An Early GM Response to the TW Changes



  • Knownase - Heavens Tear
    Knownase - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,959 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Well Tw was fine on HT last night longest fight ever vs number 1 guild tee hee. but seriously refund the bids would make a lot off ppl happy

    Give it a few more weeks, the motivation will be worse.

    Although I do see PKing on the rise....
    b:flowerHave a Techno Rave Flower!b:flower

    -Self-Proclaimed TW commentator of HT-
    -Certified Barbarian Master-
    -You gained +10 coolness points for viewing this signature-
    -Master of Coffee-
  • Kitsunade - Lost City
    Kitsunade - Lost City Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    As Michael said, TW in Lost City is dead

    Spectral always provided some fun exiting TW since the start of the game

    Now they don't have a reason why to do TW anymore

    No Pay = No Work

    Bring Back the Coin Salary

    if we wanted mirages we would spam do HH Runs and Decompose 3* OHT stuff for them

    Give people a real reason to TW, no one cares for mirages and no one cares for the freaking badge

    this is PWI not The asian Versions which are actually a bigger mess than here

    and thanks to them WE'RE getting punished for their stupidity and wrong actions

    QUIT putting the Chinese and Malaysian Patches into PWI
  • Boogiepanda - Raging Tide
    Boogiepanda - Raging Tide Posts: 4,682 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    As Michael said, TW in Lost City is dead

    Spectral always provided some fun exiting TW since the start of the game

    Now they don't have a reason why to do TW anymore

    No Pay = No Work

    Bring Back the Coin Salary

    if we wanted mirages we would spam do HH Runs and Decompose 3* OHT stuff for them

    Give people a real reason to TW, no one cares for mirages and no one cares for the freaking badge

    this is PWI not The asian Versions which are actually a bigger mess than here

    and thanks to them WE'RE getting punished for their stupidity and wrong actions

    QUIT putting the Chinese and Malaysian Patches into PWI

    I think your signature should be a default screensaver for the devs and GMs.


  • Fenora - Sanctuary
    Fenora - Sanctuary Posts: 128 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    why are they worried about inflation when they have introduced new rank gear that one piece would cost thousands of packs(one way of obtaining) which would most likely =thousands in RL money. this is confusing to me. What i have noticed is changes are being made to push cash shopping to get anywhere.
  • JoeBlack - Harshlands
    JoeBlack - Harshlands Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    As Michael said, TW in Lost City is dead

    Spectral always provided some fun exiting TW since the start of the game

    Now they don't have a reason why to do TW anymore

    No Pay = No Work

    Bring Back the Coin Salary

    if we wanted mirages we would spam do HH Runs and Decompose 3* OHT stuff for them

    Give people a real reason to TW, no one cares for mirages and no one cares for the freaking badge

    this is PWI not The asian Versions which are actually a bigger mess than here

    and thanks to them WE'RE getting punished for their stupidity and wrong actions

    QUIT putting the Chinese and Malaysian Patches into PWI

    Same situation in HL server,, TW is dead...b:bye

    Have you ever seen 50/183 ppl online before and just around 40 ppl for 3 wars?

    I dont need more explainations b:angry
  • Mraochan - Lost City
    Mraochan - Lost City Posts: 464 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    So I've been looking up ancient threads and thought some of you might be interested in this:
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    As Michael said, TW in Lost City is dead

    I would have updated my TW thread, but it's pointless. We all know TW has died. b:sad
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Lenore - Harshlands
    Lenore - Harshlands Posts: 1,201 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    So I've been looking up ancient threads and thought some of you might be interested in this:

    I read that, and the OP said TW rewards should be in-game items not coin. He did not say the reward should be useless.
  • Mraochan - Lost City
    Mraochan - Lost City Posts: 464 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I read that, and the OP said TW rewards should be in-game items not coin. He did not say the reward should be useless.

    The OP brought up a few good options, and there were a few other great ideas (imo) later in the post... What impressed me is the thread is 2 years old.

    Also I don't support the changes to TW, I think they should change it back to the way it was prior to patch 390. And the UI while they're at it.

