New classes overpowered



  • Posts: 1,939 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    So that would make veno's OP, because they can do the same, but they do it better lol.
    On my mystic ive been able to kill higher level mobs, theres just no point no, you drink MP even worse if your stupid enough to do so and has no benefit.

    I would say a mystic is far from OP though, I'd say there pretty balanced with the rest atm, there just like what someone mentioned on the mystic skill guide forums, there basicly a druid on a game not to be named, I like the idea that they can switch from support, to de-buffer, to attacker all in one, they just don't do it majorly.
    "Kantorek: we hope to see the economy in PWI come back "down to earth" if you will."
    *One week later*
    "Frankieraye: Lucky Corals and Platinum Charms are going to be in the Boutique indefinitely."
    *few months later, PWI puts rank8/9 into the CS insanely cheap, raising gold 1mill+*
  • Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    they suck at 10x to. its litteraly not till u get some kind of rank gear that they start to "bloom" and even then they are only good in group scenarios. they suck across the board in 1v1.

    Hahahah, what?

    You're saying that a class lacking any skills beyond level 59 is worse than all the other fully developed classes at level 100+?

    To reiterate, these threads are ****.
  • Posts: 420 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Hahahah, what?

    You're saying that a class lacking any skills beyond level 59 is worse than all the other fully developed classes at level 100+?

    To reiterate, these threads are ****.

    ive seen there sskills past 59, can even PM u them if u want. there nothing specialb:bye
  • Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    ive seen there sskills past 59, can even PM u them if u want. there nothing specialb:bye

    I'm gonna go out on this huge stretch of the imagination and just assume by "seeing" you mean "saw a skill chart from China". Which amounts to very little. Experience, whether using the skills yourself, seeing the skills used on you, or just being grouped with/around people who are using them competently makes the difference. It's rendered further moot by the fact that the skills are still changing, as evidenced by the adjustment in Quid Pro Quo.

    In other words, still miraculously pointless.
  • Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    To anyone complaining this class is underpowered, trying playing until higher levels. I can solo all FCC mobs with Vortex since I was lv 80 WITHOUT a cleric as long as I had bloodpaint. I also constantly won first place at public quest 60-80 using my Vortex too

    And I have lots of fun killing BMs with Edged blur as they try to stunlock. b:laugh
  • Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    tweakz wrote: »
    Just like other classes: they're going to do something exceptionally well while being weak in an other area. -Otherwise it would be pointless to bring out new classes. Seeker may seemed underpowered, but at Lv. 85 can tank and primary DD for RB delta. -Now imagine doing Delta in a 3 person squad.

    Aww TY tweakz. yea that was me in RB
  • Posts: 420 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I'm gonna go out on this huge stretch of the imagination and just assume by "seeing" you mean "saw a skill chart from China". Which amounts to very little. Experience, whether using the skills yourself, seeing the skills used on you, or just being grouped with/around people who are using them competently makes the difference. It's rendered further moot by the fact that the skills are still changing, as evidenced by the adjustment in Quid Pro Quo.

    In other words, still miraculously pointless.

    like i said and what i will stand by, the class is only good in group scenarios and i honestly dare u to prove me wrong.

    they cannot tank because they cannot hold aggro properly. even a BM can hold more aggro then a seeker if the BM is a 5aps fist/claw BM. they barely have any control skills, and most of there skills are fairly weak even at higher lvls.

    in other words what im trying to say, seekers DO NOT COMPARE to other endgame melee classes. a sin is better, a bm is better, a barb is better. they just do not compare. imo seekers and mystics are just a gimmick class. fun to play for sure, but nothing much to bring to the table.
    To anyone complaining this class is underpowered, trying playing until higher levels. I can solo all FCC mobs with Vortex since I was lv 80 WITHOUT a cleric as long as I had bloodpaint. I also constantly won first place at public quest 60-80 using my Vortex too

    And I have lots of fun killing BMs with Edged blur as they try to stunlock. b:laugh

    BMs can do that to. and ive gotten well over 10k contribution points in PQ nearly everytime i do it as a sin. nothing special.

    but im not all negative towards seekers. they have FANTASTIC aoes. thats why i say they are great in group scenarios.
  • Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    like i said and what i will stand by, the class is only good in group scenarios and i honestly dare u to prove me wrong.

    they cannot tank because they cannot hold aggro properly. even a BM can hold more aggro then a seeker if the BM is a 5aps fist/claw BM. they barely have any control skills, and most of there skills are fairly weak even at higher lvls.

    in other words what im trying to say, seekers DO NOT COMPARE to other endgame melee classes. a sin is better, a bm is better, a barb is better. they just do not compare. imo seekers and mystics are just a gimmick class. fun to play for sure, but nothing much to bring to the table.

