All Path BM- Pure Blademaster
![Sakubatou - Sanctuary](
Sakubatou - Sanctuary
Posts: 4,001 Arc User
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ALL PATH BLADEMASTER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Blademaster is one of the most versatile characters played in the game. Armed with the most skills of any character, 46, and decent stat growth per level you are able to survive and damage deal at the top of any class. You have a self heal, a group physical defense buff, temporary self physical and magic buffs, aggroing skill, and a wealth of damage dealing abilities that increase attack speed, debuff enemies, add fire damage to your attack, and stun and seal mobs like crazy.
But, currently many BMs are not taking advantage of this. Phrases like “what weapon path are you?” are slung about as if BMs are only meant to carry one type of weapon. You are not a true Blademaster unless you can take advantage of multiple paths!
This guide is for the All Path Blademaster, also known as Axe/Fist Blademaster because axe requires the most strength of any weapon, and fist requires the most dexterity. If you can wield these you can wield any weapon.
This is a meta-guide. A bit wordy (very) but hopefully covers almost everything you could ever want to know about BMs. Suggestions and feedback are welcome and contributors will be listed in my thanks section. And of course, it’s a perpetual work in progress. :P
Post #1- Stat placement and Armor Options.
Post #2- Weapon classes and requirements
Post #3- Tactics and purpose in squad.
Post #3- Skills
Stat Placement
I’ll put this as very first, since its a popular question. If axes require 3 strength per level and fists require 2 dex per level, and I only get 5 stat points per level, do I ever get to add to vitality?
Simplest answer is "you shouldn't add to vit and you'll be fine without it. Just stat 3 str and 2 dex per level."
The more complex answer is go ahead and add to vitality if you are willing to:
1. Restat later.
2. Carefully plan your gear to cover the vitality.
3. Not use a current level axe or fist.
But, if you don't want to scramble for stat points, plan gear out, or use an outdated weapon than 3str/2dex is your build. It is very possible to tank your own BHs, pull FCCs, and aoe grind without ever adding to vitality as long as you know your class and don't neglect your armor by keeping it current and adding +1-3 refines.
If you want to try and add vitality there are a few good ways to do it. First, get a double stat tome. A single stat tome, like +5 vit, offers less total stat points than a double stat tome that would add +3 vit and + 4 dex for a total of 7 stat points. The +4 dex gained from the tome means you can add 4 vitality stat points instead of dex points as long as you have that tome. Same with the Wraithgate Trophy cape, since its reliable that the only cape upgrade you will do is to the Lunar Trophy which also has +stat adds.
People have different opinions on if you have to use one current level weapon and one outdated weapon, which would it be. I suggest using fists as your main after level 29 when you get your single spark, but have axes available for aoeing. For this reason if I had to neglect dex or strength I'd neglect strength. Fists and axes have equal dps at low levels (before -int gear) but fists have better chi gain making questing cheaper and easier because you can single spark more often and use your self heal more often instead of hp pots for healing and the heavy mp cost of axe aoes. Once you get enough strength for Calamity Axes of Blood (level 70, 212 str req) your next real axe upgrade isn't till 90. If you would like to add to vitality instead of str during this time its a good opportunity because BH69 bosses and FCC pulls require a fair amount and these happen during the 80's.
Lastly, if you add to vitality expect to restat endgame (100+) but already expect to restat out extra dex once you have your endgame gear. Most BMs endgame aim for 200/220 dex, 3 vit, 3 magic, and the rest into strength. For this reason try not to add more than 28 or 53 vit because restat notes come in 25 and 50 points.
I consider this a pure build. We are damage dealers. Any vitality or magic points added will subtract from this. In addition, the 3:2 ratio gives a great ratio for maxed dph (strength) with very consistent accuracy and a high amount of critical hits. If you add vitality you will gain hp, but do you really gain survivability? You increase your physical defense by adding to strength, and you increase your evasion by adding to dexterity. In addition, the increased damage you deal may kill the mob several hits faster, thus reducing the amount of damage you take.
One further suggestion is to stat dexterity to your next critical hit percent, which are in increments of 20. So, if you are placing your stats and your dexterity is near a multiple of 20, and you don’t need the strength for your weapon, add it to dexterity to hit your critical hit mark and catch up on strength during the next level.
~ Never add to magic. Never. ~
Figuring out requirements for your level: Since you start with 5 stats each and you start adding at level 2 this means
[(your level minus 1) x 3 strength] + 5 = your strength required for that level.
[(your level minus 1) x 2 dexterity] + 5 = your dexterity required for that level.
Ie. You are level 35. So, your level minus 1 = 34. Times it by 3 str = 102 str. Add your 5 original stat points and you get 107 str. This is how much strength you should have at level 35.
Armor HA is what we’re meant for, but as you develop you may find awesome LA that kicks the **** out of your HA. Go for it. Go ahead and replace out one piece, only one though. We have marrows if we need magic defenses but a majority of the damage we take will be physical Since we are a melee class mobs will usually use magic attacks from a distance and physical attacks once we are up close, then toss in the occasional magic attack. The majority of attacks we’ll receive are going to be physical and so physical defense is our priority over magic, but damage dealing is priority over defense usually.
End game you’ll want to use HA as you will receive more hp per refine. The general consensus among BMs who PvP is LA should be replaced with HA pieces during PvP.
Here are the reasons for each:
Heavy Armor – The most popular option, and for good reason. As a high damage dealer, you have the
ability to take aggro from every class. You may end up tanking instead of the barb if he cannot
hold aggro. That’s fine, you’re built for it. You have defense buffs giving you more defense than
a barb, as well as a self heal if the cleric can’t keep up. Also, when aoeing you will stand in the middle of a group of mobs and tank while they die.
Light Armor – Not recommended except for -int bonuses. It is true that it has the least efficiency (see chart) and a worse refining bonus than HA, but trading for better stats or a quicker attack speed may benefit you by killing things faster and taking less damage. I recommend using only one or two pieces of LA if they have ias and the rest HA.
Arcane Armor – You will not have the available stats for arcane armor, nor would you want to stat for it as it sacrifices damage and accuracy as the use of your weapons. If you need magic defense use magic marrow or let a caster class tank.
Strength req | Dexterity req | Magic/Level | +hp on lvl 90 armor +3 refined | Effectiveness
+2.5 str / lvl | +.5 dex / lvl | +0 magic |+122 hp | Pdef – 100%
..........................................................................| Mdef -42.6%
..........................................................................| Overall – 142.6%
+1 str / lvl | +1 dex / lvl | +0 magic | +91hp | Pdef – 42.9%
................................................................. | Mdef - 66.5%
................................................................. | Overall - 109.4%
+ .5 str /lvl | + 0 dex | + 1.5 mag / lvl | +76 hp| Pdef – 11.2%
Don’t… just don’t.............................................. |Mdef – 100%
....................................................................|Overall – 111.2%
Also, each armor piece is received 10 levels apart starting after level 20. Here are those levels.
Chest piece – x0
Helmet – x1
Leggings – x3
Wrist guards – x4
Footwear – x6
Robes – x7
The Blademaster is one of the most versatile characters played in the game. Armed with the most skills of any character, 46, and decent stat growth per level you are able to survive and damage deal at the top of any class. You have a self heal, a group physical defense buff, temporary self physical and magic buffs, aggroing skill, and a wealth of damage dealing abilities that increase attack speed, debuff enemies, add fire damage to your attack, and stun and seal mobs like crazy.
But, currently many BMs are not taking advantage of this. Phrases like “what weapon path are you?” are slung about as if BMs are only meant to carry one type of weapon. You are not a true Blademaster unless you can take advantage of multiple paths!
This guide is for the All Path Blademaster, also known as Axe/Fist Blademaster because axe requires the most strength of any weapon, and fist requires the most dexterity. If you can wield these you can wield any weapon.
This is a meta-guide. A bit wordy (very) but hopefully covers almost everything you could ever want to know about BMs. Suggestions and feedback are welcome and contributors will be listed in my thanks section. And of course, it’s a perpetual work in progress. :P
Post #1- Stat placement and Armor Options.
Post #2- Weapon classes and requirements
Post #3- Tactics and purpose in squad.
Post #3- Skills
Stat Placement
I’ll put this as very first, since its a popular question. If axes require 3 strength per level and fists require 2 dex per level, and I only get 5 stat points per level, do I ever get to add to vitality?
Simplest answer is "you shouldn't add to vit and you'll be fine without it. Just stat 3 str and 2 dex per level."
The more complex answer is go ahead and add to vitality if you are willing to:
1. Restat later.
2. Carefully plan your gear to cover the vitality.
3. Not use a current level axe or fist.
But, if you don't want to scramble for stat points, plan gear out, or use an outdated weapon than 3str/2dex is your build. It is very possible to tank your own BHs, pull FCCs, and aoe grind without ever adding to vitality as long as you know your class and don't neglect your armor by keeping it current and adding +1-3 refines.
If you want to try and add vitality there are a few good ways to do it. First, get a double stat tome. A single stat tome, like +5 vit, offers less total stat points than a double stat tome that would add +3 vit and + 4 dex for a total of 7 stat points. The +4 dex gained from the tome means you can add 4 vitality stat points instead of dex points as long as you have that tome. Same with the Wraithgate Trophy cape, since its reliable that the only cape upgrade you will do is to the Lunar Trophy which also has +stat adds.
People have different opinions on if you have to use one current level weapon and one outdated weapon, which would it be. I suggest using fists as your main after level 29 when you get your single spark, but have axes available for aoeing. For this reason if I had to neglect dex or strength I'd neglect strength. Fists and axes have equal dps at low levels (before -int gear) but fists have better chi gain making questing cheaper and easier because you can single spark more often and use your self heal more often instead of hp pots for healing and the heavy mp cost of axe aoes. Once you get enough strength for Calamity Axes of Blood (level 70, 212 str req) your next real axe upgrade isn't till 90. If you would like to add to vitality instead of str during this time its a good opportunity because BH69 bosses and FCC pulls require a fair amount and these happen during the 80's.
