Wizards vs Assasins...



  • HexOmega - Dreamweaver
    HexOmega - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,342 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    what is this i dont even?

    lvl30 pk Lol
    PRO! such a wide variety of skills available WOW insane
    and they have all special adds AYY
    i wont call this real pvp as this is only a joke

    anyways didnt read your post b:bye
    everything you type is a waste of time, its basically the same

    you think you are the greatest player on earth
    i like potato
  • Mumintroll - Heavens Tear
    Mumintroll - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,393 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Answer this, WHY! should wizzies be able to 1 hit? Thsi si also a very good example of how unbalanced the game is. So please, every class has a class theat they can't beat, for wizzies its sins, wah get over it, sins fear barbs/bms, wah we get over it and learn to roflpwn the sht out of them. Barbs/bms fear you, as you fear them in close range. Every class, every person has a class they fear most, but it's a game of trial and error to see what combos work etc. Just because you can't beat one class doesn't mean you should come and flip out on the interwebz, or in your case mumi, beat by an 89 sin in cube and threaten gm's and basically pms all over the place with your nonsense. You all need to chill out and stop whining. They won't take sins away, and they nurfed the triple spark in stealth to kick us out of it, so stop the whining ffs. Wah expel doesn't work on other, my god....learn to beat sins, if you say you can't, wea ll know that you haven't tried hard enough. There's always a way to win, you just have to find it. Plent of people have given you advice, so take it, learn from it, apply it, then when ALL ELSE FAILS!...when you have lost to 200+ different sins, while applying every form of help possible, then...we just know you fail. Or that you are right, and wizzies can't beat sins (but other classes can, lmao)

    P.S HEX only has 292 kill count at 100, so he is one of those, fail pvp wizards you speak of?..lol and arma_geddon has 95 I believe, only a 2 digit, and bowlin only has 147 i think on his 92 wiz xD, so as adriot said all of you fail, non epic pkers gtfo the thread!!.

    FYI. I never 1 hit any1. With purgatory +8 and at my level. So if it happens is very rare but your attack is NOT RARE but common. See difference? I don't think so because you don't want to.
  • fulgida
    fulgida Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Answer this. WHY? We need for surviving apothecary and genie? Does it need assassin also? This is very nice example how unbalanced game is. Genie and apothecary should be supportive items NOT be dependable on it for our surviving.

    Thank you, for illustrating how I really should not be getting into these kinds of discussions without making me simultaneously face a huge wall of text.

    I do not want to be geting into a discussion about balance. I understand you think that genies and apothecaries are too expensive to be worth bothering with when you want to counter someone that has probably spent hundreds of millions of coins on their gear. But I do not feel like discussing this issue with you.

    Instead, I will try to remind you that I was objecting to the idea that 5aps + headhunt automatically spells death for a high level wizard: I believe -- if you are properly prepared and if you are healthy enough to avoid being a one-hit to the headhunt itself -- that you can survive long enough to counter-attack or to escape. (And, I will remind you, that it has been conclusively proven that I am the biggest idiot anywhere for holding this belief.)

    P.S. I will agree with you that 3x equal-level pvp is fairly easy to win, using techniques which have only a small bit of relevance later on, and using relatively cheap gear.
  • NightRaid - Lost City
    NightRaid - Lost City Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Wow 154 posts of QQ. I am so looking forward to reaching lvl 100 on my wiz now. b:surrender

    Things mentioned above are many of the reasons why i rolled a sin and gave up on my 9x wiz. Its fun playing in easy mode for onceb:cute.

    A word to GMs if they see this, please talk to developers about improving class balance.
    Or else you will have sins running around everywhere in pvp servers.
  • Mumintroll - Heavens Tear
    Mumintroll - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,393 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Wow 154 posts of QQ. I am so looking forward to reaching lvl 100 on my wiz now. b:surrender

    Things mentioned above are many of the reasons why i rolled a sin and gave up on my 9x wiz. Its fun playing in easy mode for onceb:cute.

