What annoys you about each class
Got nothing against the classes, its the people who are behind these monitors....0
TekkOneStylz - Harshlands wrote: »MYSTIC: Ok i saved mystic for last because this is gonna be a RANT... I dont think ive ever come across a class that has p!ssed me off to the degree that mystics can lol. Ok first off let me say that alot of mystics r over sensitive. They get soo upset that ppl prefer Clerics over Mystic when it comes to ummm only having one or the other... Sorry mystics but when I say LF cleric and i get u pm'ing me saying ''add me im mystic''.. Your not a cleric. Mystics dont even come close to clerics when it comes to squad care and healing abilities. Ive tried this whole cleric substitute deal enough times to come to conclusion that its stupid. Doing an instance in this manner pretty much means that we're going in practically unbuffed so everyone is already weaker in that aspect and not to mention you dont have the ability to stack IH, purify or BB.... and then for some reason u mystics get mad that we prefer to run with clerics? and then u try and argue in wut ways ur better than clerics saying that u can DD and heal at the same time? Oh please... Clerics r alot more safe to run with.. The only thing u got that might be better is ur rez because of how it works before hand.. and even then u still got some mystics that dont even rez buff the whole squad because they....forget? Not to offend , Mystics r good to have in squad in my opinion but only if there is a cleric also and not as a replacement -_-
First of all we are not clerics, and you already running instances expecting for us to be clerics. Thats your fault not ours. Second, Mystics can heal pretty good, the difference is exactly the buffs, clerics has a much easier job to heal because of that, them it seems that they are better(healing). Third, Yes we can DD and heal at same time with herbs, Clerics cant BB and DD and plus we have pets and plants to DD also while we heal.(did you ever run in squad with mystics really??). We dont have stack heals, but we do have Falling petals and 2 buffs from salvation that are stackable. And last, did you ever mind to simple ask: "can I have rez buff please??"
I had run several FULL frost runs with no cleric, and never had any complains. Maybe your are having bad luck with bad mystics.
We dont wanna take clerics place, is more like the other way, we are clerics best friends. Will be non sense of PWI to create a new class just like an existent one...b:shutup0 -
TheDan - Sanctuary wrote: »Psychics: +10 R9 gear, doesn't even require you to be at the keyboard to PK average players. Pretty much a brainless class, even worse than sins.
damn in that case how poorly skilled would you say the average is? xD0 -
Clerics: Run too slow while barbs are fast in their tanky form.
BMs: Won't HF on bosses often.
Barbs: For some reason they always appear clueless when they are under level 90, seriously, my faction mate just figured out how to use coords at level 74 and the server I'm on doesn't have anything to power level with. A lot of other barbs are same way.
Archers: They tend not to use STA on bosses.
Wizards: Sometimes forget their nukes add aggro until it's too late. >_<
Venos: They never seem to amp on bosses ever. In fact, I rarely even see a Veno in fox form.
Everyone else: ... Don't have them, but watching pvp in pwi, sins you guys are annoying.<
0 -
Cleric - sleep
Archer - sexiness
Barb - HP
Veno - sexy tails
BM - OHT Gold axes
Wiz - 4m crits
Psy - OP
Sin - occulttriplesparkfacerollstealth0 -
I have to say, classes only really irritate me when all the people I meet using that class are total jerks. Like sins, mystics and archers. Now, I realize just because you play that class doesn't make you a jerk and I also realize there are plenty of nice people who play those classes, for some reason the majority of the people I've met who were sins, mystics or archers either kill steal, try to get me killed or in general act like arrogant stupidheads.
But with that being said, people who play like idiots, misuse skills in an irritating way just to make up for a lack of talent or people who just take the game /way/ too seriously can make any class look bad. I'll admit, sometimes I even hate squading with other venos. Such as when I say "Okay, I'm going to go ahead and pull" and the veno/mystic/some tool with a genie decides to go running up and pull even though I asked just before that if anyone else wanted to pull.
So I think any race/class could be tolerable, really, if the general maturity level in the game were to be bumped up a few notches. Less e-peen stroking, more brain use.0 -
_Ink_ - Raging Tide wrote: »I have to say, classes only really irritate me when all the people I meet using that class are total jerks. Like sins, mystics and archers. Now, I realize just because you play that class doesn't make you a jerk and I also realize there are plenty of nice people who play those classes, for some reason the majority of the people I've met who were sins, mystics or archers either kill steal, try to get me killed or in general act like arrogant stupidheads.
