Question For Nurfed.

MindCrime - Harshlands
MindCrime - Harshlands Posts: 544 Arc User
edited January 2011 in Dawnglory (EU)
What are your plans when Zulu 'takes over the map'?

(My questions are based on my being told there is no alliance between Zulu and Crimson, which I will assume is true at this time).

Will you disband Zulu and give HL a breath of fresh air as it deserves?

Or will you keep control of the map and let HL finally die? (Assuming the GMs don't actually get off their bums and reset the map).
Post edited by MindCrime - Harshlands on


  • NiaJade - Harshlands
    NiaJade - Harshlands Posts: 303 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    What are your plans when Zulu 'takes over the map'?

    (My questions are based on my being told there is no alliance between Zulu and Crimson, which I will assume is true at this time).

    Will you disband Zulu and give HL a breath of fresh air as it deserves?

    Or will you keep control of the map and let HL finally die? (Assuming the GMs don't actually get off their bums and reset the map).

    I know this is not aimed at me, and I am not pro-any guild but the one I am currently in.

    But honestly.... in all things, people need to battle for what it is they want. And they can sit and QQ about how life is not fair, finding comfort in others that feel the same, and sit home on a Fri night popping beers till they fall of their chairs.

    Or - they can realize that no one is gonna sweep in, make things easy for you and if you want it, then you need to want it bad enough to DO something about it.

    In my experience, big guilds on the server, never have alliances. They have mutual understandings, but they never need the alliance of another legion/guild.

    Some say, oh Kylin lost all their land or this guild or that guild was wiped from the map. Why feel pity for them? I prefer to stand back - and ask them if they want to sit by me on the sidelines and watch the PWI World flow by day-to-day -- or get their ars up off the ground, and get back in there and have another go at it.

    Yeah, long ago I used to QQ about being rpked, till one day I rage quit, crying on the forum and whining to my friends. Then, I was like WTF - what AM I doing? And went, talked to the real pros (humbly), and realized I really had no.. clue. I learned, armor'ed up, worked hard and eventually learned how to hold my own with a fair amount of rpkers.

    Please remember one thing about MMORPGS, and that is there is a cycle to all things. New players one day are noobs, but cycle up - if they stay in the game long enough. Eventually they move up to mid-high level and one day take their place as the higher known players, and the older players cycle out of the game, either bored or rage-quit, and eventually are just a memory.

    Well.. that's my 2-cents. I see where you are coming from.... but no things worth having, are easy to come by.
  • MindCrime - Harshlands
    MindCrime - Harshlands Posts: 544 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I don't feel sorry for Kylin at all.

    They held territory continuously on the map longer than any other guild. They had a good admirable run on this server. Props to them and especially XuLin. <3

    I'm asking the same questions that I asked of RayVer when it was thought that KD would take the map many moons ago.

    Nurfed doesn't have to answer, but a response would be appreciated by most, I'm sure.
  • Eoria - Harshlands
    Eoria - Harshlands Posts: 6,118 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I'd personally like to see them hold the map as long as possible. Always fun to see if some guild can finally manage to beat whoever has the entire map.

    "subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
    I <3 Subtraction.
    /blatant sig copy is blatant

    105/105/105 obtained! b:cute
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    After we take over the map, Nurfed will transfer lead to me, I'll rename us "TunnelSnakes" and then we'll RULE! b:cool
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Hhlolz - Harshlands
    Hhlolz - Harshlands Posts: 574 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Crimson leader (still Fury?) will probably suck balls for an alliance..............again
    I don't need a Squad
    Level a Venomancer to 90.
    Aug 12, 2009
  • VenomousEmo - Harshlands
    VenomousEmo - Harshlands Posts: 860 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Crimson leader (still Fury?) will probably suck balls for an alliance..............again
    And who are you Ms.Non-Factor?

    And incase you didn't notice, this was a question for Zulu/ Nurfed specifically, not Crimson dumbass.
  • XShadowx - Harshlands
    XShadowx - Harshlands Posts: 259 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Who the hell is Zulu and Crimson b:question
  • NiaJade - Harshlands
    NiaJade - Harshlands Posts: 303 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Who the hell is Zulu and Crimson b:question

    Two legions with uber-cool guild icons...

    I used to like LLmamas till it went neon-green :/
  • Crescendia - Harshlands
    Crescendia - Harshlands Posts: 805 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    gonna be fun as hell LOL
    Originally Posted by Curses - Harshlands

    Sidenote: hilarious name for a boat: "Yeah Buoy".

