PK in PQ even when being on a pvp server = ban? 0.o



  • AnglikX - Harshlands
    AnglikX - Harshlands Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    It's bad for business when frustrated lowbies who can't finish quests at SP, PQ, etc quit the game due to what is undeniably a PK slaughter by someone 30 or more levels above them. Maybe the server is better off without them but that only translates into fewer ca$h paying customers for PWI so some restrictions on this is understandable from a business oriented perspective. I mean, if 20 RPKers are causing 100 or more potential cash paying customers to leave you have to assume who they are going to side with.

    You really think day to day players have PWE best intests im nind then ur dead wrong, i bet most ppl could care less about how many ppl cash shop, This game is FREE TO PLAY, but PAY TO WIN. I could care less if ppl spent thousands of dollars on this game, or if they only spent 20$, still, if u play on PvP server be prepaired to be RPK, PK starting at lvl 30, it comes with the server, if u dont like Re-roll on PvE server where blue names can steal ur drops, and KS u and get away with it
  • Minto - Harshlands
    Minto - Harshlands Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I totally agree with you, this game has lost its challenge since packs, the easy lvling and the banishments for PKing came. I dont care anymore Ima end up quitting sooner or later so **** it. Ima camp SP till I get perma banned I dont facking care. I might get banned, but Ill consider as an honor for being a Player Killer. Have fun all. Ty for all the replies, 2 bad no replies from GMs, but oh well i was expecting that already.

    i started pvp server to kill ppl if im stronger and die if im weaker, to fight and use my skills whenever i want.
    I dont think GMs did a right thing changing what was stated in the beggining - you can kill anyone on pvp server
    even tho i dont rpk, 100% support to you beldor
  • JanusZeal - Heavens Tear
    JanusZeal - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,852 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    If you 90+ and have to camp "lowbie" area's for your kills ... Then its about time you rerolled on a PvE server cus you obviously suck at PK b:pleased
    Well, since you're on HT you likely know then that it's popular in both common variants of the acronym SP.
  • StormChaos - Heavens Tear
    StormChaos - Heavens Tear Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Well, since you're on HT you likely know then that it's popular in both common variants of the acronym SP.

    Yea but PK at those two points on HT is mostly fighting other high level PKer's, not the Level 30's running their Quest's.

    Being 90+ and killing other 90+ people in a lowbie area is totally differant than being 90+ camping a lowbie area .. with the sole purpose of killing lowbies.

    The former takes skill ( well as much skill as it does take in a flawed " Gear > skill " system )

    While the latter is for those who cant do the former
  • Hhlolz - Harshlands
    Hhlolz - Harshlands Posts: 574 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    People like you caused deletion of the pvp rankings, because kids just kill low lvls to be a cool person(being on the rankings) now with those removed you would expect lower amount of pking lowbies but noobs like Beldor are still doing it...seriously kid if u want pvp kill ppl above lvl 90.
    I don't need a Squad
    Level a Venomancer to 90.
    Aug 12, 2009
  • JanusZeal - Heavens Tear
    JanusZeal - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,852 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Yea but PK at those two points on HT is mostly fighting other high level PKer's, not the Level 30's running their Quest's.

    Being 90+ and killing other 90+ people in a lowbie area is totally differant than being 90+ camping a lowbie area .. with the sole purpose of killing lowbies.

    The former takes skill ( well as much skill as it does take in a flawed " Gear > skill " system )

    While the latter is for those who cant do the former
    This happens in both quite a bit, particularly in Secret Passage. Can't count the times my lowbies did BH29s and one guy had to leave cuz he kept getting killed every time he stepped out of SZ to run to the instance. Same with questers outside silver pool. I don't even hang around these areas either.
  • Durdey - Harshlands
    Durdey - Harshlands Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    It's bad for business when frustrated lowbies who can't finish quests at SP, PQ, etc quit the game due to what is undeniably a PK slaughter by someone 30 or more levels above them. Maybe the server is better off without them but that only translates into fewer ca$h paying customers for PWI so some restrictions on this is understandable from a business oriented perspective. I mean, if 20 RPKers are causing 100 or more potential cash paying customers to leave you have to assume who they are going to side with.

    I was once one of those frustrated types who quit the game for 8 months because it was damn near impossible for me to advance do to the PK issue around quest NPC (specifically at the Heaven's Tear) however I'm back and with a mission. My veno is working its way up the level ladder and still gets PKed pretty often. When she is ready she will recruit others like me and hunt down and make life a living hell for red named PKers especially those who camp at lowbie spots.

