Fixing APS fixes Sins



  • Azura - Lost City
    Azura - Lost City Posts: 2,281 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    There 3 things that would balance sins a lot:

    1. Make occult ice restricted for sins.
    2. Make all their stuns 1 second shorter.
    3. Make it impossible to get any kind of sacrificial strike on daggers, including rank9 daggers and change it to something like max attack+ because sins do too much damage without it anyway.
  • Wunderkind - Dreamweaver
    Wunderkind - Dreamweaver Posts: 315 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    lvl 10 HeadHunt is 7s, Demon 8s. Someone confirm or prove me wrong. Don't give me a screen of the skill description either, cuz players have timed it to be longer.

    The whole point is that assassins shouldn't even get a stun duration comparable to BMs. Even 6s is way too long. Combine this with the possibility of being Sealed and immobilized afterward and the lock is even longer.

    Shadow Teleport is 5 seconds at level 10 and 7 seconds for demon.
  • Escorian - Dreamweaver
    Escorian - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,802 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    ty Nowitsawn

    Everything has its beginnings, but it doesn't start at one. It starts long before that... The world is born From zero. The moment zero becomes one is the moment the world springs to life. One becomes 2. 2 becomes 10. 10 becomes 100. taking it all back to one solves nothing. so long as zero remains... One.. Will eventually grow to 100 again.
  • tidesuxbadly
    tidesuxbadly Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    just delete all sins, don't reimburse any of the f.k'ers

    problem solved; game balanced

    How about we delete your life f'ker ? b:bye
  • Olbaze - Sanctuary
    Olbaze - Sanctuary Posts: 4,242 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Shadow Teleport is 5 seconds at level 10 and 7 seconds for demon.

    3 and 5, actually.
    I am Olba. Not Ol, not Baze nor Blaze. And even less would I go by Olblaze. Please, take a second to read a person's username.
    If you see b:cute be sure to take a second, calm look at anything I said.
  • Wunderkind - Dreamweaver
    Wunderkind - Dreamweaver Posts: 315 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    3 and 5, actually.

    No it's not, they messed up the description.
  • Rasshid - Heavens Tear
    Rasshid - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    are u kidding me? :)))))))) what about a +10 R9 wizzie? 1hit almost every1. yes sins rulz 1v1 but tws and pk doesnt mean all the time 1v1. aps are very useful vs HA but vs AA it's better to 1shot :P so stop QQing and get used to it. nothing will change...........they wont nerf aps, they wont take off R9 daggs cuz they wont nerf chaneling or take off others R9 weps......if u dont like ur class reroll. And if u have a good gear, know what to do and a cant be 1shoted u can survive and kill sin or make him run away.......well some sins
  • Alnnestasia - Dreamweaver
    Alnnestasia - Dreamweaver Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    are u kidding me? :)))))))) what about a +10 R9 wizzie? 1hit almost every1. yes sins rulz 1v1 but tws and pk doesnt mean all the time 1v1. aps are very useful vs HA but vs AA it's better to 1shot :P so stop QQing and get used to it. nothing will change...........they wont nerf aps, they wont take off R9 daggs cuz they wont nerf chaneling or take off others R9 weps......if u dont like ur class reroll. And if u have a good gear, know what to do and a cant be 1shoted u can survive and kill sin or make him run away.......well some sins

    Wizards aren't broken because you can see them one shot you. The whole time. They also can't disappear (unless you lag as they distance shrink, I suppose) and everything that can one shot you costs at least a spark and has a long channel. Sure they have an instant channel, but there are pots for that. It isn't a class specific thing.

    Also the part about having good gear prevents you from being one shot... Yeah, if 5.0 really cared about the first hit. It isn't about surviving one shot, it is about surviving the 7 or so that the sin gets free if he forgets to stun you after coming out of stealth. Also, the same thing retroactively proves your own point about wizards wrong. I can say that 'if you have good gear' you should be able to avoid getting one shot by a wizard.

    Oh, and don't poke wizards. It's not like everyone went and made Wizard alts to go solo every instance they ever wanted. Sins are so widely used that most factions have increased level reqs for them. And people used to complain about Venomancer spam.

    Regular 5.0 isn't as broken as people say in TW. I don't do a lot of PK otherwise, so I don't care how broken it is there. Not to mention, that some things are only solo-able with 5.0 because of Bloodpaint. Being able to run through TT 3-X is nice, but if you can only do 1-X or 2-X, you might as well be a veno and spend the coin for a herc than the massive amount for APS. The time you save isn't really worth it for 5.0.

