BM world beside axes and fists?



  • _DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary
    _DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,294 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    maxing every usefull skill eats about 14 mill for all weapons if you count 79 skills
    if you cant have the basic gear and skilsl needed by your class at 90+ you are a fail

    QQ moar

    I don't have GV, or tt90 gold bracers. And yes my gear is all +2-3 with flawless atm. Only time I've ever been denied an instance in my life is your TT 1-2 squad where you decided +7 GX wasn't enough DD. You're a minority dude, 95% of players couldn't give a cr@p about silly standards. The only place in the game where -int matters whatsoever is TT3-2+ and Nirvana. That's it.

    Been booted out of any more factions lately? b:chuckle
  • Shin_Akuma_ - Sanctuary
    Shin_Akuma_ - Sanctuary Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Wait a sec. TT 90? I've been thinking that as well. I mean, I have a set of TT 99 gold fists I snatched outta AH, plus I've had my FCC gold fists since I was 60. But the 90 gold just seem like a coin sick to me. If anything, I dont give a damn for interval. Yea, I have 60 DQ bracers, but I got em before people's brain's exploded over interval. Now that everyone is demanding it.... interval seems less appealing.

    But more on topic. I use fists. I have axes because I used them for AoE grinding. My using poles cam from experiences on private severs. But other than that... -- well look at my damn name.

    And I'll be damned if I use friggin claws...
    Some of us arent looking for anything logical, like money.

    We cannot be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with.

    We just want to see the world burn...
  • prof
    prof Posts: 1,111
    edited November 2010
    there's like, only a handful of skills you even need before demon(i've never considered a holy wr a threat), and none of them are spear/sword. spear is a pvp weapon(with dark skills), sword is a show weapon, fist/axe are core in both pve and pvp(and, imo, high level axes look amazing. especially with 2 accuracy stones. though, i'm not a fan of the nirvana model).
  • Joshcja - Sanctuary
    Joshcja - Sanctuary Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I don't have GV, or tt90 gold bracers. And yes my gear is all +2-3 with flawless atm. Only time I've ever been denied an instance in my life is your TT 1-2 squad where you decided +7 GX wasn't enough DD. You're a minority dude, 95% of players couldn't give a cr@p about silly standards. The only place in the game where -int matters whatsoever is TT3-2+ and Nirvana. That's it.

    Been booted out of any more factions lately? b:chuckle

    yup because the level 70 veno with a walker added more to the squad than a full axe bm who cant even use the right MY phrase

    GX = lionheart
    XS = calams

    and getting 4 squad runs off WC over the 2x event because aperently your not worth being static grouped counts as being "denied" i'm just more blunt than most
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • Tazytiggy - Harshlands
    Tazytiggy - Harshlands Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I choose swords for my bm, it seems to be more fun then the other weapons. I carry an axe for situations that it would work better for me, but it's not my main choice. Like many things in the game it's about personal preference, and the 'best' isn't always fun or attainable for everyone.
  • Minimus - Sanctuary
    Minimus - Sanctuary Posts: 208 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I remember when axes were seen as the only reasonable weaponpath. There are still some bms in Sanctuary with very high hp and a lot of str. It is still a possible way to play a bm and nice to have 20k-22k in a catsquad.
    Have a pure pole bm in guild and I never saw him ever use HF but it's his way to play (I am cursing sometimes when doing stuff together b:chuckle).
    Sword is also very interesting if used in combination with other weapons and even a bow might be useful.
  • ArchSaber - Sanctuary
    ArchSaber - Sanctuary Posts: 1,440 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    @Minimus I've been in PW since the start and i remember no one even knew what fists were. Every BM had a vit build and went sage. But now, lots of bms cash shop 5aps and doesn't even convert to demon because "Sage will always be better then Demon". I laugh at those BMs. Such as this one regicide bm.
    AP classes are a real butt pounding...
  • Shin_Akuma_ - Sanctuary
    Shin_Akuma_ - Sanctuary Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I remember when axes were seen as the only reasonable weaponpath. There are still some bms in Sanctuary with very high hp and a lot of str. It is still a possible way to play a bm and nice to have 20k-22k in a catsquad.
    Have a pure pole bm in guild and I never saw him ever use HF but it's his way to play (I am cursing sometimes when doing stuff together b:chuckle).
    Sword is also very interesting if used in combination with other weapons and even a bow might be useful.