    The way I feel about the game right now, they could just reset the whole server and start over. Eh, I'll stick around for a little longer and see what happens b:surrender
  • Crazydan - Heavens Tear
    Crazydan - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,178 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Get rid of 10 mill bank notes keep mirage pay keep bids a secret but still show when a land is bid on then just give refunds back to bidder YAY i remember my point now
  • Indiri - Archosaur
    Indiri - Archosaur Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    This i have to disagree with. Not because the principle isnt good. But the market will always determine the price. The Cash shop zen sellers will simply stop posting it at the AH when they know they can sell it for alot more over World Chat or in Catshop vending stalls as cash shop items. Unless you can cut off every system of transaction between players for cash shop goods, a price ceiling will just create an open 'black market' of cash shop items. And whats makes that worse, is using catshops & world chat for sales often leads to faster price escalations, as a price listing (such as the auction gold system) is what shows sellers their competition and the price they have to come down with to be able to sell.

    What I mean by make gold a set price is make an NPC that will buy AND sell gold for coin. Then people won't be limited to using the cat shops for anything. They can buy gold from the NPC and get whatever they want from the boutique and they can sell gold to the NPC to move their zen into coin.
  • Aubree - Dreamweaver
    Aubree - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,868 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    What I mean by make gold a set price is make an NPC that will buy AND sell gold for coin. Then people won't be limited to using the cat shops for anything. They can buy gold from the NPC and get whatever they want from the boutique and they can sell gold to the NPC to move their zen into coin.

    Isn't that what the current Gold Buying/Selling does? Except people get to determine how much their hard earned RL money is worth? I see youre idea as fail. It's gives less incentive for people to sell their gold.
  • __Ramrod__ - Dreamweaver
    __Ramrod__ - Dreamweaver Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Isn't that what the current Gold Buying/Selling does? Except people get to determine how much their hard earned RL money is worth? I see youre idea as fail. It's gives less incentive for people to sell their gold.
    and when i started 1.5 years ago gold was 130k now its in the 400k range which jackes other things up in game too like perfect hammer prices i got 35 chest of coin and ther useless because of gold prices
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    What I mean by make gold a set price is make an NPC that will buy AND sell gold for coin. Then people won't be limited to using the cat shops for anything. They can buy gold from the NPC and get whatever they want from the boutique and they can sell gold to the NPC to move their zen into coin.

    Gold Trader. It already exists.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Chai_Neng - Dreamweaver
    Chai_Neng - Dreamweaver Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    All these complaints about changes... change is inevitable one way or the other. Everyone must deal with it whether it's bad or good. The good player will change and adapt with it.

    I am not trying to flame anyone... just stating my opinions and most likely will not be back to read this anymore. I've heard a lot of complaints over my time on PWI. This seems to corrolate with people in the real world complaining about their job and the economy. Everyone expects others to make the 'right' changes for them so it would benefit them. Roll with the punches, find another way... that's what makes us human... being smarter than the average animal. Same with jobs, if you don't like it, you're free to find another one if you think that one will be any better... grass being greener and all that good stuff.

    Back on track, as far as all the complaints about the game being ruined... and the insane threats about quitting or moving on to another game... well, you're free to do that also.

    The only things I will say to that are:

    Good luck on your new game
    There will be a new guy to take your place when you're gone
    West Archo might be less laggy
    Oh... and maybe the random DC's might happen less too

    soooo... really, if you're going to leave, I wish you luck and hopefully the game will run smoother for me and the rest of those who decide to stay.

    Thank you for your time and see you in game.
  • Boogiepanda - Raging Tide
    Boogiepanda - Raging Tide Posts: 4,682 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Yes changes are inevitable, but I believe us players have the right to be pissed off as the changes dumped on us are meant for PW-CN, not specifically for PWI
  • sethh
    sethh Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    All these complaints about changes... change is inevitable one way or the other. Everyone must deal with it whether it's bad or good. The good player will change and adapt with it.

