Fail squads and awesome Clerics.



  • Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited December 2009

    Or shall I say blame that cleric who doesn't know by level 85+ when to BB and when to purify ?

    We talking Polearm? you dont BB on Polearm. you need to be free to purify. once that debuff hits 10 BB (if they stacked) wouldn't help a BM. Its the worst when 2 clerics alternate BB to take down Polearm, sure it can be done, its easy, but it fails, i never have and never will need to BB.
    I have no use for signatures... hypocrisy aside xD
  • Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    alright today i was on my lvl 25 cleric and went to heal a lvl 60 barb needing help with krixxex so we had 4 venos for dd and that barb i told him go tiger cause my heals suck he dident but we made it he was at 100 hp left or around that it was close and no this isent the squads fault mabye the barbs but my cleric jsut overall sucks atm XD welkl thats my story :)
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2009

    Story too this pic was, veno somehow pulled all the clones and Wurlord at once on the 4th pull. For the other 3 pulls me and the other cleric where alternating BB, so at the start of the encounter was a real OMFG moment as i was the only BB. Our other cleric needed a few seconds (with 20 wurlords thats an eternity) to get sparks.

    We lived, DuckingTiger our tank was so pro no hp charm left tanking half. and EvilCzar offtanking the other half.

    Awseome experience ill never forget. Even though im like "Epic Fail" we turned it into an Epic Win.

    I know i posted in another thread, but it fits here, not grandstanding or saying look how l33t i/we are. I even pronounced this is a Fail the moment it began, Just sharing an awesome story, i think its TT2-2, could be wrong its been forever since i played PW.

    Lol, I was Rosebell before I closed that account.

    Edit: I think it was 2-1 b/c you needed Ape Teeth for your Endless Ambiguity IIRC.
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Who has had it happen when you're all being awesome and healing, and then your squad does something stupid and gets just about everyone killed?

    Tell us the story >=)
    very simple, lack of understanding between the classes on each others skill sets. clerics are taken for granted, ppl just expect to be healed when a cleric is around. most dont know aoe heal ranges or channeling speed and such.i suppose when in that situation you could tell them..but rarely does any good. for a cleric take it as a challenge that every situation is different and (event though its not appreciated) use your skills to be the best cleric you can be.self satisfaction will be your reward and the occassional very nice and perceptive players that recognize your skill and efforts and compliment you for them.these are the ones that i count as my friends and we can work together to overcome any obstactle ^^
  • Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    lol sadly...i died in a bh39 trying to help out a friend and she had invited her assassin friend lvl 31 or so...
    the assassin thought he could tank for some strange im trying to keep everyone healed...was doing a decent job...and then the assassin does that shadow walk or wutever and all of them came at me...archers shot...those hellish reverix and wutever else explodes killed me kind of there i got annoyed cuz i lost 15%-20% of my exp..
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    alright today i was on my lvl 25 cleric and went to heal a lvl 60 barb needing help with krixxex so we had 4 venos for dd and that barb i told him go tiger cause my heals suck he dident but we made it he was at 100 hp left or around that it was close and no this isent the squads fault mabye the barbs but my cleric jsut overall sucks atm XD welkl thats my story :)
    You didn't really need to heal the Barb and with that boss no need to go tigerform in otherwards don't tell him how to play his class.You are lvl 25 of coarse you don't have enough in IH yet to keep him heal up as if he needs it.

    I would like to add I am thinking of running my cleric this way lvl up revive and plume shell.Then I can basically attack with others untill we get to boss then start healing if anyone dies along the way. I can revive them and heal them no reason for them not to die as they got their own heals as well as pots and powders.
  • Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Currently working on my healing spells and buffs... Dont want to be a fail cleric anymore ;) nothing worse than trying to heal someone with lv 1 and 2 spells LOL

    wow thats horrible
  • Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Happened to me plenty of times,but I only remember one,its was bh59,drake.
    Veno,2 BM-s and me was doing it alone,i tanked.
    When we got to drake I said BM to not use any skills because he may get aggro and die,drake had about 60% hp left and bm used some strong attack and got aggro,then died.Then second BM toke aggro and died while i was ressing other BM.Then I got boss aggro,damaged him a little,healed myself and ressed other bm.Then we just finished boss.

