What makes wizards so strong?
Ursa - Dreamweaver wrote: »I could almost bet that if you go against a sage wizard, both sparked, your 25% channel increase won't compensate for the 25% dmg reduction and the debuffs from Sage GS and DP will hurt more than the additional dmg you have on your uber-awesome demon skillz.
Demon wiz is indeed powerful, and used the right way can be a menace, but u don't sound like you know how to use it.
My question is, why would you be sparking? Isn't a Sutra -> DP -> Ulti -> more stuff more effective?0 -
Brigid - Harshlands wrote: »My question is, why would you be sparking? Isn't a Sutra -> DP -> Ulti -> more stuff more effective?
sage- it is. Demon- hmmb:laugh also thats whx ill go demon. Its a big mistery0 -
demon>sageb:byeme gush you.0
Brigid - Harshlands wrote: »My question is, why would you be sparking? Isn't a Sutra -> DP -> Ulti -> more stuff more effective?
i use often 3rd spark+bt or bids or 3rd spark+sutra (ofc i have alot spark pot because i love it)
only 399 chi combo what i use is sutra+dp+ms+fast skills0 -
Six second stun = win.RIP Resolve. You guys still owe me TW pay. XD
Varden-you all!
0 -
Mumintroll - Heavens Tear wrote: »I would tank it with pleasure. -25% damage received from my spark is especially in PVP HUGE ADVANTAGE. I told you wake up and come to back on earth. I'm happy for you, that you can cancel channeling with BTb:chuckle.
And 50% BIDS is damn huge possibility and you can be sure that in next 10s after at least 1 time I will critic and my critic=you death.b:laugh
so... if you think 25% chanelling < 25% reduction, well go die
you're wizard, you have to deal dmg not stay there and fap to your reduction k
spark adds like.. duno 60% more dmg so....... lets say we both have 6k HP
i do 3k snare on your face, +60% =4800 dmg per hit - your reduction 3600 (hiero tick) (1,57 sec chanelling 1,8 cast)
then dpyro 2,8k dmg on your face+60%= 4480 - reduction 3360 (1,87s + 1s)
pyro 2400+60% 3840dmg - reduction 2880 dmg (0,9s+0,8s)
and you're basically dead
now lets say u are heaven and u sparked in the same second as me, perfect timed spark
you have no -chanelling spark so.... u do.... 4800dmg (hierto tick) (2,5s+1,8s)
dpyro 4480dmg (3s+1s) OMG IM ABOUT TO DIE
then pyro 3840 (1,5+0,8)
OH NOES IM DEAD... nooo i lost....
wait... what no,
cant umm,
hell wiz needed 7,94 sec to kill heaven wiz! omg the reduction didnt help cuz heaven wiz need 10,6 sec to kill hell wiz, that means spark saved 2,66.... that means.... YOU WOULDNT HAVE TIME TO HIT ME EVEN WITH 2ND SKILL YOU NEED EXACTLY 8,3 SEC TO LAUNCH 2 SKILLS, WHILE HELL WIZ IS ABLE TO HIT YOU THREE TIMES in 7,94
wheres your god now?b:laughUrsa - Dreamweaver wrote: »I could almost bet that if you go against a sage wizard, both sparked, your 25% channel increase won't compensate for the 25% dmg reduction and the debuffs from Sage GS and DP will hurt more than the additional dmg you have on your uber-awesome demon skillz.
Demon wiz is indeed powerful, and used the right way can be a menace, but u don't sound like you know how to use it.
you both failed, my point has been proven
heaven wizards suck, HARR HARR HARR
and out of nowhere, hell masteries stack, i have vid of me killing 1k rams in sundown, its huge movie, my connection is superslow (try to send something having 128kbps uploadkign spd) so i wont upload it unless i change it
and i posted results of 1st test with me killing 600 rams somewhere on forums
hell > heaven0 -
Ehee - Lost City wrote: »demon>sageb:bye
You know what I always like on demons? They never tell what is better than sage. If they tell something 90% of that is BS. Like sage mastery add 10-30 more damage, or BIDS has low probability to critic, etc. Of course demon has some better skills. No doubt. BUT over all is sage better in my opinion. If nothing else is much better in ultimates because of chi. Sage has ability chain multiple ultimates in row.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Mumintroll - Heavens Tear wrote: »You know what I always like on demons? They never tell what is better than sage. If they tell something 90% of that is BS. Like sage mastery add 10-30 more damage, or BIDS has low probability to critic, etc. Of course demon has some better skills. No doubt. BUT over all is sage better in my opinion. If nothing else is much better in ultimates because of chi. Sage has ability chain multiple ultimates in row.
