A non troll post by rawrgh about powerleveling



  • Wolfixxxx - Lost City
    Wolfixxxx - Lost City Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I'll say herp derp and leave it there

    herp derp is right. next time learn to read before u post.
    Why need APS when you can 1 shot the target with a simple 2 spark move?

    Wizzys for example. Sins are probably the only ones who use APS, since thats basically natural for them.

    by the times that happen, a 5.0 would have already killed the target. and for sins they can usually one hit squishies with just normal skill spamming if ur a sage sin as well.

    now back to wat i was saying before a retar d interupted me.

    APS rules this game.
  • Phantom_Mage - Lost City
    Phantom_Mage - Lost City Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Why need APS when you can 1 shot the target with a simple 2 spark move?

    Wizzys for example. Sins are probably the only ones who use APS, since thats basically natural for them.

    Anyways, thread derailed.

    True....but than,if we don't one hit, it's about 95% chance that we'll be killed because of our weak physical defense, unless the target is slow to react.
  • Boogiepanda - Raging Tide
    Boogiepanda - Raging Tide Posts: 4,682 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    True....but than,if we don't one hit, it's about 95% chance that we'll be down on the ground because of our weak physical defense, unless the target is slow to react.

    7.5k self buffed p.def is soo squishy
  • Wolfixxxx - Lost City
    Wolfixxxx - Lost City Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    7.5k self buffed p.def is soo squishy

    for a sin. yes that is very squishyb:bye.
  • Phantom_Mage - Lost City
    Phantom_Mage - Lost City Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    7.5k self buffed p.def is soo squishy

    Yup(I see the sarcasm). On my mage, I have about 3k phys. defense and a bm one lvl less than me with gear that's worse than mine can easily kill me. I don't even have time to react becuase by the time I can channel one of my skills I'm dead. Even if I use distance shrink, he uses his faster running skill(forgot the name) to easily catch up to me. Also, don't forget that our hp isn't as big as some other classes.
  • Esorono - Sanctuary
    Esorono - Sanctuary Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I must agree, understanding classes isn't really that hard. I just spend a half hour reading a guide or two and looking on ecotomb then playing the class comes easily. Doesn't mean I like the class though.
    I have an ego so large it has it's own gravitational pull...So in short, yes, everything DOES revolve around me. b:pleased
  • Phantom_Mage - Lost City
    Phantom_Mage - Lost City Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I must agree, understanding classes isn't really that hard. I just spend a half hour reading a guide or two and looking on ecotomb then playing the class comes easily. Doesn't mean I like the class though.

    I agree. When I started my mage, I already had a general idea on what stats to put in, however just in case I checked the guides. The game isn't rocket science, and everyone who quickly levels to 100 isn't an idiot. I've known people around my level who haven't FC'ed or hypered, and they have no idea on how the game works, there was a sin back in my lvl 20's who was using a sword. Facepalm/
  • Xarathox - Dreamweaver
    Xarathox - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,657 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    If everyone powerlevels to endgame, who's gonna teach the noobs how to play? .........

    They can learn the same way I (and most others) did. Trial and error, and reading comprehension.
    Some people risk to employ me

    Some people live to destroy me

    Either way they die
  • Lurani - Raging Tide
    Lurani - Raging Tide Posts: 344 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Ehhh...sucking at the game has nothing to do most of the time about how fast you level yourself. People suck at level 100 or at level 60, some who cash shopped there way to 100 yeah sometimes suck others don't, same goes for those who grind up to 100 and still have no clue what there doing exactly. Same thing for many other MMO's. The people who get to 100 fast just have either a good portion of friends on there server who help them get there, or cash shop there heart out. Either way....people can still suck regardless of power leveling or not.

    And yeah, strangely enough this game is surprisingly easy to learn, unlike other games where you sit there 'facedesking' for a whole day trying to figure out what the hell your meant to do.