    I don't know is this story completely true,was long time ago,so maybe I forgot some parts of it :p .
  • Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Random squad. 8x cleric(me) 8x barb two 7x bms 8x veno and 9x archer.
    Barb had a smart idea to attack Sonic Oppressor for fun.
    Barb attacked when nobody was looking, I spammed IH, archer gained aggro died, then bms gained aggro died, then veno gianed aggro died, then barb died, then i flew high up, came back and rez everyone.

    Was sort of funny. But nobody wanted to do it again.

    Call 'em "Sins"..."****" just sounds wrong.
    "Hey mom just 5 more minutes im playing with my ****"
  • Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    in bh 51 we had a bm tank for wyvern ( i can easily heal through it )
    but the other party members were dumb and didnt know a bm's aggro is a lot less than a barbs. so basically aggro went all over the place and i kept everyone alive except for a couple are chars (wiz and archer). i managed to keep everyone healed, ress the other two players, and have everyone alive for the kill. and then i get 1 DQ item from the boss while 2 molds dropped along with some other good drops.
  • Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Last time i helped a Pshycic friend with killing Qingzi for his Tideborn quests. We got some 4x too, so they could do their bh at the same time.

    When we were at Qingzi someone asked who was gonna tank, so i said that i would tank (just for fun xD I love tanking with my cleric b:chuckle) if the other cleric would heal me. The bms and sins got angry cuz they wanted to tank. In the end a lvl 48 bm tanked. So i healed a bit and started to attack Qingzi too. The bm couldn't keep aggro so at some point i saw my hp drop and i realized that i had aggro xD The other cleric didn't see it, so i healed myself a bit, then started attacking Qingzi. The other cleric still didn't know that i was the one being attacked, so i healed myself a bit again, attacked and started healing again. The bm couldn't get aggro back (I'm a aggro stealing cleric >=D) so i tanked Qingzi since he had just half of his live..

    He dropped a mold and i got it, so my efforts were rewarded xD

    And when i did my fb69 i was the only cleric xD I never healed when killing both Gaurnob and Polearm, so the others were a little nervous xD They told me how to heal them and we did it ^^ But at some point my Purify cooldown lasted too long (Still don't know why) and the barb got killed. Luckily the bm took aggro and started playing tag with Pole xD I rezzed the barb quickly, spammed some IH on him, gave him the most nessecary buffs and he participated in the fight again ^^ The other barb was afk so he couldn't help either xD Luckily no one else died, so this wasn't actually a squad murder, but i was kinda proud at myself, since it was the first time healing with pole or gaurnob xD

    Or when i helped with a bh79 xD I was lvl 68 at that time.. I had 30mp pots.. They were all used when we were at a quarter of the bh xD I was like: Why the heck am i here... I haven't even done my fb69 yet o.o
    But they told me that i was a good cleric so i was happy b:victory

    Or when i helped with a TT1-2.. Barb had aggro of all mobs, i started healing him, got aggro and died o.o And the mobs were attacked by all the other squad members too, who didn't get aggro.. I went to town (i was the only cleric), came back and started healing again. I got aggro again (same scene as before) and went to town again and came back again.. I died 5 times in total when we were just halfway.. I don't know why i'm always stealing aggro while healing and when the mobs are attacked by everyone xD I suppose they just don't like me xD
    8x Cleric (Sanctuary)
    6x Veno (Sanctuary)
    5x Assasin (Harshlands)
    3x Archer (Sanctuary)
  • Posts: 1,801 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    fb69 story sounds nice b:victory

    but tt was total fail (barbs and urs tbh xD
    and if u curious why mobs dont like u read topic in siggy xD


    GAME IS DEAD wiki-article:
  • Posts: 228 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I was doing a BH, at lv 45 or 46... My squad was a 52 BM, a 44 BM, and a low 4x veno. We got to the boss fine, but after that... I steal aggro from the 52, he tries to get it back- and dies before my IH takes effect. Then boss moves on to the veno- 2shot. I try rezzing the 52 after popping a Plume Shell- stack him and me with IH and rez the Veno. The 52 atacks again and dies while my rez is channeling. IH the veno, the 44 goes down. Veno runs out of the room, I Holy Path back into the hall. I tell them that I will tank, just stay the **** out of my way. I rez, heal, and buff the others. Then I massively stack IH, and **** both my charms.

