Psychic in Perfect World
In my opinion, anything about offence is increasing return while anything about defence is diminishing return. It is to protect the game balance because if defence have increasing returns, immune to damage would be possible. True game developer would introduce a hard cap on def lvl but I don't think they would use hard cap on anything but max lvl. On the other hand, diminishing returns have been used on a lot of part of the game, i.e: on lvling (from 101+), damage reduction ( PDef and ERes), refining chance, etc so I dont think defence lvl would be an exception.
Again, this is my opinion and maybe bias unless proven otherwise with hard evidence, it won't change =([SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
i have question for you, when you put on your white voodoo, does it actually reduce damage by 66% ? I know when i got the first 10 defense lvl from defense lvl gem, i tested it out by asking a friend with lunar weapon (damage fluctuation is minimum) to test it out on me. And the damage did get reduce by 10%.
So is it the same with your white voodoo?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Nice Guide for all level Psychics, I appreciate Hypnos effort to make this Guide
P.S : Can a GM / Mod Sticky this pls ? Will be Helpfull for all Psychics0 -
This isn't so helpful anymore... Some important information seems to have been deleted out of the guide.
And not all Psychics are level 90+, I've got a level 16 at the moment, and build stats and possibilities would be nice...---Dreamweaver---
Syun - Psychic
Syen - Assassin
Shunyio - Barb
Brownbug - Archer
Ivysaur - Wizard
Charmeleon - Venomancer
---Heaven's Tear---
-To eventually list-
---Lost City---
-To eventually list-
-To eventually list-0 -
Because the content was too long and the forum prevent me from posting the full version, I can only take some part out. The full content is inside the offline file.
Lvling, build stats, skills priorities are mentioned in the guide.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
You beat me to the psychic guide q.q.q.q.q. lol.
Well I have a loads to tell you about my findings if you don't mind.
Oh and I got my roaring flame as you know ~I got more bang, than a world boss baby.
please do share =o[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
10.Bonus: Genie Skills and Apoths
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxExpel Metal 5 - Water 6Lvl10/ Genie lvl97
Range 20 meters
Energy 125
Stamina 275
Cooldown 1 second
Requisite Class All
Expels a ally from the physical world.
Silences the target but grants
immunity to physical damage for 9.0 seconds.
For non-hostile units.
Silence, or "Seal", prevents the player from using any skill or initiating any form of player attacks (genie skill still works), but it doesn't stop the current skill thats in progress. For example, if you tried to expel another cleric that's casting tempest before they finish channeling, it won't stop the tempest from finishing and hitting you, but it will prevent them from doing the next attack until silence is over.
Keep in mind, any seal that interrupts your channeling is a result of an additional attribute from a skill, for example, the wizard skill "Force of Will"; I'm sure most people here experienced being sealed by a wizard, the skill description reads:
Launches an invisible explosion at the target, interrupting
its current channelling, silencing it, and making it unable
to attack for <#> seconds.
The seal itself doesn't interrupt.
While sealed, you can still do these things:
Move, fly, use all genie skills, use consumable items (pots/apothecary items, etc)
Non-hostile units. Any players that are not in duel with you or TW.
In open pk (which means all but duels and tw) you can use it on other players. So you basically have a seal without drawback, since you don't do physical damage.
Edit : This has been fix with the newest patch so you most likely unable to seal the opponent if they switch on protection.
All that being said, you can still do these things as a combo with Expel:
Channeling purify while expelling yourself, as long as you expel yourself after you've started to channel purify, but before you have completely finished channeling it, you will expel yourself in mid-purify but you will have the purify effect remove your seal as soon as purify finishes. This essentially copies Psychic Will. If you're in communication with a friendly cleric, you can also ask them to purify you.
NOTE: Sage Buble of Life have purify effect
If you're an avid apothecary like me (and a non-cleric), you can make Soulcleasing Orbs (20 Worm Sprouts + 15 Fleece-flower Root, Lv4 Apothecary skill); after you have used expel, use one of these, it will remove the seal effect while still having the immune to physical damage buff. You can also use the Soulcleasing orb as a countermeasure against Expel, or any type of seals. A great example is the veno 2 spark skill, which silence + paralyzes you, Soul cleasing orbs removes *both*. A very good surprise trick for the unsuspecting : ). Just keep in mind apothecary items shares a 2 minute cool down.
