Is it even legal? PWI theft!

Kasira - Harshlands
Kasira - Harshlands Posts: 55 Arc User
edited January 2011 in Arigora Colosseum
Last night my friend, a level 78 cleric, was helping a faction member kill the tortoise outside Archosaur. Without thinking she decided to use tempest to kill it and being aoe it accidentally pked a nearby Psy. She immediately apologised and gave them a level 10 res. No harm done, it was purely an accident and that should have been the end of it. Unfortunately, she was then pked by a level 100 Psy and being pink, she dropped the snow dance boots she was wearing. MY snow dance boots. The ones I was intending to give my veno when she hits 70.

Thing is, I bought those boots with coins I gained by selling gold. Gold, I spent my hard earned money on. Now they're gone because PWI randomly opted to take them from my friend and give them to someone else. Now, I can't see how this is legally allowed to happen. You can't take products I paid for with my own money and simply decide I can't have them anymore!

I have absolutely no doubt that if this was the subject in a court of law, no judge in the world would allow PWI to get away with it. Put quite simply, it's theft. It's like buying a CD then having the shop manager steal it back from you before you've left the shop then giving it to someone else.

You seriously need to rethink your PVP drop system because if you keep **** over cash shoppers like this you'll lose them. I'm seriously livid about this, I've spent a small fortune on this game and this is the thanks I get? Theft?

No stupid replies please. I know what the PVP rules are. That's not the point. The point is, is it even legal to take things from players like this? I'm pretty sure it's not and damn certain it shouldn't be. Now instead of having the boots I paid for, some guy who did nothing to earn them is probably selling them in auction. PWI, please stop encouraging these scrawny little thieves and scroungers and start sticking up for the ones who support the game. In my view this episode is thoroughly disgusting.
Post edited by Kasira - Harshlands on


  • LadyTsukiyo - Heavens Tear
    LadyTsukiyo - Heavens Tear Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Yes it is normal for players to take things that have dropped. Which is why it's vital to either stock up on dolls, and guardian scrolls, bind all your equipment or use the safety lock. In other words there are ways to prevent people from picking up your items, because once it's dropped it is no longer your own. It becomes a drop item much like some equipment is dropped from a mob. Picking that item up isn't stealing no?

    However what you can do is kindly ask the person to give you back the boots. On most occassions you do get your items back from the people who pk when you ask for it.

    The general point is, PWI has MANY ways for you to keep your stuff. It is of course your own fault for not utilizing these options. You have no one to point the blame but yourself. It's recommended that whether you pk or not, to set up the safety lock just in case you do drop. It's there for a reason, not to look pretty and flashy.

    Edit: Also I find it sad that you're lvl 100 and from the Harshlands server, you should have played this game a lot to KNOW what the safeguards are. Again it's your own fault for dropping your equipment and not implementing the safeguards that pwi made to be put in place.

    Edit #2: I's your friend's fault for loosing your boots. You should tell her to set her safety lock so she doesn't drop any of her equipment, and make her buy you new boots or possibly make new ones. So again, my point still stands, it's not pwi's fault. :|
    New Year, New Server.
  • Kasira - Harshlands
    Kasira - Harshlands Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    You say: "It becomes a drop item much like some equipment is dropped from a mob. Picking that item up isn't stealing no?"

    You don't buy mob drops with your own hard earned cash! That's not even the same thing.

    Please, if you dont understand or haven't read the thread, don't reply. The point is, any product bought using your own cash, should legally be yours until YOU decide otherwise. The game shouldn't have the right to take the things you paid for away and give them to someone else. I'm pretty certain nobody who pays cash to support this game would disagree with that. I bet all the spongers and scroungers, however, would.

    Note: By spongers and scroungers I don't mean those who quite rightly and honestly play for free. I mean those who contribute nothing and get all their stuff by stealing it through PK.
  • fatestayjedi
    fatestayjedi Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Last night my friend, a level 78 cleric, was helping a faction member kill the tortoise outside Archosaur. Without thinking she decided to use tempest to kill it and being aoe it accidentally pked a nearby Psy. She immediately apologised and gave them a level 10 res. No harm done, it was purely an accident and that should have been the end of it. Unfortunately, she was then pked by a level 100 Psy and being pink, she dropped the snow dance boots she was wearing. MY snow dance boots. The ones I was intending to give my veno when she hits 70.