    That and i would like there to be more possible quests around level 80+...i mean sure majority run FC's but those who don't...after doing CS/BH/Daily quests there really is nothing to freaking do lol. I sit there in game for like a hour at times in the same spot going ....yep...this is the life...b:shutup
  • TheMagicPimp - Raging Tide
    TheMagicPimp - Raging Tide Posts: 1,946 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Haven't been reading these forums in a while but interesting thread b:chuckle

    Anyway,while I can agree with rawrgh it's almost a known fact that 95% of all NEW players that power lvl are terribad at their class.I for one,expect some1 who is lvl 100+ to know what their doing when it comes to content & basics that you can learn pre-100,IJS. I don't care if they've just been playing for a week and don't know the game mechanics,their fault.

    I'm not really a fan of lvl 100 players that are clueless about TW yet come to it completely clueless & unprepared for weeks in a row. There are guides & ppl whom they can ask and after one go they should try to understand the basics since it's not rocket science but I'm surprised at how many of them can't even do that.It's better for the majority new players to just take their time & learn their class or have a solid group of friends that's willing to teach them whatever they missed out on.

    What bothers me mostly about these players is that the majority of them don't even accept constructive criticism from more experienced players and keep failing & annoying the hell out of every1,nor do they try to figure out the simple stuff on their own.

    Long story short : most of these players don't even WANT to learn the game so yea,while what you said is true I'd rather have them not be able to powerlvl since then they'd be forced to learn it at least till a degree.
    It's all about LoL,yo.
  • TheDan - Sanctuary
    TheDan - Sanctuary Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Haven't been reading these forums in a while but interesting thread b:chuckle

    Anyway,while I can agree with rawrgh it's almost a known fact that 95% of all NEW players that power lvl are terribad at their class.I for one,expect some1 who is lvl 100+ to know what their doing when it comes to content & basics that you can learn pre-100,IJS. I don't care if they've just been playing for a week and don't know the game mechanics,their fault.

    I'm not really a fan of lvl 100 players that are clueless about TW yet come to it completely clueless & unprepared for weeks in a row. There are guides & ppl whom they can ask and after one go they should try to understand the basics since it's not rocket science but I'm surprised at how many of them can't even do that.It's better for the majority new players to just take their time & learn their class or have a solid group of friends that's willing to teach them whatever they missed out on.

    What bothers me mostly about these players is that the majority of them don't even accept constructive criticism from more experienced players and keep failing & annoying the hell out of every1,nor do they try to figure out the simple stuff on their own.

    Long story short : most of these players don't even WANT to learn the game so yea,while what you said is true I'd rather have them not be able to powerlvl since then they'd be forced to learn it at least till a degree.

    Can't understand your post, it's not in red.
    BM PvP Guide: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1320761

    YouTube channels: youtube.com/TheDan912 and youtube.com/TheDanPWI
  • TheMagicPimp - Raging Tide
    TheMagicPimp - Raging Tide Posts: 1,946 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Can't understand your post, it's not in red.

    Red posts are for when I'm active in PWI and for now I'm mostly playing FW. b:avoid
    It's all about LoL,yo.
  • Okeano - Harshlands
    Okeano - Harshlands Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Even your tl;dr was tl;dr, sorry.
  • Renza - Raging Tide
    Renza - Raging Tide Posts: 1,939 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Even your tl;dr was tl;dr, sorry.

    ^made me lol

    Anyway even I can agree that this game isn't hard and It's all about how you play your char, proof of that is how I basicly joined some p-servers as a BM when I stoped playing PWI a while back, I'd never even picked a BM on official yet I thought I'd give it a try then yet after playing with it for a few days with the instantly easy to get gear, I was rolling just about most people and took the **** out of other BMs on 1v1.