Also keep in mind Expel is not a movement debuff, so any skill/item that prevents movement debuffs will not affect Expel.
~Credit to Vixre -HarshlandFortify Wood 5Lvl10/ Genie lvl66
Energy 82
Stamina 600
Cooldown 30 seconds
Requisite Class All
Become immune to stuns for 5 seconds.
50% chance to reduce your magic resistances.
Dexterity: Every 30 Genie Dexterity points increases the duration by 1 second.Badge of Courage Metal 4 - Fire 3Lvl10/ Genie lvl75
Energy 75
Stamina 500
Cooldown 30 seconds
Requisite Class All
Conducts the power of the Metal element.
?% chance to remove a stun effect from yourself.
Dexterity: Every 2 Genie Dexterity points increases the success rate by 1%.
Stun This is one of the areas where Blademasters stand out from the rest. Axe and hammer Blademasters stand out even more because of their unique additional stun skill (Drake bash). A stun lock means always keeping your opponent stunned and finish off the opponent without them being able to land a single hit. It prevents the player from using any skill or initiating any form of player attacks (genie skill still works) including stop/interupting the current skill thats in progress.
While stunned, you can only use genie skills
All that being said, you can still do these things with either of the above skills:
Break Stunlock, obvious
Use Ironguard Powder (25 Devil Wood + 20 Longen Herb): after you have used Fortify, use one of these, or use Badge of Courage to break the stun. It will give you 12 sec immune to damage while you can freely go on frenzy mode, rush burst opponent to the ground. Those apoth can only be obtained from Officer of the Streams once your faction own Thousand Streams or drop from bosses around PWI map. For details, look it up in pwdatabase[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Grats on the sticky. Bout time the mods stickied SOMETHING, lol, but I'm glad it was yours.
Edit: Was gonna bring something else up, but its rather pointless now.0 -
ty, feel free to drop me a pm on anything constructive =3[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
Because the content was too long and the forum prevent me from posting the full version, I can only take some part out. The full content is inside the offline file.
Lvling, build stats, skills priorities are mentioned in the guide.
Ahs! OkayThanks! That's something to definitely add to the beginning of the first post.
Syun - Psychic
Syen - Assassin
Shunyio - Barb
Brownbug - Archer
Ivysaur - Wizard
Charmeleon - Venomancer
---Heaven's Tear---
-To eventually list-
---Lost City---
-To eventually list-
-To eventually list-0 -
Stone Smasher
atk range 28.5meters
channeling 4sec
cast 1sec
cooldown 60sec
requisite chi 2 sparks
blow up everything on the earth into nothingness, deal base + 400% + 10253.1 earth dmg to enemy and all the targets 8meters around him, decrease their atk speed by 30% for 8sec.
with that skill, do you guys still think that getting a crit bonus from Demon Tide Spirit? i mean that skill is actually better if use with tide spirit in comparison with cleric tempest but there it is still a bit weaker compared to wizard of blade tempest.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
if you mean do they stack, yes they do o.O
...and with 60s cooldown </3[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
With 399 chi, Tide Spirit -> (Poke) -> Stone Smasher. And yes, a crit from this will be deadly. (Why would a buff not stack with a totally independent skill..? Yes the crit chance will apply, lol.)
Do remember though, Tide Spirit isn't instant cast like the Wizard's Essential Sutra. Tide Spirit takes about 2.2 seconds total between channel and cast and it looks rather flashy. A careful opponent may make you eat a stun/seal/sleep when they see waves of water gathering around you, so it's not gonna be an instant-win button in PvP, ijs.
In PvE, it'll be a fun way to nuke a boss - just watch the aggro.0 -
<-- trying to decide between sage and demon psy for a pvp psy[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
Evga - Sanctuary wrote: »<-- trying to decide between sage and demon psy for a pvp psy
It really depends on your playstyle.
Some classes don't have a choice if they want to be pro in PvP. Psychics actually do have the option, because both paths work. I'm tempted to make an in-depth guide to the difference between the two, for those who aren't certain of their plans yet. Dunno if it would be necessary to make one though. Still, I'll give you the overview real quick.