    Thing is, I bought those boots with coins I gained by selling gold. Gold, I spent my hard earned money on. Now they're gone because PWI randomly opted to take them from my friend and give them to someone else. Now, I can't see how this is legally allowed to happen. You can't take products I paid for with my own money and simply decide I can't have them anymore!

    Actually they can...thousands of players each day lose their items they worked hard for,you are no exception.This is a game,this is pvp,if you kill someone you get to take THEIR items,are you saying that you should be able to take and loot other people items but they can't have yours?

    I have absolutely no doubt that if this was the subject in a court of law, no judge in the world would allow PWI to get away with it. Put quite simply, it's theft. It's like buying a CD then having the shop manager steal it back from you before you've left the shop then giving it to someone else.

    In real life you aren't allowed to take someone's things without their permission whether they worked hard for them or got them for free,it's a fact.Again,THIS IS A GAME,what are you talking about law and thefts,it's a game,none of those things matter in virtual world.

    You seriously need to rethink your PVP drop system because if you keep **** over cash shoppers like this you'll lose them. I'm seriously livid about this, I've spent a small fortune on this game and this is the thanks I get? Theft?

    No stupid replies please. I know what the PVP rules are. That's not the point. The point is, is it even legal to take things from players like this? I'm pretty sure it's not and damn certain it shouldn't be. Now instead of having the boots I paid for, some guy who did nothing to earn them is probably selling them in auction. PWI, please stop encouraging these scrawny little thieves and scroungers and start sticking up for the ones who support the game. In my view this episode is thoroughly disgusting.

    While i was reading your post i was going 'wtf is this guy talking about' the whole time.I can't imagine how you and your friend got to lvl 78 if you're saying these things now.If you made this post in order to demand that item back then you should know that PW hold no responsibility about lost items and have no obligation to return them to you.

    I had nothing to do so i took the time to reply to you,even though I'm almost certain that this is another troll attempt on which I'd say is pretty interesting.
  • LadyTsukiyo - Heavens Tear
    LadyTsukiyo - Heavens Tear Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Last night my friend, a level 78 cleric, was helping a faction member kill the tortoise outside Archosaur. Without thinking she decided to use tempest to kill it and being aoe it accidentally pked a nearby Psy. She immediately apologised and gave them a level 10 res. No harm done, it was purely an accident and that should have been the end of it. Unfortunately, she was then pked by a level 100 Psy and being pink, she dropped the snow dance boots she was wearing. MY snow dance boots. The ones I was intending to give my veno when she hits 70.

    Thing is, I bought those boots with coins I gained by selling gold. Gold, I spent my hard earned money on. Now they're gone because PWI randomly opted to take them from my friend and give them to someone else. Now, I can't see how this is legally allowed to happen. You can't take products I paid for with my own money and simply decide I can't have them anymore!

    I have absolutely no doubt that if this was the subject in a court of law, no judge in the world would allow PWI to get away with it. Put quite simply, it's theft. It's like buying a CD then having the shop manager steal it back from you before you've left the shop then giving it to someone else.

    You seriously need to rethink your PVP drop system because if you keep **** over cash shoppers like this you'll lose them. I'm seriously livid about this, I've spent a small fortune on this game and this is the thanks I get? Theft?

    No stupid replies please. I know what the PVP rules are. That's not the point. The point is, is it even legal to take things from players like this? I'm pretty sure it's not and damn certain it shouldn't be. Now instead of having the boots I paid for, some guy who did nothing to earn them is probably selling them in auction. PWI, please stop encouraging these scrawny little thieves and scroungers and start sticking up for the ones who support the game. In my view this episode is thoroughly disgusting.
    You say: "It becomes a drop item much like some equipment is dropped from a mob. Picking that item up isn't stealing no?"

    You don't buy mob drops with your own hard earned cash! That's not even the same thing.