Lastly, if you add to vitality expect to restat endgame (100+) but already expect to restat out extra dex once you have your endgame gear. Most BMs endgame aim for 200/220 dex, 3 vit, 3 magic, and the rest into strength. For this reason try not to add more than 28 or 53 vit because restat notes come in 25 and 50 points.
I consider this a pure build. We are damage dealers. Any vitality or magic points added will subtract from this. In addition, the 3:2 ratio gives a great ratio for maxed dph (strength) with very consistent accuracy and a high amount of critical hits. If you add vitality you will gain hp, but do you really gain survivability? You increase your physical defense by adding to strength, and you increase your evasion by adding to dexterity. In addition, the increased damage you deal may kill the mob several hits faster, thus reducing the amount of damage you take.
One further suggestion is to stat dexterity to your next critical hit percent, which are in increments of 20. So, if you are placing your stats and your dexterity is near a multiple of 20, and you don’t need the strength for your weapon, add it to dexterity to hit your critical hit mark and catch up on strength during the next level.
~ Never add to magic. Never. ~
Figuring out requirements for your level: Since you start with 5 stats each and you start adding at level 2 this means
[(your level minus 1) x 3 strength] + 5 = your strength required for that level.
[(your level minus 1) x 2 dexterity] + 5 = your dexterity required for that level.
Ie. You are level 35. So, your level minus 1 = 34. Times it by 3 str = 102 str. Add your 5 original stat points and you get 107 str. This is how much strength you should have at level 35.
Armor HA is what we’re meant for, but as you develop you may find awesome LA that kicks the **** out of your HA. Go for it. Go ahead and replace out one piece, only one though. We have marrows if we need magic defenses but a majority of the damage we take will be physical Since we are a melee class mobs will usually use magic attacks from a distance and physical attacks once we are up close, then toss in the occasional magic attack. The majority of attacks we’ll receive are going to be physical and so physical defense is our priority over magic, but damage dealing is priority over defense usually.
End game you’ll want to use HA as you will receive more hp per refine. The general consensus among BMs who PvP is LA should be replaced with HA pieces during PvP.
Here are the reasons for each:
Heavy Armor – The most popular option, and for good reason. As a high damage dealer, you have the
ability to take aggro from every class. You may end up tanking instead of the barb if he cannot
hold aggro. That’s fine, you’re built for it. You have defense buffs giving you more defense than
a barb, as well as a self heal if the cleric can’t keep up. Also, when aoeing you will stand in the middle of a group of mobs and tank while they die.
Light Armor – Not recommended except for -int bonuses. It is true that it has the least efficiency (see chart) and a worse refining bonus than HA, but trading for better stats or a quicker attack speed may benefit you by killing things faster and taking less damage. I recommend using only one or two pieces of LA if they have ias and the rest HA.
Arcane Armor – You will not have the available stats for arcane armor, nor would you want to stat for it as it sacrifices damage and accuracy as the use of your weapons. If you need magic defense use magic marrow or let a caster class tank.
Strength req | Dexterity req | Magic/Level | +hp on lvl 90 armor +3 refined | Effectiveness
+2.5 str / lvl | +.5 dex / lvl | +0 magic |+122 hp | Pdef – 100%
..........................................................................| Mdef -42.6%
..........................................................................| Overall – 142.6%
+1 str / lvl | +1 dex / lvl | +0 magic | +91hp | Pdef – 42.9%
................................................................. | Mdef - 66.5%
................................................................. | Overall - 109.4%
+ .5 str /lvl | + 0 dex | + 1.5 mag / lvl | +76 hp| Pdef – 11.2%
Don’t… just don’t.............................................. |Mdef – 100%
....................................................................|Overall – 111.2%
Also, each armor piece is received 10 levels apart starting after level 20. Here are those levels.
Chest piece – x0
Helmet – x1
Leggings – x3
Wrist guards – x4
Footwear – x6
Robes – x7
Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory
Post edited by Sakubatou - Sanctuary on
Forever solving the unsolvable question “what weapon path is best.” The answer really is use what is best for you. There is no best, each path has its benefits. Here is a table showing you the requirements and speed, followed by a brief breakdown of each path and its benefits, but remember, the goal is all paths. As you achieve different skills and master different weapon changes, you should add your equipment to your skill bars by drag and dropping them into slots from your inventory so they can be switched by hotkey.
Weapon ......... Str/lvl ... Dex/lvl ... Available points ... Speed (attacks per second)
Dual Axes .......... 3..... .5 .... 1.5 .... .83
Dual Hammers ... 3 ... .5 ... 1.5 ... .83
Poleaxe ............. 2.5 .. 1 ... 1.5 ... .91
Sledgehammer... 2.5 .. 1 ... 1.5 ... .91
Poleblade .......... 2.5 .. 1 ... 1.5 ... 1.00
Pike .................. 2.5 ... 1 ... 1.5 ... 1.00
Shaft ................ 2.5 ... 1 ... 1.5 ... 1.00
Dual Blades ....... 2 ... 1.5 ... 1.5 ... .91
Dual Swords ...... 2 ... 1.5 ... 1.5 ... .91
Blade ............... 2 .... 1.5 ... 1.5 ... 1.11
Sword .............. 2 .... 1.5 ... 1.5 ... 1.11
Fists ................ 1.5 .... 2 ... 1.5 ... 1.43
The slowest of the weapons but the hardest hitting. Best damage per hit, worst damage per second prior to skill use. People choose this path for the aoes and Heaven's Flame, as well as our rank weapons are axe path. Since barbs also use axes, they are created in abundance.
The abilities include a stun at level 29, called Drake Bash, for one spark. At level 39 you get your first axe aoe, Highland Cleave, with a 10 meter range. Level 49 gives you Fissure, another aoe with a slowing debuff, also of 10 meters. For the cost of two sparks you get Heaven’s Flame at level 59. This is a 12 meter aoe with a 6 second curse that doubles damage recieved by anyone hit with it.
Overall impression: A little too slow for building chi but for crowd control its great. If you have a barb that grabs aggro and collects the mobs, or if you feel like you can grab them and tank them yourself, then you can use aoes to your hearts content and damage deal like crazy. Heavy mana use as you rely on skills for damage.
Axes and hammers are the same thing except for the damage range. Axes have a larger range for spike damage while hammers have a more reliable constant damage. The average is still the same. Poleaxe and Pole Hammer fall in this category and have a slighlty faster attack speed but a slightly lower dph.
Similar to an axe. You gain a little speed, a bit of range, a little chi build up, and lose a tiny bit of dph. Damage per hit loss is not really noticed except in overall output of group mobs. Polearms use a variation of aoes by having “damage in a straight line.” It takes a little practice learning to aoe grind with poles but the basic idea is run past your mobs, let them follow you, then turn, face them, and attack them as they follow you in a line.
Sword users swear by their swords, nonsword users usually hate them. I will say, the skill Myriad Sword Stance is awesome. You receive Mage Bane, a stupefy skill that is 100% accurate. Next, a distance skill much like Drake Ray called Spirit Chaser, a knockback skill called Atmos Strike, and finally Myriad Sword Stance. Myriad Sword Stance is the strongest hitting bm skill until level 79 but is used defensively for its debuffing properties as it reduces the opponents magical and physical dmg dealt.
Swords are a good middle path: Good speed (not the best), Good damage (not the best), Good leveling ability for low level and high, even aoeing (but not the best for any one area), and useful chi gain (guess what, not the best). The one thing I’ve noticed is sword users tend to require a lot of mana to be as effective, so bring pots.
Swords also have two magic damage reducing attacks, one that slows magic channeling, and another that reduces magic dmg. This gives them a slight edge when battling casters as a defensive weapon.
The fastest weapon choice. Damage per hit is low, but hits per second is high. Attack speed grows exponentially so starting with a high attack speed means that fists can be your highest damage output weapon when you add -int gear. When using fists channeling skills absorbs time we could be attacking so skills really don’t increase damage output, they are just used for effects like stun or to increase attack speed. This means fist aren’t skill dependent to produce damage, which is great for conserving mana or if you want to stat spirit points somewhere else.
Fist are an excellent 1v1 weapon in PvE at bosses or for a few mobs. Fist only have one aoe that doesn't use up chi (cyclone heel) and it’s more used to increase attack speed than for the actual damage.
Claws are the same as fists with the same average attack damage and the same attack speed, but the damage range is higher for claws and more consistant for fists.Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory0 -
It's What We Do!
Squaded runs
In a squad, our two most important jobs are crowd control and HFing. We can also be either a dd, a tank, or both. We provide the pdef buff Golden Bell.
So, when a barb runs out and grabs a large number of mobs to bring back to be aoe'd (zhenning), our job is to stun those mobs so the cleric can heal the barb so he doesn't take too much damage. If a caster gets aggro we can save them by stunning those mobs. We also act as a secondary tank when there is no barb. Most squads are comprised of 1 tank, 1 cleric, and 4 DDs so with proper training you can time your HF to double the damage of the 4 DDs and kill bosses much safer and quicker.
Fist users are the only type of blademaster that can truly tank with aggro, as we can have extremely high damage output, so even without using aggro skills we can keep a bosses attention. If the mob is stunable we can try stun locking them for someone else if we can't keep aggro by rotating Aeolian Blade, Roar of the Pride, Drake Bash, and seal abilities like Smack. This way the cleric can keep up with heals on a weaker class while damage is dealt.
