Account Stash



  • Fiendishkit - Heavens Tear
    Fiendishkit - Heavens Tear Posts: 193 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    i'll agree with your 1st point that hacking is NOT a serious issue.

    All hope for reasoning just went down the drain right here.

    You hackah! D:<....okay j/k...or am I <.<
  • Airyll - Dreamweaver
    Airyll - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,882 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    find me even a single post where i am narrowminded?

    Here's an example
    i'm getting bored having to repeat myself over and over for the same boring arguments you keep making, especially when they are flawed from the start.

    Everybody - EVERYBODY - on this thread has disagreed with you and everybody - EVERYBODY - has told you why with perfectly good reasons. You continue to say, however, that apparently every single one of these people are wrong and are arguments are failed.

    There's one tiny little example in this thread full of your failure, about how narrowminded you are.
    Just one example.

    Now seriously, GTFO, Foxgrit.

    Also, hacking is a very serious issue. The fact you think it's not says something.
  • RADD_RATT - Harshlands
    RADD_RATT - Harshlands Posts: 349 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    aww he didnt argue what i posted. QQ i want to rant and rage too
  • Foxgrit - Lost City
    Foxgrit - Lost City Posts: 421 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    ok so then....youve never done your alts quests with your main? youve never done youre BHs and FBs for your alt on your main? then 1. youre ****, becasue i sure as hell would be. and 2. then why did you go through the trouble of making a different account for each character?

    i just spent to much of my life life reading this whole thread and the first thing ive noticed is NOBODY AGREES WITH YOU! so maybe...just MAYBE, you can swallow your pride and admit you are wrong. the programmers obviously didnt intend you to have the ability to play more then 1 character at a time. if they did they would allow you to play them on the same account. but theres nothing they can do about the very many people on this game that worked around that the way you have. so why should those people be rewarded?

    so then lets add something to your very first post in this topic. IF they did everything you ask for, then should they not also make it availible to play more then one character at a time on the same account. other wise it would be giving the duel accounters an advantage over the people who play the game the way it was intended to be played.

    so you had a choice. be able to play 2 characters at the same time....or.... be able to trade bound items to 2 players that can not play at the same time.

    NOW your argument on that was you made the decision before the account stash came out. well, you thought you were outsmarting the system by making different acounts. and now you are being ***** slapped. to me this is alot like someone cheating on thier taxes and not informing the government on thier whole income as to pay less taxes. THEN when its time for everyone to get taxes back you ***** that youre not getting back as much as everyone else becasue you lied and didnt pay all your taxes. go ahead, cheat the system all you want. but understand that when then the reason you dont get a certain advantage is becasue you played out side the box ITS YOUR OWN DAMN FAULT!

    im sorry for this rediculously long post. but i think ive made a solid argument that everyone but you in this thread would back me up on. thank you come again.

    1-dont do quests its faster to level without them.
    2-been asked and answered multiple times. reason for separate accounts is buffs.
    3-where has it ever been said by anyone who matters that you are intended to only have 1 account? GMs have already stated that it is 100% within the rules to have multiple accounts. nice try though.
    4-by your logic the cash shop needs to be removed because it entitles those willing to spend money to have an unfair advantage over people who dont want to spend any money. from day one you have always had the option of buying another computer if you wanted to log in 2 characters at the same time.
    5-as already been stated. 2 accounts has already been deemed 100% legal by the GMs so your failed comparison to cheating taxes has already been nullified.
    And so Foxgrit do you always want everything in life just handed to you for your own convenience?

    I'm with all who have stated that you have entirely too much time in game... you should get of the house sometimes, there's the whole big wide world out there. Oh but wait... it's such a scary world out there maybe I'll just stay in my own little "Perfect World."

    Sorry for being off topic. b:bye

    i expect nothing handed to me i expect this to be a cash shop feature that i would have to purchase to use. all this entails is being on equal footing with single account users on being able to use already farmed/upgraded equipment on a new character.
    If you insist. I've looked up total amount of exp needed for each levels and calculated how many days it would take to level based on daily CS listed on pwdatabase (which I assume is the "only" thing you did on many of them since you said "log in for 10 minutes"). No BH or WQ or whatever. Numbers are rounded up to the closest decimal so it is pretty accurate.

    So in a nutshell:
    lvl 30-40 -> 47 days
    lvl 40-50 -> 54 days
    lvl 50-60 -> 76 days
    lvl 60-70 -> 119 days
    lvl 70-80 -> 191 days
    lvl 80-85 -> 149 days
    lv...oh wait what's this?
    47+54+76+119+191+149 = 636 days.
    Wow that seems a lot more than a year. How long has this game been out for again?

    Now let's see what alts you supposedly have:

    So essentially you have 5 high level alts that you must have worked hard on simultaneously up to this point. Yes, that takes a skill AND loads of free time. Yay for extreme multi-tasking? Where did you get the extra arms?