    Oh yeah, I'll say this for certain too - those who camp and rPK lowbies are nothing but cowards - plain and simple. They are gutless types who do it for the sheer purpose of causing grief in others. What challenge is there to PK someone that has absolutely no chance to defend themselves because they are 30+ levels lower - especially for PKing someone who is fighting a mob for a quest. Oh hell, now I'm gonna be accused of QQing. LOL, sorry but no, I don't whine, I get even. I'll get a thrill from all the QQing from you because a veno's pet is overpowered or there is some fantasy bleed bug that somehow has never been fixed (because it's not a bug LOL) or that you dropped that item you wantd so badly.

    Anyway I digress, even real life wars have rules to protect the interests of all involved and so shall this fantasy online game. If you don't like being told you cannot PK in a certain area then quit the game and stop QQing about it - (Wow that sounds so familiar now, doesn't it) because there are so many other places to PK in the game that are more challenging to you unless that is what you fear the most. I bet that's it. the thought of losing a PK fight while red does have its drawbacks so a fair and balanced battle may be what you fear most. That too makes you a coward if you are one of those types who like PKing lowbies.

    Again I digress, life is full of rules that are designed to set standards for our behavior in-game and in real life. If you choose to play this game you choose to follow the rules of the game whether it be a PvP or PvE server and that includes the new rules as they come up. The game is not about you, rPKer, they are there to make it enjoyable for all who play so if you want to be mean and cause others unneccessary grief just to entertain yourself (define that as abusive behavior - you know what that is) then prepare to accept the consequences. As said in the beginning, it's bad for business to allow that kind of behavior to happen.

    First thing is first.
    1. You are posting this under a false name. You wish to not be known or recognized in game by a pk'er, or you just like your privacy. Either way, it's gutless... I shouldn't have even read your post.

    2.From a business aspect, you may be correct. Imagine the Downside tho, Let's say RPK'er has spent $1000, and continues to spend at a rate of $50/week. He kills 200 People a week, All 200 are level 30-40. If they ban the player who has a constant cash flow, it could be potentially dangerous for them to drop the RPKer who is the cash cow, than to ignore the potential loss of about 10% (about 20 of the 200 players) of people who may not even spend money. As amazing as it may seem. It's a Free to Play game, but Pay to Win. The level 30-40's have not proven that they provide such a constant cash flow income, because lets face it, a real hardcore player can get from 1-50 in less than a week. A casual constant player can achieve 1-50 in 3 weeks. While a slow player may take 2 months for the same level achievement. If you're spending that much money to be an equity to the game, you're spending $X per week. It makes no sense to Abandon your Cash Cow for potential yet uncertain income.

    Personal Experience also says: "Getting pk'ed provides a goal, a goal to return the favor. You will do whatever it takes within your means to meet that gratification"

    3. So now, you say you have returned to the game. Did you get PK'ed too often? Do you now have a personal vengeance against RPKers? Willing to work hard to get that level up so you can return the favor to those who once wronged you? Sounds like my personal experience quote.

    4. A coward is a person who shows fear in light of something that may not be fearsome. No, what you encountered were RPK'ers. People who are bored. People who want reactions from other players, not pre-scripted actions that are repeated on a regular basis. I'll kill people because it's more entertaining than grinding. I'll kill people because I want their potential PK drops. I'll kill people because I wish for them to suffer. I kill people because I want a challenge. I kill people because I want to see how my double spark AoE debuff>then AOE Strike will affect a given group. I kill people to test out new skill ideas. I kill people to test out my new weapon or gear. I kill people because I damn well get bored off my **** and need to vent.

    I am not prejudice against who I kill, what level I kill, or what class I kill. I don't have the time to sit there, check the players level before I deem it appropriate to kill someone. I don't check my location to ensure that I'm not interrupting the quest of the person I'm killing. I do not sit there and ask permission of my prey before I do an amazing **** to their face.

    5. Yes We have rules. Every guild has their own rules. In real life, we have rules also... The game gives it's own punishments for breaking such rules. You get hours if you kill a white-name. You drop items if you're a red name. You can you safe-lock but you lack the ability to contact some NPC's. If you mess with some lowbies, you may get his friends involved. I find it interesting. But what if his friend was a friend of mine? I would stop Pk'ing if they asked me of it. What if the Lowbie's friend was someone who could pwn me? I'd obviously think twice before making another move.

    We RPK'ers are tired of you silly QQing little idiots who go cry to a GM every time something doesn't go your way. In a sense, YES! this is our QQ. We're tired of being defaulted as the one in complete wrong when we're following the built in programming of the game. Want SP to have less PVP? Make it a safezone! If it's not a safe-zone, It damn well better be fair-game to kill anyone you want. Go ahead, try to be that righteous one protecting the lowbies from the big bad RPK'ers, but do that IN GAME. Not complaining to the GM's who really should do other things than cater to some idiots' fail attempt at making the server revolve around them.