A good combo I enjoy when squaded is cloud sprinting and gathering my mobs, aoe twice and then roar of pride as others catch up and start attacking. This way you have two hits in, aggro of the mobs, and you have them stunned long enough that usually they will be dead before they target other squad members.
Just like most classes, our damage starts small and grows towards the end game. Dual Axe/hammers are the most readily available weapon for the first 60 levels.
Levels 1-39 will lend themselves to their own techniques, with single mob attacks being the safestt. An effective combo will be Drake's Ray from a distance, Aeolian Blade as they run up and hope to stun, attack, attack, Oceans Edge to slow, attack till they are dead. Roar of Pride for crowd control. Use quests for this length of time. A simple grinding technique with fists is cyclone heal, spark, auto attack and build more chi then use diamond sutra when needed.
Levels 40-55 BM's can find squads easy enough because they have a group defense buff and are excellent DDs. They also don't have the liability of dying like a squishy caster. Starting around mid 50s you can even replace barbs as the tank.
Level 56-70 grinding is excellent south of Dreaming Cloud because you will find a lot of mobs that do physical damage. Since you are excellent at physical damage and have pmarrow, and since you should have most of your axe aoe high leveled enough to kill like crazy.
Level 71-84 OHT has physical mobs too, knock yourself out. So does Hallucinatory Trench.
Level 80+ FCC has great experience for all.
AOE grinding
This is a broad enough topic that some of the BM's compiled their tips in a thread and Maelael wrote a guide for it. You can scroll down to post #8 or just click here
All Path
Tiger Maw - 1,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45
A starting skill that adds a small amount of physical damage and is only useful for about the first 15 levels. Invest up to level 4 then move on as even maxed out the skill adds less than 900 damage and it becomes more efficient to auto attack than waste the channeling time. This is a decent skill for endgame pvp as it provides a nice fast skill for a little boost in dmg.
Draw Blood - 3,8,13,18,23,28,33,38,43,48
Attack plus a bleed effect over 15 seconds. Again useful when first starting and up and until you get path specific skills at level 29. I would get it till level 5. The bleed amount is considerable over time, and as many mobs will take close to 15 seconds to kill when first starting its effects are efficient. It does stack with itself once, having a cool down of 8 seconds. It also stacks with piercing winds, a heavier hitting similar skill.
Drake's Ray - 6,11,16,21,26,31,36,41,46,51
This is a ranged attack where you fire a bolt of physical energy to hit a single mob from a distance Useful for grabbing mobs or as a pull technique but will aggro other mobs in the area. This is your only ranged attack (short of equipping a bow) until level 39. Adding to skill level adds damage and range, lvl 1 dmg=base+ 74.5 range 7.2m and continues to lvl 10 dmg=base + 973 range 10m. It can be used as a first attack technique to get an extra hit in, but later mobs will be happy to stand at a distance and use ranged magic attacks which isn't good. Level and max as you can. For PvP its great for fleeing opponents or as an entry "nudge" of dmg since it can be used with any weapon, especially axes, unlike 2 of your other ranged skills.
Stream Strike - 9,14,19,24,29,34,39,44,49,54
For 30 chi you can deal a small amount of extra physical damage and increase your threat level. Higher levels do not increase threat level. The aggro effects of this skill are too weak to ever make a noticable difference and you are better of DDing to compete for aggro. The skill becomes useless in PvE after level 59 when you get your double spark and the 30 chi is better used towards that for gaining aggro. Get it to level 1, after that its damage increase does not justify its mana and spirit point use.
Cloud Sprint - 9,14,19,24,29,34,39,44,49,54
Gain a % increase burst of speed for 15 seconds, starting at 45% and ending at 90%. Although this is a convenient skill it's not required except to get Will of Bodhisatva (WoB). Use this skill to gather mobs and get ahead of them so you can turn and stun them prior to aoeing them.
Aura of the Golden Bell - 13,18,23,28,33,38,43,48,53,58
Be a good teammate and buff your squad. This is an aoe physical buff that increases squad members defense 15%+5% per additional level and lasts for 30 minutes. Required.
Alter Marrow Magical - 16,21,26,31,36,41,46,51,56,61
A 30 second self buff that gives you a 30%+10% each additional magic defense and lowers the same percent of physical defense. It has an instant cast, a 10 second cooldown, and low mana cost and can be alternated with alter marrow physical to build 10 chi each cast. Also, you can cast it prior to running at a magic mob since the first attack is usually a ranged magic type, then switch to alter marrow physical once in close physical range. Marrow magical and marrow physical do not stack and will only have the effect of the most recently cast skill. Also, it stops auto attack and so you will need to click to continue. As you level, pay close attention to whether a mob uses a magic attack or a physical class because learning proper marrow is very helpful and an advantage we have over barbs for tanking. If you run with a caster friend in squad watch their hp and notice if the mob hits you or them harder.
Alter Marrow Physical - 23,28,33,38,43,48,53,58,63,68
A 30 second self buff that gives you a 30%+10% each additional physical defense and lowers the same percent of magical defense. It has an instant cast, a 10 second cooldown, and low mana cost and can be alternated with alter marrow magical to build 10 chi each cast. Marrow magical and marrow physical do not stack and will only have the effect of the most recently cast skill. Also, it stops auto attack and so you'll need to click to continue. As you level, pay close attention to whether a mob uses a magic attack or a physical class because learning proper marrow is very helpful and an advantage we have over barbs for tanking. If you run with a caster friend in squad watch their hp and notice if the mob hits you or them harder.
Alter Marrow Physical - 23,28,33,38,43,48,53,58,63,68
A 30 second self buff that gives you a 30%+10% each additional physical defense and lowers the same percent of magical defense. It has an instant cast, a 10 second cooldown, and low mana cost and can be alternated with alter marrow magical to build 10 chi each cast. Marrow magical and marrow physical do not stack and will only have the effect of the most recently cast skill. Also, it stops auto attack and so you need to click to continue. As you level, pay close attention to whether a mob uses a magic attack or a physical class because learning proper marrow is very helpful and an advantage we have over barbs for tanking. If you run with a caster friend in squad watch their hp and notice if the mob hits you or them harder.
Alter Marrow Physical - 23,28,33,38,43,48,53,58,63,68
A 30 second self buff that gives you a 30%+10% each additional physical defense and lowers the same percent of magical defense. It has an instant cast, a 10 second cooldown, and low mana cost and can be alternated with alter marrow magical to build 10 chi each cast. Marrow magical and marrow physical do not stack and will only have the effect of the most recently cast skill. Also, it stops auto attack and so you will need to click to continue. I recommend leveling phys marrow slower because it can be deadly to marrow against the wrong mobs by completely eliminating your magic defenses, while when using magic marrow your pdef is so high you still have some pdef left when you are marrowed.
Aeolian Blade - 19,24,29,34,39,44,49,54,59,64
One of your stun abilities and important for < lvl 89 stun locking because it has a cooldown of only 6 seconds. Deals damage with a chance to stun. I recommend maxing this as soon as possible because you gain 4% chance to stun per skill level starting at 24% and ending at 50%. It's worth it at 50% when you save your cleric with it. In PvP its a a decent skill because it hits fairly hard, although I wouldn't bet on it stunning.
Roar of the Pride - 23,28,33,38,43,48,53,58,63,68
Another stunning ability, but this one is an aoe with a 5 meter radius that has almost a 100% chance to stun (increases with levels). Great for grinding, great for pvp, great for setting up other skills, and great for saving your butt when outnumbered. Stun length increases to 6 seconds at level 10and is important for stun locking. Requires 35 chi, a decent amount of mana, and has a 15 second cool down.
Ocean's Edge - 26,31,36,41,46,51,56,61,66,71
Has a chance to slow mobs for 10 seconds. Think of this skill as training for stunning. It's very useful early on until your damage develops and you get your stunning abilities, but once you can stun you stop bothering to just slow mobs and this skill loses its usefulness. Best used for archers and casters that try to kite you in PvP. See notes on Vacuous Palm
Tiger Leap - 29,34,39,44,49,54,59,64,69,74
This will get you close to a mob or other player quicker by catapulting you forward 11-16 meters at 10m/s for the cost of 25 chi. In PvE a BM can jump time his Tiger Leap to jump past a mobs ranged zone, avoiding the stuns or magic attacks that a mob normally does at range. In PvP this is useful for jumping out of another BMs RoTP range or for jumping next to casters (mobs or pvp) or jumping past an angry veno's pet.
Leap Back- 29,34,39,44,49,54,59,64,69,74
Avoid a players skill by leaping back out of the way during its channeling, you then can leap right back at the target using tiger leap and attack again because the disruption of your opponents casting by moving out of range causes them to stall in place throughout what would have been the skills casting.
Diamond Sutra - 29,34,39,44,49,54,59,64,69,74
Your self heal ability. This skill cost 1 spark and gives you 20% + some hp per level (250hp-1600 hp). It has an instant cast, you just need to finish your attack first. The more hp you have the more health you recover. It does consume a lot of mana, but it also almost replaces the need for health pots (almost), and increases the need for extra mana pots. Don't level this too fast because the mana cost becomes too great too quickly and it loses its usefulness and what you really are after is the 20% hp which doesn't grow.
Fan of Flames - 34,39,44,49,54,59,64,69,74,79
A frontal "conical" assault aoe that has semi weak damage and is mostly used early game before getting your axe aoes. Has small static damage of 553-1809.
Drake Sweep - 44,48,52,56,60,64,68,72,76,80
Your other all path aoe. It has a 8 meter range, smaller than axes, and will typically not hit caster mobs as they'll stand beyond this, but its dmg is good and it can be used in conjunction with axe specific aoes to keep a constant aoe spam going.