    Sarcasm aside, I'm afraid I have to call you a liar and that your credibility on anything you've said is next to none. b:bye

    did i say anywhere that was all i ever did on every single character? nope.

    how long does it take you to run a bh29? not sure about you but i can clear it in around 5 minutes. bh39 15-20 minutes. almost no effort. add in all those and see where your calculations get you on timeframes? 51s wait til you have every boss then clear them all. 51 takes ~25 minutes. 59 takes ~20 minutes. btw i can run as many of them as i want at the same time i have multiple computers. all i do is have a friend clear it out and i can bring along multiple alts at the same time. not more than 5 minutes effort to do a wq when you just look back every once in a while to autopath next stop. all the ones on harshlands were leveled in 3 months before i quit there. also i never oracled before you try bring up something stupid as that.

    anyway why are you back to the same old fail argument over whether or not i have the characters i have claimed to have. it has no bearing on the issue whatsoever. everyone from now on is going to get the same response when they try this lame argument...learn to read moron.
    LMAO! thats a long ways to go to prove someone wrong but damn its funny. but on the other hand i know how he he could have so many characters at high level. BECAUSE HES FOCKING MULTI CLIENTING! even though "there is no real substantial advantage to having multiple accounts other than being able to buff yourself. that is the only real advantage."

    they can check my ip logs all they want multiclienting is multiple clients on 1 machine. i use multiple machines with 1 client on each. in other words that is not multiclienting.

    try to change the subject some more. if you cant come up with a valid argument i guess you have to try to use lame baseless arguments that have nothing to do with the main point of things.
  • Skybelle - Sanctuary
    Skybelle - Sanctuary Posts: 595 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    1-dont do quests its faster to level without them.

    So what's the fastest way to level? Oracles? b:chuckle
    my C H A R A C T E R S ; feel free to message me in game.
    Skybelle (cleric; currently on break) | Psybelle (psychic; rarely on) | Cocobelle (veno; current main)
  • Foxgrit - Lost City
    Foxgrit - Lost City Posts: 421 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Here's an example

    Everybody - EVERYBODY - on this thread has disagreed with you and everybody - EVERYBODY - has told you why with perfectly good reasons. You continue to say, however, that apparently every single one of these people are wrong and are arguments are failed.

    There's one tiny little example in this thread full of your failure, about how narrowminded you are.
    Just one example.

    Now seriously, GTFO, Foxgrit.

    Also, hacking is a very serious issue. The fact you think it's not says something.
    i have 14 venomancers on Lost City. how does this prove or disprove anything? ranging from lvl 1 to lvl 85.

    account stash is great imo. but i think it was released right after the tideborn chars? most likely a lot of people would have been more apt to use the account stash had it been released before the new class. i would have totally made my assassin on the same account and used account stash to transfer gear.

    had account stash be available at the start of the game, i would have grouped characters on the same account.

    show me where that is disagreeing with me? oh damn you cant. nice try though. maybe you should try not to use absolutes when you are arguing a failed point. the number of people agreeing/disagreeing has nothing to do with the issue anyways. how many of the people raging about it in such a negative way do you think have multiple accounts? its only the ones like you with 1 account that want to keep your huge advantage you have due to how this changed things.

    every single one of your arguments has been cut to shreds. instead of spewing out the same old **** why dont you at least try to come up with something new or at least try to argue how your failed points were really valid.

    narrowminded would mean i am using the same argument over and over. yet it seems that you are the one doing that and i have ripped them apart in different ways over and over throughout the thread. i have shown exactly how it could be implemented to bypass any of your arguments yet you cant seem to think of anything new to say.

    hacking is indeed a serious issue. IF SOMEONE IS TRULY ****. someone giving out their logins and getting cleaned out is in no way shape or form hacking. People who go pick up a keylogger due to visiting malicious web sites are not truly being ****. it is well known the dangers of visiting cheat/warez sites or opening unknown files. a simple antivirus would stop most of these even if they for some reason felt the need to go to one of these sites which are illegal in the first place. These actions are basically the same thing as giving out all your information and you deserve to lose everything because you intend to cheat the game and/or steal software/games/movies.

    as i said before...seriously just come up with 1 valid argument on how this is so horrible. facts not opinions. or do you have no facts to back yourself up and just rage for fun.
  • Foxgrit - Lost City
    Foxgrit - Lost City Posts: 421 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    So what's the fastest way to level? Oracles? b:chuckle

    read before posting. your lame comments have already been answered multiple times.
  • RADD_RATT - Harshlands
    RADD_RATT - Harshlands Posts: 349 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    1-dont do quests its faster to level without them.
    2-been asked and answered multiple times. reason for separate accounts is buffs.
    3-where has it ever been said by anyone who matters that you are intended to only have 1 account? GMs have already stated that it is 100% within the rules to have multiple accounts. nice try though.
    4-by your logic the cash shop needs to be removed because it entitles those willing to spend money to have an unfair advantage over people who dont want to spend any money. from day one you have always had the option of buying another computer if you wanted to log in 2 characters at the same time.
    5-as already been stated. 2 accounts has already been deemed 100% legal by the GMs so your failed comparison to cheating taxes has already been nullified.

