Most skilled for their class?



  • Posts: 637 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I agree with Raw two.
    Changed my mind. Permanently Retired - Only here to troll.
  • Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    It's so hard to differentiate the gear vs skill w/ so many people but 1 person has ALWAYS stuck out for me no matter what the situation was and that was ylime. Be it pve or pvp she has always stuck out w/ the things she has done. A few examples were when we were twing weekly while in Tao vs TE. She got fed up w/ our cat barbs and pmed me asking if she could pull a cat and from that point on she repeatedly pulled cats for us while in Tao. She would singlehandedly kill the opposing cat squads f/ TE while pulling a cat herself, take 10m down f/ TE's crystal WITH NO HEALS, and also she'd dual box while in Tw pulling cats winning the nien event on Neomcoy. Then she also won the pk tourney on 2 dif characters on the same night (her sin and her veno) at least once. She's never cash shopped a single cent and rarely merchanted and has always had good but not great gear compared to some of the other venos listed.

    Great... now I have to clean the orange juice out of my keyboard. Rawthorne, you're always good for a laugh, or, to be more correct, you're always good to laugh at. Ylime? Seriously? Classic nix'n'run veno. Good for nothing but keeping herself alive. Kinda like yourself, but we won't get into that.

    Now, for my opinions, based purely on skill (of course, sometimes gear plays a little part in that...), and value as a team player/squad mate:

    BM - Frodinho, kasmog, Torm (for the oldies), Esemeli, Ehmi, Steopie, Denrae and GSX_R. Maybe a few more. All of them know their class inside and out, and are extremely impressive to work with both in TW/PvP and in PvE.

    Archer - Defected, thehate, Hoshimi, LegendaryBis, GTI (his skill in game far outranks his hax gear), Aesthor, DjRacer, and Fyren. Every one of these people has impeccable timing and skill, whether it's getting a barrage up on the right target at the right time, surviving in the heat of the battle, or just plain destroying enemy targets.

    Cleric - Marin and taintedxlove (possibly two of the best cat-clerics in existence), fimmelpotze (is he really even a cleric?), Kalahn (never worked with a better support-cleric before, and she hits hard as hell too), MoonAura, KoRAnubis, and Alphanei. Not much needs saying about these phenomenal healers.

    Wizard - WildRiver, Ty, Tsungfai, Cagliostro, _Evil_Angel, Sheswes, FrozenFlame and Evanera (although I haven't seen too much of him in battle, the rumors are starting to fly). Ever been hit by one of them? You probably don't want to...

    Barbarian - The_Wall, rcrmichael_, Doober (possibly the best example in existence to prove that gear isn't everything), Domgrath, Carnivorix (where's he been lately...?), Clunker, xForbidden (the real one, not the pathetic PoS that now pisses on his legacy), Kashin (Enrage's nuclear warhead) and Gyonax. Don't think you'll ever find a group of barbs that are better than these.

    Psychic - Exegesis. There's really not another extremely impressive psychic in existence as far as I know. The others that I've encountered are... lacking.

    Assassin - Xyrex, hands down. The class has become over-played for farming purposes, but he is the only sin I've had the opportunity to really appreciate for PvP, TW, and PvE. Others that I've come across are... nvm.

    Venomancer - Thought I'd save this for last, as there are very few note-worthy venomancers in existence. It was a class that masses swarmed to with the release of the Phoenix and Hercules, but, sadly, a herc and nix don't make you a good veno. The majority of venomancers that have really stuck out for me are old players that have moved on to other toons, or other games. A few of them are: Antigone, Chireu, Mystic-Night, sadpuma, and Rua. Anti was a veno idolized by nearly everyone who'd heard of him. Chireu's a barb. Mystic was that nuub who went from no-one to top pk'er. Sadpuma was possibly the best solo-pk veno I've ever seen, and Rua was, well, Rua.
  • Posts: 2,305 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Ya know i run instances with raw at least once a week and not once has he let me die.Now ive seen him let idiots die that decide to go head first in a group of mobs with out the slightest inclination on how to play thier class.Hell i let people die if they arent doing thier jobs. Now seeing how i have much experience running with him,what fail thing did you do to cause him to not heal you?

    forgot to add why i addressed it as such

    'Good for nothing but keeping herself alive. Kinda like yourself, but we won't get into that.' yea sry. <3 aesthor for trying to keep the peace
    mmmmmm tacos mmmmm

    Retired for good.
  • Posts: 3,845 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Ya know i run instances with raw at least once a week and not once has he let me die.Now ive seen him let idiots die that decide to go head first in a group of mobs with out the slightest inclination on how to play thier class.Hell i let people die if they arent doing thier jobs. Now seeing how i have much experience running with him,what fail thing did you do to cause him to not heal you?