    It is good to learn your class in PvE to be helpful in PvE situations and not PvP situations, granted it can help a bit, but just barely, as much as I would just power level my mystic, I can offord it, but it wont do me no justice simply due to the fact that I barely cash shop to be tossing money in peoples face selling FC heads, rather just wait till 75-80 for some low level FCs and power level then with a steady PvE income and not a *insert CC* income.
    "Kantorek: we hope to see the economy in PWI come back "down to earth" if you will."
    *One week later*
    "Frankieraye: Lucky Corals and Platinum Charms are going to be in the Boutique indefinitely."
    *few months later, PWI puts rank8/9 into the CS insanely cheap, raising gold 1mill+*
  • Fistol - Raging Tide
    Fistol - Raging Tide Posts: 260 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I ran a bh99 with another archer that had like 3K HP, I'd constantly watch him as he wandered into mobs and had to have quick reflexes to be able to keep him alive. Where else in the game do you have quests where you have to protect an NPC like this?

    Totally Agree with this.. its what makes PVE fun.. the wild cards b:laughb:laugh
    Fist Wizard ~ Truely Unique
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  • L_y_n_x - Raging Tide
    L_y_n_x - Raging Tide Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Wow..eyes are blurry from reading all these points of views.

    But anyway main idea is yeah, there's 4 kinds of people :

    1 - Those who know what they are doing, powerlevel, have funds to sustain skills/gear at proper level. Also know their class or read a lot/watched others..Anyway, let's call them the "Knowledgable ones" (Those upon who others rely for info, good squads)

    2 - Those who powerlevel, sorely to "showoff", will maybe wear lvl 60-70 gear at lvl 100, won't exactly know what they are doing if end up in a high lvl instance, but will fake it "Oh sorry got distracted, cat jumped on me, phone rang, spilled beer" or whatever.."The Wannabees" ( Those who want to be in group 1 but for numerous reasonsI will just reamin in thier shadows)

    3 - Those who take their time, do most quests, "Try" to have fun and resist "temptation" to rush to end-game content. Some of these know their chars, some will still fail at lvl 100. If cash-shopper, will have all proper equips up to date and most skills/gear. If not, will do what the can to find best affordable pieces to fit "thier" style of gameplay, that again, will shine or be real bad.."The Risk takers" ( It passes or it fails miserably )

    4 - Those who view powerleveling as very negative.Will never touch a hyper or oracle. Will grind their nights away trying to get few coins needed for that average shard (ok maybe flawless) WIll be hesitant to buy a tele cause it could mean 15 mins more farming.
    most of these can't/don't want to cash shop. "The envious" (Wants to reach group 1 status, but gets jealous cause of many little "obstacles" they could have)

    Ok, so long post to say..

    I personnaly am juggling between group 3 and 4. I made posts that seemed to completly flame high levels/plevelers/cash shoppers, but not exactly the case. Yeah my faction is now small (maybe 25-30 actives, at 10-12 max on at same time), was once bigger.. Had like 30 persons 75+ at one point and 2/3 left for "bigger names" It's ok, I don't whine, I do prefer it small, kinda easier see who goes in/out. Does have disadventages though where can be hard to set-up even 1/2 of a squad from faction. So I end up with some "randoms" from either 4 groups. 25% chance I could say to get a "pro" as squad member. It does happen though I get 1/2 squad of group 2. In the end it doesn't matter who uses 1000$ or not. Who used 1000 hypers or not.. They did well, I note them or friend them. They did bad, depending how bad , they can get blacklisted.

    I don't know much about end-game. I can't have nirvana keys on my main yet (just 96), never even did a alpha, beta or gamma, so even less a delta. And went SoT I think twice and Abbadon once. Barely sat foot in 3-x nor in Lunar squad mode.

    I changed my view on the whole powerleveling thing. I don't want to, I could but I won't. I won't frown if I know someone did UNLESS they are real real bad. To what I might ask "Man did u rush to be to your level, u just plain s*** "

    i do like to read WC to relax once in a while but I do get mad at all the "FC heads for 1-2 mils" Am I jealous that i can't solo it myself and do that kind of cash ? Maybe a bit.. Am I annoyed cause with the already red Duke spamming, gets annoying as hell sometimes to keep an eye and follow a conversation ? A lot more.

    I am FAR from considering myself a pro..Maybe average-good. Some thing I do good, some I fail.

