Come One, Come All! YaKuZa recruiting 90+

Posts: 10 Arc User
edited June 2011 in Twilight Temple (West)
Interested in the oldest non-rpk faction on the Lost City Server? Are you a level 90 player? Looking for a faction that’s helps you as much as you help it? Want that fun, family atmosphere with an at times perverse sense of humor? Than YaKuZa just might be the faction for you. Go to take a look at our faction rules and our current KOS, if it looks like it might be the place for you; register to fill out an application.

Hope to see you soon.
Post edited by MistressSian - Lost City on


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  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Join YaKuZa where you can be a wannabe japanese gangster on a online massive multiplayer game. That way you can make believe you are asian because that is your goal in life. You can also fulfill your desire to be in a guild that has alternating caps in its name for no particular reason at all except to follow a dead trend.

    YaKuZa recruiting all 90+ tools!!
  • Posts: 1,559 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Does Yakuza give nirvana when joining? b:cool
    i am waiting for you my little flagcarriers b:kiss
  • Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    remember when yaKuza wasn't CQ/Kamisama/Essence **** Jockeys?
    neither do I
  • Posts: 165 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Remember when the forums were useful, before a bunch of no-life emo morons came in and started QQ fests about everything, while hiding behind faceless avatars so nobody would know who they are? b:chuckle
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Remember when the forums were useful, before a bunch of no-life emo morons came in and started QQ fests about everything, while hiding behind faceless avatars so nobody would know who they are? b:chuckle

    "No-life emo morons" huh...funny how you can figure all that out just by a person not having a picture by their avatar b:shocked.

    Why does not knowing who I am ingame effect the words I type on this forum anyway? b:chuckle
  • Posts: 1,559 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    xposed1 wrote: »
    "No-life emo morons" huh...funny how you can figure all that out just by a person not having a picture by their avatar b:shocked.

    Why does not knowing who I am ingame effect the words I type on this forum anyway? b:chuckle

    you seem to care too much about your reputation ingame the way you troll here without your characters avatar showing up...b:quiet
    i am waiting for you my little flagcarriers b:kiss
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    But its funner that way. Maybe some people will figure out who I am :D.

    I also love how I derailed this whole thread for yakuza recruitment, just as planned.
  • Posts: 1,559 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    xposed1 wrote: »
    But its funner that way. Maybe some people will figure out who I am :D.

    I also love how I derailed this whole thread for yakuza recruitment, just as planned.

    lets discuss about yakuza recruitment then ;p

    klick the link they actually have a a .com adress!

    A .COM ADRESS!!!


    and take donations to pay for it...b:chuckle
    i am waiting for you my little flagcarriers b:kiss
  • Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited January 2011 Take a look at No 7, seems a little condescending to me , no offence guys ijs(and yes you can mock me about my lvl idc).
    1 last question though, its a pvp server right?, if so No 10 is kinda Senseless especially if the fac in question is Rpk
  • Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Remember when the forums were useful, before a bunch of no-life emo morons came in and started QQ fests about everything, while hiding behind faceless avatars so nobody would know who they are? b:chuckle

    >Implying I'm terrified of YAKUZAZ
    >Implying I play anymore
    >implying I don't only come on here to troll
    >implying I haven't trolled you ITT

    >Implying I'm not Anders/Taylor/Disappear
  • Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited January 2011

    Granted if the faction in question is RPK the point would be mute, however if the faction is not, then the rule is valid. And just to let you know, we wouldn't mock you about your level.
  • Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I see b:thanks
  • Posts: 555 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    OH yakuza yakuza...

    Let me tell you about my short period on that guild......

    They help she says: on what lol????

    They had lands because essence wouldnt atttack them was too focus on Spectral and vice versa...(only reason they had lands)

    They didnt pay tw for the players that tw and wasted charms on it...(this is true i was on tw for them got 0$ from it).

    One day Necro:Fury(crazy_polter alt) threaten me on guild chat and keep doing it that i wouldnt do no more quest cause he would haunt me with hes pro sucked archer(like he could ever killed me with that **** archer) bla bla i really didtn give a *** about that all i did was ading laughing smiles on guild chat after that some marshall was talikng to me i say can you wait pls im on fb 51 and if im not payng attention ppl here will die cause they all low lvl but me, guy says (i dont remeber his name) ok , 3 sec after kicked lol...

    So my feling for this guild are not the greatest....

    Just a heads up for ppl who want to join this factionb:bye

    Oh just remeber same stupid thins hapened to SoKa somtething like he was doing a frost and had to log out due to work and they rage with ans made him go out.... i dont know for sure but u can always ask him.
  • Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    OH yakuza yakuza...

    Let me tell you about my short period on that guild......

    They help she says: on what lol????

    They had lands because essence wouldnt atttack them was too focus on Spectral and vice versa...(only reason they had lands)

    They didnt pay tw for the players that tw and wasted charms on it...(this is true i was on tw for them got 0$ from it).

