Come One, Come All! YaKuZa recruiting 90+



  • MauMauMau - Lost City
    MauMauMau - Lost City Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    to much pointlesss thing to read
    i read so far umm i never said 1 people were against me
    Also ur current leader havent done ANYTHING to stop ppl from hating
    so u guys are the same guild
    It like president obama saying there change when only thing he did was that Insurance Act thing that still **** you over

    what would she do to stop the people that actually "hate" yakuza, its not like Elayne has done anything to stop all those people from rogaine or wherever they are now from picking on him and essence (or hate if that can be called hate) . Leader is not suppose to go around licking everyones *** to make them like the guild, they are suppose to lead the guild and all guilds have enemies. You have your right to hate the guild and so do they, although i completely disagree with your justifications of it.

    Same name, but completely differnt leadership, i am pretty sure its safe to say that yak now is not the same as the yak you know from when you applied, both of which are much better than you are trying to make it seem .
  • XxKarleyxx - Lost City
    XxKarleyxx - Lost City Posts: 160 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Actually who is the leader now?
  • MauMauMau - Lost City
    MauMauMau - Lost City Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Jiselle is leader.
  • Gratz - Lost City
    Gratz - Lost City Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    what would she do to stop the people that actually "hate" yakuza, its not like Elayne has done anything to stop all those people from rogaine or wherever they are now from picking on him and essence (or hate if that can be called hate) . Leader is not suppose to go around licking everyones *** to make them like the guild, they are suppose to lead the guild and all guilds have enemies. You have your right to hate the guild and so do they, although i completely disagree with your justifications of it.

    Same name, but completely differnt leadership, i am pretty sure its safe to say that yak now is not the same as the yak you know from when you applied, both of which are much better than you are trying to make it seem .

    But your last leader did the same thing and lick spec and Kami and Ess *** to stop ThaClick from taking your land
    Also what have your leader done compare to Elayne who mange to own the whole land and got respect
  • MauMauMau - Lost City
    MauMauMau - Lost City Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    once again you have your info messed up stop getting on the bandwagon with all the yak haters. Lick there *** i dont think so. At the time the map was reset the4 major terrtiroy guilds in order of power were (Essence/Spec) , Kami, Yakuza. There is no if and or but about that its what it was and you can go look at the territory map thread if you dont believe me. WE did not go to Essence or Spec saying please dont attack us. They did not attack us at that time because they did not one another enemy on their list due to the intensity of their wars. We also held good standing of those guilds for other reasons. if we were to attack one of them that person would start losing lands each week. (obviously we would lose all of ours to one of them, but the one attacking us would also lose at the least one a week, which is something neither of them wanted).

    Now for the ThaClick mess.
    ThaClick was a merge of several guilds that Yak completely took over territory wise. Yak took over Harvester and Koi both of which were a majority of ThaClick (at the time). They merged we got good openents, we started to lose thats fact. We lost our two main catapullers at the time ThaClick started winning and a full high tier hit squad quit, but I'm not here to make excuses, just stating facts.

    Oh yeah our officers were in good standing with all those guilds for one other reasons,one of which was the fact that in each of those guilds an officer or cata puller in them was from Yak who had left on good terms. Names-ArchEvil/ Kuyaa(CQ/Kami), Dlam(ess), SneakerPIMP/Ascenctions(Spec). So stop with your garbage about yak kissing ***.
  • MistressSian - Lost City
    MistressSian - Lost City Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Ok, I first have to thank Mau for what he is saying.
    To those hating on PAST leaders of Yakuza, hate all you want on them, but I ask that you refrain from telling people that the Yakuza now is the same as the Yakuza 6 months ago.
    As Mau said, We have not only a different leader but also a differnt director and a different set of officers. As Mau pointed out we are very organized and if you want a guild that is participation oriented, I suggest giving us a try before judging off people's comments from this thread since essentially they are irrelevant since the Leadership that these people were in Yakuza under not only are no longer there, but also no longer play.
    As for what has this new leader done, well as Mau pointed out, land isnt everything. Especially if a leader knows that its not time to try for land when you are in a rebuilding stage. Jiselle has managed to pull this faction together when it was once falling apart. Our recruitment is up, and the atmosphere is fun, light-hearted and ENTERTAINING (after all this is a game and meant to entertain us so why not be in an entertaining guild land or no land). That said it also doesn't rule out future TW's though this would be when were are stronger and ready for the task.
    As for organization, we have a great system in place for guild runs, monthly events, and more. I will not go into that in this thread since that is part of the faction's ins and outs and if you want to know more, join.
    To the people who are hating, all i have to say is thank you for continuing to bump this thread in the forums. To those people actually looking to apply, please don't let the harsh words of people who are judging previous leadership, visit our site, check out our rules and kos, if you like what you read, please apply and try us out.
    Thank you
  • Biggyluv - Lost City
    Biggyluv - Lost City Posts: 213 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I would join but half my daily RPKs would go away.
  • Susamajii - Lost City
    Susamajii - Lost City Posts: 902 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    yeah i apply only once
    Most of them were the same lvl as me and i was better gear than half your faction
    U guys needed better players too i keep on hearing