    I am not trying to flame anyone... just stating my opinions and most likely will not be back to read this anymore. I've heard a lot of complaints over my time on PWI. This seems to corrolate with people in the real world complaining about their job and the economy. Everyone expects others to make the 'right' changes for them so it would benefit them. Roll with the punches, find another way... that's what makes us human... being smarter than the average animal. Same with jobs, if you don't like it, you're free to find another one if you think that one will be any better... grass being greener and all that good stuff.

    Back on track, as far as all the complaints about the game being ruined... and the insane threats about quitting or moving on to another game... well, you're free to do that also.

    The only things I will say to that are:

    Good luck on your new game
    There will be a new guy to take your place when you're gone
    West Archo might be less laggy
    Oh... and maybe the random DC's might happen less too

    soooo... really, if you're going to leave, I wish you luck and hopefully the game will run smoother for me and the rest of those who decide to stay.

    Thank you for your time and see you in game.

    The problem is people who invest tons of money to having fun are not having at all with these changes... What they can do? adapt it to play a game which not provides fun?
    b:pleasedI'm ignorant :)
  • Darksylph - Heavens Tear
    Darksylph - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,816 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    What I mean by make gold a set price is make an NPC that will buy AND sell gold for coin. Then people won't be limited to using the cat shops for anything. They can buy gold from the NPC and get whatever they want from the boutique and they can sell gold to the NPC to move their zen into coin.
    Isn't that what the current Gold Buying/Selling does? Except people get to determine how much their hard earned RL money is worth? I see youre idea as fail. It's gives less incentive for people to sell their gold.
    Gold Trader. It already exists.

    I think Indiri is talking about making an NPC that buys & sells gold for coin, but not through players. But that fails because gold is how PWE makes money. They's already said every gold used to buy items through the boutique counts as $1 real money and has to be accounted for. The free zen offers are funded through advertising dollars given to them, otherwise its all money people have charged. They will never introduce a way to buy boutique money for game coin that doesnt start its life as $1 real life currency. Everything they're doing is trying to get more people to charge money, the LAST thing they'd do is give people a reason to charge less money.
  • BudsBarb - Raging Tide
    BudsBarb - Raging Tide Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Wow this thread still going lol.Nothing will change till they get rid of PW-CN till then we all will suffer.So might as well go level not post in this useless thread anymore! I have juts decided not to buy zen anymore and play other games juts log on to sell my **** in AH.

    FEZ Says: Good day....I said good day
  • Boogiepanda - Raging Tide
    Boogiepanda - Raging Tide Posts: 4,682 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    PW-CN makes more money than PWI. So guys, start cash shopping!
  • Cimon - Harshlands
    Cimon - Harshlands Posts: 279 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    this is absolutly insane that you would ignore this many posts and not change the system back or at least alter it to be reasonable i expect alot of people to leave if the next patch does not include a fix for the math that you guys have obviously didnt pay to much attention to get rid of the big note and stop letting the same ten people on the server dictate prices of gold through alts and other means set gold to a flat rate of 200k a peice and all will be fixed simple as that if they dont want there gold sold a 200k a peice then they wont sell it wich will drive the price of everything else down you guys changed tw to stop the influx of coins comming in but the influx is still there nothing has changed even a bit other than no one who isnt rich will go to a tw and as a matter of fact you think the factions that have been holding land for all this time aluva sudden dropped there giant coin purse no i mean kingdom probly still has hundreds of millions of coin same with zulu and kylin on harshlands take it away from em im sure you can do the math and figure out how much coin they have vrs how many mirages it will translate into or something this is a serious problem and you offer no solution you will be left with empty servers that simple the game was never the same after packs and i think this is the stab that will forever cripple it so if you guys like to get a paycheck each week and eat time to stop playing around and read what has been said and change it customer is always right period and if we want our server full of gold farming and the like then let us it dont hurt you none in fact you get more money this cant be the first thought or the last and im sure my ideas are flawed but i think you need to take one day and just randomly pm 5 people from each server and ask them and make sure there like lvl 30 for one group lvl 40 for the next and so on because thoose are the people your gunna need to keep so i sugest talking to em or something get a feel for it because this thread much like the game is broken and not being read clearly
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]ty mystic man for the sig
  • crunchycat
    crunchycat Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    whoa! I am sure I agree with what you stated, but damn that's some serious word salad.
  • Cimon - Harshlands
    Cimon - Harshlands Posts: 279 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    lol yea i write really well as you guys can see sorry bout that
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]ty mystic man for the sig
  • Indiri - Archosaur
    Indiri - Archosaur Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Gold Trader. It already exists.

