. miss! @#$%&amp;*! wait for trigger skill to cooldown... stance debuff is still active, trigger it quick! MISS! @#$%&amp;* squared! wait for cooldown, proc the stance again, go to trigger it... MISS! i have had this happen four. times. in. a. row. on the SAME ONE mob. honest, how much dex do i need to get for this to quit happening?!

    wizard: okay in solo play, actually. nuke, nuke, dead; nuke, nuke, knockback, dead; smooth going. in squad play, it's channeling... channeling... chann-mob dead, interrupted. over and over again. and if i ever get ganked, it's squish, dead wizzie.

    assassin: come on, my 'sin's only barely level 50 and already scarcely needs five skills; tackling slash to hold them still, spark, autoattack, and force stealth... um... four skills? rib strike if i feel like being generous to squadmates. oh, no, bloodpaint! i knew there was a fifth skill he needed too. seriously, that's ridiculous.

    veno: there's too much to do. between keeping fox form and human form straight, debuffs, pet handling, aggro ping-pong, AoE radiuses and mob gathering, squad coordination... i love playing veno, but i always feel like i'm forgetting something.

    if i'm in a squad, i'm forgetting to pass sparks, and feel horrible about it. if i'm solo, i'm forgetting to bramble hood when my pet dies, and so go squish myself...
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Heaven's Tear alts: KenLubin, Sou_Hon, JudyCaraco --- level 5x chars.
  • lolathepi
    lolathepi Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Barb: What the person above me said.

    Veno: boring as hell. All you do is pass out sparks and heal pet once in a while. Rarely wanted in squads.

    Archer: Their endless supply of smexiness never seems to run out.

    Cleric: My most hated class. When in FC on my mystic, I've met quite a few clerics who literally YELLED at me for healing the tank, because apparently it's their job and the tank was doing fine (he was actually at about 40% hp while the cleric was "busy" dd'ing (?) the boss).

    BM: Can't do anything right. Too many BM's complaining about r9 weapons.

    Wiz: Too squishy and slow. And female wizzies are fat.

    Sin: I don't get why so many people are complaining.

    Psychic: Read the line above.

    Mystic: Epic mana drain. Also, I hate mystics who don't buff anyone and don't even bother getting their summon out. You're not that pro.

    Seeker: Not a fan of them but can't really complain either.
  • MaidenChina - Harshlands
    MaidenChina - Harshlands Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Barbarians: There are no more, and the ones that do INSIST on either not tanking in tiger form, or not using their (BROKEN *cough cough*) aggro skills.

    Venomancers: :D Now that ASSassins are around, everybody stopped complaining about our Nix bleeds! ...oh wait...

    Blademasters: twitch twitch twitch *occult ice!* twitch twitch twitch twitch...
    "What's a BLADE? lmao...."

    Wizards: Taarloor deals 37648 damage! You were not killed by Taarloor, you were dismembered with a giant meteor. This giant meteor was brought to you by RANK NINE. -_-

    Clerics: :D I'm going to leave instance after dying ONE TIME! (with a mystic buff!)

    Archers: twitch twitch twitch twitch twitch twitch *OCCULT ICE* twitch twitch
    "What's a bow?"
    or worse.... Wytche deals 34587 damage! You were not killed by Wytche. You were brutally maimed by javelins disguised as arrows. These javelins were brought to you by +12 RANK NINE. -_-

    Psychics: The only thing that pisses me off about a Psychic (being a Psychic myself) is the hundreds of people who seem to think that if they hyper the class and spend money like there's no tomorrow, they will be as amazing as some of the people on the Rankings page.
    People like that got that far because THEY PLAYED THE CLASS AND UNDERSTAND IT.

    Assassins: I honestly can't think of something that I don't hate about this class.
    --Broken skills
    -Insane APS
    --OP'd stealth and stealth detection

    Seekers: They have the same uselessness abilities as a barb. :D Also, they try and use Gemini Slash on literally every target they (try) to PK.

    Mystics: are like the ba$tard baby of a Psychic's OP'd casting, cleric buff/heals, and venomancer's pet threesome. The worst part is, I've watched them take out Ranked Wizards and Solo FC.

    PS: Psychics do NOT hit harder than Wizards, especially on bosses. A lot of them have high water and earth defenses. Wizards have many skills that deal several types of elemental damage...more useful than a Psychic, with only two elements.

    (I suspect this lone DW Psychic can only be Gorgianna, or perhaps Hypnos...They're the only two people in DW I would think to have the ability to maim in White Voodoo.)
  • Hazumi_chan - Sanctuary
    Hazumi_chan - Sanctuary Posts: 1,264 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    lolathepi wrote: »
    Veno: boring as hell. All you do is pass out sparks and heal pet once in a while. Rarely wanted in squads.

    Look at what the person above you said... you're playing veno so much the wrong way :3 Try the next thing in an instance:
    -pet tank
    -heal pet
    -pass sparks
    -don't forget to heal... and debuff... and DD... and send sparks... :3 enough to do as a veno really ^^

    Seekers: They have the same uselessness abilities as a barb. :D Also, they try and use Gemini Slash on literally every target they (try) to PK.

    Well ofc... it hits like a truck b:chuckle

    Some things that annoy me...
    -clerics: I'm an attack cleric. .-.
    -mystics: some don't bring out their plants at aoe-bosses... or just don't heal u.u
    -seekers: stance proc > miss! ><
    -veno's: the ones that are called lazymancers... no passing sparks, no debuffing... ._."
    -barbs: flesh ream doesn't do enough damage I didn't lvl it. < Q_Q
    -archers: a bow..?

    and well.. DD's in general who just pew pew on bosses when I'm tanking without watching for agro... I can only steal agro back once usually thanks to alpha male... .-.