    1. You fought back... fair game buddy. Your reaction pertained to my interests.
    2. You know I will kill you. You know I'm there. You know if you come back to that same spot, you will most likely die by my hands. Then WHY THE HECK are you crying? If the fire is hot, GET OUT OF THE FIRE PIT!!! Only the most senseless of people cut off their arm, if it hurts to cut off a finger!
    3. you will have swords by your name... means you got involved in PVP. Grats, the GM's have another submission they can laugh at.
    4. If I killed you at hidden orchid, then killed you at SP, then killed you in Silverpool, then killed you at West Arch.... STOP FOLLOWING ME. Take the hint buddy! SS that stuff and watch people laugh at you.

    To ban people for being involved in PVP on a PVP server without using any hacking tools is BS and should have their nuts cut off to prevent them from procreating a new spawn of stupid.

    /End Rant
  • DoomKaiser - Harshlands
    DoomKaiser - Harshlands Posts: 155 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Youre kidding me right? Tell me this is not true.

    First Secret Passage, then oracle spots, now PQ? Lol? Well might aswell make all PvE servers then.

    Doesnt make any sense when were on a pvp server and we cant PK, its ppl who choose the server to play, they should know they might get pked on a pvp server. This is really bothering me, everytime I kill someone they whisper me: "Youre gonna get banned" "You cant PK here" "Read the rules" "STOP PKING me its illegal!" Seriously . . When I was still on their lvls I kept getting pked by 50 lvls above me and I didnt QQ at all.

    Can anyone pls confirm me this? If this is really true I might end up quitting, the game is boring itself, especially when we cant even pk on a pvp server.

    camping and killing is bannable. Ive pkd PQ and Pirates several times. I once stayed at pirates for 42 hours straight regulating mobs per player ratiob:chuckle. I have only been banned once and that was a paypal error. Next time someone says u will get banned for pking them ss it and report them for threating you. I am sure thats against the rules.
    Your doubt is our powerb:thanks
  • Kupuntu - Sanctuary
    Kupuntu - Sanctuary Posts: 3,008 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    First thing is first.
    1. You are posting this under a false name. You wish to not be known or recognized in game by a pk'er, or you just like your privacy. Either way, it's gutless... I shouldn't have even read your post.

    2.From a business aspect, you may be correct. Imagine the Downside tho, Let's say RPK'er has spent $1000, and continues to spend at a rate of $50/week. He kills 200 People a week, All 200 are level 30-40. If they ban the player who has a constant cash flow, it could be potentially dangerous for them to drop the RPKer who is the cash cow, than to ignore the potential loss of about 10% (about 20 of the 200 players) of people who may not even spend money. As amazing as it may seem. It's a Free to Play game, but Pay to Win. The level 30-40's have not proven that they provide such a constant cash flow income, because lets face it, a real hardcore player can get from 1-50 in less than a week. A casual constant player can achieve 1-50 in 3 weeks. While a slow player may take 2 months for the same level achievement. If you're spending that much money to be an equity to the game, you're spending $X per week. It makes no sense to Abandon your Cash Cow for potential yet uncertain income.

    Personal Experience also says: "Getting pk'ed provides a goal, a goal to return the favor. You will do whatever it takes within your means to meet that gratification"

    3. So now, you say you have returned to the game. Did you get PK'ed too often? Do you now have a personal vengeance against RPKers? Willing to work hard to get that level up so you can return the favor to those who once wronged you? Sounds like my personal experience quote.

    4. A coward is a person who shows fear in light of something that may not be fearsome. No, what you encountered were RPK'ers. People who are bored. People who want reactions from other players, not pre-scripted actions that are repeated on a regular basis. I'll kill people because it's more entertaining than grinding. I'll kill people because I want their potential PK drops. I'll kill people because I wish for them to suffer. I kill people because I want a challenge. I kill people because I want to see how my double spark AoE debuff>then AOE Strike will affect a given group. I kill people to test out new skill ideas. I kill people to test out my new weapon or gear. I kill people because I damn well get bored off my **** and need to vent.

    I am not prejudice against who I kill, what level I kill, or what class I kill. I don't have the time to sit there, check the players level before I deem it appropriate to kill someone. I don't check my location to ensure that I'm not interrupting the quest of the person I'm killing. I do not sit there and ask permission of my prey before I do an amazing **** to their face.

    5. Yes We have rules. Every guild has their own rules. In real life, we have rules also... The game gives it's own punishments for breaking such rules. You get hours if you kill a white-name. You drop items if you're a red name. You can you safe-lock but you lack the ability to contact some NPC's. If you mess with some lowbies, you may get his friends involved. I find it interesting. But what if his friend was a friend of mine? I would stop Pk'ing if they asked me of it. What if the Lowbie's friend was someone who could pwn me? I'd obviously think twice before making another move.