    A word to GMs if they see this, please talk to developers about improving class balance.
    Or else you will have sins running around everywhere in pvp servers.
    I agree and then maybe I will come back to play again.
  • HexOmega - Dreamweaver
    HexOmega - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,342 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    fulgida wrote: »
    Thank you, for illustrating how I really should not be getting into these kinds of discussions without making me simultaneously face a huge wall of text.

    I do not want to be geting into a discussion about balance. I understand you think that genies and apothecaries are too expensive to be worth bothering with when you want to counter someone that has probably spent hundreds of millions of coins on their gear. But I do not feel like discussing this issue with you.

    eh flaw there
    its good geared wizard being rolled by **** or equal$ gear assasins

    its the wizard who spends more coin and efford and looses

    example: lvl100 4k+ hp 5k+pdef wizard, 1shot to a ranged attack crit lvl90assasin tt90+1 weapon
    (thats semi-bad gear vs worst case gear :P)
    huh? wahts that, high crit rate and increased crit damage
    XY takes 1 damage
    i like potato
  • Roin - Harshlands
    Roin - Harshlands Posts: 155 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Ok so i quit a week or 2 after the tideborn came just got back a week ago b:victory
    and so far i dont think sin are as bad as all of you are QQing about i did skip a few pages in this thread but has anyone thought of useing your lvl 79 sleep skill? evreytime a sin ganks me i use AD so i dont die from the hell spark auto att after getting stunned then i sleep them (its instant) DS away undine strike and hopefully seal them b4 they can stealth and then they die in 1-2 shots with gush/pyro or BIDS/BT but i have not got into a fight with a 5 aps sin yet and it dose not realy matter for me if i die from someone geared like that you would get wtf pwned from any class without standing a chance if they out gear you that much most sins hp and magic def is very low with attack blessings a gush crit will most likely 1 shot most of the none cash shoppers out there i found ( so far ) that most phys do better then sin they dont hit me hard but can tank most of my damage ( i hate there buffs) only realy way i can kill them most of the time is a BT with there black voodoo i think its called on most 9x/10x sin suck btw all they can d is auto att soon as the att blessings are gone maby there will be less QQ on the forums =(
  • fulgida
    fulgida Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    eh flaw there
    its good geared wizard being rolled by **** or equal$ gear assasins

    That sounds like an unprepared wizard.
    example: lvl100 4k+ hp 5k+pdef wizard, 1shot to a ranged attack crit lvl90assasin tt90+1 weapon
    (thats semi-bad gear vs worst case gear :P)
    huh? wahts that, high crit rate and increased crit damage

    I think that 4k+hp 5k+pdef would indeed be a good geared wizard if you were an 8x wizard (and you could do better if you felt like heavily refining your 8x gear), but is not so good for a lvl100 wizard. If you have a level 100 wizard with that kind of gear I think you should think strongly about restatting to a vit build, so you can survive long enough to do something.
  • Adroit - Lost City
    Adroit - Lost City Posts: 4,628 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Ok so i quit a week or 2 after the tideborn came just got back a week ago b:victory
    and so far i dont think sin are as bad as all of you are QQing about i did skip a few pages in this thread but has anyone thought of useing your lvl 79 sleep skill? evreytime a sin ganks me i use AD so i dont die from the hell spark auto att after getting stunned then i sleep them (its instant) DS away undine strike and hopefully seal them b4 they can stealth and then they die in 1-2 shots with gush/pyro or BIDS/BT but i have not got into a fight with a 5 aps sin yet and it dose not realy matter for me if i die from someone geared like that you would get wtf pwned from any class without standing a chance if they out gear you that much most sins hp and magic def is very low with attack blessings a gush crit will most likely 1 shot most of the none cash shoppers out there i found ( so far ) that most phys do better then sin they dont hit me hard but can tank most of my damage ( i hate there buffs) only realy way i can kill them most of the time is a BT with there black voodoo i think its called on most 9x/10x sin suck btw all they can d is auto att soon as the att blessings are gone maby there will be less QQ on the forums =(