But with that being said, people who play like idiots, misuse skills in an irritating way just to make up for a lack of talent or people who just take the game /way/ too seriously can make any class look bad. I'll admit, sometimes I even hate squading with other venos. Such as when I say "Okay, I'm going to go ahead and pull" and the veno/mystic/some tool with a genie decides to go running up and pull even though I asked just before that if anyone else wanted to pull.
So I think any race/class could be tolerable, really, if the general maturity level in the game were to be bumped up a few notches. Less e-peen stroking, more brain use.
+1 for this.0 -
Pvp_watcher - Harshlands wrote: »Venos: They never seem to amp on bosses ever. In fact, I rarely even see a Veno in fox form.
Guilty. I'm never in fox form. But I -do- spam ironwood.
Amplify Damage: Curse the target, making it take 20% more damage for 20.0 seconds.
Ironwood Scarab: Throw a splinted bug at the enemy inflicting Wood damage equal to base magic damage plus 300% of weapon damage plus 1327.7. Reduces enemy's physical defense by 30% for 10 seconds.
So, sure, I could take the time out to switch forms, cast amp, then switch forms again so my mana is up to where it should be or I can just spam ironwood.. Maybe there is some benefit to using amp rather than ironwood, but if there is I just don't use foxform often enough to know about it. >-<''0 -
_blood_rain - Sanctuary wrote: »damn in that case how poorly skilled would you say the average is? xD
I mean average geared players. +6 ish end game. Only other +10 geared players could even put a dent into them while they're AFK.BM PvP Guide: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1320761
YouTube channels: youtube.com/TheDan912 and youtube.com/TheDanPWI0 -
Guilty. I'm never in fox form. But I -do- spam ironwood.
Amplify Damage: Curse the target, making it take 20% more damage for 20.0 seconds.
Ironwood Scarab: Throw a splinted bug at the enemy inflicting Wood damage equal to base magic damage plus 300% of weapon damage plus 1327.7. Reduces enemy's physical defense by 30% for 10 seconds.
So, sure, I could take the time out to switch forms, cast amp, then switch forms again so my mana is up to where it should be or I can just spam ironwood.. Maybe there is some benefit to using amp rather than ironwood, but if there is I just don't use foxform often enough to know about it. >-<''
How about using both? Considering they would stack0 -
How about using both? Considering they would stack
Would they stack? I guess I always assumed that they wouldn't. I will try this on BH bosses today, see how well it turns out. I'm sure I can set up some nifty little macro if it does work out favorably.0 -
_Ink_ - Raging Tide wrote: »Would they stack? I guess I always assumed that they wouldn't. I will try this on BH bosses today, see how well it turns out. I'm sure I can set up some nifty little macro if it does work out favorably.
They DO stack. Also amp stacks with Heaven'sFlame and Extreme Poison too. That means a HUGE damage amplification. What's more - Amplify Damage also benefits magic users while Ironwood Scarab only reduces physical defense. So yeah, amp is very useful. And it can be annoying when a veno is not using it at all. Although, with high aps squad, bosses go down in a few seconds anyway >.>0 -
_blood_rain - Sanctuary wrote: »Archers: female archers, the bloodthirsty temptresses are too sexy for their own good and they know it , even the ones that are clearly trannies b:cry
Sins: You male sins and male TB in general will never look manly. NEVA!!!!
Barbs: I...I cant think of anything
Clerics: uhhhhh >.> <.< Yea I guess, when they leave squad after they die once, or let the fact that some people suck up to them get to their head.
Seekers: ok honestly, for some reason nearly every seeker I've met seems to have their interest set on waggling their epeen and flopping it around for the world to see. I know you guys have a powerful aoe but when you die at that big pull leaving me to tank it all and I, an LA user, survive... the rest of the squad is just going to laugh at you.
Psychics: you look funny. I like to watch you do the dexterity part of the TB quest chain as you helplessly chase those fireflies using your soulsphere as a yoyo. Wheres your soulforce now! haha!
Venos: Your **** jiggle more than my archer's and thats not fair QQ
Note: most of these are entirely sarcastic and/or meant as a joke, I'm incredibly bored as you can see.