    We RPK'ers are tired of you silly QQing little idiots who go cry to a GM every time something doesn't go your way. In a sense, YES! this is our QQ. We're tired of being defaulted as the one in complete wrong when we're following the built in programming of the game. Want SP to have less PVP? Make it a safezone! If it's not a safe-zone, It damn well better be fair-game to kill anyone you want. Go ahead, try to be that righteous one protecting the lowbies from the big bad RPK'ers, but do that IN GAME. Not complaining to the GM's who really should do other things than cater to some idiots' fail attempt at making the server revolve around them.

    1. You fought back... fair game buddy. Your reaction pertained to my interests.
    2. You know I will kill you. You know I'm there. You know if you come back to that same spot, you will most likely die by my hands. Then WHY THE HECK are you crying? If the fire is hot, GET OUT OF THE FIRE PIT!!! Only the most senseless of people cut off their arm, if it hurts to cut off a finger!
    3. you will have swords by your name... means you got involved in PVP. Grats, the GM's have another submission they can laugh at.
    4. If I killed you at hidden orchid, then killed you at SP, then killed you in Silverpool, then killed you at West Arch.... STOP FOLLOWING ME. Take the hint buddy! SS that stuff and watch people laugh at you.

    To ban people for being involved in PVP on a PVP server without using any hacking tools is BS and should have their nuts cut off to prevent them from procreating a new spawn of stupid.

    /End Rant

    Enjoy your forum ban. b:bye That can be okay in WC, but not in the forums. And in case others aren't as bored as I am:

    tl;dr: I QQ about QQers on the forums with bad language. NERDRAGE
    100% F2P player. Started PW: March 2007, Quit PW: March 2011. "Pure axe" 8k HP multipath BM, last one of my kind.
  • Genghis_Khan - Harshlands
    Genghis_Khan - Harshlands Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    the point is a PVP server is for the people who have guts and Big Egos.
    If you are being camped.. its simple, alert ur faction and most likely a squad will come to your rescue, or if you have teles on you go on world chat and post your greviences that way other high levels looking to kill someone will come to your rescue and kill the guy camping you. Although I do agree that Certain places should become safezones for PK.. like the secret passage and heavens tear. Everything else except for cities should Be PKable.

    Camping say Quillhog king should be ok because he is a boss and you can come with a squad to kill the person or people camping. But barley anyone camps bosses because they dont see much action.
  • Genghis_Khan - Harshlands
    Genghis_Khan - Harshlands Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    People like you caused deletion of the pvp rankings, because kids just kill low lvls to be a cool person(being on the rankings) now with those removed you would expect lower amount of pking lowbies but noobs like Beldor are still doing it...seriously kid if u want pvp kill ppl above lvl 90.

    QQ much? i am not beldor nor do i know him but it seems like you are QQing. Many many high levels from RPK factions have killed me when i was questing or just flying to a location. NOt once did I QQ about it. Its a PVP server; you should expect to be attacked anytime. Most of the time no one will attack you but if a member from a RPK faction sees you, you will get killed unless you run away or kill him.

    On the other hand most high levels dont kill lowbies. I am 69 (not a high level) but i dont kill level 30 and 40's unless they are annoying me or if I am mad.. then I go kill lowbies . Its rare that I ever kill a lowbie for no reason. Sometime my Safety is off so my AOE hits and kills a lowbie by accident. b:pleased
  • Genghis_Khan - Harshlands
    Genghis_Khan - Harshlands Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    First thing is first.
    1. You are posting this under a false name. You wish to not be known or recognized in game by a pk'er, or you just like your privacy. Either way, it's gutless... I shouldn't have even read your post.

    2.From a business aspect, you may be correct. Imagine the Downside tho, Let's say RPK'er has spent $1000, and continues to spend at a rate of $50/week. He kills 200 People a week, All 200 are level 30-40. If they ban the player who has a constant cash flow, it could be potentially dangerous for them to drop the RPKer who is the cash cow, than to ignore the potential loss of about 10% (about 20 of the 200 players) of people who may not even spend money. As amazing as it may seem. It's a Free to Play game, but Pay to Win. The level 30-40's have not proven that they provide such a constant cash flow income, because lets face it, a real hardcore player can get from 1-50 in less than a week. A casual constant player can achieve 1-50 in 3 weeks. While a slow player may take 2 months for the same level achievement. If you're spending that much money to be an equity to the game, you're spending $X per week. It makes no sense to Abandon your Cash Cow for potential yet uncertain income.

