Top of each class on Sanctuary!



  • TheMagicPimp - Raging Tide
    TheMagicPimp - Raging Tide Posts: 1,946 Arc User
    edited August 2010

    Deceptistar unfortunately makes the best point of all, restricted choices cos so many left. A shame but pwi brought this on themselves.

    Blame that and this server for boring some of those ppl to death , lol . No point to keep on playing on a server where you're not having fun anymore , ijs ( or a game for that matter ) .

    It's all about LoL,yo.
  • Lu$t - Sanctuary
    Lu$t - Sanctuary Posts: 1,005 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Sky_Sandy? don't your mean Skylead?

    BTW how come Sky Sandy is mentioned twice in the Wizard Level rankings for sanctuary? Has anyone else noticed that the listings are still riddled with errors?

    Yea hence the note after it xD And yea I've noticed the double Sky_Sandy thing.
    For those who don't know Sky_Sandy= wizzy Skylead=cleric. Both is the same person xD

    Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero~
  • Lu$t - Sanctuary
    Lu$t - Sanctuary Posts: 1,005 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Blame that and this server for boring some of those ppl to death , lol . No point to keep on playing on a server where you're not having fun anymore , ijs ( or a game for that matter ) .

    It's quite sad actually although silver pool is picking up again every now and then. People forgot the main purpose of the game which IS fun. Now it's just...bleh. lol

    Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero~
  • Zabuzan - Sanctuary
    Zabuzan - Sanctuary Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I hate hearing people QQ over what used to be in PWI and how pk has changed etc etc wtf do u expect to happen ofc PWI needs to find some way of getting money otherwise the game would not exist anymore

    1) Ofc people are gonna leave who cares and new people will come momentarily which will maybe even be better than the old

    2) Stop wallowing in the stupid past already and look to the future I haven't spent a cent on game and neither do I catshop so don't QQ about how hard it is to make money, simple you TT get a good mat which is easy and sell to catshops at forges u do that for a day u have over 5mil
    /Farm DQ

    3) Pk is always changing but I don't know about u but Pk is better for me cuss if u want lol I have seen silver pick up alot nowadays to the point where I have over 1k ping u want more than that ?
  • stilla
    stilla Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    k imma just spit off the top PK clerics imo, since imma pk cleric. mind u this is PK only clerics so dont ask why certain clerics are not here (they should pk more)

    thx for the shoutout zab and lusty

    frotis--original badazz b4 packs
    teeni--just a badazz...period...with 6 more periods <not to include this one which makes 7
    SecondToNone--go ahead and try killing 1v1--instant respect
    lunalunaris--sexy and dangerous
    Nuke_Cleric--skill to gear ratio--top notch
    San_Miguel--runs around uncharmed all the time and u all still cant kill him most of the time
    gdByeElsa--most improved cleric and nasty to face
    papinjo--excellent play and always suprises people with off the wall origonality in pk

    these are my last 6 months PK cleric standouts.

    to those who say im in the top 3 this is my opinion of myself:
    stillaplaya--best kiter on server lol--i run like the wind, especially back to safe--protects his +10 weap sparks and then shells to run away--sees a butterfly and then shells to run away--chases his own shadows for hours then forgets it is his own, instant shell kite again.
  • NaitomeaDesu - Sanctuary
    NaitomeaDesu - Sanctuary Posts: 396 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Surprised no one is naming Linnk for archers, I'll just go ahead and do that right now.

    +1 :) Linnk was beast back in the day and just got more beast as time went on.
    The knife slides down the tip of my tongue.
    I'm finding pleasure in watching you writhe.
    I lean in just to lick the sweat off your face.
    I taste the reverence dripping down my throat.
  • Jiblet - Sanctuary
    Jiblet - Sanctuary Posts: 203 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    BM - chrisn for PK and all round nice guy, Djemelly purely for being one of the few non fist/axe BM's still around (tho he's **** reallyb:laugh ), Minimus for being such a tank BM
    Archer - Linnk
    Barb _julio or LBB (latter only because to be fairhe is a damn good PK'er - still a pain in the *** and I'm nevah gonna join his fac :P )
    Sin - AssassinTime
    Psychic - are there any????
    Veno - hrmmmm....can't decide tbh
    Wizzy - another tough one. I'm biased towards blacknizmos but maybe part of that is because he was my TW slaughter partner for quite some time. Anayo is the original 'core wiz but I won't vote for him as I'm not sure if he'd still stand up as well as some of the more recent ones
  • Hitori_Hanso - Sanctuary
    Hitori_Hanso - Sanctuary Posts: 139 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Blame that and this server for boring some of those ppl to death , lol . No point to keep on playing on a server where you're not having fun anymore , ijs ( or a game for that matter ) .

    If you hate our server so much then stop trolling our forums doing nothing but complaining about it and go back to your own cash shopper server.
  • Minimus - Sanctuary
    Minimus - Sanctuary Posts: 208 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Thats a subjective question. Best geared? Best at PK? Best at TW? Best in PVE?
    I'm sure you'll get alot that chime in about PK since that group is pretty loud (despite PK being painfully boring on this server).