    One day Necro:Fury(crazy_polter alt) threaten me on guild chat and keep doing it that i wouldnt do no more quest cause he would haunt me with hes pro sucked archer(like he could ever killed me with that **** archer) bla bla i really didtn give a *** about that all i did was ading laughing smiles on guild chat after that some marshall was talikng to me i say can you wait pls im on fb 51 and if im not payng attention ppl here will die cause they all low lvl but me, guy says (i dont remeber his name) ok , 3 sec after kicked lol...

    So my feling for this guild are not the greatest....

    Just a heads up for ppl who want to join this factionb:bye

    Didn't get good vibes either, regardless of their seemingly "pro" statusb:bye
  • Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    OH yakuza yakuza...

    Let me tell you about my short period on that guild......

    They help she says: on what lol????

    They had lands because essence wouldnt atttack them was too focus on Spectral and vice versa...(only reason they had lands)

    They didnt pay tw for the players that tw and wasted charms on it...(this is true i was on tw for them got 0$ from it).

    One day Necro:Fury(crazy_polter alt) threaten me on guild chat and keep doing it that i wouldnt do no more quest cause he would haunt me with hes pro sucked archer(like he could ever killed me with that **** archer) bla bla i really didtn give a *** about that all i did was ading laughing smiles on guild chat after that some marshall was talikng to me i say can you wait pls im on fb 51 and if im not payng attention ppl here will die cause they all low lvl but me, guy says (i dont remeber his name) ok , 3 sec after kicked lol...

    So my feling for this guild are not the greatest....

    Just a heads up for ppl who want to join this factionb:bye

    Oh just remeber same stupid thins hapened to SoKa somtething like he was doing a frost and had to log out due to work and they rage with ans made him go out.... i dont know for sure but u can always ask him.

    just thought i would give my opinion of this as an old time member of yak. first of all not every1 can get into the *super* guilds like Essence, back then Spectral, and kami. We weren't give our lands we fought long wars almost every week for them and beat out the rest of the competition, which for the most part was evenly matched against us . So please stop saying we did not deserve the lands we fought for. We held our lands until guilds we had previously beaten merged together and finally were able to start taking some back and also previous alliances with kami ended.

    secondly guild pay. Yes the system the leaders made at first was pretty bad , but like must said he was only there for a small amount of time. If he had stayed longer he would have known that we did indeed give pay out every week.

    The main thing though about Yak is that being the oldest or one of the oldest guilds still left on the server it has had 3 main guild leaders so far. The one during the days we held tw land has quit this game for months now along with me. Current Leadership is different and although they practice a lot of the same rules as previous Yak they have made a bunch of improvements so give it a try before you take word of the previous yak members who were kicked 90% of the time for bad actions on their part.

    tl;dr yak is not the same as it was months ago, leadership has changed , improvements have been made. It isn't the strongest guild, but its way up there in terms of guild right below the best.
  • Posts: 555 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    just thought i would give my opinion of this as an old time member of yak. first of all not every1 can get into the *super* guilds like Essence, back then Spectral, and kami. We weren't give our lands we fought long wars almost every week for them and beat out the rest of the competition, which for the most part was evenly matched against us . So please stop saying we did not deserve the lands we fought for. We held our lands until guilds we had previously beaten merged together and finally were able to start taking some back and also previous alliances with kami ended.

    Yes they were "free" you didnt, dont and will not have the muscle to fight Essence kami and back then Spectral...

    secondly guild pay. Yes the system the leaders made at first was pretty bad , but like must said he was only there for a small amount of time. If he had stayed longer he would have known that we did indeed give pay out every week.

    Please.... Terrere was the leader i belive nice payments b:chuckle

    The main thing though about Yak is that being the oldest or one of the oldest guilds still left on the server it has had 3 main guild leaders so far. The one during the days we held tw land has quit this game for months now along with me. Current Leadership is different and although they practice a lot of the same rules as previous Yak they have made a bunch of improvements so give it a try before you take word of the previous yak members who were kicked 90% of the time for bad actions on their part.

    Who cares if its old or new......

    tl;dr yak is not the same as it was months ago, leadership has changed , improvements have been made. It isn't the strongest guild, but its way up there in terms of guild right below the best.

    PS after you guys kicked me in a very stupid way i join Essence did about 4 5 tws walking to crystal and guess what every single one i got 1 mil payment from Elayne on my mail...

    So really im not your best allyb:bye
  • Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    must you are posting negative comments about a guild on its recruitment thread, when the people that were running the guild when you joined it for whatever amount of time are no longer doing so. that is my point. and i don't understand your response to tw pay. terrere was the leader and did pay you can ask every yak member that was in yak during are last months of holding land and they would confirm that.

    also i forgot to respond to you about the soka thing i am pretty sure soka was allowed back in and then chose to leave himself.

    Anyways i suggest any1 that even has the slightest hint of wanting to join Yak try it out first.
  • Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    must you are posting negative comments about a guild on its recruitment thread, when the people that were running the guild when you joined it for whatever amount of time are no longer doing so. that is my point. and i don't understand your response to tw pay. terrere was the leader and did pay you can ask every yak member that was in yak during are last months of holding land and they would confirm that.

    also i forgot to respond to you about the soka thing i am pretty sure soka was allowed back in and then chose to leave himself.