    1- you are a complete tard if you think you cant use a 1 high lvl character to lvl a lower lvl character.
    2-you must not have any freinds if no one will buff you. although thats not exactly hard to beleive.
    3-it hasnt been said. but if the game was inted for 1 person controlling multiple characters at the same time. they would allow you to do that on the same account. the fact that you chose to do it meant you make different accounts, and there is absolutly nothing wrong with that as long as you ACCEPT THE FACT THE YOU DONT GET SAME ACCOUNT BENEFITS
    4-please explain how "my logic" idicates that their shouldnt be a cash shop. becasue im not seeing it. and if your saying its becasue im not supporting your idea of a new cash shop item that allows what youre asking then you are about as dumb as a box of rocks. thats like saying "hey i think there should be a cash shop item that lets you pick one skill from every class and add it to your skill list and if you dont agree with me then you must think the cash shop shouldnt exist"
    5-ok so its not an identical situation...but what did you think those other 7 character slots were for? maybe theres a reason i can make more then one chacter on the same account.

    6- one thing you didnt argue that i would like to hear is if they gave you what you were looking for they would also have to make charcters of the same accounts able to play at the same time. other wise now the tide has turned and its the people with same account characters getting punished instead of the "smart ones" that made a different account for each character.b:bye
  • Airyll - Dreamweaver
    Airyll - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,882 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    show me where that is disagreeing with me? oh damn you cant. nice try though. maybe you should try not to use absolutes when you are arguing a failed point. the number of people agreeing/disagreeing has nothing to do with the issue anyways. how many of the people raging about it in such a negative way do you think have multiple accounts? its only the ones like you with 1 account that want to keep your huge advantage you have due to how this changed things

    You're so ****ing stupid.

    And you've also just proven you cannot read.

    Because I've already said I have more than one account.

    But you know what? QQ moar. I'm tired of you and your bull**** because that's all it is. You keep saying "failed point failed point failed point" and yet you fail to realise everybody in this thread is disagreeing with you because the only failed point is yours and when you can't prove your point has any validity you instead resort to childishly saying how we're all wrong and how we're all narrowminded. You cannot actually prove your own points and why they work.

    Read again

    Nowhere have you shown us how your suggestion would be valid. Anywhere. All you have done is tell us our points fail as if that proves your points were right.

    Exit stage right, you stupid fool. Don't hit your head on the way out. I'm too tired to deal with kids in preschool who can't accept defeat gracefully and still don't get the point after being slapped in the face multiple times with the fact.
  • Foxgrit - Lost City
    Foxgrit - Lost City Posts: 421 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    1- you are a complete tard if you think you cant use a 1 high lvl character to lvl a lower lvl character.
    2-you must not have any freinds if no one will buff you. although thats not exactly hard to beleive.
    3-it hasnt been said. but if the game was inted for 1 person controlling multiple characters at the same time. they would allow you to do that on the same account. the fact that you chose to do it meant you make different accounts, and there is absolutly nothing wrong with that as long as you ACCEPT THE FACT THE YOU DONT GET SAME ACCOUNT BENEFITS
    4-please explain how "my logic" idicates that their shouldnt be a cash shop. becasue im not seeing it. and if your saying its becasue im not supporting your idea of a new cash shop item that allows what youre asking then you are about as dumb as a box of rocks. thats like saying "hey i think there should be a cash shop item that lets you pick one skill from every class and add it to your skill list and if you dont agree with me then you must think the cash shop shouldnt exist"
    5-ok so its not an identical situation...but what did you think those other 7 character slots were for? maybe theres a reason i can make more then one chacter on the same account.

    6- one thing you didnt argue that i would like to hear is if they gave you what you were looking for they would also have to make charcters of the same accounts able to play at the same time. other wise now the tide has turned and its the people with same account characters getting punished instead of the "smart ones" that made a different account for each character.b:bye

    1-will it work...yes. is it
    2-could i get i going to bother others every 30 minutes to an hour (depending on buff) for a fresh set of
    3-no rules against it as you agree. these benefits were added after the fact 1.5 years after this version has been in existence. not including the 4-5 years the Chinese version has been in existence.
    4-here you go from your own words.
    other wise it would be giving the duel accounters an advantage over the people who play the game the way it was intended to be played.
    if someone wants to spend money on a 2nd computer to have added benefits its the same as someone who wants to spend money in the cash shop for added benefits.
    5-its called an option for those that would rather keep all their characters on the same account. it has never been in any way required to fill up all the emtpy slots in an account with characters.
    6-already been answered but has always been that way since the game began therefore its in no way any kind of nerf to people with a single account to have an item which would link account stashes between accounts. single account users would be in no way punished by creating a item which links accounts. they will still have the same option of transferring items between characters. if you want to argue that they are being nerfed by not being allowed to log in multiple characters they have always had that option from the start of having a 2nd account which could be logged in simultaneously.
    You're so ****ing stupid.