The demon path has better potential for burst damage (things like Demon Tide Spirit) and the crowd-control is a bit better. (75% freeze on Glacial instead of 60%, Earth Vector radius extended to 8m, etc).
The sage path has better potential for consistency of damage, chi maintenance, stronger voodoo bonuses, better survivability/stall ability in general, and sage is also the better choice for the player who prefers a tactical style of play. Sage also has the best overall benefit from heightened Soulforce gains through high refines (although it has its perks on the Demon side too, cause Soulforce is never a bad thing to have).
Whichever path you choose needs to reflect how you intend to use your Psychic. We have to remember: we can alternate between having really good offense, or really good defense. But unlike endgame Wizards, we're not ever gonna be strong at both simultaneously. Thus when we Psychics fight, we have to fight on our terms, and use what we have to our advantage.
If you go Demon, you're gonna want to abuse the upgrades to the crowd-control skills whenever you can, and let your damage go nuts when you have the right opening to do so. (Don't just go rambo, you still gotta pick your spots). If you find yourself in 1v1 scenarios, feel free to use Mo Zun's Taunt to occasionally hamper your opponent's chi gain. Demon is a good choice for you if you're constantly thinking about the kill, and are willing to take a few potential beatings in your pursuit of it.
If you go Sage, your abilities are a bit more balanced. You generate chi a bit faster, and are more likely to keep a supply of it over the course of the battle, especially in long-term fights like group PvPing and TW. The Sage skills grant you more flexibility over how you approach your fights; so combining that with the overall better chi manipulation of the Sage path, Sage winds up as the more versatile and balanced choice. You can't match the burst damage of a Demon Psychic, but you make up for this by bringing other tactics into the battle. Sage Tide Spirit gives you 9 seconds of near-zero channel (instead of the normal 6), giving you more opportunity to abuse combo tactics.
I could go even deeper than this, but it's already kinda long of a post. Now you see why I feel tempted to make an entire guide explaining this. b:victory0 -
DO EET b:surprised[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
DO IT NOAH! ^^b:dirtyb:pleased0 -
i didnt look at all demon/sage skill difference but it look like to be simply
demon ---> high crit potentiel so high damage in short period + survivability skill doing higher damage
sage ---> high damage but on long fight + survivability skills lasting longergenesis (r.i.p.) ===> conqueror (r.i.p.) ===> zen (r.i.p.) ===> iam (r.i.p.) ===> guardianz (r.i.p.) ===> spectral ===> essence
starting to be a nice guild hoppers b:surrender
go on my website it contains lots useful informations about PWI
[noparse][/noparse]0 -
Just curious for you lvl 100 psys out there, how much soulforce do you have with no equipment on? and how much % on soul of silence does that give? I haven't seen anybody talk about demon soul of silence which would multiply the success rate by 20% (x1.2) and i'm guessing it should be near 30%? That comes to sealing incoming attacks 1 out of 3 times which would be pretty o.O
ok nvm i asked a guildy and said he had about 15k soulforce. That gave him about 10% on soul of silence...which would only become about 12% with demon -.-0 -
Base formula for soulforce, without refines; where CL = Character Level:
Base Soulforce = CL * (CL + 50)
And it's rather hard to get a high success rate with Soul of Silence (wish I knew the precise formula for the success rate, but I'm faaar too lazy to try to figure it out). 30% would be... hilarious to say the least, but it's very hard to do. I'm also suspecting that the success rate suffers from a diminishing return in the formula, but that's something I can't prove.0 -
if I recall correctly, a 24k soulforce psychic have around 17% chance of silence. so I think it's reasonable to assume a deck out gears with +12 on all equips (55560 soulforce) will have ~33.36% chance of silence. Won't be surprise if there is a cap on chance of silence between 25~30 though.
And ryukage, realease your sage and demon guide nao, you makin me waitin
And add me on if you doing it >:3[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
In Psychicu how to give good statistics? I can not find a forum anywhere, and on the internet: (can someone help? I will be very grateful.
