[ Winter Beauty Contest: 2010 ]



  • Trueazaril - Lost City
    Trueazaril - Lost City Posts: 179 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    well good luck to everyone. whether it turns out fair or not idk. and ty to tres for settin up everything i think u did a great job organizing the whole thing. i do recognize some of the faces since ive been on forums and stuff and i didnt let that affect my vote at all. hopefully the ppl that do regognize some faces will do the same.
  • Dorset - Heavens Tear
    Dorset - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,690 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    xd well i think tres has done a great job personally xd im enjoying teh competition althgouh admitadly....some of the popular ones to vote for are quite.....surprising? lol
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] <sig by me

    yup guys imma back!

    I LOVE making sigs. go to Fanatics section "Dorset's Thread of Interesting Things". u request ill create!
    b:shyI LOVE MY HUBBY my best friend HeartandSoulb:heart
  • TresBelle - Raging Tide
    TresBelle - Raging Tide Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I still rather regret making it an anonymous poll...:( sorry guys and gals.

    While some people probably have asked their friends to vote for them, who am I to tell them no? I can't keep up with who is linked to who and stuff y'know? I can't also stop them from voting either since it's a free poll to anyone.

    As to the faces that are easily recognized, there's not much I can do about that either since I didn't make it a rule that anyone entering has to create a completely new and original character that is set aside from presets and their own characters. x_x Golly, that would be hell to try to verify all the entries to make sure it meets all that stuff.

    ;-; I can't please everyone at the same time and for that I am sorry.
  • Dorset - Heavens Tear
    Dorset - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,690 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    naw you doing good actually xd but i think maybe your idea would be cool for next time? for peopel to create a completly new char *smiles* the only way you could TRY and verify that would be to ...in the screenshot of the char we send to you wth teh ui...to have the stats open showing its a completly new char. i know theres flaws in that but id LOVE to entr a competition like tha. you knw a competition for character modification would be uber fun i love modifying chars. i thin you doing a great job so far Tres dw its going pretty well xd you never gonna make EVRYONE happy and some people are going to be various degrees of honest about it (some people will ask their entire fac to vote whereas some will not mention it and leave it to forums) thats their prerogative if they feel they need their friends votes to win then surely if they DO win their victory means less :)
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] <sig by me

    yup guys imma back!

    I LOVE making sigs. go to Fanatics section "Dorset's Thread of Interesting Things". u request ill create!
    b:shyI LOVE MY HUBBY my best friend HeartandSoulb:heart
  • Trueazaril - Lost City
    Trueazaril - Lost City Posts: 179 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    im actually not that surprised to see whos winning in at least 3 out of the 4..i myself voted for most of the ones winning i think they look good whether there more like presets or not idk if so maybe thats cuter to me. im actually not gettin y when cetain ppl start movin up in the poll ppl assume they must b cheatin in some form or another..or y some ppl feel the need to say they dont deserve to b winning. i myself am losing atm also wont say on which poll, but if someone else wins so be it.. i myself will still love my toon..and everyone has a different opinion of wht there lookin for. so i just dont get y everyone thinks they would know who would get votes and who wouldnt...like i said b4 gl to everyone
  • Susylu - Heavens Tear
    Susylu - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,786 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    im actually not that surprised to see whos winning in at least 3 out of the 4..i myself voted for most of the ones winning i think they look good whether there more like presets or not idk if so maybe thats cuter to me. im actually not gettin y when cetain ppl start movin up in the poll ppl assume they must b cheatin in some form or another..or y some ppl feel the need to say they dont deserve to b winning. i myself am losing atm also wont say on which poll, but if someone else wins so be it.. i myself will still love my toon..and everyone has a different opinion of wht there lookin for. so i just dont get y everyone thinks they would know who would get votes and who wouldnt...like i said b4 gl to everyone

    There's only one poll where who I voted for it winning b:laugh I guess it really is a difference in tastes in the overall general forums. Also it's not really the fact that certain toons which I don't find particularly attractive winning, but the sheer number difference in the polls that I find a reason to be bias on thinking that some are definitely just voting just for their friends. I'm not guilt free of that; I asked my hubby and sister to come vote and they voted for me - hubby probably cause he had to but my sister does have the same tastes as me so she said she liked mine best. They also voted in the other polls they saw fit.