    And you've also just proven you cannot read.

    Because I've already said I have more than one account.

    But you know what? QQ moar. I'm tired of you and your bull**** because that's all it is. You keep saying "failed point failed point failed point" and yet you fail to realise everybody in this thread is disagreeing with you because the only failed point is yours and when you can't prove your point has any validity you instead resort to childishly saying how we're all wrong and how we're all narrowminded. You cannot actually prove your own points and why they work.

    Read again

    Nowhere have you shown us how your suggestion would be valid. Anywhere. All you have done is tell us our points fail as if that proves your points were right.

    Exit stage right, you stupid fool. Don't hit your head on the way out. I'm too tired to deal with kids in preschool who can't accept defeat gracefully and still don't get the point after being slapped in the face multiple times with the fact.

    anyone ever tell you that you have anger management issues? i have proven over and over how it can work yet you seem to only read the parts of the posts you can rage over. i have shown how each point ever made can easily be overcome and you do nothing but repeat the same things over and over without disproving any points i have made. not everyone is narrowminded but you definitely are. some have given their opinions against it without resorting to rage as you have. maybe you should go back and reread everything as many times as it takes for you to comprehend simple english then come back and try to dispute my arguments after you actually understand what was said.

    before responding go take a deep breath and count to 10 maybe that will help you out with your rage issues. my 7 year old nephew throws less temper tantrums than you do.

    BTW using words that have to get edited out does not help you get your points across.
  • Sarhina - Raging Tide
    Sarhina - Raging Tide Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    The OP makes me want to bash my head against a wall......hard.

    I'm repeating a lot of points already made, but because you seem to be unable to grasp simple and easy to understand concepts, let me break this down for you:

    1)YOU, and I repeat, YOU were the one who decided to make multiple accounts to make leveling and trading a helluva lot easer on you. Congratulations, you have enough money for 2+ computers.

    2)Because the account stash makes it easier for characters on the SAME ACCOUNT to trade between themselves, you must have it as well. After all, the world revolves around you doesn't it?

    3)Your logic behind how to make your mythical 'across account stone' is flawed and fail. Just get someone else's e-mail, passwords, and PWI account information and tada! they have instant access to your account. Just give their character your stuff, send some insulting e-mails to your boss, you know, basic stuff. And virus software generally picks up stuff AFTER it infects your computer. And even then, hackers are getting better and better at beating the system every minute. The 'across account' system would just give them more incentive to go after more people.

    4)And of course, the logistics behind just transferring stuff from one account to another is just something I would kill this thread for thinking about. They would have to hard copy the information from one account to another, and doing that for every single person who had multiple accounts would be stupid and a waste of time. It would be like having the account stash work across servers. Having to transfer all that data from one server to another, or one account to another is more work and effort that necessary.

    So stop trying to make your point. It is fail, it has been fail, and will always be fail.
  • RADD_RATT - Harshlands
    RADD_RATT - Harshlands Posts: 349 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    1-will it work...yes. is it
    2-could i get i going to bother others every 30 minutes to an hour (depending on buff) for a fresh set of
    3-no rules against it as you agree. these benefits were added after the fact 1.5 years after this version has been in existence. not including the 4-5 years the Chinese version has been in existence.
    4-here you go from your own words.

    if someone wants to spend money on a 2nd computer to have added benefits its the same as someone who wants to spend money in the cash shop for added benefits.
    5-its called an option for those that would rather keep all their characters on the same account. it has never been in any way required to fill up all the emtpy slots in an account with characters.
    6-already been answered but has always been that way since the game began therefore its in no way any kind of nerf to people with a single account to have an item which would link account stashes between accounts. single account users would be in no way punished by creating a item which links accounts. they will still have the same option of transferring items between characters. if you want to argue that they are being nerfed by not being allowed to log in multiple characters they have always had that option from the start of having a 2nd account which could be logged in simultaneously.

    1-so soloing BHs and FBs and solo zenning mobs for lower lvls isnt effective?
    2-you must suck if you need buffs every second of game play. i get them just fine without bothering people becasue on my server we do this thing called "party buff" usually right at the beginning of an instense and sometimes before bosses where everyone gathers around and throws a buff down at the same time so everyone in the party has all buffs from everyone else in the party. its quite convient, you should try it some time.
    3- so were the GMs supposed to assume that you were going to make a different account for each character instead of useing the slots they gave you?
    4-you are a moron. its completly obvious that the makers of PWI have made a secret act with HP Dell and microsoft to alter the rules of their game based only on the reason as it will make people buy more computers.
    5-yes an option that you chose to ignore and are now not getting the benefits from it
    it has always been that way since the game began therefore its in no way any kind of nerf to people that duel account to not have an item which would link account stashes between accounts. duel account users would be in no way punished by not purchasing an item which links accounts
    i fixed it for you b:victory

    ok youre turn now :) this is fun!
  • Foxgrit - Lost City
    Foxgrit - Lost City Posts: 421 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    The OP makes me want to bash my head against a wall......hard.