Sorry for my English.0 -
I dun get it =([SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
great guide! i read the pdf version and found it quite useful
some questions:
1)about the rings, isn't the attendance - perfect better?
personally i thought that it is second only to this
2)i'm kinda lost regarding the end-game soulspheres, i'm doing some research atm
but if you have some list i would love to see it. otherwise, i'll just post again when i finish
3)about the mp regen, i have a mp regen armor (besides my regular) and i get a total mp regen of ~56mp/s
it is noticeable and quite useful during grinding (or even for bosses in tt that dont aoe) but i dont really think that it saves (a lot of) money especially since it will soon be old. refilling your mp in 70sec however is priceless xD
4)for what level are the hp/pdef minimum?
5)about soulspheres again
since we get a lot of soulforce by refining the weapon, what do you think about refining a "cheap" weapon instead of getting a better and have it unrefined?
of course, by getting the later you wont loose the possibility to get it refined later0 -
1.The attendance ring is no doubt better, but only the 2nd ring onward which need 2~3 months to get it if you log in everydays. As for me, I was around 94 when the attendance ring was out and I overlooked the 2nd ring since it a bit worse than the *** ring I was using.
2. I'm not sure what you mean =/
4. Not minimum, is more like an estimation to improve overal survival during pvp, TW and such. Let's say, when I was 80 there was no hyper and so a decent amount of HP and def is needed for rebirth gamma (though I doubt we do it nowaday). At that time, my hp is around 2k7 HP with 1k7 unbuff. That bring me too around 3k5 of both hp and def buffed. Have to say though I got lucky with some *** with + def and HP mod. I only start FC after 86 and Hyper was introduced when I was around 90.
5. Soulforce is nice and all, but not the main offensive for psychic. We still rely on magic attack to effectively defeat the opponent. Refine not only improve soulforce but also base magic attack for that weapons and different grade of weapons gain different scale of bonus to base magic damage.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
The demon path has better potential for burst damage (things like Demon Tide Spirit) and the crowd-control is a bit better. (75% freeze on Glacial instead of 60%, Earth Vector radius extended to 8m, etc).
The sage path has better potential for consistency of damage, chi maintenance, stronger voodoo bonuses, better survivability/stall ability in general, and sage is also the better choice for the player who prefers a tactical style of play. Sage also has the best overall benefit from heightened Soulforce gains through high refines (although it has its perks on the Demon side too, cause Soulforce is never a bad thing to have).
See the problem here is i can't really see the benefit of soulforce for sage. the 5 main skill that involve soulforce:
Soul of vengence: Demon is clearly a better choice when you are equip with a mana charm as it allows you to reflect more damage, even if it's only 4% more.
Soul of stunning: This is where i think both have their advantages:
50k soulforce: demon = 12 second stun, sage = 13 second stun
30k soulforce: demon = 8 second stun, sage = 8 second stun or 9 second if you get 32k.
16k soulforce: demon = 5 seconds stun, sage = 5 second stun
The difference i see is barely noticeable until you reach a high lvl of soulforce, which i doubt anybody will be getting anytime soon, but at lower lvl of soulforce, sage seem to need more soulforce just to equal the stun time of demon.
Soul of silencing: I'm still up in the air on this one, because if you don't get close to 25% chance at 30k soulforce, it's better to get sage as you have a longer seal on the opponent, but if they have say about 25-30% chance of silencing at 30k demon version will be very interesting.
somebody want to share the numbers?
Soul of retaliation: I'm not sure about sage because of healing 15% of your health doesn't really help much since, with my current veno gear, it would heal about 1k health only which isn't much to boost about. Instead demon would increase the damage return to 0.6x of your soulforce, making better use of it.
Red Tide: With the use of genie, the amount of soulforce bleed isn't really all that dangerous anymore. so sage version might be better with the reduction in spark but sometimes against somebody who has wasted all their genie energy, 1.2X bleed is nice especially when it bypass armour like nix bleed (confirm?).
Soulburn: Now here is a tricky one, although the damage done is static the duration isn't. This would be very dependent on the situation since 2 more seconds doesn't help much in terms of damage if the opponent just runs away. For demon, i think it's worth less like demon purge, cause 5 seconds cd won't make a difference with something that has 30 sec cd.