    I'll take that dare! ...When the class is finished! Like a sensible, rational person. Because trying to compare an unfinished class with one that has all it's skills and finalized is silly. And trying to harp inferiority/overpoweredness is stupid.

    As for the rest, before firing off a hasty defense, try reading the rest of the thread. You'll see I addressed those things, as well as pointed out what its strength happens to be. I won't spoil the surprise for you, but here's a hint: it isn't out-APS/DDing an assassin or blademaster.

    In the end, sometimes it's better to hop on the lifeboat and abandon the sinking ship than roar at the coming wave in defiance. Catch my meaning?
  • Posts: 1,365 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    dunno what you have been smoking but the seeker atleast is anythign BUT over powered, it is massivly underpowered IMO. Got mine to 61 and am just bored of it, fed up of using a sword only and having a lack of versatility

    un restrict weps please

    You just wanna go 5aps. Will that make it more fun?
    ☆Heavy Armor Venomancer since level 1☆
    Previously known as _Surreal_b:avoid

    Sig by me.

  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    like i said and what i will stand by, the class is only good in group scenarios and i honestly dare u to prove me wrong.

    they cannot tank because they cannot hold aggro properly. even a BM can hold more aggro then a seeker if the BM is a 5aps fist/claw BM. they barely have any control skills, and most of there skills are fairly weak even at higher lvls.

    Check the post above yours. In order to steal and keep aggro from Weeter; I would have had to nerf my pdef and HP to a point that I couldn't survive aggro in RB. In fact: the last RB BH I was on had a Rank 8 +5 wiz that couldn't hold aggro near as good as Weeter with a +2 weapon at Lv. 85! I imagine we could do RB with 2-3 toons if one is a Seeker which would make full RBs more attractive.
    in other words what im trying to say, seekers DO NOT COMPARE to other endgame melee classes. a sin is better, a bm is better, a barb is better. they just do not compare. imo seekers and mystics are just a gimmick class. fun to play for sure, but nothing much to bring to the table.

    Why compare on the same grounds? -They're not in direct competition. The game is not all about 1-1 dps, hp per vit, etc.
    Be kind: Help the GMs to depopulate the servers.
  • Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Seekers not good for PvP? Lol ...
    Play the class, Learn the combo's.... Then become a cridict... Ijs......

    As for tanking.... With level 60 Rank gear at level 80 Seekers can solo fc with hp and mp foods....

    Sin buff and Barb buff is all we need.... Ijs.....

    Play the class then speak.
  • Posts: 133 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    To those complaining about lvl30- grinding issues, life powder makes the world go round. If you don't know what that is, beginners forum for you...

    And to those that complain about squishyness/low damage/whatever, think of this..
    A slightly ranged blademaster with stuns, voidstep, proc based nukes, and neat weapon buffs, somethings gotta give...
  • Posts: 499 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Seekers OP? Not really. They don't really have an aggro skill, their skills are sort of weak compared to other melee DD's, and it takes more time and patience to actually kill things. I love how it's a combination of a BM and sort of a Wizard/Psychic...making certain skills and afflictions made to be timed perfect just shortens the amount of stupid people playing the game (or that class at least.)
    I rolled a Seeker first, because I knew everybody and their mom would be rolling a Mystic, just like I predicted everybody and their mom would roll an Assassin. (While I rolled a Psychic.)

    Most people complain and ragequit about the Seeker due to lack of HP. (a lot of people have rolled mystics because of the lack of easiness...cry more plx.) Most people will tell you to build your Seeker like a BM. I disagree. I build mine sort of like a Barb, and with almost 3k HP, I'm not complaining....not at all. (Now and then I miss attacks, but that's just how I roll.)

    (My mindset is, if Mystics are like Venomancers, Seekers are like Barbs.)

    65 VIT, 65 DEX, 70 something STR....and 5 MAG.
    Yeah, I'll be going LA...after being a Psychic, and understanding that I hit far less on an Archer than I do a BM, I made up my mind to do it. I figure I'm going to need the MDEF for something, and my STR already gives me decently good PDEF not to worry about much.


    If there were no such thing as Assassins? I would probably consider them the most OP class in this entire game.