    I actually don't see anyone calling Raw a bad cleric. Aviax was commenting on Raw thinking Ylime is a good veno. I don't really want to comment on that, but you seem to have....mis-read what was there. Unless I guess you count "keeping yourself alive" as a bad thing...? -removed-
    ಥ_ಥ MOAR.
    SkyKoC - How long is yours?
  • Posts: 2,305 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    rawthornes a cleric? dam i thought he was just a pain in the ***
    mmmmmm tacos mmmmm

    Retired for good.
  • Posts: 532 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I personnaly will add that a veno alive > a dead veno
  • Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I personnaly will add that a veno alive > a dead veno

    True, but a veno alive and doing something is much better than a veno alive that's running around like a dumb-***. Anyone can ironguard with a catapult, and consequently, require no heals for a bit. As a veno, there's certain chains of skills that will allow you to be invincible or nearly invincible for over 30 seconds at a time. It's not impressive at all. What IS impressive though, are venos that actually know how to play their class and be useful as a veno, not a pretend-barb.

    On a side note, DuckingTiger, why don't we let Raw defend himself, mk? You can't always be there to babysit him and make sure that he doesn't make himself look completely stupid.
  • Posts: 400 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    True, but a veno alive and doing something is much better than a veno alive that's running around like a dumb-***. Anyone can ironguard with a catapult, and consequently, require no heals for a bit. As a veno, there's certain chains of skills that will allow you to be invincible or nearly invincible for over 30 seconds at a time. It's not impressive at all. What IS impressive though, are venos that actually know how to play their class and be useful as a veno, not a pretend-barb.

    On a side note, DuckingTiger, why don't we let Raw defend himself, mk? You can't always be there to babysit him and make sure that he doesn't make himself look completely stupid.

    Hmm here's the pk kills for venos on HT:

    1. Mystic-Night 101 7075 Venomancer Heavens Tear
    2. Ylime 100 5490 Venomancer Heavens Tear
    3. Szanti 101 4629 Venomancer Heavens Tear
    4. Sadpuma 100 4184 Venomancer Heavens Tear
    5. Momento 101 3953 Venomancer Heavens Tear
    6. Antigone 101 3681 Venomancer Heavens Tear
    7. Twilae 101 2858 Venomancer Heavens Tear
    8. Chireu 101 2678 Venomancer Heavens Tear
    9. Kaimelar 99 2619 Venomancer Heavens Tear
    10. Icygrl 101 2542 Venomancer Heavens Tear
    11. OOoPVDoOo 100 2349 Venomancer Heavens Tear
    12. Daji 101 2338 Venomancer Heavens Tear
    13. Wei 94 2044 Venomancer Heavens Tear
    14. Poison 100 2039 Venomancer Heavens Tear
    15. Lady_Pona 100 1930 Venomancer Heavens Tear
    16. HongNgan 102 1805 Venomancer Heavens Tear
    17. Sara_ita 101 1799 Venomancer Heavens Tear
    18. Gorgonia 100 1755 Venomancer Heavens Tear
    19. Kalia 100 1752 Venomancer Heavens Tear
    20. _FoxxyBrown_ 101 1728 Venomancer Heavens Tear
    21. ToffeeApple 100 1675 Venomancer Heavens Tear
    22. Vivi 102 1593 Venomancer Heavens Tear
    23. Sumona 101 1483 Venomancer Heavens Tear
    24. Bluerr 101 1477 Venomancer Heavens Tear
    25. CandyKat 94 1445 Venomancer Heavens Tear
    26. Andromaka 103 1432 Venomancer Heavens Tear
    27. Pressa 97 1409 Venomancer Heavens Tear
    28. Alacarin 101 1365 Venomancer Heavens Tear
    29. UntamedFurey 101 1362 Venomancer Heavens Tear
    30. Tareixa 100 1349 Venomancer Heavens Tear

