People who are against MP recovery rate, click here



  • Bladespelll - Heavens Tear
    Bladespelll - Heavens Tear Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I have 11 other toons: 1 cleric, wizard, and an archer; with 2 other BMs, Barbs and 2 Assassins and Psychics. On my Barb i have used both MP and HP charms; both of which i use quite a bit now, mostly the mp though. I have had no problems on any of my toons with mp and probably never will. I'm not the richest person in the game, far from it in fact, and have always kept my toons to stuff they make themselves. So i find that there is really no problem with the mp rate, just put a few more points in mp. I have and find it quite useful, even on my Barb. And to put as an example for it i used to play another MMO before this where all spells req. an item to use them. A friend of mine used several million coins on those items for about 5 spells, so i think that the mp rate is fine as it is. The only thing i have found bad about this ENTIRE game is the lag in west archo, but i'm not gonna complain about something that they can't do anything about except killing everyone in west archo to fix.
    With His Armor(Ephesians 6:13), I go into battle.
  • IceJazmin - Heavens Tear
    IceJazmin - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,206 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    but i'm not gonna complain about something that they can't do anything about except killing everyone in west archo to fix.

    You may be onto something here... have a timer of doom in west arch, if you stay too long BOOOM, your character blows up
    Too often we loose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap that mother#$@%#^! upside the head.
  • Bladespelll - Heavens Tear
    Bladespelll - Heavens Tear Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    You may be onto something here... have a timer of doom in west arch, if you stay too long BOOOM, your character blows up

    I was thinking more of the lines that you start to lose coin if you stay in west archo for more then 12 hours. It would make people want to move around and quest more.
    With His Armor(Ephesians 6:13), I go into battle.
  • Narn_Taborin - Dreamweaver
    Narn_Taborin - Dreamweaver Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I have two characters, my main level 76 Cleric, and a level 30 Venomancer. I don't have any problems with the MP recovery rate on these two magic based classes at either of my current levels. I only ever use MP charms for Rebirth on my Cleric, other than that I stick to the level 60 MP pots I can buy from from NPCs, level 70 MP pots I get as drops, and a mixture of various Apothecary medicines/powders etc that you make with herbs, although those I usually save for emergencies and/or boss fights due to their longer cooldown. Even the level 60 MP pots I tend to save for questing - if I'm just grinding for drops to make money, I kill a few mobs, then meditate. AoE grinding, I can easily kill 3 or 4 groups, each containing about 4 mobs before I have to stop to meditate, and given that my magic based class has (guess what!) a lot of points in MAG, you'll never believe this, but I actually regenerate my mana pretty damn quick when I meditate. Amazing that.

    Also, as someone else has already asked, where's your proof that they reduced the base MP regeneration rate? I'll admit, I've only been playing PWI for about 6 months or so now, but my cleric still regenerates mana at the same rate now as he did before the Raging Tide expansion was released (well, slightly quicker now as he's higher level and so has more points in MAG). So what makes you think they've changed it in the first place?
    Wizard's First Rule:

    People are stupid; given proper motivation, almost anyone will believe almost anything. Because people are stupid, they will believe a lie because they want to believe it's true, or because they are afraid it might be true.

    Cleric's First Rule:

    Those who die through their own stupidity, goes to town. 'Nuff said.
  • abcyang
    abcyang Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Like the previous post i spend a lot of time gathering mats in between quests and have about 15 different types now, plus I use pots so even with 7.5k mana which I use up pretty easily, i never actually run out.

    I think this issue and many others, are based on how easy it is to level with daily quests/oracles etc so people are levelling without maxing skills - therefore it takes longer to kill mobs at your artificially high level, thereby using more mana.

    As a test I decided to max all skills on my alt - lvl 40 archer. I swear I could have leveled to 55 by now, but I've stuck to 40, have done all quests except Khewy, and doing daily quests, I still have about 4 skills to max. (have levelled 3 genies to 40 which is where all the spare xp goes)

    Subsequently drops are good and I have no mana problem because the mobs for my level are much easier to kill with the better skills.

    Compare that to my 78 cleric. I use massive amounts of mana because my skills are at least 5 levels behind. I have 3mill sp but no money and the drops etc are poor because it takes longer to kill them. I HAVE to gather mats for MP apoth mixtures because I couldnt afford to buy all the mana pots I'd need.
  • Hazumu - Dreamweaver
    Hazumu - Dreamweaver Posts: 293 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Fangxing: Venos have Nature's Grace and they can flip their MP / HP stats and then heal themselves. I hear wizards have also somekind of mp regen spell. Clerics have 'none'. The irony with this is that as a cleric it is perfectly possible to consume up to 1k mp per second. Sure, this requires you to have the plume shell up and have a full spam of spells up, but it's still possible.

    I never 'need' (But I will, if I can) to meditate in instances, because I don't use pots while grinding. I do this so that I can save my pots, apot items and whatnot for when I'm squaded and people depend on me. If I run out of mp in a middle of Ironheart spam, you can count on it that I'll be ripped to shreds by the squadies yelling how fail I am.