    Personal Experience also says: "Getting pk'ed provides a goal, a goal to return the favor. You will do whatever it takes within your means to meet that gratification"

    3. So now, you say you have returned to the game. Did you get PK'ed too often? Do you now have a personal vengeance against RPKers? Willing to work hard to get that level up so you can return the favor to those who once wronged you? Sounds like my personal experience quote.

    4. A coward is a person who shows fear in light of something that may not be fearsome. No, what you encountered were RPK'ers. People who are bored. People who want reactions from other players, not pre-scripted actions that are repeated on a regular basis. I'll kill people because it's more entertaining than grinding. I'll kill people because I want their potential PK drops. I'll kill people because I wish for them to suffer. I kill people because I want a challenge. I kill people because I want to see how my double spark AoE debuff>then AOE Strike will affect a given group. I kill people to test out new skill ideas. I kill people to test out my new weapon or gear. I kill people because I damn well get bored off my **** and need to vent.

    I am not prejudice against who I kill, what level I kill, or what class I kill. I don't have the time to sit there, check the players level before I deem it appropriate to kill someone. I don't check my location to ensure that I'm not interrupting the quest of the person I'm killing. I do not sit there and ask permission of my prey before I do an amazing **** to their face.

    5. Yes We have rules. Every guild has their own rules. In real life, we have rules also... The game gives it's own punishments for breaking such rules. You get hours if you kill a white-name. You drop items if you're a red name. You can you safe-lock but you lack the ability to contact some NPC's. If you mess with some lowbies, you may get his friends involved. I find it interesting. But what if his friend was a friend of mine? I would stop Pk'ing if they asked me of it. What if the Lowbie's friend was someone who could pwn me? I'd obviously think twice before making another move.

    We RPK'ers are tired of you silly QQing little idiots who go cry to a GM every time something doesn't go your way. In a sense, YES! this is our QQ. We're tired of being defaulted as the one in complete wrong when we're following the built in programming of the game. Want SP to have less PVP? Make it a safezone! If it's not a safe-zone, It damn well better be fair-game to kill anyone you want. Go ahead, try to be that righteous one protecting the lowbies from the big bad RPK'ers, but do that IN GAME. Not complaining to the GM's who really should do other things than cater to some idiots' fail attempt at making the server revolve around them.

    1. You fought back... fair game buddy. Your reaction pertained to my interests.
    2. You know I will kill you. You know I'm there. You know if you come back to that same spot, you will most likely die by my hands. Then WHY THE HECK are you crying? If the fire is hot, GET OUT OF THE FIRE PIT!!! Only the most senseless of people cut off their arm, if it hurts to cut off a finger!
    3. you will have swords by your name... means you got involved in PVP. Grats, the GM's have another submission they can laugh at.
    4. If I killed you at hidden orchid, then killed you at SP, then killed you in Silverpool, then killed you at West Arch.... STOP FOLLOWING ME. Take the hint buddy! SS that stuff and watch people laugh at you.

    To ban people for being involved in PVP on a PVP server without using any hacking tools is BS and should have their nuts cut off to prevent them from procreating a new spawn of stupid.

    /End Rant

    I totally agree. I pk for the same reasons but I am not a RPKer.. I just PK when I get bored or when someone acts like a noob and screws up a BH/FB run
  • Dustins_ALT - Harshlands
    Dustins_ALT - Harshlands Posts: 423 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I will still pk people at PQ even if it is bannable, I will do it for the lolz. **** people who don't like it go to a pve server.b:thanks

    ^ my barbs built, full buff in tiger.b:bye

    I'm not going to troll anymore T_T
  • Genghis_Khan - Harshlands
    Genghis_Khan - Harshlands Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    skyxiii wrote: »
    PK is one of the main concepts, if not the main, behind a PvP server. These servers were designed by developers who enabled things like RPK - the devs made this choice, so it can't be "not okay" to RPK.

    Having said that, the main problem doesn't lie in the PK, no, it's the manner in which it is done. Many PKers are extremely rude and disrespectful to other players. This is childish, not to mention against the TOS. If you're going to PK, be respectful about it. Have clean, respectful fights and tell your opponent it was a nice fight afterwards. If someone asks you to stop because they're trying to finish a quest or help a friend, then respect their wishes. Hell, why not stop and help them out for causing them trouble? The concept of PK is to evoke competition, not rudeness or inhumanity.

    Those who fly around camping the same lowbies that don't stand a chance or who go wraith-PKing are pathetic. Your PK ratings don't go up when the wraith kills your target, thus you gain nothing from this other than personal enjoyment. Personal enjoyment derived from griefing others is obviously incorrect.

    But yeah, if GMs are going to ban people for PKing in certain areas or under specific circumstances, before they do so they should provide all with an easily accessible list of specific areas/rules that tell everyone what's okay to do and what's not. Otherwise you end up with a lot of confused and angry players.