cuz sage mastery does add **** dmg
lets say u do 3k regular gushes
+5% its 3150
wow amazing dmg, rather have 3 % crit more cause it stack than 5% more dmg
ultis are useless if you have hell spark and hell sandstorm, and we can launch multiple aoes too, dragon save sparks, 20% chance. Imagine undine poison sutra gush dragon **** rock sandstorm (2 ultis ina row huh, means 2x damage = critical hit = we have 20% chance to sutra ulti crit)
sage isnt better, prove it or quit PWI
and don't talk to ehee like that or he'll 1 shot you with hell crown of flame
damn +12 8jun pure mag hell wizard :<0 -
Lorsis - Lost City wrote: »so... if you think 25% chanelling < 25% reduction, well go die
you're wizard, you have to deal dmg not stay there and fap to your reduction k
spark adds like.. duno 60% more dmg so....... lets say we both have 6k HP
i do 3k snare on your face, +60% =4800 dmg per hit - your reduction 3600 (hiero tick) (1,57 sec chanelling 1,8 cast)
then dpyro 2,8k dmg on your face+60%= 4480 - reduction 3360 (1,87s + 1s)
pyro 2400+60% 3840dmg - reduction 2880 dmg (0,9s+0,8s)
and you're basically dead
now lets say u are heaven and u sparked in the same second as me, perfect timed spark
you have no -chanelling spark so.... u do.... 4800dmg (hierto tick) (2,5s+1,8s)
dpyro 4480dmg (3s+1s) OMG IM ABOUT TO DIE
then pyro 3840 (1,5+0,8)
OH NOES IM DEAD... nooo i lost....
wait... what no,
cant umm,
hell wiz needed 7,94 sec to kill heaven wiz! omg the reduction didnt help cuz heaven wiz need 10,6 sec to kill hell wiz, that means spark saved 2,66.... that means.... YOU WOULDNT HAVE TIME TO HIT ME EVEN WITH 2ND SKILL YOU NEED EXACTLY 8,3 SEC TO LAUNCH 2 SKILLS, WHILE HELL WIZ IS ABLE TO HIT YOU THREE TIMES in 7,94
wheres your god now?b:laugh
you both failed, my point has been proven
heaven wizards suck, HARR HARR HARR
and out of nowhere, hell masteries stack, i have vid of me killing 1k rams in sundown, its huge movie, my connection is superslow (try to send something having 128kbps uploadkign spd) so i wont upload it unless i change it
and i posted results of 1st test with me killing 600 rams somewhere on forums
hell > heaven
Nice construction of fight. You just forgot on PVP DAMAGE REDUCTION. So no charm tick. But I would have to be stupid If I fight against you this way.
I tell you my story.
You spark I use FoW + undine.(-60% magic defence) Then I use sutra+sage divine pyro(-20% fire defence)+BT OR BIDS+pyro. You are death.
I'm still more and more convinced that you don't know what you talking about. I would really want to fight with you.
Also there another 1000 ways how to fight against you for 15s when you have little increased channeling time.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Lorsis - Lost City wrote: »cuz sage mastery does add **** dmg
lets say u do 3k regular gushes
+5% its 3150
wow amazing dmg, rather have 3 % crit more cause it stack than 5% more dmg
ultis are useless if you have hell spark and hell sandstorm, and we can launch multiple aoes too, dragon save sparks, 20% chance. Imagine undine poison sutra gush dragon **** rock sandstorm (2 ultis ina row huh, means 2x damage = critical hit = we have 20% chance to sutra ulti crit)
sage isnt better, prove it or quit PWI
and don't talk to ehee like that or he'll 1 shot you with hell crown of flame
damn +12 8jun pure mag hell wizard :<
O hell sandstorm. Did you ever calculate how "HUGE" damage will do sandstrom on my +150% earth resistance? Your adding 1200 damage in PVP After reduction is maybe 300more + with my 150% earth resistance will be how much? 10-20 more?b:laugh
You speaking 3K where in PVP or PVE? I did 3K in PVE in lv.60
Demon mastries. Nobody know it it's 3%. Eye show you more critic. Same as critical arrow show you +1% also more critic but it not work.
