Powerleveling, Where is the fun?



  • Furries - Dreamweaver
    Furries - Dreamweaver Posts: 966 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    i dont know what to tell you guys.

    the thread title is asking "where is the fun in powerleveling"

    i am NOT bashing on people who power level. powerleveling CAN be used efftively.

    and honestly if you find more find in endgame go for it.

    myself, i find no fun in endgame. not in this game anyways.

    and that is becuase endgame in all reality costs real $ to obtain.

    ive tried spending real $ on the game and i get no pleasure out of it.

    and therefor there is no point in aiming for endgame.

    im lvl 92 on my barb. why?

    becuase until i can afford to get tt99 gear and my lvl 99 skillbooks i wont be any better at lvl 99 than i currentlly am now at lvl 92 so i don't bother to hit 99

    and in the mean time. i have 12 other charecters i can play.

    So to restate some things.

    i have 3 bms an axe a fist and a pole

    i leveled the axe and fist normally

    pole? i stopped playing at 22 becuase YES playing bm lvls 1-30 is the bloody same and got really boring. so if i were to continue i would power lvl him to 30 and then play normally again. if i were to make a sword bm i would power lvl it to 30 where the skills differ.

    and hell i considering bring my cleric into forst to bring him from 72-75 becuase not ghaving the lvl 75 mana pots is a pain. but frankly. i decided it would be more fun to do some more bh 59 to lvl him as in a forst sqaud a lvl 72 cleric cant do much

    just becuase you powerleveld doesnt make you bad at your class. if you didnt powerlevel it doesnt make you better. it just means you cant tell a person's skill by thier lvl.

    and maybe its bad of me to assume this. but if your lvl 100 i expect you to know how to play your class. And if you don't, then dont sqaud with me.

    and yet none of this has to do what what this thread was supposed to be about.

    i dont know how many times im suppoed to say this. this thread isnt about if powerleveling is good or bad. if about what you do for fun in this game. i titled it as i did becuase i was partciually interested in who those who powerleveled did for fun.

    so if im guilty of anything. it that i assumed people would actully read the ENTIRE post rather than just looking at the title. So in the future i will try make sure i make the point of my threads clear from the start of the post rather than at the end.
    Killing level 80's with a lvl 60 is a lot more fun than killing level 90's with a level 100.
  • Boogiepanda - Raging Tide
    Boogiepanda - Raging Tide Posts: 4,682 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    where is the fun in 5x grinding?
  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    where is the fun in 5x grinding?
    It doesn't cost real $ to do, duh.
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • NiightmareXz - Harshlands
    NiightmareXz - Harshlands Posts: 1,569 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    It doesn't cost real $ to do, duh.

    Nothing ever costs real $ in this game, people just choose to use it. b:surrender
    ˙buoɹʇs ǝq ןן,ı ʇɐɥʇ ɟןǝsʎɯ ןןǝʇ ı os
  • L_y_n_x - Raging Tide
    L_y_n_x - Raging Tide Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Hmm powerleveling..To me = Not fun.

    New players come on server, dumps 20-30$ to get hypers, sell a few golds and go on FC runs. What happens ? "Lvl 100 seeker LF FC, got cool AoE, but hey I don,t tell you I missed cash so they are lvl 1, and I wear lvl 50 gear"

    In that situation I really don't encourage it.

    "If" somone is rich enough and restarts a barb from scratch and had one he leveled "the long way", yeah I could understand powerleveling it.

    But as new classes ? Do all those lvl 90+ Mystics/Seeker REALLY know how to use all their skills in a way efficiant way ? Some maybe do, I don't bash on them either.. But some just want to show off "Look I made it to 100 in a week !! And since I have money I have R*-R9 gear !! Oh skill ?? Oh wait , wait, what ?? I can one-shot anything..who needs skill..." b:surrender
  • FoxRunning - Heavens Tear
    FoxRunning - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,048 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    powerleveling, be it with exp stones oracles or whatever other kind of gimmick you can fine, is, to me, a kind of cheating. kind of like playing a board game, but bringing with you a wad of money from another copy of the game, so that you can buy property or whatever faster than any of the other players, who are playing honestly.

    wheres the fun? if you are a PKer, i guess you get your jollies of dead players all around you sooner--pretty sick to me. it makes even less sense if you are playing PvE. the whole idea of these MMOs are to have fun in squads, doing quests and things together with friends.. running around burning exp stones, blasting through the game as fast as you can...whats the point? you have a train to catch in the next game?

    i could conceivably see doing it if you dont like factions, and need to get through to the next level because mobs being too strong to do alone. but even exp stones wont get you your FBs done, or get you into instances that require squads. so, there you are, all dressed up, but still cant go.

    not my idea of fun, but YMVV

    I dont understand why people rush to hit max level.
    Espically on a PVE server. PVP you can argue that higher lvl means easier to kill people and if our pvp then thats what playing the game is about.

    but on PVE, what joy are you getting out of hitting max lvl?

    there isnt really anything to DO at endgame.

    the fun is in PLAYING the game.

    And honestly people dont learn how to play when they power level.
    great you know how to do frost.
    you plan on doing something with your char?

    i play the game to be the best i can at each level.

    and as stated in my sig.. is alot more fun to kill high lvls with a low lvl than it is to kill lower lvls with a high lvl.

    your a 5 aps char you can kill ne1 in the game. no one gives a Sh*t...
    when im taking down lvl 90s with my lvl 66 bm, thats freaking fun!!

    everying is so obssed about being the best player in the game. that they forget the there are other lvls to it.

    yeah. by barb may not be the best barb on the server... not by a long shot. But compared to the other barbs my level im one of the best lvl 92's out there.