    Do I see a good side to it now ? YES !! The "Knowledgable Ones" can plevel alts so it gives more choices to them "Aww im a barb but theres a squad that goes bh100 but they already have one, i'll switch to my cleric that needs then" In those cases, no problemo !!!

    And then there's still those : "I'm lvl 100 BM, i'm a god ! Check this out !!" Activates wrong alter and pulls Styg to get one shotted if pure dex/not charmed lol.
  • _Skai_ - Raging Tide
    _Skai_ - Raging Tide Posts: 3,407 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I read the whole post Rawrgh, and I have to agree with you.
    [SIGPIC]Octavia is best pony[/SIGPIC]
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    youtube.com/user/SkaiPW - Assassin PvE/PvP Videos!
  • grimreaperhc
    grimreaperhc Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Sir Rawrgh ... for the very first time, I`m agreed with you.
  • Skynyrd - Lost City
    Skynyrd - Lost City Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I agree... mostly.

    In my opinion you should only be able to power lvl to your mains current level. This way you play the game the long way at least once, but why do it again for your alts?

    How do I propose this be implemented?
    I dont care, its not my problem...
  • Desdi - Sanctuary
    Desdi - Sanctuary Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I agree with you.

    The game is not hard to learn. All you need is good skills at observing other players and good reading skills to read guides and posts on the forums.

    There is not such thing as "they need to learn their skills". How long does it take to learn how a skill works? Read the skill's description, read a couple of forum posts and go in a area with easy mobs and experiment for a few minutes. You will soon know how to use the skill and when it's the right time to use it. How long does that take? 30 minutes? 1 hour?...certainly not days. It didn't take too long to learn what my Mystic skills can do. All I need now is a few more instance runs to get to use them all (still have a couple of untested ones).

    Also, those who have played the game before, know the mechanics of it and therefore it's not hard to figure out how the earthguard skills will effect the other classes. Let's not forget that usually those who powerlevel are not really new to the game's mechanics.

    While I agree experience is gained overtime, there are sometimes players who despite having not been in x instance before, they do their job very well because they know their class well, which results from experimenting with and reading about the class.

    For example, I didn't know people spark at the messenger boss in FCC to avoid sleep. All I needed was one run to figure out that it's better to avoid it (specially on Venomancer and Cleric) and observe the pattern. In the next run I was using spark regulary. Nobody told me that, all I did was observe. As for the knowledge that spark makes you immune to all damage came from...reading the description.

    I have been playing for 2 years and my soulmate has been playing for less than a year, but I'm not any more experienced than him.

    So really, it's all about how well people observe, if they read about the class beforehand. Not about how many things they have gotten through. A good player will know how to react even in a totally unknown to them instance (unless there's a little something like, not to AoE at that boss in FCC).

    And lastly, let's say you level up the old way. A powerleveled character might be a better player than you when you reach the same level (let's assume the powerleveled character stops leveling at lvl70). One who powerlevels have "instant" access to all skills and they can experiment with all of them. Just a thought.
    ★ Venomancer videos - tinyurl.com/k6ppkw4 ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • Neyda - Raging Tide
    Neyda - Raging Tide Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    and normally the lvls 20+ are supposed for it, No one would take a lvl20 Cleric as the
    main healer, or a lvl20 Barb as the main Tank. But they can learn from the higher
    Levels. On the other Hand I expect from a lvl60+ Player, that he knows what he have to
    do. And thats why the most complain about powerleveling, I think.
  • Skulla - Dreamweaver
    Skulla - Dreamweaver Posts: 163 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    So I read the OP and a few of the responses.

    While I agree that one should be able to play the game without allowing how others play it to affect your enjoyment I still feel obligated to point out a couple of things.

    The game was NOT designed to move your character from level 1 to level 100+ in 3-7 days.
    I don't care that you've found ways to do it.
    I don't care that the devs/GMs have enabled methods for you to do it.
    I don't care that 'everybody else' is doing it too.

    There IS a way to PLAY the GAME. The way it was intended at the start.