And If you had 3% more. I would take rather sage BIDS With 30+ mine 15% = 45% critical rate for 10s.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Mumintroll - Heavens Tear wrote: »Nice construction of fight. You just forgot on PVP DAMAGE REDUCTION. So no charm tick. But I would have to be stupid If I fight against you this way.
I tell you my story.
You spark I use FoW + undine.(-60% magic defence) Then I use sutra+sage divine pyro(-20% fire defence)+BT OR BIDS+pyro. You are death <--- I lol'd.
I'm still more and more convinced that you don't know what you talking about. I would really want to fight with you.
Also there another 1000 ways how to fight against you for 12s when you have little increased channeling time.
well 3-5k dmg sparked looks like normal dmg to me... a normal dmg AFTER PVP REDUCTION.... unless you cant hit that hard in pvp.... dunno O_o
and you fail, looks like u think that undine debuff and dpyro debuff stack
you're wrong my PvE friend
hey stop being butthurt, i won 1st sever vs server duel and gave u a proof that hell > heaven
i'd just absolute domain your ulti and laugh at you, srsly, you carebears dont know what is this, but thats not my fault, and if you were factor or at least a guy with brain u'd know that BLADE TEMPEST WONT WORK ON HELL WIZARD, or any decent geared wizzy, since my phy def is waaaaaaaaaay higher than mdef, rather **** with pyrogram than tempest on another hell wizzeh
and its what i'd do to your omfg wtf pwn crit lol dragon
domain right after sleep is gone cause BIDS takes 5,6 sec to cast, sleep 4 sec, domain instant, k thx bye0 -
I can't freakin believe how many people actually say one is better than the other. C'mon guys I'm not even 89 yet and it's so obvious to me that each one is for a certain style of play. You can't have discussions over which one is better because depending on how you handle a certain situation either the sage version or the demon version of a skill is useful to you. You 'just' have to realise which ones will suit you the best and choose the according path, cause both are equal in strength.0
Mumintroll - Heavens Tear wrote: »O hell sandstorm. Did you ever calculate how "HUGE" damage will do sandstrom on my +150% earth resistance? ]yeah cause having 75% or 77% earth damage reduction rly matters yes, doesnt matter how much eearth def u have, reduction counts ONLY, and why would i use earth spell on wizard? /facepalm reduction rly matter Your adding 1200 damage in PVP After reduction is maybe 300more + with my 150% earth resistance will be how much? 10-20 more?b:laugh
You speaking 3K where in PVP or PVE? I did 3K in PVE in lv.60 god, who the fk cares about PvE damage huh?
Demon mastries. Nobody know it it's 3%.I said i tested it twice 600 rams with 1 mastery then 1k rams with all masteries, i posted results of 1st test somewhere, it does stack, i ahve movie but as i said my connection is too slow Eye show you more critic. Same as critical arrow show you +1% also more critic but it not work.
And If you had 3% more. I would take rather sage BIDS With 30+ mine 15% = 45% critical rate for 10s. 45% if it prcos, 50% chance to proc, so its about 30% chance to hit critical dragon, lazy to do all the math for you with probability and stuff
reply in red0 -
Lorsis - Lost City wrote: »well 3-5k dmg sparked looks like normal dmg to me... a normal dmg AFTER PVP REDUCTION.... unless you cant hit that hard in pvp.... dunno O_o
and you fail, looks like u think that undine debuff and dpyro debuff stack
you're wrong my PvE friend
hey stop being butthurt, i won 1st sever vs server duel and gave u a proof that hell > heaven
i'd just absolute domain your ulti and laugh at you, srsly, you carebears dont know what is this, but thats not my fault, and if you were factor or at least a guy with brain u'd know that BLADE TEMPEST WONT WORK ON HELL WIZARD, or any decent geared wizzy, since my phy def is waaaaaaaaaay higher than mdef, rather **** with pyrogram than tempest on another hell wizzeh
and its what i'd do to your omfg wtf pwn crit lol dragon
domain right after sleep is gone cause BIDS takes 5,6 sec to cast, sleep 4 sec, domain instant, k thx bye
OO so you starting using genie. What you afraid of, that you have to start genie?
