XBushidoX's Overdue Welcome



  • Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    LOL very funny!
    Everyone needs a good innocent girly hump every now & then.
  • Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    *sigh* Whatever happened to the factions with good ideals, staz! you created a monster!b:shocked
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Assassin- Cold, Tough, Relentless, Brave, has a Disturbing Mix of Innocence and Violence.

    -Proud Member of Vanquish
  • Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    How so? We have good ideals and respect and honor and humpyness. LOLb:chuckle
    Everyone needs a good innocent girly hump every now & then.
  • Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited January 2010

  • Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    STAZZZZ do you remember me my darling. What happend to Anubus and the rest of the gang :(

    I was in a accident so i couldnt play for 6 months, i got back on yesterday.
    You must inform me :D
  • Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited February 2010


    OOoh I am guessing this is Kardie's Elf, I can recognize that moo anywhere b:laugh
  • Posts: 259 Arc User
    edited February 2010


    Oooh Kardie you on RT!! 74 archer already b:sad

    An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind...
  • Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    STAZZZZ do you remember me my darling. What happend to Anubus and the rest of the gang :(

    I was in a accident so i couldnt play for 6 months, i got back on yesterday.
    You must inform me :D

    Smiles yes I remember you. I hope you are doing okay. We are still alive and doing very well. Good to hear from you. PM me in game! :))
    Everyone needs a good innocent girly hump every now & then.
  • Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Oooh Kardie you on RT!! 74 archer already b:sad

    okay okay okay! I admit it! I oracle'd. b:cry
  • Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Smiles yes I remember you. I hope you are doing okay. We are still alive and doing very well. Good to hear from you. PM me in game! :))

    Hiya Staz, remember me? :3 I'm still lurking around on Sanctuary (I, too, had to take a long break from playing) but it's good to hear you're still alive and well, and running a successful faction, too!
  • Posts: 259 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    okay okay okay! I admit it! I oracle'd. b:cry

    Lol i'll add you there dont be surprised if some random noob adds you :P

    An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind...
  • Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Hiya Staz, remember me? :3 I'm still lurking around on Sanctuary (I, too, had to take a long break from playing) but it's good to hear you're still alive and well, and running a successful faction, too!

    Triple Humps you! Lunaaaaaaaaaaaaaaati!!!!! Yes I remember you silly goose. come to the dark side!
    Everyone needs a good innocent girly hump every now & then.
  • Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Lol i'll add you there dont be surprised if some random noob adds you :P

    kk ;o

  • Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    How so? We have good ideals and respect and honor and humpyness. LOLb:chuckle
    Didnt say you didnt have Respect and honor i meant the humpynessb:shocked now im going to run before i get humpedb:shockedb:bye
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Assassin- Cold, Tough, Relentless, Brave, has a Disturbing Mix of Innocence and Violence.

    -Proud Member of Vanquish
  • Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Didnt say you didnt have Respect and honor i meant the humpynessb:shocked now im going to run before i get humpedb:shockedb:bye

    You know humping once a day takes the doctor away.Also stazzy gives prizes every week to who humps more b:victory
  • Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Triple Humps you! Lunaaaaaaaaaaaaaaati!!!!! Yes I remember you silly goose. come to the dark side!

    The dark side? D: But...but...I'm a'scared of the dark.
  • Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    WE have always been a guild for the people. WE are constantly trying to better ourselves. Recently we had some changes in Officer positions and a couple of the previous officers were asked to leave due to how they were treating other members within our guild. We have a great group again of individuals who are dedicated to making Bushido work and have a great time while doing so. We run the faction truly with 3 leaders utilizing each ones attributes to work for the faction.

    nymfysubstaz "stazy" handles most of the out of faction public relations, guild contests and give aways, humping everyone that lets me b:chuckle, and the overall running of faction.

    Tequila_Sour as TW Marshal and his title speaks for itself. He works hard with numerous people within the faction to develop strategies that work for our TW days.

    Larxene as Director handles guild relations, contests, events and sees to it that within guild things get done.

    We have gone back to recruiting personally instead of the "apply at our website". We have done this because it server the faction better to do so and helps set us apart from others.