    Let's talk about their damage. A pure MAG Mystic will out DD almost every single class alongside their SERIOUSLY OP pets.
    A level 68 Mystic can kill my 83 Psychic in about three hits with their Physical attack in Black Voodoo, and does the SAME amount of damage because, (Guess what) IT IGNORES THE DEFENSE LEVEL.

    A level 68 Mystic casts almost (ALMOST) as fast as my level 83 Psychic.
    A half-intelligent Mystic can kill any mob their level (some even above) in about 2-3 hits.
    My Mystic has solo'd every single one of her culti's. Even 39.
    There are red named Mystics crawling out of under every rock in Harshlands now. Non-Mystic classes are getting SMASHED.


    Their pets deal INSANE amounts of damage, and the Salvation's buff where it absorbs damage is so INSANELY OP that it's not even funny. I shudder to even think about Craig Lord. The thought just plain scares me.
    They have a Bloodpaint like buff that heals you when you get attacked for a set amount of time. Given, it's not much at first, but after a while of start to notice it.
    They have a skill which improves their earth and water resistance. No, the Psychics don't appreciate it.

    Longknife mentioned the Zombie technique in PvP. Expect it, courtesy of Mystic buffs.
    Venomancers? You'd almost be out of a job if it weren't for bramble. Lucky you, the developers didn't give Mystics a--
    Oh wait, they did. Salvation buff.

    The good news is, for those of you loyal enough to stay by the class, you will be rewarded with lower Nix and Herc prices, and lower pet food prices. Hooray.

    I'm going to make a prediction.
    People will be complaining about Mystics like they complained about Assassins, like they complained about Venomancers.

    They hit like Wizards, heal like Clerics, Tank like Venomancers, and have the casting time of a Psychic.
    It's ridiculously OP to have all of that in one class, damnit.

    Nurf the damage.
    Nurf the heal (please don't.)
    Nurf the pet damage
    Nurf the casting time.

    Nurf SOMETHING...because that? That's just plain OP.
    They made fun of me because I wasn't a R8 Psychic...and then came third cast. It's not funny anymore.

    Reason 88 to buy a makeover scroll:
    gomba: "Your butt looks like an eggplant."
  • Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Seekers not good for PvP? Lol ...
    Play the class, Learn the combo's.... Then become a cridict... Ijs......

    As for tanking.... With level 60 Rank gear at level 80 Seekers can solo fc with hp and mp foods....

    Sin buff and Barb buff is all we need.... Ijs.....

    Play the class then speak.


    Nothing more to say.
  • Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited March 2011

    If there were no such thing as Assassins? I would probably consider them the most OP class in this entire game.

    Let's talk about their damage. A pure MAG Mystic will out DD almost every single class alongside their SERIOUSLY OP pets.
    A level 68 Mystic can kill my 83 Psychic in about three hits with their Physical attack in Black Voodoo, and does the SAME amount of damage because, (Guess what) IT IGNORES THE DEFENSE LEVEL.

    A level 68 Mystic casts almost (ALMOST) as fast as my level 83 Psychic.
    A half-intelligent Mystic can kill any mob their level (some even above) in about 2-3 hits.
    My Mystic has solo'd every single one of her culti's. Even 39.
    There are red named Mystics crawling out of under every rock in Harshlands now. Non-Mystic classes are getting SMASHED.


    Their pets deal INSANE amounts of damage, and the Salvation's buff where it absorbs damage is so INSANELY OP that it's not even funny. I shudder to even think about Craig Lord. The thought just plain scares me.
    They have a Bloodpaint like buff that heals you when you get attacked for a set amount of time. Given, it's not much at first, but after a while of start to notice it.
    They have a skill which improves their earth and water resistance. No, the Psychics don't appreciate it.

    Longknife mentioned the Zombie technique in PvP. Expect it, courtesy of Mystic buffs.
    Venomancers? You'd almost be out of a job if it weren't for bramble. Lucky you, the developers didn't give Mystics a--
    Oh wait, they did. Salvation buff.

    The good news is, for those of you loyal enough to stay by the class, you will be rewarded with lower Nix and Herc prices, and lower pet food prices. Hooray.

    I'm going to make a prediction.
    People will be complaining about Mystics like they complained about Assassins, like they complained about Venomancers.

    They hit like Wizards, heal like Clerics, Tank like Venomancers, and have the casting time of a Psychic.
    It's ridiculously OP to have all of that in one class, damnit.