    * Kinda stupid to basic your option on your own personal grudges instead of thinking of better the faction as a whole lol*
    if anyone can guess who said that from Essence i give u a present

    Many people have said that from Essence. We use to have ppl QQ all the time about recruits killing them while they were in the recruitment process. It's like look, they aren't in faction if they are killing you then maybe they should be in guild cuz they can kill you and since they aren't in guild they can kinda do whatever they want..

    but I've said this, Kage, Elayne, Belandre etc.. mostly officers have said this lol.
    Push me,
    And then just touch me.
    Tilll I get my,
  • RPK - Lost City
    RPK - Lost City Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Can I join Yakuza? I am Director of Koi. b:thanks
  • MauMauMau - Lost City
    MauMauMau - Lost City Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I completely respect the way essence is run, however, i am pretty sure that even essence does not allow certain rpkers into their guild even if they are godly geared. They have justified reasons for not allowing them in as well just as Yak has their reasons for not allowing people into their guild.

    That being said Victory_V as i remember isn't one of those types of people, in which case he must have done something,whatever it is, that made old yak leadership /members unable to cope with him being in the guild.

    @RPK lol honesty you probably have the same shot as some random guy the guild has no issues with, unless of course you constantly troll the guild in game or something. Also the people who held a grudge against koi members have long since quit or left to essence. (*cough stoneMsM talking to you bro)
  • KittyTaco - Lost City
    KittyTaco - Lost City Posts: 295 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Mau, Susa=RPK

    also RPK rpks
    also I like his name
    also, tacos.
  • RPK - Lost City
    RPK - Lost City Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Mau, Susa=RPK

    also RPK rpks
    also I like his name
    also, tacos.

    Curse you KittyTaco.. CURSE YOU!
  • MauMauMau - Lost City
    MauMauMau - Lost City Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    lol fail ;D
  • MauMauMau - Lost City
    MauMauMau - Lost City Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    LOL you actually think we not only begged,but payed kami to take our land! are you honestly that ignorant or just failing at trolling. Thaclick merge actually had turmoil between the players, but they wanted to beat us just hat bad i will give that to them. It's not our fault that unforeseen circumstances caused us to lose big hitting members instead of gain them like thaclick. Honestly all the people talking like they know what happened between us in each and every war when they were not even in the wars is getting old. Do you remember us beating thaclick the first few times they attacked even when it was a triple attack? Nope, all you remember is the downfall and all the made up **** that goes along with it.

    And about those 8 members leaving yak, only one went to essence to become a cata barb for them the rest quit the game/took leave until middle of summer months later. 2 were our main cata pullers so yes thats a big deal. the other 6 were our main kill squad with exception to 2 or 3 people(i was one of those 2 or 3 back then). thats like tha click losing tpain and 4 or 5 of their huge hitting archers like xuanbac, etc. so yes it was a big deal not saying that it means we would have 100% won the wars but they would at the very least have lasted more than the hour or two they usually did, but why are you even bringing that up? I don't remember seeing you in those wars?
  • MauMauMau - Lost City
    MauMauMau - Lost City Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    if you were actually in those wars then im going to assume you had no idea what you were doing in there because if you did know anything you would know that thaclick had 1-2 major kill squads , the ones that were really well geared to cs geared) while when we started losing we went down from 2 to 1. so 95% is a bit, no actually is way over estimated.

    my roomates in essence and he was the cata for yak and then essence never seen that thread on their forums. Also picture thread was by fay the funniest thread due to all the troll pics :D

    /care if you had to sneak your way into yak back then ;D
  • MauMauMau - Lost City
    MauMauMau - Lost City Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    im sorry but going to tw and not being paid isn't an excuse for not having well gear anyway you look at it. Yes it might put that person back a tiny bit, but not much considering you could farm the amount of money needed for charms in at most an hour or two per week. maybe that veno wasn't capable of that, in which case that veno probably wasn't charmed in the first place. But, enough of that we did end up paying each week.

    when i mentioned 2 to 1 i was talking about our main kill squads. People in there were those such as ReckUrWorld and StoneMsM, both of which ended up leaving yak for very seperate reasons. The first few wars we had with click and all wars previous to that we had 2 kill squads with people close to their gear levels ( mind you im talking way back then so we are talking about +10 - +11 weapons and anywhere from +5-+10 armor pieces. Click merged and got up to about 2 squads worth of those type of people. we had 2 main kill squads similar geared, obviously not as great as those in tc (talking about major csers here) and then one week we just lost 6 people because of their personal issues. to top it all off we lost the main 2 cata pullers that week. The difference between those 2 and the 2 replacements were huge both in terms of gear and skill. Not to say that the replacements learned how to catapult in the upcoming weeks.