    So, if you are level 75+ and interested in joining a faction that believes in her members
    please get in touch with ANY of our members for a personal interview. Thank you and have a great game.
    Everyone needs a good innocent girly hump every now & then.
  • Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Ok, I am in a faction atm, but XBushidoX sounds like fun. Lately, my faction has gone to the dogs, except for a few people who are still trustworthy. Still, most of them flame me (the one marshall seems to really hate me for some reason, and I don't know why... *hides list of all the times I pissed him off* Uh, I didn't hide anything, I swear! b:avoid) and even go so far as to shout at me b:cry I still have a long way to go (15 levels until 75 atm), but once I make it, I'll either go for EQ, Cala, or Bushido.
    All look helpful, and I do need a lot of encouragement, otherwise I get depressed and bored easily. Sure, I may like to cause trouble here and there, but when it comes down to it, I've been told I'm a pretty dependable person (by more than 1 person, surprisingly enough b:chuckle) Oh yeah, I show respect first, but if not shown any after that, I mirror the amount (unless I'm in tease mode). Bushido sounds like a great place from what I've seen; not only from the morals and teamwork, but from the pervyness of the members. I also tend to do a lot of thinking... sometimes, I think too much about something. I just like to think, I guess. So, maybe when I hit 75, I'll look up the website, or talk with the officers. Hope to see you guys in-game b:pleased
  • Posts: 293 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Oh, it really isn't a place for the purehearted... this place gets downright filthy at times!!

    I believe we wear out 3 **** a week. ^_^
  • Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Oh, it really isn't a place for the purehearted... this place gets downright filthy at times!!

    I believe we wear out 3 **** a week. ^_^

    Orly? Then I WANNA join, since I can add my own perversion to the mix, and maybe even learn from you and grow even more perverse! b:dirty
  • Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    OMG ROFLMBO!! Baaaad Zumi! I don't go through three of those a week btw. LOL but have switched to rechargable batteries. It's not only good on the environment but easier on my wallet too.

    Look forward to hearing from you Chris when you get to 75. Huuurry!! LOL perviness awaits provided ya meet the age requirements. Because while we are pervy, silly, hilarious and helpful there is a reason we must have adults in faction.

    You NEVER know what "From the Mind of stazy" is gonna come out of my mouth. Last week it was a conversation about coffee and wine (no i can't go into details here.) But it was funny and somehow that led to talk about the mating habits of veno's and barbs.
    Shrugs I SWEAR it's Pierce's fault!
    Everyone needs a good innocent girly hump every now & then.
  • Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Look forward to hearing from you Chris when you get to 75. Huuurry!! LOL perviness awaits provided ya meet the age requirements. Because while we are pervy, silly, hilarious and helpful there is a reason we must have adults in faction.

    I think 22 YO would meet the age requirement, but it'll take longer to get to 75 (by about 5% since I rarely got helped in there, anyway), due to my faction banishing me for the oh-so huge offense making a joke! b:scorn I swear, that faction lost its ability to have fun. But at least I'm almost at 61! b:victory

    Oh yeah, maybe my gf could join when I do, too (she's a Lv 77 Veno atm)... and I can vouch that she's an adult by saying 2 things:
    1. My mind is so pervy that it's not wise for me to date anyone under 18 XD
    2. She's older than I am and has a mind to prove it (She's got me beat in perviness ^_^)

    She feels awkward in the faction that kicked me for other reasons, but I won't go into past stories.

    Oh, and good for you for saving with the Economy that's just about to crash any day by using rechargable batteries in your **** XD
  • Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I wanna join so badly that I'm actually downloading vent again, which I vowed never to try to use again, due to no idea how to run the damn thing b:chuckle Well, hope to see you guys soon (or however long it takes for me to get to the required level)
  • Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Bushido!
  • Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I just lost my drive completely. Kicked from the faction I was raised in for so long wasn't that bad, because I had my girl.... well, not anymore. I may take a lot longer than expected to get to Lv 75.... While I'm not purehearted, I do have feelings, and they were pretty much obliterated...
  • Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I just lost my drive completely. Kicked from the faction I was raised in for so long wasn't that bad, because I had my girl.... well, not anymore. I may take a lot longer than expected to get to Lv 75.... While I'm not purehearted, I do have feelings, and they were pretty much obliterated...

