Cleric appreciation



  • MystiMonk - Sanctuary
    MystiMonk - Sanctuary Posts: 4,286 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    You certianly don't see the point I am trying to make do you and technically legally drunk is 0.01 blood alchol or other wise no alchol.What about those who push the wrong button and like to blame it on someone else hmm.I would say that you are very yooung to fully understand what alchol does to you as it can permenently impair your judgement over time.I would say it is worse than smoking.
    Lack of judgment? Yes, because playing a cleric is incredibly difficult. Hm, should I heal everyone or just let them die? So hard to choose.

    Oh, and I play my other classes just fine while drunk. Made a few goofs the first couple times but after that I play them relatively well (again, not as well as I could when sober but still good enough to not hold back my squad).

    Cleric aren't that hard to play but more so than any other class in this game.
    Use a 10 year old computer you dug out of your closet and play with every action delayed by 2-4 seconds and then say lag has nothing to do with it. My judgment is fine but it doesn't mean **** if the wellspring/SoR/purify doesn't get to the person before he/she dies
    This senceless.
    Good thing this isn't some other game then. I freely admit that I suck at Modern Warfare 2 when I'm drunk so I'm glad that PW is such a simple game.
    FPS games are so easy all it is is point and shoot.
    Luckily, PW doesn't require an extremely fast reaction time. Unless your squad bum rushes a group of mobs and causes a huge cluster**** then you only need to worry about healing the tank and the occasional DD.
    It does in instances.
    I fail to see how any of your points are connected at all. So the fact that I go and have a few drinks some friends once or twice a week means I'm an addict? Riiiiiiiiight.
    No.It is because of where I work as to the reports we get from psychological journals and medical.

    btw all I see is lvl 33 pychic where is your cleric avatar?
    Looking for a decent casual understanding Faction.
  • bitbybit
    bitbybit Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    If one beer makes you upset hows about hanging out with me when Ive had like 3 litres of beer and a shot of whiskey my regular dose before TW. Everyone that has ever squaded me knows I drink during the weekend and knows that I will get the job done.
    I never **** or play games straight.
  • truekossy
    truekossy Posts: 7,021 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    This topic has shattered my hopes that Mysti had become any better... b:sad
  • XylolyX - Heavens Tear
    XylolyX - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,097 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    If you're a tank, every day is cleric appreciation day.
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Sure, I'll pay for a rez or heals... outside of safe zone. b:chuckle

    I'm sure my Saftey Lock would have problems trading with someone... it just doesn't want to trade... how about... try clicking that red X on the right hand side of the screen and uncheck the box that says "Protection - ALL". That should fix the problem.


    I'm totally for having no 'appreciation days' and playing the game normally.

    ^agreed. b:bye
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • I_M_Fugly - Sanctuary
    I_M_Fugly - Sanctuary Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited August 2010

    ... clerics are a part of the party like everyone else, and everyone should receive the same 'appreciation.'

    As a cleric, this works for me.
  • Telarith - Sanctuary
    Telarith - Sanctuary Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    It made more sense when the clerics were steadily getting more skilled, and being treated like ****. Fast leveling has kind of muddied the waters a bit, with equally skilled and unskilled playing at the same character level now. Before could tell who was better by who leveled faster and healed better in instances. They were the best all around clerics for both offense and defense usually.

    Plus with the growing age of older clerics, some of us found newer partners who are younger. As such many of us have formed new relationships with assassins who bloodpaint us whenever we want it, and just get by on buff alimoney from our old flames.

    Though come next appreciation day, I'm all for setting up another catshop at the party with mana pots for 200K each, and the title Use2RezME as my title. Now if only we had good slap emotes to use after asking politely "Buff me Bish". Gotta treat our ho's right :)
    Fist are the worst at PvP AND PvE, if you disagree, as I said, take it to PM's or make your own guide. Go here if you want to debate about it. - Lyndura

    Get a High lvl Fist warrior use it, Restat to axes. GG - complexx

    :NOTE: These signatures are to forever immortalize, how stupid people can be.
  • Samaela - Dreamweaver
    Samaela - Dreamweaver Posts: 426 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Oh look, do we have a thread now? Let me thank all the clerics I <3.

