Buying Manufacturing Skills



  • Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    go to the crafting forum and read the instructions about the boxes, just because the name is eg Blacksmith training I doesn't mean u only get lvl 1 from my understanding after reading the instructions with 1 box u can get to max lvl

    hi sai b:bye

    i worked for my skills too and feel proud for getting them, as i feel proud for getting a dq horse with only doing dq's, these boxes do not affect me personally, i am just stating my observations on what these boxes will affect in game, of course talking about it here isn't gonna make any difference but at least it gives us something to talk about b:pleased

    True This. Btw, when are you going to come over to the Dark Side and sign up at Crime and Punishment? it's where all the cool kids go to point and laugh at all the other cool kids they hate! XD

  • Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    It does get frustrating when a game you like to play doesn't really need to be played anymore. RPGs are supposed to be games where you work to develop your character. You would think that if a game gets bigger and richer there would be more quality but PWI just doesn't care about the game anymore. They want to maximize their profits over the rich kids' need to enlarge their e-****, no matter how much it cripples the game.
  • Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    True This. Btw, when are you going to come over to the Dark Side and sign up at Crime and Punishment? it's where all the cool kids go to point and laugh at all the other cool kids they hate! XD


    i was planning to but the link disappeared from your sig b:surrender
    can i have it in pm? b:cute
  • Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Besides 'Manufactured by <insert your name>', there is no incentive to level crafting/tailor/blacksmith.
    Can anybody say they make a profit from crafting? This game, compared to others, does not treat crafters favourably.
    As for OHT items, you only need level one to craft level 90+ items. What a joke.
    Crafting is a money sink and this latest addition is just grabbing for more of your money.
  • Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    i was planning to but the link disappeared from your sig b:surrender
    can i have it in pm? b:cute

    They asked me to remove it from my signature, but if you slide down to the fanatics section of the forums, I have a thread there called Crime and Punishment. The link is in there :-)

  • Posts: 228 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    lol, at 30 gold. do you REALLY think that a large percentage of the population is going to be buying those? I'd rather get wings with that money, or sell it at the AH.

    The market will be minimally affected.
    Full power to the Vagiroscope!
  • Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    i was planning to but the link disappeared from your sig b:surrender
    can i have it in pm? b:cute

    Muhahahahahaha Now that you have joined the Dark Side *hands over some cookies* Please swing by for Tea sometime XD

  • Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Muhahahahahaha Now that you have joined the Dark Side *hands over some cookies* Please swing by for Tea sometime XD


    tea and cookies? yay!!! "runs to sai" b:pleased
  • Posts: 382 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I wonder if there's still something in this game that can't be bought with money...WTB a GM b:dirty

    I feel rather sad. I have lvl 6 in Tailor/BS/Craftsman and I manufactured most of the 2*'s that were required. It made me feel good to wear equipments that I crafted as I know they were results of patience.

    Oh well, best thing to do is not let it get to me I suppose.
  • Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I was wondering if I should feel annoyed with all the effort my cleric put into leveling every craft path up to near max so long ago. But looking at the price, I don't think it's really that bad. Charging 120 dollars for each person who wants to get roughly where I got for free is not that bad a deal all in all. Let em keep the game running, as long as anything taken from our efforts ends up costing them a large amount.
    They asked me to remove it from my signature, but if you slide down to the fanatics section of the forums, I have a thread there called Crime and Punishment. The link is in there :-)


    Is it a pretty fun game? Bought it in the states 2 months ago, haven't gotten around to installing and playing it yet though.
    Fist are the worst at PvP AND PvE, if you disagree, as I said, take it to PM's or make your own guide. Go here if you want to debate about it. - Lyndura

    Get a High lvl Fist warrior use it, Restat to axes. GG - complexx

    :NOTE: These signatures are to forever immortalize, how stupid people can be.
  • Posts: 142 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I was wondering if I should feel annoyed with all the effort my cleric put into leveling every craft path up to near max so long ago. But looking at the price, I don't think it's really that bad. Charging 120 dollars for each person who wants to get roughly where I got for free is not that bad a deal all in all. Let em keep the game running, as long as anything taken from our efforts ends up costing them a large amount. me a Blacksmith one pl0x >.>
    1st sage assassin in sanctuary. That's right, I jumped in with my eyes half closed. b:cute
  • Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Is it a pretty fun game? Bought it in the states 2 months ago, haven't gotten around to installing and playing it yet though.

    Crime and Punishment is a forum I started up to allow players from all servers in PWI to name and shame people that need it as PWI themselves don't allow that activity.

  • Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Ahh, some hot chocolate and another doomsday thread for another maintenance where something gets added to the cash shop. The more things change the more they stay the same. b:victory

    Always got those who love to whine pointlessly to entertain me. b:chuckle

    Kind of my thought on the matter.

    Refill? c(_) ahhh
    Some people are like Slinkies. They aren't really good for anything, but you can't help but smile when you see one falling down stairs. b:chuckle

    Helpdesk: Double click on "My Computer"
    User: I can't see your computer.
    Helpdesk: No, double click on "My Computer" on your computer.
    User: Huh?
    Helpdesk: There is an icon on your computer labeled "My Computer". Double click on it.
    User: What's your computer doing on mine?
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    go ahead and try farming your apothacary lvl 8 book. ill see u in 5 months.
  • Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I support ppl saying its ridiculous/worthless or w/e bad.

