Leviathan Meltdown?



  • Posts: 544 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I wonder how it's treated if you put "tokens 4.9m" and then put a best luck for 4.9m and a normal one right beside it for the same price. b:chuckle

    Lol. I've seen that before.

    It's NOT false advertising, but it is still scamming and wrong IMO.

    Was it a Leviathan member? No. Will it be the first and last time? No.
  • Posts: 848 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    WTS Lunar Insignia*Weapon 40m. Its just glitched and looks like a normal DQ91 item, but it really is an insignia. I swear. b:surrender
  • Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    WTS> Ethereal Cal... I mean tt90 gold sleeves, PM me offers plz.
  • Posts: 239 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Hey hey hey leviathan im real happy for you
    and imma let you finish but Infamy is one the best faction of all time
    OF ALL TIMEb:shutup
  • Posts: 771 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Yeah some time ago someone got banned for a week because of that xD

    I still don't get it, why is a scammer desperately trying to defend his ways of making money? Is he too much of a coward, so he has to hide behind his alt?

    "No I don't scam, I just write walls of text about it"...If you got a dumb opinion which could never be changed post it once and that's it, but ur "comebacks" which always only include some lame insults and the same blahblah about why it's ok to scam are getting boring and ur ignorance will only make a simple discussion like "Hey the sky is blue - No! It's not blue it just looks like" into a repeating of the same topic over and over again.
    Go change ur avatar back to ur original one, I bet I'll see the name of someone who already opened such a scamshop. If u don't it speaks for itself.

    Wheter u mentioned that it's a token of best luck or not, doesn't matter - go ask a GM, he won't tell u that it's a scam right away, but he will look further into it and as long as it's an obvious scam it's treated as one. And obvious = the purpose behind selling an item for the price of another while thinking about ppl who would mistake it for a similar one which is far more expensive.

    U create a catshop - name it token 4m: It doesn't say it's a "perfect - token of best luck" but it also doesn't say that its a "perfect - token of luck". If u want to use that excuse for scamming -> it won't work since u just want to avoid the main point by babbling about exact shop names. "token" is included in both items' names so wheres the point in that?. If u want to be smart by using such "differences" better make sure u check if it's not only like that from ur point of view.

    All I write is Motokos fault, he told me to go on forums and flame with scammers b:surrender

    I think it was that crazy blemish person the first crazy stone scammer...well technically it isnt scamming since they didnt put a price in title and they are "technically" just selling an item for 500k which you did not look at properly but YES they should be banned b:angry

    This ad was approved by Noob
  • Posts: 956 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Hey hey hey leviathan im real happy for you
    and imma let you finish but Infamy is one the best faction of all time
    OF ALL TIMEb:shutup

    OMG u saw that video too.. lol
    Attacking at the speed of Suck since 2009
  • Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    hey Hey Hey Leviathan Im Real Happy For You
    And Imma Let You Finish But Infamy Is One The Best Faction Of All Time
    Of All Timeb:shutup

    Wtf Stop Using My Lines Brah
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Wtf Stop Using My Lines Brah

    I.....I'm a big fan of you......kayne b:shocked

    PS......I'm half-joking b:mischievous
  • Posts: 589 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    from this thread -- http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=708042

    at least its not linc saying something about the meltdown of QQme.

    Jupp I don't mind calling asshattery when I see it.

    It appears that the leader didn't try and solve the issue and if he did then it was done privately. Nor did he even have the courage to stay and fix anything so he bailed and now we have some nameless alt from another server calling him out.

    ps this isnt necro is it? looked like last post was from couple weeks ago, so i hope I got in under the one month necro guidelines

    I did not feel the treachery or inconstancy of a friend, nor the injuries of a secret or open enemy. I had no occasion of bribing, flattering, or pimping, to procure the favour of any great man, or of his minion; I wanted no fence against fraud or oppression: here was neither physician to destroy my body, nor lawyer to ruin my fortune; no informer to watch my words and actions, or forge accusations against me for hire: here were no gibers, censurers, backbiters, pickpockets, highwaymen, housebreakers, attorneys, bawds, buffoons, gamesters, politicians, wits, splenetics, tedious talkers, controvertists, ravishers, murderers, robbers, virtuosos; no leaders, or followers, of party and faction; no encouragers to vice, by seducement or examples; no dungeon, axes, gibbets, whipping-posts, or pillories; no cheating shopkeepers or mechanics; no pride, vanity, or affectation; no fops, bullies, drunkards, strolling prostitutes, or poxes; no ranting, lewd, expensive wives; no stupid, proud pedants; no importunate, overbearing, quarrelsome, noisy, roaring, empty, conceited, swearing companions; no scoundrels raised from the dust upon the merit of their vices, or nobility thrown into it on account of their virtues; no lords, fiddlers, judges, or dancing-masters.
    From Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift
  • Posts: 821 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    i guess in game i`m in Leviathan :))
    Did my guild melt on my head?! :))
    Each time the sun goes down,
    I remember that somewhere near,
    It's spreding its first morning sunshines.
  • Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    First Leviathan, and now none other than the Infamy Leader.