What about me if I started use genie. I have genie with some spells but is secret but I can guarantee you, that if I use genie you will not stand for long as in fight without genie.b:laugh
And BIDS with -30% channeling gear will not be 5.6s[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Zaelmith - Sanctuary wrote: »I can't freakin believe how many people actually say one is better than the other. C'mon guys I'm not even 89 yet and it's so obvious to me that each one is for a certain style of play. You can't have discussions over which one is better because depending on how you handle a certain situation either the sage version or the demon version of a skill is useful to you. You 'just' have to realise which ones will suit you the best and choose the according path, cause both are equal in strength.
Lol but what if you are equally skilled in.. and like both "paths" the same...then what do you choose. :P
See my pointb:laugh
Edit: okay wait lemme rephrase that.... You ppl always say that choosing sage/demon should depend on your style of play...but what if someone likes both styles of playing...
That's why we need people to input their experiences of playing sage/demon...so we can kinda get the feel of how the gameplay will be after the choicePS......I'm half-joking b:mischievous0 -
Lorsis - Lost City wrote: »reply in red
You started with hell sandstrom.
"ultis are useless if you have hell spark and hell sandstorm, and we can launch multiple aoes too, dragon save sparks, 20% chance. Imagine undine poison sutra gush dragon **** rock sandstorm (2 ultis ina row huh, means 2x damage = critical hit = we have 20% chance to sutra ulti crit"
I don't understand this.
"45% if it prcos, 50% chance to proc, so its about 30% chance to hit critical dragon, lazy to do all the math for you with probability and stuff"
With sage BIDS has 50% chance to increase critical by 30%. My critical will be 15% and if BIDS critic my critical rise to 45%. 30% from BIDS+15%=45%. So almost every second my hit in 10s will be critical of course if you survive undine plus critical BIDS.b:laugh[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Mumintroll - Heavens Tear wrote: »OO so you starting using genie. What you afraid of, that you have to start genie?
What about me if I started use genie. I have genie with some spells but is secret but I can guarantee you, that if I use genie you will not stand for long as in fight without genie.b:laugh
you're not using genies in PvP on carebear servers?
what spells? want to lol at you
lemme predict, you have: celestial sword to deal phys dmg, earthquake for grinding, rambling thunder for the lulz and mage star to survive vs evil hell wizards0 -
Mumintroll - Heavens Tear wrote: »You started with hell sandstrom.
"ultis are useless if you have hell spark and hell sandstorm, and we can launch multiple aoes too, dragon save sparks, 20% chance. Imagine undine poison sutra gush dragon **** rock sandstorm (2 ultis ina row huh, means 2x damage = critical hit = we have 20% chance to sutra ulti crit"
I don't understand this.
"45% if it prcos, 50% chance to proc, so its about 30% chance to hit critical dragon, lazy to do all the math for you with probability and stuff"
With sage BIDS has 50% chance to increase critical by 30%. My critical will be 15% and if BIDS critic my critical rise to 45%. 30% from BIDS+15%=45%. So almost every second my hit in 10s will be critical of course if you survive undine plus critical BIDS.b:laugh
Lol so it's like demon burst...but instead of increased channeling you see criticals popping all over the place...
I never tried it.......I'm just assuming here :PPS......I'm half-joking b:mischievous0 -
Lorsis - Lost City wrote: »you're not using genies in PvP on carebear servers?
what spells? want to lol at you
lemme predict, you have: celestial sword to deal phys dmg, earthquake for grinding, rambling thunder for the lulz and mage star to survive vs evil hell wizards
Of course we using genie. You just didn't write scenario fight with them. And suddenly you are starting with them. Genie will change all my fight tactic what I wrote above.
And your guess is totally wrong. My PvP genie is totally different.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Mumintroll - Heavens Tear wrote: »You started with hell sandstrom.
"ultis are useless if you have hell spark and hell sandstorm, and we can launch multiple aoes too, dragon save sparks, 20% chance. Imagine undine poison sutra gush dragon **** rock sandstorm (2 ultis ina row huh, means 2x damage = critical hit = we have 20% chance to sutra ulti crit"
I don't understand this.