Will of Bodhisatva - 59
Basically the level 11 of Cloud Sprint, but it cost one spark. 100% increased running speed for 15 seconds, doubles your evasion, and best of all, cannot be stunned, froze, or slept. Careful you still can be sealed. Although it's useful in pve, it is amazing in pvp when a frustrated assassin or fellow BM cannot land a hit, and cannot stunlock you while you set your stun lock in motion.
Smack- 79
Smack seals an opponent for 2-3 seconds from a distance of up to 18 meters, as well as deals 100% weapon dmg plus 1000. Not to flashy but kind of fun to 'bonk' a wizard before they can nuke you so you can get into stun lock range. Its also great for chaining a stunlock by overlapping a previous stun with this skill then use your next stun to prevent them from leaping back or using an antistun. Also, useful when a mob is attacking a squishy and you can't reach them in time to save them, you can seal the mob till you get there.
Dragon Bane - 79
Costs 1 spark. This trades 50% of your attack power for an increase of 25% critical hit rate. Not a great deal but you can make it work for you. Use this right before a triple spark so that you purify yourself against the damage reduction but gain the critical hit increase. Other options are to warn your cleric and request a purify once you cast, or use a level 4 apothecary good called
'Soulcleanse Orb' that removes all debuffs.
Buddhas Guard - 100
Grants the entire squad within range a physical defense bonus of 1000% as well as recovers 20% of the casters hp. However, the 1000% pdef bonus will cap at 90% damage reduction, so pdef above about 35k won't really matter. The skill has a 10 minute cooldown so many BMs save it for a needed situation and often times never find that situation. Use it freely.
Axe Mastery- 29,34,39,44,49,54,59,64,69,74
You gain 6% axe damage per level, up to 60%.
Drake Bash - 29,34,39,44,49,54,59,64,69,74
Important for your stun lock. Cost one spark but causes stun based on accuracy, also has dmg based on your weapon. Level 1 gives you 3.3 stuns seconds and 906 dmg + 55% weapons damage and goes up to a 6 second stun with 3296 dmg + 100% weapons damage. Definitely worth it.
Highland Cleave
Highland Cleave- 39,43,47,51,55,59,63,67,71,75
An aoe with good range and decent damage based of weapon damage. Get it for level 1 then level it up as you have spare spirit because youll want to use it while other aoes cool down to keep constant aoes going when grinding.
Fissure- 49,53,57,61,65,69,73,77,81,85
Weaker damage than highland cleave (maxes at 2443 dmg), but has a slow effect of 50% for 8 seconds when maxed. This is great for right before your Roar of Pride wears off when you are aoe grinding and will stop a lot of dmg from getting to you.
Heavens Flame- 59,62,65,68,71,74,77,80,83,86
Squads love this skill. Its actually considered a distance attack, and can be cast from 8 meters away. It has a radius of 12 meters around the target, good dmg + % weapon dmg, and a 6 second curse effect. Its a signature skill of BMs. Curse the enemy so they receive double damage for 6 seconds. So if you are in a group with a couple damage dealers the curse effect can really increase damage. Also, a great first attack when aoeing because it will double your next 2-3attacks. Most importantly, learn to time this to your squads sparks and other debuffs in your squad, for instance time this and veno amp together.
Polearm Mastery- 29,34,39,44,49,54,59,64,69,74
You gain 6% polearm damage per level, up to 60%.
Piercing Winds - 29,34,39,44,49,54,59,64,69,74
An attack that does base damage + bonus dmg in a straight line for 8-12 meters increasing as you level the skill, plus adds a bleed attack. Also causes a bleed effect over 15 seconds that maxes at 3120 damage at lvl 10. This does not become stacked, as cooldown is 15 seconds, but will stack with Draw Blood.
Farstrike - 39,43,47,51,55,59,63,67,71,75
A ranged attack thats damage and range grows as it is leveled. Starting at 10.5 meters and base dmg + 55% weapon dmg + 1051 dmg and growing to 15 meters with and attack of base + 100% + 2647 dmg. Useful for helping with harpies in FCC as well as grabbing bosses that try to run by you after being lured.
Meteor Rush- 49,53,57,61,65,69,73,77,81,85
This is another 'aoe in a straight line' that poleblades have. It has a range of 12 meters and causes knockback, buying you time for its 6 second cooldown, or pairing it with piercing winds 15 second cooldown. At level 10 it deals 3093 damage and knocks back 18 meters.
Glacial Spike- 59,62,65,68,71,74,77,80,83,86
A very useful squad skill for two sparks. This is an aoe with a range of 12 meters causing 50% magical and physical defense reduction of opponents for 10 seconds, as well as causing a large amount of damage. Damage is maxed at level 10 with base + 100% + 5882 dmg. If there are other decent damage dealers in your squad and you are gaining chi quickly enough, rotate this out with Heavens Flame while HF is in cool down. The effect of GS lasts longer, but the benefits are not as high as HF due to diminishing returns of defense (less benefit for each additional defensive point). For instance, if you reduce an opponents defense from 10k to 5k they will not take twice the amount of damage because the first 5k of their defense gives them the most benefit. Its more approximately another 40-50% damage increase.
Sword Mastery- 29,34,39,44,49,54,59,64,69,74
You gain 6% sword damage per level, up to 60%.
Mage Bane - 29,34,39,44,49,54,59,64,69,74
The same dmg boost as other paths lvl 29 skill, Mage Bane gives you increased bonus dmg for each level up to 3120 at level 10. In addition it will slow the opponents channeling speed by 50% for 3.5-8 seconds as the level increases. This makes it a relatively useless pve skill but an exceptional pvp skill for BMs to have against casters.
Spirit Chaser – 39,43,47,51,55,59,63,67,71,75
A ranged attack. That’s about it. Spirit chaser grows its range and bonus damage per skill level but its bonus dmg, maxing at 2473, is never worth the mana or channeling time it takes to cast this skill. Used as a ranged attack when there aren’t other options.
Atmos Strike – 49,53,57,61,65,69,73,77,81,85
With a cast time of 1.7 second, I haven’t found a use for this skill. It deals base dmg + % weapon dmg + bonus dmg and causes a knock back of 12.6-18 meters. Meteor Rush is much quicker to cast and deals linear aoe dm for the same knockback effect, but Atmos Strike deals greater damage per hit. At level 10 dmg is base + 100% + 3417
Myriad Sword Stance – 59,62,65,68,71,74,77,80,83,86
The hardest hitting skill in the BM inventory and an aoe at that. For two sparks, enemies within range have base dmg + % weapon dmg+ bonus dmg dealt to them, plus have their physical and magical attacks reduced by 32-50% for 15 seconds. At level 10, this means mobs in a 12 meter radius of target receive base + 200% + 6096.8 dmg, and an attack reduction of 50%. As beautiful as this skill is, I rarely use it offensively. The benefits of using two sparks for HF or GS, or even a double spark would give me better damage in the long run, especially in a squad as two of those skills would amplify my squads damage. The real use for this is to save a tank who is not being healed fast enough and you need to slow down the boss so the cleric can stack His.
Flash – 100
Sword or Blade skill only. A skill I don’t have yet because of its bad reputation as being useless, but description is that for two sparks it deals 150% base damage plus 150% of casters current hp subtracted from their max hp. One-hundred percent accurate. Sort of like a reverse arma, but I hear 15k+ BMs talking about how weak the skill is and not worth the sparks or use of a sword.
Fist Mastery – 29,34,39,44,49,54,59,64,69,74
You gain 6% fist damage per level, up to 60%.
Vacuous Palm - 29,34,39,44,49,54,59,64,69,74
Essentially the same skill as Ocean’s Edge. You deal more dmg and it is a quicker attack. It is more reliable than Ocean’s Edge, which has a percent attack, and per level it slows the enemy more, but it also only slows for 8 seconds where OE slows for 10 seconds. I would level it only once to get further skills as OE is an all path skill and you get it 3 levels sooner, then save your spirit for other skills. Also, slow skills become less useful as you get stuns.
Shadowless Kick – 39,43,47,51,55,59,63,67,71,75
Deal damage plus stops channeling. Outside sword skills you are relatively ineffective against casters. This skill has two invaluable bonuses. One, its faster than swords and can deliver a “stop target channeling” sooner. Two, if your replace a barb as a tank you should also replace the barbs ability to stop boss aoes. This is it. Only get the first level until you have extra spirit.
Cyclone Heel – 49,53,57,61,65,69,73,77,81,85
Massively important. It takes a small amount of time to channel and attack with, but it deals extra damage then increases your attack speed so you can dish out damage even faster. The damage increases each level, as well as +xx% weapon damage, and the increase to attack speed gets 1% per level from 3-12%. Can be channeling canceled by switching weapons.
- Drake’s Breath Bash – 59,62,65,68,71,74,77,80,83,86
For two sparks you fire a linear attack ranging from 8.4-12 meters dealing % weapons damage plus bonus physical damage, then receive 15 seconds of added fire damage to your weapon. At level one, you’ll deal 55% of your weapons damage + 3365.3 damage + receive 15 seconds of 35% of your weapon in fire damage. At level 10 this becomes 100% weapon dmg + 5882 + 80% bonus fire dmg for 15 seconds. Can be channeling canceled for some major dd ability.
- Bolt of Tyreseus – 79
Fist/Claw only skill. Technically a second aoe for fists. This has a range of 12 meters and causes multiple effects. First, it deals 260% of base physical dmg, it also freezes targets and caster for 5 seconds, slows enemy movements by 30%, slows enemy attack speeds by 30%, and increases enemy channeling by 50%. This is a good “sometime” skill for starting an aoe series with. Also, in TWs, it’s good for cluster-f—k situations where you are pinning people down with Roar of the Pride and need a few extra seconds to handicap your opponents.