    Please, if you dont understand or haven't read the thread, don't reply. The point is, any product bought using your own cash, should legally be yours until YOU decide otherwise. The game shouldn't have the right to take the things you paid for away and give them to someone else. I'm pretty certain nobody who pays cash to support this game would disagree with that. I bet all the spongers and scroungers, however, would.

    Actually you can since they are common items. And you don't buy Snow Dance Boots from can refine them, however you make them from TT drops which isn't hard.

    I've lost almost every single thing in my inventory when I was reckless on my cleric whenever I pked. Including wings that I bought with my own money. HOWEVER that was my own stupid fault because I didn't set the safety lock for an hour to PREVENT my items from dropping.

    Again instead of whining to pwi, you should be yelling at your friend for being stupid and not setting safety lock or even binding her equipment. Both PREVENT item drops.
    New Year, New Server.
  • Kasira - Harshlands
    Kasira - Harshlands Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    You can't play the game with safety lock on, you ought to know that. And having lost wings that you paid cash for... why aren't you complaining? Being a sycophant to get the GM's onside isn't going to get things changed for the better. Why accept flaws and unacceptable features when you have a forum here to vent your feelings? Nothing is going to change for the better so long as so people keep a stiff upper lip and accept the unacceptable.

    Now I paid cash for my gold, sold the gold and bought those boots. Basically, I used my cash to get those boots. For PWI to then decide to take those boots away without my prior consent is both immoral and probably illegal. It's as simple as that! Would you be so accepting if you bought some chocolate, slipped it in your bag only for a shop assistant to take it out and feed it to her friend? No you'd be livid like I am. Or would you go onto the sweet shops forum and defend it? I dont think so.
  • LadyTsukiyo - Heavens Tear
    LadyTsukiyo - Heavens Tear Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    You can't play the game with safety lock on, you ought to know that. And having lost wings that you paid cash for... why aren't you complaining? Being a sycophant to get the GM's onside isn't going to get things changed for the better. Why accept flaws and unacceptable features when you have a forum here to vent your feelings? Nothing is going to change for the better so long as so people keep a stiff upper lip and accept the unacceptable.

    Now I paid cash for my gold, sold the gold and bought those boots. Basically, I used my cash to get those boots. For PWI to then decide to take those boots away without my prior consent is both immoral and probably illegal. It's as simple as that! Would you be so accepting if you bought some chocolate, slipped it in your bag only for a shop assistant to take it out and feed it to her friend? No you'd be livid like I am. Or would you go onto the sweet shops forum and defend it? I dont think so.
    Um actually you can play with safety lock depending on how long you set it. If you set it for 30 min, you can still kill mobs and farm herbs and hoard items. The more item drops you get, the more money you can potentially get. The more herbs/mats you farm the more pots/armor/weapons you can make. The more pots/armor/weapons you make the more money you get from selling them when safety lock is off. It also gives you the time to do a few quests and actually gain experience. I mean seriously, it's not that hard to do. I've done it countlessly on my archer on harshlands. I actually got close to 1mil just with drops and herbs because the safety lock motivated me to farm more and save items to sell to npc. It's common sense and logic.

    Why whine to the GMs when it's my dumb arsh's fault for dropping the items in the first place? It is up to me whether or not to use the safety lock so I don't loose the items I paid for. It's MY responsibilty in fact to even set safety lock. I had no one else to blame for my OWN RECKLESS actions but myself. Just like you have no one to blame but your friend for being reckless. I know it's so easy to point the finger at pwi because it's their game, however let's be logical, your friend made the clear decision to pk. She made the clear decision to not set safety lock and relog so it would lock. Because of those decisions she dropped the boots you gave her because she got pked. I mean really. :|
    New Year, New Server.
  • fatestayjedi
    fatestayjedi Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    You can't play the game with safety lock on, you ought to know that. And having lost wings that you paid cash for... why aren't you complaining? Being a sycophant to get the GM's onside isn't going to get things changed for the better. Why accept flaws and unacceptable features when you have a forum here to vent your feelings? Nothing is going to change for the better so long as so people keep a stiff upper lip and accept the unacceptable.