    That BH burned 30k off my HP charm and 52k off my MP one. :|
    Full power to the Vagiroscope!
  • Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I was doing a BH, at lv 45 or 46... My squad was a 52 BM, a 44 BM, and a low 4x veno. We got to the boss fine, but after that... I steal aggro from the 52, he tries to get it back- and dies before my IH takes effect. Then boss moves on to the veno- 2shot. I try rezzing the 52 after popping a Plume Shell- stack him and me with IH and rez the Veno. The 52 atacks again and dies while my rez is channeling. IH the veno, the 44 goes down. Veno runs out of the room, I Holy Path back into the hall. I tell them that I will tank, just stay the **** out of my way. I rez, heal, and buff the others. Then I massively stack IH, and **** both my charms.

    That BH burned 30k off my HP charm and 52k off my MP one. :|

    sounds like you failed
  • Posts: 228 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    sounds like you failed

    Meh, maybe I did. The problem was everyone just kept attacking, I didn't have a chance to heal the current tank because everyone kept attacking right after being rezzed (without waiting for heals) and I was able to steal aggro from a BM 8 levels above me in three hits.
    Full power to the Vagiroscope!
  • Posts: 455 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Why were you even attacking in the first place? As a lone, lower leveled Cleric with a 'weaker' (HP wise, and lacking solid aggro generating capabilities at that level...especially if Axe BM, due to lessened DPS) tank, your primary focus should have been on keeping him alive while leaving the others to DD. Even at 5-6x, Qingzi (I'm assuming it's Qingzi, since if you'd stolen aggro on Farren you'd all have been dead due to constant long range AoE spam) can still tear through a melee tank reasonably quickly if they don't have a high rate of HP recovery backing them up. Especially if he spikes high with the occasional magic attacks he throws in from time to time.
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Using those skills is not for their benefit - it's so that you can do what your class was made for. You wanna DD? Go role an archer - my alt is an 85 archer and it's fun to blow off steam on.

    Hope I'm not starting anymore Drama in here but. I just wanted to say this is a very closed minded reply. Sorry if that comes off as harsh but really its true.

    Clerics may have been created in the game for people to become support but if someone who wants to play as a cleric and not as the other class prefers to go as an attack base instead of support well that is just their call isn't it? Any class can go in whatever direction the person controlling the toon wants it to. It's their character, they put their time into it (and possibly money). So I would think that they can make their character however they wish.

    All I would say is to explain thouroughly to your party what your build is and what you can/can't do. Because being a Cleric people will assume you are support.

    And before you flame me on

    "Clerics were made to support, if you don't support you are a fail and should reroll blah blah blah ect ect"

    Like I said before if I don't want to play an Archer or a Mage (or a Psy now) to be a DD and would rather play a Cleric because I believe I will have more fun with it. Then thats what I will dang well do. It's MY character, that I spend MY time on.

    Call me a fail cleric or a noob. I know how to play my character, and as long as you know how to do that and explain what your build is I don't care what build any class is. Even if its a Barb with a arcane build because he would rather tank magic than physical damage.

    Just my 2 cents.
    Vylauri -79 DoC - Heaven's Tear

    Saiyu - 3x Psy - Raging Tide

    Vixey - 0 Venob:shocked - Raging Tide

    Reuki - 0 Clericb:question - Raging Tide

    "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."
    - Reinhold Niebuhr
  • Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Hope I'm not starting anymore Drama in here but. I just wanted to say this is a very closed minded reply. Sorry if that comes off as harsh but really its true.

    Clerics may have been created in the game for people to become support but if someone who wants to play as a cleric and not as the other class prefers to go as an attack base instead of support well that is just their call isn't it? Any class can go in whatever direction the person controlling the toon wants it to. It's their character, they put their time into it (and possibly money). So I would think that they can make their character however they wish.

    All I would say is to explain thouroughly to your party what your build is and what you can/can't do. Because being a Cleric people will assume you are support.

    And before you flame me on

    "Clerics were made to support, if you don't support you are a fail and should reroll blah blah blah ect ect"

    Like I said before if I don't want to play an Archer or a Mage (or a Psy now) to be a DD and would rather play a Cleric because I believe I will have more fun with it. Then thats what I will dang well do. It's MY character, that I spend MY time on.