Morai Skills
Morai introduced 6 new skills. Sword Cyclone is available at level 80, although I believe the spiritual cultivation required isn't available till level 89. It is a teaser skill meant give players of new skill types Morai introduced. These level 80 teaser skills then can be advanced to level 100 skills that are stronger. There are 3 orders and each order gives you ones skill after you have earned 3500 prestige and 675 influence from that orders Advanced Supply. You will then recieve a book and can pay 3mil coin and 3mil spirit to learn the skill.
Sword Cyclone- Corona 'Teaser Skill'. This skill costs 3 sparks but you recieve 2 sparks back over 12 seconds. It is a continuous aoe that can be used with any weapon and lasts 12 seconds, damaging opponents every 3 seconds. You are able to move around while its active and can even use Cloud Sprint prior to casting it. While its active you are unable to use skills. It is not reduced by enemy skills like Invoke or Plume Shell. This skill draw creates no aggro, so is a poor choice for pulling because mobs will go straight for bb. It also has poor damage. One creative use for it is as an anti-stun, since you cannot be stunned or interupted once its cast.
Reckless Rush- The Corona skill. This is a 15m teleport that freezes your opponent and deals a small amount of damage for 50 chi. Can be used with any weapon except claws/fists and bow.
Flame Tsunami- This is a frontal aoe with a 75% chance to stun all targets in a 12m line and deals decent damage. However, it can only be used when your hp is below 40%. The fact that its frontal aoe only and its hp requirements make it a second string aoe for me, personally. And since I have about 7 preferred aoes above this it rarely gets used.
Reel In- A Shroud skill that pulls your opponent towards you from up to 25m for a cost of 50 chi. Its success rate is based on your compared soul forces and is between 40-100%. This is a very useful pvp skill for kiting opponents for anything except demon wizards Distance Shrink which moves them to 30m away. Reel In then stun, can be used with any weapon.
Blade Tornado- This is the upgraded version of Sword Cyclone and drops in Advanced Endless Universe. The damage gets a significant boost making this skill worthwhile in certain situations. Although its damage is still outdone by chaining other aoes, the anti-stun, ability to move, and ability to cut through damage reduction skills can be useful. Blade Tornado also slows enemies by 30%. Skill lasts for 12 seconds, damaging every 3 seconds and uses 3 sparks to cast. You will then recover 2 sparks over 12 seconds. Costs 5mil spirit and coin to learn.
Blade Hurl- Another AEU skill. This is a ranged aoe disarm skill for pvp. For one spark you can disarm yourself and your opponents from up to 25m and all opponents within 8 meters of your target for 3 seconds. Skills that require a weapon will be canceled or blocked during that time. The equipment will automatically reequip. Blade Hurl also is a ranged attack dealing 100% weapon damage +3500 dmg. Costs 5mil spirit and coin to learn.Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory0 -
What should I level first?
With so many skills some will have to take priority, others will have to take a backseat, and some can get ignored to the very end. Most BMs worry about not having enough spirit for all their skills, but in the 80’s you receive a ton of spirit and no new skills. Unless you’ve hypered most your exp then spirit for every skill shouldn’t be a problem. You just won’t have millions saved up for demon skills when you hit lvl 89. Below is what I recommend leveling up to level 58.
Recommended, A must:
Tiger Maw (to level 5, then stop)
Drakes Ray (to level 5, then stop)
Draw Blood (to level 5, then stop)
Golden Bell
Alter Marrow Physical (get to level 5, then level as you can)
Alter Marrow Magical (get to level 5, then level as you can)
Roar of the Pride (Must Must Must)
Ocean’s Edge (to level 5, then stop)
Aeolian Blade (to level 5, then stop)
Drake’s Bash
Cyclone Heel (Must Must Must)
Level as you can:
Cloud Sprint (Max by 59 for Will of Bodhisatva)
Spirit Chaser
Highland Cleave
Drake Sweep
Meteor Rush
Get only Level 1:
Stream Strike (important, but only need first level)
Diamond Sutra (important, but only need first level since most healing is from the 20% hp. The mana
cost becomes too expensive as you level and it becomes less worth it.)
Vacuous Palm
Shadowless kick (important, but only need first level)
Fan of Flames
Mage Bane
Piercing Winds
Atmos Strike
Level 59 and 79 skills:
My opinion of importance of lvl 59 skills is to get level 1 of all of them first. Then level Drakes Breath Bash to use for channel canceling. Next level HF and MSS. What makes HF important is its 6 second curse that doubles dmg taken, which you get at level 1. Leveling after that adds dmg + fire dmg over time which is great for dueling heavy army players, and makes aoe grinding easier when your have 2 sparks. MSS is a great “save your butt” skill in approaching squad wipes to reduce a bosses attack damage. GS can be leveled last to alternate debuffs on a mob while your HF is in cooldown, or to stack with HF when there are two BMs in a squad.
For level 79 skills I recommend Dragon Bane first, then Smack, then Bolt of Tyreseus. Dragon Bane I find easier to use in more situations than the other two skills, and more useful in increasing overall damage. Smack and BoT are both great skills. Smack isn’t used often but is actually helpful in pulling mobs off squishies, so I’d level that second. Even though I use fist most the time I hardly ever use a single spark skill and tend to just save up for the 2 or 3 spark skills and end up passing on BoT most the time.
One last note on skills
Many give you a set amount of dmg, while others give you base damage plus x% of your weapons dmg. Of course, the stronger your weapon is the more the x% skills value grows. These skills are Aeolian Blade, Drake Bash, Far Strike, Highland Cleave, Atmos Strike, Cyclone Heal, Myriad Sword Stance, Heavens Flame, and Drake’s Breath Bash.
Here is a link to ecatomb’s pwi blademaster Sage/Demon comparison site. I won’t talk about it as the website covers it as well as I could. In general, Sage is more defensive for survivability and Demon is more offensive for damage output. Most blademasters go Demon path as the community census is that this is better but compare it yourself and choose what you’d prefer.
Useful Attack Combos
Roar of the Pride +Heaven’s Flame + Drake Sweep + Highland Cleave + Fissure + Fist (equip)+ Cyclone heel.
The idea here is to gather them all up then knock them down before they can really damage you. Use Cloud Sprint for the gathering, aoe stun the mobs, Heaven’s Flame to amplify dmg , Highland Cleave, Drake Sweep, and Fissure (try to get all 3 within the 6 seconds curse) and ending with Fissure slows them down. Cyclone heel last for increased attack speed and to fill time through your cooldown. Either repeat this sequence by switching back to axe and redoing, or pick off the last few alive singly with fists.
Drake’s Breathe Bash + axe/polearm/sword(equip)
DBB provides excellent damage and a 15 second fire damage buff for the cost of two sparks,
however if you cancel the channeling you don’t use the sparks, don’t deal the dmg, but still get the bonus. DBB, then quickly weapon change before it casts. Process takes about .5 and will give you a couple hundred extra dmg per attack. Great for dueling others with high pdef, especially if they physical marrow also.
Fist(equip) + Alter Marrow Physical + Spark++, Spark+, Spark + cyclone heel
Used for attacking bosses. Only mana cost is cyclone heel every 15 seconds and dmg output is
usually higher than any skill combo because it is attack speed based. Plus spark use will heal you. Use cyclone heel to regain sparks quicker or genie skills. You can also add the DBB+weapon change skill for extra dmg. This should allow you to keep aggro from anyone.
Roar of the Pride + Fist (equip) + Aeolian Blade + Axe(equip) + Drakes Bash
The stun lock. 6+3+6 gives the 15 seconds needed as a cooldown for Roar of Pride. Aeolian Blade only causes stun effect 50% of the time, but also only has a cooldown of 6 seconds. Cancel/slow channeling skills as well as slow attack skills can add to the defenseless of your opponent.
Alter marrow magical + Alter marrow physical + alter marrow magical + alter marrow physical + ….
Build up chi this way in between mobs. Careful, last cast will stick around for 30 seconds.Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory0 -
Interval Gear Mechanics
If youre a bm youre going to want to learn all about interval gear. Beautiful beautiful equipment as it increases your attack speed and hits per second, therefore increasing your damage ouput. The theoretical goal is 5 attacks every second, but for many of us the cost and gear requirements will be beyond our reach. However, any increase in attack speed is a bonus and will increase the our damage output.
Most of the information in this section was compiled by Elenacostel, an archer, and can be found here.
This is page is archer focused and talks more about bow, crossbow, and slingshot use. You probably arent using these weapons but the rules don’t change. In addition, I’ve added some of my own data and views.
A weapon will display its attack speed in the form of “number of attacks per second.” We then convert this to the length of time one attack takes by taking the inverse (1/x) known as attack duration, or how long an attack takes in seconds per attack. Interval gear subtracts from the length of time one attack takes. We then use this to find the attacks per second by inversing the number again. Example:
Fist attack speed is 1.43 attacks per second
Inverse this for the seconds per attack = 1/1.43 . This is our inverse ratio 1/x.
Answer is = .6993 One attack takes .6993 seconds, rounded to .7 seconds per attack.
Now, lets say we have -.05 interval gear and -.1 interval gear for a total of - .15. Subtract this number from the seconds per attack. Example:
We’ve shown 1.43 aps fists have a base attack speed of .7 sec/attack. Subtract the -.15 from our interval gear and calculate our new aps.
.7 sec/attack - .15 sec/attack = .55 sec/attack
Inverse (1/x) of .55 = 1/.55 = 1.8181 aps rounded to 1.82.
Increase attack speed by xx%
Another possible mod is “increase attack speed by xx%”. This is pretty straightforward for BMs. Apparently the archer ias is glitched and less straightforward but ours is basic math. First convert your attack to speed to seconds per attack (ie 1.43 = .7) then times that number by 1 - xx%.