    My cleric is lvl 72. alot of stuff can still 1 shot me.
    but compared to other lvl 70 and even 80 clerics. im better.

    so yeah you might be able to beat me with your lvl 100+ chars.

    but you fight any of my chars with someone that is my lvl and you better be preapred b:victory.

    So ill end this with a question?

    How do YOU play they game?

    Are you aiming to be the best at endgame?
    Are you like me and try to be the best you can at each lvl

    or maybe you have another idea of what makes this game fun for you.
    Share it!! it might be fun for us too b:thanks
    (and hugs to Flauschkatze for the sig!)
    "Thanks for writing me-- it's always great to hear from a vet.

    Playing here since '08b:heart
  • NaaMachine - Lost City
    NaaMachine - Lost City Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    To "get the good stuff quick."

    After all... Who would want to do all that "work" if they can just short circuit it and get the good stuff without it. :/

    Should be required reading.
  • FoxRunning - Heavens Tear
    FoxRunning - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,048 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    lazyness, cheating are two reasons i can think of....

    a comparison would be two people going to countries totally new to them. one signs up with a tour that runs them through the major cities and photo ops, and that person comes home bragging i toured such and such, and see all the pics to prove it. but when their friends ask them questions about the places they saw, they dont know a thing- they were in too much a hurry to go to the next place.

    the other person can take the same route, go to the same cities and places, but more slowly, enjoying the things they see, the people they meet, they places they go. they take the same pics as the first person...but because they took their time, and enjoyed the trip, they know more about the places they went to, and, if someone else needs to know about one of those places, there are answers that the 'zoom tourist' cant answer.

    so there is the basic answer- some people take time to enjoy the game, the others just want to set speed records.

    To "get the good stuff quick."

    After all... Who would want to do all that "work" if they can just short circuit it and get the good stuff without it. :/
    (and hugs to Flauschkatze for the sig!)
    "Thanks for writing me-- it's always great to hear from a vet.

    Playing here since '08b:heart
  • Tremblewith - Heavens Tear
    Tremblewith - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,558 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    In my opinion, powerleveling can be both good, and bad. If the person is someone who has played PW for a long period of time, and actually has a toon to end-game w/ out poweleveling there way to that point, then they should have the right to powerlevel. Yes, it does take the fun out of the game, and it's not my style. I've never powerleveled (hypered FFs here and there on my BM, w/ my own formed squads), but I'm not one to tell someone what they can and can't do.

    The problems involved:
    -People lack spirit (generally when they oracle), to get proper skills for there level(s)
    -People only have experience doing the same one or two things over, often w/ no squad. This causes them to not be versatile, thus not knowing there class well.
    -Lack of good gear. If the person doesn't have a main to account stash the gear over, and doesn't cashshop/merch, the player's gear probably will be pretty poor.

    The only problem I have w/ p-leveling is people "might" not know there class, might have poor gear, and could also have poor squad management, and low leveled skills for there level. It has it's advantages though, as well. Hitting end-game/high levels, unlocks more content, which gives the player something more to do, and have a toon that can have it's full potential (maxed skills/gear), quickly.
  • _ZafirRose_ - Heavens Tear
    _ZafirRose_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Well, i dont know abt u guys, but i found it boring with my mystic at 4x-, but now she is 65 and i am really good with her, i dont even have to use summons and rarely use mp pots, so i have to agree that sometimes its good to just "go with the flow" instead of taking a ride to get to the place faster.

    And why u guys fighting? its a post, its freedom of speech, or in this case, freedom of posts xD.

    Btw, those "kill 50 mobs" quests are not as boring as u think, if u truely know how to use your char and still find it a challenge, it can be really fun.

    Sometimes its better to think small than think big, like instead of being lvl 2x and saying: "Man i cant wait to get to 100!" and when u finally get to 100, u say: "Yesh im 100 now B*tches! Woot!, now i can kill noobs with my rank stuff and nirv w/e! :3!" You can think small like ur 20 and ur goal is 25, then 30, then 35. that will make it more fun bcoz you have more chances of enjoying the times you lvl then just skipping to 100. like just now i got to 65, it felt good saying "i got to 65 woot xD, now 5 more lvls i can use those lvl 70 TT gears :D."

    Would it feel good to say: "Dammit finally 65, now just 35 more lvls to get to 100, why PWI had to make it so hard to lvl?"

    U might as well join a Private server or something.

    (my highest lvl char is my mystic at 65, so idk those things so good. But atleast im having FUN)

    Its like suddenly getting to 100-101 make u "perfect", but after that, whats left?
  • _ZafirRose_ - Heavens Tear
    _ZafirRose_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    "There is nothing in this world that is truly "perfect". Though it may be a rather large cliche, it is still the truth. It is the ordinary people who look up to "perfection" as an ideal and seek after it. But in truth, what is this idea of "perfection" truly worth? Nothing. Not a single thing. I detest "perfection". To be "perfect" is to be unable to improve any further. There would be no scope for "creation", not a single gap in one's knowledge or one's ability. Do you see now? To true scientists like you and I, "Perfection" is tantamount to "despair". We aspire to reach greater levels of brilliance than ever before, but never, NEVER, to reach perfection. That is the paradox through which we scientists must struggle. Indeed, it is our duty to find pleasure in that struggle. In other words, the second you allowed yourself to spout a ridiculous word like "perfect", in truth, you had already been defeated. That is if you wish to be treated as a scientist."

    Change scientist(s) with player(s) for it to make sense