    Call me a fail cleric or a noob. I know how to play my character, and as long as you know how to do that and explain what your build is I don't care what build any class is. Even if its a Barb with a arcane build because he would rather tank magic than physical damage.

    Just my 2 cents.
    yes you can build a character any way you want
    but the reason there are different classes are for their specific role or way of playing them.
    not saying a cleric cant DD, but thats not its strong point and other classes do it better (hence saying if you want to DD make an archer). its like a wizard healing, just visa versa.
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    yes you can build a character any way you want
    but the reason there are different classes are for their specific role or way of playing them.
    not saying a cleric cant DD, but thats not its strong point and other classes do it better (hence saying if you want to DD make an archer). its like a wizard healing, just visa versa.

    It's true Cleric is not the BEST DD. But most people don't make them as a DD to be the best pwnzors damage dealer ever (at least I know I didn't). Either way a DD cleric CAN heal. I had my IH to level 10 just so I could be a backup healer in parties. Since I was full Mag (only 3 vit) my heal did an awesome job.

    Basically I was a backup healer, a DDer when I could. And I helped Debuff the bosses.

    When I wasn't doing an instance I was able to easily solo level, was still boring though.

    Besides I would rather be a decent DD cleric than a Fail DD Archer/Wiz..which is what I would have been had I gone with either xD

    But it's all in good fun. I mean it is just a game :)
    Vylauri -79 DoC - Heaven's Tear

    Saiyu - 3x Psy - Raging Tide

    Vixey - 0 Venob:shocked - Raging Tide

    Reuki - 0 Clericb:question - Raging Tide

    "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."
    - Reinhold Niebuhr
  • Posts: 228 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Why were you even attacking in the first place? As a lone, lower leveled Cleric with a 'weaker' (HP wise, and lacking solid aggro generating capabilities at that level...especially if Axe BM, due to lessened DPS) tank, your primary focus should have been on keeping him alive while leaving the others to DD. Even at 5-6x, Qingzi (I'm assuming it's Qingzi, since if you'd stolen aggro on Farren you'd all have been dead due to constant long range AoE spam) can still tear through a melee tank reasonably quickly if they don't have a high rate of HP recovery backing them up. Especially if he spikes high with the occasional magic attacks he throws in from time to time.

    I throw in a plume shot, cyclone, or thunder between heals, usually. Stacking half a dozen IH on someone leaves me a few seconds to do something. It had never been a problem until then. >_>
    Full power to the Vagiroscope!
  • Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited December 2009

    Recently in treasure hunt for Farren; I was in a squad with a 5x archer, 5x cleric, 5x veno, 5x psyc, and (me) cleric 5x. Noticed how we didn’t have a tank so I was their main tanker as I healed myself and them at the same time. Heartbreaking because the archer kept pulling in five mobs at a time when we asked the veno to pull.
    Sadly, the brainless veno pulled farren and three other mobs who joined and attacked because the stupid archer shot one of them which pulls all of them.
    (clerics have low hp)- just a note
    I started to heal me…
    Archer dies
    then heal everyone else.
    Heal me
    Res archer
    I heal myself 5x and tank farren
    Psyc attacked three other mobs
    Heal everyone
    Veno dies…
    Archer dies
    Other cleric heal himself only for the entire time
    Heal everyone
    Res, res
    Heal everyone
    Heal myself
    Now continue for the next 15 mins same step.. ^^ yes, I was Pissed but had to do it!

  • Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    sounds like a fail squad all together really
  • Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited December 2009

    Recently in treasure hunt for Farren; I was in a squad with a 5x archer, 5x cleric, 5x veno, 5x psyc, and (me) cleric 5x. Noticed how we didn
  • Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Pretty much every time I've tried to do a fb and was the highest level there. :P
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    This is kinda vise versa b:chuckle
    2 clerics (including me)
    i think there was 1 venomancer
    1 assassin (she did nothing )
    and one Barb