But overall, i seem to see demon coming up top in terms of better utilization of soulforce, especially if i have plans to +10 all gear and +12 weapon.Whichever path you choose needs to reflect how you intend to use your Psychic. We have to remember: we can alternate between having really good offense, or really good defense. But unlike endgame Wizards, we're not ever gonna be strong at both simultaneously. Thus when we Psychics fight, we have to fight on our terms, and use what we have to our advantage.
If you go Demon, you're gonna want to abuse the upgrades to the crowd-control skills whenever you can, and let your damage go nuts when you have the right opening to do so. (Don't just go rambo, you still gotta pick your spots). If you find yourself in 1v1 scenarios, feel free to use Mo Zun's Taunt to occasionally hamper your opponent's chi gain. Demon is a good choice for you if you're constantly thinking about the kill, and are willing to take a few potential beatings in your pursuit of it.
If you go Sage, your abilities are a bit more balanced. You generate chi a bit faster, and are more likely to keep a supply of it over the course of the battle, especially in long-term fights like group PvPing and TW. The Sage skills grant you more flexibility over how you approach your fights; so combining that with the overall better chi manipulation of the Sage path, Sage winds up as the more versatile and balanced choice. You can't match the burst damage of a Demon Psychic, but you make up for this by bringing other tactics into the battle. Sage Tide Spirit gives you 9 seconds of near-zero channel (instead of the normal 6), giving you more opportunity to abuse combo tactics.
I tw a lot and most of the time i fight in the front like where being durable is the key goal as a veno hence i have a 3.5k pdef(not enough yet) and currently 19 defense lvl. Now there would probably be a change in style in terms of tw when i play psychic but the problem i have besides soulforce come down to this:
Chi: Sage win hands down, as a demon veno, i pop white tea like candy and they aren't enough for me to spam demon parasitic nova and bramble hood as much as i like or even triple spark, unless i'm playing in a defensive squad. But as a veno i have two normal skill that eats up chi like candy and they are ironwood scarab and myriad rainbow. Psychic on the other hand have no such skill expect for one spark or two spark skill. Thus i wonder how difficult is it for a psychic to maintain their spark lvl with white tea.
Crit: My current gear gives me 9% crit excluding weapon and mastery, and this will likely go up by another 4% from nirvana (if i'm reading pwi database correctly). My experience as a veno is that without crit, i can never kill high hp barb and bm. And being a psychic, i probably won't be able to kill arcane at all since i won't have any way to deal physical damage except for using soulburn and dots. so killing heavy and light armour is all that i can do and it probably will require crit to occur on skill like Stone Smasher and Sandball Clash.
But going demon will give me access to 2% more crit and also skills that can increase crit rate for a short duration which will allow quick kills of target. In addition, demon also get a mini version of undine strike if they are lucky, which from my experience with my veno doesn't always happen. Sage on the other hand, look like it will always be a long drawn battle between both sides until i get a lucky crit.
Overall for me, demon advantage lies in crit and soulforce, while sage advantage is from having chi and with that an array of skills which we can spam.
So is there any error in my analysis?
and let's say i'm planning on getting:
+12 nirvana weapon
+10 event boots and helm
+10 cape (pdef)
TT99 or nirvana body,pants and sleeves (+5 min refinement) (nirvana +10)
2 lunar ring
+5 pdef necklace and belt (not sure about getting cube and warsong yet)
love: up and down (or maybe trade that for +45 mag)
With those gears, what are you opinion?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Evga - Sanctuary wrote: »See the problem here is i can't really see the benefit of soulforce for sage. the 5 main skill that involve soulforce:
Soul of vengeance: Demon is clearly a better choice when you are equip with a mana charm as it allows you to reflect more damage, even if it's only 4% more.