    For ppl saying its worty, here's my example,

    I hav lvled all crafting skills to 5, and have all the 2** requirements.
    I just need to hit 80 and all will be lvl6.

    I bought almost all mats in normal catshop price (except 10-15 mats tht i originally had).
    The money i spent for all manufacture(BS,T,C,A) is, less than 1mil(lvl1-3), 2mil(lvl4), 3mil(lvl5), 6mil(lvl6).
    I kept making 2** for lvl4 and 6 and ended up making 13 2** (4 extra) for lvl 4 within 30 try(not including apo, obviously) and 19 2** (4 extra) for lvl6 in 45 try.
    I sold 2** for lvl4 for 300K each and got 1.2mil total and gave lvl6 stuffs to my friend for free :D

    so, total i spent to lvl all to 6 was 12-1.2=10.8mil
    if u have normal luck, u can make 2** by 30%(according to database) so should b able to finish while getting exp (10 for lvl4 and 15 for lvl6).

    in addition, i took like only 2 hours looking for mats.
    i recommend u getting those boxes ONLY IF u can earn 50mil in 2 or 3 hours.
    30gold each is epic failure.
  • Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I wonder if people will still be buying my glaze...
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Posts: 1,200 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    wtvdie wrote: »
    go ahead and try farming your apothacary lvl 8 book. ill see u in 5 months.

    they're really not that uncommon, and you can buy it from whoever its randomly doled out to during bh100, or even get lucky and get it on your fb99.

    honestly, for 30 bucks, i still think it's cheaper to just do it the old fashioned way.
  • Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    It's still a load of ****. Why should some cash shopper be able to max a skill for a mere 30 bucks without going through the quests and farming the us other people had to, most of which haven't even maxxed the skills yet! These boxes are a load of ****, I remember when the only big advantage cash shoppers had were charms. Now anyone with 100 bucks to spend on the game can get insane gear, great items, and now they can even max their manufacturing skills.... PWI is just... ugh I'm gonna stop before I get banned for saying some very rude things.
  • Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    It's still a load of ****. Why should some cash shopper be able to max a skill for a mere 30 bucks without going through the quests and farming the us other people had to, most of which haven't even maxxed the skills yet! These boxes are a load of ****, I remember when the only big advantage cash shoppers had were charms. Now anyone with 100 bucks to spend on the game can get insane gear, great items, and now they can even max their manufacturing skills.... PWI is just... ugh I'm gonna stop before I get banned for saying some very rude things.

    is lame but real b:spit
  • Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Honestly I think it shouldn't max it just raise it one level at most. Going from 5 to 8 is such a cop out and takes away from people who make the 2* items to try and resell to those players. They keep killing the market more and more each update. :(
    BladedZero - Sanctuary
    "Also I don't think actually playing through the game helps your skill either."

    -And we wonder why this game has gone to hell b:cute
  • Posts: 2,311 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Apparently heavy cash shoppers are no longer required to actually do anything that involves playing the game. While i myself would believe PW has covered all angles, i'm pretty sure they'll continue to come up with ways to make things easier for them.
  • Posts: 3,765 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Sorry to break up the QQing about the over-priced skill boxes, but the skills where pretty much already available in the cash shop, for a long time.

    At least since I started playing in may '09, and probably before that, all the crafting materials where available in the cash shop, except for herb, but there is no trick to leveling apoth (no 2* quests)

    Someone could buy all the mats they want and sit at the blacksmith blowing money until they made the required items.

    The boxes simply put a cap, and a rather high one, on the amount a cash-shopper will have to spend to make the required items.

    Alternatively they could have just sold gold and bought the 2 star items out of the AH, for a lot less than 30 gold.

    Its really not a big deal
  • Posts: 1,200 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    i find it funny tho that.. soon as players start really milking a niche market, pwi goes and makes that market obsolete by changing something or putting it in the cash shop. example is back before they revamped frost, that happened like 2 weeks after i started noticing people selling curvades which were then needed to gain access to squad mode, and also needed to craft gears if im not mistaken. lot of ppl were making a lot of money off of it. then they revamp frost, kill the market. these days, i've seen a lot more players selling the lvl 4, 6, 8 crafted items needed for the tailor or blacksmith. and now that market is obsolete too.

    i also find it funny that they release this now, a month or 2 after a month long mats sale, when most of the people i know bought the mats and lvld the skills the old fashioned way. seriously, looking at the timing and order of various sales and new items being released.. they have it all planned out. which sales to do when to maximize pw's profit with no regard for the player base. oracles in the cs for the first time with release of the tideborn, mats on sale with the revamp of bh, hyper stones released in conjunction with 2x weeks.