    they resist FoW and sleep half the time, and most the time you'll be dead before their 4 second stun ends. They can't be one shot with deaden nerves on (and good geared sins are not a one shot.. or even close to that). Go fight a good sin and tell me they aren't OP.
    Youtube Channel: youtube.com/user/D2VeT/videos?flow=grid&view=0
    Current gear: pwcalc.com/6ab2893fbfb080a8
  • HexOmega - Dreamweaver
    HexOmega - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,342 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    so basically you tell me to totally outgear my fish opponent
    thinking im the only one to improve gear

    uhhmm, just curious.. do you always 1-2shot archers?
    they wear the same armor.. but have no safety buff

    i still login and can have fun unless i have to sit in arch doing nothing cause i feel like a parasite in nirvana/tt squads :P
    (and i dont want to log on the cleric to farm better gear atm.... its stress-ish--)

    *added a QQ -> this is QQ-Land
    i like potato
  • Nurfed_You - Harshlands
    Nurfed_You - Harshlands Posts: 754 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    sin stun outta stealth>AD>WoTP>Seal>SS>gush

    tht normally works for me, and im an undergeared wiz. if you have chi you can trip spark for the resist and just WoTP again to finish them normally. 5aps sin=GG
  • Roin - Harshlands
    Roin - Harshlands Posts: 155 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    they resist FoW and sleep half the time, and most the time you'll be dead before their 4 second stun ends. They can't be one shot with deaden nerves on (and good geared sins are not a one shot.. or even close to that). Go fight a good sin and tell me they aren't OP.

    never had them resist sleep or fow and all the (good) sin your talking about have +10 gear and allmost any class ( if the player is not very bad) can kill a wiz with weeker gear sin are very good vs wiz but go ask any good player if you know one and you will see they are not 1/2 as bad as you are crying about i would fight a sin> over one of the many +12 rank 8 wiz on Harshlands any day
  • Adroit - Lost City
    Adroit - Lost City Posts: 4,628 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    never had them resist sleep or fow and all the (good) sin your talking about have +10 gear and allmost any class ( if the player is not very bad) can kill a wiz with weeker gear sin are very good vs wiz but go ask any good player if you know one and you will see they are not 1/2 as bad as you are crying about i would fight a sin> over one of the many +12 rank 8 wiz on Harshlands any day

    You have never seen a sin resist sleep or FoW? WTF are you even posting in this thread for. Get out a bit, go 1v1 some sins.. learn what makes them deadly and then join those that have 1v1'd a real sin and QQ with us. You have no idea who I fight or what their gear is, sins don't need gear anywhere near mine to kill me. Same goes for the 8x sin I play.. the only people that have ever killed me 1v1 are other sins.. or 10x+ other classes with gear worth at least quadruple mine (and I can count the number of times I've lost 1v1 in the past month on one hand).
    Youtube Channel: youtube.com/user/D2VeT/videos?flow=grid&view=0
    Current gear: pwcalc.com/6ab2893fbfb080a8
  • Roin - Harshlands
    Roin - Harshlands Posts: 155 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    You have never seen a sin resist sleep or FoW? WTF are you even posting in this thread for. Get out a bit, go 1v1 some sins.. learn what makes them deadly and then join those that have 1v1'd a real sin and QQ with us. You have no idea who I fight or what their gear is, sins don't need gear anywhere near mine to kill me. Same goes for the 8x sin I play.. the only people that have ever killed me 1v1 are other sins.. or 10x+ other classes with gear worth at least quadruple mine (and I can count the number of times I've lost 1v1 in the past month on one hand).