Aside from that, supportive ability is a factor too. There's no doubt that Sage SoV is the better skill for that purpose. 0 mana drain makes it the best damage reflect in-game, at least out of the ones that can be constantly on. Casting it on a Cata barb in TW is still an funny way to **** off the people who try to drop him, assuming your soulforce is high. Except now it won't take a **** all over his pathetic mp pool.Evga - Sanctuary wrote: »The difference i see is barely noticeable until you reach a high lvl of soulforce, which i doubt anybody will be getting anytime soon, but at lower lvl of soulforce, sage seem to need more soulforce just to equal the stun time of demon.Evga - Sanctuary wrote: »Soul of silencing: I'm still up in the air on this one, because if you don't get close to 25% chance at 30k soulforce, it's better to get sage as you have a longer seal on the opponent, but if they have say about 25-30% chance of silencing at 30k demon version will be very interesting.Evga - Sanctuary wrote: »Soul of retaliation: I'm not sure about sage because of healing 15% of your health doesn't really help much since, with my current veno gear, it would heal about 1k health only which isn't much to boost about. Instead demon would increase the damage return to 0.6x of your soulforce, making better use of it.
The demon version only raises the damage you send back, not the damage reduction. You still reduce the damage by 0.5x soulforce either way. Demon just does more damage on the reflection, thus this is a rather moot point to me since the damage my SoR deals was never all that important to me. I'd rather increase my survival chance.
However if you view SoR as a damage skill, then yes your mentality does make sense. Which really reinforces what I was saying about choosing the path that suits how you play.Evga - Sanctuary wrote: »Red Tide: With the use of genie, the amount of soulforce bleed isn't really all that dangerous anymore. so sage version might be better with the reduction in spark but sometimes against somebody who has wasted all their genie energy, 1.2X bleed is nice especially when it bypass armour like nix bleed (confirm?).
That being said, RT's base damage is nothing to brag about, and bleed isn't reliable mainly due to genies, as you stated. Not to mention, if your soulforce is high enough to make this skill really hurt, 1.2x it may very well be overkill. I'd rather be able to cast it for 1 spark half the time. At least then if the bleed fails, I can still feel like I accomplished something because RT's base damage is good for 1 spark, but **** for 2. If it took 2 sparks and the bleed failed then... well in that case the Demon version would have failed just as bad, so I still gotta give it to Sage.Evga - Sanctuary wrote: »Soulburn: Now here is a tricky one, although the damage done is static the duration isn't. This would be very dependent on the situation since 2 more seconds doesn't help much in terms of damage if the opponent just runs away. For demon, i think it's worth less like demon purge, cause 5 seconds cd won't make a difference with something that has 30 sec cd.
On the other hand, I'd enjoy making my opponent sweat for 2 extra seconds. That's two more seconds the sparked fist BM can't attack me without committing suicide. That's two more seconds the enemy cleric is rendered useless. If you're going to cast soulburn, it's only natural to want the best of it. And that's Sage.Evga - Sanctuary wrote: »But overall, i seem to see demon coming up top in terms of better utilization of soulforce, especially if i have plans to +10 all gear and +12 weapon.Evga - Sanctuary wrote: »But going demon will give me access to 2% more crit and also skills that can increase crit rate for a short duration which will allow quick kills of target. In addition, demon also get a mini version of undine strike if they are lucky, which from my experience with my veno doesn't always happen. Sage on the other hand, look like it will always be a long drawn battle between both sides until i get a lucky crit.Evga - Sanctuary wrote: »Overall for me, demon advantage lies in crit and soulforce, while sage advantage is from having chi and with that an array of skills which we can spam.
So is there any error in my analysis?
The exception here is the 20% crit bonus from Demon Tide Spirit and the 50% bonus from Landslide 30% of the time it's used. Personally, I've seen one too many smart opponents to count on Landslide happening often in the first place, let alone the 30% proc on it. As for Demon TS, it is quite awesome. However Sage TS is no slouch either because of the additional near-zero channel duration.
But yeah, the Sage path isn't for everyone. If you're focused on the thrill of the kill, Demon is definitely the way to go. If you're going for the tactical approach, Sage will often be the better choice.
@Hypnos - Sorry I've been kinda lazy on the guide because I've had a lot of other stuff going on lately. Hopefully these tidbits will keep you entertained for now. b:chuckle0 -
is the lv100 psy skills good ? in terms of mag damage?what comes up must come down what goes in must come out! b:chuckle b:surprisedb:mischievous0
...It is b:pleased[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
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