    and you can be sure that next week's sale is going to make people who bought into the sale of 2 weeks ago feel cheated.
  • Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    is lame but real b:spit
    i find it funny tho that.. soon as players start really milking a niche market, pwi goes and makes that market obsolete by changing something or putting it in the cash shop. example is back before they revamped frost, that happened like 2 weeks after i started noticing people selling curvades which were then needed to gain access to squad mode, and also needed to craft gears if im not mistaken. lot of ppl were making a lot of money off of it. then they revamp frost, kill the market. these days, i've seen a lot more players selling the lvl 4, 6, 8 crafted items needed for the tailor or blacksmith. and now that market is obsolete too.

    i also find it funny that they release this now, a month or 2 after a month long mats sale, when most of the people i know bought the mats and lvld the skills the old fashioned way. seriously, looking at the timing and order of various sales and new items being released.. they have it all planned out. which sales to do when to maximize pw's profit with no regard for the player base. oracles in the cs for the first time with release of the tideborn, mats on sale with the revamp of bh, hyper stones released in conjunction with 2x weeks.

    and you can be sure that next week's sale is going to make people who bought into the sale of 2 weeks ago feel cheated.

    For a lot of CS players they are already lvl 7-8 so it's not going to be huge for them but if some people save up enough zen they certainly get a BIG boost from this. I haven't looked at prices but if you're already lvl 6 it might be cheaper to buy items for lvl 8.
    BladedZero - Sanctuary
    "Also I don't think actually playing through the game helps your skill either."

    -And we wonder why this game has gone to hell b:cute
  • Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I actually have to say that I agree with everyone who says this is a bit unfair to those who busted their asses getting their skill lvl up. Honestly yes it is a temptation to buy the skill packs but I enjoy the fact that I worked hard to get my lvl where it is.

    I don't think it should max the skill out.. someone said a few post earlier it should just lvl it up by one. I can live with that. But if they keep coming up with these kind of items they might as well come up with a noob box for 200 dollars. You get your toon to the max lvl everything maxed with the best armor and weapon. All your skills maxed... the only thing you have to do is act like a noob.
    "I'm Not Bad, I'm Just Drawn That Way"
    ~ Jessica Rabbit
    Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
    Ittoogami says I'm addicted to clothes, but I say a girl can never have enough outfits!
  • Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Sorry to break up the QQing about the over-priced skill boxes, but the skills where pretty much already available in the cash shop, for a long time.

    At least since I started playing in may '09, and probably before that, all the crafting materials where available in the cash shop, except for herb, but there is no trick to leveling apoth (no 2* quests)

    Someone could buy all the mats they want and sit at the blacksmith blowing money until they made the required items.

    The boxes simply put a cap, and a rather high one, on the amount a cash-shopper will have to spend to make the required items.

    Alternatively they could have just sold gold and bought the 2 star items out of the AH, for a lot less than 30 gold.

    Its really not a big deal

    Yes, but there was on guarantee they could make the items. We all know mats have always been available but it wasn't just a handout. You still had to work for your manufacturing skills and now it's a handout just like good gear and levels.

    PWI has done enough to give cash shoppers advantages, they need to quit before non cash shoppers quit, because that would ruin the cash shoppers income of money meaning they can't get rich anymore by selling gold to those who don't buy it... and that would probably result in quitting since majority of them don't know how to actually play the game.

    I wonder what they'll do without all those cash shoppers wanting to buy their items... hmm :3
  • Posts: 1,200 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    For a lot of CS players they are already lvl 7-8 so it's not going to be huge for them but if some people save up enough zen they certainly get a BIG boost from this. I haven't looked at prices but if you're already lvl 6 it might be cheaper to buy items for lvl 8.

    exactly, a lot of people already spent a ton during the mats sale to lvl these skills. the only shortcut to that was not having to farm the mats or hunt them down in the auction or west arch. but with the packs you get skill exp items (dont need to craft anything) and the lvl up skill books (so you dont need to do the obnoxious quests).
  • Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    How much this boxes costs in coins(Milions?)
    And if you have for example Tailor lvl 3 with 1 box you can max it to 8?
  • Posts: 812 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Umm is it like 1 pack per skill level or 1 pack for all 8 levels? I am leaning towards the former from what I read and understood. I believe opening the pack would give you an item to max your current skill level and then another item to learn the next skill level.

    Even at 30 gold per pack for all 8 levels, it would take you 120 gold to max all your crafting skills. Keeping gold at 300k (thats what i saw on DW) thats like 36 mils b:shocked

    For 36 mils, you can easily buy the mats and the 2*s and up in the regular fashioned way.
  • Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Umm is it like 1 pack per skill level or 1 pack for all 8 levels? I am leaning towards the former from what I read and understood. I believe opening the pack would give you an item to max your current skill level and then another item to learn the next skill level.

    Even at 30 gold per pack for all 8 levels, it would take you 120 gold to max all your crafting skills. Keeping gold at 300k (thats what i saw on DW) thats like 36 mils b:shocked

    For 36 mils, you can easily buy the mats and the 2*s and up in the regular fashioned way.

    Most lvl 99s that can max it at 8 with these boxes can get that kind of gold without A LOT of issues.
    BladedZero - Sanctuary
    "Also I don't think actually playing through the game helps your skill either."

    -And we wonder why this game has gone to hell b:cute


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