    There is nothing wrong with that either; most friends do vote for their friend's character probably because as friends they probably like similar character designs/are use to seeing them and are comfortable with it/ etc. Just wish they had gone and voted in the other polls.

    I'd just like for it to be open votes just to see who else voted for me you know? I'm not winning by any means as far as the polls are atm but I'd like to see and thank the ones that also like my character.
  • Kipitei - Raging Tide
    Kipitei - Raging Tide Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    im actually not gettin y when cetain ppl start movin up in the poll ppl assume they must b cheatin in some form or another..or y some ppl feel the need to say they dont deserve to b winning.

    Its kind of weird that something that you look at the first time and just shrug at has 1vote, and then suddenly 20ish and stays there... And as susy mentioned some polls have way more votes than others. If someone wants to vote why would they only vote on a certain one? It makes no sense unless they are voting for someone they know and dont care about the competition.

    And about not "deserving" it, well thats not entirely a matter of taste. It doesnt take a genious to figure out that some of the entries are really close to the presets, you can find this by messing out in the character creation. And even if the casual random person likes that, it doesn't feel fair that someone is winning with something they didn't really do themselves. (except change hair colour etc.)

    The rest is of course just natural preference. I've also realized things like Americans tend to love latino looking people(something i personally don't find esthetical), while here in scandinavia we prefer natural blondes and so on : D And I personally really like people with asian characteristics.
    Perfect noob
  • Susylu - Heavens Tear
    Susylu - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,786 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I still rather regret making it an anonymous poll...:( sorry guys and gals.

    ;-; I can't please everyone at the same time and for that I am sorry.

    It's really not your fault at all please don't feel bad xD It might not be bad to have the final round of voting be open voting so we can see who voted for who though, but it's up to you. Some might prefer not to vote at all if that were the case so.
    completly new char *smiles* the only way you could TRY and verify that would be to ...in the screenshot of the char we send to you wth teh ui...to have the stats open showing its a completly new char. i know theres flaws in that but id LOVE to entr a competition like tha. you knw a competition for character modification would be uber fun i love modifying chars.

    Actually, I'd love to host a competition like that and willing to hand out prizes once the new classes are out. It doesn't seem like the forums are particularly active now a days tho.
  • Bella - Harshlands
    Bella - Harshlands Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    edit: sorry nvm
  • Jenaga - Heavens Tear
    Jenaga - Heavens Tear Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I think a safe assumption could be that some people may not see anything that appeals to them in some of the polls and therefor choose not to cast a vote in those particular brackets and only cast votes in the ones where they see something they like.
  • TresBelle - Raging Tide
    TresBelle - Raging Tide Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    It's really not your fault at all please don't feel bad xD It might not be bad to have the final round of voting be open voting so we can see who voted for who though, but it's up to you. Some might prefer not to vote at all if that were the case so.

    Hm. I think I will do just that. Especially since it will be fewer checks I will have to do with less entries (at least, I would think), it shouldn't be a problem to check and see if the last 4 standing have false votes or whatever. xD Sorry I'm so lazy, everyone.
  • Susylu - Heavens Tear
    Susylu - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,786 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I think a safe assumption could be that some people may not see anything that appeals to them in some of the polls and therefor choose not to cast a vote in those particular brackets and only cast votes in the ones where they see something they like.

    I made that assumption too, then realized that's pretty insulting to the people in the other polls b:surrender Also it seems highly unlikely that over 40 people would choose to vote in one particular poll but not the others doesn't it?

    Also, not entirely sure how forums counts the "views" but some threads got more views than the others, so no, it's not merely not choosing to vote for one because they dont like any they see, they simply didn't look at the other threads.

    Either way I don't think it matters xD I'm rooting for number 7, 18, and 24 in particular. b:chuckle They just fit my style more than any of the others.
    Hm. I think I will do just that. Especially since it will be fewer checks I will have to do with less entries (at least, I would think), it shouldn't be a problem to check and see if the last 4 standing have false votes or whatever. xD Sorry I'm so lazy, everyone.