    WELL. Here we goes. I want to thank the epic tank that helped me out with my cultibosses and my fb29. I appreaciate you so much b:pleased Thank you to all the OTHER classes who has ever helped someone out with tanking. I'd like to thank a sin I know, for helping me with my quests around 20-30. Wouldn't made it without you mate. I'd like to glomp a couple of archers I know, very nice and helpful people indeed. And I would like to raep my bestfriend and epicest Veno ever, Hihiri. Last, but not least I'd like to thank Graviora for always supporting me no matter how stupid I've been at times. You've been great help and support for me<3

    POINT OF THIS RANT IS. A appereciation day for one class is stupid. Yes I am a cleric, yes I heal your *** and yes I do it even if you sometimes doesn't deserve it, and YES I have taken **** for things that wasn't my fault. BUT. Without the other classes, the people who has helped me, my friends, my guild mates, I would have been nowhere. Not a single class is more important than the other. Sure I can heal, but I can't tank and I am not that amazing as a DDer. I don't have a pet to lurk with either. Without you guys I'd been nothing<3
    Samaela[demon cleric]||Nanimee[mystic]||aquaelle[psychic]
  • truekossy
    truekossy Posts: 7,021 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Stupid thread is stupid
    I'm totally for having no 'appreciation days' and playing the game normally.

    +1 to this.
  • Tatuaje - Lost City
    Tatuaje - Lost City Posts: 2,780 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Lets all show appreciation to our fellow Clerics this coming celebration day.

    We all PK them and see who can give them a rez. b:quiet
    tatuaje: grinding mobs and zhenning ???
    frankieraye:All right, I admit it, it's a bit retro. lol.
  • Asmodiel - Heavens Tear
    Asmodiel - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,442 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    the "being taken for granted" excuse is old. You choose to be a cleric, nobody forced you to.
    "One of the most important factors, not only in military matters but in life as a whole, is ... the ability to direct one's whole energies towards the fulfillment of a particular task." - Field Marshal Erwin Rommel

  • Yorkin - Dreamweaver
    Yorkin - Dreamweaver Posts: 271 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I concur with this thread. Indeed I have met some clerics that were not so good. Not in the manner of clerical tasks, but gaming itself.

    Still a thunderess applause b:victory

    A small tribute to elven mathematician from a human physicist. b:pleased

    Yorkin - The Retired Wizard
  • Yulk - Heavens Tear
    Yulk - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,951 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    To all clerics:

    I started doing bh on this alt and good friggin grief I commend you all for putting up with the **** you do. I've never been yelled at so much in my life "heal me, dont heal, run away, where are you, heal the sin, rezz the sin, rezz the sin again (and again), why are you rezzing the tank is dying?, *** you the sin didnt get boss....on and on and on."

    Just wanted to say how much I appreciate your patience now that I see the **** you put up with. b:surrender

    BHs are stupid imho. outside instances is pretty much learning about patterns. Where people actually appreciate clerics (mostly) .

    I do feel your pain imho lol. On my cleric some assassin just tell me "buff plz" I replied to him "ask nicely please" afterwards, he died when he laughed at me xD. Sure I max my buffs and all my heals, now with revive, it somewhat helps, most likely it doesn't. In squads, I barely use revive. But it seems more like a curse to me b:cry its always "rev plz" "rev plz" which is why i kept it at level 1 b:surrender . Tough I am still carebear enough just to heal and buff people randomly XD.

    But yeah, people need to learn how to appreciate people behind the class that does kind things. ^^

    Thanks for Flauschkatze for siggy b:cool

    VIT > STR > DEX > MAG... GG
    HA > LA > AR... GG

    HA + VIT = win b:bye
  • VerenKaunis - Dreamweaver
    VerenKaunis - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,099 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    You certianly don't see the point I am trying to make do you and technically legally drunk is 0.01 blood alchol or other wise no alchol.

    The law where I live says 0.08 is when someone is drunk. Hm, what should I believe; someone's personal opinion or the law which clearly states what a person's BAC must be in order for them to be considered drunk?
    What about those who push the wrong button and like to blame it on someone else hmm.