  • Woneo - Harshlands
    Woneo - Harshlands Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    And who are you Ms.Non-Factor?

    And incase you didn't notice, this was a question for Zulu/ Nurfed specifically, not Crimson dumbass.

  • Bloop - Harshlands
    Bloop - Harshlands Posts: 490 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I think it's a little too early to be asking this question. The question here is: Has Crimson been practicing? Can they set up a proper TW roster? Have they been farming apothecary pots? And can they control Banzzok from just doing whatever he wants?
    60 / 250.
  • Ajani - Harshlands
    Ajani - Harshlands Posts: 1,170 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I heard Crimson swallows.. that is all.
    PVP: 3800 kills in the name of KD lawl
    Retired as of 18/11/09
    Back as of 22/11/10
    Archer retired as of 26/12/10
  • MindCrime - Harshlands
    MindCrime - Harshlands Posts: 544 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I heard this thread needs to stay on topic.

    I also heard today that Nurfed doesn't even play PWI much anymore (only for TW). If that is truly the case, then who is 'acting' leader of Zulu? Bloop?
  • Woneo - Harshlands
    Woneo - Harshlands Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I think it's a little too early to be asking this question. The question here is: Has Crimson been practicing? Can they set up a proper TW roster? Have they been farming apothecary pots? And can they control Banzzok from just doing whatever he wants?

    Practicing? Look at our last months of tw...
    Other then that I'd say a yeah. I don't know if it is going to be a faceroll, but I don't really care. it'll be fun, and thats all im concerned about
  • Noc - Harshlands
    Noc - Harshlands Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Practicing? Look at our last months of tw...
    Other then that I'd say a yeah. I don't know if it is going to be a faceroll, but I don't really care. it'll be fun, and thats all im concerned about

    This is what people accustomed to losing there whole life say.
  • Bloop - Harshlands
    Bloop - Harshlands Posts: 490 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    It's true, Nurfed logs on to bid and maybeee if he has time for TW. The acting leaders are still the same people as usual.
    60 / 250.
  • Woneo - Harshlands
    Woneo - Harshlands Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Yeah, it's like that for most leaders these days I'd say, epic.
    And Noc, winning at an aspect of a MMORPG that I just spend money and time on, with nothing in return is really not high on my priorities.
    Anywho, looking forward to it guys. :)

    AFK leaders, ftw.
  • Noc - Harshlands
    Noc - Harshlands Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Yeah, it's like that for most leaders these days I'd say, epic.
    And Noc, winning at an aspect of a MMORPG that I just spend money and time on, with nothing in return is really not high on my priorities.
    Anywho, looking forward to it guys. :)

    AFK leaders, ftw.

    Ahh , since you arent going to say anything I'll do it for you.

    Crimson gonna smash on deez Zulu ****'s. Do these Zulu pheasants actually think they stand a chance against the mighty Crimson.

    Let's Gooooooooooooooooooo!
  • RigaMortiZ - Harshlands
    RigaMortiZ - Harshlands Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    its hard to determine what us Zulu are gonna do...and if crimson think they can stop us count there blessings...we have been bulding up an untold wrath to unleash on them they never bid except one time then they learned not to do it again reset the map PVE tw's would be ppl compain oh zulu this oh zulu that.....damm crybabies....KY did have a good run and like it all boils down to is who has the ballz to have a decent TW with us Mayhem we tortured there charms when they bid on us(notice they havent bid since) wodan all tehy wanna do is run around pk crimson and ky do a good job at pvp battles but when number get even and cordination is established Zulu comes out on not too active anymore i do my thing and go on and WANT A FACKING DECENT TW...crimson think you can do that you got alot of ex KY with experience but can you handle the upcoming onslaught of the Zulu Nation...prove me wrong and do it we are predicting 30 min tw prove me wrong PLEASE
  • Okopogo - Harshlands
    Okopogo - Harshlands Posts: 751 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Ive been waiting for a good TW forever.

    Whatever happens from here, I sincerely wish luck to Crimson in the future, as well as Zulu.

    Lets do dis shet nikkuhs.
  • HappysHAIL - Harshlands
    HappysHAIL - Harshlands Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Which outcome has the higher likely hood of a merger with LC?

    Thats the one I want.

    WTB a not dead server. Thanks in advance.
  • Born_Free - Harshlands
    Born_Free - Harshlands Posts: 977 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I used to like LLmamas till it went neon-green :/

    And liked them before they became level happy D-bags! (Would you believe me if I told you a year ago they recruited 30+? Now they turn up their snooty noses to anything not wearing decent TT. Oh, the irony!)