    I just saw NightRage selling 10 million big notes for 11 mil each in a catshop. Why do that if not to trick (or scam as ppl called in here) noobs?

    I have a screenshot but won't post it because of forum policy. Feel free to send me a PM with a request... if it's allowed? Please tell me if it's still illegal
    First 103 on Raging Tide 30 Oct 2010
  • Posts: 821 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    First Leviathan, and now none other than the Infamy Leader.

    I just saw NightRage selling 10 million big notes for 11 mil each in a catshop. Why do that if not to trick (or scam as ppl called in here) noobs?

    I have a screenshot but won't post it because of forum policy. Feel free to send me a PM with a request... if it's allowed? Please tell me if it's still illegal

    Lolz Who the heck things these lil` *wannabe scams* are real Scams?!
    To sell some items?!
    u can add what price u want
    to Any item!
    This is not Scam! is Silliness fromt he buyer!
    Each time the sun goes down,
    I remember that somewhere near,
    It's spreding its first morning sunshines.
  • Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I know... and I was never under the belief these 'scammers' deserve to be utterly punished, or the faction ridiculed like it happened in here.

    Only said this to shut those Infamy ppl starting about it and laughing about others when their leader did the same b:chuckle
    First 103 on Raging Tide 30 Oct 2010
  • Posts: 1,037 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I know... and I was never under the belief these 'scammers' deserve to be utterly punished, or the faction ridiculed like it happened in here.

    Only said this to shut those Infamy ppl starting about it and laughing about others when their leader did the same b:chuckle

    look i dont like infamy cuz i dont like red >_> but thats not a scam
  • Posts: 1,582 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Even if the note wasn't clearly titled Big Ten Million Note, and even if it didn't clearly say you can sell it for 10 million coins, I didn't advertise it as anything but what it was.
  • Posts: 1,545 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    its too ****ing hot thats why leviathan is melting b:chuckle

    now playing megaten and...Forsaken World ;)
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    So - what the whole thread boils down to is, if you price an item ridiculously high and some fool buys it you are a scammer.
    And yes I understand the same icon - fool a noob thing.
    I don't know any noobs that could afford a 4.5 mil item to be honest.
    Anyone that can afford it should be seasoned enough to spot the difference.
    So what about the guys setting cat shop in arch by the CS person.
    Advertising blems for 4800. 4 of the 5 are 4800 the 5th is 48000 - or sometimes 480000.
    They are there every day - and the GM's don't ban them.
    Why? Because it's not scamming - immoral yes - but the GM's aren't going to ban someone because they are immoral and set an unreasonably high price on an item.
    Even when that move is obviously in an effort to **** someone of coins.
    Even in game it's real world - buyer beware.
    If a car dealership had a used Volkswagon worth $10,000 dollars priced at $250,000 would you buy it?
    Or Negotiate it down to $225,000?
    No you wouldn't do either you would go elsewhere.
    Simple fact is trying to pass an item off as something more valuable because the icon is the same is immoral - but as far as I know not bannable.
    And I have seen people from all the factions named in this thread trying to do so.
    It's really pretty simple to avoid - check prices. Look close.
    In a game or in RL I've never bought anything big ticket without checking around.
    And every big faction is going to have some bad apples - if you have 20 members you might have 1 or 2 - if you have 100 your probably going to have 7 or 8.
    Takes time for that all to come to light - moreso in a large faction.
    <<<<Off soapbox - this thread brought out a lot of flames at several factions and personally find it pretty silly........
  • Posts: 771 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    drayloth wrote: »
    So - what the whole thread boils down to is, if you price an item ridiculously high and some fool buys it you are a scammer.
    And yes I understand the same icon - fool a noob thing.
    I don't know any noobs that could afford a 4.5 mil item to be honest.
    Anyone that can afford it should be seasoned enough to spot the difference.
    So what about the guys setting cat shop in arch by the CS person.
    Advertising blems for 4800k. 4 of the 5 are 4800 k the 5th is 48000 - or sometimes 480000.
    They are there every day - and the GM's don't ban them.
    Why? Because it's not scamming - immoral yes - but the GM's aren't going to ban someone because they are immoral and set an unreasonably high price on an item.
    Even when that move is obviously in an effort to **** someone of coins.
    Even in game it's real world - buyer beware.
    If a car dealership had a used Volkswagon worth $10,000 dollars priced at $250,000 would you buy it?
    Or Negotiate it down to $225,000?
    No you wouldn't do either you would go elsewhere.
    Simple fact is trying to pass an item off as something more valuable because the icon is the same is immoral - but as far as I know not bannable.
    And I have seen people from all the factions named in this thread trying to do so.
    It's really pretty simple to avoid - check prices. Look close.
    In a game or in RL I've never bought anything big ticket without checking around.
    And every big faction is going to have some bad apples - if you have 20 members you might have 1 or 2 - if you have 100 your probably going to have 7 or 8.
    Takes time for that all to come to light - moreso in a large faction.
    <<<<Off soapbox - this thread brought out a lot of flames at several factions and personally find it pretty silly........

    Agreed b:dirty


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