    If someone does that then it's painfully obvious who's at fault anyway. Are you implying that I'm one of those people? Funny, I don't think I've ever even met you in game so I don't see how you'd know anything about how I play.
    I would say that you are very yooung to fully understand what alchol does to you as it can permenently impair your judgement over time.I would say it is worse than smoking.

    I'm well aware of the effects alcohol has on me and I really don't care about any long-term damage it may have. I';m also aware that the effect alcohol has on my judgment while playing PW is negligible since the options I can take in a squad situation are, unlike in real life, limited (heal, attack, run away like a little ***** and hope I somehow live).

    Also, drinking being worse than smoking is your opinion. It also happens to be an opinion which good-ole science ***** slaps since the consumption of alcohol in moderation (key word being moderation) is actually good for you while smoking has absolutely no positive effects.
    Cleric aren't that hard to play but more so than any other class in this game.

    Which isn't saying much since the entire game is basically the 'my first MMO' of online games (OK, so that title was taken by JD but PW still doesn't take a genius to figure out).
    This senceless.

    I agree completely. It's about as senseless as comparing 2 different games or the consequences of playing drunk with driving drunk.

    That reminds me, you haven't answered my question. Would you prefer that I play a game while drunk or drive while drunk? Those are the only 2 options you have to choose from so no pulling some third answer out of your ***.

    FPS games are so easy all it is is point and shoot.

    It's obvious you've never played an FPS against other players. I can get completely ****faced and still mow down the AI on the hardest difficulty in any FPS but still get slaughtered by the first half-decent human player I play against.

    Nice attempt at trying to copy my 'it's easy' argument.
    It does in instances.

    As I said, only when your squad bum rushes a group of mobs. Hell, even then I can still keep mostly everyone alive.
    No.It is because of where I work as to the reports we get from psychological journals and medical.

    I highly doubt that you'd be able to identify whether or not I'm an alcoholic from a single post.
    btw all I see is lvl 33 pychic where is your cleric avatar?

    I have the 2 characters I still play on my profile.
    truekossy wrote: »
    This topic has shattered my hopes that Mysti had become any better... b:sad

    Actually, nothing she's said in this thread so far could be used to determine whether or not she's a good player. All she's done is attack me for posting an anecdote which I found to be humorous.

    That reminds me, we've gotten way off-topic haven't we? o_O
    This alt has been brought to you by lkurei - Harshlands.
    I'm a guy. b:sad
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] lol
    'I think most of us f2p players stopped caring about buying gold once the ani packs came in, bent the gold market over a chair and did unspeakable things to it. >_>' Miugre - Heavens Tear
  • xfactor03
    xfactor03 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I played as a cleric long ago. Level 72 as i remember. And i tell you what. As you said before, "I've never been yelled at so much in my life". You see that everyday everytime your out questing or just squading with your friends. Once you learn the revive spell its not so easy to be a cleric. People think that being a cleric is a piece of cake. Nothing to it, but most of you don't know its hard to be a cleric when their doing their job. Not to mention being a cleric cost alot of MONEY! I would say being a cleric is on the top list of classes that are harder then others maybe number one. People need to respect and appreciate clerics and the way they work their character. Don't be rude and you'll get something nice out of it. So overall i totally agree with this thread and what other former cleric players say about it.
  • MystiMonk - Sanctuary
    MystiMonk - Sanctuary Posts: 4,286 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    You can think of what you want I am going by medical facts not what the law says anyway I am getting tired of this debate.I still say that FPS are easy as your profile I can't see your alts so unless you prove that you play one you are still who you are.btw I haven't attacked you or you would know it.

    I owe you an apology as I looked your profile and indeed you do have a Cleric lvl 57.

    truekossy stay out if .

    Ot Why do we need an appreciation thread as we should appreciate and respect one another but we don't as we are always arguing with one another?

    Maybe one way others will appreciate us is if we stop ressing for 1 weekend a Month is BHs.
    Looking for a decent casual understanding Faction.
  • truekossy
    truekossy Posts: 7,021 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Actually, nothing she's said in this thread so far could be used to determine whether or not she's a good player. All she's done is attack me for posting an anecdote which I found to be humorous.