    Nurf the damage.
    Nurf the heal (please don't.)
    Nurf the pet damage
    Nurf the casting time.

    Nurf SOMETHING...because that? That's just plain OP.

    um, duh, people should be able to kill them fast with black voodoo active, that's the whole point... it decreases their defence level....

    OP pets? really? cause storm mistress is fckn useless, the salvation pet can do nothing but cast afew buffs that may save you from 1 hit, especially from a psy that does a ****load of damage. and as fer the lvl 7 pet, even now, i miss my verdent qingfu, cause these things can't tank worth ****.

    omfg, really, they get a skill that ignores the defence level?.... and?.... just use soulburn and keep hitting them.

    yes, they have a skill that increases wood, water and Pdef, wanna know why? because the devs were tryin ta balance out the game. they tried ta give the new class a slight resistance to some OP classes on the game. psychicks have been considered one of them, and venos were the origional OP class before the tideborn, so, 2 birds, 1 stone. and besides, wtf are you complaining about? your earth skills do more damage anyway, and fire just as fast...

    "they heal like clerics" wtf are you smokin? we have 1 direct healing skill. our version of ironheart blessing is pathetic by comparison. our AoE heal skill, has such a high mp consumption that it's rare ta be able ta cast it. and the other heal skills, aren't much better on consumption. especially while having to fuel and heal our horrible tanker pet.

    "hit like wizards" they're got 1 hard hitting skill, seriously, just 1. soul abzorb, that's it. ever get hit by that fast charging lvl 1 skill of ours? ya know, the one that still don't charge as fast as yours? it does a truely pathetic amount of damage, alsong with our short lasting DoT.

    "tank like venomancers" i can tank quigzi at lvl 46 with my old LA veno's verdent quigfu. i tried at lvl 46 on my mystic.... it did not go well..... and that's cause my LA veno's pet, which requires no mp ta charge, has 1.4k more def, than my mystic's pet.

    "nurf the casting time." um, yer a psychic, you can say nothing about anouther class casting to dam fast, oh, and our one good damage dealing attack has a 5 second channel time...

    so don't call mystics overpowered, both new classes are perfectly balanced.
  • Posts: 623 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Longknife mentioned the Zombie technique in PvP. Expect it, courtesy of Mystic buffs.
    Venomancers? You'd almost be out of a job if it weren't for bramble. Lucky you, the developers didn't give Mystics a--
    Oh wait, they did. Salvation buff.

    The good news is, for those of you loyal enough to stay by the class, you will be rewarded with lower Nix and Herc prices, and lower pet food prices. Hooray.

    I'm going to make a prediction.
    People will be complaining about Mystics like they complained about Assassins, like they complained about Venomancers.

    You make it sound like mystics are going to replace venomancers, for one venomancers were always considered the origonal "OP" class becouse of the bleed glitch which has never been fixed, as far as i can tell no mystic pets can learn flesh ream

    venomancers have purge, which is what makes them so valuable, both pvp and tw, mystics dont.

    As for seekers being OP, i would say they are quite balanced, the problem is with all the other classes increasing in OPness they seem very underpowered. Ive been pking a fair bit and they are not a pk class. The no anti-stun, only one dash skill paired with slow movement speed and only one gautenteed stun with a 180 cooldown they have very difficult time 1 v 1.

    Im seeing seekers excel in territory wars as a phyiscal wizard, there vortex skill hits stupidly hard and quick, paired with a 35m telestun and a vac pot they could be a real threat. There gemini slash used with there channel reduction can be a killer too, espeically with the stance and spamming the two aoes before hand.

    In PvE they are purely an AoE class, but with vortex and bloodpaint they can solo every pull in FC at about 80, i was even solo pulling all the mobs from nix > holeen by dashing, using a HP pot, channel reduction, telestun from 2nd to last to last group, vac pot and vortex.

    Theres still a long way to go on both classes, personally i think its the 79 skills that will make or break this class, everyone was looking to the earthguard as the anti-sin class.
    :: :: Seeker PvP, PvE and TW Videos
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2011

    Wow...that's a lot of rage.
    But I will agree on the Mystic part.

    While I'm all for "It's too early to really tell" ....Mystics are OP.
    White, level your Mystic. Really....actually...level it. Salvation's buff can save you from a LOT more than one hit. It's basically a Plume Shell....for no mana at all if you transferred before going into battle, and have meditated like a good PvPer before you went out.