    You dont have to if you dont want to b:laugh The winner will be the winner and that is all. b:chuckle
  • Lightening - Dreamweaver
    Lightening - Dreamweaver Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Got tired of seeing my name over on the forums b:laugh

    Polls are closed! Grats to the winners of this round
  • ruffian7
    ruffian7 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Tres, good job for hosting this contest. It is not the end, but still, you need to be thanked:)

    I took the freedom to comment on each thread since the polls got closed. None is supposed to offend/insult anyone. This is just my opinion/constructive criticism.

    Good luck all!
  • Othili - Heavens Tear
    Othili - Heavens Tear Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Thanks Tres for the contest and grats to the winners ( ill get em next timeb:cry)
  • Dorset - Heavens Tear
    Dorset - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,690 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    yeah it was good fun thanks tres u did a good job. xd and TY to everyone who Voted for my char and hubby's its great to know that people appreciate the effort xd
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] <sig by me

    yup guys imma back!

    I LOVE making sigs. go to Fanatics section "Dorset's Thread of Interesting Things". u request ill create!
    b:shyI LOVE MY HUBBY my best friend HeartandSoulb:heart
  • Jellytoast - Sanctuary
    Jellytoast - Sanctuary Posts: 1,295 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I was close, haha. b:cute But I'm glad it actually followed through to the end.
    jellytoast - Demon Cleric
    Wizzypop - Demon Wizard

    "We cannot solve our problems with the same
    thinking we used when we created them." -Albert Einstein
  • KuiXing - Harshlands
    KuiXing - Harshlands Posts: 1,084 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Yay im glad we finally had one seen thro to the very end, im kinda... surprised.... are who won tho. The ppl i voted for got less votes then i thought they would get but i guess everyone has their own tastes :3
    I have the best mom ever, she brought me drugs and fruit juice - Reavღ
    Challenge accepted I'm going to go blow up the sun - FanFon
    Those crabs are like the Energizer Bunny, they just keep going and going and going... - Wildsblade
  • /Kaena - Heavens Tear8
    /Kaena - Heavens Tear8 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    ruffian7 wrote: »
    Tres, good job for hosting this contest. It is not the end, but still, you need to be thanked:)

    I took the freedom to comment on each thread since the polls got closed. None is supposed to offend/insult anyone. This is just my opinion/constructive criticism.

    Good luck all!

    I really enjoyed reading your criticisms and actually agreed with quite a few of your observations.

    Perhaps also it may be a good idea to have the rule of no cash shop hair allowed in final round?
    Let's see what these characters REALLY look like. b:chuckle
  • Susylu - Heavens Tear
    Susylu - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,786 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Yay im glad we finally had one seen thro to the very end, im kinda... surprised.... are who won tho. The ppl i voted for got less votes then i thought they would get but i guess everyone has their own tastes :3

    That's what I was thinking xD Unfortunately several of the contestants this time didn't appeal to me, and only one that I voted for made it to the next round b:faint So I'll be rooting for her in the next :)
    Perhaps also it may be a good idea to have the rule of no cash shop hair allowed in final round?
    Let's see what these characters REALLY look like.

    That's a good point! Is the next round with completely new set of screenshots or the same? I think the same might not be bad, save Tres the trouble xD Also I don't think using cash shop hair is bad; albeit Christmas hair didn't come out for a month after I submitted mine b:cry Most of the default hairstyles are kind of bleh imo so the variety is nice. I mainly look at the facial features/layout, colors and proportions before I notice the hair anyhoo b:laugh

    btw... is looking like a cat bad? b:cold
  • TresBelle - Raging Tide
    TresBelle - Raging Tide Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I could request to have regular hair BUT (honestly I haven't really checked who won yet LOL, I will set up polls again tomorrow) I really think TB have a lot of really nice hair that could still play a factor. OR something. If that made sense. x_x

    I'll figure it all tomorrow. x_x I'm really sleepy and I'm scared to sleep in fear of an angry mob at the results.