    My 2 cents.

    I cannot even begin to highlight the FAIL in your post. Being nice to someone? what the hell is this an office meeting? IF you act like a NOOB I will let you know that you are a noob and then kill you.. if you come back guess what? you are going to die again. I am sorry but saying "stop" doesnt cut it. If you are helping a friend and happen to cross the path of a RPKer or a bored person or an pissed off player.. its your luck. If the GMs dont want people Pking somewhere than they should make that place into a Safe zone. If it isnt a safe zone than it is Fair game for anyone to PK at. ALso attacking someone so a mob kills them instead of you is quite funny because that person loses EXP and you get to call them a noob.. If they are foolish enough to come back you Kill them..
  • Genghis_Khan - Harshlands
    Genghis_Khan - Harshlands Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I will still pk people at PQ even if it is bannable, I will do it for the lolz. **** people who don't like it go to a pve server.b:thanks

    Exactly. PVP is for people with balls... IF you are a pansy and dont want to die go to a PVE server where you can have fun killing the same old monsters forever!
  • Dark_Fate - Harshlands
    Dark_Fate - Harshlands Posts: 968 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    when i was 8x grinding at fishes, i got pked and my grinding party too by 9x and a 10x(nurfed).. they rushed to 100 they pked the lower lvls to show their proness lol
    they were dumb but it was fun. so pvp ftw.. no one grinds outside instances now. so its basically a pve server without the blue names after 30
  • _bowser - Heavens Tear
    _bowser - Heavens Tear Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    ya no, now that its been said me too only cuz of friends but thats right its public quest. And excactly past lvl 80 u cant do it anymore (i guess) and i was 8x when the tideborn patch adding the public quest came out. So ive never dun it lol.

    so @Pervera ur right i am calling people who cry like little babies about getting PKed noobs....and sounds like ur one of em. Dunno how u can play the RPK infested Lost city server without QQin everyday that must suck. But u know what....ur right u got me. i didnt know what 2 letters meant to abbreviate a quest i never had the option of getting LOL. SO hey ill quit Koi, make my name go back to white, and go carebear and never PK again just for u :P
    bottom line vergil there r RULES whether u like it or nto and just cause u cant kill a single person 24/7 stoppin there lvlin process and having it ur way tough deal with it there will always be rules now im nto saying u cant pk on a pvp server i use to it was fun but theres a diff between flyin around pkin people here and there and pkin the same person or few people over and over and over and over again thats y the rules were planted but o well do wat u want right nobody can stop u
  • Pervera - Lost City
    Pervera - Lost City Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    the point is a PVP server is for the people who have guts and Big Egos.
    If you are being camped.. its simple, alert ur faction and most likely a squad will come to your rescue, or if you have teles on you go on world chat and post your greviences that way other high levels looking to kill someone will come to your rescue and kill the guy camping you. Although I do agree that Certain places should become safezones for PK.. like the secret passage and heavens tear. Everything else except for cities should Be PKable.

    Camping say Quillhog king should be ok because he is a boss and you can come with a squad to kill the person or people camping. But barley anyone camps bosses because they dont see much action.

    OO, you had a lucky shot and said something wise. I really would turn off most of safe zones and lave it only in starter cities and 1k streams. Most annyoing PK'ers that are KS'ers equivalent usually are trying to kill you and if they realize it will take more effort than one shot they run back to safe zone. HO and SP entrance are populated with them.
  • jamesburr36
    jamesburr36 Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    "2.From a business aspect, you may be correct. Imagine the Downside tho, Let's say RPK'er has spent $1000, and continues to spend at a rate of $50/week. He kills 200 People a week, All 200 are level 30-40. If they ban the player who has a constant cash flow, it could be potentially dangerous for them to drop the RPKer who is the cash cow,"

    If you spent $1000 on the game and continue to spend $50 a week to PK others who can PK you back there is a challenge, a risk, and a valid way to build you much desired ego and self esteem when you win a fight but if you spent $1000 and continue to spend $50 a week to kill 200 3x lowbies by camping out at FB29 then I suggest that you destroy your computer and never play an online game again because there is something seriously wrong with you. If you cannot understand this concept then ask your mother to help you figure it out.

    My rant was very specific. I like being on a pk server. I like the idea of that kind of competition and risk but where is the fun of a game when there is no risk or challenge involved? Clearly there is no challenge there and restating what I previously posted, the only reason rPKers engage in camping and PKing lowbies that have no chance of defending themselves do it for the soul purpose of causing anguish and grief for the other players. It is abusive behavior that the GMs and administrators have recognized and so they made rules against it.

    And again I'll state that that kind of rPKing is gutless and cowardly.