    A decently geared player won't be able to hit 2k on another decently geared player...they especially won't be able to to jack **** with that Salvation barrier on. Absorbs 2k damage with no mana cost from the player? (And really, it's the player's mana, but coming from the summon...but summons DO generate their own MP as well.)

    What Petal was SAYING was that the Physical attack for the mystics NEGATES the DEFENSE LEVEL OF PEOPLE.
    Aka: They could try and White Voodoo to survive that spell all they's still going to three shot them.

    The only reason why Psychic Earth skills hit harder is because of the structure of the attack. Herp Derp, you still have a barrier that decreases damage suffered from elemental attacks. And I doubt that Spirit Blast is going to knock off a Mystic's Salvation Buff unless there's about a 15 level difference, or someone hyper'd their Mystic and forgot to buy decent gear.

    So good've defended 2/5 of your summons. How do you explain the totally crazy damage from Devil Chiyu and Craig Lord?
    with our short lasting DoT
    That does what, 60% wood damage continuously until the target keels over?
    No...not OP at all.
    OP classes on the game. psychicks have been considered one of them
    That probably made me laugh more than anything I've seen today...
    Psychics become OP when they hit endgame, have high refines, and Sage/Demon skills...and rank, of course. Most Psychics don't even consider PvP until they hit that point...and if they's pretty much suicide since they barely stand a chance against Assassins.
    "nurf the casting time." um, yer a psychic, you can say nothing about anouther class casting to dam fast, oh, and our one good damage dealing attack has a 5 second channel time...
    I lol at your lack of understanding. I have to wonder, have you ever played a Psychic?
    Psychics have something that balances out THEIR casting time....being cooldowns. What's YOUR excuse?
    "they heal like clerics" wtf are you smokin? we have 1 direct healing skill. our version of ironheart blessing is pathetic by comparison. our AoE heal skill, has such a high mp consumption that it's rare ta be able ta cast it. and the other heal skills, aren't much better on consumption. especially while having to fuel and heal our horrible tanker pet.
    Finally...a glimpse of insight...sort of. No, Mystics don't heal like clerics....if they have a crappy build and don't bother to level the heal, like most do. I've met a few Mystics who have pure MAG builds...and they can heal FC's decently enough to be asked into squads.

    Personally, I think Mystics need a nurf too, probably on Channeling, if you asked me. Of course, what's the likelyhood of that happening? As much as there is a nurf on 5.0, sins, and the glitch on the nix being fixed.

    I don't think Mystics will REPLACE Venomancers....but there's going to be a lot fewer of them now...good thing for overpriced veno gear and pet food.

    Seekers though....nice class. I really like how it takes actually understanding how the class works, how the status effects have to be timed just right (so you have to pay attention, like playing Wizard/Cleric/Psychic). Nicely done Developers.... b:victory
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I think some things about Mystics might be considered a bit unbalanced later on. Just the fact that your Summons are directly affected by the Mystics magic attack and gear. So with a r9 weapon your summon would hit ridiculously hard using skills. Veno pets dont act that way, they have their own growth every level, doesn't matter how the veno is geared or refined. Their good skills also stop at lvl 1 or lvl 3 such as Flesh Ream on nixes.

    Than there is Absorb Soul that ignored immune pots/skills/genie skills and does double dmg if you chain it with Nature's Vengeance. Mystics can also knock people back in pvp, which people will find the most OP.

    Mystics will probably be one of the most annoying classes in TW for the barb pulling cata. Invoke, Immune pots, level 79 skills - nothing will help against a Mystics they can keep pushing you back and dealing dmg. Than if they die they can just self -ress and keep going lol.

    They also get way more phy def than both clerics and psychics from self buff. Level 10 Verdant Shell is almost comparable to a Wizards Stone Barrier. Can also boost their own magic attack with like 150% than extra 100% of weapon dmg for a few seconds.

    Im pretty sure assassins endgame will still shiet on any Mystic 1v1 in a few seconds. Same with Seeker versus Assassins. And cant really compare anything until we have a few 100+ endgame geared Earthguards with lvl 11 skills.
  • Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Well, i myself am a mystic and in my opinion, i think they are "above average" when it comes to power, with a cleric i can do entire bh 29/39 myself. just that it would take long, and the mobs are what will annoy the shizz outta me, but the bosses are pretty easy. and right now my avg with soul absorb is like 16-17k? complemented by natures vengeance. maybe 24k with spark+? idk if its rly THAT strong, since this is my highest char xD. but when were in BH51 and were killing the mobs that natures vengeance effects, u see the tank and bm are attacking it and i just 2 hit them most of the time. or soloing krixx and suz at around lvl 53. idk if its OP or not, but the mystic is MY class :D

    Is that overpowered? o.o
  • Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Let's talk about their damage. A pure MAG Mystic will out DD almost every single class alongside their SERIOUSLY OP pets.