    Ouch dude, that's rough. You'll get through it though, trust me. I'd go on and say all the **** about you'll find someone else but it's all a cliche and won't make you feel better anyway. So I'll do what I can and wish you luck. :3
  • Posts: 293 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Zan!! Get back home, so I can grope you!!

    Welcome to Bushi Chris, I'm sure you'll find a new, better home here.

    And you'll propably never get over it, but like Zan said, you will get through it eventually. The pain propably never fades completely, but... you'll live, that's something... ^^;;
  • Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    *pokes bushido* b:victory
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2010


    Victory, our previous leader, left the game because he had some RL to take care of. He was the single most respected person in the faction, and for those of us who remember him, he still is. We lost a few members when he left, which was to be expected, but we are all for the most part, still here.


    There was no mass exodus when our leader left us, we stuck together, and are stronger than ever without him. We have learned so much from one another without having a revered leader to look to, I have to admit, his absence may have been the healthiest thing to ever happen. We are more a family than ever.

    Its good to see that Bushido learnt something from the errors of former Immortal, considering Bushido was born from a mass exodus of Immortal members.

    Much could be said about that day, the day when the majority of Immortal officers decided to "rebel", but I would just like to pinpoint a statement over Immortal's ventrillo: "...we (Immortal's officers) consider it's time to move on and create a new faction. Immortal's name is seriously damaged..."
    Even now, like at that time, i thought it surprising that the players who were feeling the need for a change were the faction officers. I always considered that the value of a faction, or any other group of individuals, was set by their leaders... So if the majority of the officers felt the urge to start over, who was responsible for the state where Immortal was at that time?
    Was it a single individual's fault?
    Weren't the remaining officers responsible for preventing the situation to reach a "point of no return"?

    And I, personally, have lost all of my best friends from this faction. I gamed with most of them from level 20, met in Arch and away we went. I was banned for two months because of a PayPal zhen charge error, and when I returned they were all higher level than me, and the luster and appeal of Calamity and Equinox was too great, they left.

    Yeah, I feel your pain...
    I lost most of my faction friends when Immortal split, some decided to embrace this new project called xBushidox, meant to strive where Immortal had fail... Others remained loyal to the ideals of the Immortal project... I, personally, only found out that the project in which I believed was abandoned by the persons who had the biggest responsibility within it; the few who had the power to steer the ship...

    I'm not sure if u speak of Immortal or xBushidox when u say "...personally, have lost all of my best friends from this faction..." but i know for a fact that some of the members that left Immortal before the rupture point left because of issues with particular officers, not exactly because of the "the luster and appeal of Calamity and Equinox". TinyPony might have something to say about that matter (considering she remembers she was once an Immortal member)... Aia is another fine example...

    In my opinion the loss of Immortal was the loss of a great faction. I personally don't know xBushidox but i believe that some of the ideals are there, and i trust the previous statements that say that staz is doing a great job.

    Sorry if this post felt like somewhat like "flaming", just thought some points of Reico's post needed some detail. Diminishing xBushidox or any of its members in any way was never my intention and i apologize in advance if someone felt otherwise.

    Have fun b:victory

    Mesabel; GanjaGurl; Agemo; Binky; Bodine; Joey_J; Scrappy_Doo; Po; Draven; Serene; Sojusan; Sushi; MisaMisa; Vaitor; Axel; Jihadi; Active; FenrisWolf; PeacefulElf; Xsayarsa; Aia; The_Terror; Norina; Eragonn; Sunna; Alucard; Asmulk...
    ty all for a wonderful gaming experience while an Immortal member
  • Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    It takes a strong person to be able to sit and write their thoughts out eliquently and come across respectfully. TY for your post. In the end this is just a game. I can not say whether I lead well or not, all I do is try to be as fair as possible and remember this is a game with real individuals with feelings, Real lives and so on behind the screen. Many of those you mentioned either no longer play the game or play seldom including my husband. That too is just a part of the game. I can only be me and hopefully at the end of each day what I do in my life both in real life and here reflect positively on the kind of woman I am. TY everyone who has ever taken the time to read our Bushido post and taken the time to respond as well.
    Blessed be.
    Everyone needs a good innocent girly hump every now & then.


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