    Dude, poles are fun to play... If you use use HF at all and squad with him, have him warn you before he drops Glacial Spike. When he does, immediatly after, use HF. The amp + armor and magic break = b:dirty

    And if a Veno hits the mob with Amp?b:shocked GG, you just took a massive dump on that mob's day.
    Some of us arent looking for anything logical, like money.

    We cannot be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with.

    We just want to see the world burn...
  • prof
    prof Posts: 1,111
    edited November 2010
    I support pole users as well, I just don't consider it a main-path weapon. the dps is considerably lower than that of fist, and less useful to the party than axes(imo). however, dark.glacier/meteor rush/distance skill are ****ing amazing pvp-wise. and meteor rush even fills in as an additional aoe when mobs can't be pushed.

    imo, if I had a choice for any nirvana weapon on my wr, it would be the first craft poleblade. looks amazing(nostalgia to silkroad), has patk similar to g16 spear, and those beautiful cv spear mods everybody lovesb:cute
  • /Meranek - Harshlands16
    /Meranek - Harshlands16 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    For me, Am grinding hella of alot to go ALL-weps. so far so good, gotton all my TT70 weps at the ready with the extra cash and most skills I have now are almsot maxed for my lv. Its really awsome knowing I can apept to any event that spurs up on me lol. b:pleased
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    prof wrote: »
    imo, if I had a choice for any nirvana weapon on my wr, it would be the first craft poleblade. looks amazing(nostalgia to silkroad), has patk similar to g16 spear, and those beautiful cv spear mods everybody lovesb:cute

    It might look amazing, but the actual weapons themself suck. All of the adds are worthless.

    You're better off getting Nirvana swords.

    If you're not going G15 fist/claw, G15 axes should be your first choice.

    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • prof
    prof Posts: 1,111
    edited November 2010
    the adds are worthless lol? zerk? 30% accuracy? 17 str?
  • MoonlitMusic - Heavens Tear
    MoonlitMusic - Heavens Tear Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    lmao, ikr? he MUST be high xD
    That nirvana Pole is EPIC. with it equipped, you REALLY CAN go str build, drop about 50 more dex. or vit, sac strike is (imo) the best melee add in the game.
  • KennyC - Lost City
    KennyC - Lost City Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    lmao, ikr? he MUST be high xD
    That nirvana Pole is EPIC. with it equipped, you REALLY CAN go str build, drop about 50 more dex. or vit, sac strike is (imo) the best melee add in the game.

    I would think a purge would be a better effect for a spear, an axe does more damage anyways and has sac strike as well
    +1 post
  • prof
    prof Posts: 1,111
    edited November 2010
    I have 3 spears: debuff, armour tear and zerk. why limit yourself to only one? on the other-hand, my mage has 2 weapons, my cleric has 2 weapons, and my archer has 4.

  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    lmao, ikr? he MUST be high xD
    That nirvana Pole is EPIC. with it equipped, you REALLY CAN go str build, drop about 50 more dex. or vit, sac strike is (imo) the best melee add in the game.

    I'm not high, you're just a moron.

    These are the adds for G15 poleblade:

    Probability to have an unique addon: 100%
    Determination: Has a chance to stun opponent for 5 seconds but also freeze yourself for 10 seconds.
    Darken: Has a chance to freeze and seal
    the enemy.
    Square Formation: A wonderful battle formation.
    Has a higher chance to cause Immobilize and Silence effects.
    Death's Will: Has a higher chance to Stun target for 5 seconds.
    Immobilizes you for 10 seconds.
    Atk. Level +20


    So, you're gonna waste 100 raptures on first cast when you can just get Dance of the Universe for 25% of the cost?