    OP pets? i can lol so much it would fill the entire thread
    Mystic pets are nowhere as good as the veno pets. and one other thing.......
    our pets cost MP!!
    most mystics already have probs with the INSANE mp costs of skills (the rez maxed is 2.3k sp!) and to use pets too? Mmmm. my chihyu is at lvl 8 and costs me 44x sp to summon, when he's summoned he only has half his hp bar. so thats another 200 sp for him to get full health (pet heal only 6 i think) and on TOP of that, his skills require MP to use, ofc he can build it up himself, as long as u can wait around 2 hours for his bar to get full. or use transendence (or w.e the name is) to transfer YOUR mp to it, and right now mine can hold up to 2k-2.5k mp. And they dont tank well at all, thats why i dont even use a pet. 4-5 hits from qingzi kills my pet, while lvl 50 venos with decent eqps can solo entire bh39 with a herc, now tell me, whats more op?
    A level 68 Mystic casts almost (ALMOST) as fast as my level 83 Psychic.

    LMAO cast almost (ALMOST) as fast as a psy? give me a break. The only mystic skills that have any worth that casts rly fast is the heal and natures vengeance, Gale Force isnt worth it bcoz u have to use a good amount of mp and get rly close to the target. bramble tornado is allot of mp too. thicket is 3-4 secs (cant remember xD) and soul absorb is 5secs! i guess psy skills have 7-8 sec channeling -.-
    Their pets deal INSANE amounts of damage, and the Salvation's buff where it absorbs damage is so INSANELY OP that it's not even funny. I shudder to even think about Craig Lord. The thought just plain scares me.

    first of all, the salvation buff isnt that good, its ALLOT of mp down the drain if not used right. second of all, its Cragglord, unless it helps u lose weight xD. It lasts for 15 secs only and costs 2 sparks, wow, talk about efficient.

    They have a skill which improves their earth and water resistance. No, the Psychics don't appreciate it.

    Ahem..Psychics have that soulburn move everyone knows about that returnes dmg equal to its soulforce. No, EVERYONE doesn't appreciate it.
    Longknife mentioned the Zombie technique in PvP. Expect it, courtesy of Mystic buffs.
    Venomancers? You'd almost be out of a job if it weren't for bramble. Lucky you, the developers didn't give Mystics a--
    Oh wait, they did. Salvation buff.

    in what way is salvation buff the same as bramble? the first one only puts a shield around the target to absorb dmg, the second one selects a target and absorbs dmg done to the latter, but mobs dont get any dmg done to them from these skills, so dont compare the two with eachother
    The good news is, for those of you loyal enough to stay by the class, you will be rewarded with lower Nix and Herc prices, and lower pet food prices. Hooray.

    if that is true, barbs will spend less on repairs, BM get more stunning skills, sins get higher crit, wizzies get more mag attack, psychics dont even have channeling time, archers get longer range and clerics can summon pets too. Hooray. (U said "loyal enough to stay by the class, so thats in general)

    Hey! I know something!

    While were nurfin' the mystics, lets nurf the barbs armageddon, sins bloodpaint, the bm stun skills, the cleric res, the archers ability to use mag attacks too, the psychics soulburn and ALL the wizzie skills and no more herc or nix for veno!...
  • Posts: 420 Arc User
    edited March 2011


    If there were no such thing as Assassins? I would probably consider them the most OP class in this entire game.

    Let's talk about their damage. A pure MAG Mystic will out DD almost every single class alongside their SERIOUSLY OP pets.
    A level 68 Mystic can kill my 83 Psychic in about three hits with their Physical attack in Black Voodoo, and does the SAME amount of damage because, (Guess what) IT IGNORES THE DEFENSE LEVEL.

    A level 68 Mystic casts almost (ALMOST) as fast as my level 83 Psychic.
    A half-intelligent Mystic can kill any mob their level (some even above) in about 2-3 hits.
    My Mystic has solo'd every single one of her culti's. Even 39.
    There are red named Mystics crawling out of under every rock in Harshlands now. Non-Mystic classes are getting SMASHED.