    And those that say just get your faction to fight off the rPKers get real here. the rPKer's factions are mostly level 60+ and you want level 30+ lowbie factions to start a war with you? LOL!
  • truekossy
    truekossy Posts: 7,021 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    If you level above 30 on a PK server and step outside a safe zone, you're fair game since you always had the option of going on a PvE server.

    Just like how if someone on a PvE server goes white and gets killed constantly, the GMs consider it totally fair because that person chose to go into PK mode.

    If PWI had nothing but PvP servers, then it'd be a bit more understandable but considering we have... 2/3 of the active servers as PvE, unless you're new to MMOs in general you know exactly what you're getting into when you start out on a PvP server.
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    truekossy wrote: »
    If you level above 30 on a PK server and step outside a safe zone, you're fair game since you always had the option of going on a PvE server.

    Just like how if someone on a PvE server goes white and gets killed constantly, the GMs consider it totally fair because that person chose to go into PK mode.

    Think is, on a PvP server, once you go white, you don't constantly get killed. From what I hear, on a PvE server, once you do go white you are pretty much constantly attacked. Not sure if that much is true, but life on a PvP server isn't all that bad.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • truekossy
    truekossy Posts: 7,021 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Think is, on a PvP server, once you go white, you don't constantly get killed. From what I hear, on a PvE server, once you do go white you are pretty much constantly attacked. Not sure if that much is true, but life on a PvP server isn't all that bad.

    This is quite true. Especially now that people immediately QQ about PK at places like SP, Heavens tear, etc. Plus the fact that old spots where people used to grind are deserted so no more battles over zhen spots in nightscream or fun at swamps, etc.

    Yet still, we have people complaining about people that PK lower levels on a PvP server. It's kinda sad that a level 30 would have a harder time being white on a PvE server than on a PvP one nowadays.
  • Isala - Sanctuary
    Isala - Sanctuary Posts: 1,607 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Think is, on a PvP server, once you go white, you don't constantly get killed. From what I hear, on a PvE server, once you do go white you are pretty much constantly attacked. Not sure if that much is true, but life on a PvP server isn't all that bad.

    Well, since it's very rare to see white names out and about on a PvE server, I think that's probably true. And those who do go White are usually in a group, so they can gank anyone they see. So yeah, if I see a White, or even better, a Red, out on their own, or even with just one or two friends, I'm going to attack them, simply because, well... They're there. I don't even care what level they are, or if I'm probably going to get my **** handed to me. I PK for the fun. If that means I'm attacking a level 30, or a level 100, then so be it. You're all just a thrill to me.
  • WitchBurner - Sanctuary
    WitchBurner - Sanctuary Posts: 1,394 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Spot on Dark, on a pve server, people will res kill a level 30 just because they chose to go white named. Many pkers on Sanc assumed that because a level 30/40/50 flagged themselves they clearly wanted to fight level 80+ people.
    Currently flying internet spaceships around dodixie, moving to amarr soon.

    Send me a mail if you wanna ask/request anything

    Sanctuary's retired king of wizards alongside queen Saintblu.
  • xxunseenspecxx
    xxunseenspecxx Posts: 112 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    My $.02.

    After reading this thread I see a bunch of noobs complainin about the strict pk rules on LC. So I thought I'd add fuel to the fire:

    I camped SP all day sometimes back in my RQ days, QQ MOAR.
    I led bosses to safe zones back in the day as well, and watching the babies cry about it made it all the more enjoyable.
    I camped oracle spots when they first came out. Spoiler: SO DID EVERY OTHER PKER. So there was evenly matched PvP going on so don't use the pick on someone your own size ****.
    Oh and I definitely ulti'd a lvl60 PQ area with about 20 lowbies. Definitely the greatest thing ever to watch.


    I've been in most of the major guilds on LC. I've won my fair share of TW's and giant PK-fests outside of 1k Streams against much higher level and better geared players. And so has the majority of the people you all complain about pk'ing lowbies.

    On the flip side, I've also been killed by bosses dragged to town, killed at PQ, killed at oracle spots, killed in SP, and lost TW's/Guild battles. Guess what? I still got to my 9x's before 90% of the server over a year ago.

    Morale of the story? GET OVER IT OR GTFO. RPK/PvP doesn't effect gameplay and you're ability to level/progress through the game. It's your crappy QQ habits followed by your rage quitting that prevents you from doing so.

    /rant b:angry
    Guild History:
    Unlimited [retired guild]
    Conqueror [retired guild]
    BloodLusT [FAIL OF EPIC PROPORTIONZ/retired guild]
    RageQuit [retired guild]

    Current Guild:
    Wouldn't you like to know?

    Current Status:
    Been jumping rooftops in ADC for the past year and a half<3
    Actively PvP'ing foramz style b:cute
  • Kupuntu - Sanctuary
    Kupuntu - Sanctuary Posts: 3,008 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    My $.02.