    I dare say ylime didn't get all of those kills as your classic "nix/run" veno. Sure some of those kills she has but so has EVERY veno on that list (except Pressa ofc since idk if he has ever gotten his nixb:chuckle). As a veno, there's certain chains of skills that will allow you to be invincible or nearly invincible for over 30 seconds at a time. Yeah I'll agree w/ you on that but if you read my post listing specific examples....You CAN'T take 10m off a crystal by yourself (with a cat) solo(with no cleric heals) against a tw opponent w/ some wicked *** pro twers/pkers like TE without some damn good skill on your part. Plus did you not see the part where I mentioned she SOLO wiped TE's entire cat squad while pulling a cat herself (can't nix and run while pulling a cat)? PVE she was the 1st to my knowledge w/ a blessed herc and thus started the trend of venos farming world bosses (if she wasn't the 1st she was amongst the 1st group to do this). PVE inside 3-x and fb 99 she does things that 99% of the venos on the server have nfi they can do and was amongst the 1st venos on the server to do the crazy sht she does.

    P.S. Kinda funny that the top 2 on that list are teenagers who've never spent a dime on this game while some of the other venos listed by people are huge cash shoppers...ijsb:bye
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2010

    P.S. Kinda funny that the top 2 on that list are teenagers who've never spent a dime on this game while some of the other venos listed by people are huge cash shoppers...ijsb:bye

    Those youngsters these days can press those ding dong buttons so fast. I barely have time to put on my reading glasses to see which key I was supposed to use.
  • Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    In all honesty venos are such a hybrid class that there are many different ways to play them... And it depends on what you're looking for when you say "skilled."

    I think the thing that Ylime should really get an award for is ingenuity. Either she has good intel or a very creative mind. The fact that she won a pk tourney on 2 diff characters at the same time really doesn't mean it's a proof of skill, since there was no competition for one or both tourneys she was in (I don't know which specific time you were referring to, but I know that the competition for the lower level tourneys are were very very low). Seeing as you can just walk through the rooms while meeting nearly nobody (if anyone at all) in the lower lvl tourneys and still take the prize, it's not really a test of skill. Similarly, winning Nien event on neomccoy while in TW also isn't a test of skill either, since with his hax aps and claws and lack of similarly geared competition, neo didn't even need to kill mobs. Neo just sat on the boss and spark macro'd and still won. The fact that she thought to do these things (and what she does with farming), on the other hand, is something else.
    I'll refrain from commenting on the way she pvps, since that's a playstyle/role preference.

    Sadly, I was chilling in the non-TW scene for about a year before I actually started pvping so I missed seeing all the legendary venos of the past in action. Just touching upon some of the venos previously mentioned:

    Antigone I never even met. Momento and PVD had good intel, at minimum. Mystic and Ylime both know what they're doing when they fight.

    I also really can't comment sadpuma's combat abilities firsthand but from what others are saying, I wouldn't be surprised if he were most skillful. When he was still playing, I took a look at his gears and they were well selected, so he was no fool.

    My own strengths are in analyzing my own personal playing style, build, gear, money management, and game mechanics (though not to the extent of someone like Solandri aka. Tiessa)--not necessarily at skill execution.

    But in my opinion, someone who excelled at all of those would be the most skillful.

    As far as kill counts go... just remember that pk kills don't mean everything. It might give some indication to the experience level, but geez, any veno with a nix sitting in pk mode 24/7 back in the day should've been able to get plenty of kills. Some people also get more kills simply by being in more pk opportunities (noob TWs, DT, cube, pk, etc.) and others don't bother to go. Not that I'm disputing the skill level of those with large kill counts--just saying that that's not really proof of much.