    See, I think the problem is, the OP and everyone who is power leveling through 'boring, repetitive' content never understood the old saying about how the Journey is more important than the Destination.

    You get people that start the game when the servers were new, they enjoy the Journey because NOBODY knows what the Destination even freakin' LOOKS like. Nobody's BEEN there yet.
    Through hard work and determination some people finally do get to see what's in the Big Green Pasture of Destination.

    Then you get the new people, they see the old people with all the cool gear and well established factions that hold land and they want to find the Big Green Pasture too.

    Only, they don't want to do the work to get there.

    They see all the old people and beg for help.
    The old people 'help' the new people by clearing their path to the Big Green Pasture.
    The old people make it so easy that pretty soon the Big Green Pasture is chock full of people and is now beginning to look like the Big Mudhole.

    Where's the next Big Green Pasture?

    Meanwhile, there are fools like me, who for some reason couldn't care less about any Pasture... all I want is to be able to PLAY the GAME as it was intended from the start.

    I DON'T want your 60-100+ character in my FB19, I want 5 more people at level 19-20+.
    I DON'T want your gear from the AH or the cat shop, I want to FARM my OWN.
    I DON'T want to know every boss and mob before I get to it, I WANT TO BE SURPRISED DAMN IT!!!

    But hey, I know I'm weird, I LIKE doing things the hard way... I really, really do.

    Maybe it's because I've been in a few Big Green Pastures and I already know they all turn to Big Mudholes way too damned soon.
  • Ahira - Lost City
    Ahira - Lost City Posts: 791 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Most of the people that rage about powerlevelling either cant afford to do it themselves or are just annoyed that they had to slow-level their own character.

    There shouldnt be that many of the latter because most have quit or are powerlevelling their own alts. I slow-levelled and dont have any alts, so initially I was a bit cross with how they made levelling so much easier. Dont really care now tho! b:chuckle

    Factions: Forbiden, Genesis, Conqueror, BloodLust, Zen, Spectral
    Active October 2008- August 2009; Semi-active- May 2010
  • Neyda - Raging Tide
    Neyda - Raging Tide Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I'm leveling slow and enjoy it.
    I could powerleveling, have some Hypers, tons of Exp-Items.
    But actually I don't see any any reason for it.

    And yes its also to expensive for, Buying hypers for the Exp, buying my Gear,because
    I was so busy wit powerleveling to farm them by myself, buy Rep badges so I can get
    get some Rank gear because my Reputation didn't increased since then and pay
    someone for a FC Run.
    And at least, if I dont use all the money from my main for it, I have to sell Gold.

    So its just easier for me to level oldschool, just buying som reputation-badges for DP
    which I eran while leveling my Pets, and use tmy earned Coins for the Really Important
    Things: Fashion and Mounts b:chuckle

    But I also don't really care about PL, if the know what they have to do.

    And a last thing

    getting lvl80 during hard work =/= getting lvl80 with Hypers and FC
  • Tynne - Lost City
    Tynne - Lost City Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I'm Tynne and I approve this message..b:pleased
  • HeavensRage - Raging Tide
    HeavensRage - Raging Tide Posts: 404 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    The game was NOT designed to move your character from level 1 to level 100+ in 3-7 days.
    I don't care that you've found ways to do it.
    I don't care that the devs/GMs have enabled methods for you to do it.
    I don't care that 'everybody else' is doing it too.

    There IS a way to PLAY the GAME. The way it was intended at the start.

    Maybe originally it wasn't designed that way, but developers are pushing for it extremely hard. They're now coming out with an instance to powerlevel people below 85 in a new FC-like XP instance.
  • Neyda - Raging Tide
    Neyda - Raging Tide Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    So I read the OP and a few of the responses.

    While I agree that one should be able to play the game without allowing how others play it to affect your enjoyment I still feel obligated to point out a couple of things.

    The game was NOT designed to move your character from level 1 to level 100+ in 3-7 days.
    I don't care that you've found ways to do it.
    I don't care that the devs/GMs have enabled methods for you to do it.
    I don't care that 'everybody else' is doing it too.