If the number is exactly between two breakpoint, like .575 seconds per attack is between .55 and .6 you will be bumped to the faster breakpoint. Most increased attack speed skills don’t stack, like Demon sparks + Cyclone Heel or genie skill.
You can use the chart below to find the nearest seconds/attack benchmark.
Seconds per Attack.....APS.......25% Spark.....20% D. Cyclone....15% S. Cyclone.....12% Cyclone lvl 10
.7.............................1.43..........2.00. ..............1.82..................1.62.......... ..............1.62......
.65...........................1.54..........2.00.. .............2.00..................1.82........... .............1.82......
.6.............................1.67..........2.22. ..............2.00..................2.00.......... ..............1.82......
.55...........................1.82..........2.50.. .............2.22..................2.22........... .............2.00......
.5.............................2.00..........2.86. ..............2.50..................2.50.......... ..............2.22......
.45............................2.22..........2.86. ..............2.86..................2.50.......... ..............2.50......
.4.............................2.50.........3.33.. .............3.33..................2.86........... .............2.86......
.35...........................2.86..........4.00.. .............3.33..................3.33........... .............3.33......
.3............................3.33..........5.00.. .............4.00..................4.00........... .............4.00......
.25...........................4.00..........5.00.. .............5.00..................5.00........... .............5.00......
.2............................5.00..........5.00.. .............5.00..................5.00........... .............5.00......
You currently have 1.82 attacks per second and level 10 Cyclone Heel increases your attack speed by 12%. So,
1.82 aps = .55 sec/atk x (1-.12) = .55 x .88 = .484 which is closest to .5 which on the chart equals 2.00 aps.
- 0.83 attacks / sec (1.20 secs / attack) Dual Hammers, Dual Axes
0.87 attacks / sec (1.15 secs / attack)
0.91 attacks / sec (1.10 secs / attack) Dual Swords, Dual Blades, Polehammer, Poleaxe
0.95 attacks / sec (1.05 secs / attack)
1.00 attacks / sec (1.00 secs / attack) Poleblade, Club, Pike
1.05 attacks / sec (0.95 secs / attack)
1.11 attacks / sec (0.90 secs / attack) Sword, Blade
1.18 attacks / sec (0.85 secs / attack)
1.25 attacks / sec (0.80 secs / attack)
1.33 attacks / sec (0.75 secs / attack)
1.43 attacks / sec (0.70 secs / attack) Fist (weapon), Claw
1.54 attacks / sec (0.65 secs / attack)
1.67 attacks / sec (0.60 secs / attack)
1.82 attacks / sec (0.55 secs / attack)
2.00 attacks / sec (0.50 secs / attack)
2.22 attacks / sec (0.45 secs / attack)
2.50 attacks / sec (0.40 secs / attack)
2.86 attacks / sec (0.35 secs / attack)
3.33 attacks / sec (0.30 secs / attack)
4.00 attacks / sec (0.25 secs / attack)
5.00 attacks / sec (0.20 secs / attack) Maximum Attack Speed / Minimum Attack IntervalSeven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory0 -
An incomplete list of some interval gear
Crafting any wrist guards or weapons lvl 30 or above will have a small chance to have –interval as a mod, odds are about 2-3% of this happening.
Level 100 Rank 8 recast armor- Plate of the King: Sol: has a 1.37% chance for -.05 up to 3 times.
Also Rank 6 and Rank 8 Archer and Sin only armor.
Wrist guards
Level 60 Vambraces of Blood Moon: Interval Between Hits -0.05 seconds.
Level 60(LA) Bracers of Blood Moon: Interval Between Hits -0.05 seconds.
Level 80 Legion Vambraces: Interval Between Hits -0.10 seconds.
Level 80 Elfcrafted Heavy Bracers: Interval Between Hits -0.05 seconds.
Level 80(LA) Spirit Eater’s Bracers: Interval Between Hits -0.05 seconds.
Level 90 Vambraces of the Brute: Interval Between Hits -0.10 seconds.
Level 99(LA) General’s Bracers: Interval Between Hits -0.10 seconds.
Level 95 Solar Flash Sleevelets: Interval Between Hits -0.05 seconds.
Level 95 Ghostseeker Bracers: Interval Between Hits -0.10 seconds.
Level 99 Lionheart Vambraces: Interval Between Hits -0.10 seconds.
Level 99(LA) Ashuras Bracers: Interval Between Hits -0.10 seconds.
Level 100(LA) Nirvana-Shadow Ashura Bracers: Interval Between Hits -0.10 seconds.
Level 100(LA) Shadow Ashura Bracers: Interval Between Hits -0.10 seconds.
Level 100(LA) Nirvana-Myriad Blossom Gloves: Interval Between Hits -0.05 seconds.
Level 100(LA) Myriad Blossom Gloves: Interval Between Hits -0.1 seconds.
Level 100 Nirvana-Cascade Glow Sleeves: Interval Between Hits -0.05 seconds.
Level 100 Cascade Glow Sleeves: Interval Between Hits -0.1 seconds.
Level 100 Nirvana-Lionheart Bracers: Interval Between Hits -0.1 seconds.
Level 100 Lionheart Bracers: Interval Between Hits -0.1 seconds.
Level 100 Nirvana Cascade Glow Greaves: Interval Between Hits -0.05 seconds.
Level 100 Nirvana Lionheart Greaves: Interval Between Hits -0.05 seconds.
Level 100 Rank 8 recast boots- Caligae of the King: Sol: has a 0.15% chance for -.05 up to 3 times.
As same as the wristguards, most crafted or dropped weapons levels 30+ have a small chance to have -0.05 Interval between hits, so once more, in theory it is possible to get a weapon with -0.15.
Level 30 Dual Axes Handaxes of Demonic Roar: Interval Between Hits -0.05 seconds.
Level 52 Dual Hammers Gale Dual Hammers: Interval Between Hits -0.10 seconds.
Level 85 Gorenox: Vanity: Interval Between Hits -0.05 seconds.
Level 95 Fist Gorenox Vanity: Interval Between Hits -0.05 seconds.
Level 95 Claw Deicide: Interval Between Hits -0.1 seconds
Level 97 Dual Hammers Dragon's Vibrancy: Interval Between Hits -0.10 seconds.
Level 98 Dual Blades Demonic Rebuttal: Interval Between Hits -0.05 seconds.
Level 99 Pike Dragon's Bite: Interval Between Hits -0.05 seconds.
Level 100 Fist Striking Dragon: Interval Between Hits -0.10 seconds.
Level 100 Regicide: Interval Between Hits -0.10 seconds.
Level 101 G15 claws/fists have a 5% chance to have -.05 up to two times.
Level 60 Energetic Robe: Wraithgate: Interval Between Hits -0.05 seconds.
Level 90 Energetic Robe: Lunar Glade: Interval Between Hits -0.05 seconds.
Level 95 Lunar-Mantle of Radience: Interval Between Hits -0.05 seconds.
Level 0 Love: Up and Down: Interval Between Hits -0.05 seconds.
Level 0 Pan Gu, Creater: Interval Between Hits -0.05 seconds.
Using two items of the Lionheart's Power set (HH99 Heavy Armor Gold set) you get: Interval Between Hits -0.05 seconds.
Using two items of the Ashura's Power set (HH99 Light Armor Gold set) you get: Interval Between Hits -0.05 seconds.
Which two pieces of LA should I use:
Will complete later...
Special thanks and considerations go out to the BMs of Destiny and S.B.K who helped with both advice and help leveling my BM and teaching me the in-and-outs of the character. Nothing drives you as much as seeing a smexy high level annihilate things.
Lindura, her guide is still an excellent resource as well as contributing to the forums with some interval gear advice.
PWpedia for help with rank gear, an obvious wealth of information on skills and other pwi related subjects
Elenacostel for her excellent guide on archer interval and attack speed. Answered a lot of my questions.
Thanks to Okeano for reviewing my work and helping me correct a few things I'd missed
Also thanks to the BM forum community for answering a lot of my questions and providing a good laugh every now and then.
OP 6/22/10
8/18/10 Added and fixed some comments
9/8/2010 Fixed mathmatics in "Increase attack by xx%" section
3/12/2012 Color highlights for indexing, updated some information and opinions.Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory0 -
Sakubatou - Sanctuary wrote: »six should be enough,
sure? And Props to you man. This seems very interesting.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thanks for Flauschkatze for siggy b:cool
HA > LA > AR... GG
HA + VIT = win b:bye0 -
This is an AOE guide written by Maelael of Heaven's Tear and was a originally posted and worked upon In this thread. After watching BMs apsing groups of mobs to death and not wanting to lose the lost are of aoe grinding Maelael allowed me to add it into my guide.
This guide was written as a how-to basics guide to AOE by request. These tips are applicable in group open field, solo open field, and inside instances. All of this comes from my experience pre-expansions & post expansions. As Morai skills are still in their testing for usefulness phase, more may be added later.
This guide cannot, and should not, replace in game practice & mentoring when possible. Good AOE requires practice to learn the timing, ranging, and not second guessing the choices you have available. A friendly mentor who can critque you while learning these strategies is invaluable.
AOE Guide
The following is a guide to solo AOEing past 60. Between levels 60-80, you can actually "powerlevel" yourself by grinding physical-only mobs with mainly Axe skills. Prior to 60 there is a base of gear, skills, and mob availability that makes solo AOE not viable. Knowledge and mastery of this aspect of playing your Blademaster not only helps you level to 80 easily, but provides a basis for core skills used in later instances like Frost.
I've broken this into three sections: Equipement & Stats, Skills, and Mobs.