Lame lol I got banned for saying something like this but it was directly related to the games customization. Racist PWI is Racist.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]I know what your thinking.0 -
Asiorek - Dreamweaver wrote: »They DO stack. Also amp stacks with Heaven'sFlame and Extreme Poison too. That means a HUGE damage amplification. What's more - Amplify Damage also benefits magic users while Ironwood Scarab only reduces physical defense. So yeah, amp is very useful. And it can be annoying when a veno is not using it at all. Although, with high aps squad, bosses go down in a few seconds anyway >.>
Very cool. I had never had anyone suggest that I use it or ever even bring it up, really. I'm always up for suggestions on how to better my game play, it's not like I know absolutely everything about my class and all the different aspects of my class in every situation, I doubt anyone does. So I really wish that people in the game were more open about making suggestions to others though I understand why they're not. We once had to boot a cleric from our squad because he was BBing at a boss and it was obvious that the cleric's BB skill wasn't up to the task of keeping the tank healed. (Whether it was his skill or the tank's gear, I don't know. But I had to keep taking aggro from the tank for a few seconds with my pet so he could heal up properly rather than ending up dead and we kept passing it back and forth that way and it wasn't even an AOE boss, so there was no real need for BB.) So after the boss I asked him not to BB at the next one, explained that the only reason the tank didn't die was because we kept passing aggro between us and the guy completely flipped his lid about it. Went on a rant about how he'd heal how he wanted and if we didn't like it we could boot him, so we did and found a different cleric. I guess that's one of those times where the person both took the game too seriously and had no idea how to play their class.
But I got entirely off topic there. b:chuckle0 -
Wizard: Distance skill.
BM: Stuns and anti sleep/taclking/stun running skill
Cleric: IH (it's like OMG OMG OMG DEAD DEAD DEAD and suddenly full HP b:cry)
Archer: passive distance skill (?). it's annoying when an archer is far far far from you when you finally get to cast any skill, ur dead.
Veno: Flesh Ream, bramble hood (?), amplify damage, purge (jesus christ this one is annoyingggggggggg >_____>)
Barb: the lack of anti-stun/sleep/bla bla bla skills b:sad poor barbs, die so easily.
Sin: Stun, Stun again, deaden nerves (like muahahah he's dead and poof!, HP recovered), inner harmony, rising dragon, rib strike, throatcut, shadow escape + healing trance, maze steps, deep sting... (my main is a sin xD)
Psy: stun, immune and increased magic attack shields. magic attack shield is like "WTF, 1 shot?". Pure magic psychics are hell.
Seeker: do i even need to say? it's like Sin with greater HP and defense!
Mystic: Salvation, knock back tornado, stun, debuffs, healing, defense increasing, falling petals and -channeling skill b:shutup
of course, for PVP. running a instance, every class is great(TOO BAD SOME PPL STILL REJECT SINS b:cryb:sad)
Maltav - Heavens Tear wrote: »(TOO BAD SOME PPL STILL REJECT SINS b:cryb:sad)
No, its really Assassins (and BM's) with low -int for Nirvana everything else is good.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
✰The Nostradamus of PWI ✰
★ A not so Retired Veteran of PWI ★
✰ ~SilverCleric~ ✰0 -
Wizards: extinct. I never see them, so *shrugs*
Sins: Always fun to watch them die when they try to do something they cant. Their attitudes are what make them annoying.
Barbs: Their attitude. They think they can tank the world. They believe that their only method of being proactive is to act like a BM.
BMs: They think its all about them. They have 4 weapon's groups, but only use one. 60% of BM's I meet now a days dont know what Glacial spike, Heaven's flame, Drake's breath bash, or any skill after lvl 29 is.
Archers: Their holier-than-thou attitude, even though behind closed doors, they know they cant be effective without the use of a weapon that isnt in their own group.
Venos: tails
Psychics: They dont posess one single attack that makes you wanna say, "quit hittin' yourself quit hittin' yourself!" Oh wait they @.@;;;;;
what was I saying?
Oh yea, They also cant read my mind <.<
Clerics: Divas. If they posess litterally no skill they will blame the party for everything that happens wrong, even while a mystic, Psy, or wizard are preoccupied with healing the tank.
Mystic: the devil pet who complains about his hair annoys my the most.