    So there I am, meditating for ages just so that I can use pots later when more than I alone depend on it.

    But is that a problem? Not really, my apot items are free, since I farm my own herbs and get some mp pot donations now and then. The problem comes when I'm doing a solo quest and have to meditate and it takes AAAAAGES.

    What I'd like to see is a increase in recovering rates while meditating, not necessarily a recovery rate on overall. Oh, and please modify that plume shell so that it won't consume mana when you're hit, thanks.
  • Deathsscion - Sanctuary
    Deathsscion - Sanctuary Posts: 325 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I don't have any problems with mp in this game. Collect herbs while grinding and use more sparks and no ultimates for long fights helps. Potions also have a good drop rate so, unless the idea of keeping the mp potions you don't use immidiately is alien to you, you will have a good supply for when you need it.
    I hear wizards have also somekind of mp regen spell. Clerics have 'none'.

    Double spark recovers 10% mp and Triple spark recovers 20% mp. Sutra recovers 10% mp, but also costs 2 sparks. The one that changes everything is wellspring which increases max mp. Eg. 10-20% of 9.5k < 10-20% of 15k.
  • StormHydra - Sanctuary
    StormHydra - Sanctuary Posts: 2,221 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Yeah I was wondering about the veno mp regen skill. When maxed it heals 50% mana. Note that its a % and not an actual number like the archer MP regen or cleric regen buffs/apoc pots. Venos dont even need the regen skill as much as cleric/wizards/psychics do.
    |Active: Coalescence - Lost City, Wizard|
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  • Seanbradock - Dreamweaver
    Seanbradock - Dreamweaver Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    i have a low lvl cleric and mage so i dont know what it is like at the higher lvls but i do have a BM who is a crafter and i sell focus powder for 5k each. i am trying to find out how to get the lvl 4 book and when i do i plan to sell the concentrate orb for 10k. i dont think that is to over priced but it is hard to buy herbs cheap enough to sell cheaper. with these remedies i dont see why it is a problem. i set up shop at the north gate of Archosaur if you want to buy any
  • BeingHope - Harshlands
    BeingHope - Harshlands Posts: 5,013 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Although it would be nice, it would just mess up the game system as we know it...

    Like, it would be really awesome to have a good MP recovery rate but are you kidding? If we get faster rates, we'll only get used to it and ask for faster.

    Buying charms is an optional thing. Yeah you practically need it later on, especially if your cleric. But its not like PWI is forcing you to buy one like "You have to buy this or else you will fail this game"

    So I have to say... Unsure =/

    I like them where they are b:surrender
    I forgot!!! Thanks forsaken for the signature b:cute
    b:chuckle I love huge catshops LOL b:laugh
  • AhBobSaget - Lost City
    AhBobSaget - Lost City Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I wish i didnt have to sit around all day gaining MP on my barbarian. When im in a good mood I just wait till im out of MP and fight stuff with no skills, heal, fight with no skills, heal till I have regained full MP. Then I just spam my garrote and armor reduce until im empty. Repeat. And it sux.
  • betterwatchout
    betterwatchout Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    "What I'd like to see is a increase in recovering rates while meditating, not necessarily a recovery rate on overall. Oh, and please modify that plume shell so that it won't consume mana when you're hit, thanks."

    Well as the idea of higher MP rate seems heavily looked down upon more so by the higher levels, I don't see the point in fighting for this idea anymore, In the end it's always going to be harder on the newbies making MP related classes more "hardcore to play" and "expensive" so. It maybe a better idea to just increase meditate recovery rate maybe to lets say, 50%? The rate is debaitable. To recover 3k mp every 10 battles (cleric with plume as main attack) would mean atleast 16 mins of waiting for mp to come back every 10 battles with no pots. Who wants to wait for so long anyway? I still think this issue of MP needs to be solved, if it isn't in increasing MP rate then mediation should be increased.
  • SouthPa// - Dreamweaver
    SouthPa// - Dreamweaver Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I dont see any problem with the MP recovery rate in PWI.
    But then again, I know how to buy items with MP recovery in the AH, lol...
  • Narn_Taborin - Dreamweaver
    Narn_Taborin - Dreamweaver Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    In the end it's always going to be harder on the newbies making MP related classes more "hardcore to play" and "expensive" so.
    Not sure why you think the current MP recovery rate makes magic classes harder and more expensive to play. Until two weeks ago, my cleric was my only character on PWI. Right from the very start when he was only level 1, I never had any real issues with either running out of mana, or with raising enough money to buy MP pots and of course, hanging onto any pots of a higher level I got as drops (that I therefore couldn't yet use) until I was able to make use of them. Most of the time when I die while attempting to solo my quests, it's simply because I get aggro on more mobs than I can handle - I hardly ever die because I run out of mana. And while I've never played a melee class such as a Blademaster or Barbarian, the repair costs that my friends tell me about for their heavy armor seems to generally be considerably higher than my own costs replacing those MP pots I burn through. So in my opinion, it actually seems to be cheaper for me to replace pots, than it is for them to repair their armor.
    To recover 3k mp every 10 battles (cleric with plume as main attack) would mean atleast 16 mins of waiting for mp to come back every 10 battles with no pots.
    Ok, I'd like to see the math you used to calculate that 16 mins figure.