As stated in the disclaimer - practice, practice, practice and find a mentor if you can. Any additions or thoughts - post in the thread! I hope this is useful to those asking.
Part 1: Equipment & Stats.
Gear and stats are essential to solo AOE. You will need a recommended amount of HP to survive being attacked while cycling through your skills, and damage output to eliminate your pull fast enough.
Nearly any build is fine. There are three main recommendations, depending on your post 80 or post 90 plans.
3 STR / 2 DEX a level:
This option is the lowest HP, most versatile, and high DD due to critical chance. You will be able to use current level fists and axes, but will be low on HP. This can be made up for with HP shards and Refines on your armor.
3 STR / 2 VIT a level with base DEX capped at 60:
This is the highest HP option. You will be able to use current level axes, but not fists - and you will want to restat later for APS build. You will not have to depend on your armor for HP, but will kill slower than a higher STR build.
5 STR a level with base DEX and VIT capped at 60 (Or at 53 for reset notes):
This is the highest damage option. You will be able to use current level axes, but not fists - and you will want to restat later for APS build. You will not be as dependent on your armor for HP, but some refines and shards will be needed. This is the fastest killing build as it does the most amount of damage. Your Physical defense will also benefit from the higher strength.
As you can see, all three builds have their strengths and weaknesses. All three work, it depends on if you want to restat later on, and if you prefer to soak more damage, or deal out more damage.
It is important to note, that the higher HP you have (VIT, Armor Shards & Refines), and the higher damage output you have (STR, Weapon Refines), the easier AOE is. An overgeared BM can easily solo bigger groups, or the next step of mobs sooner.
From level 60-70, you want a minimum of 3-4k HP, and 70-80 you want a minimum of 4-5k HP. It is reccomended to have 5k+ HP in your 80s for tanking boss mobs.
For survival, you want to seek out high Vit and HP gear. TT is fine, but typically 3* gear with good add ons can be better. TT gear resells well however, it is not hard to find cheap well refined and socketed gear in the auction house. Use physical defense ornaments while AOEing, and magic defense ornaments for other activites. You should not be fighting Magic based mobs while solo AOEing. A VIT or STR/VIT Tome is highly recommended. Please note that interval bracers are not needed to AOE, as you are utilizing skills for your damage, not auto attacks.
Legendary equipment (molds) have higher defense values. TT and Legenday refine the same, but both will refine better than 3* - It depends on the add ons for 3* for 3* gear to be more worthwhile. With TT Armor, you will need the equipment for souledges, so that is a consideration as well.
For Tomes, a dual stat tome gives more stat points in total. It is reccomended to get a Dex/Vit Tome due to later restatting, or a Str/Vit tome if you do not plan to restat.
For killing, you want the best Axe you can afford, refined as high as you can afford or luck out on, and socketed with the best you can afford. "Zerk" or "Sacrificial Strike" axes at low levels have been a debate among the BM crowd for ages. Some love them, some hate them.
I value Calamity Axes of Blood and Thunderbolt Axes equally - As Calamities offset the 5% loss with HP and Vit, and the Thunderbolt Axes provite a consistent increase in damage and strength. I had both back in the pre-BP days, I hated it when Calamities ticked my charm so I used my Thunderbolt Axes. Sakubatou swears by them. When they proc you are killing faster, and saving HP/Pots Charms, the issue is consistency and style. Try it out, see if you like it.
Part 2: Skills
You have Three Skills you will be using every round:
Drake Sweep - 8 Second Cooldown
Highland Cleave - 6 Second Cooldown
Fissure - 8 Second Cooldown
That is the typical recommended order to use them as well. Due to casting time and cooldown, this will be the most efficient and consistent skill order to utilize. There are atypical situations where you may use Highland Cleave first or Fissure first for range or spike damage and the slowdown affect, but in typical longer AOE battles, this order will keep cooldown timing misuse to a minimum.
The ideal situation every pull should be:
Keep Physical Marrow up at all times.
Stop a second away from the mobs if they run at normal speed.
Hit Roar of the Pride. (The mobs close in as it casts)
Optional: Use Tangling Mire, and/or Heaven's Flame for more damage if the skills are ready.
Drake Sweep
Highland Cleave
[Option Skill]
Drake Sweep
Highland Cleave
[Option SKill]
And do that until they die.
The [Option Skill] part becomes the complicated part and one of the reasons many BMs don't use a straight macro. You have a bit of time before Drake Sweep refreshes if you cast all three skills in perfect timing, so instead of standing there while the mobs beat on you - you have a few options:
Cyclone Heel - Hotkey switch to fists (swtich off axe), hit Cyclone Heel, and switch back to your axes.
Roar of the Pride - If the fight lasts long enough, this has refreshed by now.
Heaven's Flame - If you have two sparks ready adn this is not in cooldown.
Tangling Mire - Although this requires no cast time, it is considered a debuff or amp that can be "Something to click" instead of doing nothing while mobs beat on you.
Remarrow in longer fights.
Why not Glacial Spike or other skills? Because if you are spending Spirit to level these skills, you are ignoring others. But let's say you have enough Spirit because you were hyper-leveled in Frost runs. Cyclone Heel, Heaven's Flame, and Roar should cycle into availability during these intervals just fine, and those are your best options.
But what about Fan of Flames?
Cyclone Heel: 8 Meter AOE, Base Physical Damage, 80% of Weapon Damage, 1870 Damage.
Fan of Flames: Front Directional Fan, Base Physical Damage, 1478 Damage.
Cyclone heel works like the rest of your AOE skills, Fan of Flames you have to appropriately line up the mobs. In longer AOE battles, Fan of Flames is an excellent option if everything else is in cooldown, regardless of mob lineup.
As you are practicing AOE - stick to skipping that [Option Skill] for now. Practice the main axe skills until you are good at it, and comfortable. Once you start looking at drake sweep impatiently waiting for it to refresh, start mixing in that [Option Skill].
Buffs, Charms, Pots:
Always keep Bell up.
Cycle Magical Marrow and Physical Marrow to build chi inbetween pulls, but keep Physical Marrow up at all times while pulling or AOEing.
Bloodpaint is extremely useful. Ideally, you will not need a charm or pots with this buff.
Barb buffs are great, as you will have a larger HP pool to pull more mobs, and higher damage.
Cleric buffs should be self explanatory.
Reflect Buffs are great as they do extra damage as you are AOEing. This also affects aggro and the ability to pull further.
Cloud Sprint & Holy Path should be used to pull. It is not reccommended to use Will of The Bodistava, as that is chi that can be used to HF.
It is reccomended to have a MP Charm. This is one less pot you have to click as you will be running through your MP rather quick.
HP Charm is optional. It's good to have if you **** up a pull, but having BP has made this rather obsolete.
Regen Pots & Magic Damage pots are nice, but not required.
The best HP Pot you can afford is needed, even with BP at times.
Tree of Protection is very useful for heals.
Chi Pots are not necessary, but if you really want to HF every time it refreshes, this is the only way to really do it.
Part 3: Mobs
60-70: Seaweed Thieves, East of Sanctuary.
65-75: Nightscream Island, Misc Pirates north end of islands, and south end of islands. Some areas have casters mixed in.
70-80: Rockenwolves, south/southeast of Cave of Sadistic Glee.
Ideally, you want to stick to just physical mobs - or "non-ranged" mobs. Mobs that don't cast magic, or stay at a range. This way you can round them up, they follow and close in on you - and you AOE them.
At this point, there are just some things that cannot be described well, and should be experienced. You should take care to learn the following things.
A. Aggro Radius
This is the distance you need to be to a mob to get it's attention and follow you. You rarely have to be on top of a mob to aggro it, just near enough to it's aggro radius. Some mobs are different from others, but most are fairly standard.
Creep up on the mobs you plan to attack. See how close you can get without aggroing them. When you find that distance, that is how close you need to be to collect and round them up. This skill is key to pulling quickly and efficiently later on. You don't want to run further than you need, and the further you are from a mob, the less damage you are taking.
B. Aggro Distance
In open map, a mob will only follow you for so far. You will begin to pick this up as you start losing portions of the groups you pull. It is time based, and damaging the mobs will affect this timer. See pwpedia for more.
This can sometimes be partially mitigated by a quick aoe to the mobs to keep thier attention. Usually, it is most efficient to just collect well grouped mobs, aoe them down, and move to the next group. Otherwise you're spending about a round or two chasing down mobs instead of getting exp.
Inside of most instances, the mobs will follow you forever. There are some sections of FF that if you go past them, the mobs will reset. An example is mobs (ladies) inside of the big room with the heads. If you run up to the hallway that goes past BR, they will reset - both bosses and the 50 ladies in the room.
C. Group Aggro
You'll notice that most often, mobs are in groups of 5 both in open map and inside instances. In open map, typically the mobs will roam, and you have the ability to only get a couple.
Inside instances where most mobs are static, group aggro is easily seen. This is when you are only truly close enough to aggro one of the mobs, but the rest come with because they are close to that mob. Both in instances and open map you can utilize this technique to aggro more mobs (intented or not). Be familiar with about how close the mobs need to be to each other to group aggro. The grouped mob distances in FF are a good rule of thumb. The idea is to not run through the mobs, but near them so you don't start taking damage until you stop to AOE. Hall you can run along the walls.
D. Ranging
Ranging is knowing the radius, or distances of your AOEs, and the distance the mobs will stay at to attack you.
Roar, Highland Cleave, and Fissure is 10 meters
Drake Sweep & Cyclone is 8
Heaven's Flame is 12, but can be cast at a range of 8 meters away.