Seeker: Motionsickness is a big problem.0 -
Asiorek - Dreamweaver wrote: »They DO stack. Also amp stacks with Heaven'sFlame and Extreme Poison too. That means a HUGE damage amplification. What's more - Amplify Damage also benefits magic users while Ironwood Scarab only reduces physical defense. So yeah, amp is very useful. And it can be annoying when a veno is not using it at all. Although, with high aps squad, bosses go down in a few seconds anyway >.>
But if the veno used amp, it would go down even faster.
To me ironwood and amp are very different. Ironwood decreases physical defense while amp, pretty much increases all damage taken. That's as if the target lost 20 defense levels (level 10 amp). I wouldn't even say they "stack," since they are totally different effects.
If we all used ironwood, then went to fox form to use amp, etc, I would sure be more work than the wizard using a macro, the sin auto attacking, and so on. However venos have been so nerfed that there is no choice but to focus while playing to be as useful as possible.0 -
Cadeal - Dreamweaver wrote: »Mystic: the devil pet who complains about his hair annoys my the most.
How could I forget that one b:chuckle Oh well XDMadness?
Cadeal - Dreamweaver wrote: »Wizards: extinct. I never see them, so *shrugs*
Sins: Always fun to watch them die when they try to do something they cant. Their attitudes are what make them annoying.
Barbs: Their attitude. They think they can tank the world. They believe that their only method of being proactive is to act like a BM.
BMs: They think its all about them. They have 4 weapon's groups, but only use one. 60% of BM's I meet now a days dont know what Glacial spike, Heaven's flame, Drake's breath bash, or any skill after lvl 29 is.
Archers: Their holier-than-thou attitude, even though behind closed doors, they know they cant be effective without the use of a weapon that isnt in their own group.
Venos: tails
Psychics: They dont posess one single attack that makes you wanna say, "quit hittin' yourself quit hittin' yourself!" Oh wait they @.@;;;;;
what was I saying?
Oh yea, They also cant read my mind <.<
Clerics: Divas. If they posess litterally no skill they will blame the party for everything that happens wrong, even while a mystic, Psy, or wizard are preoccupied with healing the tank.
Mystic: the devil pet who complains about his hair annoys my the most.
Seeker: Motionsickness is a big problem.
I lol'd.0 -
Cadeal - Dreamweaver wrote: »Wizards: extinct. I never see them, so *shrugs*
We're not extinct, we're just hybernating till the day a massive drought kills all the fishies.
Psychics: They reflect everything. I feel stupid when my Stone Smash hits me. >.>;
Assassins: They're friggin' ninjas. QQ0 -
Mysticarella - Lost City wrote: »First of all we are not clerics, and you already running instances expecting for us to be clerics. Thats your fault not ours. Second, Mystics can heal pretty good, the difference is exactly the buffs, clerics has a much easier job to heal because of that, them it seems that they are better(healing). Third, Yes we can DD and heal at same time with herbs, Clerics cant BB and DD and plus we have pets and plants to DD also while we heal.(did you ever run in squad with mystics really??). We dont have stack heals, but we do have Falling petals and 2 buffs from salvation that are stackable. And last, did you ever mind to simple ask: "can I have rez buff please??"
I had run several FULL frost runs with no cleric, and never had any complains. Maybe your are having bad luck with bad mystics.
We dont wanna take clerics place, is more like the other way, we are clerics best friends. Will be non sense of PWI to create a new class just like an existent one...b:shutup
from reading my post i have no idea where u got the idea that i expected mystics to be clerics.. and u say that im ''running instances'' expecting for u mystics to be clerics so its my fault? like i was the squad leader inviting these mystics to squad? I dont think so. The part where i gave an example of saying LF cleric and then getting pm'd by mystics must have lead u to assume that i would actually invite them instead.. Well I didnt, and i gave all
the reasons i wouldnt want to so i dont know how u came up with that honestly.
and I never doubted that mystics could DD and heal at the same time either. Obviously their summon can attack while they heal . The point i was making was that what good is DDing when you cant keep the rest of the squad alive anyway . And my other point about mystics not even rez buffing the squad, you tell me i should ask?....... nooooooooooo -_- like ive neeevverr asked them before when they ''forgot''.. My point was that wut kind of pigeon scratch Mystake forgets to rez buff squad , everyone shouldnt be having to ask. They dont forget to rez buff themself conveniently.