    Now I paid cash for my gold, sold the gold and bought those boots. Basically, I used my cash to get those boots. For PWI to then decide to take those boots away without my prior consent is both immoral and probably illegal. It's as simple as that! Would you be so accepting if you bought some chocolate, slipped it in your bag only for a shop assistant to take it out and feed it to her friend? No you'd be livid like I am. Or would you go onto the sweet shops forum and defend it? I dont think so.

    While all the real life examples you gave are true...they don't apply to the game.If you don't want your items to drop put the safety lock on...if you can't play the game with safety lock on then DON'T PLAY ON A PVP SERVER b:angry Make a new char on a PvE server where there are no chance of your items dropping and other player killing.(Of course you can still pvp in PvE servers but then you have to change the safety lock) So just forget about your chars and move onto a PvE server,Okay?
  • LadyTsukiyo - Heavens Tear
    LadyTsukiyo - Heavens Tear Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    While all the real life examples you gave are true...they don't apply to the game.If you don't want your items to drop put the safety lock on...if you can't play the game with safety lock on then DON'T PLAY ON A PVP SERVER b:angry Make a new char on a PvE server where there are no chance of your items dropping and other player killing.(Of course you can still pvp in PvE servers but then you have to change the safety lock) So just forget about your chars and move onto a PvE server,Okay?
    Quoted for truth.
    New Year, New Server.
  • Kasira - Harshlands
    Kasira - Harshlands Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Right, so you both established that it's preventable and doesn't happen on a PvE server. Now how about addressing the question you decided to reply to? Is it legal? Only taking stuff without consent is theft where I come from. On second thoughts don't bother replying, you clearly both work for PWI. That being the case, make characters transferable across servers and I'll be on Dreamweaver before nightfall.
  • Vodka_Shot - Harshlands
    Vodka_Shot - Harshlands Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I can see things form both side of the story here. Yes it was the clerics fault for becoming rednamed, and the reponsibilty solely lies with her for the loss of the boots. However, surely a system should be implemented that prevents items that are loaned to other players form being dropped when being pvp'ed. This would surely prevent further incidents like this.
  • fatestayjedi
    fatestayjedi Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Right, so you both established that it's preventable and doesn't happen on a PvE server. Now how about addressing the question you decided to reply to? Is it legal? Only taking stuff without consent is theft where I come from. On second thoughts don't bother replying, you clearly both work for PWI. That being the case, make characters transferable across servers and I'll be on Dreamweaver before nightfall.

    Yes,we both work for PWi and now that you've exposed us and our conspiracy your account and IP will be banned.
  • Jelly_Tot - Harshlands
    Jelly_Tot - Harshlands Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    While all the real life examples you gave are true...they don't apply to the game.If you don't want your items to drop put the safety lock on...if you can't play the game with safety lock on then DON'T PLAY ON A PVP SERVER b:angry Make a new char on a PvE server where there are no chance of your items dropping and other player killing.(Of course you can still pvp in PvE servers but then you have to change the safety lock) So just forget about your chars and move onto a PvE server,Okay?

    You obviously didnt read a word she was writing did you? And it was her friend who dropped the boots and not her. And if you look, shes a lvl 100 on this server, so I think she can handle things quite well. So just think about what your going to say before you say it, and actually READ what is being said. KTHNXBAI
  • LadyTsukiyo - Heavens Tear
    LadyTsukiyo - Heavens Tear Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I can see things form both side of the story here. Yes it was the clerics fault for becoming rednamed, and the reponsibilty solely lies with her for the loss of the boots. However, surely a system should be implemented that prevents items that are loaned to other players form being dropped when being pvp'ed. This would surely prevent further incidents like this.