    After reading this thread I see a bunch of noobs complainin about the strict pk rules on LC. So I thought I'd add fuel to the fire:

    I camped SP all day sometimes back in my RQ days, QQ MOAR.
    I led bosses to safe zones back in the day as well, and watching the babies cry about it made it all the more enjoyable.
    I camped oracle spots when they first came out. Spoiler: SO DID EVERY OTHER PKER. So there was evenly matched PvP going on so don't use the pick on someone your own size ****.
    Oh and I definitely ulti'd a lvl60 PQ area with about 20 lowbies. Definitely the greatest thing ever to watch.


    I've been in most of the major guilds on LC. I've won my fair share of TW's and giant PK-fests outside of 1k Streams against much higher level and better geared players. And so has the majority of the people you all complain about pk'ing lowbies.

    On the flip side, I've also been killed by bosses dragged to town, killed at PQ, killed at oracle spots, killed in SP, and lost TW's/Guild battles. Guess what? I still got to my 9x's before 90% of the server over a year ago.

    Morale of the story? GET OVER IT OR GTFO. RPK/PvP doesn't effect gameplay and you're ability to level/progress through the game. It's your crappy QQ habits followed by your rage quitting that prevents you from doing so.

    /rant b:angry

    1) It slows you down if you can barely kill one mob.
    2) Was it bannable to lure bosses back in the day? If it wasn't I kinda understand it. I don't understand why would you do it if it was bannable tho.
    3) Camping SP could be fun if people wouldn't hate to get killed so much. Imagine if you could hear: "Man, it took me only 30 min to get to my SP quests done, it was so much fun." instead of "QQ you will get banned"
    4) Killing people in PQ is also fun, but I really understand why it is not allowed. If there were two evenly matched sides, and the PQ would actually progress at the same, it would be cool.

    WTB levels limits to PK (can't kill people 15 levels or more under you)
    100% F2P player. Started PW: March 2007, Quit PW: March 2011. "Pure axe" 8k HP multipath BM, last one of my kind.
  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    3) Camping SP could be fun if people wouldn't hate to get killed so much. Imagine if you could hear: "Man, it took me only 30 min to get to my SP quests done, it was so much fun." instead of "QQ you will get banned"

    I'd take either of those over what I hear when I PK there. All I ever get is "PLZ HALP ME KILL QINGZI!!!!"
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • The_Forgoten - Lost City
    The_Forgoten - Lost City Posts: 198 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    This time last year when Oracles were introduced I did a few dozen from Jolly Jones packs. There would often times be a lot of PvP... sometimes same level, sometimes higher levels... then Shortbus would come along with a few high level players and just decimate the line waiting for spider king. What happened? People didn't QQ to GM's... people called for reinforcements and the likes of CQ or GZ would come along and have some pretty epic battles and scare them off.

    Ahhh, good times, good times. This game was amazing a year ago. It sucks now, imo.
  • abcyang
    abcyang Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I got a 7x and 4x squishy and I keep get shellacked all over the place

    But I agree 100% - get over it,

    Whenever I get nailed, its my excuse to let off some verbal angst - which usually means the person comes and gets me again, hahaha. It hasnt stopped me playing. I only dont PK myself cause I cant afford to lose any stuff Ive accumulated.

    Here's some quick instructions to those people who get PK'ed and dont like it

    1 - press the 'go to town' button and go back to what you were doing

    thats it

    Oh, also, so what if someone pk's you just as a mob finishes you off and you lose a smidge of XP. With all the dailies, its irrelevant now anyway. Thats my 2 cents worth
  • Coraline - Lost City
    Coraline - Lost City Posts: 867 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    People complain too much -_-. I used to be in RQ and that was a guild that RPK'd...because of that, we had a lot of people who hated us and camped us day and night. This was when I was level 50 and trying to level up. Whenever I got pked, I would go to town, wait a few minutes while I regained HP/Mana and went back out. If I was being camped, I would first ask the guild if they wanted some PK (yes running to guild for help blah blah), and if they came they would kill the camper and that would be the end or it would turn into a huge pk fight. If that happened I would just go off in a corner and kill the mobs I needed b:chuckle
    If no one came to help me with the camper, then I would go afk and go do some chores that I was putting off or clean my room a bit.

    I think as soon as you alt tab the game to write a ticket for camping, there goes the fun in the game. The amount of time you take to SS the incident, then upload the pic to photobucket and then find the link for tickets, write what happened...that time could have been used to go afk (maybe 5-7 minutes depending on your internet connection) and the person would have been gone.

    eatswithspoons "*roll eyes* real money for virtual property? That's definitely not allowed"

    Lol what?