    I don't mean a NPC where you can buy and sell coin for gold with another person (the current gold trading). I meant where you buy and sell with an NPC only. No other person required.

    Obviously you missed what I said in my earlier post but unfortunately when I quoted her I don't also have the benefit of her quote of what I did say unless I go back to my original post and quote that as well and honestly I just don't care enough to do it. :)

    Yes, there is a Gold Trader where you can trade your gold and trade it for whatever price you like (assuming that someone is willing to buy/sell for that price). I am aware of that and do gold trading myself on a regular basis. My point was that Frankie and other GMs have been saying that part of the goal of this TW update was to curb inflation and bring the gold price down by removing coin from the game (which didn't really work anyway). Clearly many people (including myself) hate those changes.

    All I was saying is that if the price of gold is really that important to them (PW) then they should make gold a set price, of which an NPC is a possible way to do that. Personally I don't like that idea and I'm fine with prices as they are and I make money gold trading. The other poster was saying that it can't be a set price because then people will just sell items bought with gold and not use the gold trader and prices will still be high (because she assumed that I meant gold to only be a set price in one direction, I guess?) to which I responded that using an NPC that buys AND sells for a set price (no more gold trader) can prevent that. No one will sell an item from the boutique for 1 million if anyone can go to the NPC, turn their 500k into gold and buy the item themselves for half the price. So no, what I was suggesting is not what already exists, exactly.

    To be clear, I do not like the idea much either BUT if the goal is for PW to lower gold prices as they stated (and not actually just to make us buy more zen) then they should do something along those lines to fix the problem and not try a bunch of bandaids that make their entire player base upset. What they are currently doing is taking away all ways of making money in the game (like DQ and TW) 1 at a time to "lower" the gold price when none of them are actually working and it seems to be more about greed to make us spend more on zen. If it wasn't a greed problem then they would remove the 10 mil note as a reward for best luck tokens (which encourage people to spend more on packs).
  • Indiri - Archosaur
    Indiri - Archosaur Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Isn't that what the current Gold Buying/Selling does? Except people get to determine how much their hard earned RL money is worth? I see youre idea as fail. It's gives less incentive for people to sell their gold.

    Well, if the goal of PW is to lower the gold price (as they have stated a few times) then less incentive to sell gold isn't necessarily a bad thing. I agree that people should be able to decide the value of their money and I LIKE the current gold trading myself but what I was saying it that PW is telling us that the reasons for DQ and TW changes are to FORCE us to lower the price and take less (which doesn't actually appear to be working, btw).

    If they are going to insist on this (lowering the price of gold) then I would rather they do something like set the price than make it impossible to earn any coin in the game at all. As a person who bought zen regularly I know that this game would be boring as hell for me without the free players to fill the world/TWs and it seems that PW is chasing them all off. I don't know how it has been on your server but mine has a lot less people logging on since these stupid changes happened.
  • Darksylph - Heavens Tear
    Darksylph - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,816 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Well, if the goal of PW is to lower the gold price (as they have stated a few times) then less incentive to sell gold isn't necessarily a bad thing. I agree that people should be able to decide the value of their money and I LIKE the current gold trading myself but what I was saying it that PW is telling us that the reasons for DQ and TW changes are to FORCE us to lower the price and take less (which doesn't actually appear to be working, btw).

    If they are going to insist on this (lowering the price of gold) then I would rather they do something like set the price than make it impossible to earn any coin in the game at all. As a person who bought zen regularly I know that this game would be boring as hell for me without the free players to fill the world/TWs and it seems that PW is chasing them all off. I don't know how it has been on your server but mine has a lot less people logging on since these stupid changes happened.