    Well that's thing...pwi isn't held liable for items being lent out to other players by other players. It's your own responsibility for what you lend out to other players. So the right course of action would be for her friend to make the boots and hand them back to her, since it's her fault for losing them in the first place. Or even buying them in Auction House.
    New Year, New Server.
  • LadyTsukiyo - Heavens Tear
    LadyTsukiyo - Heavens Tear Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    You obviously didnt read a word she was writing did you? And it was her friend who dropped the boots and not her. And if you look, shes a lvl 100 on this server, so I think she can handle things quite well. So just think about what your going to say before you say it, and actually READ what is being said. KTHNXBAI
    Well clearly she doesn't if she's blaming pwi for her friend's own stupid actions.
    New Year, New Server.
  • LadyTsukiyo - Heavens Tear
    LadyTsukiyo - Heavens Tear Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Right, so you both established that it's preventable and doesn't happen on a PvE server. Now how about addressing the question you decided to reply to? Is it legal? Only taking stuff without consent is theft where I come from. On second thoughts don't bother replying, you clearly both work for PWI. That being the case, make characters transferable across servers and I'll be on Dreamweaver before nightfall.

    Lol are you serious?

    I've been playing perfect world international for the past year or two. I've pked and been pked and dropped almost every single item in my inventory and equipment minus some fashion. I understood the risks of pking when I started pking, even when I first joined up on the server knowing it's a player versus player server.
    New Year, New Server.
  • Kiyoshi - Heavens Tear
    Kiyoshi - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,385 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    If you (OP) would have been less of an idiot and read the ToS that you should have read before you install and play the game. You would have realized that PWI retain all rights and ownership to your character along with any and all items related and/or linked to your character/account regardless of any involvement of real cash purchasing or charging. In order for you to play, you would already have signed and agreed to such terms as to disinherit any legal ownership of any PWI items.
    1. If I kill you; do something about it yourself, don't go complaining to my wife.
    2. If you have less kill counts then me, don't expect me to take pk advice from you.
    3. If you are hiding behind an alt, don't expect me to acknowledge your existence.

    Tokichiro - Heavy Armor Fish / Kiyoshi - Dual Blade Elf
  • Kasira - Harshlands
    Kasira - Harshlands Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Well, to be honest, in my opinion, if you're okay with spending your wages on things and letting somebody steal them then you're a bit foolish. Personally, I find theft indefensible. And that's what PvP drops are. Theft! PWI randomly deciding to take things from you without your consent. Its the very definition of stealing. And that's the point I was making. I wasn't asking for a refund or anything like that. Just making the simple point that it's theft and therefore an unacceptable practice. Why you'd claim it isn't is simply baffling to me.
  • LadyTsukiyo - Heavens Tear
    LadyTsukiyo - Heavens Tear Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Well, to be honest, in my opinion, if you're okay with spending your wages on things and letting somebody steal them then you're a bit foolish. Personally, I find theft indefensible. And that's what PvP drops are. Theft! PWI randomly deciding to take things from you without your consent. Its the very definition of stealing. And that's the point I was making. I wasn't asking for a refund or anything like that. Just making the simple point that it's theft and therefore an unacceptable practice. Why you'd claim it isn't is simply baffling to me.

    It's not letting them take them. I just said in my first post that you can, or rather your friend can ask for your boots back. The person who took them can, and most times give them back to you/her. All you have to do, or rather all your friend has to do is nicely ask them back. And for you to remind your friend that anytime she pks she needs to use the safety lock.
    New Year, New Server.
  • Kasira - Harshlands
    Kasira - Harshlands Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    If you (OP) would have been less of an idiot and read the ToS that you should have read before you install and play the game. You would have realized that PWI retain all rights and ownership to your character along with any and all items related and/or linked to your character/account regardless of any involvement of real cash purchasing or charging. In order for you to play, you would already have signed and agreed to such terms as to disinherit any legal ownership of any PWI items.

    Right, insult aside (not sure why you had to add that, low self esteem?), thank you for finally answering my question. Yes it is legal. Still, it IS immoral. PWI have found a way to take back anything you buy from them and make it perfectly legal. Well, I work too hard for my money to spend any more on things I'm not even allowed to own. In future I'll be "less of an idiot" and spend my cash on things I can keep.

    Thanks for clearing that up.
  • BarbEQ - Dreamweaver
    BarbEQ - Dreamweaver Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    you can't steal what you already own. PWE (not I PWI=game PWE = company) own all content in the game, wether "purchased" with ingame coin, real dollars, pesos or far-off gebrovian pigmy beans.