This means you can Roar, miss some mobs that are too far away (they will be attacking you shortly), and miss some mobs with Drake sweep while they are stunned. Appropriate placement of yourself, and waiting for the mobs to be close enough for Drake Sweep increases the efficiency of your AOE. This takes practice and a good eye for what is being damaged by those AOEs.
Always keep in mind that Heaven's Flame works differently. This skill is cast at a range, and the AOE damage pattern is based on the mob you targeted with it. The other AOE skills are based on your position, not the mob you have targeted.
This seems to be an often ignored, or unused skill. It noticeably comes into play in such situations such as RB. Placing yourself in the right area to properly hit all of the mobs with your stun, HF, or other AOE skills increases the efficiency of your play. AOEing those Archers a few times will keep them from shooting the cleric.
Often, you can utilize your HF to not only hit the close up physical attack mobs, but the archers and magic users at a range as well. Archer and caster mobs will typically be right outside the 10 meter radius. This can help keep aggro off the Cleric and other AOErs, along with increase the damage they do. When to stun in terms of radius comes into importance as well, because if you miss some - they go right for the cleric.
In some FF pulls this helps as well, ideally you wait till the mobs group right before stunning. This way you do not have to move and waste stun time, along with ensuring your party's AOEs hit as well.
When first learning it's best to have a mentor around. This gives you an experienced BM player coming with and teaching you so they can critique you. This way they can be all "Great skill chain, but you forgot your marrow", "You should have re-stunned", "Perfect! Do it again so it starts becoming automatic" and etc.
Absent of such, start with the Seaweed Thieves near Sancturary. If they die too fast for your tastes, go buy a level 1 axe, or move up to the next level of mobs. Pull 3 or so.
Go without any buffs besides your own. This forces you to better focus on your own skills, instead of relying on bloodpaint. Knowing the limitations of your own build allows you to further push your limits, and truly excel with a group or fully buffed.
Practice your skill tree. Keep going until it becomes second nature.
Practice Aggro Techniques. How many can you pull quickly? Keep increasing that amount.
Practice your ranging. What is the maximum distance or timing you should wait?Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory0 -
ReservedSeven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory0
ReservedSeven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory0
10+ 10charSeven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory0
I would suggest to add the way increase xx% attack speed is calculated into the interval section. Could also list all the interval gears available to BM while linking each one to the database.0
Okeano - Harshlands wrote: »I would suggest to add the way increase xx% attack speed is calculated into the interval section. Could also list all the interval gears available to BM while linking each one to the database.
didn't quite understand xx% increase attack speed and rounding so I've been putting it off. Working on compiling that list of interval gear.b:victory
Color, bolds, and probably a pdf of the microsoft word doc. coming soon, as well as more content.Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory0 -
In most cases, and all cases in the attack speed range of BM, the xx% speed increase is actually a xx% reduction in the interval then rounded to the nearest interval. There are few cases in the lower attack speed (archer's area) where this way of calculation doesn't produce the correct result, but as far as for BM goes, it's correct.
For example, if you have the attack speed of 1.82 per second or 0.55 second of interval, the 25% speed increase from demon spark will reduce your interval by 25%. So 0.55*0.75=0.4125 and rounds to 0.4 second of interval, which is 2.5 attacks per second. In the case where the interval after reduction is right in between two intervals, such as 0.5*0.75=0.375, it would round to the lower interval of 0.35 and give you a speed of 2.86 per second.0 -
LA is not a bad option, it is a HORRIBLE one. LA is the worst armor in the game. It offers the least overall protection. It refines worse than HA. Switching for more mdef is just fail.
There is only one reason why you would use LA pieces and that's for HH99 two set bonus if you're sage and want 5aps or you just have to have 4aps unsparked. A non-fist/claw user shouldn't even consider LA as an option.
Smack is a highly situational PvE skill. You don't use it for stunlocking in PvE. If you hit a mob with it, it will run the opposite direction of the person that has aggroed it. Most BMs use this skill horribly. It's an 'oh ****' skill you use in PvE when someone who shouldn't have aggro'd a mob has, and you can't get to them in time to take aggro. It is also great for canceling the channeling of most magic and ranged mob/boss attacks. It's also useful to move mobs off hills in instances.
Many of your combos make little sense. For a fist user, unless you're exceptionally skilled and fast at cancel casting DBB or demon GS, a triple spark macro is best for DD. Don't interrupt a triple spark with skills unless you're in a very high DD party and the only skill you should really be using is HF for amping.
Also you put a combo of HF > Fissure > HC > DS. If anything you have that backwards. You should chain HC and DS right after HF so you can make sure both attacks hit while amp is still up, otherwise you've wasted your dragons on basically one attack. Also chaining HF > Fissure > DS > FoF for AoE grinding works as well, but I prefer the first for AoE grinding myself.
And, I know you're just writing this guide as it goes, just point out my opinions. ;pI post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.0 -
Reason: for some reason the forums replaced my reply with a bunch of nosense code and half-cut sentencesOriginally Posted by frankieraye: To say that would be a lie, because in regards to the DQ problem, it's something that we're honestly still working on, and something that we believe we can fix.
(8)Don't stop! believing! hold onto that feeling!(8)0 -
Same as above reasonOriginally Posted by frankieraye: To say that would be a lie, because in regards to the DQ problem, it's something that we're honestly still working on, and something that we believe we can fix.
(8)Don't stop! believing! hold onto that feeling!(8)0 -
Michael_dark - Lost City wrote: »LA is not a bad option, it is a HORRIBLE one. LA is the worst armor in the game. It offers the least overall protection. It refines worse than HA. Switching for more mdef is just fail.
There is only one reason why you would use LA pieces and that's for HH99 two set bonus if you're sage and want 5aps or you just have to have 4aps unsparked. A non-fist/claw user shouldn't even consider LA as an option.
Is that 5aps with genie skills/cyclone heel? I don't think you can hit a constant 5aps as a sage.
Also, LA pieces are good demon BMs who can't afford love:up and down and/or nirvana leggings (though nirvana leggins arn't horribly expensive). There is also lower level set ups that could benifit more from having LA, such as bracers of blood moon, and -.05 bracers (which I find are significantly more common than -.05 HA bracers).
But yeah, beyond wrists, and maybe tt99 boots, LA is junk for anyone who meets the requirements for HA, and your damage will be **** if your str doesn't meet the requirements, and you can't even weild any BM weapons if your dex doesn't meet the requirements.
Also, you should use some code tags for your tables. It makes them line up betterNAME | DPS | On icecream? axes | 0.01 | Bad fists | 6.29 | Better banana | 9.32 | Best
"People who quote themselves in their signatures are silly. I mean, they can just make up whatever **** they want, and since they said it in their siggie, its a quote." - Smobo0 -
The guide started out very well. But you hit a wall in it caused by the lack of experience with your bm.
My suggestion to you is to talk to as many level 10x bms who played before ani packs ever came out and get there take on skills, weapons, use of, stat builds...etc...and compile it...
MD will be a good source. Telarith will be a good source. to start you out.
Don't talk to yulik, and the 7x's and 8x's.
Oh, and don't forget the Path of the Pataka!!0 -
May I know what is OHT? Please.96 Blademaster - 89 Venomancer
81 Archer - 83 cleric
86 seeker...0 -
Ya this a perfect guide to a All Class BM (Sticky it)101 Blademaster(Pro/Fail 4.0 BM with 11k base HP+G16(+10))
100 Seeker(The Vortex Beast)
86 Assassin(Solo king)
76 Archer(Squishy Nuker)
72 Cleric(Horrible healer)
67 Barb(Buff baby)
61 Wizard(King Aoe)
37 Mystic(Fun project)0 -
Vitruvio - Raging Tide wrote: »May I know what is OHT? Please.WoW has 11 Million people playing. 11 million people also bought the Sega Dreamcast console. Proof that 11 million people can collectively do something stupid.
Chill with me on Twitter:
Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands! - Auron (Final Fantasy X)0 -
Smobo - Heavens Tear wrote: »Is that 5aps with genie skills/cyclone heel? I don't think you can hit a constant 5aps as a sage.I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.0
Michael_dark - Lost City wrote: »Yes and No. Sage BM needs 4aps to hit 5, but they can't hold it indefinitely without a lot of creative cancel-casting and genie spam... I don't think. Honestly not sure, I'm not sage. I went demon before Annipacks. ;p
sage cyclone lasts 15 seconds cooldown is 15 secondsb:surrenderGifs are hard to make work here0 -
The skill info is exactly what I need for my BM nub thanks and keep up the good work b:victory0
Joshcja - Sanctuary wrote: »sage cyclone lasts 15 seconds cooldown is 15 secondsb:surrender
I would hate to have to cancel cast that every triple spark. :xI post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.0 -
Michael_dark - Lost City wrote: »I would hate to have to cancel cast that every triple spark. :x
It was mentioned that you only need 10% increase in attack speed to go from 4 to 5 aps, so if you have a pure MAG PvE genie, it might be possible to spam Wind Shield every 8 seconds. 50 MAG points give 2 energy per second so I would assume 100 MAG would give 4 per second. Meh *shrugs*, close enough for constant 5 aps. Would have to feed genie often tho b:faint.0 -
Okeano - Harshlands wrote: »50 MAG points give 2 energy per second so I would assume 100 MAG would give 4 per second.
100 mag points would actually be 3 per second. It's an extra energy regen for every 50 points.0 -
Updated and pretty much finished except for prettying it up. Still can't figure out how to set up a table. It robs me of my spaces. b:shockedSeven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory0
Sakubatou - Sanctuary wrote: »I've been yulked. Continuing on...
OMG owned. I didn't even notice this before. Your guide's been yulked and there for voided. Sorry, better luck next time.0 -
Sakubatou - Sanctuary wrote: »
Increase attack speed by xx%
Another possible mod is0
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