    And so what if other people list venos that are huge cashshoppers or aren't teenagers? People shouldn't be discounted just because they cashshopped good gear. If you can play the game well and get good gear too, why not? And although I have good gear, this isn't really applicable to me personally since I was a teenager less than a year ago and I have never spent a penny on this game either. But even for those who did, it'd be more fair to focus more on their skill level and less on whether or not they should be penalized because they cashshopped their gear or other extraneous factors.
  • Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I dare say ylime didn't get all of those kills as your classic "nix/run" veno. Sure some of those kills she has but so has EVERY veno on that list (except Pressa ofc since idk if he has ever gotten his nixb:chuckle). As a veno, there's certain chains of skills that will allow you to be invincible or nearly invincible for over 30 seconds at a time. Yeah I'll agree w/ you on that but if you read my post listing specific examples....You CAN'T take 10m off a crystal by yourself (with a cat) solo(with no cleric heals) against a tw opponent w/ some wicked *** pro twers/pkers like TE without some damn good skill on your part. Plus did you not see the part where I mentioned she SOLO wiped TE's entire cat squad while pulling a cat herself (can't nix and run while pulling a cat)? PVE she was the 1st to my knowledge w/ a blessed herc and thus started the trend of venos farming world bosses (if she wasn't the 1st she was amongst the 1st group to do this). PVE inside 3-x and fb 99 she does things that 99% of the venos on the server have nfi they can do and was amongst the 1st venos on the server to do the crazy sht she does.

    My bad. I didn't know that getting the last hit on a bunch of nuubs in TW's against people like The Empire (who have very few above-average players, although there are some - no offense) in order to boost your pk count actually meant you're a good veno. Furthermore, having a bless-herc does have more capabilities, however, when you've actually acquired the blessing, there really isn't anything more to tanking than holding down the heal button and keeping yourself alive, so your claims that that makes her an excellent PvE veno really are invalid.

    Furthermore, 30 seconds, with enough support and DD is enough to take down most of a crystal, especially if you have help. No matter how you'd like to put (hide) it, unless TE no-showed, there's no way that she would've single-handedly taken out a crystal. Also, I've solo-wiped squads before too. It's not difficult to do when your opponents don't know how to, or have little to no experience with PvP.
    P.S. Kinda funny that the top 2 on that list are teenagers who've never spent a dime on this game while some of the other venos listed by people are huge cash shoppers...ijsb:bye

    Did you look into their personal bank account to see if they've spent money? I'm not claiming that either of them did, but you really wouldn't know, would you? The funny thing is, people like you who do, or at least have spent money, and still fail miserably, are the ones to come on these forums, bashing other cash-shoppers, and pretending to know something about a class that they've probably never played, or at least never been good at. And, just in case, if you do claim to have been a good venomancer at some point, you'll be the laughing stock of the server (my bad, you already are) - probably almost as much as Monofailass, because you can't even play cleric, so there's no way in hell you'd be good at something else.
  • Posts: 976 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    geez who would have thought veno would be such a hotly contested class...

    and throughout whatever of Raw's personality issues there may be...I wouldnt call him a fail cleric by any means.

    and since we are on it, what exactly constitutes a fail cleric? lvl 1 res would come to mind...

    discuss with as many thoughtless and silly words as possible
    "From time to time, the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of tyrants and patriots." ~ Thomas Jefferson
  • Posts: 3,845 Arc User
    edited November 2010

    and throughout whatever of Raw's personality issues there may be...I wouldnt call him a fail cleric by any means.

    and since we are on it, what exactly constitutes a fail cleric? lvl 1 res would come to mind...

    You know that you just contradicted yourself right...Raw was infamous for level 1 res back in the day.

    I personally don't mind running with Raw except he likes to be SO CAREFUL about things whereas I am just a reckless freak. On that topic I wouldn't consider the level of res related to the skill of the player. It's more of a personality thing. However, you still contradicted yourself.
    ಥ_ಥ MOAR.
    SkyKoC - How long is yours?
  • Posts: 4,187 Community Moderator
    edited November 2010
    geez who would have thought veno would be such a hotly contested class...

    and throughout whatever of Raw's personality issues there may be...I wouldnt call him a fail cleric by any means.

    and since we are on it, what exactly constitutes a fail cleric? lvl 1 res would come to mind...

    discuss with as many thoughtless and silly words as possible

    I personally know of a cleric (far from fail) who never leveled his res because he always played alone. He would wait until he could solo an instance before doing it, because the people that could help him were never on...
  • Posts: 3,845 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    KrittyCat wrote: »
    I personally know of a cleric (far from fail) who never leveled his res because he always played alone. He would wait until he could solo an instance before doing it, because the people that could help him were never on...