"45% if it prcos, 50% chance to proc, so its about 30% chance to hit critical dragon, lazy to do all the math for you with probability and stuff"
With sage BIDS has 50% chance to increase critical by 30%. My critical will be 15% and if BIDS critic my critical rise to 45%. 30% from BIDS+15%=45%. So almost every second my hit in 10s will be critical of course if you survive undine plus critical BIDS.b:laugh
i didnt say i'll sandstorm on wiz lol >.< that would be plain fking stupid
half dragons get 15%+30% =45% crit, half dont -> base crit which is 15%
Lets say u have full chi, you dragon once, it procs, 45% critical rate wooohooo,
then you **** it again after cooldown, boooooo, didnt proc only 15% chance to crit
45+15% /2 =30%crt overall0 -
Mumintroll - Heavens Tear wrote: »Of course we using genie. You just didn't write scenario fight with them. And suddenly you are starting with them. Genie will change all my fight tactic what I wrote above.
And your guess is totally wrong. My PvP genie is totally different.
neither me, 1st spark fair fight was w/o genies and you lost
and i dont think you need pvp genie tho, mr blue name0 -
Lorsis - Lost City wrote: »i didnt say i'll sandstorm on wiz lol >.< that would be plain fking stupid
half dragons get 15%+30% =45% crit, half dont -> base crit which is 15%
Lets say u have full chi, you dragon once, it procs, 45% critical rate wooohooo,
then you **** it again after cooldown, boooooo, didnt proc only 15% chance to crit
45+15% /2 =30%crt overall
Only 1 thing. My farting damage output is always higher then your.b:chuckle And I thing this 45% critical rate for 10s will be enough to kill you without problem.
Last thing my boss came I will be here around 1h. We can continue.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
It's funny how our demon (get your **** out of PWMY noob, it's called demon/sage) wiz his 'arguments' are:
You fail, noone cares about your play style, demon (instert skil here) beats sage (instert skil here), while it has actually been proven that demon sandstorm will deal less dmg than sage sandstorm combined with sage mastery (as that 5% will raise exponentially, while demon SS's add is static).
Go search the wizzy forums for it, I'm to lazy and already know it, you're the one who wants to prove something
Also funny how noone 'cares about PvE'
I gues that's why PWI has 4 overcrowded PvE servers and is about to get a new one, while we have 2 empty PvP servers
PS: I'm going sage. I'm a chi addict b:thanks9 out of 10 voices in my head say I'm not crazy... the 10th is singing the music of tetris0 -
Mumintroll - Heavens Tear wrote: »Only 1 thing. My farting damage output is always higher then your.b:chuckle And I thing this 45% critical rate for 10s will be enough to kill you without problem.
Last thing my boos came I will be here around 1h. We can continue.
not going to compare out farth, dont rly want to
45% if it procs, remember0 -
IMO b:laugh
increases your damage
and makes you better at territory war
and gives you the most feared skill in the game
Get's rid of some(most) of a wizard's drawbacks
slow casting=fixed
barely any control skills=fixed
I think the best post about which one is better(sage/demon) is this(I don't know the exact words) :
people say "f*ck, an 9x's wizard's coming"..........not "f*ck a sage/demon 9x's wizard is coming"
Which shows that....."you can't go wrong either way"(according to some poster)
b:laugh b:laugh b:laughPS......I'm half-joking b:mischievous0 -
neither me, 1st spark fair fight was w/o genies and you lost
and i dont think you need pvp genie tho, mr blue name
its very usefull, have alot skill what can save ur life from backstabbAlso funny how noone 'cares about PvE'
I gues that's why PWI has 4 overcrowded PvE servers and is about to get a new one, while we have 2 empty PvP servers
hehe in pw ms have 1 pvp 1 pve, both lower populate but mainly in pve have less ppl and most of ppl went to pvp.0 -
Shadowvzs - Lost City wrote: »its very usefull, have alot skill what can save ur life from backstabb
hehe in pw ms have 1 pvp 1 pve, both lower populate but mainly in pve have less ppl and most of ppl went to pvp.
Once again, this is PWI, NOT, and I repeat NOT PW MS, PWMYEN, or any other version.
Besides, isn't PWMS that european server I hear so much about (as in, it sucks)9 out of 10 voices in my head say I'm not crazy... the 10th is singing the music of tetris0 -
pls lorsis...at least try to write like an adult0
Ehee - Lost City wrote: »demon>sageb:bye
Whoa Ehee posted in wiz forums ^_^
Please teach us how to be a pro demon wiz please >.<0 -
Myriad_ - Lost City wrote: »Whoa Ehee posted in wiz forums ^_^
Please teach us how to be a pro demon wiz please >.<
Lol yeah,I second that
Come and share your experiences of demon wiz gameplay with us PLZ b:laughPS......I'm half-joking b:mischievous0
This discussion has been closed.
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