    There IS a way to PLAY the GAME. The way it was intended at the start.

    See, I think the problem is, the OP and everyone who is power leveling through 'boring, repetitive' content never understood the old saying about how the Journey is more important than the Destination.

    You get people that start the game when the servers were new, they enjoy the Journey because NOBODY knows what the Destination even freakin' LOOKS like. Nobody's BEEN there yet.
    Through hard work and determination some people finally do get to see what's in the Big Green Pasture of Destination.

    Then you get the new people, they see the old people with all the cool gear and well established factions that hold land and they want to find the Big Green Pasture too.

    Only, they don't want to do the work to get there.

    They see all the old people and beg for help.
    The old people 'help' the new people by clearing their path to the Big Green Pasture.
    The old people make it so easy that pretty soon the Big Green Pasture is chock full of people and is now beginning to look like the Big Mudhole.

    Where's the next Big Green Pasture?

    Meanwhile, there are fools like me, who for some reason couldn't care less about any Pasture... all I want is to be able to PLAY the GAME as it was intended from the start.

    I DON'T want your 60-100+ character in my FB19, I want 5 more people at level 19-20+.
    I DON'T want your gear from the AH or the cat shop, I want to FARM my OWN.
    I DON'T want to know every boss and mob before I get to it, I WANT TO BE SURPRISED DAMN IT!!!

    But hey, I know I'm weird, I LIKE doing things the hard way... I really, really do.

    Maybe it's because I've been in a few Big Green Pastures and I already know they all turn to Big Mudholes way too damned soon.

    Whats the Problem with helping the newbies, beside there are some Bosses which can't be done int the Lvl when you geht the Quest like Eyes of the Krimson Beyond or
    Jewelscalen. There is also no Problem for me to help them to get their TT60 or TT70
    Equipp farmed, when the want them. I even helped someon to farm her TT90 Mats
    in 3-1 I think the last Time. And I also help with Bosses when I'm asked for.
    But I agrre with you, when it goes to the normal grindquests, where I never help anyone.
  • Articwiz - Heavens Tear
    Articwiz - Heavens Tear Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    People say all the time that plvling is dumb and those that do it do not know how to play their class. That may be but, there are those dominating tw factions that owned the map recently who plvled toons for pk and tw purpose. A seeker is just a BM with wizzy type skills and a mystic is a veno with cleric like skills. How hard would it be to figure out how to set your points.... Look at your clerics/venos build and bm's/assassin's builds.

    To each their own. Do what you will and just remember, this is your Perfect World so do what you want with it.

  • _SoulTrain_ - Raging Tide
    _SoulTrain_ - Raging Tide Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I dont really see the point in people ******** about this topic. Most of the higher levels do it for their own alts, or they are trying to get easy coins for an hour of clearing fc and getting 2-3 mill rather then spending a couple hours farming matts or grinding for DQ. I know its not hard to get coins, but let the lower levels pay for your repairs, books, armor, etc..

    Im an example of not every power leveler is noob. I powerlevel'd my barb a few levels and im getting faction invites and constant pm's of how im a good barb. So the silly excuse of they dont know how to play their class if they powerlevel. throw it out the window. Like alot of people have said. DOnt take a genius to learn this game or your class's
  • XHappyBunnyx - Sanctuary
    XHappyBunnyx - Sanctuary Posts: 683 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Difference is that lvl 100 who powerleveled might have caused failures in high level squads for a good 20 weeks or so, especially if this is a cleric we're talking about. The fact that this player is higher level but just as inexperienced is more annoying because they are participating in higher level content and expected to have better grasp of the game.

    In the old days, a 9x cleric is pretty much ready to be thrust into any instance in the game. Now you have 10x clerics failing to purify on Polearm. Anyone remember TheMagicPimp's post with a screen shot of an 8x cleric dead in FB29? GG.

    You can't trust levels anymore, and some are upset with that.



    I posted it from an alt.
    Q - How to win on Perfect World?
    A - Throw money at it.