    why dont you just find out how to kill them instead of spaming the fourms that they are over powerd or atleast find a new game because they will not get fixed all you are doing is make more new players not want to play wiz becuase they think we suck if they are OP then so are wiz how many times have you 1 shot 20 people with bids? if anyhting that is op sin are unbalanced yeah but so is evrey other class and there is no real point to QQ about sin all day when you wont even try anyones ideas most sin are not as bad as you are saying just a small % of the heavy cash shoppers or pro merchants i cant DL anything on this labtop other then pwi and vent so if you can make a video for me with fraps or w/e so i can see how bad it is for you that will be cool but i have had around 15 or so 1v1s with random sin and its not as bad as geting jumped by a veno lol (all of the sin where 9x or atleast had 9x gear i dont realy look for people 2 high over me btw) but pls make a video and send me the link in pm or something so i can see if they are that op or if you just got 2 used to 1 shoting evreything b4 they get 2 you
  • Adroit - Lost City
    Adroit - Lost City Posts: 4,628 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    why dont you just find out how to kill them instead of spaming the fourms that they are over powerd or atleast find a new game because they will not get fixed all you are doing is make more new players not want to play wiz becuase they think we suck if they are OP then so are wiz how many times have you 1 shot 20 people with bids? if anyhting that is op sin are unbalanced yeah but so is evrey other class and there is no real point to QQ about sin all day when you wont even try anyones ideas most sin are not as bad as you are saying just a small % of the heavy cash shoppers or pro merchants i cant DL anything on this labtop other then pwi and vent so if you can make a video for me with fraps or w/e so i can see how bad it is for you that will be cool but i have had around 15 or so 1v1s with random sin and its not as bad as geting jumped by a veno lol (all of the sin where 9x or atleast had 9x gear i dont realy look for people 2 high over me btw) but pls make a video and send me the link in pm or something so i can see if they are that op or if you just got 2 used to 1 shoting evreything b4 they get 2 you

    There is no way to beat them, I've tried every trick in the books.. and a good sin is damn near impossible to beat. If you want a video, buy me a version of fraps and I'll show you what its like fighting them. Venos are are 1340897240973824 times easier to kill than sins. Oh, and telling the lower lvl wizards what its actually like in real pvp is a bad thing? At least they can make an educated decision when deciding their class. I still play my wiz solely for TW, but if world PvP was still important to me I'd have rerolled the day tideborn came out.
    Youtube Channel: youtube.com/user/D2VeT/videos?flow=grid&view=0
    Current gear: pwcalc.com/6ab2893fbfb080a8
  • Roin - Harshlands
    Roin - Harshlands Posts: 155 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    There is no way to beat them, I've tried every trick in the books.. and a good sin is damn near impossible to beat. If you want a video, buy me a version of fraps and I'll show you what its like fighting them. Venos are are 1340897240973824 times easier to kill than sins. Oh, and telling the lower lvl wizards what its actually like in real pvp is a bad thing? At least they can make an educated decision when deciding their class. I still play my wiz solely for TW, but if world PvP was still important to me I'd have rerolled the day tideborn came out.

    ok i give up with you then you dont want anyone other then you 2 be right loland i thought there was a free fraps thats lasts a few min? maby not lvling my sin atm so i guess il find out if they can be OP as you say without haveing alot of gear > mine im good with the class played a rogue on another game and it sort of reminds me of it other then the fact that stealth on pwi is bad becuase we cant aoe without a target or atleast see them if they right in your face -_-
  • fulgida
    fulgida Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    There is no way to beat them, I've tried every trick in the books.. and a good sin is damn near impossible to beat. If you want a video, buy me a version of fraps and I'll show you what its like fighting them.

    Oh I believe you about how difficult they are for a wizard to beat, but could you post an eye of observation record of a good sin?

    (If you are fighting a 5aps sin with 15k health and 10k defenses, you are going to need to have comparable value in gear to beat him or her -- though, of course, this gear does not all have to be worn by the same person.)
  • Adroit - Lost City
    Adroit - Lost City Posts: 4,628 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    ok i give up with you then you dont want anyone other then you 2 be right loland i thought there was a free fraps thats lasts a few min? maby not lvling my sin atm so i guess il find out if they can be OP as you say without haveing alot of gear > mine im good with the class played a rogue on another game and it sort of reminds me of it other then the fact that stealth on pwi is bad becuase we cant aoe without a target or atleast see them if they right in your face -_-