    Anyways i suggest any1 that even has the slightest hint of wanting to join Yak try it out first.

    i send in a request to join before but you guys got rid of it because i was killing your members
    plus your marshals were ****
  • Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    i Send In A Request To Join Before But You Guys Got Rid Of It Because I Was Killing Your Members
    Plus Your Marshals Were ****

  • Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    i send in a request to join before but you guys got rid of it because i was killing your members
    plus your marshals were ****
    lol i remember you applying back then, you asked to join everytime you saw me, but yeah rpking a lot of the less geared members is pretty much asking to not get in.
  • Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    lol i remember you applying back then, you asked to join everytime you saw me, but yeah rpking a lot of the less geared members is pretty much asking to not get in.

    LOL thats so amazing
  • Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    lol i remember you applying back then, you asked to join everytime you saw me, but yeah rpking a lot of the less geared members is pretty much asking to not get in.

    yeah i apply only once
    Most of them were the same lvl as me and i was better gear than half your faction
    U guys needed better players too i keep on hearing

    * Kinda stupid to basic your option on your own personal grudges instead of thinking of better the faction as a whole lol*
    if anyone can guess who said that from Essence i give u a present
  • Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    yeah i apply only once
    Most of them were the same lvl as me and i was better gear than half your faction
    U guys needed better players too i keep on hearing

    * Kinda stupid to basic your option on your own personal grudges instead of thinking of better the faction as a whole lol*
    if anyone can guess who said that from Essence i give u a present
    its not entirely based on gears and level, a lot is based on how you act and this is not a rpk faction and 9/10 times that we invited rpkers they kept on doing it so it isn't really about personal grudges. I doubt you would have added much if you were pking the faction you wanted to join.

    also who cares about who said that. It doesn't even apply here.
  • Posts: 555 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    must you are posting negative comments about a guild on its recruitment thread, when the people that were running the guild when you joined it for whatever amount of time are no longer doing so. that is my point. and i don't understand your response to tw pay. terrere was the leader and did pay you can ask every yak member that was in yak during are last months of holding land and they would confirm that.

    also i forgot to respond to you about the soka thing i am pretty sure soka was allowed back in and then chose to leave himself.

    Anyways i suggest any1 that even has the slightest hint of wanting to join Yak try it out first.

    Its free speech i belive.....

    I dont care if they got paid, i wasnt thats the point.......

    Well if i was soka i wouldnt join you guys again.....

    Thats allb:bye
  • Posts: 160 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Its the resurrection of YaKuZa =o

    Yak was the first real TW faction I joined. I enjoyed myself while being in there before all the leaders went to another game and hardly came on. During that, quite a few left. Including me. Plus there was a bit of a debate where the TW salaries were going (this before mirages came out - was apparently used for HH mats though).

    Good to see a lot of the old members still in there. Any who, hope things work out for you guys.

    P.S. YaKuZa still owes me subs b:surrender
  • Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    :O i remember you karley. Anyways i think most of the old members including myself have quit pw. i get on once in a blue moon if I'm bored. i would not even have seen this thread if it wasn't for my roommate in essence linking me to the Calvin vs Elayne one ;D
  • Posts: 160 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Shout out to my favourite YaK boys: MagikaDSpell, nbfgangsta, Djoulz, janeksss, Exkaede, Xirek, GodsLeftHand, Ganaloth, finalknighta, CRBB & CrunchyCat.

  • Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Shout out to my favourite YaK boys: MagikaDSpell, nbfgangsta, Djoulz, janeksss, Exkaede, Xirek, GodsLeftHand, Ganaloth, finalknighta, CRBB & CrunchyCat.


    all ****
  • Posts: 160 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    <3 hater
  • Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Well that why u guys not on the map any more also the alot of others things
    That is the most outrageous percent, u obviously took those number out of your head
    I can give so many examples that ppl still pking the faction they wanted to join
    Nykage, Damages joining ess yeah did the same thing
    Cuz personal grudges of getting pk they almost never got in

    outrageous not really, I was in Yak for two years before i quit this game and I know absolutely what i am talking about. we dont just deny you at the door if you apply and were pking us, but most of those people either leave or are kicked for bad behavior. if lots of members are complaining about someone pking them though, why in the world would you let that person in if its going to make other members complain(and i mean a lot of members)? your applications are not just shut down by 1 or two people, but if most of the people voting on it are against it then of course yo wont get in and pking the members of the guild you want to join does not help.

    Being on the map is not everything, if thats true then only one guild is doing anything right. Unfortunately only 200 people can get in that guild. Yak still has tons of good reasons to join it over others, especially if your not only into getting into essence. It has structured guild runs, events, kos, vent , stable website, cool and active leadership, and more. , Not to be a hater of past Yak leaders, but the current one and officers are running the guild more efficient than ever.

    All the negative comments I've heard so far are about past leaderships and about why Yak is not on the map, I mean cmon we know why 99% of the guilds on this server are not on the map and thats because at this point no one can stand up to essence.

    @kedge hate more


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