    I'm repeating a lot of points already made, but because you seem to be unable to grasp simple and easy to understand concepts, let me break this down for you:

    1)YOU, and I repeat, YOU were the one who decided to make multiple accounts to make leveling and trading a helluva lot easer on you. Congratulations, you have enough money for 2+ computers.

    2)Because the account stash makes it easier for characters on the SAME ACCOUNT to trade between themselves, you must have it as well. After all, the world revolves around you doesn't it?

    3)Your logic behind how to make your mythical 'across account stone' is flawed and fail. Just get someone else's e-mail, passwords, and PWI account information and tada! they have instant access to your account. Just give their character your stuff, send some insulting e-mails to your boss, you know, basic stuff. And virus software generally picks up stuff AFTER it infects your computer. And even then, hackers are getting better and better at beating the system every minute. The 'across account' system would just give them more incentive to go after more people.

    4)And of course, the logistics behind just transferring stuff from one account to another is just something I would kill this thread for thinking about. They would have to hard copy the information from one account to another, and doing that for every single person who had multiple accounts would be stupid and a waste of time. It would be like having the account stash work across servers. Having to transfer all that data from one server to another, or one account to another is more work and effort that necessary.

    So stop trying to make your point. It is fail, it has been fail, and will always be fail.

    1- i will agree to. i chose to make multiple accounts. there were no benefits to using 1 account when this game was released. been answered multiple times.
    2-if you would bother to read instead of insinuating things you would have already seen the arguments on that point.
    3-and how do people get your logins/email/passwords? why would anyone care about sending an email to your boss and why would your boss be on your personal email account in the first place? a true hacker would have no interest in perfect world. besides the fact that they would have to find a way to infect your computer to get your information in the first place. even if i concede that this mystical hacker is interested in perfect world. if they want perfect world information how are they going to infect a players computer so they are able to steal their information. they will first need to somehow get your ip address unless you are going to ****/warez sites which are illegal in the first place.
    4-how would it require any kind of transferring?
    what happens when you log into your account? the server accessing the information on that account.
    to access this feature you would need to have the logins for the account that you were trying to link. the server just accesses the database again for the information linked to that account login. nothing new that it doesnt do millions of times a day. the only change would be how that information would be used.
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    This is what I see in this thread.

    My name is Foxgrit! My IQ is 3! I can count this many b:victory!

    You are all mean to me I hate you!

    I want the pretty shiny toy you have because you put all your toys in one basket, you get to play with them all.

    I tossed my toys all over the place and now I can't play with them all.

    It isn't fair!





    I WANT MY BINKY!!!!!!!!!!!

    It is your own fault for putting all your toys in different baskets. STFU and deal with it dumbass.

  • Skybelle - Sanctuary
    Skybelle - Sanctuary Posts: 595 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    This is what I see in this thread.

    My name is Foxgrit! My IQ is 3! I can count this many b:victory!

    You are all mean to me I hate you!

    I want the pretty shiny toy you have because you put all your toys in one basket, you get to play with them all.

    I tossed my toys all over the place and now I can't play with them all.

    It isn't fair!





    I WANT MY BINKY!!!!!!!!!!!

    It is your own fault for putting all your toys in different baskets. STFU and deal with it dumbass.


    i c wut u did dur b:bye
    my C H A R A C T E R S ; feel free to message me in game.
    Skybelle (cleric; currently on break) | Psybelle (psychic; rarely on) | Cocobelle (veno; current main)
  • RADD_RATT - Harshlands
    RADD_RATT - Harshlands Posts: 349 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    This is what I see in this thread.

    My name is Foxgrit! My IQ is 3! I can count this many b:victory!

    You are all mean to me I hate you!

    I want the pretty shiny toy you have because you put all your toys in one basket, you get to play with them all.

    I tossed my toys all over the place and now I can't play with them all.

    It isn't fair!





    I WANT MY BINKY!!!!!!!!!!!

    It is your own fault for putting all your toys in different baskets. STFU and deal with it dumbass.


    ROFLMFAO! that is so the perfect way to describe this hilarious situation. you deserve a medal for that epic post
  • Foxgrit - Lost City
    Foxgrit - Lost City Posts: 421 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    1-so soloing BHs and FBs and solo zenning mobs for lower lvls isnt effective?
    2-you must suck if you need buffs every second of game play. i get them just fine without bothering people becasue on my server we do this thing called "party buff" usually right at the beginning of an instense and sometimes before bosses where everyone gathers around and throws a buff down at the same time so everyone in the party has all buffs from everyone else in the party. its quite convient, you should try it some time.
    3- so were the GMs supposed to assume that you were going to make a different account for each character instead of useing the slots they gave you?
    4-you are a moron. its completly obvious that the makers of PWI have made a secret act with HP Dell and microsoft to alter the rules of their game based only on the reason as it will make people buy more computers.
    5-yes an option that you chose to ignore and are now not getting the benefits from it
    i fixed it for you b:victory

    ok youre turn now :) this is fun!