    When you buy something from the boutique you are not buying it in the real world sense of the world, you are purchasing the right to use said item in the game environment WHILE you have the item. If you sell or drop the item either deliberately or by participating in PVP then you no longer have the item and have no rights to use it.

    You made a decision to PK. You pay the consequences. If you are lending out items to friends who PK, you should tell them to be careful not to lose them if you want them back, advising as others above have how they can prevent loss of YOUR items. ultimately the responsibility is yours not PWE.

    Yes it sucks your friend lost your items in PK, but unfortunately the dispute is between you, your friend and the person who PK'd her. no one else. certainly not PWE.
  • LadyTsukiyo - Heavens Tear
    LadyTsukiyo - Heavens Tear Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Right, insult aside (not sure why you had to add that, low self esteem?), thank you for finally answering my question. Yes it is legal. Still, it IS immoral. PWI have found a way to take back anything you buy from them and make it perfectly legal. Well, I work too hard for my money to spend any more on things I'm not even allowed to own. In future I'll be "less of an idiot" and spend my cash on things I can keep.

    Thanks for clearing that up.
    You know what else is immoral? Killing people. Yeah that's right I said it. If you think people taking DROPS that FELL on the ground is immoral, then you should be yelling at your friend for pking someone because killing is ALSO immoral. You really have a very messed up sense of ethics.

    Re-roll on a pve server, plox.
    New Year, New Server.
  • LadyTsukiyo - Heavens Tear
    LadyTsukiyo - Heavens Tear Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    you can't steal what you already own. PWE (not I PWI=game PWE = company) own all content in the game, wether "purchased" with ingame coin, real dollars, pesos or far-off gebrovian pigmy beans.

    When you buy something from the boutique you are not buying it in the real word sense of the world, you are purchasing the right to use said item in the game environment WHILE you have the item. If you sell or drop the item either deliberately or by participating in PVP then you no longer have the item and have no rights to use it.

    You made a decision to PK. You pay the consequences. If you are lending out items to friends who PK, you should tell them to be careful not to lose them if you want them back, advising as others above have how they can prevent loss of YOUR items. ultimately the responsibility is yours not PWE.

    Yes it sucks your friend lost your items in PK, but unfortunately the dispute is between you, your friend and the person who PK'd her. no one else. certainly not PWE.
    Also quoted for truth.
    New Year, New Server.
  • Kasira - Harshlands
    Kasira - Harshlands Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    If you'd bothered to read the original post you'd have noticed she wasn't pking. She went pink by accidentally catching a low level in the aoe she cast on a boss. It was an accident. And FYI, I never PK either. I hate Pker's, never done it, never will. So don't try and give me a lecture on ethics and morals, who the hell are you to do that? Comment on what you read, not what you assume on your quest to have an argument with anyone willing to entertain you. Unbelievable.
  • LadyTsukiyo - Heavens Tear
    LadyTsukiyo - Heavens Tear Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    If you'd bothered to read the original post you'd have noticed she wasn't pking. She went pink by accidentally catching a low level in the aoe she cast on a boss. It was an accident. And FYI, I never PK either. I hate Pker's, never done it, never will. So don't try and give me a lecture on ethics and morals, who the hell are you to do that? Comment on what you read, not what you assume on your quest to have an argument with anyone willing to entertain you. Unbelievable.

    Accident or not, you still set your safety lock JUST IN CASE YOU DROP ITEMS THUS WHY IT'S A SAFEGUARD! It's hard to believe that you're lvl 100. Did you oracle your way to lvl 100?
    New Year, New Server.
  • BarbEQ - Dreamweaver
    BarbEQ - Dreamweaver Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    only person i saw lecturing on ethics and morals is you deary. the post after mine was simply a response to your attitude.

    the rest of us are trying to explain the mechanics - if you are on a pvp server you always have a chance of dropping items - the chance goes up more as your color darkens but white names can drop items too. If you are on a pve server and choose to pvp then same applies.
  • ThanosQRt - Dreamweaver
    ThanosQRt - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,457 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    two words: online casinos

    next time read the tos, read the game rules before spending $$
    what's next, claiming that you cant loose in poker cause you invested real money? lol.

    your "logic" is flawed and if u continue claiming that is not legal it just makes u look stupid.