  • TrueAminta - Lost City
    TrueAminta - Lost City Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    waaaa im a loser...lol just kidding. guess its safe to say im 07 didnt win but least i got beat by a hot chick. grats to all the ppl movin to finale round ....and i mainly just wanted to say ty ty ty to all the ppl that actaully voted for me..much appreciated

    TrueAminta- healer, TrueNicor- psy, TrueAzaril- veno
    LostCity- Leader of EvilWithN
  • /Kaena - Heavens Tear9
    /Kaena - Heavens Tear9 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    waaaa im a loser...lol just kidding. guess its safe to say im 07 didnt win but least i got beat by a hot chick. grats to all the ppl movin to finale round ....and i mainly just wanted to say ty ty ty to all the ppl that actaully voted for me..much appreciated

    Your character really is pretty.
    You should send me it's template so I can use it on my wing elf. b:cute
  • B_K - Sanctuary
    B_K - Sanctuary Posts: 242 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    waaaa im a loser...lol just kidding. guess its safe to say im 07 didnt win but least i got beat by a hot chick. grats to all the ppl movin to finale round ....and i mainly just wanted to say ty ty ty to all the ppl that actaully voted for me..much appreciated

    Q.Q at least ur entry made it in. im not sure what i did wrong but im not in there T^T
  • TresBelle - Raging Tide
    TresBelle - Raging Tide Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Q.Q at least ur entry made it in. im not sure what i did wrong but im not in there T^T

    I looked inside my inbox and didn't see anything from you in there. Are you sure you sent it to the right person? Should go something like "TresBelle - Raging Tide."
  • Kipitei - Raging Tide
    Kipitei - Raging Tide Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    waaaa im a loser...lol just kidding. guess its safe to say im 07 didnt win but least i got beat by a hot chick. grats to all the ppl movin to finale round ....and i mainly just wanted to say ty ty ty to all the ppl that actaully voted for me..much appreciated

    I feel almost offended to see you didn't win. I would have voted your char to be Miss PwI right the moment when I saw her! (did vote you btw xD ) Too bad you didn't win T_T

    And about the hair thing... I think using wigs is fair because indeed fishes have different hairstyles that ALL look better than any of the older classes. But anyone can get a cashshop hair on any character.

    Also, a lot of people would have gotten waaaay better votes if they didn't have that horrible vampire teeth bug on their lips.b:angry I don't know what causes it but it looks hideous, so why not have someone else take the screenshot for you? For example 03. design is absolutely adorable and I think it should have gotten a lot more votes if the stupid bug didn't ruin it : <

    (And no susy it isn't don't take someone's opinion as a fact ;< )
    Perfect noob
  • _Agrona_ - Lost City
    _Agrona_ - Lost City Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    *sigh* Suppose I should have entered a different character. xD I didn't see any bm's but my bm would have been way too recognizable :/ so for the sake of staying annonymous I entered my cleric >.<
    Caster Fish will drown youuuu!

  • TresBelle - Raging Tide
    TresBelle - Raging Tide Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Also, a lot of people would have gotten waaaay better votes if they didn't have that horrible vampire teeth bug on their lips.b:angry I don't know what causes it but it looks hideous, so why not have someone else take the screenshot for you? For example 03. design is absolutely adorable and I think it should have gotten a lot more votes if the stupid bug didn't ruin it : <
    I had that problem too until I changed my graphics card to a better one and never had that issue again.
  • AlteredFate - Heavens Tear
    AlteredFate - Heavens Tear Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    *sigh* Suppose I should have entered a different character. xD I didn't see any bm's but my bm would have been way too recognizable :/ so for the sake of staying annonymous I entered my cleric >.<

    Same thoughts here b:laugh Except I recognized your cleric right away b:avoid b:chuckle
    Susylu ♥☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆♥ Teny
  • Svedra - Archosaur
    Svedra - Archosaur Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I was #14 and even though I didn't win i'd like to thank the people who did vote for me b:thanks

    It was more votes than i thought i'd get when I was stuck at one vote by the third morning ^^'