    That reminds me, we've gotten way off-topic haven't we? o_O

    Yes... yes you are. Thread derailment ftw!

    Though I meant in terms of common sense. She's already made plenty of new posts in other topics showing her (lack of) skill playing.
  • Missyfairy - Heavens Tear
    Missyfairy - Heavens Tear Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    If I think my squad is terrible, I leave. If they try to tell me what to do, I tell them to worry about themself, or I just might forget to heal them later. If they QQ about a death and ask why I suck, I tell them to have fun going to town.

  • MystiMonk - Sanctuary
    MystiMonk - Sanctuary Posts: 4,286 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    truekossy wrote: »
    Yes... yes you are. Thread derailment ftw!

    Though I meant in terms of common sense. She's already made plenty of new posts in other topics showing her (lack of) skill playing.

    You want to take this off topic again fine I don't lack the skill.I don't lack the skill get it through your head and stay the hell out of it.I don't believe a dam thing you say.
    Looking for a decent casual understanding Faction.
  • montaya
    montaya Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I agree totally!!!! I get sick of "Cleric buff me!!" Excuse me but i do have a name!!!!!! Geesh
  • Silvatar - Sanctuary
    Silvatar - Sanctuary Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    To all clerics:

    I started doing bh on this alt and good friggin grief I commend you all for putting up with the **** you do. I've never been yelled at so much in my life "heal me, dont heal, run away, where are you, heal the sin, rezz the sin, rezz the sin again (and again), why are you rezzing the tank is dying?, *** you the sin didnt get boss....on and on and on."

    Just wanted to say how much I appreciate your patience now that I see the **** you put up with. b:surrender

    Wow, thanks for writing that. It is refreshing to discover someone thoughtful enough to realize what a pain this game can be for clerics (not because of the design of the game, but rather, because of the attitude of its players).

    I laughed when I read, "heal me" for this has to be one of my biggest pet peeves.

    Squad member: "Heal me"
    Me: "Heal? I have a heal spell? Clerics can other people? Really!??? How do I acquire this heal thing of which you speak!? I am going to go find this heal right now, yay me!!
    Me: *Banging head against keyboard, banging head against wall, banging head with fridge door.*

    Seriously people, the most idiotic thing one can say to a cleric is, "heal me". Firstly, OMG, yes we know to heal you if you are taking damage,... and if you are not getting heals, it is because we are either doing something more important for the squad or we just hate you (odds are we hate you).

    *Phew* Okay, that was my first rant on the forum.... "and I liked it" (*whistles tune*) b:pleased
  • Ashivas - Dreamweaver
    Ashivas - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,293 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Wow, thanks for writing that. It is refreshing to discover someone thoughtful enough to realize what a pain this game can be for clerics (not because of the design of the game, but rather, because of the attitude of its players).

    I laughed when I read, "heal me" for this has to be one of my biggest pet peeves.

    Squad member: "Heal me"
    Me: "Heal? I have a heal spell? Clerics can other people? Really!??? How do I acquire this heal thing of which you speak!? I am going to go find this heal right now, yay me!!
    Me: *Banging head against keyboard, banging head against wall, banging head with fridge door.*

    Seriously people, the most idiotic thing one can say to a cleric is, "heal me". Firstly, OMG, yes we know to heal you if you are taking damage,... and if you are not getting heals, it is because we are either doing something more important for the squad or we just hate you (odds are we hate you).

    *Phew* Okay, that was my first rant on the forum.... "and I liked it" (*whistles tune*) b:pleased

    If someone tells me what to do, I ignore them. And tell them quite frankly: "Tell me what to do one more time, and I will forget to heal you for the rest of the run."
    Ashura Tyrant you foul mouthed little boy! I must keel yew nao =3
  • TailsCat - Raging Tide
    TailsCat - Raging Tide Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    normally if they say to my nooo your doing it wrong heal them noooo i dead thanks alot dumbass i just say fine i'll do it your way in the end they all die and i do it my way b:victory
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]To Every story there is Two sides They may be told Differently but doesn't that make the story more instresting :D?
  • batranu
    batranu Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Good post Ashivasb:bye