    Their pets deal INSANE amounts of damage, and the Salvation's buff where it absorbs damage is so INSANELY OP that it's not even funny. I shudder to even think about Craig Lord. The thought just plain scares me.
    They have a Bloodpaint like buff that heals you when you get attacked for a set amount of time. Given, it's not much at first, but after a while of start to notice it.
    They have a skill which improves their earth and water resistance. No, the Psychics don't appreciate it.

    Longknife mentioned the Zombie technique in PvP. Expect it, courtesy of Mystic buffs.
    Venomancers? You'd almost be out of a job if it weren't for bramble. Lucky you, the developers didn't give Mystics a--
    Oh wait, they did. Salvation buff.

    The good news is, for those of you loyal enough to stay by the class, you will be rewarded with lower Nix and Herc prices, and lower pet food prices. Hooray.

    I'm going to make a prediction.
    People will be complaining about Mystics like they complained about Assassins, like they complained about Venomancers.

    They hit like Wizards, heal like Clerics, Tank like Venomancers, and have the casting time of a Psychic.
    It's ridiculously OP to have all of that in one class, damnit.

    Nurf the damage.
    Nurf the heal (please don't.)
    Nurf the pet damage
    Nurf the casting time.

    Nurf SOMETHING...because that? That's just plain OP.

    your a idiot. thats all im gonna say. why are you a idiot? play a venomancer, or at the very least get a veno past lvl 5. then you will see why your a idiot.

    They hit like Wizards, heal like Clerics, Tank like Venomancers, and have the casting time of a Psychic.

    this sentence here alone is enough proof of how big of a idiot you are and how you have no idea on how to play the game. hit like wizzards? your a idiot, even psys hit harder. tank like veno? try learning what a "hercules" does. heal like clerics? your a idiot. casting time of psy? maybe but thats only 1 skill called natured vengence and there heal pet skill, so no not really.

  • Posts: 577 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Every year, this same exact argument pops up: X is overpowered. Last year, it was the TBs. I can't remember what it was the year before that, ...

    LOL It was the Venos whit flesh realm, but now that every one has gone invisible, who cares any more.


    Oh wow I should have read that post just over me. Well considering my Alt cleric can kill any mob her lv in 2 hit and could tank all her culti boss to lv 31. ( I stop playing her after that ) Oh and She can also kill a lv 50 mob alone. And she still has necromancer gear. Nothing to fancy, just max out skill and +2 gear. Any player whit a lv 50 bm can make a cleric like this. So when you get a real mystic, like lv 100 an +12 gear tell us how much it is OP.

    gtfo +1
  • Posts: 2,965 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Herp derp

    Please stop breathing my air, ty
  • Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Mystic are good ....possibly Goddes. Trust me.
    Btw new class are made to be more usefull than precedent so we spent on boutique to upgrade them and by the same way make healthy pwi. Ya they gonna be better and more usefull at least for mystic me.

    I love you all meow
  • Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    U kidding me, seeker is currently the least powerful class in PWI. U don't see all the complaints and yeah they are true about how seeker is so dam weak.
  • Posts: 3,275 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Well, i myself am a mystic and in my opinion, i think they are "above average" when it comes to power, with a cleric i can do entire bh 29/39 myself.

    it took you until level 65 to duo 39, and you need a cleric in the duo to do it? okay, maybe you're not so OP on mystic then, at very least... although soloing suzerix at 53 does impress me, actually. krixxix at 53 isn't chopped liver either.

    but yeah, the 39 dungeon i soloed hercless and clericless at 58 or so, and other venos have done that sooner. how come you can take on minibosses seemingly easier than whole instances, i wonder?
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Heaven's Tear alts: KenLubin, Sou_Hon, JudyCaraco --- level 5x chars.
  • Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah And Some More U Guessed It Blah
    everyone One Always Says Zomfg The New Class Is Opopopopopoppoopopopopopopopo Everything To You People Is Op Holy **** Just **** Stop Qqing Because Its Not Gna Help Every Class Is Op In Its Own Way Just Look At The Skills Its Not That Hard To Get Through Ur Head Im Tired Of Seeing These Same Posts Saying The Same Exact Thing Just Stop Take The 10 Min To Look At Each Character And Exam The Fact That They Have Their Own Special Way To Be Op.......... the End
    The base of anyones power comes from their knowledge and patience if u do not have those qualitys u have power over noone b:angry

    Fail has struck again!!
  • Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Ahem first off I'd like to start by saying a class is only as good as how you develop it! Second lets tart with this, every class has a role to play that said they are also similar to real life fighting styles so here is a quick wip of that.