    Lunar +10

    G13 +10

    That upgrade is worth 200m to you? Seriously? You do realize the difference in base damage means little if your weapon has Sacrificial Strike?

    Just for the lulz, you could +11 an Dance of Universe for cheaper than it would cost you to get G13:

    Lunar +11

    How many of you people even HAVE a weapon that's +10 or higher? lol Actually, how many of you are stupid or rich enough to refine a weapon to +10 or higher that isn't an axe or fist?


    EDIT: BTW, G13 will be so pro, especially when G16 is released with the new expansion.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • prof
    prof Posts: 1,111
    edited November 2010
    I thought I mentioned for the looks? takes me back to silkroad, nostalgia


    I dislike the model for the g13/15 axes/claw. I currently have +10 decide and both my cv pole/hh90 axe are +7. assuming g16 becomes available to a more.. reasonable farming stature, I love the axe model.


  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    prof wrote: »
    I thought I mentioned for the looks? takes me back to silkroad, nostalgia


    I dislike the model for the g13/15 axes/claw. I currently have +10 decide and both my cv pole/hh90 axe are +7. assuming g16 becomes available to a more.. reasonable farming stature, I love the axe model.



    Ok, just for looks is completely different.

    I'm the guy who went G13 fists just to see what they looked like. I have the best afk weapon on the server. lol

    I actually like the TT-Nirvana fists, but don't like any of the other Nirvana fists/claws.

    I do like the TT-Nirvana axes. I think they look cool.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Steopie - Heavens Tear
    Steopie - Heavens Tear Posts: 576 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    best wep for looks:

    ☆Rambler's Sword 'The Toothpick'

    looks like the lunar one too, but people gear checking you realise youre not dumb enough to use a lunar wep insignia (or mats b:shocked) on a sword.
  • RivasA - Lost City
    RivasA - Lost City Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Oh I am going to be quite upfront and not pretend to spout all these smart sounding things like all the pros do. I am really a noob here compared to some 10x masta BM nirv geard whatever.
    I started the game wanting to be a sword path, but when given the option of the trial sythe or some dumb looking hammers, I stuck with the sythe. Since then I have chosen to be a mostly one path polearm user. I have a few fist skills just to play around with, but I havent upgraded them. For myself, I LOVE poleblade. I have some range when needed with farstrike to aggro that mob running after the cleric, I use piercing winds and meteor rush to bleed out and push away mobs anoying me, and just recently found the wonders of glacial spike. I agree, the 360 aoe that axes have would be more usefull sometimes, but I like the challenge of manuvering around and positioning mobs to use to the full effect of my linear skills. None of my friends are blademasters, and love to see me dance around with the leap/stun skills and suddenly have 5 or 6 mobs almost right on top of eachother like magic. It takes some practice and a little bit of luck, but thats what gets me exited and involved with the game.
    In LC I see a few polearm users here and there, mostly higher level then I am though. I also agree that it seems if you are anything other than axe/fist people call you a fail bm and laugh, but frankly idfc. I play pwi to have fun and for the challenge.
    Someone made a comment about blademasters being less like wariors and more like crazed psychopaths, I lol'ed! One of the most fun things for me is to go running into a swarm of mobs just to see if I can kill them all, I think I have been down to 20hp once after said epic charge (I waited for them to respawn and did it again xD )
  • HarmOwnie - Dreamweaver
    HarmOwnie - Dreamweaver Posts: 574 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    glad to see there are also people still willing to take a challenge and play their class in a different way. Unfortunately the main problem here will be that obtaining weapon and stuff will be significantly harder later on since the supply on the market will be limited.
    Nevertheless in my opinion PWI should provide players willing to take the challenge to pick an alternative weapon path with some benefits ( special pvp advantage of skill or party ability or ...) to even out with the more effective main weapon paths.
  • Joshcja - Sanctuary
    Joshcja - Sanctuary Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    tbh a good 1/2 of the bm skill tree is worthless but we have so many skills it dosent really matter
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • lucevoid
    lucevoid Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Oh I am going to be quite upfront and not pretend to spout all these smart sounding things like all the pros do. I am really a noob here compared to some 10x masta BM nirv geard whatever.
    I started the game wanting to be a sword path, but when given the option of the trial sythe or some dumb looking hammers, I stuck with the sythe. Since then I have chosen to be a mostly one path polearm user. I have a few fist skills just to play around with, but I havent upgraded them. For myself, I LOVE poleblade. I have some range when needed with farstrike to aggro that mob running after the cleric, I use piercing winds and meteor rush to bleed out and push away mobs anoying me, and just recently found the wonders of glacial spike. I agree, the 360 aoe that axes have would be more usefull sometimes, but I like the challenge of manuvering around and positioning mobs to use to the full effect of my linear skills. None of my friends are blademasters, and love to see me dance around with the leap/stun skills and suddenly have 5 or 6 mobs almost right on top of eachother like magic. It takes some practice and a little bit of luck, but thats what gets me exited and involved with the game.
    In LC I see a few polearm users here and there, mostly higher level then I am though. I also agree that it seems if you are anything other than axe/fist people call you a fail bm and laugh, but frankly idfc. I play pwi to have fun and for the challenge.
    Someone made a comment about blademasters being less like wariors and more like crazed psychopaths, I lol'ed! One of the most fun things for me is to go running into a swarm of mobs just to see if I can kill them all, I think I have been down to 20hp once after said epic charge (I waited for them to respawn and did it again xD )
    I decided to go sword/fist bcus i'm like **** the axes, im in love with the finesse of a sword cutting through flesh smoothly or a fist punching half your face out....... and yeah all bm's are crazed psychopaths, i do the same thing with mobs too and for exactly the same reason, i even started taking bets with myself on how much health i'll have left after one such epic charge XD.
  • morridune
    morridune Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Oh I am going to be quite upfront and not pretend to spout all these smart sounding things like all the pros do. I am really a noob here compared to some 10x masta BM nirv geard whatever.