    Kritty, I've seen you, Fuzzy, Shelly, Grim, AND frankie all making mod actions on this forum within a very short time lately. Are we like you mods' hobby?
    ಥ_ಥ MOAR.
    SkyKoC - How long is yours?
  • Posts: 4,187 Community Moderator
    edited November 2010
    Fuzzy and I are assigned to here and the Tech Support forums to gain some experience modding here, and I suppose Grim and Shelly are making sure we don't miss anything...

    So no, not a new hobby, just a way of getting some experience. b:chuckle we are actually stalking the threads to prevent, jk
  • Posts: 400 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    In all honesty venos are such a hybrid class that there are many different ways to play them... And it depends on what you're looking for when you say "skilled."

    I think the thing that Ylime should really get an award for is ingenuity. Either she has good intel or a very creative mind. The fact that she won a pk tourney on 2 diff characters at the same time really doesn't mean it's a proof of skill, since there was no competition for one or both tourneys she was in (I don't know which specific time you were referring to, but I know that the competition for the lower level tourneys are were very very low). Seeing as you can just walk through the rooms while meeting nearly nobody (if anyone at all) in the lower lvl tourneys and still take the prize, it's not really a test of skill.

    It was the top 2 level tourneys and you put it better then I did when you mentioned ingenuity etc.

    Hmm show me where I EVER bash cash shoppers. I bash those who cash shop heavily and think that makes them god in this game. I bash on the ones who talk trash after blowing THOUSANDS on this game. There is a difference. Oh yah you are right I'm a "cash shopper." Twice I think in the last year I dropped $50 into the game to try my luck at packs and got garbage. Oh and when I was in my 30's - mid 80's I'd charge zen for charms and other dmb sht occasionally cuz I couldn't be bothered to farm/do tts as I was almost always doing fbs when I was on. I've NEVER nor will I ever claim to be the best but I am good and I can see failness in others and I can see skill. There is ALWAYS someone better out there at anything and imo this game is set up that to only be the "best" you have to drop many thousands of dollars into the game to even get mentioned or farm/leech/merchant like there is no tomorrow.

    Oh and show me where I "can't play cleric" as the last I checked I've NEVER ran an instance with you nor been in a guild w/ you. A trained monkey can play cleric nowadays if the dds are good enough and they don't cry about the charms they put on (soley for pk and then cry when ticks in pve). Show me anything remotely difficult nowadays to cleric. 3-x (just need good dds and decent gear to survive), Nirvana (that's a joke as some squads role w/ NO cleric), Warsong (no one does it but each boss is easily defeatable if you bring in the appropriate classes which I did a month or 2 after Warsong came out), FF/Lunar have been nerfed, and the list goes on and on. The only remote "challenge" is to do a trophy mode run or a difficult boss like Harpy Wraith. Clerics (and everyone for that matter) showed their skill (or lack thereof) when the server was in the 70's-90's and we were first doing Belial, 3-x
    , fb 99's, etc. It's more of a challenge nowadays to me to see how much aggro/hits etc. someone can take BEFORE I heal/rescue them cuz end game instances are so damn boring.
  • Posts: 400 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    You know that you just contradicted yourself right...Raw was infamous for level 1 res back in the day.
    Hell yah I was and I was damn proud of it. 99% of the time if I was the only cleric in squad people actually paid more attention to wtf they were doing so it was win win for everyoneb:pleased

    I personally don't mind running with Raw except he likes to be SO CAREFUL about things whereas I am just a reckless freak. On that topic I wouldn't consider the level of res related to the skill of the player. It's more of a personality thing. However, you still contradicted yourself.