    In all seriousness though, I honestly hope Crimson gets out there and gives Zulu a good fight. They're a good faction, a very strong faction, and everybody knows it. I'm hoping that even if they loose, they continue to keep growing (AND LOWER THE GOD DAMNED RECRUITING RATE, do you have any idea how frustrating it was when I finally got to 7x and heard you bumped to 9?! So much QQ on that day....)
    I hope they also get some decent footage.....I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one itching to see a good fight!

    Let's have a good, fair, clean match.... >.> really.

  • Eoria - Harshlands
    Eoria - Harshlands Posts: 6,118 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    (AND LOWER THE GOD DAMNED RECRUITING RATE, do you have any idea how frustrating it was when I finally got to 7x and heard you bumped to 9?! So much QQ on that day....)

    Why should they lower the recruit level? They're a TW guild. They own land. Most people doing TW are 9x. A 7x would just die in one hit to some archer's barrage.

    They could set up an alt guild, but dunno how feasible that would be.

    "subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
    I <3 Subtraction.
    /blatant sig copy is blatant

    105/105/105 obtained! b:cute
  • MindCrime - Harshlands
    MindCrime - Harshlands Posts: 544 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    you ppl compain oh zulu this oh zulu that.....damm crybabies....

    That is pretty funny coming from you.

    Crying about Zulu is about all you did while in KY. Oh wait, you cried about Crimson too. Excuse me.

    Grats on your hypocritical status.
  • MindCrime - Harshlands
    MindCrime - Harshlands Posts: 544 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Which outcome has the higher likely hood of a merger with LC?

    Thats the one I want.

    WTB a not dead server. Thanks in advance.

    Not gonna happen Mr. Happypants.

    My prediction is a new server with the expansion and that obviously means thinning out the current servers even more.
  • Crescendia - Harshlands
    Crescendia - Harshlands Posts: 805 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I think if we last 30 minutes it will be a miracle ROFL. It's not like we practice TW with all the **** that bids on us lol
    Originally Posted by Curses - Harshlands

    Sidenote: hilarious name for a boat: "Yeah Buoy".

  • NiaJade - Harshlands
    NiaJade - Harshlands Posts: 303 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Why should they lower the recruit level? They're a TW guild. They own land. Most people doing TW are 9x. A 7x would just die in one hit to some archer's barrage.

    They could set up an alt guild, but dunno how feasible that would be.

    Too true... been there.. done that.. died over.. and over.. and over....

    It is one thing to allow lower levels into TW to experience TW, to get a taste for it, learn and get used to how it all plays out. But it is another thing to allow lower levels to TW, when it is the real deal and dead serious.

    And before anyone disagrees, live in a larger guild for a few years, where you are TW-KOS with another large guild and they do and will kill you on sight. This is one of the main reasons lower levels do not belong in the larger guilds. It is kind of for their own good and peace of mind.

    And during serious TW it really is best to save the slots for those best geared and able to surive the constant onslaught. This way, no blame can be had .... where there is a loss...

    Truth is - everyone MUST pull their weight in TW. It is only practical to pair up squads so each pulls their own weight. You cannot have 5 protecting 1 because they are lower. It is a hard truth but it is war after all..
  • Hhlolz - Harshlands
    Hhlolz - Harshlands Posts: 574 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    And who are you Ms.Non-Factor?

    And incase you didn't notice, this was a question for Zulu/ Nurfed specifically, not Crimson dumbass.

    why such hatred nowadays :(
    i know it was for Nurfed but crimson leader will give head to make an alliance...which means no attacking crimson for Nurfed, if u understand.......

    No underscores thoughb:scorn
    I don't need a Squad
    Level a Venomancer to 90.
    Aug 12, 2009
  • Crescendia - Harshlands
    Crescendia - Harshlands Posts: 805 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Where do people come off that we made an alliance? How can u be allied and still attack them outside safezone? I'm baffled..
    Originally Posted by Curses - Harshlands

    Sidenote: hilarious name for a boat: "Yeah Buoy".

  • Hhlolz - Harshlands
    Hhlolz - Harshlands Posts: 574 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    The same thing that happened long time ago, the great kingdom and crimson alliance.
    I don't need a Squad
    Level a Venomancer to 90.
    Aug 12, 2009
This discussion has been closed.