    Yey :) it's nice to see some1 who kinda gets the point ot the "game" part of PWI, i myself am a "fail" swords BM ;) or least thats what ppl start out calling me, later it seems a grudging chage of heart comes round bt wth eh

    i will admit tho i think the dev's may wanna look at the skill paths or the weapons themselves, as much as i love my swords i can see its easier to b an axe or fist. Balance btwn the types would b good it would bring more variety to the game and allow ppl to enjoy making their own chara without the world and his dog trolling or telling em how to play their toon
  • Joshcja - Sanctuary
    Joshcja - Sanctuary Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    swords really do suck for anything but the ulti

    useing the lest effective weapon is bound to irk your squad as your not doing what they brought you for

    or to put it simply: its ok to like swords but dont expect to find squads for anything ever if thats your only weapon
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • ArchSaber - Sanctuary
    ArchSaber - Sanctuary Posts: 1,440 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    swords really do suck for anything but the ulti

    useing the lest effective weapon is bound to irk your squad as your not doing what they brought you for

    or to put it simply: its ok to like swords but dont expect to find squads for anything ever if thats your only weapon

    You've never been in an FCC squad with a pure dual sword BM, I have. He kept telling my Myriad is stronger then HF, and he said I should double spark instead of HF. And the worst part of all, 90% of the time he spoke Spanish. *quits at shocktrooper*
    AP classes are a real butt pounding...
  • Joshcja - Sanctuary
    Joshcja - Sanctuary Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    You've never been in an FCC squad with a pure dual sword BM, I have. He kept telling my Myriad is stronger then HF, and he said I should double spark instead of HF. And the worst part of all, 90% of the time he spoke Spanish. *quits at shocktrooper*

    tis why i keep lead and a finger on the boot from squad any time i add a random ^_^
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • morridune
    morridune Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    swords really do suck for anything but the ulti

    useing the lest effective weapon is bound to irk your squad as your not doing what they brought you for

    or to put it simply: its ok to like swords but dont expect to find squads for anything ever if thats your only weapon