and lastly about ur high and mightyness about being able to do FC without cleric... Ya at lvl 100 thats nothing too extreme considering everyone by that lvl is all geared up. but not everyone is at that lvl and stage yet.. So ya thats not gonna be happening at lower lvls.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Motorcycle.... U MAD?0 -
this is for fun only altho i am serious.this don't apply to pro players that i so rarely see
Clerics -who scream wait for me to heal alto i never really need heal
-who think sins can get heal with aoe heals
-who answer to you when qq about hp charm ****...get over it i use lot of mana charm...what use are you good for....no need cleric to make 6 ppl party
BM- who have no idea what a heaven flame is or when to use it...wake up ppl you do dragons for best dd in party!!! not randomly when u see it on skill bar!
Barbar -who keep try get agro back even tho is no way in hell will ever happen!
Wizards-qq so much in double drop event to go in nirvana....u want farm nirvana take time make alt to farm ...stop qq do something... all that 5 aps ppl worked a lot and farmed a lot to get there!..also don't agree with them srink away when are paralyzed!
Psi- creature of devil so OP beast with incredible self bufs and no channel time....b:cry
Venos-make me sad to see ppl unable to play a veno to his power..they are an amazing complex class that complement any party...b:sad
-archers ..hmmm...wish they didn't have so much anti-stun skillsb:laugh0 -
I like old school runs BRAB"S and CLERIC"S and i let the barbs tank i hold back not take boss from barb, they take the hits better then me. if have to i go to white voodoo alot so barb keep the boss.b:shutup0
I just hate it when a 12 year old playing a sin kills me with +10 nirv daggers and get's all excited about it.
Take it easy kid, your playing the game on easy mode. Don't celebrate every time you kill someone.0 -
The thing that annoys me is when i try to kill someone and they decide to start jumping everywhere.......I WANT TO KILL THEM EVEN MOAR WHEN THEY DO THAT OMG QQSTICKS
-Retired Indefinitely- b:surrender0 -
Didn't read all...But here's a few..
Cleric :
Why so slow ??? "Forced" to take Holy Path on genie to keep with dashing "tank" (whatever class) witch then complains he/she had a charm tick "cause cleric wasn't there yet"
Sins :
The "Don't worry I can tank this if main tank dies" attitude, then goes melee Pole, steals agro, drops in 2 hits..
Archers :
Those a bit too selfish "Look at this AoE skill !!! It's so deadly !! Oh wait, did I just pull agro ?" Died and/or complicated cleric's life instead of holding back..
Barbs :
Those who think they can tank, but can't. Exemple, bh51, lvl 62 barb, lvl 50 equip, rushing right into wyvern agroing the 2 guards as well, with cleric not even there yet..
Low level psys :
"I can solo the world, I have voodoo !!..Oh why do I die so fast ?? is defense level in negative bad ?"Proud supporter of the new expansion. Sure it has it's share of bugs, like any games. But for a pure farmer/grinder, that's a whole lot of new mobs to go beat up b:chuckle0 -
Cadeal - Dreamweaver wrote: »
Psychics: They dont posess one single attack that makes you wanna say, "quit hittin' yourself quit hittin' yourself!" Oh wait they @.@;;;;;
what was I saying?
Oh yea, They also cant read my mind <.<
So you think
*sssssss ftftftftft ahhhhh shhhh fshfshfshfsh* (the sound of reading your mind)
I see you are angry :P
(well what you type is what is on your mind and im reading it muahahah)[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
**** Laws of Physics I'm going to shoot crystals from my hands and summon meteors from the air.... Laws of Psychics0 -
SinfuINature - Harshlands wrote: »my name has nothing to do with class i picked... b:victory
and i hate ppl who hate sins for no reason... im not a bad sin... this might change when i get to lvl 100... just might pk everything in sight... btw those punk lvl 100 clerics whould you pick on me just fr being a sin... your time is coming...
I think this is the kinda sin people talk about. The ones that insta kill anything and think the're amazing lol.YuiYuiYuiYuiYuiYuiYuiYuiYuiYui0 -
Wizard: They don't do amusing stuff like David Copperfield or Criss Angel. I'm dissapointed.
I'm disappointed, you forgot David Blane.0
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