    Ok i hit the boss and everyone got mad at me and then the tank went up as i healed tank and other cleric attacked and others a whole bunch of army of ants started to come and i was first one that got attacked by ants i was like AHHHhHHHHHHH running and then i found tank dead i try to rez but then the army of ants came killed me there was like 10 15 ants attacking me
    and then other cleric was running too and saying the same thing btw the cleric was level 55 b:chuckle and then everyone killed the boss and i was left dead b:cry fun though it was fun when everyone was screaming b:laugh
  • Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I just did bh Pyro today.. there was (thx God) just 1 noob and leader of squad. I had to go for SEC before we start this. All people go first ofc, didn't wait for me, leader (BM) got poisoned.. didn't wait for me(ok..), did go tank another mobs..he hp go down fast to 50% when, at least, I reached rest of squad(I'm slow as clerc you know it b:surrender) I know that BMs have skill sutra but this IDIOT didn't want to use it, he had poison and didn't heal himself at all, when I reached squad he had like maybe 100 hp left. and was still poisoned and attacked by mob.. -,- I could let him just die and watch his "ZOMG" but noobs are crazy I paid for wines and wanted just did Pyro so I didn't wanted to kick me out(crazy ppl can do all nasty things even if I was only cleric there 0,0)healed him fast and purify.... he didn't die BUT geez rly.. b:angry HE SHOULD PAY SOME ATTENTION TO HIS HP BAR or WAIT FOR CLERIC IF HE IS GOING TO DIE DAMN XD
    *^ My alt ^w^

    **^ Horny woman in real playing MALE sexy cleric. <3
  • Posts: 345 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    What really annoys me if its just you and 1 other of whether its a full squad on a boss is when im the only cleric and at the beginnin everyone says dont let the cleric die and then they just fail to notice that I'm losing hp and i don't notice either cause I'm usually in a fail squad when it happens and so im not concentrating on the other ppl and desperatly trying to not let the others dying. So i die and im the only cleric and usually I'm just helpin out cause I'm stalling on quest so i lose xp for no reason just cause i helped someone. And then when they're like heal me when im dead and I'm thinkin how exactly? Then they get annoyed with me cause they die even tho Im dead and just lost xp for them. And then they don't wait for me beforing moving on and they die again. Anyway I'm done with my little rant^.^
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]<- tyvm to ForsakenX for the sig, <3 ur work

    Vanquish for life

    Clerics are not your slaves, we do not exist to do your bidding. We also have names. Saying please does not take a lot of typing. I react very badly to being yelled at. Please do not do it.
    Its rather sad when people automatically assume you are a guy just because you are playing a veno....
    Live life to its fullest, learn from your mistakes, and most importantly, have fun. b:victory
  • Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    What really annoys me if its just you and 1 other of whether its a full squad on a boss is when im the only cleric and at the beginnin everyone says dont let the cleric die and then they just fail to notice that I'm losing hp and i don't notice either cause I'm usually in a fail squad when it happens and so im not concentrating on the other ppl and desperatly trying to not let the others dying. So i die and im the only cleric and usually I'm just helpin out cause I'm stalling on quest so i lose xp for no reason just cause i helped someone. And then when they're like heal me when im dead and I'm thinkin how exactly? Then they get annoyed with me cause they die even tho Im dead and just lost xp for them. And then they don't wait for me beforing moving on and they die again. Anyway I'm done with my little rant^.^

    ahh for sure, its like they dont want to lose that that .02% because my ress is maxed. they would rather let me die, wait for me to get back in instance, ress everyone else who died, and yet blame me. when the only thing i did was heal idiots who were getting attacked and hoping they knew to attack instead of keep running and letting me get and maintain aggro...
  • Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    some time ago when i was in my early 60's, i had a bh to take out qianji. we all got there and the blademaster said that he could tank it. we all argued for a while, but in the end they sided that he should tank it because he had the most health. noone listened to me, lol. qianji killed him in two shots, then one by one was killing us all. it was then my turn to fight him alone. i started using IH and amazingly was taking every hit it could dish out. so slowly, one by one i rezzed everyone and told them not to take aggro. a couple did and they died again. and finally, after about an hour of fighting it, healing myself, and rezzing people, i killed it and they were all shocked, lol
  • Posts: 172 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    The thing that happens most often in BH runs:
    - Wrong Pull:5 Or more mobs charging the squad:All dead

    In this case I have 2 options:

    - Do not heal and stay back watching em all die( ^^ ).Then Rev them after the mob finished their dirty work b:laugh


    - Cast the Blue Bubble(If I have enough Sparks)

    But yeah,its funny to be in squad with some careless kamikaze BM b:laugh
    <-- Signature Space -->
    Once upon a time...


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