    My response which you seemed to glaze over;
    I think Indiri is talking about making an NPC that buys & sells gold for coin, but not through players. But that fails because gold is how PWE makes money. They's already said every gold used to buy items through the boutique counts as $1 real money and has to be accounted for. The free zen offers are funded through advertising dollars given to them, otherwise its all money people have charged. They will never introduce a way to buy boutique money for game coin that doesnt start its life as $1 real life currency. Everything they're doing is trying to get more people to charge money, the LAST thing they'd do is give people a reason to charge less money.
  • LordPangu - Harshlands
    LordPangu - Harshlands Posts: 413 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Lol you guys can keep posting and posting but nothing gonna happen simply because the changes that can be made in PWI are dependant on the decisions taken by the devs from pwchina. All we can do is wait for the outcome of those changes and the GMs in here apparently will only report those changes to China so they decide whether another change is required or it is kept as it is.
    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (")_(") signature to help him gain world domination.
  • Boogiepanda - Raging Tide
    Boogiepanda - Raging Tide Posts: 4,682 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I think Indiri is talking about making an NPC that buys & sells gold for coin, but not through players. But that fails because gold is how PWE makes money. They's already said every gold used to buy items through the boutique counts as $1 real money and has to be accounted for. The free zen offers are funded through advertising dollars given to them, otherwise its all money people have charged. They will never introduce a way to buy boutique money for game coin that doesnt start its life as $1 real life currency. Everything they're doing is trying to get more people to charge money, the LAST thing they'd do is give people a reason to charge less money.

    Event boutique.
  • Mraochan - Lost City
    Mraochan - Lost City Posts: 464 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    This is absolutely insane! That you would ignore this many posts and not change the system back, or at least alter it to be reasonable...

    I expect a lot of people to leave if the next patch does not include a fix for the math that you guys have obviously ignored: To get rid of the big note and stop letting the same ten people on the server dictate prices of gold through alts and other means! Set gold to a flat rate of 200k a piece, and all will be fixed! Simple as that... If they don't want their gold sold at 200k a piece, then they won't sell it! Which will drive the price of everything else down!

    You guys changed tw to stop the influx of coins coming in, but the influx is still there! Nothing has changed even a bit! No one other than the rich will go to a tw, and as a matter of fact, you think the factions that have been holding land for all this time all of a sudden dropped there giant coin purse? I mean kingdom probably still has hundreds of millions of coin... Same with zulu and kylin on harshlands. Take it away from em.. I'm sure you can do the math and figure out how much coin they have vs. how many mirages it will translate into or something...

    This is a serious problem and you offer no solution. You will be left with empty servers, that's simple. The game was never the same after packs, and I think this is the stab that will forever cripple it... So, if you guys like getting a paycheck every week and eating, time to stop playing around and read what has been said and change it! Customer is always right, period. If we want our server full of gold farming and the like, then let us do it, doesn't hurt you any, in fact, you get more money. This can't be the first thought or the last, and I'm sure my ideas are flawed, but I think you need to take one day and just randomly pm 5 people from each server and ask them.

    Also, make sure they're like lvl 30 for one group, lvl 40 for the next, and so on, because those are the people you're going to need to keep. So i suggest talking to them or something... Get a feel for it, because this thread much like the game is broken and not being read clearly.

    I was bored so I fixed all your grammar, punctuation, and spelling. b:laugh
  • Darksylph - Heavens Tear
    Darksylph - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,816 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Event boutique.

    Who's always on top of event contributions? Heavy Cash shoppers, OR people who may have merchanted alot but buy heavy gold on the AH which strongly increases the demand for other cash shoppers who sell it. Which ever story, its people who spur on the demand for gold. So its benefit to PWE comes from actually encouraging more zen charging to be able to be on top at these events. Its alot more well thought out then you give them credit. Lets face it, PWE is not stupid, they've been carefully manipulating the system of rewards to heavily tilt towards gold users (whether self charged, or bought from other chargers, it still has to be purchadsed to be used) in all aspect of the game; gear, events, TW, etc.
This discussion has been closed.