    your BR post is right on the border of getting ignored.. but I made it through after a few re-reads. Anyway, I'd LOVE for someone to prove me wrong and teach me how to beat a sin, unfortunately all these n00b wizards offer n00b advice that has already been tested and shown to be ineffective in the past. I'm waiting for an original idea that doesn't require the sin to be braindead to work, and I'll happily say how wrong/stupid I was etc etc when this comes out. Until then, sins are OP and those that say otherwise are just ignorant.
    Youtube Channel: youtube.com/user/D2VeT/videos?flow=grid&view=0
    Current gear: pwcalc.com/6ab2893fbfb080a8
  • Rated_PG - Harshlands
    Rated_PG - Harshlands Posts: 105 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    your BR post is right on the border of getting ignored.. but I made it through after a few re-reads. Anyway, I'd LOVE for someone to prove me wrong and teach me how to beat a sin, unfortunately all these n00b wizards offer n00b advice that has already been tested and shown to be ineffective in the past. I'm waiting for an original idea that doesn't require the sin to be braindead to work, and I'll happily say how wrong/stupid I was etc etc when this comes out. Until then, sins are OP and those that say otherwise are just ignorant.

    k, sins are opd, hooray for us, we own you all, buh bye. Now stop your Q.Qing you idiot b:bye


    Extreme Dex Nuke The Hell Out Of Everybody In Sight Build

    The path I chose is this, terrorizing anyone my daggers touch, sacrificing a pitiful bit of defense for amazingly high hits and crits, watching as everyone I come across hits the floor before they can react to my devastating hits, seeing them vanish in despair knowing they just got nuked. b:cool Yeah if this is wrong I don't want to be right. This is my build and the way I chose, if you don't like it, well gf to you. b:cool

    Sins aren't op'd it's just that you suck ^.^.
    I'm a sin even at 3x I can kill all you oracled 10x noobs >.<
  • Adroit - Lost City
    Adroit - Lost City Posts: 4,628 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    k, sins are opd, hooray for us, we own you all, buh bye. Now stop your Q.Qing you idiot b:bye

    Youtube Channel: youtube.com/user/D2VeT/videos?flow=grid&view=0
    Current gear: pwcalc.com/6ab2893fbfb080a8
  • Magicgabe - Lost City
    Magicgabe - Lost City Posts: 225 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I am a cleric with a similar problem.

    adroit I'd like a list of things you've tried agains't sins.

    personally, I'm tried:

    1) absolute domain - pointless with maze steps around
    2) Ironhearting a lot - just delays stun locked death/nullfied after nice long sleep
    3) jumping - good timing makes this pointless
    4) glitched casting in the air(from skill->jump)

    I have yet to try
    1) ironheart->remove flying device(rumor)
    2) expel after a charm tick
    3) the glitched sin air teleporte(rumor)
    and bro...fyi this isn't a story.

    All people are idiodic but some are more idiotic than others.
  • Adroit - Lost City
    Adroit - Lost City Posts: 4,628 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I am a cleric with a similar problem.

    adroit I'd like a list of things you've tried agains't sins.

    personally, I'm tried:

    1) absolute domain - pointless with maze steps around
    2) Ironhearting a lot - just delays stun locked death/nullfied after nice long sleep
    3) jumping - good timing makes this pointless
    4) glitched casting in the air(from skill->jump)

    I have yet to try
    1) ironheart->remove flying device(rumor)
    2) expel after a charm tick
    3) the glitched sin air teleporte(rumor)

    To survive the first atk, I've tried..
    1) domain -> blink away - delays the inevitable by 4 seconds, they are instantly back on me and I'm dead before I can do anything
    2) domain -> jump (assuming I'm on the ground) - I've been shadow teleported and then the sin uses tackling slash to basically be a 9 second stun.. I'm killed at half damage. The other option is the sin waits for me to land and then stuns me.. where I get killed anyway.
    3) domain + ironguard - sins I've fought have just force stealthed and then tried again after I used all my energy + pk pots were on cooldown
    4) domain + half damage/dew of star - well, they've either stealthed and waited.. or have kept me stun locked for the entire duration, then killed me.. or one sin just triple sparked and killed me through my dew of star
    5) expel - just slowed the sin for like 10 seconds.. the second my seal ran out the sin just continued the onslaught