    Yah I agree most times I prefer methodical vs chaos but alas that is cuz inevitably someone qq's about their charm (whereas you never do but you used to be so damn squishy you'd be the 1st to die if recklessb:chuckle) or 1 or more people don't know wtf to do when chaos starts and I'm the one inevitably it seems (when it happens) bailing them out (duh it's called stun,invoke, etc. USE THEM and don't wait for me to tell you to do it). I'll do 12 min nirvana runs when I'm spam debuffing the bosses w/ every damn thing I've got (while no one in the squad is using etc. poison, tangling mire, etc.) and then some dd qqs cuz their charm ticks (hint DON'T put one on then). So meh I can't win in no matter wth I do.
  • Posts: 1,423 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    To be honest Raw, there's something wrong with this Ylime thing. I myself wasn't in that battle because I was fighting in Enrage if I remember right. Also, I need to say that, Ylime is not anywhere near capable of taking out 10m off a crystal, solo, against good DDs. All of the people you mentioned like myself, Tsung, Rocky etc, are easily able to take down Ylime alone. So I have to say that it's more then likely that either A) Those DDs were hitting other people, or B) They weren't even there. But you said she soloed, so it's obvious, by your words, that then those DD's weren't even in the base. She's not hard to kill, and if any one of those DD's were to grab hold of her, she would die because she wouldn't be able to run. No offense to Ylime at all, just saying that your story sounds very inaccurate, and well, impossible. Though it is fun..I remember pulling a cat against Rad back in the day b:chuckle

    Also, warsong metal was beaten the day it came out -.-, why brag about doing it 2 months after it came out? And you've been in Radiance with Aviax, long ago.
  • Posts: 3,845 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    KrittyCat wrote: »
    Fuzzy and I are assigned to here and the Tech Support forums to gain some experience modding here, and I suppose Grim and Shelly are making sure we don't miss anything...

    So no, not a new hobby, just a way of getting some experience. b:chuckle we are actually stalking the threads to prevent, jk

    Ah, I see. Though I know why HT was the "test forum" because we have many questionable people who post questionable things and we aren't afraid to speak our minds when mods do something silly :D
    ಥ_ಥ MOAR.
    SkyKoC - How long is yours?
  • Posts: 2,225 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    This thread have become full of buttrage and hurt feelings.
    "Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory.
    Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat." ~Sun Tzu

    "Lennox Lewis, I'm coming for you man. My style is impetuous. My defense is impregnable, and I'm just ferocious. I want your heart. I want to eat his children. Praise be to Allah!"
    ~Iron Mike Tyson
  • Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    @ Raws post

    The sad thing about this game is that people are no longer willing to push their characters, they always want the easy ride, not the challenging fight. Everyone is so used to instances being a cakewalk that they don't even attempt the difficult ones.

    Even in the big TW factions now, I'd estimate 80-90% of the players have never even attempted a full 3-3 run under the new conditions, let alone tried to use some skill and thought to make it through.

    The game became so easy that as soon as they introduced something challenging, all we got was QQ, instead of people trying to stand up to the task.
  • Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited November 2010
  • Posts: 2,305 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    This thread have become full of buttrage and hurt feelings.

    I agree so imma just sit here and eat my volcano nachos b:pleased
    mmmmmm tacos mmmmm

    Retired for good.
  • Posts: 1,558 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    P.S. Please continue to respond. I've been waiting for a LONG time for the opportunity to troll you into the dirt.

    I believe personal attacks are against the rules of the forums and thus this topic will be locked.

    IJS... b:bye
  • Posts: 3,845 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I believe personal attacks are against the rules of the forums and thus this topic will be locked.

    IJS... b:bye

    Not sure why you quoted that specific line since it contains no personal attack nor does it ask for any.
    ಥ_ಥ MOAR.
    SkyKoC - How long is yours?
  • Posts: 4,187 Community Moderator
    edited November 2010
    Ah, I see. Though I know why HT was the "test forum" because we have many questionable people who post questionable things and we aren't afraid to speak our minds when mods do something silly :D

    Sorry if I was unclear, I meant Server Symposium as a whole. While HT and RT seem to be our hardest of the 7, we do have to moderate them all. b:surrender
  • Posts: 3,845 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    KrittyCat wrote: »
    Sorry if I was unclear, I meant Server Symposium as a whole. While HT and RT seem to be our hardest of the 7, we do have to moderate them all. b:surrender

    PvE servers make up for our lack of in-game pvp with forum pvp :D
    ಥ_ಥ MOAR.
    SkyKoC - How long is yours?
  • Posts: 4,187 Community Moderator
    edited November 2010
    PvE servers make up for our lack of in-game pvp with forum pvp :D

    I noticed.

    Also, try to stay on-topic, people. If this thread goes on much longer like this, I will have to lock it. Thanks!
  • Posts: 1,423 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I like this new mod. Really, I do. Instead of locking a thread immediately, you give people a warning. Way to earn my respect, so far b:kiss
This discussion has been closed.