BM world beside axes and fists?



  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    There is no way to balance all the weapons. If you did that then there wouldn't really be any difference to any of them.

    I have fists for single target DPS. Fists are my primary weapon. I have axes for HF, DB and for engaging multiple targets. I use axes quite often. I have a pole in case I need a third ranged attack. I'm too lazy to GS cancel for the chance to get the crit buff. Swords? In almost every situation I think "hey, this might be an appropriate time to use MSS" I still think it would be a waste of two sparks.

    Mage Bane: Oooh... for one spark I can slow channeling down by 50% by 8 seconds. But, for one spark with Drake Bash, I can hit harder and stun for 7.5 seconds. Hmm....

    Sprit Chaser: Umm... pretty much useless in PvP or PvE... there are a number of combos that you can do that would out dps this skill...

    Atmos Strike: Actually a pretty hard hitting skill... why I would switch from another weapon just to use it? I can't think of a good excuse.

    MSS: Pretty nifty aoe debuff. Very highly situational. More situational in PvE than Smack by a long shot. Might have been useful in Old Frost or Old Lunar... TW? Yeah, that would be neat to hit your opposing DD team, but kinda pointless... In GV? Perhaps.... but all the mobs early on are easy, and by the time you might actually need it you have maxed auras. So when? Just during the last wave? I'm still not sure if I'd waste the two sparks for it and prefer 9 seconds of demon dragon amp.

    I actually do have Spirit Chaser, Atmos Strike and MSS books in my bank. They don't offer me anything I need. I probably won't ever learn them... well maybe one day if I'm really bored, just for the lulz.

    I see no point in using swords just so I can use one two spark skill twice a year or to claim to be an 'all-path BM'.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • ZeverEdge - Lost City
    ZeverEdge - Lost City Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Hmmm, ok. :)
    PWI Haters: the game dead yet?b:question

    PWI Community: Pretty much, West Arch is still the laggiest place.

    PWI Economy: Agreed, and there is still active gold tradingb:surrender

    Hooray for death of PWI!!!b:kissb:victory