    1-no its not. waste time and money.
    2-who is talking about party instances? do you always have 1 person of each class in every party that you are in?
    3-GMs dont have to assume anything. its an option that has always existed and they have always known since the beginning of the game that some use 1 account and some use multiple accounts.
    4-just showing how your argument is flawed seeing as this game is based on the fact that spending money gives you an advantage.
    5-cant be bothered looking back at what you are trying to refute.
    6-pretty failed victory. i can change quotes of yours as well does that mean your edited quote means anything?

    I cant come up with a valid argument so I have to act like a 5 year old making things up. I think its really funny when I claim something that never happened. If I make things up enough I will even start to believe them which will then make them true and I will be proven right since I believe it

    now does that mean you actually said that? i just quoted you so it must be true. guess i win now? seriously you need to learn how to argue a point without making up stories.
  • Foxgrit - Lost City
    Foxgrit - Lost City Posts: 421 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    This is what I see in this thread.

    My name is Foxgrit! My IQ is 3! I can count this many b:victory!

    You are all mean to me I hate you!

    I want the pretty shiny toy you have because you put all your toys in one basket, you get to play with them all.

    I tossed my toys all over the place and now I can't play with them all.

    It isn't fair!





    I WANT MY BINKY!!!!!!!!!!!

    It is your own fault for putting all your toys in different baskets. STFU and deal with it dumbass.


    well other than the fact my iq is quite a bit higher than 3 and i havent thrown any kind of tantrum in any way and i havent whined in any way, i guess you are so right.

    if account stash existed back when this game started i would have done things differently and would have no argument to make.
    -this option allows everyone to use their hard earned equipment on their alts.
    -this option allows PWI to sell more cash shop items.

    i do have to say that it was good for a laugh when i read it though. my can of troll-b-gone is on my other computer and i'm too lazy to log on there so oh well troll away.
  • RADD_RATT - Harshlands
    RADD_RATT - Harshlands Posts: 349 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    1-no its not. waste time and money.
    2-who is talking about party instances? do you always have 1 person of each class in every party that you are in?
    3-GMs dont have to assume anything. its an option that has always existed and they have always known since the beginning of the game that some use 1 account and some use multiple accounts.
    4-just showing how your argument is flawed seeing as this game is based on the fact that spending money gives you an advantage.
    5-cant be bothered looking back at what you are trying to refute.
    6-pretty failed victory. i can change quotes of yours as well does that mean your edited quote means anything?

    now does that mean you actually said that? i just quoted you so it must be true. guess i win now? seriously you need to learn how to argue a point without making up stories.

    WHOAWOEWOAWOAHWHOE!back the fock up here.i didnt "make up" anything. re-read what i put. i simply made some small changes to show you that your argument works in both ways...and not just in your favor. i did NOT make anything up. did you actually read what i posted? i thought it was pretty clever, yet instead of arguing it you avoided it completly with your absurd and false claims of me making stuff up.

    but on a serious note. how long are you going to argue an entire population of an MMO forum when nobody agrees with you?
  • Airyll - Dreamweaver
    Airyll - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,882 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    This is what I see in this thread.

    My name is Foxgrit! My IQ is 3! I can count this many b:victory!

    You are all mean to me I hate you!

    I want the pretty shiny toy you have because you put all your toys in one basket, you get to play with them all.

    I tossed my toys all over the place and now I can't play with them all.

    It isn't fair!





    I WANT MY BINKY!!!!!!!!!!!

    It is your own fault for putting all your toys in different baskets. STFU and deal with it dumbass.


    Now now, Saitada, don't go insulting those people with an IQ of 3.

    I doubt Foxgrit even has that much IQ.
  • RADD_RATT - Harshlands
    RADD_RATT - Harshlands Posts: 349 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Now now, Saitada, don't go insulting those people with an IQ of 3.

    I doubt Foxgrit even has that much IQ.

    no no she does. her IQ is actually 5 as stated here:
    well other than the fact my iq is quite a bit higher than 3

    lol i really have nothin better to do for the next hour. keep it goin
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    well other than the fact my iq is quite a bit higher than 3 and i havent thrown any kind of tantrum in any way and i havent whined in any way, i guess you are so right.

    if account stash existed back when this game started i would have done things differently and would have no argument to make.
    -this option allows everyone to use their hard earned equipment on their alts.
    -this option allows PWI to sell more cash shop items.

    i do have to say that it was good for a laugh when i read it though. my can of troll-b-gone is on my other computer and i'm too lazy to log on there so oh well troll away.

    Fox, the fact is, you made a choice when you created your characters. That choice was to create them on separate accounts. When I started this game, account stashes didn't exist either. I have multiple accounts, and multiple characters on each account.

    I can't transfer bound gear from one account to another. Am I complaining about that? No. I see that as the price of those characters being on separate accounts. If I want to transfer something from one account to another, I don't bind it.