    To get the first attack in I've tried..
    1) AoE'ing everything around me - this has never worked.. the sins generally stand out of aoe range and then teleport in when they are ready to kill
    2) Observation pot - Most the time I've used these.. the sin is nowhere to be found, I have no idea how anybody would know to use one of these.. besides the fact they are ridiculously expensive.. and if they are ready for you after you've used it.. you still die. Not only that, if they see you.. they can just kite you for the 30 seconds it lasts and then get their first attack in.
    3) Observation pot after they kill somebody and got back in stealth - depends on the their buffs and how close they are.. but if they have focused mind, I will sleep and MS them.. then pray they don't dodge too many of my next skills as I try to kill them before the stun wears off.. often times I'll try a sutra coupled with fortify after the MS if I have the chi, but even then it only works half the time. If they have tidal protection on.. I'll generally just fortify -> sutra and hope it finishes them off. In either case I have been sealed and my sutra wasted which obviously lead to my death right after.

    I've tried a number of other dumb things, but I'm guessing you get the idea. If anyone has a new approach lemee know.
    Youtube Channel: youtube.com/user/D2VeT/videos?flow=grid&view=0
    Current gear: pwcalc.com/6ab2893fbfb080a8
  • Roin - Harshlands
    Roin - Harshlands Posts: 155 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    To survive the first atk, I've tried..
    1) domain -> blink away - delays the inevitable by 4 seconds, they are instantly back on me and I'm dead before I can do anything
    2) domain -> jump (assuming I'm on the ground) - I've been shadow teleported and then the sin uses tackling slash to basically be a 9 second stun.. I'm killed at half damage. The other option is the sin waits for me to land and then stuns me.. where I get killed anyway.
    3) domain + ironguard - sins I've fought have just force stealthed and then tried again after I used all my energy + pk pots were on cooldown
    4) domain + half damage/dew of star - well, they've either stealthed and waited.. or have kept me stun locked for the entire duration, then killed me.. or one sin just triple sparked and killed me through my dew of star
    5) expel - just slowed the sin for like 10 seconds.. the second my seal ran out the sin just continued the onslaught

    To get the first attack in I've tried..
    1) AoE'ing everything around me - this has never worked.. the sins generally stand out of aoe range and then teleport in when they are ready to kill
    2) Observation pot - Most the time I've used these.. the sin is nowhere to be found, I have no idea how anybody would know to use one of these.. besides the fact they are ridiculously expensive.. and if they are ready for you after you've used it.. you still die. Not only that, if they see you.. they can just kite you for the 30 seconds it lasts and then get their first attack in.
    3) Observation pot after they kill somebody and got back in stealth - depends on the their buffs and how close they are.. but if they have focused mind, I will sleep and MS them.. then pray they don't dodge too many of my next skills as I try to kill them before the stun wears off.. often times I'll try a sutra coupled with fortify after the MS if I have the chi, but even then it only works half the time. If they have tidal protection on.. I'll generally just fortify -> sutra and hope it finishes them off. In either case I have been sealed and my sutra wasted which obviously lead to my death right after.

    I've tried a number of other dumb things, but I'm guessing you get the idea. If anyone has a new approach lemee know.

    Yeah i have pked for a few hours today none stop vs alot of sin ganking me the second i run out of sz and it was not 2 bad when they only have 9x gear at best and lower then +6 refines on there wpn but i also fought a few that **** me like in this post i managed to get away tryed jumping but i was stunlocked in mid air and killed with 1/2 damage had no time to check his refines but his damage was 2x more then sins who dont cs alot i do think now thow that they are a little op they can hit like a 9x wiz alot faster its phys and there stunlock is > a bms i dont think there is realy much you can do with sin like that unless you get lucky or they get nurfed b:surrender but i dont think its true about a 8x sin pwning a 9x wiz like i think you said in one of your posts if the wiz is good he should be fine but over all sin are OP you win b:laugh i would love to fight one when im buffed thow most of the time its them buffed vs me with selfbuff
  • Magicgabe - Lost City
    Magicgabe - Lost City Posts: 225 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    How bout flying around to force them to shadow teleport which happens to have the same cooldown as absolute domain. Then pop domain and drop down. And repeat till they forget to put on maze steps then pop sleep.
    and bro...fyi this isn't a story.