    Barb -> shock-trooper = heavy hitter - burn's out quick.

    BM -> soldair = balanced melee power + stable prolonged combat

    Wiz -> artillery = Long rang ballistics - Weak close combat skills.

    Cerlic -> medic = good support - bad melee skills + decent ranged skills

    Archer -> archer duh! = stable ranged combat - poor close combat skills

    Assassin -> spy = infiltration and quick strict power

    Veno -> tracker = decent ranged support - dependency on pets.

    Psychic -> Heavy artillery = Good ranged bombing - poor close combat skills.

    Seeker -> scout = Hit run style - poor at prolonged combat.

    Mystic -> tactician = Fixable passable multi-purpose fighter/support -Unstable mp + good group dynamics

    With this in mind everything has its ups and downs! I don't have a seeker but i have observed them and I noticed they are like scouts, light fast and quick to hit hard if used right but they are also dependent on ending the fight fast lest want to die. but I DO have a mystic and they are not op given despite they are mp gluttons they do posses lots of potential and are flexible to the needs of any given situation. Unlike veno's who can catch a wide array of pets to train, the mystics are restricted badly to their 'summons' but each is also highly skilled in a given field! 1st a heavy physical fighter, 2nd a heavy metal mag dmg hitter and 3rd a powerful support defender and the last a heavy fire hammer. and unlike veno's mystics can use 1 summon and 1 plant at a given time in a number of combination to wield good results. BUT! tacticians require a good mental level to wield effectively since they are like a wiz veno and cleric merged into one. That said you should keep in mind the mystics require forward thinking not simple minded brute slapping. For example while clerics can res anyone at a given time the mystic can beforehand apply it as a buff which like cler res lower exp lose it also gives back chunks of mana and hp on revival at higher levels but its not meant for consistent and wide spread usage like cler res. its a tactical skill, for example if the squad is dying due to a mistake made when grinding a boss the mystic can throw the res buff on the cleric who can then res and in turn res the squad rather then blow a mountain of mana before hand for a 15 min buff on the whole squad. Mystics can do well on their own when used right but they are not over powered because lack of forethought with usage can lead to mp burnout whether or not you are burning mp pots. Each plant for example yields its on special features + a lysing ability which better enhances the plants given trait to occur and for a longer time then its normal %age For example the last 2 plains currently shown mystic's learn are aoe heals the last supposedly doing BETTER healing. this fact means unlike clerics whom must exclude themselves from fighting period become stationary healers were as mystics can call out the aoe heal plant pop a fast healing skills themselves and then fight at the same time. they are all about combination. Not everyone can use any class, some people are suited for given class styles over others. The mystic and seeker class are more about strategy then simply brute force, which is why they are much more similar to scout and tactician style's of combat, meaning you have to use that thing in your skull more then with most previous class in pwi which can be used more so for simply brutish tanking and or solid support. the mystic's primary weakness its being an mp glut its second is a lack of selection in the 3 given fields of skills it has, plants being the most because they are support not primary in use. I have not yet reached the lofty high lvl powers over 39 but I am on the brink of 49 and i say while not over or under powered they posses great potential in the right hands when molded correctly an used properly They are properly balanced for the purpose no more no less because unlike veno's they are not pet dependent. Like with any given class build you have t know how to properly supplement the class's powers and protect it's weakness and faults in order to turn it form a rough lump of coal into a nice bright shiny diamond. like with anyone i can agree with there is only 1 op class and that's assassin, every other class is balanced correctly to serve its purpose of design, if you don't know how to use it that's your fault so don't down the class for your own shortcomings at using it.
  • Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Overpowerful..dunno.. Bugged ? Yup..Just flew around Gouf area and saw a Mystic soloing Gouf, she was in the air, her demon pet was as well, justhitting Gouf's head who wasn't even hitting back.. I could put SS up but that would break the rule of telling name or justletting u know it happened...So if it's doable atthat boss..what others can be exploited like that ?
  • Posts: 3,275 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Overpowerful..dunno.. Bugged ? Yup..Just flew around Gouf area and saw a Mystic soloing Gouf, she was in the air, her demon pet was as well, justhitting Gouf's head who wasn't even hitting back..

    that's not a mystic thing. that was known as "the veno glitch" for years before the expansion, and yeah, it's a bannable offense. it's not just gouf, either.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Heaven's Tear alts: KenLubin, Sou_Hon, JudyCaraco --- level 5x chars.


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