    It is a simple matter of logic even BEFORE account stashes came into being.

    The problem you have is that you feel it is unfair to be able to transfer items between characters on the same account (which btw, you could do before, you just needed to not have them bound).

    The account stash simply makes it easier for people who have ONE account, to transfer stuff to their other characters without being required to trust someone else, or own multiple computers in their homes and run multiple accounts.

    This is entirely reasonable, and fair. Most MMO's have or implement a similar function as it is an often called for addition, and ALL of them limit it to ONE ACCOUNT. Not the ability to transfer from multiple accounts. The fact that most MMO's don't charge you for this additional ability and PWI does, means that they needed to add a little something 'extra' into the equation to make buying the account stash stones worthwhile to people. Passing Bound gear became that 'extra' incentive.

    So while I do understand what you are saying, the fact is. You made a choice. You are now unhappy with that choice. Guess what, life is full of choices we make that we become unhappy with. Some we can change or fix, some we can't.

    I don't see this choice being something that you will be able to change or fix.

    So deal with the consequences of your actions and choices.

  • Foxgrit - Lost City
    Foxgrit - Lost City Posts: 421 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Fox, the fact is, you made a choice when you created your characters. That choice was to create them on separate accounts. When I started this game, account stashes didn't exist either. I have multiple accounts, and multiple characters on each account.

    I can't transfer bound gear from one account to another. Am I complaining about that? No. I see that as the price of those characters being on separate accounts. If I want to transfer something from one account to another, I don't bind it.

    It is a simple matter of logic even BEFORE account stashes came into being.

    The problem you have is that you feel it is unfair to be able to transfer items between characters on the same account (which btw, you could do before, you just needed to not have them bound).

    The account stash simply makes it easier for people who have ONE account, to transfer stuff to their other characters without being required to trust someone else, or own multiple computers in their homes and run multiple accounts.

    This is entirely reasonable, and fair. Most MMO's have or implement a similar function as it is an often called for addition, and ALL of them limit it to ONE ACCOUNT. Not the ability to transfer from multiple accounts. The fact that most MMO's don't charge you for this additional ability and PWI does, means that they needed to add a little something 'extra' into the equation to make buying the account stash stones worthwhile to people. Passing Bound gear became that 'extra' incentive.

    So while I do understand what you are saying, the fact is. You made a choice. You are now unhappy with that choice. Guess what, life is full of choices we make that we become unhappy with. Some we can change or fix, some we can't.

    I don't see this choice being something that you will be able to change or fix.

    So deal with the consequences of your actions and choices.


    finally someone who doesnt fail on the basic merits of their arguments to discuss the issue with.

    i would never bind anything by choice. i think binding is the most idiotic thing anyone could ever do. the issue is with the forced bound items which all the high end items are. if it wasnt for forced binding this point would cease to exist. the other issue is with the insane experience items from BH 100 which can be transferred to allow insane leveling on an alt.

    i have in no way ever asked for them to be tradable between other players only to have a new cash shop item which i would be willing to pay for to link 2 accounts owned by the same player.

    i agree that i made the choice to use multiple accounts. i made that choice based on the available information given by the GMs at the time that bound items would never be tradable. since that time this was changed to allow the transfer of bound items between characters. i am just making a suggestion to create a new cash shop item which can link account stashes between accounts of the same person.

    i have a question for you. if this option were to be made available as a cash shop item to link account stashes between your own personal accounts would it be something you would feel you could get use out of?
  • Escorian - Dreamweaver
    Escorian - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,802 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    What i think is funny is the OP in many of his posts stated that he never wanted the stones to be removed or changed and yet in his first post he says this

    Possible fixes...

    -Remove the ability to transfer bound items that are untradable under normal circumstances. (will upset people who currently have stash)

    also all i ever see in this post by Foxgrit is that everyone is wrong, and the only reason he made a character was so he could buff himself.
    how long does it take you to run a bh29? not sure about you but i can clear it in around 5 minutes. bh39 15-20 minutes. almost no effort. add in all those and see where your calculations get you on timeframes? 51s wait til you have every boss then clear them all. 51 takes ~25 minutes. 59 takes ~20 minutes. btw i can run as many of them as i want at the same time i have multiple computers. all i do is have a friend clear it out and i can bring along multiple alts at the same time. not more than 5 minutes effort to do a wq when you just look back every once in a while to autopath next stop. all the ones on harshlands were leveled in 3 months before i quit there. also i never oracled before you try bring up something stupid as that.

    hmm something he seems to have just disagreed with here or am i seeing this wrong.
    ty Nowitsawn

    Everything has its beginnings, but it doesn't start at one. It starts long before that... The world is born From zero. The moment zero becomes one is the moment the world springs to life. One becomes 2. 2 becomes 10. 10 becomes 100. taking it all back to one solves nothing. so long as zero remains... One.. Will eventually grow to 100 again.
  • Elezara - Sanctuary
    Elezara - Sanctuary Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I don't know why it still amazes me when something good comes into game and some can't take advantage of it (for whatever reason) the simple solution in their minds is to take it away from everyone.