    All people are idiodic but some are more idiotic than others.
  • Adroit - Lost City
    Adroit - Lost City Posts: 4,628 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    How bout flying around to force them to shadow teleport which happens to have the same cooldown as absolute domain. Then pop domain and drop down. And repeat till they forget to put on maze steps then pop sleep.

    Occult ice.
    Youtube Channel: youtube.com/user/D2VeT/videos?flow=grid&view=0
    Current gear: pwcalc.com/6ab2893fbfb080a8
  • Yulk - Heavens Tear
    Yulk - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,951 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    k, sins are opd, hooray for us, we own you all, buh bye. Now stop your Q.Qing you idiot b:bye

    Its true sins aren't OP, but they do have OP skills, like the other classes, genies (you people that rely on genies really need to uninstall). Your siggy disgusts me, I think you are either 13-17 or some adult with an IQ of 10. PK =/= PVP. PK = cheapshots and ganking. Play real PVP games, this game is solely made for PVE. It won't make sense to make a big deal out of PVP because you will only easily crush or easily get crushed in PVP. But it takes a simple stun lock or one shot.

    But I guess harshlands exists for people like you. I'm glad I am on lost city to kill some time while I am merchanting on heavenstear.

    Thanks for Flauschkatze for siggy b:cool

    VIT > STR > DEX > MAG... GG
    HA > LA > AR... GG

    HA + VIT = win b:bye
  • fulgida
    fulgida Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    To survive the first atk, I've tried..
    1) domain -> blink away - delays the inevitable by 4 seconds, they are instantly back on me and I'm dead before I can do anything
    2) domain -> jump (assuming I'm on the ground) - I've been shadow teleported and then the sin uses tackling slash to basically be a 9 second stun.. I'm killed at half damage. The other option is the sin waits for me to land and then stuns me.. where I get killed anyway.
    3) domain + ironguard - sins I've fought have just force stealthed and then tried again after I used all my energy + pk pots were on cooldown
    4) domain + half damage/dew of star - well, they've either stealthed and waited.. or have kept me stun locked for the entire duration, then killed me.. or one sin just triple sparked and killed me through my dew of star
    5) expel - just slowed the sin for like 10 seconds.. the second my seal ran out the sin just continued the onslaught

    To get the first attack in I've tried..
    1) AoE'ing everything around me - this has never worked.. the sins generally stand out of aoe range and then teleport in when they are ready to kill
    2) Observation pot - Most the time I've used these.. the sin is nowhere to be found, I have no idea how anybody would know to use one of these.. besides the fact they are ridiculously expensive.. and if they are ready for you after you've used it.. you still die. Not only that, if they see you.. they can just kite you for the 30 seconds it lasts and then get their first attack in.
    3) Observation pot after they kill somebody and got back in stealth - depends on the their buffs and how close they are.. but if they have focused mind, I will sleep and MS them.. then pray they don't dodge too many of my next skills as I try to kill them before the stun wears off.. often times I'll try a sutra coupled with fortify after the MS if I have the chi, but even then it only works half the time. If they have tidal protection on.. I'll generally just fortify -> sutra and hope it finishes them off. In either case I have been sealed and my sutra wasted which obviously lead to my death right after.

    I've tried a number of other dumb things, but I'm guessing you get the idea. If anyone has a new approach lemee know.

    Here are some things I wonder about, after reading your above post (and I do not know anything about your survivability and I also wonder about that):

    Can you use observation pots for the time when your apothecaries are in cooldown? I have never used them myself, and I do not know if they share a cooldown.