    LOL's i have no probs finding squads, half the time its ppl asking me to help them especially for fc and now lunar ( primal fear is a laugh btw all who can, go least once to try it )

    you see imma tell u a little secret.................BM's can use more than 1 type of weap b:shocked b:shocked
    i know i know it sounds crazy right? and apparently other ppl know this also so were is the prob getting squads exactly??

    and as for less effective half the effectiveness of a BM (or any class) is the player. I solo in TT i can do all my own quests unaided i im in TW's evry wk now and have had a bash at pk and nt bn constantly pwn'd - sure i cant afk on a boss so much and do the dps of a fist BM and i dont just stand there doing HF to amp the dam/stroke the ego's of the DD's bt im str/dex built what with bn a sword BM so guess what? I can if and wen i chose to do either of these things. I nt gonna pretend its easy going all the time and there wernt times i thought of rerollin, bt i doubt im alone there. all i mean was as i belive is the point of this poll(rarther than yet another troll on ppl who play as they like, nt as other ppl whould like em to play) is that there sould b more balance btwn the paths so we do see more of each of the path and there isn't this stygma attached to the so called "fail" weapons.

    After all shouldn't that be the point of having all those options open- so ppl actually use em? if im wrong and BM are only meant to b using axe or fist then by all means im happy to hear a GM's or dev's comments in it. As for some of other players who see forum's to diss others, i'm only a little saddnd that currently there is this closed minded approach to the game
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    morridune wrote: »
    LOL's i have no probs finding squads, half the time its ppl asking me to help them especially for fc and now lunar ( primal fear is a laugh btw all who can, go least once to try it )

    Primal Fear and Lunar used to be pretty brutal. It's a joke now. New Lunar isn't much of an accomplishment.
    you see imma tell u a little secret.................BM's can use more than 1 type of weap b:shockedb:shocked

    I know. I have almost all of my skills maxed. Except, I don't even have a single sword skill. Completely unnecessary. b:chuckle
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • morridune
    morridune Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I know. I have almost all of my skills maxed. Except, I don't even have a single sword skill. Completely unnecessary. b:chuckle[/QUOTE]

    erm bt is'nt this kinda the point of the poll? to try and push for all the weaps to have their place, as a BM are you telling me u wouldnt like to b able to have all of them as an even option?
    then there is looking at it from a new players point of veiw shouldnt they be able to have the choice to lvl in what ever path they wish without ppl givin em greif for not knowin the accepted paths to pick?

    why cant a player go sword/pole or axe/pole or fist/sword or purely 1 of any of the paths?

    I'm nt talking bout how things are now im asking that, given the opportunity to speak up and ask the dev's/GM's/ppl who run the show- would u rarther see these inbalances addressed? or would you prefer to leave as is so we are the same and only sit and mock ppl who try to do something more personalised with their chara?

    As it is they are bringing out another update with a new race and 2 new classes, im happy to see this as it shows that there is a desire to keep the game moving forward and further open up the choices we as player have. I think we should rarther see the forums as an opportunity to give feed bk on how we find the game and positive suggestions as to how to keep it moving forwards. Most ppl who have played for a reasonable length of time know the faults and issues yet all there seems 2b is ppl obbsessing on avoiding those rarther than looking to see them improved

    You BM is just that, YOUR BM im nt telling ppl how to play bt bt asking do you rly want? a toon thats same gear, same skills, same style of playing as the next 20 bm's ur lvl? or to be able to play as u wish and still be as good as ppl who have diff pref for weapons?
    It seems this class was oringonally intended to be like the weapons master of the game able to be strong with a selection of different weapons and tactics so that u could fight several in a row and have a different fight everytime. What the origional post said is this is nt the case all bt a very few are axe/fist with the same axe's and the same fists or claws. Who would like to see this change?

    oh as as for the lunar i wasn't braggin i was sayin it was a laugh and recomending ppl try, as there is more in pwi than FC and TT do try to read as is written and nt put other meaning in my words that wasn't there b:tired