    How very, very selfish of you.

    Very well said, Shayisha!

    Cripes! It seems like every time PWI comes out with some cool new thing/race/innovation (whatever), there's always a couple of little babies in the forums crying "Not fair, not fair....Waaahh...." Maybe it's NOT fair to those with such overweening greed and selfishness that they are blinded by it, and think the whole friggin' world should revolve around them. But that would be YOUR opinion now wouldn't it, little baby. "Gimme, gimme, gimme." You should have everything YOU want, when and how YOU want it, and **** the rest of the people. Hate to break it to you kiddy, but that's not how the world works, even in virtual reality; (which is really just another world) open your eyes, open your mind, open your just might learn something (intelligence & wisdom: a rare commodity these days) ~
    Go north.... NO Elezara! YOUR OTHER NORTH! Oh Gods you went South!
    Thanks Saitada for the great sig!
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    i have a question for you. if this option were to be made available as a cash shop item to link account stashes between your own personal accounts would it be something you would feel you could get use out of?


    I think the implementation of that would be difficult though. The verification process would likely be cumbersome and difficult at the least.

    The IDEA of being able to link accounts through a process/stone/cash shop item has merit though. I would suggest that you put that into the suggestions section of the forums and formulate a tentative verification process that would be decent enough to give the GM's something with some substance to submit to the Developers as an idea to think about/work on.

  • Foxgrit - Lost City
    Foxgrit - Lost City Posts: 421 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    What i think is funny is the OP in many of his posts stated that he never wanted the stones to be removed or changed and yet in his first post he says this

    go read your own quote. did i say that was a good option? no i said that was a bad option that would upset a lot of people. read it all before going on your crusade of rage.
    Very well said, Shayisha!

    Cripes! It seems like every time PWI comes out with some cool new thing/race/innovation (whatever), there's always a couple of little babies in the forums crying "Not fair, not fair....Waaahh...." Maybe it's NOT fair to those with such overweening greed and selfishness that they are blinded by it, and think the whole friggin' world should revolve around them. But that would be YOUR opinion now wouldn't it, little baby. "Gimme, gimme, gimme." You should have everything YOU want, when and how YOU want it, and **** the rest of the people. Hate to break it to you kiddy, but that's not how the world works, even in virtual reality; (which is really just another world) open your eyes, open your mind, open your just might learn something (intelligence & wisdom: a rare commodity these days) ~

    and my idea allows for a new item for PWI to sell to increase their profits. what does your rage and insults accomplish? does it make you think you can prove your point that? instead of your failed insults which have no effect on me why dont you instead give 1 reason that this is such a horrible idea. explain 1 reason why linking account stashes between 2 accounts owned by the same person would be so bad.

    in no point here have i whined saying gimme gimme gimme and run around stomping my feet. there are a few others basically acting like that though. was a nice try though.
  • Foxgrit - Lost City
    Foxgrit - Lost City Posts: 421 Arc User
    edited February 2010

    I think the implementation of that would be difficult though. The verification process would likely be cumbersome and difficult at the least.

    The IDEA of being able to link accounts through a process/stone/cash shop item has merit though. I would suggest that you put that into the suggestions section of the forums and formulate a tentative verification process that would be decent enough to give the GM's something with some substance to submit to the Developers as an idea to think about/work on.


    that is the point i have been trying to make through all the 12 pages of people raging.

    how easy it would be to implement would be up to the devs to decide if it is possible. i personally do not think it would be that difficult because the client is already accessing the server files to pull up your account info. it would just be sending another request to pull up the file info for the 2nd accounts account stash.

    the rage has devolved to selective reading and arguing points not related to the issue in any way. at least someone is capable of looking at the idea objectively and see the possible uses even if they personally might not support it.

    as for submitting it again in suggestion section that would just start the epeen rage and same old baseless arguments. i think better emailing it directly to them rather than open another area for the same people to selectively read what they want and then epeen rage all over again.
  • Escorian - Dreamweaver
    Escorian - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,802 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    go read your own quote. did i say that was a good option? no i said that was a bad option that would upset a lot of people. read it all before going on your crusade of rage.

    really pointing out what you said personally is me raging? wow how sad you have to say i raged when i pointed out a valid point.
    ty Nowitsawn

    Everything has its beginnings, but it doesn't start at one. It starts long before that... The world is born From zero. The moment zero becomes one is the moment the world springs to life. One becomes 2. 2 becomes 10. 10 becomes 100. taking it all back to one solves nothing. so long as zero remains... One.. Will eventually grow to 100 again.
  • Foxgrit - Lost City
    Foxgrit - Lost City Posts: 421 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    really pointing out what you said personally is me raging? wow how sad you have to say i raged when i pointed out a valid point.

    hard to be a valid point when you cant even read or comprehend simple english to start with. reread and start over.