    Sins can stealth, buff, teleport and stun or glitch teleport, spark and then APS. You can't see them until they decide to spas out on you. That's the problem. To be honest, it is funny to see someone pop out of stealth on a Bramble Hood because that's their fault. 5.0 is broken, but Sins break 5.0 more than it already is.
  • brent40
    brent40 Posts: 49
    edited April 2011
    The only thing that fixes a broken product, is to not purchase it..
  • Ulvhedner - Harshlands
    Ulvhedner - Harshlands Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    They should visit Blizzard and learn how to treat the playerbase.

    But seriously, the game is broken, and PWE have done little to fix it. A simple nerf won't help, they have to rebalance the whole game. And to be fair, nerfing APS to hell isn't exactly the best way to satisfy your playerbase when those who have gone APS have invested quite a bit to achieve the 5 APS.

    Balancing a game requires time (I challenge you to read every patch note, included the PTR ones), it's nothing you can just do over night. If you change one thing, might suddenly result in world bosses go on a rampage killing everything in a 8769m radius just say something random. It can be anything really.
  • _Skai_ - Raging Tide
    _Skai_ - Raging Tide Posts: 3,407 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    From my experience, shadow teleport has always been 3 seconds.. o.O I even counted it once before.

    But my shadow teleport is level 5. If the stun duration really goes go up 2 seconds at lvl 10, and a further 2 more at demon, then damn. More stuns for me.
    [SIGPIC]Octavia is best pony[/SIGPIC]
    Vicious's Brony. Brohoof! - Assassin PvE/PvP Videos!
  • Empu - Sanctuary
    Empu - Sanctuary Posts: 1,154 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Like some already said, 5 aps is a problem itself, but not what makes the sin so OP. A sin can perma-spark with it's skills at 2.5 aps or so, can stealth ethernally then poof on you with a stun. Everyone focusses on aps, but who cares when you can 1 hit fully buffed AA and LA classes out of stealth (maybe not so true on full rank 9, but regularly hit 10k+ on LA classes with chill on a sage lvl skill).
    Having shadow escape drain chi and maybe some chance over time to be knocked out stealth might fix the issue. Also heard some idea of stealth using chi instead of mp once. Found that suggestion interesting as well.

    This is kinda funny :
    I feel like assassins should never have been a 5.0 class at all. All of their attacks and endgame equipment point to a class that should specialize in higher spikes.

    More chance to crit, harder crits, more attack level, not as much -int on R9, and of course, GoF on their R9 weapon. I think the class would have been fine in PvP if they had to use physical nukes to kill rather than normal attacks at high speeds.

    So true, there is another way to build a sin besides "aps". I tried to balance aps and spike damage. I got 2.86 aps (cause you got to admit it's handy by times), and hit like a truck. Funny thing is, it actually outdamages most 5 aps even with G15 vanas, and can solo just as much (maybe more) then those 5 aps miracles.
  • _Nuriko_ - Lost City
    _Nuriko_ - Lost City Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I can choose to use my +5 two immac garnet r8 daggers or my NV daggers +5 1 perfect garnet, in any instance i do. Both will hold aggro against most 4aps and some 5aps. And the r8 is better for pk and aoe's. I willingly slow myself to do damage, some sins dont just trip spark auto lol.
    Ahira is a spyb:cryb:cryb:cry
  • XxZavxX - Raging Tide
    XxZavxX - Raging Tide Posts: 603 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Like some already said, 5 aps is a problem itself, but not what makes the sin so OP. A sin can perma-spark with it's skills at 2.5 aps or so, can stealth ethernally then poof on you with a stun. Everyone focusses on aps, but who cares when you can 1 hit fully buffed AA and LA classes out of stealth (maybe not so true on full rank 9, but regularly hit 10k+ on LA classes with chill on a sage lvl skill).
    Having shadow escape drain chi and maybe some chance over time to be knocked out stealth might fix the issue. Also heard some idea of stealth using chi instead of mp once. Found that suggestion interesting as well.

    Actually it is the APS that makes sins overpowered. No sin can 1 hit me, am not usually all that buffed and I have LA armor. r9 archer with some def shards. I think the top crit on me by a sin might be 5-6k... and I have 12k hp unbuffed...

    What sins kill me with is stunlocks and APS...
  • QuickClaw - Lost City
    QuickClaw - Lost City Posts: 130 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Let's not forget they can wield purge bows and deal more damage than most archers with their crit buffs and their daggers naturally get more damage range than fist/claws. Only useable by sins of course. And worst of all, a BM that leaps back to get out of stun-lock gets locked again by their stunning teleport. Their tidal protection evades 50% of all negative statuses, meaning hf, amp, sleep, anything Including purge.

    fixed b:avoid
    I'm not too worried about susa really. r9 does not exist in the real world