    QFT b:chuckle

    There are too many conditions of what can be seen as "best" or "good". Personality is quite important and often more important than the simple ability to be able to kill (what is also important). I wonder how many actually think and understand what they can do with their class in its full extent and to use it in all aspects of the game (because I dont). Sometimes you have a spawnbuffer in your faction who does that job excellently for month and is raising morale by being a reliable pillar in your TW-efforts. Or other types of good/best players like those with the ability to teamwork, lead a squad or a whole TW. Seeing the comments above I think the game lacks content but is still not explored.
  • _Tristin_ - Sanctuary
    _Tristin_ - Sanctuary Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Theres not many Psychics out there that PvP...
    And I am currently deployed so I cant really say much about how it is changing.

    What I can say is Psychics have alot of power then people think, Everyone went and made Sin's But I will prove to people how powerful a Psy can be after I get back from deployment b:pleased

    What I can say is

    Pearly Is best geared Psychic I have seen thus far...But when you spend so much time power lvling you forget how to use your characters skills....

    Psychics have both defensive and offensive advantages....just have to learn the character and use them properly.

    This Is my Round up

    Barb: BigP
    BM: Chrisn
    Wizzard: Romansky or Jiblet
    Cleric: S2N, And Stilla have my vote
    Sin: Fishy
    Archer: Link - we have had some good fights
    Veno: Dont know TBH
    Psychic: TBH I dont want to judge Psy as there are little of us.

    Love me or Hate me...But thats my round up b:cute

    Lvl 103 DEMON Psychic - "you just don't know when you have to run outta safe going YOLO"
  • Lu$t - Sanctuary
    Lu$t - Sanctuary Posts: 1,005 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Theres not many Psychics out there that PvP...
    And I am currently deployed so I cant really say much about how it is changing.

    What I can say is Psychics have alot of power then people think, Everyone went and made Sin's But I will prove to people how powerful a Psy can be after I get back from deployment b:pleased

    What I can say is

    Pearly Is best geared Psychic I have seen thus far...But when you spend so much time power lvling you forget how to use your characters skills....

    Psychics have both defensive and offensive advantages....just have to learn the character and use them properly.

    This Is my Round up

    Barb: BigP
    BM: Chrisn
    Wizzard: Romansky or Jiblet
    Cleric: S2N, And Stilla have my vote
    Sin: Fishy
    Archer: Link - we have had some good fights
    Veno: Dont know TBH
    Psychic: TBH I dont want to judge Psy as there are little of us.

    Love me or Hate me...But thats my round up b:cute

    Best veno might be xocassieox (retired). for the most part she merched most of her gear and could kill 99% of cash shoppers with no nix. if that doesnt spell skill then i dont know what a skilled veno look like lol

    Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero~
  • Ruvil - Sanctuary
    Ruvil - Sanctuary Posts: 382 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    BM: Ashworth
    Barb: rainyrice
    Wiz: Shev
    Archer: Link.
    Veno: cassie.
    Cleric: S2N
    Psy: who?
    Sin: mmmm sushi P:
  • Zoroastra - Sanctuary
    Zoroastra - Sanctuary Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Most opinions here are pvp only.

    I was there when Chrisn and Rainyrice finished a full delta run w/o a cleric (cleric fell asleep at stage 3 or something) that was pro teamwork. i dont even think anyone's charm ticked up to stage 9. No rebuffs, no BB. just health aura. Just epic.
  • _Tristin_ - Sanctuary
    _Tristin_ - Sanctuary Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Most opinions here are pvp only.

    I was there when Chrisn and Rainyrice finished a full delta run w/o a cleric (cleric fell asleep at stage 3 or something) that was pro teamwork. i dont even think anyone's charm ticked up to stage 9. No rebuffs, no BB. just health aura. Just epic.

    I Can usually beat down on barbs really good, and when I duel'd Rainyrice it was a good fight, he is one tough barb and knows his skills, same with chrisn...

    Im excited to return to PWI in early 2011 after I get home and get rank 9 gear and show everyone how beast psychics are...

    very excited b:thanks

    Lvl 103 DEMON Psychic - "you just don't know when you have to run outta safe going YOLO"
  • AirFogi - Sanctuary
    AirFogi - Sanctuary Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    my votes:

    BM Kyantezzzzzzzzzzz, he doesnt have the best gears but he's got experience in his side and he always posts a threat in PK and is most noticable in tw

    Barb BigP, too lazy to post why, most probably already agree

    wiz Ghostring, Gear + skill combined... Everyone's #1 KOS in tw

    archer linnkotsu, knows when to kill and run, no other archer moves like him, can kill a whole squad w/ 1 spark

    veno cassie, can pk 1vs1 against the best in sever

    psychic, do we have psychics in the server?

    sin PhyuckMei, watch his video

    cleric nathamod, no other cleric is a threat like him both in tw and pk. He can kill almost anyone 1vs1.
  • _Tristin_ - Sanctuary
    _Tristin_ - Sanctuary Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Err Yes, You do have Psychics on the sever, a few of them are 100+ including myself

    Lvl 103 DEMON Psychic - "you just don't know when you have to run outta safe going YOLO"
  • Kupuntu - Sanctuary
    Kupuntu - Sanctuary Posts: 3,008 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Err Yes, You do have Psychics on the sever, a few of them are 100+ including myself

    Best psy is lead, s/he two shot two BMs (90+ and 100+) using p. marrow outside West Arch. It was epic.

    S/he also won both of them in 1vs1. And s/he's 80.
    100% F2P player. Started PW: March 2007, Quit PW: March 2011. "Pure axe" 8k HP multipath BM, last one of my kind.