    I just want to make it clear, I am just saying what really did in fact happen, and it correlated with us losing lands since that week. This isn't a yak is better than click argument.

    and about your pic i dont remember what most people look like, i just remember some funny pics , the ones that come to mind are that of calvin and cbastor and the troll pics that followed. Zerhee hella funny.
  • MauMauMau - Lost City
    MauMauMau - Lost City Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    okay okay sorry heres the tl;dr version. yak wasn't at its full potential in the later wars with TC while tc was stronger than ever. we proved that we could take them on in the early wars with them and wish we could have had those people for the later ones. dont know how this devolved into a tc vs yak thread.
  • MauMauMau - Lost City
    MauMauMau - Lost City Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    oh please you brought nothing but false accusations to this thread with no proof as if thats considered a victory. and you or your friend or whoever is on that account started this by derailing off the recruitment thread into his own biased affairs with the previous leadership.
  • Victory_V - Lost City
    Victory_V - Lost City Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    oh please you brought nothing but false accusations to this thread with no proof as if thats considered a victory. and you or your friend or whoever is on that account started this by derailing off the recruitment thread into his own biased affairs with the previous leadership.

    *Real Victory*
    Oh plz u got troll and edge on this pointless issues by a person who using a inactive char
    U considered the troll as a victory, when the whole underhanded agenda was to taunt you as my friend state information only brought up by you
    He had no previous knowledge on the matter but you feed him material to bottom line TROLL you

    Your affairs matter little or any amount of important
    Any of your argument have no solid reasoning or real justification
    With your stupidity
    To Kevin Stop Using My Account and Pretending to Be Me
  • drjiggle
    drjiggle Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    i send in a request to join before but you guys got rid of it because i was killing your members plus your marshals were ****

    LOL. I just went back and read this guy's application. He was denied because he joined FinalOath. Kind of a no-brainer at that point.

    There wasn't a single word in the entire thread about him killing anyone in or out of YaKuZa.
  • xposed1
    xposed1 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    xposed1 wrote: »
    Join YaKuZa where you can be a wannabe japanese gangster on a online massive multiplayer game. That way you can make believe you are asian because that is your goal in life. You can also fulfill your desire to be in a guild that has alternating caps in its name for no particular reason at all except to follow a dead trend.

    YaKuZa recruiting all 90+ tools!!

    You guys should put this on your recruitment forum. Tell future recruits how it really is b:chuckle

    Edit: Lol @ Yakuza shoutbox right now. Serious business is serious business
  • Gratz - Lost City
    Gratz - Lost City Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    *Real Victory*
    Oh plz u got troll and edge on this pointless issues by a person who using a inactive char
    U considered the troll as a victory, when the whole underhanded agenda was to taunt you as my friend state information only brought up by you
    He had no previous knowledge on the matter but you feed him material to bottom line TROLL you

    Your affairs matter little or any amount of important
    Any of your argument have no solid reasoning or real justification
    With your stupidity
    To Kevin Stop Using My Account and Pretending to Be Me

    omg i never thought this was be so funny
    i can tell MauMau took like half hour to looking up on google to find big word to agrue with Victor lol

    U guys should really put a private setting on your website too
    or i can like do this
    u guy have great looking ppl like Ess
    not a bad looker
  • XxKarleyxx - Lost City
    XxKarleyxx - Lost City Posts: 160 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Victory_V stands next to me at my AFK spot b:bye
  • Victory_V - Lost City
    Victory_V - Lost City Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Victory_V stands next to me at my AFK spot b:bye

    u stand next to me in my AFK spot
  • XxKarleyxx - Lost City
    XxKarleyxx - Lost City Posts: 160 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Oh here we go
  • vigorjustwokeup
    vigorjustwokeup Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    yakuza will never be goodb:cute
  • _Spot_ - Lost City
    _Spot_ - Lost City Posts: 318 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    I would join but half my daily RPKs would go away.

  • Djoulz - Lost City
    Djoulz - Lost City Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    i agree with everything that has been said: do not join Yakuza because we are greedy, untrustable and we kick the good people out! (please Victory_V: re-apply, we miss you)

    hey, don't stop hating: keep bumping that shiiiit!!

    + you up your posts count fokers >.>
  • Lingzi - Lost City
    Lingzi - Lost City Posts: 877 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    hmph, whho wants to join yakuza? i hate japanese, i will join ExistenZ instead b:laugh
  • Djoulz - Lost City
    Djoulz - Lost City Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    you look pretty japanese imo, ijs ;)