    In situations where you use an apothecary and the assassin stealths, can you use emberstorm (or any other AoE, but emberstorm with ironguard seems like it might have some potential, to me, if I had a decent idea that they would be stealthing -- but it is not anything I have tried personally) to pull them back out? Or is their use of stealth too unpredictable for you to start channeling your AoE before they stealth?

    For myself, they do not usually successfully force stealth on me: perhaps because of my spell rotation? Or perhaps I only fight idiots -- I do not know. (Pyrogram, for example, has a very short casting time.)

    If they do force stealth, can you not just fly away in a straight line, and use distance shrink on cooldown, until your genie and apothecaries have recovered? (And I might use the same technique on triple spark.)

    Some other possibilities would involve putting level 10 badge of courage and level 1 fortify on a dex genie with enough vitality to be using both of them. Or, if you had a decent strength genie with 200 vitality: expel and lawbreaker. (You do not need extra damage to beat them, you need the ability to survive against them, and I think you need to be channelling something when they force stealth.)
  • Rated_PG - Harshlands
    Rated_PG - Harshlands Posts: 105 Arc User
    edited August 2010

    lol i'm not the one raging, how about you? ;)

    i'm perfectly content with how sins are because we are easy kills, but you Q>Q and rage so much over one class that it is just too much to take in. All of you "pro" wizzies can't beat a class and whine for a couple hours a day while having no life, then complain some more and threaten gm's (in some cases ;P ) while you could just shut the hell up and play the game. If you don't want to get pk'd by an ASSASSIN (a-s-s-a-s-s-i-n = stealthy killer, good at killing, good 1 vs 1, in all senses) go to a pve server. Don't make all of the new wizzies scared just because you can't keep your fail **** from Q.Qing on the forums. All of your complaints are redundant and you all need to grow a pair, and stop wasting all of our time and forum space ;). b:bye


    Extreme Dex Nuke The Hell Out Of Everybody In Sight Build

    The path I chose is this, terrorizing anyone my daggers touch, sacrificing a pitiful bit of defense for amazingly high hits and crits, watching as everyone I come across hits the floor before they can react to my devastating hits, seeing them vanish in despair knowing they just got nuked. b:cool Yeah if this is wrong I don't want to be right. This is my build and the way I chose, if you don't like it, well gf to you. b:cool

    Sins aren't op'd it's just that you suck ^.^.
    I'm a sin even at 3x I can kill all you oracled 10x noobs >.<
  • HexOmega - Dreamweaver
    HexOmega - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,342 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    fulgida wrote: »
    Here are some things I wonder about, after reading your above post (and I do not know anything about your survivability and I also wonder about that):

    Can you use observation pots for the time when your apothecaries are in cooldown? I have never used them myself, and I do not know if they share a cooldown.

    In situations where you use an apothecary and the assassin stealths, can you use emberstorm (or any other AoE, but emberstorm with ironguard seems like it might have some potential, to me, if I had a decent idea that they would be stealthing -- but it is not anything I have tried personally) to pull them back out? Or is their use of stealth too unpredictable for you to start channeling your AoE before they stealth?

    For myself, they do not usually successfully force stealth on me: perhaps because of my spell rotation? Or perhaps I only fight idiots -- I do not know. (Pyrogram, for example, has a very short casting time.)

    If they do force stealth, can you not just fly away in a straight line, and use distance shrink on cooldown, until your genie and apothecaries have recovered? (And I might use the same technique on triple spark.)

    you need a target for all your aoes... + luck the ****(assin) is near your target

    i wonder if there are any aoe genie skills that require no target and kick it out of stealth? >_>

    i read in archer forums the *teleport in your face* skill has a wider range then archers attacks... :3 so much for running

    http://profile.perfectworld.com/u/fulgida show your char...server...lvl...class ...kills... bah
    i like potato
  • Magicgabe - Lost City
    Magicgabe - Lost City Posts: 225 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Occult ice.

    last time I fought a sin I recalled occult ice's effect being blocked by absolute domain.
    and bro...fyi this isn't a story.

    All people are idiodic but some are more idiotic than others.
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