  • Xxdistance - Heavens Tear
    Xxdistance - Heavens Tear Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Note: By spongers and scroungers I don't mean those who quite rightly and honestly play for free. I mean those who contribute nothing and get all their stuff by stealing it through PK.
    I highly doubt people kill rednames thinking "i'm going to get all his gear and use it for myself!" seeing as you have to:
    A.) Have good/great gear in the first place to be able to PK successfully.
    B.) Most rednames are smart enough to use Safety Lock or Dolls.
    In the off chance you do get a good armour drop from the redname, good for you- you won it. It's how the system works. Everyone is aware of it. You and your friend are no exception to it.

    Second off, how crazy are you? PWI is NOT responsible for dropped items. It's called karma. If you decide to go red, you have the ability to drop items. She should have bolted to SZ or put SL on and relogged. Not PWI's fault. As for her accidentally attacking the person, she has the option to put protections on to prevent that sort of thing. Again, not PWI's fault- it was your friend's. The idea of you thinking it's "theft" and should be taken into "legal matters" or what have you is just plain crazy. You can easily just charge more gold and BAM! new boots. My god, it's only a game and pixels b:bye
    " you gave up the fight; you left me behind . "

    credit for the picture goes to Susylu, of course. b:cute
  • /VEO - Harshlands
    /VEO - Harshlands Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    i understand your mad but....theres no accidently pking the only way i know to pk is to hold ctrl the question is why was your friend holding ctrl while killing a low (lvl 23 if i remember)boss....and if this is the only way to pk you should be asking her why she held ctrl and make her pay you back
  • LadyTsukiyo - Heavens Tear
    LadyTsukiyo - Heavens Tear Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    i understand your mad but....theres no accidently pking the only way i know to pk is to hold ctrl the question is why was your friend holding ctrl while killing a low (lvl 23 if i remember)boss....and if this is the only way to pk you should be asking her why she held ctrl and make her pay you back

    Actually that's only if you have the green shield enabled. If you have the red swords then you don't need to hold down ctrl.
    New Year, New Server.
  • TesterLife - Archosaur
    TesterLife - Archosaur Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Last night my friend, a level 78 cleric, was helping a faction member kill the tortoise outside Archosaur. Without thinking she decided to use tempest to kill it and being aoe it accidentally pked a nearby Psy. She immediately apologised and gave them a level 10 res. No harm done, it was purely an accident and that should have been the end of it. Unfortunately, she was then pked by a level 100 Psy and being pink, she dropped the snow dance boots she was wearing. MY snow dance boots. The ones I was intending to give my veno when she hits 70.

    Thing is, I bought those boots with coins I gained by selling gold. Gold, I spent my hard earned money on. Now they're gone because PWI randomly opted to take them from my friend and give them to someone else. Now, I can't see how this is legally allowed to happen. You can't take products I paid for with my own money and simply decide I can't have them anymore!

    I have absolutely no doubt that if this was the subject in a court of law, no judge in the world would allow PWI to get away with it. Put quite simply, it's theft. It's like buying a CD then having the shop manager steal it back from you before you've left the shop then giving it to someone else.

    You seriously need to rethink your PVP drop system because if you keep **** over cash shoppers like this you'll lose them. I'm seriously livid about this, I've spent a small fortune on this game and this is the thanks I get? Theft?

    No stupid replies please. I know what the PVP rules are. That's not the point. The point is, is it even legal to take things from players like this? I'm pretty sure it's not and damn certain it shouldn't be. Now instead of having the boots I paid for, some guy who did nothing to earn them is probably selling them in auction. PWI, please stop encouraging these scrawny little thieves and scroungers and start sticking up for the ones who support the game. In my view this episode is thoroughly disgusting.

    Don't like using this troll response but;


    Seriously, READ THE ****ING PvP SYSTEM RULES. God damn, ignorant mother****er.

    If you took this to court, you wanna know what the judge would say?
This discussion has been closed.