    As a counter to that though, allow me to share my own math with you;
    My level 76 cleric currently has 277 magic and 6818 mana. If I just self-buff using my level 10 Celestial Guardian Seal, rather than use any apothecary items, I have a recovery rate of 25.5mp/s (and yes, it does go up in steps of 0.5, because when I watch my mana regenerate, it alternates between 25 one second, then 26 the next). Now, as it happens, my cleric also has a Nature's Breath molded necklace, which adds a further +7 to my recovery rate, but I'm excluding that from these calculations, as not every magic user will have one of those. So, if I meditate, my recovery rate doubles to 51mp/s. 6818 divided by 51 per second is 133.69 seconds. So, given that we'll need to deal with whole seconds, lets call that 134 seconds. So, in 2 minutes and 14 seconds, my cleric could recover his entire mana pool using just his own skills. As a further example, if I exclude the Cleric buff (seen as other magic users may not have a Cleric nearby to give them the buff), my recovery rate would be 31mp/s while meditating, and 6818 divided by 31 is 219.93 seconds. So again, going with whole seconds, that's 220 seconds required. Or 3 minutes 40 seconds. Clearly considerably longer than without my Cleric buff, but also clearly a good deal faster than your value.

    Ok, so now that I've worked those two figures out, your figure looks so completely unrealistic, I've worked backwards from your end point to determine how it could possibly take that long to regenerate 3000 mana. The only way it would take at least 16 minutes to regenerate that amount would be if you had a regeneration rate of 3 mp/s. And given that it does seem to be 0.5mp/s for every 10 magic, and that, as far as I'm aware, no class has a base regeneration rate of less than 1mp/s, that would mean having no more than 40 magic. Of course, the issue with this is that, with only 40 magic allowed, you would have to be around level 88/89 before you'd actually reach 3000 mana. And I don't believe (although I'm willing to be corrected) that even a heavy armor magic user, such as the heavy armor veno builds, have that little magic by the time they reach that level. So unless your 16 minutes was a mistake and you actually meant to say 6 minutes, it's highly unlikely that any magic class (and especially not a Cleric using Celestial Guardian Seal) that actually had 3000 mana points would take 16 minutes to regenerate it all.
    Wizard's First Rule:

    People are stupid; given proper motivation, almost anyone will believe almost anything. Because people are stupid, they will believe a lie because they want to believe it's true, or because they are afraid it might be true.

    Cleric's First Rule:

    Those who die through their own stupidity, goes to town. 'Nuff said.
  • TraciLords - Lost City
    TraciLords - Lost City Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    "What I'd like to see is a increase in recovering rates while meditating, not necessarily a recovery rate on overall. Oh, and please modify that plume shell so that it won't consume mana when you're hit, thanks."

    Well as the idea of higher MP rate seems heavily looked down upon more so by the higher levels, I don't see the point in fighting for this idea anymore, In the end it's always going to be harder on the newbies making MP related classes more "hardcore to play" and "expensive" so. It maybe a better idea to just increase meditate recovery rate maybe to lets say, 50%? The rate is debaitable. To recover 3k mp every 10 battles (cleric with plume as main attack) would mean atleast 16 mins of waiting for mp to come back every 10 battles with no pots. Who wants to wait for so long anyway? I still think this issue of MP needs to be solved, if it isn't in increasing MP rate then mediation should be increased.

    never bought a charm and never used an apothecary pot and i've never stopped to meditate once. not very difficult to make enough money to pay for pots.
  • Damita - Lost City
    Damita - Lost City Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    MP recovery rate is just fine. I have never had problems paying for pots ever and I have never used a charm either.
  • Female_pc - Dreamweaver
    Female_pc - Dreamweaver Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    im with you this is stupid the mana recovery.....MANA RECOVERY FASTER FTW time a day i get crazy,random and epic..i think this was the time lol b:thanks
  • GotNuB - Harshlands
    GotNuB - Harshlands Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    well for ppl who start newly it's kinda hard to buy pots if ur playing a caster imho... and besides it wudnt hurt to incrs mp recovery rate while ur meditating.... afterall the purpose in meditating/resting in every mmo is for quik mp/hp regen(well about twice to thrice as faster dan normal anyways) lvl 28 psychic has 2.8k mana.. and after i start meditating from o mana i ahve enuff time to go to the shop get a smoke, smoke it and come play ^^. so yea i think faster mana recovery during medi is a good idea besides it doesnt **** up the gameplay either. not like u can meditate during pvp for it to turn battles or ne thing like that!
  • CornHilario - Heavens Tear
    CornHilario - Heavens Tear Posts: 647 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    you know, its quite easy to recover mana with mp recovery+ items. helmets have em, capes have em, and a mold necklace has +7/second. i have that necklace, a +3/sec cape and a +4/sec helmet and my recovers in less than half a minute meditating.
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